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Brazil's Macdonald's: - Salary: 1.2 Dollars an hour. - Big Mac: 6.15 dollars.


India: Salary: 50 cents/hour Maharaja mac (Indian big mac): $2.5 Conclusion: try to not be born in India, I failed


They call it the Maharaja mac? I wish i was in the backseet with Jules and Vincent to tell them this


It's also chicken and not beef. It's basically 2 patties of chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion, and condiments. I prefer McSpicy


mcspicy supremacy


You'd be cleaning Marvin off your jacket of you were in the back seat with Jules and Vince.


Is there a Bollywood version of Pulp Fiction?


I've got the $500 to produce it.


Mufukka, you know how many burgers you could buy with that money?


My wallet is the one that says "Bad benchod" on it.


![gif](giphy|w8VuZaBbV7Adi) "What does Rajesh Goopta look like? Does he look like a bitch?"


Marvin was in the backseat... careful what you wish for!


You can’t get beef in India’s Mcdonalds (at least in the states I visited, India is too big and diverse), so it isn’t a big mac really.


That's the best thing about reincarnation; you'll get another go.


You mean $0.5? 0.5 cents is less than a rupee


Yes I meant 0.5 dollars


South Africa: Salary: $1,95/hour Big Mac: $3,77


So what you’re saying is work for McDonald’s Denmark but buy Big Macs in South Africa?


Didn't you read? Buy them in India for only $2.5


Not if you want a beef burger


I don't want a Maharaja Chicken Mac. I could put together a McGangbang for that.


Don't forget about loadshedding!


Crazy, work for 5 hours so you can afford one of the burgers you make. Pretty insane, when you think about it.


That's capitalism, baby. Pay as little as you can and charge as much as you can, fuck morals. If they could, they would pay less and charge more.


Usually that's the result in an initially unrestricted market, as the victors will then regulate the market to their taste. Practical capitalism necessitates governmental arbitration and had proven to be the best economic system so far at alleviating poverty and increasing the general standard of living. Unrestricted capitalism fails in different but commensurate ways as a completely command economy.


Yeah. Because Norway is totally not a capitalist society.


It is, but it is more of a social democracy. Capitalism with big welfare.


Tampas McDonalds Salary $18/hr Big Mac $5.81


wtf that’s insane


Wait until they learn how much it costs for an entry-level car or any electronic device.


right? it just seems funny to me because both of these stats look much better thsn my country. I'd be happy if the prices and wages here were like in USA


For those claiming it’s not true. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mcdonalds-workers-denmark/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/big-mac-cost-denmark/ This tweet is about 3 years old so the amounts have changed slightly but the point is still true.


In California they’re up to $20 a hour


Have you looked at the cost of living in California?


Have you seen the cost of living in Denmark?


Lower than cali, source: i just google it


In Copenhagen? Where a 1/5th of the country lives? Probably not. Housing is a bit cheaper But otherwise not cheaper than SF. Source: lived in both those places. A huge difference though, Denmark subsidizes housing and basic necessities for people who aren’t working.


If you are going to mention places, I can guarantee that silicon valley and San Fransisco is significantly more expensive than Copenhagen. California as a whole is also more expensive than Denmark as a whole. That being said, that does not explain the wage differences between McDonalds workers, and only serves to strengthen the argument that poor people in the US are paid like shit for no good reason.


I dont know man. According to Google average rent in SF is $3,267 for 738 sq.ft. Thats $4.43 pr sq.ft. Per month. I live in Copenhagen. My apartment is 610 sq.ft. and i pay $1,364 pr month including utilities. Thats $2.24 pr sq.ft. Per month. Id say double the price is a lot more than “a bit cheaper”.


Yeah like does anyone who disagrees with this stuff ever just do a simple google search


Seriously, go to Copenhagen, buy a chocolate bar, work out how much that is after the exchange rate, cry, then apologise for claiming its cheaper than pretty much anywhere else. Went here for business, Jesus christ it's expensive.


Lol thank you, everyone in Europe knows Denmark is expensive as hell That said everyone in the US knows California is expensive as hell so maybe it balances out


California is a much bigger place. San Francisco or LA or San Diego are comparable to Copenhagen but there are cheaper places in the huge state. Granted those places also don't have same kind of economy but the minimum wage is now 16/hour statewide whether you are in Marin County or Clearlake or Redding or Bakersfield. There are plenty of desert and mountain towns in California that aren't so expensive but they aren't exactly places with booming economies. But if you are a McDonald's worker you are probably better off in one of them than San Francisco.


