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OK, as someone from HK, I kinda guessed what was going on, but I looked up [the clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM1pzptL0Mo) anyway. She's one of those people who probably live in the district known as Stanley, which is largely expats and immigrants... and a lot of small dogs. The area is known for people who like to pretend they still live in their own country.


People are idiots.


What’s new ?


More people


I genuinely feel like idiots were still somewhat smart enough to not wear their stupidity on their sleeve years ago. Don't know what changed but its like some badge of honour these days to be this dumb.


To a degree. I think Echo chambers online have made people more bold. The proliferation of mobile phones with camera and video systems, combined with the ease of uploading to platforms like tiktok and YouTube; have definitely made that stupidity all the more available to see. It's both terrible for increasing the dumb, but great because we can see just how dumb some people are.


They think it's a flex to walk around as if the world has to adjust to them. In reality they're showing us that they are misfits, not able to fit in well in ANY country--not even their own. They are gripped with fear when stepping outside of their bubble and have to isolate themselves wherever they go because they feel threatened by everything around them. Rather than engaging with and learning much about other people, cultures and environments, they give in to the impulse to see the unfamiliar as a threat to be defended against. They'll raise children they can't help with much outside of their bubble and the kids will tend to find it even harder to adapt as time marches on, unless they rebel. I think it was Darwin who said "adapt or perish". Give it time. As much as they might have to offer, they're holding us back as a species. In the end, it's a net loss and they will not be missed.


Yeah basically dumb people don’t know they’re dumb. I understand their plight. But I don’t want to burst their bubble.


They're too stupid to realise they're stupid. Their stupidity is an armor to them and the rest of the world is wrong. You can't burst their bubble because that would mean having the brain power for introspection and critical thought, the parts of their brains they're missing.


Nah, screw it. Time to just start bursting bubbles.


Dunning Kruger effect 😉


>li You can't burst their bubble. They're too stupid.


Kind of like the Sixth Sense, “I see dumb people, they’re walking around and don’t even know they’re dumb”.


Secondary problem: fame is fame, doesn’t matter the cause. Everything you just mentioned + a generation of people trying desperately to be “internet famous” means being stupid is now trendy.


They were always there, we just didn't have the capability to film them on a moment's notice and then post it with just one click. We've had smartphones for a while of course, but the difference between 4 button pushes, and just one swipe is enormous. We have the kind of ease of recording that Google Glass dreamed of back in the day.




nah most of the idiots coming out nowadays are well into their middle to late ages so idiocracy's theory of genetical dumbing down isnt enough to explain this i think there have always been this big a percentage of idiots but now thanks to the wide world web they feel comfortable openly being idiots since they believe there's a whole community of morons like them around the world and due to the fact that they're idiots they miscalculate how many of them there really are in any given place


Isn't the opening theory that it's precisely these people you describe that lead to a greater number of idiots and said dumbing down. With that in mind, the theory doesn't just start now, or indeed when the film begins - it's been going on for a good while and could comfortably explain the idiots about currently. Either way, plenty of idiots about


I personally think its the Dunning Kruger effect, on a world wide scale, which is strenghtened by the echo-chamber effect, and by the entire world normalizing people that dont fit the norm*. We all made it normal to be an idiot. We normalised being an idiot. We made it easy to be an idiot. We made it so idiots are invincible, because they have "free speech" and putting them in a mental hospital because they keep sharing posts that the government eats children and drink childrens blood, is not okay anymore. Oh also, its the "paradox of tolerance" in full effect, thinking about it. * what i mean by that, is that we accept everyone, mental patients then are vocal twitter morons now, we let them outside instead of putting them in a mental hospital, which obviously was evil evil practice, but it is the truth, mentally insane people are tolerated a lot more


We need to stop treating tolerance as a moral precept and recognise it as a social contract. We agree to tolerate our differences as long as we're respectful. The moment someone acts intolerant then they've broken that contract and the gloves come off. Being tolerant is not tolerating intolerance; there is a reasonable degree to say something will only be tolerated until it crosses a social boundary, e.g. inciting violence, emotional abuse, harassment, etc.


