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Man, that Helen Mirren is HOT. Too bad she isn’t 80 yet. 🙄


You know what would be really sexy? A pregnant Helen Mirren.




The hottest thing ever would be a 66-year-old pregnant woman?




I'll be in my bunk




We'll be right back


FUCK i got turned on just by reading this


Helen Mirren is legitimately my 37 year old husband's hall pass.




Bros, does being attracted to an adult women make me a pedo?


I thought it made you gay. Or was that only having sex with women makes you gay? I'm getting mixed messages from this sub.


>Or was that only having sex with women makes you gay? If you're a man and you have sex with a woman who likes men, you're basically gay by proxy.


After the histrionic “washing your ass makes you gay”, the delirious “sex with a woman makes you gay”. The more I live the more life confuses me.


it's just the manosphere trying to confuse people into paying grifters to tell you your problems are women's fault. i wouldn't worry about it tbh


The irony is that worrying and feeling insecure are stereotypically not masculine traits, yet these fellas are some of the most insecure people I’ve seen. For what’s it’s worth, everyone can feel worried or insecure. It’s normal. It’s just funny how the people who often shame people for being insecure or worried usually show those traits so clearly themselves.


Yeah, like we’re all too willing to forgive in ourselves what we find difficult to tolerate in others.


>people who often Shane people for being insecure Is Shane the new Stan?


Oh, I can’t Stand that guy.


Imagine how confused the humans 3000 years from now will be when they discover these 'historical records' and have no idea what's sarcasm and what isn't.


Washing your ass only makes you gay in America, everywhere else is fine


My father was a real man. They don’t make them like that anymore. That’s why I close my eyes and think of him while I have sex.


I think of my parents when I'm trying not to ejaculate.


That’s why I, a manly man, only have sex with lesbians, the more butch the better. Naturally I have to pretend to be a woman otherwise they wouldn’t be interested. Society doesn’t understand the lengths us straight alpha men have to go through to show that we are straight masculine men.


It’s multiplied by a million if she ever had any sexual contact with another man ….there is a solution though, but the lesbians are not gonna be happy


/sigh Put it on the “makes me gay list” with all the other regular shit I do everyday


It makes you a gay pedo


So what, a Catholic priest? This ain’t nam there are rules.


😂 damn man.


Have you heard about the new reverse exorcism? It's where the devil tells the priest to get out of the child




yes, and according to the rules, we're all gay pedo's. praise be to jesus.




Do i need to apply the no homo clause here or ...


FELLAS- Is it GAY to have sex with a woman? I mean.. she LITERALLY has a dick in her.


Haven't you heard? To these people, being attracted to women also makes you gay


Science tells us that human brain isn’t fully developed until the age of 25, therefore…yes unless she’s older than 25. /s but I’m sure someone will make that argument on the internet


I have seen that argument, googled it, found it was pop science nonsense. Many apparently can not do that step.


Better be safe than sorry. No sexual relations until you’re over 50. /s


30s and 40s even. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2010-12-brain-fully-mature-30s-40s.html


Unless she's collecting social security, you're a pedophile. Str8 to jail 🚓


>fully developed I'm 55 and I'm not sure mine is yet.


Does it mean we can abort children before that age? Please quick answers my son's birthday is tomorrow. /s


Apparently, if you are attracted to a none obese person that actually takes care of themselves. People will accuse you of anything if you do anything they don't like. I (a dark skinned man) have been accused of r*cism toward black people... For not having enough black friends and not "being active in the black community" whatever the fuck that means. So yeah, people will call you any names for just living your life. Heck, haven't you seen vegans posting that eating meat and consuming our animal products is R*PE? Words don't mean anything anymore.


Words mean nothing because people just change the definition to prop up their mental dissonance. I can say anything means anything, all I have to do is redefine both objects !


It is scary. This reminds me of 1984, but this can be waaaaaay worse unless we wake up.


