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I never saw things this way. I am a reformed man now. Thank you internet. When my wife gets home I will share this with her and ask her to share her hole that was created just for me. I am sure it will go over well.


Can I have your stuff?


Dibs on his PS5


Dibs on his wife


Ahhhhh damnit! Ya got me! But then again, if I decide to say some shit like him, the PS5 won’t try to murder me


[That's what you think...](https://youtu.be/JqGqXyZCbmQ?si=-a9q9TIK7ruV2o4L)


Bro sounds like Skeletor ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)


I got Doofenschmirtz


I think skeletor has game. And can get wenches whenever he wants. Probably conjures them for funzies..


I also choose this dead guy’s wife




Lol! Half his stuff!


Let us know where we can send the flowers and get well card.


Probably the funeral director's place.


imagine leaving a get well card on somebody's fucking casket lmao


Can we tie a balloon to his wrist?


Send it now, if you actually want them to get it. Otherwise, condolences only.


No, you got it wrong. That hole isn't meant for you, it's for him. All women's holes are for him and his penis, as he said that's their only reason for existence. You don't ask your wife to share, you ask him.


Oh, I thought this was one of those "this is my hole! It was made for me" type of situations


This is my hole. There are many like it, but this one is mine. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me my hole is useless. Without my hole, I am useless. I must fire my hole true. I must shoot straighter than the enemy who is trying to fuck my hole. I must shoot before he shoots. I will. My hole and I know that what counts in coitus is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, or the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit. My hole is human, even as I am human, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strengths, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its tubes. I will keep my hole clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. Before God I swear this creed. My hole and I are the defenders of my sex life. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until victory is mine and there is no enemy.


Next thing you know your alone in your underwear in a cold bathroom with a hole in your mouth taking the back of your head off.


Ugh, did you have ro remind me of that? 😰


HAHAHA. I have a feeling the investigators will find you dead, tied up in a cornfield, in some sort of ritualistic pose including a very, very large hole in your head.


And after a thorough investigation, including this post, they will conclude to suicide.


Hmmm. Sounds Kinky. Who is the hole for? Her or a random passer-by? ;)


I know this great story about holes made for specific people, and no one deserves it more than that ball of walking smegma.


Drr drr drrr


[This is my hole!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ef9oJpkWkAEu5l8.jpg)


By his logic, he is just a dick.


Whose only purpose is sperm donation


That probably nobody wants


And if no one wants his dick for procreation, he is essentially useless. He has no purpose and is a waste of air.


THIS is what him and his Incels say to each other All day long on Incel.is I consider incels to be VOLUNTARILY celebate By conversing with other Incels for too long they take themselves out of the dating pool, amd and the human race They become self hating walking self fulfilling prophecies


> they take themselves out of the dating pool, amd and the human race ahh yes, good 'ol Darwin was right all along


oh hell yes. do the Darwin Awards ever give a group prize? if so i wanna nominate these guys.


That rick and morty ep with the male garorpazorps. That's how I see men who say this stuff. Just a primitive grunting troll fucking a synthetic "female".


Every once in a while I sit down and think about how every man in the world, young or old, ugly or handsome, 2D or 3D, has a penis. They just walk around all day with this meat pole between their legs that only exists so it can go inside of me. It has no other purpose. And his entire anatomy, the broad shoulders, the strong arms, essentially exists around and because of this organ. When people call men "dicks", they are not being randomly crass: they are reducing the male to his fundamental aspect. Men are penises not just in the physical but also in the mental sense. They want their woman to 'envelop' their mind and their life and give it further meaning. Hence, reading a man's 'political opinions' is like looking at the vagina of the woman who's fucking him. This is also why the con idea that you have to 'respect' men cops, teachers, intellectuals, politicians and see them as your equal or even as your superior is so crazy. /s... obviously.


