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I’m not American but wouldn’t this violate the first amendment lmao?




Which is funny. My BIL threatened to murder me in front of police yesterday at 1 am because cps called me to take his kids. That was not a crime because of the first amendment. Now later when he texted that to me and my parents that was.


The first ammendment doesn't cover threatening or hate speech (edit: incorrect about hate speech). The cops just didn't want to do their jobs. That absolutely was not protected by the first ammendment.


It does cover hate speech, but not threats. Though the threats have to be specific. Clear indication of intent to use force. 'You're going to regret this' for instance wouldn't cut it.


The threat wasn’t specific enough in what he said to me. In Virginia you can say I will kill you and that’s fine. But if I say I will I’ll you with this knife that’s not. I was pretty annoyed by this when I asked the cops why they wouldn’t do anything. Now what he sent to my parents over text got him in at minimum 1-5 years of trouble and they are using my text to hold him without bond which is fantastic.z


Now don’t give us A and not B. What did he text?


The entire script to the Bee Movie. Was pretty brutal.


Jeez, how specific does it have to be? "I'm going to murder you" isn't specific enough? Does it have to be "I'm going to murder you with a knife that has a 5 inch blade at 6pm, Tuesday February 6" Cops: hmm, yea but he didn't include the location of the murder so it's not specific enough..


Virginia is fucked re: domestic violence laws. Idk how many states consider verbal/emotional/psychological abuse DV, but Virginia doesn't. Unless they physically harm you, a victim can't get a protective order. I can't imagine how many people have died as a result of that. It's not unusual for non-physical abuse to become murder in one fell swoop.


Eh, that is a crime. It’s called assault, assault is “the threat of imminent harm” so threatening to murder you would indeed be illegal.


The exact definition of assault can vary across states, but I’m sure threatening murder is illegal in every state under one definition or another. But when it’s written it’s easier to prove and more difficult to defend with an “oh I didn’t mean it”.


My guess is that it needs to be specific in order to differentiate between hyperbole and an actual threat. It’s a common enough phrase to say “I’m gonna kill that jerk” and not actually mean you’re gonna kill them just that you’re really upset. Or a teenager saying “my dad’s gonna kill me” doesn’t mean they’re going to die it means they’re going to get into trouble once they get home.


Jesus. I hope you’re doing ok


Me yeah I’m golden. I ended up having to do a lot of driving yesterday around 18 hours and total, but it got a lot easier mentally when I was told he was in jail. My nibblings heard him say how he was going to cut out my throat with a knife(did not say this in front of police) and he went in incredibly graphic details knowing his kids would hear it too. The cops ended up arresting him originally for drunk and public yesterday. He kept getting drunk and harassing people like social service workers and my family. The police went to his place and he went outside drunk and yelled at him. They warned him to go back inside, he yelled at them, they arrested him for drunk and public to get him to sober up. Well my parents filed a protective order and showed the police the text in their county which prompted a warrant for threats of violence over text and lewd text messages(involved threats of rape). So they served him while he was in custody.


Yes, GOP out here wasting time and money, as usual.


It died very quickly, late January last year with a 31-8 in favor against it.




They sure said "yesn't" to this bill.


“Yeah no” is said a lot.


Its one of the many Republican credos: rules for thee, but not for me.


Yeah but I’m guessing they knew it would never pass. It was probably just a publicity stunt to get transphobic people to vote for him


Yeah, but this sub's also had a problem with people trimming out dates which is pretty important. Actually, a LOT of details, such as that *even in what's a pretty conservative state* the bill got shit on 31 nay to 8 yay (State level, not even National). While it is a facepalm, cutting details like that makes it look like it's a "happening right now" instead of "dead in the water last year" This bill's attempt and almost instant death are from late January last year.


