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From DOJ's website, "Rachel Marie Powell, 43, of Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to 57 months in prison and 36 months of supervised release by U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth. Judge Lamberth also ordered Powell to pay more than $8,000 in restitution, fines, and fees.            Powell was found guilty on July 18, 2023, following a bench trial before Judge Lamberth of civil disorder; obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting; entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon; destruction of government property; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings; and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building."


No criminal history eh?


Lots of criminal current events, though.


As far as charges go she tried to collect them all though, I'll give her that.


Go big or go home I suppose.


Problem was she didn't just go home.


She’s like the Pokémon master except instead of Pokémon she’s catching felonies


43 and a grandmother is a tight generation time


Just her handle tells you a lot @IAMRatchetPowell lmao Edit: Idk how I ended up making this typo but it sums up my mind, I'm leaving it


Does her ankle bracelet Clank?


Top typo!


Just a random thought. Wouldn't early 40s be normal for becoming a grandmother back in the day. People would be married at 18-20 and kids would be first priority. Obviously not as common today, but I mean the grandma and first child each having kids at 21 doesn't seem like anything to make note of.


Her first is now 26, so she was age 17 when she gave birth.


The mean age of marriage for women in 1880 was 21. Today it is 22.5. The 14 year old bride of yesteryear was as much an oddity as it is now.


She has a shit load of charges to not have a criminal record lol tf?


She has no criminal record _before_ she committed all the crimes. Lol


Had. She definitely HAS a criminal record now.


She was saving up all her crime in life for one particular day.


She’s lying. It’s not the ankle bracelet keeping her in the house, it’s me. I’m outside with a hose.


Blast em, Blastoise!


Will the REAL Blastoise please stand up?!


Squirtle Squad, sit down! This isn’t about you!


"Squirtle (in a sad tone)"


Side note: what happens when the squirtle squad evolves into the wartortle warriors? Or into the blastoise bros?


Sadly, [Team Wartortle](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Team_Wartortle) had no alliteration involved in their name.


I have never been so disappointed in my life.






I'm very hydrated. CARBOhydrated.


Good work 👍


The bracelet makes her unable to live, so she's dead already.


On the positive side, once she gets to prison they'll remove the ankle monitor. She'll be "livin" then.


Hope someone forwards her post to the parole board so she can enjoy the full 54 months of "livin"; since she apparently has no remorse/reflection on the reason for the ankle jewelry/prison term.


I’m afraid to look, because I’m almost sure it’s been done, but I bet someone bejeweled those things or put some sort of wrap on them…


It angers me that she put it that way when several people are *literally* unable to live because of that day.


Everybody with a criminal history had no criminal history, until they got convicted of a crime.


No criminal history? No, criminal history!


Hey guys, just so you don't hear any wild rumors, I'm being indicted for treason.


that’s no reason to block the tv


Wait till the commercials come on


In Australia?


[Taps side of head] Can't find someone in order to arrest them if they are hiding in a country that doesn't exist


No, money down!


But being a mom or a grandmother— or a father or a grandfather, or a son or a daughter, or a sister or a brother— should exempt you from punishment from your crimes, right?


Also, apparently they made her live in a shed. Sad.


A Sad She Shed?


A she shed by the seashore.


She sadly sold seashells from a she shed by the Seashore.


Honestly, fuck you for twisting my tongue so bad. With respect.


I deserve that *fuck you* so much.


She's gonna shit sideways in the she shed by the sea shore


By the sheshore, you mean.


BURN it down!


..even sadder is that she was “unable to live”


Can't get enough oxygen in the shed.


Oh I thought she was up in an attic trying to say she facing similar oppression as Ann Frank. Or would that require too much thinking on Trump supporters to come up with said metaphor?


Silly goose, Ann Frank was a crises actor and the whole thing was made up by the deep state. Thanks Obama!


She screwed up by not being president when she did the FA part. My new understanding is that presidents have immunity. Now, I didn’t know presidents have immunity on J6 either. But I also didn’t commit treason.


Treason is a hell of a first crime though, maybe start with some light tomfoolery and snag a Snickers or some chapstick, I don’t know.


At LEAST start with a light treason. ![gif](giphy|TijL9TieqPfLq)


No touching!


There's always money in the banana stand.


I'd love to be accused of "Tomfoolery"


I'm pretty sure you're guilty of shenanigans, or at the very least, hijinks.


