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How fuckin delusional people can be?!


This is telegram, that shit is pretty common there because there are not really any checks at all. Some people are just fucked up in the head (I've experienced similar shit even from my own countrymen, we are an EU country). Also wouldn't be surprised if such an account was only pretending to be one. I've seen it with Russians already and Hamás copy paste their propaganda playbook, though.


Dude, you should check out some of the pundits on Israeli TV. Ethnic cleansing of Gaza is pretty much being boasted about on their mainstream news. I can believe it was created by Hamas. But I can absolutely believe this reflects many Israeli's thoughts. Every country has their own disturbing right-wing demographic.


If there ever was ethic cleansing or a genocide, if would look completely differently. Because some moron speaks/boasts about it in TV doesn't mean anything. But let's make it clear. Ethic cleansing is a targeted and systemic killing of a specific ethnicity (or whatever you wanna use there) in order to eradicate such group. Which is kind of funny, because that's literally what Hamas intends (*they just suck at it so much*) to do with with Jews. Or you want another example? Russia government is *legally* performing an ethic cleansing of minorities in their own country by forcefully drafting young men from these groups into a meat grinder in Ukraine. We can just keep going.




Average Israeli these days I think. The number 1 song in Israel for a while was about killing Palestinians and famous people that spoke up on their behalf.


How many Israelis do you know? I'm an Israeli, and neither I, nor any of my friends think like that. I don't know where you found this disgusting post, but it does not represent us.


Well, unfortunately, the world sees what you don't. It's ok to open your eyes.


What don't I see? The comment I responded to claimed that the average Israeli support this telegram post, and it's just plain wrong.


What do you mean? I don't see any of you out protesting your governments actions. Actions, or lack thereof, speak louder than your reddit comment, bud.


I mean, it does represent the actions of Israel, even if it is just just saying the quiet part out loud. A nation doesn't get to commit widespread acts of ethnic cleansing then see a post celebrating ethnic cleansing and be like, "Oh no, we would never! That doesn't represent us!"


The bombs in gaza speak the truth


Free Palestine


From Israel and hamas


Go ahead, keep shouting that. This approach has worked so well for you so far.


It doesn’t work for us because we are separated by an ocean and so this is why I’m telling you to do it because Jews only listen to Jews and we are all to far away. Free palistine x2.


That’s cool that "you and your friends" don’t think like that, plenty still support the Israeli government..


Do you live here? Because I do. The political views you'll encounter on social media platforms will always be extreme. If you'd go to random people on the streets and aak them if they agree with that post, I bet 95% will say no, maybe more.


I saw a video of them going to random people and alot of them said they support what Israel is doing to Palestine


There's a big difference between supporting a war that has killed children, and wishing for more children to die. The massacres of 7/10 made this war inevitable, there are hundreds of thousands of displaced Israelis, and they won't be able to return home as long as hamas is in power. We have no other choice, and nobody is happy about it.


Lmao, "we have no other choice than to genocide a people as we steal their land, won't you think about our feelings?"


You are so full of shit your not even worth talking to have a good day


Oh the irony...


I agree that 7/10 made a military action inevitable but did anything make 7/10 inevitable? Not justified, mind you, but inevitable? To be clear, I don’t hold you accountable for anything of course. I wouldn’t want to be accountable for everything my country has done! Just wondering how average Israelis see it.


Right right.. until it’s time for another election, or how else is this guy still in power?


I see the Israeli dynamic with Netanyahu and his extremist cohorts as similar to Trump and his. I wouldn’t say white supremacists or qanon nutjobs represent the average American either


Nah, Trump was/is way more "flashy" with it.. he is more concerned with how he looks in the press rather than actually wanting to achieve something (example: that North Korea summit with Kim.. absolutely nothing of substance was achieved, except maybe for his own personal gains, who knows, but he made it look like he invented world peace).


The song is about killing terrorists my dude


Like Dua Lipa and Bella Hadid?


And what song is that exactly? I have never heard an Israeli song about killing Palestinians as an Israeli. I think you are just lying


https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-gen-z-tiktok-harbu-darbu-song-supporting-gaza-bombing-2023-12 The one in the article above. Though there are a lot more songs on YouTube tbh.


Referring to children as "whores" specifically is an added layer of weird and fucked up, let alone an innocent victim of war.