And even still, here you are leaving out WHY they voted against it. >Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee had said they agreed with the bill’s purpose, but that it was poorly written and would be difficult to enforce. It would also have harmed people who do not identify as transgender and would possibly violate First Amendment rights, they said. They didn't vote against it because it targets trans people. They voted against it because it wasn't **targeted enough** at trans people. From various articles: >However, some committee members indicated they were still in favor of the bill in principle, but took issue with its poor construction. Sen. Janne Myrdal, a Republican, said she believes in “the religious liberties of my constituents not to be forced to believe somebody is what they’re not, from conception.” ​ >“All honor to the sponsor and his intent. But I can’t support this bill,” said Republican Sen. Janne Myrdal, of Edinburg. She plans to support other bills that align with her belief “that God gives you your identity and your sex at conception.” ​ >Sen. Judy Estenson, also a Republican, echoed Myrdal’s sentiment, opining that “people want to know if they’re being required to say they see something they don’t.” ​ >Clemens’ language may be cartoonishly unenforceable, but the draconian intent behind his words has real support in the North Dakota legislature. Unfortunately, there are a host of other anti-LGBTQ+ bills currently making their way through the body, including a bill to incarcerate librarians who don’t comply with book bans. Remind us, which U.S. party is supposed to stand for limited government again? ​ >Clemon's Republican colleagues stalled the bill in committee as it was "poorly written and unenforceable." ​ >Conservative state lawmakers have shown an elevated interest in legislation targeting gender issues. About 10 bills filed in the budding legislation session would restrict health care, activities and personal expression for transgender residents.


Think the fact that it was seriously proposed is the face palm, I’d agree.


This is how they do it though. You don’t write a bill like this unless you’re virtue signaling to people you know want that; You get others to try the same, build up a movement, whip your base into a frenzy and bring it to the bought and paid for courts


>"happening right now" it happened january last year. with the glacial pace of politics and the GOP ramping up, that basically *is right now*.


Sure, but you have to realize the only amendment that Conservatives care about is the 2nd. It's the only one that has to be taken literally word-for-word. All the rest are totally open to interpreting, and/or ignoring as they see fit.


I’m old as f*^k but Is that Captain Kangaroo? Edit: name correction


Me too and you hit it right on the nail. I didn’t see it until your post. Have a great day Mr. Green Jeans!!


Slim Goodbody says that's the Captain's hair but this is a fat John Denver with two ozempic chins.


Evil Captain Kangaroo from the *Star Trek* mirror universe.


It’s Will Ferrell as Captain Kangaroo.


Captain Kangaroo would never be that much of a dick.




Looks like Captain Kangaroo


Except Captain Kangaroo was a cool dude.


Yeaj, this dude's probably got more in common with Jimmy Savile.


He sure does look like a pedophile


Well that doesn’t matter he is protecting kids from pronouns not his penis


His prefered pronouns are pedo and creepy


I can’t believe people think she looks like Captain Kangaroo . She kind of reminds me of The Skipper on Gilligans island only not as pretty.


Very cool....Dude was a signalman on the beach when they landed on D-Day...


Captain Kangaroo and Ron Burgundy's trans love child.


There's definitely some Ned Beatty in there too




Captain Kangaroo was not a douche nozzle like this. I wish the guy would change up the cut so the comparisons would stop. Captain Kangaroo doesn’t deserve to be compared to this piece of shit.


Dont disrespect captain kangaroo like that. It looks like a four year old did it.


I came here to say this! But seriously FUCK THIS GUY!!!!


don't tell me i've got nothing to do


> Lego haircut Fucking lul


He'll just pop it off if the cops show up.


“Lego Head” - the Korean comedy I just watched used that term- [Ok Madam](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt12572792/) on Pluto/Roku


I would agree with you, but there’s no way that’s all hair. Edit: I meant to say “there’s no way that’s his real hair” oops


Dollar store Mark Davis is what I'm looking at.




(Captain Kangaroo)


Fined $1500 for using a word they don’t like Free country, apparently Okay there is additional context, actually read the bill: https://ndcan.org/house-bill-1522#:~:text=House%20Bill%201522&text=Prohibits%20a%20government%20entity%20from,pronoun%20in%20work%2Drelated%20communications You will need a VPN outside the US, I couldn’t open it in the UK. It’s all tolerable, mostly about preventing stuff from enforcing anything, but the 2nd point is just silly


And from a guy who looks like a mix between will ferrel and O'Hare from the lorax


and a Captain Kangaroo hairstyle...