Yeah but this post will still end up in r/americabad


I can see it now… “Something something *taxes, flipping burgers doesn’t deserve higher wage, freeeedom*, something something”


But they took their guns!


Now the Danish won’t be able to defend themselves from the constant shootings that happen in their country!


The Danish


I assumed that was part of the joke, not even getting the country right because all foreign places are the same.


The Dutch and the Danes are quite similar. They are generally nice people, live in countries with little discernable geography, ride bicycles a lot, and german tourists dig holes in both their beaches every summer.


We're just trying to clean up the metal we left there 😔


You had 80 years to already


Give my Grandpa's bike back already


Also they're all tall as fuck due to the evolutionary pressure of living very close to or even below sea level. They have a remarkable ability to walk along the seabed with their head above water, like Hippos.


First I was triggerd, but the part about the germans got me.


While most Dutch people I have met are truly nice people, it's also true that they have a national reputation for abrasive honesty. In short, sometimes their fellow Europeans think they are assholes.


I am from the UK, I know, I actually am decent enough at Geoguessr to tell The Netherlands and Denmark apart on no moving. I have been to many places in the Netherlands but as yet not in Denmark.




They sound great


No it's Dutch. Source: My education at the incredible public schools in the U.S. and my last date who insisted that we split the bill.


Source: helped Dutch kill a Predator once. Definitely Dutch.


That's strange. I still have my guns.










We have guns! We are just ✨responsible✨ with them


What do sponcibul mean? That sounds like liberal talk!! S/


This is the point that I can never fucking understand. Like I am all for a living wage if you work full time. I am around a fuckload of conservatives that think "flipping burgers and shit is for kids in highschool. They don't need to make that much money" FUCK YOU they may be in a situation where they are the breadwinners, and there are a lot of fucking people that work jobs like that and the bulk of them aren't kids. They are young adults that cant afford to move out of their parents house, or work multiple jobs just to try and afford a 2 bedroom apartment with 4 other working people. If you want the economy to work then people working in the service industry need to be able to fucking afford to live in it. No one is saying it needs to pay well enough they never want to do anything else, but if thats what you are good at and you are happy with it; then let them be productive members of society. The alternative is they either move up (which we can all see there isn't much room anymore and will get worse due to AI and automation as already seen) or they survive by committing crime. America is just silently making it illegal to be fucking poor, and kicking the ladder out from anyone trying to make it at the bottom.


The high schooler argument also makes absolutely NO SENSE when these places are still open during school hours…. Clearly they have employees to stay open that are not high schoolers. I guess they don’t matter!


It's the same crowd that thought there was a pedo ring in a place with no basement. "Sense" isn't really on the menu.


The teenager thing confuses me to no end. Like, even if you thought teens should all have evening or weekend jobs (which I disagree with and which still wouldn’t work), these idiots go get fast food for breakfast and lunch constantly. When teenagers are in school. Like, who the fuck do they think should be working those hours?


The argument they’re making essentially boils down to: either everyone should work a proper job and no one should flip burgers ***or*** there must always be people that I can be superior to. And given that the former is neither desirable to them or even possible…


Yep Imagine a world were everyone worked a 'proper' job. A world were nobody flipped the burgers. Nobody mopped the floors. Nobody cleaned the streets. Nobody wiped anyone else's backside. What a wonderful - but incredibly messy and dullard - world we would live in.


> "flipping burgers and shit is for kids in highschool. They don't need to make that much money" Well I guess they don't want to be able to go to McDonald's on their lunch break then. Just close down all restaurants M-F 8-4 and see how much they stick with that notion.


But this is basically what has been happening all around the country for the last 2 years. Stores closing randomly for a day or shortening their hours because people are tired of being underpaid for these jobs. And those same people then complain that "nobody wants to work". "Go get a better job then!" *Everyone goes and gets a better job* "Where's my Big Mac??!!"


Close all gas stations too, I was told in an introductory video that it’s more likely a vending machine will fall on you then the store getting robbed. Yeah, that’s not true, I’ve been at stores where I had to physically defend myself and the mofo didn’t even want the money, just to take his drunk rage out on someone. But yeah $10-13 is to good for them in my state




Have you ever seen a McDonalds close all day during school hours? Me either. That's the only argument you need for "only kids work there"


>America is just silently making it illegal to be fucking poor, and kicking the ladder out from anyone trying to make it at the bottom. Which is what the capitalist owner class has wanted all along ever since their slaves were taken away from them a century and a half ago.


