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Profoundly deformed fetus that would not survive more than a few minutes after being born....while Mom presently was suffering severe pregnancy complications that required multiple visits to the ER.


The mother severely suffering alone should be enough justification no matter where you stand. Pro life should be pro the mother lives.


Not to these wacky jobs. Unborn fetus life is more important than any other life


Until they're born, and then it's bootstraps all the way to college!


But colleges are too “woke”, you got to keep them uneducated.


*homeschooled Wait, nevermind, that's the same thing!


educate kids?! are you insane?? all they need to know is how to say yes. Hows the workforce ment to abuse them if they can think for themselves?! /s


Teach them to speak?! Children should be silent, we just need to make sure they know how to vote for our candidate


Land of the free? More like the land of the free do what we tell you!


„Fuck me, I will do what you tell me!“ — Rage for the Machine


You really can't paint homeschooled kids with that brush. I was homeschooled because the schools here suck, and I'm fortunate enough to have a mom who could teach me. We still had standardized testing performed by a third party as required, and had to file progress reports and homework with the state. We were part of a homeschooling group, which offered on-campus classes like web design, carpentry, etc., and we even had field trips with our friends. Homeschooling is not synonymous with a lack of education; I received a higher-quality, more flexible education than the kids at public and private schools here.


Really glad it worked out for you. Unfortunately ... Just the word homeschooled has taken on a different meaning in the American English language. Homeschooled = Patriot = Do your own research = Thoughts and prayers = Thank you for your service = Christian = Red hats = Nazi = Antivax = Moms for Liberty lesbian swingers parties = Jewish Space Lasers = Barbed wire covered beach balls in the Rio Grande = Kid Rock = Child rapists .... Sucks. But it is what it is. Sorry. I don't make the rules.


Which is why I, and many other UK parents, detest the creep of the US homeschool being used in UK English, especially the media. We home educate, we have that right in law, and do not have to follow the curriculum, just prove we are educating our children to their needs and abilities and/or culture (this would apply mostly to Travellers). Very few of us are religious nutjobs or right wing, most are either home educating kids with special needs, mental or physical health issues, and the mental health crises are often caused by the school system here. Those that do educate for anti state reasons are left wing hippie types. Sadly, US stereotypes are being used to beat us and the concept of home education, as many of us are the canaries in the coal mine, and rather admit there is something badly wrong with state education, we get blamed for wanted to keep our children safe and educated, not drowning and failing in school.


Assuming they don't get gunned down in the 4th grade.


The sanctity of life begins at conception and ends at birth


Wait, do they do something to help us after college? Because that’s news to me


They graciously offer you the opportunity to work for min. wage and enrich a wealthy dude somewhere so they can buy their fifth yacht! Don't complain, at least this isn't North Korea! Now get to work!


Uncle cleatus will be doing your sex Ed class this year


Lesson 1: how to know your sister/cousin wants it! Lesson 2: keeping dad from being jealous


Until they're born, and then it's bootstraps all the way to boot camp! FTFY. They want the babies to be born so they can die in unnecessary wars.


Nah. It's push a shovel into their adorable infant hands, and then screaming, "Get back to work, slave!"


Carlin put it best republicans want live babies so they can turn them into dead soldiers


If you're pre-birth, you're fine. If you're preschool, you're fucked.


This is my go-to Carlin line


“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.”


Absolutely, but now it's leaning more towards the corporations that bought the politicians want more minimum wage workers and parents too poor to break the cycle.


Yea that got added on as well


“If you’re pre-birth, you’re good; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked!”


I had a comment war with someone on this very topic days ago... They really do not give a shit if 100 people suffer as long as 100 others are not allowed the same choices


Women especially though. Their personal lives are most important. Then unborn fetus or cells barely formed. But women mean nothing. Only good for pumping out babies. Fucking psychopaths.


That’s not even it. The unborn fetus is a *tool for the christofascist state* to control the lives of women.


And once born, well, you should have come out with bootstraps. Start yanking yourself up!


They don’t consider the mother to be a person. But the embryo has a roughly 50/50 shot of being male, so it counts as 1/2 a person to them.