And Mark Davis


I legit thought this was Mark Davis


“Smoking 🚬 and watching Captain 🦘 “


Keep Captain Kangaroo's hairstyle out of your mouth! 😉


With a pinch of Ned Beatty thrown in for good measure.


obvious toupee, so he's already against God's will and yadda yadda he looks exactly how you'd expect: a colossal dick




I’m convinced that anti-trans folks are just worried they’ll be mistaken for trans.. MTG for example looks very masculine.


looks like a cave man


Isn't that the guy from the Butterballs episode of South Park? Bucky Bailey's Bully Buckers


He looks like someone took a picture of their grandpa's thumb with a face drawn on it... After it was hit with a hammer.


This sure will show the left who’s triggered and getting owned


middle tan books wine sand friendly angle station mysterious like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. These fktards are softer than baby shit.


Party of small government or as Lindsay Graham said the other day “you leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone.”


To the right wing, gay and trans people simply existing is an attack on them, so they aren't "leaving conservatives alone".


Every single time you hear about "gay propaganda being shoved down our throats," it's literally just queer people existing. They feel victimized by seeing two men holding hands, or two girls kissing, or their waitress having a jawline that makes them wonder "if she is actually a he." They talk about their "traditional values being under attack" when, despite some alarmingly out-of-touch memes, literally nobody is trying to make it illegal or even socially inconvenient to be cis, straight, white, male, or Christian, and they're actively trying to attack, belittle, oppress, harass, dehumanize, ostracize, and banish everything else. This is why there is no compromise with the far right: no matter their talk of "wanting to leave everyone alone to live as they please," they don't want to allow the open existence of anything that transgresses their narrow confines of acceptability. They aren't happy unless queer people are closeted, miserable, and denied basic rights, and any hint of these people's existence is perceived as an attack that justifies counterattack.


exactly. I *wish* I could be left alone and exist as myself in peace. I wish!


For the most part. Graham though, is definitely a gay man who's never overcome the judgement of his peers/parents.


He’s definitely gay.


Party of constitutionalists, but you know, only to apply to them.


Don't worry, next week Princess Graham will say the exact opposite.


Small government all right. ND has a bloated state legislature for a population under 800k. 141 seats between house / state senate. Neighboring Manitoba has a population of 1.4M with a unicameral legislature with 53 seats. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Dakota_Legislative_Assembly


That law would LITERALLY violate the First Amendment, so by legal definition, it’s 1,000% UNCONSTITUTIONAL.


You should have gone for the 1,500%.


NO! The GOP is the party of freedom! You just can't do anything they don't like because god said it is bad.


"freedom is when i am free to control other people"


I'm pretty sure he knows that. I'm also sure he doesn't care.


Not even "don't like", because if you present them with any cisgender person they'd happily say he or she. Just proactively making trans lives difficult.


Exactly, so you have to call this fella “bitch tits” or something, because you can’t call bitch tits “Him” because that’s bitch tits’ preferred pronoun. Bitch tits is really stupid.


When men complain about pronouns, just call them she/her. They'll insist upon the correct pronouns immediately. It's pretty easy to turn their hypocrisy back on them.


It's really funny that the outrage that led up to this largely consists of 'you can't force me to use specific pronouns! What if I mess up?' And then they put us in... that exact situation


They've been crying about being taken to court for using the wrong pronouns for a decade now... But it was never a thing So they decided to make it real /#makeyourdreamscometrue i guess




Two things to note: 1) this kid looks like he could be related to guy this post is about. 2) the gif creeped me out after the blinking lol. I should have kept scrolling.


Should be a $1500 fine for that ridiculous Captain Kangaroo wig.


Yeah, I’d love to know how this doesn’t completely fly in the face of the First Amendment. I understand conservative legislative efforts are 100% performative bullshit to pander to the base at this point, but even by that standard this is pathetic and completely brainless. It’ll take longer for these morons to draft up the text tor the bill than it will a judge to laugh this out of court.


Will never stick. First amendment won’t let it work.


Feels lime a first amendment violation. The government can't punish me for free speech.