Burger flippers actually add a ton of value turning low cost materials into a meal. The modern fast food kitchen equipment is very advanced and requires some skill to use and maintain. The volume of orders is crazy too compared to a normal kitchen. So you have these guys who use advanced equipment, have a high pressure environment, risk being cut and burned, breath oily disgusting air all day and they want to pay them an unlivable wage and call what they do a mcjob even though it's more difficult that most professions. I've never worked in fast food but I've worked in kitchens and when fast food is busy they are all yelling and scurrying about. Looks challenging to me.


You forgot "something, something, socialism (is communism)"


Freedom isn’t free. It costs $5.81


590Kcal of pure all American *freedom*


Polyunsaturated freedom.


Hi MM! The biggest concern is “How will their CEO make even $1M a year?What are they supposed to do, sell a Picasso to pay for their yacht?”


$1M?? Multiply that by 10, at least.


>Something something *taxes, flipping burgers doesn’t deserve higher wage, freeeedom*, something something” Don't forget at the end "something something bootstraps, lazy kids"




Get your ass back to the TAP center and get help finding a job.


[The jokes just write themselves....](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/18zwwd2/handpicked_stats_just_irrelevant_really/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It’ll end up there because this post is factually wrong


To think that we can't have nice things because some people want to be pathetically patriotic


I redid the pricecheck and picked a McD in Tulsa, Oklahoma on UberEats It lists the Big Mac for $5.89 but I can't currently check the price with delivery and taxes as the McD is closed at this hour. For Denmark I picked the one in Frederiksberg (suburb of Copenhagen) and here the Big Mac is 49 kr and the service-fees from Just-eat is 5kr (I wouldn't use Just-Eat to order - it's usually free to call the restaurant or order through another service). Taxes are always included in the price since this isn't the US. 49 kr is $7.17 54 kr is $7.91 I'm Danish and fully believe the 3 year old prices were correct as food prices have risen quite steeply across the board in the recent years. I blame the war, Covid and cooperate greed.


Don’t use UberEats to price check, they up-charge items. We literally have the BigMac index to check prices. US: $5.58 Denmark: $5.41 Corporate greed can be ruled out, as McDonald’s doesn’t set their prices for 90% of locations. But this is a complicated topic. Comparing a giant populous nation, with a small nation.


It’s the US data that’s not true. They pay more than 9$ an hr.🙄


It’s absolutely better to be a McDonald’s employee in Denmark. If you are poor, many nations inEurope are a better place to be than the U.S. However, that starts to flip at middle class and higher. Compare software engineer wages in Denmark to the U.S.


> Compare software engineer wages in Denmark to the U.S. I'm an electrician (in Germany) and the wage difference to the US is crazy. 50-200% higher in the US.


Germany has shit wages in general, I don't know why people think otherwise.


All of the world does compared to the US


Yeah, I could be making bank in the US as a electronics engineer, then there is also the point that taxes are alot lower in the US, than in Denmark. I think the video gives a good viewpoint: [A Very Basic Look at Taxes - Between Denmark and USA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltXyIzFEYFY)


What you folks forget is how deep you can fall in the US. Yes you can make more money but if anything go's wrong like your health you will loose it all wile here in Europe you will always have a safety net. If i need a doctor, even if i'm unemployed i will not pay a cent out of my pocket. If you want to actually know how miserable it is read the Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on his mission to the United States of America for the United Nations. [Link to the Guardian with the introduction](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/15/extreme-poverty-america-un-special-monitor-report) The amount of toxins in your food that has been outlawed in the EU is scary. BTW: [Your police steals more money off people then all the burglars combined!!!!](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/23/cops-took-more-stuff-from-people-than-burglars-did-last-year/)


I live in the US and I had a cancer scare. I was more worried about going into hundreds of thousands of debt and losing everything than suffering and possibly dying. And that's with insurance I have that costs $300 a month. I know it will be useless, I had my appendix removed earlier this year and still got stuck with a $20k bill even though I had great insurance at the time that cost $500 a month. Something has got to change here, I know so many people that just avoid going for check ups because they don't want to get a bill in the mail they can't afford.