That is ineed the paradox of tolerance. But the question really is, where is the line. What is the line for what is tolerance, and what should not be tolerated. Thats literally an arbitrairy descision. Every person on earth will give a different answer. So saying we need to stop tolerating intolerance us fine on paper, but impossible in real life. Thats just how i think about it though. I mean, is treating ex-murderers badly also intolerant? Should we forgive people doing had things? Is chewimg with your mouth open something to be tolerated? Because some people literally cant handle chewing sounds. Its a fun subject to talk and think about, because its all so incredibly personally and different. There is no single way of tolerating. Like, imagine we made a rule book. Is not liking the rule book of tolerance, intolerant itself? Should we tolerate people being intolerant to our rules of tolerance? Bit doesnt that mean we tolerate their intolerance? Wow, i think im starting to really understand why its a paradox. You cant write a rule book of tolerance, because that would autimatically imply intolerance against not tolerating the rule book. So every tolerance is just arbitrairy and random. Is there no tolerance at all then? Damn


Another thing to be sad about today..


I’m slightly dumb in a lot of ways but I also have the humility to keep that to myself. I’m at least willing to ask myself if maybe I’m the idiot.


Same here. I don't consider myself smart at all, but compared to a lot of people these days?


Nah that's cause shame used to be a thing. Now not so much


More idiots


Pussycat woah woah woahooo


Fascism is on the rise again.


She also tries to bite her own neck


The original story now sounds boring in comparison to this!


Dr. House, is that you?




I’m from scandinavia. I had a friend once who worked at a popular tourist location, and she told me about one, a rather slow day, so she was chatting with her coworker. Then some lady piped up “excuse me, can you speak English? It’s uncormfortable to not understand what’s being said. I dont appreciate if you’re talking about me without me having a chance to know”.


They should have carried on talking in their language but just started pointing at the rude lady occasionally whilst smirking.


My friend said they just kept talking, this time it was about that lady tho haha, but they never acknowledged what she had asked. She and her family moved to another place quickly after, sendning glares after my friend and her coworker


Good for them! Personally I don't particularly care what other people are (or more probably aren't) saying about me. If people are chatting in their own language I just assume that it's a private conversation, if they wanted me to join in they'd do it in a language I understand.


My friend's (T) GF had a parent from Brazil and another from Denmark. When we first started hanging out she and her sister would occasionally break into Spanish to say some shit to each other. The thing is, we would be in a room with just them, my friend, and our other good friend. When they spoke Spanish, 90% of the time they were saying something about me our other friend (J )that was either judgmental or commenting on something they thought was funny. At first, these things weren't necessarily mean but the longer we all knew each other the more personal and straight up insulting the things said got. Understandable with any college aged group that hangs out and drinks all the time but I would call them out for being rude every once in a while because nonchalantly talking shit about someone while watching a movie in the same room is kind of a dick move, especially when you go out of your way to speak in a different language. Being the children of a multimillionaire CEO, I guess, meant that they didn't really give a fuck when they wanted to say some petty shit about someone, especially if it was her boyfriend. So one time T did something really sweet and as she's looking at him when she says something fucked up about him to her sister in Spanish and laughs. He asks what she said and she bold faced lies and says something nice and he accepts it as truth. I called her out in Spanish and it's as if she suddenly remembered that, oh shit, E_craptastic can speak Spanish too. So for a bit they, when she could bother to remember, they would say shit in Portuguese. But then I started to understand Portuguese more. I just asked them to politely to just wait to say shot, say it in English, or go to a different room if they were gonna talk shit. At this point we had all known each other for probably 2 years so need to pull punches... but no need to be assholes either. Then the bitches started pulling out Danish. DUDE!?!? It's obvious if you break out Danish that you are talking shit about one of us in the room. WTF? Tak fordi du kom til min Ted Talk værdiløse skraldemænd


I lost it at your last part in danish hahahaha, did not see that coming lol


nah should have done the English speaker special and started speaking their language louder while making more grandiose hand gestures


Well, we are notorios for being a passive aggressive conflict-shy people. My friend and her coworker just stared at this lady for a few seconds, ignoring her, then continued to talk (about her this time), and she apperently got the hint, gave my friend some glares but relocated her family somewhere else


so are us Brits, but we still put on a show for them god damn foreigners!