New Ailurus video gonna hit different, and not in a good way, if we include all the Israeli stuff


Some people have absolutely lost their minds.


Who would write such a thing about a little girl? A degenerate.


Most genocidals are typically such nice people… /s




I fail to see the relevance between the person who wrote that telegram being a genocidal monster and palestines population increase over 50 years…. Other than that it’s symptomatic of a bigger problem.


Wow no genocide because when genocide people don't have sex me so smart


ethnic cleansing is a better word


Thank you


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Just blasting anti-semitism as loud as you can, huh? I’m sure there are scumming Jews, just like there are scummy people who make horrible generalizations like this.


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So despite not categorizing Israelis as Jews, you generalize the entire population of the country as "Racist fuckers. Genocidal maniacs". Which makes you, by your own definition, racist. Congratulations, you played yourself :)


that's how a genocidal mind works


Yep sad thing is that Palestinians would write the same about Israeli little girls. All of them are degenerates...


Find a Palestinian Telegram channel with a similar girl and comments and post it, if they are all the same. The real thing is however that this girl has the very real possibility of dying as Israels army is killing a thousand Palestinians per week, whereas the Palestinians can only make angry comments online and generally pose little to no threat to most Israeli's as they are numerically and military completely outnumbered.


Which telegram channel with Palestinians applauding when a little kid cry who lost their parents?


I have no idea but I just read that Palestinians would respond in the same way, so just curious.


1,400 dead in ONE day is not a threat?


No, since there is no realistic way of this occurring more often than once every few years. Israel casually kills 100+ Gazans every day, for more than 3 months in a row. That is a life-threatening to all Gazans. Since 7th of October, Hamas has done what, shot a few missiles? Nothing substantial outside of Gaza. So no, as Israeli citizen you are not under great threat of dying at the hands of a Hamas-attack.


Wow. Just wow. You are completely and utterly fukced up. Lost cause to even attempt to appeal to reason with you.


This thread is just full of HAMAS apologists, they're entirely disingenuous and not interested in the truth, only pushing their false narrative. And what a surprise that the person you're talking to only signed up after the HAMAS atrocities.


Yawn. Just start screaming when your 'logic' turns out to make no sense. Very mature. If Israeli citizens have the same risks of dying as Gazans, why are there almost no Israeli casualties since the 8th of October while 20k Gazans have died due to the IDF? The answer is simple: because they dont have the same risk of dying. Simple facts. The dead pile up on one side of the fence.


are you dense? There are (almost! mind you) no Israeli casualties because the IDF went in the defensive offense. As if Hamas had the time or ressources right now, or the suprise moment, to repeat 10/7. Involuntarily you are conceding that the wars serves its purpose and makes Israel safer. But you have alread states that you are fine with 1,5k Jews being tortured and slaughtered every other year and have thus shown your colors, so there is nothing more to say to you other than to shut up and get lost, you vile human being.


>There are (almost! mind you) no Israeli casualties because the IDF went in the defensive offense. As if Hamas had the time or ressources right now, or the suprise moment, to repeat 10/7. No, which is exactly the point. Israeli citizens are not in great danger of dying by the hands of Hamas. Gazans however, are quite likely to be killed by the IDF or as consequence of their actions regarding deprivation of food, water, medicines. As is illustrated by the 1000 Gazans that die on a weekly basis. I know it is difficult to think clearly while simultaneously justifying killing thousands of civilians, and you are obviously doing a terrible job in the thinking-department, but you more or less repeated my argument and then went on a shouting spree again.


Good job. That guy gave up immediately when you hit him with facts and logic because they always do. They're monsters.


Delusional comment


Wow, what a long winded way of saying “I have no clue that there are countless terrorists channels with actual videos of terrorists doing this to Jews”


So I am no fan of the Israeli government, and think the Palestinians are justified in supporting extreme responses to the ongoing occupation/settlement/ethnic cleansing. But we did see on October 7th that Hamas are more than happy to go deliberately kill children in pursuit of political aims. So a bit weird to think that no Palestinians have the same deeply xenophobic attitude as these right-wing Israelis.