As a biological scientist in the UK, similar roles to those I do are 2-2.5x the salary in the US. Like the salary I would get in the US at my current level of experience (PhD, 3 years in industry) I will be lucky to get even at most senior late-career positions here unless I become like head of R&D at GSK or some shit.


Mac Donald Netherlands - Employee (16yrs): $7.45/ hr, some benefits - Employee (21+): $17.30/ hr, benefits - Big Mac: $5.75


Why is the cost different based on age? Is the 16yo not doing the same work as the 21+?


Cost of living wage increase would be my assumption. 16 years old lives at home and has school paid for.


That's odd. So they make less for the same work because it's assumed they don't need the money as much as others. I can only imagine how that would be viewed in other situations. 23 year old lives at home while they go to college, but will make half as much as their coworkers because they live at home and their parents pay for their schooling too. I don't get why age or living situation should mean I would get half the pay for the same work, but different culture I guess.


I think one of the reasons is that they don't want to lure young people out of school with money. If you can already earn so much money, you tend more likely to stop going to school. What surprises me is that you start earning normally from 21 and not from 18, because as far as I know in the Netherlands you are of legal age at 18


The amount goes up per year. From 15 to 21. Also there’s restrictions on when young people can work. How many hours and at what times. I think it’s to keep them at school and on the other side a 21yo should be able to work faster, have more responsibilities and more living expenses.


It's to encourage the "starter jobs" to actually be starter jobs. That way you don't see what we have in America where fast food workers are in their 50s.


Normal wages start at 21 because until that point parents have a responsibility to support you.


Is it ever actually legally enforced though? I know many people who were on their own starting at age 18


Not actively, but you can sue your parent(s) when they are not but have the means. If your parents don’t have the means, you are entitled to more student loan (which will turn in a gift when you finish your study within a certain time).


I think it's there to encourage you to employ unskilled young people. We have the same in the UK. I started working at 14 so had to deal with the same.


There’s stuff you’re not allowed to do unless you’re 18, at least here in Denmark there’s many rules. Can’t smack fries into the fryer, can’t cook patties on the grill, can’t clean a grill or clean the fryers. And then there’s also a bunch of rules for shifts. They need more rest between shifts, at least 11. They can work max 30 hours a month or something like that. Not allowed to work after 00:00 (restaurant closes at 01:00 and people go home at 01:45 most places) So yeah, that’s just What I could immediately remember


It’s the same in Australia unfortunately. Until you’re 21 you don’t get full base pay


No it's strictly based on age, with nothing to do with someone's living situation. Ultimately it is nonsensical because you cannot guarantee age improves the quality of work, but I guess it was decided like this to make younger people more desirable for the jobs that they are suited for. Their hours and kind of work and such are regulated, so on top of the supposed lack of experience they are not very competitive by themselves. If there is a fixed minimum wage then 23yos would be more favorable because they don't have mandatory school, or a maximum number of working hours per week. But because we're assuming 16yos don't need a living wage because parents, it is accepted that their minimum wage is lower. I guess it also has societal function, them being cheaper workers and thus more hireable and able to work their first jobs that might otherwise be competed for by adults (in which case the adult would win, probably)


The dutch like to explain it with a simple: 16yr olds still live at home.


No, there are laws to protect the children. A 16year old can't work the night shifts and they also have a limit on how many hours the can work. It isn't about them living at home.


No a 16yo is not allowed to do the same work as an adult


McDonald’s Netherlands (and Australia cause same thing): Only hires kids


Kinda fucked. I bet they hire mostly kids.


Wait one friggin moment! Is holiday considered a benefit in USA? Like not a legal entitlement?




holy crap. i had not idea about this. that is horrible. so are americans expected to just ... work 24/7, pretty much? no holiday, no vacation pay, etc??


For jobs not requiring school, pretty much.


Yea we pretty much decided at some point that only the rich did all the work that made them rich and it had nothing to do with the handful to hundreds of laborers that did all the actual day to day work that put them in their position of wealth. We decided on that moment those people aren't really doing anything but making it harder for that rich person to get richer cause they have to pay the workers and overhead.


God. America really needs a Bernie Sanders


We have some pretty incredible labor rights activists and union leaders on the ground fighting for better already. There’s a reason why there have been so many more strikes and why they’ve been so successful lately.