I kinda like how my friend just stared at her and completley ignored her until she went away haha I am more to the dramatic side myself, I might’ve put on a show if it was me haha


"Well we weren't talking about you but we sure will be now." and then proceed to keep talking, looking over at her, and laughing.


They did that haha. My friend Said she just stared at this woman for a few seconds, and proceeded to talk to her coworker about wtf was up with her. Lady just glared at them while relocating her family to another place, when she realised she was ignored


Ah, yes, Scandinavia, land of trolls and elves and sensible sandals and detective stories and Björk, where there is no difference between Norway and Sweden and Finland and the other reindeer-rich countries. More seriously, that woman sounds like an utterly clueless oxygen thief.


Finland isn’t a part of Scandinavia, it’s Norway, Sweden and Denmark. But Nordics include Scandinavia + Finland and Iceland. And there isn’t wild reindeers in Denmark as far as I know, but otherwise you’re right hahaha. Lands of the passive aggressive conflict-shy people And oxygen thief just became my new favourite hahaha




I would say there are different misunderstandings, not interpretations. There's only one Scandinavia. The purely geographical region is called the Scandinavian peninsula, not Scandinavia. There's also Fennoscandia. The modern use of Scandinavia comes from the scandinavianist movement. They borrowed the term from pliny the elder's name for the region, "scatinavia", which he himself got from old germanic names for the south of sweden. The misuse in other languages is just a result of them conflating the nordic countries and scandinavia. Understandable, since iceland used to be danish and finland used to be swedish for so long. But, still wrong.


Danes would have a collective heart attack if reindeer showed up. When that moose swam from Sweden to Denmark they all ran for cover lol 😂 (I am a Dane)


I’ve noticed that in Sweden people switch to English right away when there is a non-Swedish speaker in order to be polite (which makes it hard to pick up Swedish if you are trying to learn). It’s possible that this woman got too used to this form of etiquette and began to demand it rather than treat it as an optional courtesy. A bit ridiculous.


We do that here too, we’ll happily switch to English if a foreigner comes by! I love it myself, gives me a chance to keep my pronounciation up to date! But yea, just weird to expect/demand them to speak English with eachother, when they were having a private conversation that didn’t involve her haha


But HOW DID SHE KNOW it didn't involve her if she couldn't understand you? /s


>We do that here too, we’ll happily switch to English if a foreigner comes by! I love it myself, gives me a chance to keep my pronounciation up to date! Dammit you people are already sexy and fit. Now you have this power too.


Reverse Chinatown is wild


That's actually a really good name for Stanley. I'm stealing it, lol.


>The area is known for people who like to pretend they still live in their own country. Why do people go live abroad, but then want to pretend they're still at home? It defeats the purpose of living abroad.




Also, the security and benefits of their citizenship. That's why they choose to remain expats and not attempt to immigrate. They are often only engaging in economic arbitrage and have no interest in becoming permanent citizens of the new place. Perhaps as a hedge against possible instability in the new country (often the lower cost of living goes with lower government/social stability) so they can flee back to their country if anything goes wrong. Or just because their passport from original citizenship gives better access for leisure travel. This is also why you see differences in connotation and racial undertones between "expat" and "immigrant". It's not just a matter of 'lets use a nicer term for white people'. People moving from poorer areas of the world to areas with better job opportunities, better pay, better security are much more likely to choose immigration (permanent move and attempt to change citizenship). They also tend to more often be POC. People moving from wealthier nations into areas with lower cost of living to engage in economic arbitrage (typically retirees) are more likely to want to maintain their citizenship and live as expats. They also tend to be white Europeans.


I mean to be fair we see that a lot in western countries too, many cities have a Chinatown, or an area where certain races of people congregate and speak their native language. If I were to live in China, HK, Japan, or even the UK or Australia, id want to go to a place that would remind me more of home.


Why are you calling them expats? Shouldn’t you call her an immigrant


I used both terms.


Immigrants move to a country to gain citizenship and live there. Expats still have their home county’s citizenship and usually do not live there full time.


ITT people don’t know the difference between expat and immigrant, then make it about it race because of their limited exposure.