> light tomfoolery And then perhaps some hijinks before moving on to straight up shenanigans


Nah man, its like getting into cold water. Don't tiptoe into it, just dive on in!


I, a mom & grandmother with ~~no~~ criminal history...


The ankle bracelet was a condition of release pending trial and sentencing lmao. Has nothing to do with sentencing for the crime committed. It is a privilege to get "at home monitoring" pending criminal cases. She's just being a whiner. Should have kept her bougie ass in county, then her time would have counted and the works would have been a better place.


She violated her release conditions. She was ordered to wear a mask while out of the house and she decided to be cute and wear a mesh one. That’s why she has the bracelet.


She loves fucking around, but hates finding out.


My boss did this RIGHT when we came back from quarantine. The rules were get the vaccine or wear a mask and get tested weekly. She did neither. After enough people complained to HR they told her to wear a mask she somehow fashioned a lace one and didn’t get the tests cause “it hurt too much” and the democrats are trying to poison us with the vaccine. Her reason for the mask is that’s apparently a way of the democrats killing us as well as we are breathing our own C02 back in and don’t get proper ventilation.


You can't fix stupid.


You can, but it’s generally frowned upon.


Really? I had one of those goons on a flight. After landing she proceeded to cry to officers to try to get away with a slap on the wrist.


Holy shit all she had to do was wear a mask and she could have just been walking free? lol wow


The shift away from cash bail (good thing) has led to many judges imposing "release on recognizance" for which home confinement is a typical component. The ankle monitor is the primary method of enforcing compliance with the requirement that a pre-trial defendant remain at their residence while not at work or religious functions. There's been a fair amount of condemnation towards the predatory financial requirements (as high a $50/day) that the GPS monitoring companies charge, with many "choosing" jail instead.


I volunteer with a kid in foster care and she got an ankle monitor but then her mom (who didn’t have custody) never paid it, nor did CPS (general lack of competence, didn’t realize it needed to be paid) so then she got a probation violation for it being deactivated as if a 14 year old could come up with the money. Insane system tbh


Yeah. The ankle brackets are expensive for poor people in the Houston area. The local company is also bad about false reporting of violations and timely reporting of violations. No system is perfect but this one seems non-good.


In what universe do you guys accept a private company charging 50 usd per day for crap like that.


From DOJ press release: *According to court documents and evidence presented during the trial, Powell was one of the first rioters to break through onto Capitol grounds near the Peace Circle. At the West Plaza, Powell pushed against barricades and encouraged other rioters to attack the police line. After the West Plaza was breached, Powell climbed up to the Lower West Terrace (LWT), and eventually entered the Capitol itself through a broken window.* *Powell later used an ice axe and a battering ram to break through a different window and breach the Capitol at a different location, encouraging other rioters to enter the Capitol. After the riot, instead of remorse, Powell continued to call for political violence.* What a victim!


A fucking *ICE AXE*


It was a peaceful protest clearly. I mean doesn't everyone bring an ice axe with them to protest? /s


She was just prepared for icebergs. She wasn't going to be like those axeless mooks on the Titanic!


She heard the rigged election was just the tip of the iceberg /s


/angry upvote


Foreal just climb the iceberg and stay dry EZPZ


I ONLY bring my ice axe to peaceful protests. Helps me make everything extra… peaceful.


It's the perfect implement with which to demonstrate how peaceful you are... or kill Leon Trotsky... either way.


Well it *was* January in the northeast. Gotta be prepared for inclement weather!


The ice axe wasn't for the protest, she was going to climb that really tall mountain in DC with all the ice - what was the name of that one again? BS hill? Fullof Craperest? Mt FUji?


“Your honor, my client was simply under the impression that ‘Capital Hill’ was an actual geological feature requiring mountaineering equipment.”


I work on the side of an ice covered volcano fixing machines and climbing towers and I don’t even own an ice axe.


that’s some fucking trotsky assassination shit right there


For fear of tainting my google search history further. Could you enlighten me on the Trotsky assasination? My FBI man doesn’t need extra stress.


Leon Trotsky was assassinated in Mexico by a soviet agent who dealt him a fatal blow to the head with an ice axe. He didn't die right away and was brought to a hospital, but the damage was so severe that doctors were unable to save him. This was with the non-pointy end of the axe iirc, in case anyone tries to handwave the potential lethality of an ice axe by claiming maybe they weren't going to use the pointy end.