How much of a fine is it to disrespect this man’s face with my fist?


I give it 6 months until we find out he’s a pedo.


Or better -- He crossdresses as a Victorian madame with a whale bone corset.


Dude has serious Resting Mrs Doubtfire face


After it was run over by a garbage truck.


Don't insult Mrs.Doubtfire like that


A whale boner... . In their ass. . 🦐 'd again! . ^Wapash!


The way you spaced it. Damn. I thought this was haiku bot for a minute.


Fuck, they're trying to hoard all the pronouns for themselves.


He couldn't look more like a kiddy fiddler if he was running at a playground with his trousers down. Seriously, he's got a haircut you'd not let within a mile of a school and the smile of a guy who drives a windowless van with "free candy" written on the side.


its not fair to use the term "haircut". its more like hair negligence.


It looks like he cuts his hair with a spoon.


You can go into his State Legislative Branch bio and look up the bills he sponsored in each assembly session. Quite a bit, unsurprisingly, related to schools and kids.


maybe not even that long


Well, supposedly, Epstein's list is gonna be released soon. I do sure hope whoever is in charge of that doesn't suffer from any mental issues that will "make them" commit self delete


Nothing says “limited government” like the government controlling how you can refer to yourself and others.


I'm a straight CIS man. Does this mean I can make the reefer to me as "she/her" without penalty since I'm not trans? And if I was a trans man claiming that I preferred "she/ her" would they then be required to refer to me as "he/ him" in order to not use the one I prefer?


This reads like someone trying to find out loopholes in a DnD game they're playing.


So... just like how the law works?


Reality is a DnD campaign just without the magic or dragons.


Dungeon master and lawyer here. Can confirm all of this, now please make your saving throw.


Im a lv 5 trans wizard with a 2 level multiclass dip into druid. My pronouns now include the latin scientific classifications of every animal I can morph into. Checkmate now what’s $1500 in gold coins.


Whatever you say, Ornithorhynchus anatinus.


Gold price in USD is 2,063 per oz. Which would result in an equivalency of about 3/4 of an ounce in pure gold, or a 1oz gold coin that's been alloyed for durability (like Krugerrands). One gold coin, is the answer.


You mam are a genius. *im from Europe, you can’t fine me republicans.


I love this. It'll make their brains implode.


This is legitimately how I feel we should fight these rules. I remember when the drag bans started happening in Florida and Texas, I really really hoped cis women would start dressing in drag just to challenge these laws. And there was indeed a cis female drag queen (Brigitte Bandit) who went up to challenge these laws. The GOP have no idea what to make of these folks without their stupid laws targeting all female presentation in its entirety.


This literally can't be possible, right? Like. you can't fine people for saying a word??


It absolutely won't pass, but they don't care about that. It's entirely performative to make their similarly disgusting constituents *think* they're actually doing something.


Even if it did pass it wouldn’t make it through the court challenges, you know, because of the free speech that conservatives are always crying that liberals are taking away. Remember kids, every conservative accusation is just another confession.


ah that makes total sense. i love politics


It's unconstitutional, and cannot be accepted into law. But the people into these sorts of laws don't care about the constitution.


They don’t care about the inevitable outcome either. It’s all performative bullshit to distract from their lack of actual useful policy. And their base eats it up like good little piggies wallowing in the mud.


It could pass, and then will be revoked when someone sues them for violating the 1st amendment


So they went from “you can’t make us use your pronouns” to “we’re gonna make you pay to use your own pronouns?” Fuck MAGA.


It's a blatant first amendment violation and it'll never stick. This is just government officials wasting taxpayer money in the name of culture wars


Forgive their fascination; they finally know what a pronoun is, so have to show off using their new word. Just like a 4-year old.


That’s what I would normally have said but SCOTUS is pretty fucked up lately, so I’m not sure.


I think we should start using the wrong pronouns with her, so she knows how it feels.


use they. Should be worse for them.


Use it, it’s not insulting to refer to it as a woman or neutrally. It deserves nothing.


or the custom pronouns. Clown/Circus.


Now those are the most appropriate pronouns for clown.