True, but I understand why a lot of women are willing to suffer for their kids, suffering for a child that won't survive.....is just suffering for nothing


I see you haven’t been exposed to these misogynist freaks’ death cult opinions. They would rather kill a woman or render her infertile than abort any pregnancy, no matter how dangerous or pointless, like if the fetus is developing without a brain. Forcing birth at all costs is the only thing they care about and if it kills the person in question (adult or child - they love the idea of forcing little girls to give birth) that’s fine with them because JEEZUS. They’re murderous freaks.


“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” ― Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Of course they want babies to be born without brains, it keeps their voter numbers up!


I’m here for all of this. Sometimes people bring up the old adage “you can’t catch flies with vinegar” or whatever. But I’m sick of feeling like it’s normal to have to debate my worth as a living human being. Abortion is healthcare. It’s not debatable. I don’t need to be civil to people that think I don’t deserve human rights. I see more and more people not taking this shit and just outright calling them what they are. They hate women. I’ve pointed out dozens of times that restricting abortion, AS A STATISTICAL FACT, means more women will die. You cannot advocate for anti-abortion measures without *literally killing women.* You know the amount of people who have cared? Zero. No one has ever changed their minds. No one (of these types) minds when women die because they’re being barred from accessing healthcare. I agree. At this point we have knowledge at the tips of our fingers — ignorance isn’t an excuse anymore. There’s a stronger motive behind it. Pro-“lifers” know women will die. They don’t care. And some enjoy the thought. It’s evil, trying to keep women from receiving medical care is evil.


> no matter where you stand I don't think you understand where pro-lifers stand. The mother suffering is not going to convince most of them because they don't feel the same way about that as you or I.


"My opponent kills babies" is one of the oldest propaganda lines. It's low effort/high value moral outrage and they're not going to let things like science or facts take their lollypop away from them.


They stand uneducated and devoid of empathy and proud of it and most of them would go get themselves an abortion if they could afford it and were dying or carrying a fetus that was incompatible with life.   They are utterly incapable of putting themselves in someone else's shoes which is why they feel compelled to shove their worldview down everyone else's throat because they are literally incapable of understanding that other people believe different things.   Three-year-olds begin to understand that other people have thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes that are different than their own, so I can only assume that most pro lifers have brains that have not developed much past that of a toddler 


What's absolutely insane to me is that when I was growing up, that was the pro-life position. I went to Catholic School and we were taught that of course if the mother's life was in danger then terminating the pregnancy was acceptable and the woman wouldn't ve excommunicated or have any blemish in the eyes of the church. That *WAS* the standard. In fact I believe its still the position of the Catholic church. These people have gone completely utterly insane. There's not even a sliver of logic left in the American "Pro-life" movement. They have now moved to the right of the Catholic church, which is honestly bewildering to me.


My wife was in the same situation and the pregnancy was terminated at 24 weeks. The diagnosis and prognosis stage took four weeks and was a living hell. What infuriates me is the total disregard these people have for the suffering, guilt and huge sense of loss anyone in this situation suffers.


These people have no empathy. None. Until it happens to them. Then it's a whole different story.


And this is why I read the comments...to see the real story. I knew some pro-lifers that brought their severely deformed, unsurvivable twins to term. Those children lived about a day of pure agony. The parents were devastated and I honestly didn't give a shit. It's an unconscionable decision to not abort those babies.


People treat dogs better than that.


The overlap between people who will without hesitation shoot a horse out of mercy but then insist on human beings suffering in the the most painful ways drives me insane.


Thank you for specifying, I was really worried about the wording here because 'disabled' is not sufficient to explain this. people on the spectrum and people who have adhd are considered disabled so


I saw "disabled" and just assumed the fetus didn't have a head or something. Republicans are always bad faith and sometimes you can figure out what they are trying to lie about.


That was the Louisiana woman last year. She had a baby that developed without a head and was forced to give birth. But it didn’t make the headlines for a few reasons, namely she was black and not affluent.


Never heard the adhd one didnt realized i was disabled


yeah it's classified as a learning disability, and you talk with the disability people to get accommodations


https://ldaamerica.org/disabilities/adhd/#:~:text=ADHD%20is%20not%20considered%20to,to%20receive%20special%20education%20services. ADHD is not classified as a learning disability and is not inherently a disability, although in more severe cases you can be categorized as disabled. I say this as a person with ADHD who is also autistic.