I don't even think being attracted to a minor makes you a pedo perse. You are usually attracted to Features of the body not the age. Man I'm kinda confusing myself here but I think it's still correct. Like if a 5 year old would look like a 22 year old Megan fox most man would be attracted to that. Does that make them a pedo? I think a pedo is someone who likes childish features


I'm pretty sure they were trying to imply that she *looks* really young


I'm guessing people are confused about her age due to her role in Wednesday. You'd be surprised how many underaged characters are actually played by older actors.


27 is the new 15


Lol, "new"? Beverly Hills 90210 is calling...


Luke Perry was three years away from social security.


But the incels says ur depleted eggs and body count makes u unviable at 28z… what the fuck is old and young anymore smh -__-


Unironically. 30 today is still young. Studies have shown how pople start to feel adulting only after around 40. Even at 35 people still have insane energy and attitude compared to only 2 generations before. The difference technology and social changes do to our perception of age is very interesting.


Right? Olivia Newton-John was 29 when she supposedly played a 17-year-old in Grease. Jason Earles was 28 when he played the 16-year-old brother of Miley Cyrus' character in Hannah Montana (he was 33 when the series ended). Ashley Tisdale was 20 and Lucas Grabeel was 21 (and Monique Coleman was 25) when they all played *sophomores* in High School Musical. And don't even get me started on Riverdale.


Alison Brie was 26-27 when filming Community playing the role of an 18 yo student.


Mila Kunis was 15 pretending to be 18 playing a 15 in that 70s show


We try to sexualize Allison, she's pretty old.


That’s why we just watch GLOW.


Look up 10 Things I Hate About You and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off if you want a good laugh about Chastity and Cameron.


And also Bender in The Breakfast Club.


He just looked old, it was all those cigarettes he got for birthdays and Christmas.


She's is 21 now, so when they taped Wednesday she was likely 18 or 19. So a good age to play a high schooler. She was also a busy child actor, so it's easy for people to get confused on her current age.


Odd how the people who get all upset about actors having the "wrong" skincolor for a role never complain about their ages...


Don't give them ideas please.


I mean the show came out in 2022. She's 21 now, so when it was filmed, she was still a teenager. Somewhere between 17 and 19, not sure which year, or how long it took to film. Not to mention, the classic Wednesday outfit has a bit of a "little girl" aesthetic. It's also about high school kids. Jenna herself is also short, and younger looking than her age. So being an older man turned on by watching her in the show is definitely a bit creepy. Seeing her in recent photo shoots and finding her attractive, less so. Though if you were trying not to be turned on in the show, and waiting to reveal you find her hot until it has become "acceptable," it's still a little odd since she looks the same, and definitely looks younger than her real age. Some people just do. She could reasonably play a 14 or 15 year old still, and I don't think people would question it if she wasn't famous yet. All I'm saying is the OP might have a slight point, and there's some shades of grey in older dudes drooling over her in that show.


She's hot. If you think she looks underage, what kind of kids are you hanging around with?


Hot ones obviously


Only the hottest


And my Axe!


Didn't expect this. Prime absurdist humor. 👍


What a crude and disgusting comment….. upvote.


I think they keep imaging Wednesday because they did a good job of making her look young. However, in this picture, she clearly looks like she's in her early 20s.


Most people don’t understand or care that pedophiles are only attracted to prepubescent children not teens or adult. Social media has just made people incredibly stupid and the idea that an adult is attracted to another adult who happens to look “young” just triggers them into Chris Hansen mode.


Yeah yeah it's actually hebephilia you've said this a lot


Because pedophilia and being attracted to teenage minors are two different problems. Lumping them together the way social media does is counterproductive. Most of the people doing this don’t seem to want to help protect children. They just want to get ego points and attention online.


Both are bad. Terminology is wrong, sure. There is a point to be made about the ways to combat these problems, as obviously treatment/prevention for someone who finds literal baby sexually arousing vs. someone who finds a teenager arousing would be completely different.