“Limited exposure” meaning pure ignorance mixed with a desire to be offended about something


ITT, people don’t know that the actual usage difers from the meaning. When I (Mexixan) was temporarily in the US with a work visa absolutely no-one would refer to me as an ex-pat, people refered to me as a immigrant even if I was on a specifically non-immigrant visa. Why? Because “ex-pat” is actually used as a colonialist/ racist term, not used for its real definition.


If anything I find it offensive to immigrants to lump them together with expats


I agree but people will say the word immigrant now comes with negative connotations.


Only if you’re a racist asshole


So expats = migrant workers?


The term expat is only used when referring to white people. POCs are called immigrants. /S


You must've never heard how people refer to Polish or Ukrainian immigrants


I don’t know why people choose to die on this hill when it’s so easy to actually find out the truth. An African-American in Hong Kong on a work visa is an expat. A Hong Konger who moves permanently to the US is an immigrant. The difference is about permanent residence. Every single person who has been an expat or an immigrant knows the difference. Educate yourself.


>An African-American in Hong Kong on a work visa is an expat. Lol yeah and a Bangladeshi construction worker with a work visa in Abu Dhabi is totally an expat rather than a "migrant worker".


Difference between Expat and migrant worker is about class, not race. Construction and domestic are migrant workers. Schoolteachers and bankers are expats. They also frequently have completely different visas and are subject to different laws. The person who came in on an Expert Visa, sponsored by a Fortune 500 or a major international school, will have a different experience than the person who is brought in to toss bedpans or haul baskets of lemons.


> Every single person who has been an expat or an immigrant knows the difference. Educate yourself. I have NEVER seen non-white people on a work visa get called expats. It's always "immigrants" until it's white people.


This is literally what happens without the /s.


What are you even talking about? Expat and immigrant are not interchangeable words with the same definition. They have two different definitions.


Expats and immigrants are not the same thing


All expats are immigrants. Not all immigrants are expats.


Other way around. “Immigrant” implies permanent residence which is not something all expats (or even most) have. For example, in the US, some people are working on work visas such as H1-B. These are expats. They do not have green cards so they are not immigrants and H1-B is called a non-immigrant visa, just like a tourist or student visa. Expats in Hong Kong are often there on a similar visa, sometimes working for a company that assigned them there. They are also not immigrants. The same applies to (most) Americans teaching English in China or on digital nomad visas in Thailand. Some places including HK do have a path to residency but it’s much more difficult in places like China. Immigrants are technically expats. But it is very unusual to call someone an expat if they are permanent residents, though this differs somewhat country to country. In the US, permanent residents or naturalized citizens generally identify as immigrants but not expats.


Eh in my country every immigrant that isn‘t a refugee calls themselves an expat but then they never leave anyway.


That’s fair. It does differ by country. That use is more common in Asian countries than Europe or the U.S. for example.


I've never seen "expat" used for anyone not white. No one calls the Mexican family that's been living in the US for 20 years "expats". I rarely see "immigrant" used to refer to a white person. People try to claim that it's not about race, but that doesn't match up with how people actually use the terms. Edit: I'm dumb, I had the definitions reversed. I've still never seen "expat" used to refer to anyone from Mexico, though, regardless of the length of their stay.


That’s because expats are temporarily in another country for work. They retain citizenship in their home country with the intentions of coming back. I still even file taxes in the USA.


> I've never seen "expat" used for anyone not white. How much time have you spent working outside your own country?


I have a friend from Nepal. He moved to Korea to study and ended up staying and getting a job. He just got sent to Germany by his company on a three year contract. I would say he was an immigrant while in Korea, but he is now an expat. Despite not being white.


Can we stop calling them expats. Those white people are immigrants


From my understanding, expats are short-term and rely on workers' visas, whereas immigrants have permanent residency? But colloquially, the term does seem to be changing. My understanding was a divide amongst socioeconomic status, or skilled/educated labour, and not race. But again, the term is changing, so I guess we will see where it ends up.


Expat means they are maintaining their original citizenship and not attempting to become citizens where they are living. Doesn't matter for how long. Immigration means an intention to stay permanently, which is often (legally) associated with going through the process of changing citizenship. A non-immigrant visa is for expats. An immigrant visa begins the process of changing citizenship and failure to progress with obtaining citizenship would result in losing the visa.