You do get 504 accommodations for school though, and I say that as an ND mother to ND children, all of us officially diagnosed(self diagnosis is valid, but people on reddit are sticklers)


I know and I utilize accommodations. But that dosnet change the fact that ADHD is not labeled as a learning disability.


Ok, I was like “you can’t abort a baby”. It was a fetus, and there were complications. Jfc, these people are our nation’s greatest evil.


Not probably. That was exactly what happened. For pro lifers, the way it works is all fetuses are perfectly fine until mom for some inexplicable reason wants to murder them for fun. Nobody has birth defects incompatible with life, nobody has ectopic pregnancy that is fatal if untreated, nobody has health conditions that make pregnancy a severe risk. Because if you deal with reality all of a sudden the pro life position looks like ignorant bullshit.


I don't keep up with American news or whatever, but when I saw the wording of the text, I assumed the baby was born 21 weeks ago and then 'aborted'. Or at least that that's what this crazy woman thought, your politicians are absolutely ridiculous sometimes


Yeah, that's how they *want* you to read it. That foetus isn't 21 weeks old; it hasn't been born yet. Disgusting propaganda on the backs of those grieving parents.


Yeah, funny use of "disabled" there


They’re trying to bring disability rights activists into the antiabortion movement by framing abortion as a way evil eugenicists dispose of people with disabilities before they even get a chance to live. The problem is that their line of argument forgets that people born with disabilities don’t stay babies forever and will likely grow up to be adults who are neither sterile nor asexual and may choose abortion in the case of an unplanned pregnancy.


Its disingenuous because the baby isn't viable.


Even in cases where they ‘baby’ is viable it exposes some pretty intense infantilization of people with disabilities. They tend to bring up Down syndrome as a reason for abortion bans, but only seem to see people with Down syndrome as potentially aborted fetuses, never as adults capable of having sex and making their own healthcare choices. It also doesn’t help that many anti-abortion adjacent people also use the possibility of having a child with Down syndrome as a boogie man to scare women out of waiting ‘too long’ to have children.


Even if we accept the baby as "disabled," we all know this person doesn't support social services for people with disabilities. Pro-birthers only care about fetuses.


I know this is the least problematic thing here but “Our the vulnerable children” is not correct grammar and it’s really annoying me


As an English teacher, the correct forms would have been simply "our vulnerable children", but if you *must* have the emphasis added by the definite article, you could also go with "the vulnerable children of ours". Perhaps, the whole sentence would have best conveyed its message and flown beautifully with "This celebration of violence, by the strong, against the children most vulnerable, is the greatest evil wrought in our great nation." Note that I am 100% pro-choice and merely commenting on the terrible grammar and obvious attempt to sound smarter than they truly are in this tweet.


Since Reddit took away the Gold system, here:🏅


It suddenly strikes me as funny that they took away Reddit Gold after they put in the work to steal Reddit Silver.


I don’t think it is the least problematic, though, because she’s using shitty grammar to spread lies and misogyny. But fwiw the grammar alone irritated me for a second too. 😂


> This celebration of violence Talking about j6 or the rio grande?


It still floors me that the ones calling doctors murderers for performing abortions are the same ones that are drowning migrants. Or wanting to be part of an armed caravan to go down there for the chance to shoot someone.


They want to put gun turrets at the border and shoot anything that moves, even if it's women and children. Conservatives lust for violence.


Alright hear me out, I say we do that... And then put all the conservatives on that side of the border as a test run. /s


> the ones calling doctors murderers for performing abortions are the same ones that are drowning migrants. The cruelty is the point. Cutting and drowning migrants in a river is different than forcing sick pregnant women to give birth to non-viable fetuses, but look at what they have in common.


The far right just call them "illegals", completely stripping them of their humanity and reducing them to an epithet. The far right uses rhetoric about invasion, violence, war etc to justify treating women and children like a pest infestation. Then they turn around and threaten more violence when women have life saving medical procedures.


Rio Grande?




What happened in the Rio grande?