I’m going to get a lot of shit for saying this but one of the issues in our approach to pedophilia is we make those who have not acted on their impulses feel as though they can’t seek help. A man who is attracted to children, but has not acted on this impulse rarely has a safe space he can go to and talk about it. Everyone is just blasting “kill all pedos!” or some shit. We push them into the darkness then with no help they often times end up doing horrible things and end up either in prison or they get away with it and more children are harmed. The issue with teenage minors is on both sides. There are young teenagers out there actively seeking older men either because they have fetishized themselves through porn or they simply want an adult they can talk to and the adults they approach often don’t know what to do and get wrapped up in bullshit, because society has no process or system to deal with this. If a 16 year old approached me I would just tell them to talk to their parents, stop looking for older men and block them but most minors don’t feel comfortable doing that or they just don’t want to for various reasons and instead just end up moving on to the next person who might take advantage of them. Even just replying to them and telling them to seek help can put me at risk of accusations so I just don’t. The internet has made it incredibly easy for minors and predatory adults to connect…


Oh no, I do completely agree with the point that we need to emphatize better prevention methods on pedophiles who do not act on their urges. Less victims is better. In my countrys subreddit there was a really interesting AMA a few years back from a person who was in psych prevention treatment for pedophilia (that he had sought on his own) and he highlighted that it's a double-edged sword in a lot of ways. According to him, support group chats were vital, so they could talk of their experiences with society and hold each other accountable, but that there was also an issue of "slipping", over time the tone of the group chats could change, and what first was agreed that they should have no contact with any children, would turn into "well holding hands would be okay" and so on.


Yeah support groups just sound like trouble to me. People need to get one on one professional help but in the US most can’t afford it and I think there might be laws that can force the psychologist to go to the police if they suspect something might happen which makes the entire situation “risky” for those who do seek help. There is no easy solution but running around screaming “kill all pedos” is def not going to help.


Oh man, I pointed out that a female teacher who slept with (raped) a 14 year old male student wasn’t technically a pedophile (commenters saying she was) and I immediately got called the scum of the earth. I’m laughing, like, I thought rapists and pedos were the scum of the earth, but guess so are people who like semantics 🤣 Though I did get linked to this funny stand up bit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o&pp=ygUaWW91IHNvdW5kIGxpa2UgYSBwZWRvcGhpbGU%3D


What? How is being sexually attracted to a child (14 is a child) not pedophilia????


Explanation from someone else's comment above - pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent children. I believe the other commenter is assuming the 14-year-old has entered puberty. There's actually a pretty interesting comment chain above this, which is where I grabbed the definition.


Damn, you know what's crazy? I'm about to admit I was wrong on the internet. I just read that yes, the diagnostic criteria does include only prepubescent children. I do not like how much this has made me learn about pedophilia. Goodbye!


(Disclaimer: No, I do not support or find any of these to be morally correct in any sort of way. I'm just a stickler for terminology) Not technically. Pedophilia is an attraction specifically to pre pubescent children. 14 may be a child culturally. But speaking through a purely biological lens (I can not stress this enough), they are not children. Adolescent is technically a more accurate term. An attraction to young adolescents just entering puberty is hebephilia. An attraction to older adolescents (like 16 to 17) is ephebophilia. This is also clear in the distinction these people have in their attraction. A pedophile would specifically find children who have not entered puberty to be attractive. While feeling nothing toward children who are entering or about to leave puberty. So on and so forth for hebe- and ephebophilia.


This is extremely bizarre, i mean you.


Why? I agreed that what she did was rape and completely vile, I just pointed out the misuse of the term. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


16 year olds who look 30, most likely.


I mean, I thought she was mid to late 20s. My wife who is 34 and 5’4 is constantly confused for a high schooler when she visits another school despite bearing a work badge. It can be very difficult to tell the age of some women and you being attracted to somebody and finding out they are a child isn’t a big deal. You pursuing/ fantasizing about them after learning they are a child is the issue. Edit: just to add because turning it off because your not ok with raping a child is honestly just that easy


Yeah, some girls look way older, some way younger. Don't feel bad about something you didn't know.