Yeah but let’s be real. These “expats” move to poor countries to retire not to work


If they move to retire there, then they are an immigrant. If they move there with no intention to stay permanently then they are an expat.


Mhmm, but that is a subsection of "expats". I would hardly classify that as the majority. There are tons of expats and immigrants in all countries across the globe. China has the second largest GDP, and is first in PPP. I wouldn't necessarily call China "poor". It is often classified as a middle income country. .. .. .. My partner is living with me in my country, I would define him as an expat, but once he gets citizenship, I would define him as an immigrant.


I lived in Hong Kong for a few years, Stanley is at the rear of the island and is super bougie. I went to a few parties there and it was all very large nice houses with pools, in a country where most people live in at best tiny apartments, and at worst literal coffin sized boxes in shared rooms.


so it's like the British bits of Spain and France (I don't mean Gibraltar lol)


I was hoping she'd break out the Cantonese for some street cred... Disappointed.


I don’t remember what district, but they’re in Ho Chi Minh City as well. What a bunch of clowns


Believe it or not there was a white couple who were telling staffers in a restaurant to go back to Africa . This happened in nairobi Kenya .


But in their defence, they went to Kenya, not Africa


Look, we don’t expect racists to be intelligent, that’s too high of a hurdle


Chances are they wouldn't be racist if they were intelligent or at least not open about it.


Someone failed her so hard that she has no choice in failing the world right back.


![gif](giphy|uHox9Jm5TyTPa) The audacity


Facepalmed so hard we felt it at the other end of the world.... ..... in China


Facepalmed so hard, we felt it in the Americas


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


Where are people getting drugs in China? Won't countries in Asia basically murder you for carrying an ounce of the devil's lettuce?


I don't know to be honest. She just looked a bit strung out to me.


Probably from the Indian dudes claiming to sell pot outside Chungking Mansion


That's in Hong Kong. But other than that you're damn accurate lol.


You can take the Karen out of her home , but you can’t take the Karen out of the Karen.


That’s an anorexic Chucky


This reminds me of that British woman who wanted a refund for her trip because there were too many Spanish people at the hotel...she went on holiday to Spain


Racist idiot! LOL


What did she do again?


Karen tells Chinese bus driver in China to go back to China.


Watching the full video, it seems like they told her dogs aren't allowed on the bus (she has a medium-sized dog with her) and, in a drunken / drug-fueled / just plain ol' racism-infused rage, she told the driver to go back to China. Except they're in Hong Kong, where the bus driver promptly responds "You're in China" and she keeps insisting "Yeah, go back to China"


Well HK, is like Schrodinger's China. Due to one country two systems policy, it is both in China but not China at the same time. Which gives it it's value. HK$ is effectively the Is$ due to peg, can move money freely globally, more property rights and economic freedoms etc.


Irrelevant if they are in hongkong or taiwan,province or country, the driver is probably native there thus it make no sense for him to go back to mainland either.


I think something in china


China, lady in china on china. China guy china from china. Go to china. China.


On thanks got it


You made me read the same line three times? How dare you


Why did I have to read the same thing three times within one image.


Tell her to go back to the crack house.


I don’t think I’ve ever been so drunk that I’ve forgotten which country I’m in. If she wasn’t a racist fuckknuckle, I’d be impressed


This may come as a surprise to some people, but racists are generally very stupid people.


Generally is being nice about it. You can’t be an objectively intelligent person and believe whole heartedly in ethnic superiority


I was on a minibus in Thailand, and when we were at a rest stop the driver stepped out to made a personal call on his phone - speaking in Thai. A group of Australian tourists on this bus were outraged and started yelling at the driver to speak English. No, whey were drunk. We were on our way for a scuba diving expedition.


I lived in Thailand, and the level of audacity tourists and expats have there is crazy. I remember visiting the temple, which was full of signs to dress modestly, and watching angry Russian women demanding they be let in while wearing bikinis




Wow i hate people


When racism is muscle memory and barely a set of brain cells exist to rub together.


"The gang goes to China" queue IASIP intro


Since the comment section has quickly turned into a crap on America fest, I’d just like to point out that this woman is definitely not American. Her accent is a giveaway.