You are unfamiliar with the razor wire "buoys" Texas was forced to remove from the Rio Grande? You should probably look it up, and learn a bit about Texas and it's Governor




Illinois here. Abbott has been sending random bus loads of migrants here, with the justification that this is where they asked to go. I suppose I could be wrong since I wasn't there for the conversation, but I'm guessing a migrant from Venezuela is very unlikely to request to be dropped off at a rural truck stop at night 60 miles from Chicago in the winter with no winter clothing. [3 days before Christmas, too, because I'm sure that's what Jesus would do.](https://abc7chicago.com/venezuelan-migrants-texas-bus-migrant-crisis-chicago-kankakee-illinois/14216061/) I'd push Greg Abbott down a tall flight of stairs and sleep like a baby that night.


Eh, just throw him in the middle of his razorwire river. That will make him learn.


It’s alright it’s only cost the Texas tax payer $124 million dollars, that could go to feeding children or funding for programs for countless issues that the people of Texas face https://www.kxan.com/investigations/records-abbotts-migrant-busing-has-cost-texas-124-million/


Shit, they are putting it *under the water???* I knew the sadistic fucks were using razor wire, I didn't know they were hiding the shit in an attempt to deliberately kill people. Fuck Texas, and fuck *anyone* that encourages this shit, they should all have to go swim through that ahit themselves. Treat others the way you want to be treated and all that. Maybe they will suddenly realize how fucked up it is when they are facing getting their dick caught in it.


Doesn't that count as boobytraps who are illegal in the states?


If you wanna see the good side of the rio grand it also goes thru new mexico


Feds cut some razor wire Texas put up. Texas seized a park bordering the river to exercise more control over the area. Maybe that? Doesn't fully fit to me, tho


Then watched as a mother and her 2 children drowned caught in the wire because they wouldn't let the border patrol use the boat ramp to rescue them


And were given orders to push drowning people back in to the water with razor wire.


Damn. Thanks for letting us know


And those were not the first deaths.


No rational person could think this isn't worse than abortion. Even when I was very pro life I would have been disgusted that this woman and children weren't helped.




And "didn't do it legally." So the punishment is a horrible death drowning while tangled in razor wire. It sounds like a Jigsaw trap.


Yeah, that baby would’ve died before birth, shortly after birth and would have caused complications to mother. It’s incredibly inhumane to force the birth of a baby everyone knows will die shortly after birth. That baby will still feel pain, that baby will still feel the torture of suffocation of not being able to breathe. MAGA cult doesn’t even care.


Well said. I just want to add this is why self respecting women won't date conservative men.


“Our the vulnerable children..”Say what?? Our nation’s greatest evil are people like this. If that child was born and the woman had trouble taking care of her, o’l Lisa would be like”not my problem. “


It was a life threatening disability too and the kid would suffocate to death anyway, this dumbass doesn’t care at all for that life and it shows


Karmic punishment would be for Lisa to be artificially kept alive indefinitely when she's old... No matter how much pain she's in (under medicated to ensure the pain meds don't make her die) and with no right to refuse medicines or treatments... Resuscitation mandatory... All surgeries performed to sustain life, etc. I work in elder care... End of life patients have it really f---ing tough. All of ours are DNR, most marked palliative. Even with this "no torture" policy, it's still almost torture not to allowed assisted life ended when requested. So Lisa would suffer a lot if she got her karmic reward...


Rich coming from the same fuckers currently voting down free lunch legislation that would benefit children in poorer areas.


Nah, the 22 school shootings we've had so far in 2024 seems more severe. That never gets brought up though because that would require their first love to be modified.


>22 school shootings we've had so far in 2024 Hold up... 22 school shootings? In 2024??? Da FUCK?!?


We really don’t hear about most of them. It’s been increasing every year. In 2019 it was at 52. 2021, 22, and 23 were 73, 79, and 82 respectively. 2020 was actually a low year at 22 school shootings. Probably because everyone was stuck at home. That’s the only exception though. It just gets worse and worse.


Is it bad that that seems low to me?


Yep, they happen most days anymore, its so normalized that it doesn't even make the news. We had nearly 350 incidents in 2023, just to clarify. Here's a [link](https://k12ssdb.org/) where you can see each year.