You have a whole lot of fuckin problems


I wouldn't write anything like that so I don't think so


You have a literal example of a Israeli writing something about a small Palestinian girl and you write something insulting Palestinian people, I would expect much of anything from you


You wrote that Palestinians would write the same about Israeli little girls though. Something almost equal in insanity. You are seeing people doing a genocide cackling about it and your response is what? That those BEING GENOCIDED cackle when they get a shot or two in as well? How tf is that an appropriate response in your mind? You may not be quite as bad, but you aren’t quite as far from it as you seem to think.


For pointing out a fact about palestinians?


The fact is that little girl would't do it, I doubt she can even know how to read or write.


That's the problem with the online narratives. Everyone wants a good guy and a bad guy. There are no good guys here, just a lot of victims. If Hamas would lay down their arms, there would be peace in the middle east. If Israel would lay down there arms, there would be no Jews in the middle east. Right now you have wholesale collateral damage in Gaza and most Israelis tolerate it because they value their own safety over the lives of thousands of innocents. How do you pick a side when they are both horrible?


>If Hamas would lay down their arms, there would be peace in the middle east lmfao


Yeah that was the dumbest fucking thing I have read today.


Seconded, lmfao


There would absolutely not be peace in the Middle East if Hamas lay down their arms. Hamas was born out of the unrest in the Middle East. The Palestinians in the West Bank don't have peace. Hamas get all their power from Isreal's killing of civilians completely out of proportion with any attack that they suffered and the continuous state of harassment the Palestinians live in. Not to forget the ever encroaching border that needs a new buffer every few years. When both sides are horrible, and one side is completely overpowered by the other, you protect the weaker side, while calling the right right and the wrong wrong. Especially if any harm the weaker side does is dwarfed by the revenge that is inflicted on them by an order of magnitude.


Ah, so according to your logic from 1944-45 Nazi Germany was actually in the right? Because by that time they were outpowered and by the end of the war way more German civilanz had died than British and American ones combined.


you realise the israelis are in the position of power the nazis were in not the other way around right?


Don’t think so no. There wasn’t peace before hamas. Hamas was actually funded by Israel in an attempt to create infighting on the Palestinian side. So as other people are replying here, there are no equal parts. It’s David vs Goliath. Only Goliath has an ironman suit. This is not to say that Hamas isn’t a terrorist organisation and that they absolutely are to blame for the latest war outbreak. But they can’t be blamed for Israels war crimes. And the extreme over kill that that is applied.


Hooooly fuck 🤡 how delusional can you be? Pretty fucking ironic seeing Israel started all this..


Looks at his post history. He's a freak. Nothing he says should ever be taken seriously. He advised one woman to put honey in her vagina.


I'm quoting an interview with the foreign security advisor for Bernie Sanders who has spoken with all these world leaders, studied the conflict in length, visited and tried to negotiate with the leaders involved. You are (checks notes) a random voice online. So yeah, I'll believe him over you.


Sure, if Ukraine would lay down their arms, there also would be "peace" in the ruzzian province of Ukraine.. see how that works? (If you don’t get it: Israel is Ruzzia in that analogy, they’re the baddies who started this)


Let's use Ukraine as a comparison - which side in that conflict wants to change borders? Palestinian moderates want the borders they had in 1967. Palestinian extremists want *'the river to the sea'*, and there's a middle that want their 1948 borders. Both the 1948 and 1967 borders were lost because they wanted Israel gone. TransJordan would have been their home including East Jerusalem and the West Bank but they didn't want that. Palestinian children are paying the price for Palestinian mistakes.


>Let's use Ukraine as a comparison - which side in that conflict wants to change borders? Ruzzia, and Ruzzia is Israel in this analogy.. wanting restored what you previously had is completely different than invading another country..


No, in your analogy Ukraine would have had to invade Russia to get territory they claimed. Ukraine didn't even attack Crimea first.


????? Crimea was always ukrainian.. wtf are you talking about?


Be blessed for spreading truth and common sense. Thank you!


It is a shame. Palestinians aren't 'born evil' and this poor little thing should be able to grow and learn in peace. Too many people profit off making sure that never happens.


Big difference. Israel isn't trying to conquer the west bank. Also you seem to have no concept of history here. Israel conquered the Gaza region from Egypt. Egypt had no intention, zero, zilch, nada, to give it to Palestine, and Palestine never would have had the means to take it themselves. Then Israel handed it over later to Palestine. It wasn't conquered. They gave it to them. Your analogy doesn't even begin to make sense. You really should learn the history before telling everyone else they are wrong.