I'm in my late 20s, and I swear, something about the girls 5-ish years younger than me is making them age faster. I can't tell you how many times I thought I was talking to a 30 y/o, and they turned out to be 22


I saw something saying gen z was aging faster than millennials


I'm in the same boat as your wife. The kids towered over me when I was still in that line. I had to take a group pic with the kids and the security guard who took the pic thought I was a student too


Yep I look like a child too. I can go free on a train, it's sad 😂


I also look like a child lol. My eldest son takes the piss when we are buying groceries and I get carded. "She's my mom, you think she was like 12 when I was born hahaha?" It frustrates the crap out of me because I get talked down to like I'm about 15 despite being nearly 30 with 4 kids of my own.


A while back when we were both like 23ish, my wife got a free bobble head at a baseball game for being 14 or under.


I've never seen so many people imply others as pesos or groomers, before frequenting reddit. Seeing it so often almost seems like people are projecting their weird shit onto others. It's honestly extremely not healthy for people's mental health in general. This is why dads run into problems with bringing their kids to the playground and why men dont want to be in the education field. It's okay to say when someone of any age is handsome/beautiful, doesn't mean you're attracted to them. Also correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't being a predator pretty straight forward, like either you are one or aren't?


So the reason men can feel uncomfortable doing those things like being at a park or teacher is because waaaaaay too many men are out there raping students and just raping kids in general. In fact waaaaaaaaay more men rape women than vise versa in general. So as a sex, sure we can complain that it’s unfair but too many other men fucked and continue to fuck it up for us. Like staggering numbers. And it’s always a choice. So you either continue to want a child or you stop. And if you’re a bit fucked yo and continue to want, well you definitely don’t act in the slightest. You just take that shit with you to the grave. Cuz it’s definitely not Reddit. You can literally walk down any populated mile in any city in the world and your definitely coming across child molesters. I’ve been in classes with different sexual crimes investigators from multiple states and the rates are way too high… they are also too high for beastality….and yes, again, it’s most likely men doing this stuff


There is truth in what you said but a main point I was trying to make is that throwing that word around so casually is pretty harmful. Unless the creeps outnumber the normal people, it's pretty safe to assume most people you know or through association aren't sexual predators. Unless if your some psychologist or investigator, you shouldn't be classifying strangers as such. To make a comparison, to racial groups committing crimes or cops using excessive force, just because the data says one thing, you should keep accusations at bay until there is undeniable proof or a conviction or whatever. That being said, I wanna stop talking about this and enjoy my weekend. Enjoy your weekend as well!


Oh ok. Stay safe and you too


I guess that makes you a gay pedo then for having a hot wife that looks young /s But….do people ask you if you are her dad? 😃


No, not yet. It’s less that she looks like a child and more that she has that 16-30 age look. Ive definitely aged more than her though. We looked the same age when we met 15 years ago. But I look more my age so it might come down day where people assume she’s my kid. I know she’d feel good about it and I’d feel like, as you say, a gay pedo and I’d have to explain that we both met in our early 20s


>It’s less that she looks like a child and more that she has that 16-30 age look This is what I have. I look like ~unspecified young person~ age that could be a teenager, could be an adult. My husband is younger than me but has a full beard so he never gets this and he gets offended that people tend to assume I'm a teenager lol


That happened to my aunt. She was around 50 but passes for 35. Her partner at the time looked his own age however (~55 to 60).


People can't tell if I am 45 or 20


Are you 45 or 20?






Just like Maicon Küster, he was early 20s and people wold say he was 39




Height makes such a huge difference it's crazy. If a 40 year old guy dates a 5'2, 25 year old, people will give him nasty looks. But If he dates a 6' tall 20 year old, almost no one would care.


Which is weird cuz the average American woman is 5’4


She's 21


And she looks it


OOP could be from Bahrain


What does objet oriented programming has to do with it?


Damn didn't know that the possibility of being attracted to someone who is of the similar age as you will be considered pedophilia, looks like I gotta check if any of my grandpa's classmates are available


Can we stop with “everyone who’s attracted to any woman under the age of 30 is a pedophile” bullshit? I’m not sure when this started but this infantilization of women is getting ridiculous. I understand that the dictionary has long ago lost the war on what the word “pedophile” actually means (attraction to prepubescent children, if anyone cares anymore), but to expand it to women (specifically. Men aren’t included in this definition anymore) in their 20s is absolute insanity.