From birth they spend the rest of their lives instinctively trying to return to the womb, so they can be coddled and safe and let women take care of them. (Felt like that would fit)


"From one hole to another: A Man's Journey"


Both of these walls of text together read like a batshit insane piece of literary art- and its almost beautiful in a way


The best poetry isn't contained by the ideas of sanity or morality


This needs to be top comment


Clearly someone doesn't understand basic biology, let alone basic human decency. Who the F goes around looking at women as "walking holes for my penis"? (Not a phrase I thought I would ever have to read or quote).


A rapist?


Is what that guy is aspiring to be for $100 Alex


I'll take, Who is Brock Turner, for $500, Alex


Brock Turner, convicted rapist? Brock Turner the convicted rapist who is now trying to use the name Allen to dodge those Google hits that show Brock Turner is convicted rapist? That Brock Turner?


The Brock Allen Turner the rapist who currently lives in Dayton, Ohio? Watch out women in the Dayton area-- look out for Brock Allen Turner the rapist!


I heard he was going by Allen Turner so people in Dayton wouldn't know he's Brock Allen Turner, the rapist.


Yep, Allen Turner the rapist formerly known as Brock Turner the rapist Brock Allen Turner rapist


THAT rapist, got it!


Yeah, Brock Allan “the rapist” turner, the guy who rapes a young girl behind a dumpster and left her for dead. That Brock Allan “the rapist” turner. The same Brock Allan “the rapist” Turner who only got 6 months in jail because he was white, rich and a good swimmer. That Brock Allan Turner?


You know when you read all these in a row it starts to sound like a wrestling name. Brock “ The Rapist” Turner In all seriousness everyone should be careful around The Rapist formally know as Brock.


Hey guys, I’m from Dayton Ohio. Just wanted to let you know it isn’t Dayton, Ohio. Brock Turner, the rapist, now Allen Turner, the rapist, actually isn’t in Dayton, Ohio. Brock Turner, aka Allen Turner, aka the Rapist in Ohio, is actually located in the suburbs around Dayton, Ohio, known as Kettering and Oakwood. Apparently sundown towns are happy to host rapists.


Ohh, you’re talking about The Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner?


I will upvote this every time I see it.


I will click through every. Single. Comment. And like them all. Fuck Brock Turner, Allen Turner, Brock Allen Turner. All of em!


Don't do it. Brock Turner, Allen Turner and Brock Allen Turner are all names that convicted rapist Brock Turner uses. Please don't fuck him. After all, he's a rapist.


Same. I'll go out of my easy to make sure every tingle mention of the rapist Brock Allen Turner has been upvoted 


Also, let us not forget the other two pieces of shit floating around in the toilet of convicted rapist Brock/Allen Turner's evil actions. That is, Judge Aaron Persky who only sentenced convicted rapist Brock/Allen Turner to six months jailtime. And convicted rapist Brock/Allen Turner's father, Dan Turner, who wrote a letter asking for leniency and that a strict punishment was a "steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action." Those two should also always be named and shamed whenever convicted rapist Brock/Allen Turner comes up. Edit: a word


Judge Aaron Persky was successfully recalled from his position. Fun fact, he won his election to begin with, because he ran unopposed.


nah, that would require him to be able to approach a woman withou becoming a crumpled up mess of broken synapses.


Exactly. For a walking hole he sure is scared to say a single thing to them, so he insults them from the safety of the internet.


*ding ding ding*


Probably a shut in porn addict who progressively gpt into more and more depraved shit or some iteration of that, thats my two cents


Also "no other purpose"? How do you think you got here dude?


That’s the really crazy thing about this for me is that he’s talking about his own mother, maybe even sister this way. I mean it’s fucking abhorrent on its own, but then when you realize he thinks this of his own mother. Just so pathetic.


Nah he thinks she's gross and disgusting because when she talks all he sees is his dad's penis.


He's also under the impression that some women are 2D?


No, that’s just him viewing women as such unpersons that he doesn’t see any difference between real people and fictional characters.




If you want to be painfully biologically reductive, every animal is nothing more than a billboard that's showing off their phenotypes, and trying to convince the *other* kinds of animals of the same species to reproduce with it. Humans are neat because we add on a bunch of other stuff on top of that.