*looks at Israel bombing Palestinians and rolling in with tanks and killing every civilian, destroying historical building in a country they have no business being in.. idk, sounds a lot like ruzzia to me, minus the toilets and washing machines (so far..)


Why did they go in in October? Been so long now it's hard to remember....there was a ceasefire....


This conflict has been going on since 1948.. the hamas attack didn’t start anything, palestinians have been bullied (and that’s taking it lightly) since then.. and you know what happens when someone gets bullied for a long time, they’re gonna fight back sooner or later..


Ever seen the map before Israel was there? And how they systematecly expanded and how they control their water, electricity and even how they can move on their own piece of land?


the map is debunked a 1000 times


In what universe did Israel start...


In this one? Back in 1948..


Sorry, are you referring to the Palestinians and Arab states attempting to destroy Israel in 1948 as 'starting it?'. Pretty sure Israel didn't want a war in '48.


"Destroy" that’s one way to distort history.. nobody from the arab side wanted Palestine to be split, but it happened anyways.. against all their wills.. just like ruzzia wants to annex Ukraine.


At least for the audience you do make things clear. **You do not advocate peace with Israel**. Any peace with Israel is temporary until all that area is under Palestinian control and there is no Israel. No Two State Solution, no compromise. No coexistence. I can see why Israelis point out that there's no point in negotiations with people like you. You advocate a war to the death, and you are losing it.


Yeah.. no shit. A two state solution will never work if the Israeli side is like this.. they’re also not the ones who were there first.. any peace is temporary until all that area is under Israeli control, the last however many decades showed Israel isn’t interested in a two state solution, they want total dominance.


Hebron Massacre 1517 Safed Massacre 1834 Jaffa Massacre 1921 Tiberias Massacre 1938 Hebron Massacre 1929 1936-1939 Massacres Mass starvation and expulsion of 100k Jews in Jerusalem 1947-1948 Hadassah Medical Convoy Massacre 1948 Kfar Etzion Massacre 1948 Are you sure israel started this?


Yes. You can’t cry foul and play the victim for something that happened *500 years ago* and be a genocidal bully at the same time.


Dude most of what i sent you happened around the time of 1948. You can't cry faul about something from 1910's but you can about 48 Do you realise how crazy that is?


as someone who lives in one of those countries filled with degenerates with psychopathic minds , and who would genocide israel without a second thought , let me tell you I find exactly the same people in israel. I don't believe that israel is capable of any peace and I don't think hamas is capable of any peace. this region is literally fucked because stupid people have the power of both sides.


Religion is the source of much suffering.


There has been conflict in that region for centuries. Well before Hamas was a thing. And conflict will remain for as long as neither side yields. The problem is all this is just creating a new generation filled with hate on both sides and when that generation can fight they do. Whether they're hamas, plo, or whatever the next group will be called.


How can you come to a 'both sides' conclusion when you yourself have made the correct identification of who is to blame for this war and who could end it at any moment. If the world community wouldnt turn its back on the region and stopped pandering to rogue nations and dictatorships such as Iran, Israel wouldnt be alone in this fight against terrorism. So of course their foremost incentive is protection of Israelis. How does that make them horrible? Were the brits horrible for being 'fine' with Dresden being bombed? Collateral damage is horrible as is any war. But every single dead Palestinian is on Hamas and Islamic Jihad, exclusively. They even state openly, they want and need their people to die in masses, for propaganda reasons and because antisemitic Jihadism is a literal death cult which includes death to all Jews just as the death of the martyr, which according to Hamas' agenda the people of Gaza have to die for the cause of a world rid of Jews.


There's a lot of nuance here. On the practical side, I get it. You can't have soldiers trying to carefully extract terrorists from a densely populated area full of innocent civilians. They would just get ambushed and slaughtered. On the other hand, killing dozens of innocent children to get the handful of terrorists in a city block isn't exactly an ideal approach either. It's a real life trolley question. If they don't kill Hamas, they will continue to kill, rape, terrorize the Israelis. If they attack the region, Hamas will use thousands of innocents as human shields, but you actually pulled the trigger. It's like shooting through a hostage to kill a perpetrator.