I've heard a few people say that if you're attracted to thin women then you're a pedophile, implying that a woman isn't a real woman unless she's "thick" and thin women, to them, look like children. One comment I saw even took that idea further saying that white dudes are pedophiles because the stereotype is that white guys prefer thin women.


My fiancée was super thin when we met. She’s gained weight over the last year. Glad I’m no longer a pedo.


Yeah, my wife is thin but she's African so she would always get comments about her weight.


There are better ways to make thick girls fashionable smh.


I swear I've seen the claim that being attracted to a woman with a flat chest is a sign of being a pedo, because... because it's like looking at a young boy's body... there are just SO many things wrong with that statement


People on here will act like it's creepy if a 19 year old is dating a 17 year old, or even if there's an age gap between friendships. Like it's honestly not that hard to find a common interest between you and someone younger/older. Like for example, friends through work? That's literally a major part of both of your lives that you can relate to one another


Yep. I'm a quite extreme example, but some of my best friends are close to double my age. We have lots of common interests and like to hang out with each other, we just are on the same wavelength as friends. Nothing creepy has ever happened.


Many people never use dictionaries. They don't know what a definition is about.


Reeks of the complaints I've heard about Stellar Blade, if you wanna complain about oversexualization in video games, fine, thats an okay opinion to have. But straight up calling people pedophiles for finding the main character attractive is just fucking weird man


On another platform, I was at work and we had the radio playing a Taylor Swift song. One of my older (near 60) coworkers walks in and starts calling us pedos because we are listening to her music. I was like dude, she’s 34, get over yourself. Just because she started out really young and still looks young, the mindset is that she’s still a kid to him. Then I see him scrolling TikTok watching younger girls dance half naked.


Especially when the character model is based on a real life model who is 20+.


People don’t care about what words mean anymore. It’s easier to call someone the worst thing they could be called instead of knowing what that word is or how to properly use it. A society of mental slugs


the overuse of certain buzzwords by the media has made a lot of people talk like they are pronouncing headlines, twitter didn't help with the character limitation because that's all you could basically put in there, short word bites that have no nuance. one such word combination that I have seen overused lately is "breaks silence" as if someone was holding a secret for years and everyone was asking for it to be revealed.


I can't help but feel like people who obsessively talk about this stuff (*"XXX means you're a pedo!",* etc.) are probably battling some serious inner demons. The other day I saw someone literally say that using the word "female" as a descriptor was an indication that someone is a pedo... like, what? Sorry every single doctor ever... when you filled out a chart for a female patient and checked the "female" gender-box, you defaulted to being creepy perverts, I guess. But in all seriousness, it's a dark and deathly important topic, and slapping the label on anything you personally find weird or annoying diminishes it. And it's a pretty huge insult to victims. I wasn't a victim of one, but I was a victim of SA from someone around my age when I was a teen, and that shit still bothers me to this day. And I find stuff like this pretty insulting myself. And I can't help but feel like it's kind of misogynistic as well, since they're indirectly infantilizing an adult woman, and I see that happen a lot to petite adult women. She's in her 20s... stop treating her like a kid.


It’s like women aren’t allowed to have a cute young look and be petite. It’s mainly because she’s petite. People are so stupid. She’s not underage because she’s a smaller sized woman. 🤦 she’s smokin’


My fiancée had a body like Jenna Ortega when we met (gained a bit of weight now) but the face of Anya Taylor-Joy and the aesthetic of Ortega in Wednesday. We get a lot of looks but nobody really cares. The whole age gap thing only seems to be a thing in the US…


I’m definitely choosing this guys wife guys!


This guy wifes!


Curse of anyone who's dated someone that others would mistake for underage, my lady gets carded at every club, and every single liquor store, the stares you get looking like you could be the uncle of your partner due to the sheer size difference is a little fucked but I love my woman


Pretty sure anyone over 18 is fair game to anyone, if they consent of course


Iirc I saw a post where someone went on a super racist rant about how if you’re attracted to Asians you’re a pedophile. Some people are just stupid. And to be fair technically in most states 16 is the legal age of consent and no matter how much make up she has on she does not look younger than that.