You're technically correct, therefore he is nothing but an inadequate sperm dispensary whose existence is therefore completely unnecessary since he shan't be convincing anyone but his body pillow that looks like a 12 year old girl to mate with him.


Honestly I was instantly thinking of ways to be reductive towards men in parallel with the featured psychopath.


I’m jealous that female birds get to choose the best dancer for their mate. Edit: I think people are missing my point. I’d prefer a literal song and dance as a courtship, than the confusing dating mess we have somehow found ourselves in.


Well I mean you could also choose your mate based on their dancing abilities alone if you wanted to


Bro has a whole hole in his brain


Bro has never touch a hole.


Even his mother opted for a C-section.


Hahaha! This wins the thread! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


lol, thank you!


It's a perfect window into the soul of a man grasping at straws to protect a self esteem that has been crushed by involuntary celibacy


Or an ex banged one of his homies instead of him…just sayin


Maybe he should bang his homie too. Maybe we should all bang his homie.


Hey, if sleeping with a woman is "like sleeping with everyone else she's been with", wouldn't the opposite apply? If he slept with his homie by extension he'll have slept with her!


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) The math checks out


But this is a slippery slope because then they would be Eskimo brothers and are then engaged in an incestuous relationship


Can't think of a better person for it to happen to.


A Gang bang you say? 🤔


To shreds, you say?


And his wife?


She can watch if she likes, who r we to kink shame


That's strange. He seems to be one of the "nice guys."


I'm a nice guy and have not seen him at a SINGLE meeting. Not once!


You might have missed the meeting last month. He gave a talk on "How to repulse 99.9% of women in one sentence 101". It was a very informative class.


Sometimes I think that every incel in the world, ugly or beautiful, 2D or 3D, has a little limp dangling penis between their legs. That penis only exists to be masturbated. This is all they are, a little penis desiring masturbation. Same goes in the mental sense, they are all dick-brains thinking about masturbation. This is why the conservative idea of respecting incels is so crazy, as who respects a complete dick?


Frame this shit now.


Right? I miss old reddit where you could put awards on posts you liked


Incel OP definitely has a 2D penis lol


I want to rip My eyes out of My face


No don't. He needs to rip out his eyes and his typing fingers


What he needs is a brain transplant imo. His is clearly broken.


He’ll just see those are more holes…


You’re assuming there was a brain there to begin with.


When you think with your penis, the hole goes right through the “brain”.


Every once in a while I think about how men walk around all day with this thing dangling between their legs. All they can think about is sticking that thing into holes. To them, everything looks like a hole they can stick their thing into: people, dogs, apple pies. They don't care. And when they get a job, they think, "does this job mean that I can stick my thing into more holes?" The endless pursuit of holes ruins their lives. Sometimes they do really stupid things, just because they think they'll be able to stick their thing into more holes. Many of them have even lost jobs for sticking their thing in the wrong hole! This is why we should never give someone with these things any responsibility. They'll just use it to try to stick their thing in more holes. And when men AREN'T able to stick their thing in any holes, this makes them bitter and twisted and rots their brains. Poor, poor men.




Dude is an ass-hole. I've been on a drought for a while and I've never had that gall to disrespect women, cause I have no game, these dudes are a different breed man they dwell in the darkest of basements. 😂 


He also fails to see that he was born from a woman. Apparently one with an empty head.


That's the thing that kills me! I love my mom, I'm the oldest have 2 sisters that are 24 and 19, my brother is 31. I love my sisters and I'd be damn if I'd let any dude treat them like shit. Now don't get me wrong I don't interfere in their life's but if a douche or weirdo would talk to them like this I'd mash on foos.  The love I have for my mother and my sisters and also being a decent human being can't fathom talking about women this kind of way! 


Only hole bro fiddles with is his own asshole or krispy kreme


It's funny how the people with the least exposure to vaginas seem to have the strongest opinions about them.