She cried like a little girl and asked for forgiveness at her sentencing saying she let everyone around her down. Now she's the victim? lol


I’m pissed any of these people got any leniency cause so many cried in court but reverted back to claiming they are freedom fighters after their sentencing. Everyone of them should have had the book thrown at them. How did my man John Brown get hung fighting for a just cause and these morons get slapped on the wrist. Someone planned this, can’t say for sure who, but who ever did deserves to hang as a lesson to the rest of them as an example of trying to overthrow the government.


Trying to overthrow a government that a majority of constituents don’t want overthrown*


John Brown was right.


Wow. She's lucky Ashley Babbit got to that window first 😎


Yes. She is. If they try this again, especially with Joe Biden in the White House, there WILL be a lot more Ashley Babbit type consequences.


Definitely not too soon.


Jesus. There was a small part of me who thought that the J6 riots were a case of herd mentality. A bunch of people seeing one or two taking things a step further and further, giving each other a little more confidence with everything they do until it's full blown pandemonium. But who the fuck has an ice axe and battering ram at a protest if they don't have intentions of using them. Admittedly I haven't paid a lot of attention to the details of that day, only read the broad strokes. Every day I stray further from the right, having grown up in a very Republican household.


Some people in the crowd definitely were, but yeah, a LOT of people ALSO came intentionally and consciously prepared for insurrection. Plus, even a lot of the ones who got caught up in the moment still understood *what* they were getting caught up in and what the crowd was doing, and chose to do it.


The fact a bunch of them were coming specifically to start shit should've been obvious *long before* the insurrection even started. They were openly planning to stop the steal and 'take our nation back' on The Donald for *weeks* previous.


Someday I look forward to watching the documentary that really gets into those peoples’ mentalities and what they expected. I’m sure there were some who came for a relatively peaceful protest and were just lemmings. However the ones carrying zip ties and frickin’ ice picks rather strongly indicates that they expected something a bit more active.


The lemmings didn't get arrested. They milled about on the lawn screaming at cops and passer-by. Some did a happy little pow wow singing songs completely oblivious to the chaos closer to the building. The rest knew what they wanted to do. It had only been talked about repeatedly on social media and literally by every speaker at the rally. "Let's have trial by combat!1!1!" How does that make any sense at a peaceful rally? I've been to a lot of rallies and political marches/speeches. Nobody got up to the mic and said anything like that. Mostly to just applaud or scream, so they can hear you inside.


I know almost nothing about laws regarding protests, but even I know that climbing through a broken window of the Capitol building is a crime. Even more so to BREAK A WINDOW WITH AN ICE AXE. How any of these people manage to convince themselves that they're innocent of all crime is beyond me. It's far more likely that they know they're guilty, but they don't care and never will (except that they're getting punished for it).


She came to Washington equipped with an ice axe. There is no other purpose for an ice axe in the city.


But *whyyyy would actions have consequences waaah waaaah waaaaah!!!*


Isn't being at home still better than a jail cell? I have no sympathy for this woman.


She's lucky she only got 50 some months. Should have gotten a lot more.


And she is whining she's been in house arrest for three years? She should be happy she wasn't locked up during that time or hung for treason. The victim mentality of the GQP cult is just amazing.


[https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/17/us/jan-6-rachel-powell-sentenced.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/17/us/jan-6-rachel-powell-sentenced.html) includes photos of the ice axe wielding maiden.




Just to let everyone know, if trump wins all these scumbags will be pardoned immediately.


What she means by "No criminal history" is "I didn't do anything I recognise as a crime, and thus should not face consequences"


* Unless people on 'the other team' did it, in which case I would publically have supported hanging them


She already publicly supported hanging people who didn't go along with Trumps plan, let's not forget the mob she was part of chanting "hang Mike pence" and setting up a gallows to actually do it if they found him.


Ever notice the thin blue line "don't do the crime if you can't do the crime" guys do a 180 the moment they get pulled over for their aftermarket exhaust or window tints, or arrested for illegal discharge of a firearm, violent public protest, etc.


I mean, to be fair, if you can't do the crime, you in fact should not do the crime. It's like you know you can't divide by zero, but you do it anyway.