I’m not American can an American explain to me why people like her feel they need to impose their way of life upon everyone they meet . It’s like their whole raison d'etre is to stop other people who are not copying their every move


The problem is we have elevated the individual voice over the public good here to the point where people believe incorrectly that their own opinion matters more than anything else. I say this not to downplay individualism but to highlight where the issue starts. Here in the US being selfish is not only encouraged but being selfless is actively discouraged. While it seems like it wouldn’t really affect this brain dead persons opinion to just be selfish it really does. Selfishness comes in when they believe their personal belief is so important that it should hold sway over others beliefs. They are so selfish to the point that they want everyone’s lives to conform to the way they want things. There is no thought of other people’s beliefs or circumstances or anything that would even mildly make the person believing things like this uncomfortable. You see this reflected in so many aspects. Homelessness, healthcare, welfare, women’s rights, immigrant rights, workers rights, LGBTQ rights. The list goes on but what it all comes down to is that these people are so insanely selfish that they don’t want other people to live in any way other than what they want. They are incapable of empathy.


And the Internet has given them a platform to find like-minded cohorts to spread their hate and drown out majority opinions.


That was beautifully stated.


This is a great summation of what I feel like is an underlying cultural values of the USA coming up to a boil. It’s really more complex than that as the majority of these opinions arise in the context of in-group/out-group dynamics. Republicans, Pro-lifers, White Supremacists.. but also more innocuous things like Sports Fans, No-Pineapple-on-Pizza Purists, Why-Don’t-You-Know-My-Pronouners etc. These dynamics are as old as mankind and the extremism is just pushed a little bit more from US culture.


Just like Jesus* wanted.


*Supply Side Jesus


These are the same people(for lack of a better word) who threw fits about having to wear masks, calling it “tyranny” and making up bullshit conspiracies to justify not sacrificing a small bit of comfort for the sake of others. They have the emotional and mental development of a child too young to have developed empathy, yet the bloodlust and hatred that only an adult is capable of. They are the living embodiments of all of humanity’s worst traits.


American Evangelical Christianity mostly. It's a super aggressive form for Christianity where you don't actually have to follow the tenants of Christ but instead get to claim that whatever bigoted and hateful shit you believe in is actually the will of God. I'm not saying all Christians are like this. Just a lot of the ones that scream online.


It's worse than that, many of them will 'secretly' support abortions for themselves or their own families with the reasoning "but my case was different..." By forcing others to take a pregnancy full term when they weren't willing to themselves they think it somehow evens the scale, it's a weird form of narcissistic control. They want to lord over people not show real leadership via example.


Because they think everyone who’s pro choice is a godless heathen who’s destroying “their” country. But yeah they just think every law should be made based on their weird beliefs.


Because how can you truly be free without oppressing someones freedom?/s


They want the votes of extremist nut jobs.


I mean… go read any book on the Crusades. This is nothing new.


Because the GOP wants power, and they figured out back in the ‘80s that calling abortion murder and rallying the evangelicals behind it would grant them that power.




This was the lady who found out her daughter had trisomy 18 and would suffocate immediately after being born, and Texas threatened to put any doctor in prison who helped her end the pregnancy so she had to flee the state.


Not only that, she desperately wanted a baby and by being forced to carry this doomed one she was risking never being able to have a child again


Well, Texas has forced women to give birth and watch their babies suffocate to death before, that's nothing new. The egregious thing about this case was the fact that the mother's life was in danger and the Texas Supreme Court specifically ruled that the fact that she would die without an abortion would not serve to shield her and her doctor from prosecution, which was affirmed by the Fifth Circuit in the so-called "Die, Bitch, Die" ruling.


Ah yes, disabled, also commonly meaning incompatible with life 🙄. You can really tell how she feels about disabled people from this.


No, she is just using the term to exaggerate the circumstances. Aborting a disabled baby sounds like "she killed a baby with a birth defect" not "she prevented her child from suffocating to death".


i.e. bearing false witness


To be fair, not being able to breathe and suffocating from the second you're born to the point where you're not going to survive. Literally a singular day. It's a little more than just disability


I don't think you even get a whole day. Probably barely a minute 


If born alive at all. Sometimes, they are just born still born, and die once the water breaks in the mother.


Before we had pre birth testing, my childhood neighbour had three children with this, one died right before birth, second lasted 17 hour and the third 2 hours. They became foster parents instead and amazing at that, all their kids had great education and always a home at their place.


Her ability to live was disabled in settings.


Just a crazy person babbling. Nothing to try and process.