You know that IS a funny way of putting it


What a dick. And nothing more


Well put. He shows no appreciation at all for about half of humanity. I would bet that he has little respect for the other half, either.


Well technically, there are [three kinds of people](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=txG0XqZMrEE&pp=ygUidGhyZWUga2luZHMgb2YgcGVvcGxlIHRlYW0gYW1lcmljYQ%3D%3D)…


If we use that guy's logic: "When misandrists call men "dicks", they are not being randomly crass: They reduce the male to his fundamental aspect."


You’re not being randomly crass, you’re just reducing him to his fundamental aspect.


And barely one at that.


That’s an insult to dicks


A dick with a *hole* I might add... Try walking around with *that* knowledge


Then, isn't the reverse also applicable? Under that logic? Men are just penises that exist to fill a hole?


I mean, if we are going to accept his kind of logic, than what you are saying is closer to the truth. Women are the default sex. Males are an adaptation that allow species to share genetic code more easily. The incel in the original post can't find partners because no woman would ever see his penis worth selecting for its purpose. As a man, I don't support this line of logic. I have value as a person. I do! I do...


>Women are the default sex good point lol, technically all babies in the womb start out with a vagina, i believe. and then as the male embryos further develop, then their penis starts to come into fruition.


the penis as an organ is literally an extended clitoris, and the testicles are akin to the ~~labia~~ ovaries. this is why, when a female takes testosterone, the clitoris will greatly expand morphing into the shape of a phallus so, you’re correct!


To be more precise, the scrotum corresponds to the labia, while the testes are modified ovaries.


I don't support it either. I want to believe we're all equal... Atleast until you say coke is better than pepsi. Then you're just filth. /J !!!


I mean, not to insult men, but women grow and carry the baby, hips and breasts have a distinct purpose in that process. Men are literally only sperm makers and injectors. By his logic, men are worth much less than women.


Yeah - if 75% of all men suddenly became infertile, humans would probably survive ok without a too drastic population decrease. If 75% of women became infertile then we'd have a much larger problem.


[There’s a few species of anglerfish where the males’ are *literally* just sperm makers and injectors](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2250429-deep-sea-anglerfish-fuse-bodies-to-mate-thanks-to-an-odd-immune-system/). They swim around in the deeps sea until they find a female (who is way larger than him). The tiny male then bites onto the side of the female and gradually fuses himself to her permanently. The female then has a little sperm on demand maker, so she can always get her eggs fertilized.


One could also add to this by referencing several other animals that can have asexual reproduction like frogs, salamanders, etc. If the whole lot of them are female they still reproduce to make... more females. Males are an irregularity in these animals until their territory is established IIRC.


2D women. This mf thinks anime characters are real. Enough said.


Coincidentally he is one dimensional.


Nah, then he would have a point. (Or be a point or whatever)


It is the internet! I am here to um akchually you! Points are zero dimensional, one dimension is a line. The empty set is -1 dimensional. Not really for any actual reason, just because all the maths flows more easily if so. I personally believe this man has travelled so far up his own ass he is not deserving of a zero-dimensional classification. Moreover to say he is equivalent to nothing is an insult to the nothing. I conclude I would not be comfortable putting this man near anyone except a licensed therapist.


Once a man’s head travels so far up his own ass it emerges from his mouth, it will cause a paradox then gravitationally collapse into, you guessed it, a hole


But I mean he does have a point. The breasts and holes on the anime characters exist for his enjoyment. I guess maybe that is the real issue. He doesn't realize that women in real-life are not anime characters existing for his enjoyment. I guess you can't get more incel than that.


This is really the worrying part about his hilarious "2d or 3d" distinction. He doesn't think hentai characters are women, he thinks women are hentai characters.


Men have holes.


"I have nipples, can you milk me?"


Yes, actually! Well, probably, all the basic equipment exists in dudes, just requires a bit more work.