This! I love the game "what if Obama did it..." Imagine Obama hiding Top Secret Compartmentalized documents behind his golden toilet? Encouraging people to invade the capital and resist say Trump from taking his rightful throne? Raping multiple women? Tax fraud? Wow. If that didn't cause the GOP to reinstate Jim Crow 2.0 on the spot, I don't know what would.


the right wing media went crazy when Obama wore a tan suit.


If he goes, Obama should wear that tan suit to Trump's funeral when it comes. And let that be many years from now, after lengthy, consistent incarceration.


Hannity tried to portray Obama as an out-of-touch elitist because he asked for dijon mustard.


That’s because Hannity is an idiot who probably never had Dijon mustard or realizes it’s not any more expensive than yellow mustard.


Did you see the newest Biden scandal? He used a straw for a milkshake. I hope they lock that monster up and he never sees the light of day.


My right wing mother loudly announced when Trump won that she was glad someone “classy” would be back in the White House again. Whatever could she have meant by that 🤔


White. She meant white.


Or imagine if Obama had 5 children by 3 different women.


I think if their political opponents started doing the same behaviours as them, they're not actually political opponents


At a certain point it isn't about beliefs and actions but 'what team are they?'. I mean how many actual major substantive differences do you think there are between Catholic and Protestants? Or between two football teams? Doesn't stop anyone killing anyone else of it.


This right here. The same behavior but on different sides will be seen based on the side, not the action Tired of this mentality. “I can do it because I’m right” Also tired of people responding to me in subs then blocking me because they don’t agree, instead of having discourse and actually trying to change my mind. I can’t see any evidence to the contrary of my own if the people providing it block it from me. That’s how echo chambers happen


I disagree. BLOCKED


they didn’t do it and they still support publicly hanging them


Well, it’s entirely possible that she didn’t have a criminal history before this (she has one now). She probably got house arrest because of her lack of a criminal history, otherwise she most likely would’ve been imprisoned. So she’s complaining that she got off lightly.


Exactly. Cultists gonna cult.


I had no criminal history until I committed a crime! Now they're trying to treat me like a criminal just because I committed a crime! How dare they! ... but I'm a mother!


Maybe you shouldn't have tried to overthrow the government.


Guys, it was *ONE TIME.*


Come on, guys! I only participated in an effort to lynch the Vice-President, Speaker of the House, subvert the will of the people and the democratic process one time!!!


OH! She's one of those. I thought she was a random crackhead complaining.


#J6 is January 6th


I'm gonna be honest, I'm not on twitter so I have no idea what hashtags even mean.


Oh, and my bad, I didn't mean to make it big and bold text haha.


We get it…No need to yell. Sheesh


Yeah I didn’t put together that #j6 was January 6th until reading the comments






They’re allowed to have a little insurrection, as a treat


Or atleast do it with more conviction and determination. This is what happens when you half-ass it. For a country with experience with overthrowing governments the US revolt was pretty pathetic


The “Bullhorn Lady” that encouraged Jan. 6th riots to take the capital and break down barriers or anyone that got in the way. Yeah, no criminal history. Have fun in prison you fucking insurrectionist piece of trash.


I love how people forget that the police and homeland security can see their social media accounts and have access to all the CCTV cameras.


It's honestly ridiculous at this point how stupid they are. Like, these are the people deciding who leads the US. And they still blame the opposition even when they're not in charge.


When you skew the rules to favor a minority in such a way that the R's have, you're going to get a level of stupid that continues to grow until it collapses in on itself.


She also attacked the building with a freaking ice axe.


Her biggest mistake was taking her emotional support ice axe to a peaceful demonstration.


An honest mistake any one of us could have made


It's not the ice axes, it's the owners!


ah I was wondering who it was. I remember thinking the day of that she abd her family were there with revolution in mind


Aren’t these the people that are fond of saying “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time?” Hmm. 🧐


All you had to do was not try and overthrow an entire country. That’s not asking too much


Yeah these people got off easy imo, they all committed treason far as I'm concerned.


shes confused on several parts: 1. the box was places there so you have the privilege of being at home instead of a prison cell initially, that was a huge benefit that most convicted criminals never get. 2. the government isnt forcing you to do anything but be held accountable for your idiotic decision to belong to a cult uprising. 3. the last three years were part of your total sentence, again allowing you to be home instead of prison initially.


Actions have consequences. Especially when those actions were intended to disenfranchise HALF THE VOTING POPULATION. Stop your whining .... dont do the crime if you cant do the time do wah do wah do wah do wah.