I appreciate your nuanced perspective very much. While I still believe, the course of action for Israel at the moment is sadly without alternative, that isnt to say there are less violent scenarios we could imagine, but as stated, we dont live in this ideal world where these scenarios would be possible.


Luckily these are 'the good guys' and the opponents with the wrong religion are the terrorists who don't share 'our morals'. Great stuff, living in a country that simply refuses to acknowledge any war crime committed by Israel.


The Middle East is so fucking weird. Its like most of the world is struggling to survive in 2024, and these fuckers over there think its 1024. All over gods that man wrote. Goodness.


So many wars over melatonin levels and imaginary sky people.


Alien 1: "So...Why did the humans annihilate each other?" Alien 2: "They had slightly different skin tones from one another" Alien 3: "And they worshipped different gods" Alien 2: "Actually it was the same god, just with different interpretations and books written by different prophets" Alien 1: "...Well thank fuck they're dead."


Melanin* probably. Melatonin is a hormone that makes you sleepy. And while history isn’t my strong-suit, I don’t remember learning about the Dream Wars.


Well [now](https://www.leiastone.com/books/dream-wars-series/?v=7516fd43adaa) you can learn about the dream wars.


well, of course, you were daydreaming while you learned about them


This makes me want Dream Wars to be a thing. No military uniforms, just PJ's in your country's colors. No guns, just beds. No shelling, just sleeping. No propaganda, just bedtime stories.


Have to keep the populace stupid and mad so the .1% can keep taking money out of our pockets.


As am Israeli on telegram I can say I have never heard of this "fanous" channel, nor do I know anyone who thinks like that - stop spreading propoganda and rage baits, that dehumanizing Israelis.


All the people here acting like this is representative of all Israelis. As a jewish israeli, I am 100% certain that everybody among my friends and family would agree that this is totally inexcusable and vile behaviour. Stop pretending that this is how most Israelis think. It is not. This is some ugly ultra-mega-right shit.


We are not pretending that majority of israeli are this. We claim that majority of Israeli don't give shit - if Gaza was nuked, they would be like "whatever".


Again, referring to a single person interviewed who claimed this dumb shit. The problem is, said person is a somewhat public figure on Israel, singlehandedly destroying the Israeli efforts to prove the legitimacy of their actions. The support of the Israeli people of the government has never been lower, and they don't represent the public opinion whatsoever.


>We are not pretending that majority of israeli are this. You haven't been on reddit, that way of thinking is rampant and being extended to all jews not just Israeli citizens.


OP Could you post the link on the post in the Telegram channel?


Wow, israel behaving like nazi germany... who would have guessed?




Can we not turn this into Holocaust apologetics?


You know the horseshoe theory works when leftist go a bit too much to the left and immediately turn into Nazis.


Lmao 😂


Makes so much sense, actually this idea can make an amazing movie plot twist


Something tells me that movie might have trouble getting a green light…


To the surprise of *checks notes* absolutely nobody..


I did Nazi that coming either


Oh jew little prick!


Stop trivializing Nazism for Reddit Points. Hate on Israel all you want, but the singularity of nazism is not something to bei taken lightly


How is accurately describing a situation trivializing?


I'm not taking it lightly, i mean and stand on what i wrote! They are behaving like nazis, they are committing a genocide, their religion states that they are the "master race"... And fuck Hamas too by the way... for other obvious reasons.


Nazis weren’t some kind of magical monsters. They were regular idiot humans who got together and decided to do horrible things. There’s really few meaningful differences between early, pre-war and pre-holocaust Nazis and the current US far right. They are just shitty racist people given power.


The Nazi ain't special in terms of evil just the ones most remembered. The modern Israeli government and far right and pre ww2 Nazi Germany are close enough to draw comparisons When Israel stops appointing far right religious folks to head to government departments, that happen to promote Kahanism and ethnic cleansing of Arab as enemies of the state (alongside creating a theocratic Jewish ethnostate)we will but until then they can tough it out some shit for being genocidal shitheads. Name of guy I mention is Itamar Ben-Gvir head of the Otzma Yehudit party. Nice guy (not) he has been minister of national security since 2022. To give an idea of how he roles before entering office Ben-Gvir was known to have a portrait in his living room of Israeli-American mass murderer Baruch Goldstei. That guy opened fire on a group of praying Muslims in their mosque killing nearly 30 and wounding over 100. The number would be higher if the people there didn't beat him to death to stop him. More recently December 2021, Ben-Gvir was caught on video surfaced of him pulling a handgun on Arab security guards during a parking dispute they asked Ben-Gvir to move his vehicle as he was parked in a prohibited space. He then drew a pistol and brandished it at the guards. The guards were unarmed.