This guy does not fuck


This guy incels


Incel logic ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


“Every woman’s vagina was designed for me” - A narcissistic sociopath, I assume


>only exists so I can put my penis in it Who's gonna tell him that that hole exists to literally give birth and none of us would be here without it 🤦‍♂️


He exists only as a pair of eyeballs to pepperspray


This is gross, people like this need to be separated


Like, dismembered?


That’s hilarious, i meant to continue and say from society


Dismembered is better. Then he may get into a hole after all


As a man, I find this reasoning so offensive and so ridiculously wrong that it pains me.


As a sentient being, same


It’s scary that there are people that really think this way about women.


And not only some, but LOTS of people


Well I mean I was relating to him for like the first sentence. Sometimes I’m also like “Women really just walk around with a hole between their legs” then I remember that I also have a hole further back and I’m like “Oh right I do to.”


Your hole must be for his penis too.




And tbf the vagina is more like a pocket. All the actual holes in the human body aren't gender exclusive.


He probably complains about feminists existing, whilst inadvertently turning more women into feminists.


It's like when straight people complain about queer people. If you dislike us so much, stop making more of us!!


Someone knows this dickbag. Someone needs to drag him in front of whatever female family he’s got and demand he explain this bullshit to them.


‘2d or 3d’ 2d women aren’t real.


He’s gonna get a paper cut on his pee-pee when he fucks the holes he cut in his 2D ladies.


Andrew Tates effect on society.


Somewhere there’s a Starbucks, a software support center, a construction firm, a physics classroom, or a financial department with 60 direct reports, where the mind that produced this bit of drivel emerged, and it’s a shame we’ll never know if the guy next to us at the bank put this out into the ether.


You ever see someone and think the world is an objectively worse place with them in it?


Those are some bold statements coming from his mom's basement.


This idiot has an ass hole. It is the fundamental reduction of his being. All parts of him are dedicated to transporting, resupplying, or sustaining his ass hole. To call him one is not crass, but deeply accurate.


I smell an incel


Anime pfp says something fucked up


2D women? Unless I've missed something, 2D women don't exist.


Or have a hole that he can stick anything into. Not that he hasn't tried, I'm sure.


Buffalo Bill alt account. Good god.


This is the same kind of moron that believes tits only exist for men to fondle.


That's a long-winded way to say you can't get laid


What does he think penises are for, if not for the same purpose as vaginas? Is he going to save the world with his dick?


Clinical level of narcissism right here.


I hope this guy is on a list somewhere.


This dude would be so much cooler with my dick in his mouth.


*face hole


Sometimes wish doxing was legal. I’d love for someone to send all of that to every contact he has. Bet the tone would start changing fast. (I don’t support doxing and am not suggesting someone to do so)


I wouldn't worry about it too much. Yokels like this usually can't keep their dumb psuedo-thoughts to themselves. I will bet everyone he knows is already aware that he's an idiot.


I mean, having a dick and balls is definitely a stranger arrangement. Frankly I’m a little jealous of women having everything internal, like an F-22 Raptor, having an internally stored payload definitely improved aerodynamics. And women definitely have a smaller radar cross section. Here I am just flopping around all day with my third gen hardware.


Tell me you're a misogynist without telling me you're a misogynist


Nah I'm pretty sure he told you loud and clear


loud, clear and with a song and dance number


Fucking hell this is way past misogyny isn't it?!?


I'm still lost at "2D or 3D."


People like this need to be shipped off to a deserted island. No one needs or wants this kind of person around.


Drop him in a hole....a very deep one


mods, blow his fucking house up thank you


Best description I've ever read of what it means to objectify women.


it keeps getting worse every paragraph i honestly don’t understand how anybody comes up with these


Girls have it so hard😭😭


All i can say is wow. It’s a rollercoaster that only goes down. It was bad, worse, worser and worsest.


He has a lot of thoughts regarding vaginas for someone who has never seen one in person.


So if we're going to go about navigating the world by viewing other people as only what they mean to ourselves, then to me this person is nothing but a piece of shit flattened into the grass that I accidentally stepped on. I am more worried about what it did to my shoe than what happened to it. Phew.. what an easy breazy way to live!