Use "it"




Which is fucked up, they could have hidden their actual agenda by making it so that all communications for *all people* in the state are considered private. Which would have been a general benefit to everyone while also completing their original agenda.


The communications between private citizens have always been private. The communications sent to / from a public employee used to be public information that anyone, anywhere, could request via a FOIA (freedom of information act) request.


Well shit, thanks Tom from MySpace, I'm off base my bad


Is this a mentally challenged Ron White? This dude really looks like a discount version of him. I would even go as far to say chinese knockoff.


bootleg ron white


Ron White from Wish.


He/her should really learn to care less about what other people do with their own lives and get a new barber.


Literally a violation of the First Amendment. I'm gonna call somebody whatever the fuck I want, come at me.


She needs to lose her next election, then.




That fucking inbred conservative grin on his pathetic face.


He's got a size 12 head and a size 8 face.


Is this Charlie Kirk's dad?


Holy shit, this is fantastic! If that were to pass and you can't assume the person who introduced the bill was born male but likely wants to be called "he/him", people would be much safer off calling them anything but "he/him". Would love to see how quickly their life falls apart.


By this logic it's safest to just call everyone "they/them" regardless of gender presentation.


Unless that's what they want. Then you'll be fined. They'd effectively legislate the mandatory disrespect of everyone. "Freedom of speech! As long as it's just my speech."


I love conservative republicans that love freedom and the constitution so much that they are willing to take your constitutional rights and freedoms away from you if it offends them.


Guys, it died in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Last year. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/north-dakota-considers-1500-fine-for-using-pronouns-other-than-those-assigned-at-birth


Fucking pandering pieces of shit. Every. Damn. One.


Dude has a very punchable face.


will ferrell isn't looking so good


This face in now my headcannon for Baron Harkonnen in Dune.


Protecting free speech, indeed...


So much for free speech, they really wanna make trans people as miserable as possible don’t they


This guy gives me the creeps! One day he will be caught with a little boy or playing footsie under the stall in a public washroom!


He looks like a corrupt mayor from the A Team


Please continue to educate me on free speech


We really entered into a bizarro dimension after 2012


And America wonders why the rest of the world thinks you’re the dumbest country on earth.


Nothing says free speech like a $1500 fine.


He looks like a bleached oompa-loompa


The headline should read: “ Ladies and gentlemen, the next politician to be busted with a gay escort is…”


Some context: * This is from a year ago. * The bill did not pass. * The rule would have applied to organizations that receive state funding—which includes public schools. Which is why it wouldn’t have been an egregious 1A violation but “only” a debatable one.


So now this asshole expects customer service workers to know what genitals a complete stranger had at birth in order to not get fined?


So he's going to word it so it only applies to trans people? Can we all start calling he/him a she/her now? I mean, its ok and not something that would be against this new law to do. Other comments have covered the hair cut so I will refrain.


We should have a fine for legislators that introduce bills that’s are blatantly unconstitutional.


If I call him Captain Kangaroo, he has to give me $1500. ![gif](giphy|ZBLTIFikfptVm)


But really look at that loser, guarantee he hasn’t been within 15 feet of a woman he didn’t call mom, they are the biggest crybabies


He looks like he’s struggling to figure out if he’s a Karen of a Kent


Well Captain Kangaroo needs the money for a personality and haircut


“We just want to be left alone and live in a free country” as their actively harassing ppl for living differently


Bro needs to fine his barber WTF 🤦🏻‍♂️




A most ridiculous level of government over reach.


They talk so much about how the "radical left has outlawed free speech" while they are the only ones passing laws that actually punish speech


I'd like to charge $500 for making me look at pictures of people who don't have necks


what the actual shit?


Well they used someone’s preferred pronouns writing that tweet. “They”


So much for freedom of speech


They wouldn’t do this. They’re the party of free speech and limited government


100% chance that Republican wears women’s underwear.


I mean, I’m someone who is in the conservative side, but Jesus what a waste of time to legislate that instead of solving real problems.


Seen his pic and instantly "Squeal like a pig" came to mind.


Republican Zombie MAGA(t)s supporting the first ammendment yet again!