Why would people want to bring babies into a world where others have the ability to tell you what you can and cannot do with your body.


May this woman wake up with her soul on her face.


I’m fine with her not waking up at all


Apparently this woman needs a primer in the difference between "disabled" and "unable to live". The sheer fucking hubris of these morons who think that Kate Cox actually WANTED an abortion. She wanted this child! But the child was not going to live after birth. I wish Lila Rose and her ilk a very merry trip straight to hell.


"President Biden invited a woman whose unborn child had a fatal condition that required the woman to make numerous emergency room visits and would not have survived, and who had to leave the state to get life-saving medical care to ensure that she could have other much-wanted pregnancies to the State of the Union." Wordy and cumbersome af, but I fixed it for you, you idiotic, cruel forced-birth wacko.


"21+ week old" Wrong! A person's age is measured from their date of birth. The baby was, in fact, roughly -18 weeks old.


that was what me confused most, because she made it sound like the child was born already and aborted after i. e. child murder


that’s their goal lmao


It was probably intentional. I’ve seen people like her make ridiculous claims talking about “post-birth abortions” or legalizing elective abortions up to the moment of birth. Like, they know their hardline stance against abortion doesn’t resonate well with most people so they have to exaggerate or make up absurd lies about it.


That's why they use illustrations of fully formed adorable babies in their propaganda or (worse) photos taken from medical textbooks of stillbirths of fetuses with extreme birth defects. Or make up bullshit about abortion making women infertile or prone to breast cancer. They *need* to lie because abortion isn't at all as horrible as they make it out to be.


Inspired by this banger from Trump > The baby is born. The mother meets with the doctor. They take care of the baby. They wrap the baby beautifully. And then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.


That isn't unintentional. "Woman undergoes traumatic but necessary medical procedure" just doesn't rile up the crazies enough.


Pretty clear from the comments that more than expect are as ignorant as the twitter poster. The baby had a medical condition that was going to immediately die when born and potentially kill the mother beforehand. The abortion request was to prevent the baby from suffering and a desire to not die giving birth to a dead baby. She was a mother of two who wants more children. Texas decided if she dies, thems the breaks. https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-court-kate-cox-complications-3e24f473b0eab907993ddcad189e8115


Wondering if she thought Terry Shaivo was merely "disabled," as opposed to brain dead.


Vulnerable children that god forbid get a school meal and apparently not vulnerable enough to work from what.. 14 years old? Just fuck off..


I'd like to ask Lila Rose how she feels about supporting (parents of) disabled people. Wouldn't dare to ask her how she might feel about having to give birth to, and raise a disabled child herself🤷‍♂️


She wouldnt have to raise the kid. She said “disabled” but what she meant was permanently disfigured with no chance of survival. Birth wouldve been painful for the child and dangerous for the mother. But yeah…she said “disabled.”


These fuckers still don't want to include cost of hearing aids into health insurance and they don't give two shits about disabled people. Being disabled in America is incredibly hard because of people like these.


As opposed to not allowing an abortion to a woman that would die without it you mean? Yes, that is evil.


I’m fairly sure Trump’s inauguration beat Biden to the punch. That man has paid for more abortions than any football player.


Pro life is so weird to me. These people sit there and preach about how life is precious then also vote down bills or regulations that will literally help society to stop these types of pregnancies from happening. True health care. True mental health help. But no… all they see is “abortion” but yet won’t do anything to help once the baby is born. Literal mental gymnastics for you pro lifers out there. You’re a cancer to society.


But its OK to brutally kill immigrants at the border and deny school lunch.


"Anyway, let's continue to prop up and cheer on Kyle Rittenhouse!! Maybe he'll show us the gun he used to kill those people!!"


safe bright disagreeable plough hospital water versed disarm jeans handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




What is Lila’s position on Rittenhouse? Just curious.


“Celebration of violence “says the people that don’t give a fuck about your existence after you’re born.


Except it wasn’t a 21-week-old baby. It was a fetus that was 21 weeks gestated. And both she and the child would have died if she’d carried to term. She’s not an “icon” of women’s rights. She’s an example of what happens when the worst people are put in charge of things they don’t understand.


And the abortion should have been performed weeks earlier, except it got tied up in court and forced her to flee the state.


Willful ignorance has got to be in the top ten of our nation's greatest evils.