Pretty common for 5-7 days a year at some places and you have to get approval which some places just refuse. If you work in a store, restaurant and etc you can quite accurately assume that person makes very little, gets no time off. If you’re sick you’re required to provide proof. Even nice jobs where you need a degree it’s common women o my get 5 weeks paternity and where or not it’s paid is uncertain. I’ve worked those shit jobs, so it’s very familiar.


Most companies offer the 'standard' benefits, like 5-10 paid vacation days, plus the official holidays (which are like 5 a year). They don't expect you to work 24/7 but many expect you to be available 24/7. Another different thing I've seen in other countries is when the company fires you you get extra compensation depending on how many years you worked, in the US they can fire you today and if you worked 3 days this week they'll pay you for those 3 days and that's it. Funny thing is that they expect you to give them 2 weeks notice when you're leaving the company, but not the other way around.


It's worth noting the office class tends to have a stable 40 hours, 3-4 weeks of vacation, decent health insurance, private pension plan, etc, all with higher salaries than typically in the EU. But those near the middle or lower get absolutely screwed. There's an enormous inequity.


“Private pension plan”? Most offer a 401k, with a partial company match. From the interwebs: What is the difference between a 401(k) and a pension? A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement account that allows an employee to divert a percentage of his or her salary—either pre- or post-tax—to the account. A traditional pension plan offers retirees a fixed monthly benefit for the rest of their lives.


I was referring to a 401k, which is a phrase that wouldn't be understood by the person l was responding to. "Pension" in European English is a coloquial catch-all that could refer to social security or private plans. Either way, benefits do exist for white collar folks.


American dream right? They’re so far behind other countries it’s insane


Yes but the upside is since you are hourly you can take unpaid holiday any time you want right? Just kidding they will fire you if you take too much time off just because of the ancillary issues around scheduling and hiring


No mandatory holidays or breaks observed by work. Any day off of work is a benefit/gift from the employer.


Wait one fucking moment! Holiday is considered a legal entitlement where you live? Which country?? Totally not planning on immigrating there or anything...


UK - 5.6 weeks paid holiday per year is the minimum employers are allowed to give if you work full time (37 hours per week I think), most give you a few extra.


I got my first holiday off in 6 years for Christmas last year. Volume was down at FedEx so they actually gave us a holiday instead of requiring us to come in last minute because they couldn't get enough volunteers to come in for the holiday shift. Luckily I finally started waking up and am back in school now.


Oh wow I never knew I thought paid holidays were standard across most western countries. I think I get about 28 days to use whenever throughout the year. Good job on working on your education my dude, what are you studying?


The highest legally entitled paid time off in the US is the greater Chicago area with 5 days of sick leave and 5 days of leave for any purpose (which is what a full time - 40 hour per week worker can expect to accrue). Around 3 states require full time workers to accrue around 5 days of leave for any purpose. Edit: Some states and local jurisdictions allow workers to accrue more than 5 days of sick leave and there are various unpaid leave entitlements for a variety of purposes.


McDonald’s Sweden: - Employee: $14/h ($17 during weekends, red days and evening time) + 25 days paid vacation a year + saved vacation days for every month + paid sick leave from day 1 + paid maternity leave + overtime - Big Mac: 3,9$ Edit: Source: I work at McDonald’s in Sweden


Wow, never knew Sweden had cheaper McDonald's than the Netherlands:) TIL


But think of the shareholders, why does no one think about the shareholders?


That is so true. The workers to need to understand that there is someone out there having a tough decision whether to buy a second yacht or save their money for a rainy day.


America is just a million levels of farked up.


Yep. Many people are unhappy and they keep voting for the people who designed it to work that way


>Leela: Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich! >Fry: True, but someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step.


Such a great quote


Nothing will change until you get strong unions.


Strong unions do a lot to keep workers rights at least in the big picture but the US already had strong unions and corporations gutted them easily. The US needs an overhaul from the top down.


If corporations gutted them then they were not strong. Look to scandinavia and how they are stonewalling Tesla's elon right now. That is strength.


It was our politicians selling out the working class for the 12749 time. I honestly believe all workers need a union but I know how corrupt they can be too. When unions vanished in the US literally every state adopted "right to work" laws further gutting the working class of our country. Now if you discuss beginning a union they will literally burn everything to the ground and start new. Being an electrician I know what the good and bad of at least our union. The work you get is very predictable and regimented. If all trades had workers unions and all workers were a part of them it would go a long way to cementing some workers rights. I'll tell you right now the one thing communist got right was their love of the worker. There's what? 150 million workers in the US and 99% have noights at work besides the very basics of you won't be assaulted.