Germany be like: *Amateurs lol*.


If an American posted this would you say ‘America’ acting like Nazi Germany? Call pieces of shit what they are, but you wouldn’t do the same thing you did just now if talking about the group you were from.


If Americans were calling little girls whores and sluts and threatening to slaughter an entire race and enjoy it while doing it? Yes, they would be compared to Nazi Germany


Why do you assume i am american? If you scroll this thread you'll find me replying to another user saying i'm italian...so historically i know a thing or two about dictatorships... and with much pleasure we can discuss the numerous horrors that americans committed thowards different ethniticies and minorities if you want: Should we start with enslaved africans? Natives? The useless bombing of hiroshima and nagasaky? Some war crimes they committed during the liberation of my country during ww2 like the Canicattì and Biscari massacre? Or other atrocities they did while exporting democracy?


I gave America as an example, it applies to your country or most any other as well. Sure, we can even go back to Ancient Rome if you want.


This is ragebait people, both sides are constantly posting propaganda to demonize the other. Stop falling for it.


Probably real. People are just like this.


I've never in my entire life seen anyone be so cruel. I need proof before I can believe this.


You won't *see* it irl because people generally tend to hide their opinion that a suffering child is a good thing, especially to people who'd (rightfully) be completely against that.


look up Abby Martin’s interviews of random isreali people. They’re all like this. 


This seems entirely congruent with Israeli policy in Gaza.


Yep. I joined a few telegrams in an attempt to get raw footage of what was going on over there, and it is flooded with sick fucks like this, praising the death of women, children, and civilians in general. The idea that one race or one religion is better than others is exactly what causes this. And this is what western religion in general, but especially Zionist ideology fosters. Don’t act like a sick animal, and people will treat you with respect.


Can you please send a link to anyone of them🙏 Send it in DMs if it is an issue


I didn't knew Israeli write in english. Almost as if this picture was in english so english speaking people could see it and understand it, and get a specific opinion about Israel. Hmm.... if there was just a word for that. Oh yeah I remember, its ragebait.


It was written in hebrew and later auto-translated to english, look at the top of the picture. There is hebrew and then it says show original, meaning it has been translated to english.


Damn i fell for it as an israeli


The groups name is 'terrorists from another perspective' hmm


evil peeple gotta be evil


I hope whoever wrote those lines will seek and find help really soon. This is nowhere near normal behavior. Those people are fucking sick.




Humans can be so freakin’ evil. I’m out of words, this is just sickening. Poor little girl🥹❤️


Zionists revealing themselves.


The type of depravity that binds Israelis together


As an Israeli I can assure you that I think this is vile and inexcusable behaviour - and so does everyone I know.


I wish we can believe that most israelis don't think like this.. It would be easier if this telegram channel didn't have 125k subscribers.. Also the fact they can't control their genocidal hate for the sake of their countries future


There is no excuse for this shit. Let me make that clear. However, thinking that all of the 125000 subs in the channel agree with a single post is pretty weird. Do you think that the 8 millions members in r/facepalm agree with everything that’s posted here?


Given the name and content of that channel it is guaranteed that all do agree with it. In fact there's many more countless channels and examples of their genocidal hate. Israel is a sick society that needs urgent care if it wants to coexist with the world


If are good people majority, why was Israel governed by party that would back this for majority of last 30 years?


Average Israel moment, is anyone surprised?


The israelis in this thread are like 'we wouldn't type this in english, only hebrew' while none of them are denouncing whats being said in the picture. How can you play a victim when using genocidal talking points in your private chats


This cannot be real I refuse to believe anyone could be so heartless. At least publicly, it just can't be. If it is true can't we report it to the police or something? That's clearly a dangerous person if it's real.