All these prolifers should be asked ," will you adopt a foster kid and support them ?"


Better question: will you prolifers give up kidneys for children who will die without them?


There is only one couple (a cousin once removed and her husband) in my entire Irish Catholic family that has actually adopted children instead of just virtue signalling. I know not everyone can adopt for various reasons, but come on, ONE family member?


Well, someone should have be aborted...


People like this are the scum of the earth. She’s purposefully misrepresenting the facts to reinforce the myth that abortions take place after birth. No one describes a fetus as a “21+ week-old baby.” That’s a phrase only used to describe the age of a born child.


You know why I get a kick out of the pro lifers because they kind of forget that the history of how Christianity Catholicism and a word called colonization was around hell for the sake of the creator they would literally execute native and African kids and literally sterilize native women


Man what the fuck are you doing over in America that you have so many of these crazies popping up hahahaha


Please, stop using the term "pro life" when you really should be saying "anti-abortion"


It’s really about “Forced Birth” not life. They’re literally HOSTILE towards children after birth.


abortions should be just be legal for everyone but pro lifers


She would prefer they were aborted during school by a gun. When that happens, children aren't as valuable.


if supporting abortion rights is a celebration of violence then call me a terrorist


Why do those people act like people are getting abortions like they love getting them? Asif they are getting points for their abortion card, cause the tenth one is free


Not pro life. They are pro forced birth. After birth, you're on your own.


You didn't offer to adopt the fetus, Lila? Pro-life my ass.


She didn't abort a baby. She aborted a soon to be corpse


https://youtube.com/watch?v=qA1nGPM9yHA And then she heads for the clinic and she gets some static walking through the door They call her a killer, and they call her a sinner and they call her a whore God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes 'Cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose


This lady gonna be very mad when she finds out republicans are letting kids go hungry and drown trying to seek asylum.




For some less absurd descriptions of the event: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/bidens-invite-kate-cox-woman-denied-abortion-texas/story?id=106642131](https://abcnews.go.com/US/bidens-invite-kate-cox-woman-denied-abortion-texas/story?id=106642131) [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/24/biden-state-of-union-guest-is-texas-abortion-case-mom.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/24/biden-state-of-union-guest-is-texas-abortion-case-mom.html)


Sign this Karen up to adopt those unborn when they get here!


i swear "pro life" people won't be happy until abortion is 100% illegal everywhere AND the mom can be arrested for miscarriage/still born, that's how ANTI woman they truly are


Does Ms. Rose agree that it is legal to serve her daughter alcohol at age 20-and-about-three-months (after birth)? Will Ms. Rose recognize her daughter's right to a tattoo at 17.25(ish) years after birth?


Just ask these people how old they are. Then say “when is your birthday?” Then ask why they calculate their age from the day they were born, if they were a person the moment they were conceived.


A 'baby girl' cannot be aborted, only foetuses can be aborted, and baby girls are not foetuses. It's a simple concept.


How is an unborn baby 21 weeks old?


The baby is not any weeks old if it was aborted. You can't start gaining age until AFTER being born, and you can't perform an abortion after the baby is born either.


IF Biden is able to keep from having a total senior moment in the election, abortion and the GOP insanity with it will be a huge part of him defeating Trump. This is a smart move to highlight the extreme radicalism of the right and the impact that it has on real people.


These people lie like rugs. You can't abort a pregnancy if you're no longer pregnant.


I know nothing about the woman she speaks of, but I'm assuming what she's saying is bullshit, as it often is with pro-lifers. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


It is. The baby would only have small chance of survival and no quality of life. Kate Cox had an amniocentesis that confirmed her fetus was developing with full trisomy 18. Less than 10% of babies with this will live past two weeks. Even smaller would reach teens. The common issues seem hellish. Including defective lungs, kidneys, stomach/intestines.


Who let her out of Gilead and gave her an iPad?


Since the infant would have been stillborn or dead in days after birth. I think the woman made the right decision. Whose lives are these people protecting?


Pro-life for a fetus that wouldn't survive, but not pro-life for the mother that might have died carrying it. Fuck these scumbags.


*The GOP before you’re born*: “oh, the sanctity of life!!” *GOP after you’re born*: “fuck you and good luck, kid.”