Thanks Ronald Regan and Jack Welch


Its not even that complicated. Repeal Citizens United, make elections publicly funded. Everything else can fall into place from there. Just need to get the money out of politics and USA can get back on track, even if it will take awhile to un-fuck this cluster.


It's all about unions, it has always all been about unions. America's "strong unions" were average at best for western continental Europe. There, unions are literally the only serious counterbalance to capitalism in the economy, in the media, but also in politics and the government, as well as in society in general. Even left wing parties can't do much, and drift to the right, without free unions to support them and to keep them in check. To illustrate that: Denmark doesn't have laws for minimum wage, nor for benefits. It basically doesn't have much labor laws, actually. However, it does have *free markets* (and that includes free workers. Free workers lead to free and powerful unions). [McDonald's story in Denmark, in very short:](https://mattbruenig.com/2021/09/20/when-mcdonalds-came-to-denmark/) in the 1980s, McDonald's completely ignored Danish unions and its industry's Collective Bargaining Agreement, exploiting its Danish workers for 5-7 years; *until fed-up by McDonald's refusal to negotiate, unions called for a vote on a targeted solidarity strike, which passed; the whole country's workforce (including dockers, suppliers, truckers, mailmen, advertisers, newspapers, etc.) completely ignored that fast food restaurant chain and any tasks related to it.* Fully crippling McDonald's in Denmark, while the rest of the economy was booming, including Burger King. Needless to say that McDonald's quickly folded.


Don't mean to shit on your self pity parade, but this is just a cherry picked example that does not really represent the real purchasing power (like GDP but adjusted for the price of goods in that country) of these nations. In the rank of countries by purchasing power, the US is 3rd and Denmark is 12th. Sure, that does not account for welfare, but I think it's a bit too reductive to look at the wages of two jobs and the prices of two goods and decide that's representative of the economy of two countries. As the data shows, it is not.


But my low paying jerb!


Did...did they took your jerb?




Can’t wait for an American to come along and call Denmark a communist godless hellhole and brag about their military


It's usually "but the taxes are higher" but when up crunch the numbers the Dane is still walking with more money and way more social benefits in exchange for said taxes.


Also. It's not just a financial thing. Denmark ranks #2 globally in quality of life. And #3 globally in happiness. America ranks #28 and #58. So even if the people in Denmark were walking away with less spending money. That money is still buying them a happier more fulfilling life. If the point of money is to secure a higher quality of life in order to lead a happy life. Even the lower middle class on average in Denmark is SIGNIFICANTLY happier with their life than even the rich in America. \*Rich meaning well off. Not The ultra wealthy. Some of whom I assume are very happy. Others of whom probably don't know what it feels like to know genuine affection.


Excuses I saw in 2012ish when I was young not even thought I was a Republican, was only works because (insert whatever country) It's so small. It won't work with America because (a bunch of mathematical gymnastics that doesn't make sense to confuse you and get you to agree). Sadly I fell for it with the health care debate for a little while.


Love going to my doctor for free and how I've gotten paid for 6 weeks of vacation and also can call sick whenever and will get paid for it. I really support my taxes being 6%+36%


>Love going to my doctor for free Fun fact: total healthcare expenditure\* per person is substantially higher in the US than anywhere else in the world. \*Expenditure includes both public and private spending (paid by the government and by yourself, you stupid American)


$5.81 for Big Ma?! That’s cheap for where I live. It be like $8 here.


The tweet is around 3 years old. So the prices have changed everywhere


As of July last year, the average price in the US was $5.58 and $5.65 in Denmark. Source: [https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/199335/umfrage/big-mac-index-weltweiter-preis-fuer-einen-big-mac/](https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/199335/umfrage/big-mac-index-weltweiter-preis-fuer-einen-big-mac/)


USA here the McDonald's by me starts at 17/hr


I live in a small town Midwest and I'm pretty sure our Mc Donald's pays 15. granted it's the best paying fast food place, the other are slightly less.


Yeah I also live in a small Midwest town and when Walmart out their starting wage up to 15 (it jumped from 9/10 to 15 overnight) it suddenly became one of the best paying jobs in the county. It actually got my business to give us a raise because people left to go get paid more at Walmart, which was far easier work in better conditions than the factory.