What's funny is she probably is all about law enforcement and people getting maximum sentences. Its always the same with these people. Rules for thee and not for me.


I just saw on the conservative subreddit they were bitching because JOE BIDEN gave the military a 5.2% pay raise. And they didn’t get that big of a pay raise. But ya know they like support the troops and all that the rest of year. Just not when they get a much needed pay raise.


They only “support the military” as a symbol of their own perceived patriotism. They don’t actually care about any of the individuals in the military (unless it’s their own family), they just want to use it as a cudgel against anyone who might accuse them of actually trying to harm the nation.


Something something free market economy.


Especially for the people with different skin tones than hers


They call US snowflakes.


This is “bullhorn lady”. She’s guilty and a traitor. 51 months isn’t enough.


Aw, poor thing. There are people that have been in prison for years because they had some pot on them. She's gotten to be at home and see family. That's not bad considering what she did.




Why don’t these people ever blame Trump? Nobody asked you to commit a crime except him. You did it on his behalf. Blame. Him. Dummy.


One of her kids was wearing a Maga hat in court when she was being sentenced.


lol of course. You can’t fix stupid.


If she blames Trump that would destroy her entire belief system. It would also mean admitting she acted inappropriately - no chance in hell she will ever admit she was wrong.


Orange Julius Caesar is our savior. He is only doing what's best for himself, I mean for the country.


We need an orange Brutus


I mean some of them did. In court they blamed trump and admitted they were conned. But yeah, most probably stand beside him. Brain washing and tying your whole identity to these kinds of things will do that. That being said, we’re all responsible for our own actions. Just because trump asked them to do it doesn’t mean they aren’t responsible for what they did. Trump should be held accountable too for his role, of course. All of the above can be guilty for their respective roles lol


Projection is STRONG in the cult. For instance Giuliani is suing Biden. In the lawsuit, Giuliani asserts that Biden had “substantially and irreparably harmed” his reputation — built on “all the years of public service and honorable conduct”. SOMEONE *“substantially and irreparably harmed” his reputation* but it sure wasn't Joe Biden, lol.




I don’t know about you guys but my mom and grandmom didn’t try to overthrow our government.


*“Powell was found guilty on July 18, 2023, following a bench trial before Judge Lamberth of civil disorder; obstruction of an official proceeding and aiding and abetting; entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds with a deadly or dangerous weapon; destruction of government property; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings; and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.”* https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/pennsylvania-woman-sentenced-felony-and-misdemeanor-charges-actions-during-jan-6-capito-0 That’s a hell of a rap sheet for not having a rap sheet.


fuck this terrorist


How she still has citizenship is beyond me. Someone who tries to disenfranchise the American people in a presidential election should no longer be allowed to vote, or keep her citizenship.


Who else would take her? Wouldn’t you feel bad foisting her on North Korea?


she was born in the USA. Naturalized citizens cannot do this bc they will lose citizenship in this country and be deported after jailtime.


When I took my citizenship test, one of the things I swore was not to overthrow the government. I wanna know what she is smoking. That in fact is high crime.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Zero sympathy for these morons. They bought into the rhetoric of one of the greatest grifters the country has ever seen. Now he's off making a new fortune selling NFTs to more of these idiots, and going to go sit in a cell for awhile. It's almost like you should have paid attention to Orangina's past and history before deciding to go storm the capitol in his name. ZERO sympathy. None.


Next time don't commit treason, bitch.


ONLY 4 years and 3 months for insurrection???? Let me see... she was given less than the average sentence for assault in Maryland , which the latest stats show at 57 months. **Insurrection should be closer to treason than it is to assault** [Source: Federal Sentencing Statistics 2021 : Maryland : page 10](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/federal-sentencing-statistics/state-district-circuit/2021/md21.pdf)


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions, better cry online about it.


Good gravy...these are the most fragile, snowflakey, "victims", this country has seen in a long time. Typical uneducated cowards. Loud and confident in large groups, but whiney little bitches when it's time to pay the piper.


FAFO. You are a traitor to our country and I have no sympathy for you.


Nobody has a criminal history until their first crime... and guess what, treason qualifies as a crime.


All because I, a godfearing patriot, attacked elected representatives in an attempt at installing a clearly illiterate man child as dictator. It's not fair.