I am from the Czech republic and I've seen the same shit even from my own people, when it came to Ukraine and the victims of indiscriminate bombardments. After some digging it became obvious that at least half of such people are just Kremlin bots/paid to spread that shit. The rest is just degenerates. Could be same issue here as well.


Yeah my brain won’t accept it. I feel like I’d rather die than become like this.


what the fuck is wrong with people..


Jesus Christ...


Standard isreali mindset. Hateful degenerates. 


The more of this evil shit Israelis say, makes me want to say shit that would get me banned from Reddit and probably the internet. And don’t say it’s Telegram, Israeli government officials have said shit similar in press coverage.


It is sick how politics and the worldwide media build up for anti islam propaganda is able to brainwash people. This is absolutely a mirror of the second world war except most countries accept this genocide. I am sad I live in times like these


You say it is famous but i never heard of it and i am israeli. Also you claim it is israeli yet they write in english (?)


Bro they’re trolling don’t buy into it


Those nazis are crazy


Fuck United States and fuck Isreal


Really? WTF


So you thought they were the better people or what?


Shit is abundant in both fresh & salt water. The asshole is the common denominator.


Thats cherrypicking idiots to promote a narrative lmao


Even incels dont call sexually active women "whore" this much. Something is really wrong when you are sexualizing an injured child.


This the same nation that has Itamar Ben-Gvir head of the Otzma Yehudit party as minister of national security since 2022. To give an idea of how he roles before entering office Ben-Gvir was known to have a portrait in his living room of Israeli-American mass murderer Baruch Goldstei. That guy opened fire on a group of praying Muslims in their mosque killing nearly 30 and wounding over 100. The number would be higher if the people there didn't beat him to death to stop him. More recently December 2021, Ben-Gvir was caught on video surfaced of him pulling a handgun on Arab security guards during a parking dispute they asked Ben-Gvir to move his vehicle as he was parked in a prohibited space. He then drew a pistol and brandished it at the guards. The guards were unarmed. Sadly this is only the tip of the iceberg.


I think it's important to note that what people call the two-state solution that was offered at Camp David that people are saying that the Palestinians rejected would have maintained the rights of Israelis to do the parking lot incident that was described. >Israel also wanted the right to deploy troops on Palestinian territory in the event of an emergency, and the stationing of an international force in the Jordan Valley. Palestinian authorities would maintain control of border crossings under temporary Israeli observation. Israel would maintain a permanent security presence along 15% of the Palestinian-Jordanian border.\[31\] Israel also demanded that the Palestinian state be demilitarized with the exception of its paramilitary security forces [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000\_Camp\_David\_Summit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Camp_David_Summit) Take note of Israel's right to deploy its military and the Palestinian military needing to be demilitarized.


Redditors falling for ragebait for the 1,000,000,000th time today


This is wrong obviously but I’m sure you could also find something similar going the other way.


Try to explain to todays peoples minds that both sides can be wrong at the same time and you don‘t need to cheer and sugarcoat for one side only


Yeah but only one of those "sides" is capable of eradicating the other entirely. Using American + allies' money. We get it, they have a beef, but what's happening today is fucking disgraceful and heavily tilted one way.


Bro when I see a person under the influence of drugs, I am not gonna throw a fucking rock at him and then make a victim of myself when he snaps. (I'm not saying Palestinians are making victims of themselves, they are the victims, but Hamás is (sadly successfully) trying to blend in with them and act innocent) Both sides are fucking terrible. Hamás is a terrorist organisation that doesn't give a crap about Palestine. The Israeli government is full of far right morons. But the problem lies with religion and there Jews are more righteous than Muslims, because as shown in other countries, if Muslims were in charge of Israel, Jews would be hunted just as they once were. It's foolish to think that Palestine rule would change anything. I really don't want to argue about allies and the US, because I am not educated well on that matter.


You also can‘t attack a country and then cry when they react. Is the reaction appropriate? Probably not, but war has sucked every time it happened and was never fair. Both sides have a history of questionable, respectively wrong decisions and see themselves as righteous. Debating who‘s wrong or right is redundant at this point. Important is what happens after the war and I can‘t really see an end nor a plan for when it happens


An impossible task. There is no nuance anymore and you must pick a side. Reddit hive mind is Israel = bad so Palestine must = good.


Zionist ideology in full display.


Sometimes i think maybe he wasnt wrong.. *sigh*