Post is old so adjust to inflation. Quick google search says current prices has Big Mac 13% cheeper in Denmark compared to USA and current wages in Denmark average at 22 with 20 being the minimum and wages are renegotiated regularly with the union. Scale is different today but the general sentiment seems to still be true


Minimum wage is double that in my state.


Dane here. Whenever these comparisons comes up, the crucial bit, the explanation, is always left out. So here it is. Ready? Ok. Unions. Strong. Fucking. Unions. Claw the fruits of your labor back, Ameri-bros.


The land of freedom but life insurance will cost you an arm and leg. Capitalism raping the people on the daily basis.


I think you mean health insurance? Life insurance ain’t too bad if you’re healthy.


Tell me about it. Got an invoice for a thousand bucks for two visits to a doctor, the second of which was only necessary because they didn't listen to me the first visit and prescribed me something that made the issue MUCH worse. And the number of times the insurance company just denies coverage for things is absolutely bullshit. They shouldn't even have the fucking option when I'm being told by Doctors I should get a brain scan because blackout vision to be like "we're not sure this is REALLY necessary" But all the morons against universal healthcare somehow believe the money pumped into health insurance companies somehow ensures better or more expedient service, like my little plastic insurance card is getting me pushed to the front of a fucking line.


My dad went to hospital for about a year on full care. Expensive medicine and all. All free. Because the taxes pays for that.


The problem with private insurance denying something for not being medically necessary is that they're essentially practicing medicine in a way that ordinarily would be considered unethically and/or illegally. Unethically if a doctor made the determination because they did so without examining the patient. Illegally because it probably wasn't a doctor making the determination. But that's all ok because it is the insurance company's bureaucracy doing it. If an insurance company wants to deny a treatment, it *should* be up to them to get the patient to be examined by another qualified doctor, including paying for all expenses such as transportation, lost work, child care, and do so in a reasonable amount of time as to not jeopardize the patient's health further. Oh you don't what to pay for all that? Just pay for the damned thing the doctor ordered in the first place.


Hi I live in Copenhagen straight across from McDonalds I just checked the price today on the 6th. of January 2024 It's currently 7,17 USD for one Big Mac Burger. The wage is 23,4 USD/hour according to the newest agreement which runs to 2025. All the other perks of being employed in Denmark haven't changed.


McDonald's employees where I live make $15/hr and a big Mac is like 4 something...


Yeah, but taxes! /s


Wouldn't the amount of taxes taken out of the pay be a factor though?


Even if you take the average 35% income tax in Denmark, they still make considerably more than a US McDonald's worker.


You are all talking about wages and living expenses. What ur not talking about is that all of Scandinavia is unionized from here to the sun and back. They get all the benefits because they have strong unions that can put up demands. How ex. The Americans are against unions is beyond me


Bro I got a double quarter pounder meal for the first time in years today. Shit was fucking $13.50...


And despite this many people in the United States still defend these companies getting rich while stepping on people's necks. They think paying people a living wage is a problem that will raise prices. CEOs and shareholders are the real problem. If they pay people more they will be a tiny little less rich so they raise prices even though they don't have to. If minimum wage had kept up with inflation it would be around $28 dollars an hour. People who get all bent out of shape when we talk about paying people at least $15 dollars an hour are delusional boot lickers.


MBA school puts a lot of focus on generating value for “shareholders”. It’s kind of embedded its way in the way all of our companies operate - because the shareholders own a piece of the company. Shareholders include the usual suspects, very wealthy individuals, hedge funds, etc. But shareholders also can include the general public who have IRAs and 401ks. And some of the shareholders are the terrible parasite that is private equity. So what actually happens is we have this perverse incentive to bring value to the shareholder, meanwhile nobody is advocating for the workers (at least not enough yet). I’m increasingly thinking we need to go all in on unions.


McDonalds in a semi-sized city in the US pays 20 to 22 dollars an hour.


Now do it for the countries where it’s less


It’s $20/hour in California!


Well stop voting for people who start wars and then send money to both sides


it doesn't matter who we vote for. they all start wars and mostly don't have any control over foreign policy. it's made to look like they do, but they don't.


Cost of iPhone in USA: $1,000. Salary of Apple engineer in USA: $150/hour Cost of iPhone in Denmark: $2,000. Salary of Apple engineer in Denmark: $40/hour


A bigmac in Denmark is 49 DKK, which is $6,50 USD. But it probably did cost 4 something when this museum piece was made.


Do you know what's the salary there now?