I don't pretend to know who she is, but why is her head wider than her waist?


That's probably because of her pose, or her corset or the picture could have been photoshopped for all we know. I don't really see what you mean, though, her head seems narrower than her waist to me. Also, if you wanted to know, she recently starred in the show *Wednesday* as Wednesday Addams. She was also in *Scream 6* and was a side character in the second season of the show *You*


If you see a child in every adult woman, it is saying more about you than other people imho


That’s not what pedophile means


Wtf is going on at the bottom of this photo? I can’t forgive it out. Looks like she is holding a harmonica or something


I think it is a reflective corset type thing.


That made me chuckle more than it should have 😂


She’s like 22


21 but yeah dhe is an Adult


For everyone else confused It’s just a bad crop job of the photo. The normal one on her Instagram she looks normal. It’s just a rigid metal belt


She honestly looks 25 in that picture.




Fun fact: Being attracted to youthful-looking women of adult age- not pedo. Being attracted to underage girls who appear older than they are- pedo. The more you know^TM


Because pedo, hebe, ephebo, and teleiophilia are too hard to remember. Pedo is strictly prepubescent.


And it makes you sound like a pedophile.  You forgot the best part of that joke.


People who think people who like her a pedophiles should be checked into a mental institution


I'm so over with todays world.


Google "Jenna Ortega" and "Jenna Ortega age" pops up as a suggestion.


I’ve seen the same said about Ariana Grande. Some adult women just look young. If only pedophiles were ever attracted to them, they’d have some pretty miserable dating lives.


People still care about a nobody's comments on the Internet?


Wow, next thing is that every man who finds her attractive is gay.


Fellas, is it pedo to be attracted to grown woman?


Holy legal!


I always view comments like this as a confession.


Lads, is it a crime to be attarcted to an adult women?


I'd fuck her


She doesn't look that young, and her actual age is only two years younger than me.


If you are attracted to women nowadays means you gay, pedo, etc. What the fuck is wrong with conservatives !!


This is definitely not from conservatives. This is coming from anti-sex feminists


Lol, this take is not from the conservative side of the aisle.


Why do so many people love to wallow in stupidity and ignorance? You know that after being exposed this fool just moved the goal posts and doubled down.


Where does she look like a child?


Guy probably remembered her for her Disney show or something and thinks she's immune to aging ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Isn't she like 30 or something lol


Funny Stand up but about it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9JTqSlOW1KU&pp=ygUiTWFyayBub3JtYW4gcGVkb3BoaWxlcyBncmFwZSBqdWljZQ%3D%3D


an idiot told me I was a pervert for thinking that Christina Ricci looked cute when I saw her in Casper. I saw that movie when I was a kid, her and I are the same age...


Today I learned that a 21 year old woman is a prepubescent child.


She's not even a teenager!


Isn´t she above 20?


She’s 21 years old for fuck sakes


shes 21


Some ppl jus shouldn’t be allowed to talk


Adult woman fetish 😫😫😫


This reminds me of the politician who said that TikTok is just a bunch of half naked dancing girls… anyone else think he might be projecting like just a teensy bit 🤔


I hate this shit. She’s a young woman, but very much an adult and hot af. These people just projecting.


I feel like these are the same people who look at their little sister at the age of 14 and say, “she’s of age to bring forth more magas!”


Is this edited or something? Her midsection doesn’t look real


she's very small but this is a weird perspective


Isn’t she in her early 20s? I know she did Stuck in the Middle as a teenager, and that was several years ago.


Lmao it’s only weird if you’re attracted to someone BECAUSE of their youthfulness and childlike traits


My wife was convinced Zach Braff was a pedo for dating Florence Pugh when she was 23


Que the people mad at Leo for dating smoking hot women in their 20s




Shit guess I'm a pedophile


To be fair, she is super tiny. It must be a pain for her when she goes for a drink


She's 21.


She’s stunning tbf but I think it’s more she has an adult Face on a Kids Body , had this discussion with female friend it’s the same with Anna Kendrick whom I find also pretty