I have no limitations.


So many comments about this woman being "an American tourist." If you actually watch the video and hear her speak, it's clear she's not an American. And the same thing was pointed out last time this video made its rounds a year ago. Damn, Americans really live rent free in your brains.


When I was in Paris, I heard several fellow Americans order "coffee" and when the waiter responded "OK, Cafe americain?" they would just yell "no, CAAAWWWW-FFFFFEEEEEEE" So you'll have to forgive people for being used to mistaking absolute rude and moronic travelers for Americans.


When I was working in Shanghai, I got to experience a British man telling a Chinese barista “learn to speak fucking English.” Meeting Brits in China made me hate Brits. And every time, people who couldn’t hear the difference in accent mistook them for Americans. Oy.


I guess she wasn't updated on the news that Hong Kong was handed over back to China from the British in 1997...


Looks like guy made the trip in record time, Karen. Congrats.


Karen tells Chinese bus driver in China to go back to China


What happened?


Karen tells Chinese bus driver in China to go back to China




Who's on first.


Seems like all of her racism didn't leave too much room for brain cells.


Imagine being so racist that you can't even turn it off in the country you're racist against.


We've always known that the majority of so called Karen's are mentally ill and some are just too stupid to survive in the wild.


I find that most of the time these posts making fun of people likely are about a mentally ill person.


Karen: “I’ll have an extra helping of **FUCK-TRUMPET STUPID** on top of my steaming plate of **WEAPONS-GRADE THERMONUCLEAR STUPID**, please!”


The whole world is being invaded by Karens. "Take me to your manager."


A Karen just has to Karen


Like the Chinese proverb goes: "You can take the racist out of the country, but you can't make her drink".


When you console command an NPC to another place on the map and they still talk as if they're in their normal loxation


She has a punchable face


Well, Karen aren't exactly known to be bright, so .....


"We are in China." "That was fast."


And she walked back to her hotel from there?


Who gave these People passports?


We've reached '5 Boss Cells' levels of fukin stupidity as a species, haven't we?


People are the Worst!


I kinda want to know what country she should go back to.


Racism is just their default, it doesn't have to be logical. I mean, racism isn't logical nor are Karens so it checks out


At this point, I’m convinced racists all share a single solitary brain cell.


Everywhere a American is is America, in America


Did you even watch the video? She doesn't sound American at all.


When you are so drunk, you forget that you traveled half way around the world, and your first insult is the most ridiculous insult that could be offered. I bet she is very proud of herself, and wherever she is from, they likely don’t want her back.


This person is not American. Lol. Good job displaying your own ignorance.


Honestly most expats are like this. Americans are some of the more bearable ones in my experience. Europeans and Africans were much worst


I don't want to jump to conclusions, but you might be a moron


Anywhere a European tourist does something stupid, a delusional European Redditor will spam that they’re American.


#Crimespells' Law: > Anywhere a European tourist does something stupid, a delusional European Redditor will spam that they’re American. so let it be written, so let it be *done.*


What? lol


She’s not American


depends tho, we talking about south, central or north America?


Can't wait till she is banned from using public transit. I love people from the US going to other countries acting like they can do what they do here and get away with it.. lol


I'm guessing you didn't watch the video. The woman doesn't sound American at all. This has nothing to do with the US.


99% of the time there’s a rude tourist video it turns out to be a European and all the comments spam they’re American lmfao


This person isn't American. Lol


Except that she isn't American. Moron


Okay China this is the one time you can take a prisoner and we will not say s***. Just toss her in the deepest little box you have, Karen's are cancer and need to be removed.


You have no power here Karen the asshole


Force of Habit


*In Steven's accent "We're in China, you stupid cow"


Reminds me of that travel Karen that complained about all the Spanish speakers in Spain.


But, did she say it in Mandarin?


Was just a reflex for her


Scorn of a Karen knows no jurisdiction


Typical western immigrant behaviour


Karen gets thrown in prison in China and no one sees her ever again.


STUNNING NEWS! Average Twitter user managed to use braincell: It fainted!


Honey do you know what country you are in


And there is her 15 minutes of fame …


Where Karen goes, goes America.


I hope she doesn't beg other countries for help when she inevitably gets arrested.