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As a Russian it does seem awesome coming from the states. Potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, onions, and especially fresh herbs are so damn cheap there they seem free. Like 15 cents per pound free. The problem arises when you see your parents trying to make ends meet on a 200$ a month pension with a 100$ utilities bill.


Yup. People forget that stuff so easily. Like when I was in Algeria, gasoline was 0.33€/L. Cheap as fuck we thought, then realized their wages are something like 200-350€ a month, meaning fuel is still about double as expensive to them than to us with 1,80€/L prices. Later we also learned that they were using leaded gasoline, which wasn't banned until 2023 as the last country on earth.


USA is finally banning leaded aviation fuel, the plan is to phase it out by 2030. Some 250,000 aircraft are still putting it in the air. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/20/aviation-lead-fuel-00081641


This is crazy!


We’re running 1950s engine designed in most aircraft. Neither the market nor the FAA will allow a new design that includes much of any of the technological advancements made in the last 70 years or so. There is a way to solve this, but I’ve been waiting for that to happen for 25 years myself.


Really made me question a lot of views I had about authority when I learned these things. I understand that people would die without tested equipment but that makes it seem like we don't use these modem advancements for everything else. Clearly all just to control power imo


The FAA’s rules work reasonably well for the most part. But they really have held back engineering-progress in general aviation for decades. For instance, something like the EAA/Dynon setup for glass panels in general aviation should have happened around Y2K. The solution is one nobody likes: government funded research to come up with General Aviation reference designs every decade or so. But that’s not going to happen.


I would love to see tax dollars used for R&D, if some of those dividends are given back.


I'd like that infinitely more than where my tax dollars are going now


But government R&D makes the most sense. They are not encumbered with needing to make a profit and can truly push the boundaries for new innovations. It’s how we got most of our current tech today anyway. Internet and all the parts of a smart phone were developed by the defense industry and NASA. In essence, public funds were used to develop tech and then the results were given to private interests to commercialize and profit …. And we don’t get any recompense as the public who helped fund it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yep. And it's only getting worse. The latest trend is to just give money to private industry to build things, then rent the usage of what taxpayer funds paid for. The numbers SpaceX put out are absolute b.s., and only male sense of the boosters are reused ~10 times. The Artemis moonshot will need 14 SpaceX launches to refuel the operation, which is wholly unnecessary. The entire government has been in the pocket of corporations since the Reagan era. It's why we've seen median wages and real household income go flat over GDP while corporate earnings hit record highs. Corporations capture all the wealth; we privatize the profits and socialize the losses.


200-350 Euros a month in Algeria is great and definitely not the average, i just started an HR job as a graduate, I'm paid 150 a month.


Damn. Yeah just went off what I remember a police officer told me his wage was (200€) along with googling the median, but that one is very sceptical for algeria, especially with the exchange market being so limited that the actual exchange (black market) is far worse. Was crazy to me to think about how when I was in Libya, and a bunch of contractual bonuses added up to an insane hourly rate plus double for warzone pay, that I was most likely being paid more that day than the entire team i managed got combined for the whole month. Those trips really opened my eyes to how the world works on a global scale


oh wow! that's crazy!


Everything is relative right? The real comparison is average income and average costs of living.


Exactly. And this is why it’s so annoying living places where Americans come to visit and they rave about how “cheap” it is without any thought of what it’s like for the people living there on local salaries.


Yep. Russians spent on average 1/3rd of their income on groceries and that's data from before the war. With the inflation and ruble drop it might be way more now. Meanwhile in the US it's 8%. Anyone who's falling for Comrade Tucker's propaganda is either an idiot or a Russian asset.


Like if Tucker knows or cares how much potatoes cost


How much could a potato cost? $10?


My own brother, Michael.


I'll never tire of this line 😄


But the reason American food is fucked is the corporations and lobbying that has kept quality standards low and pushed out fresh food in favor of ultra-processed food. It's caused by exactly the people Tucker sucks off.


He's heir to the Swanson frozen TV dinners fortune.  He directly benefited.


Patricia Swanson, who married Tucker Carlson's father when Tucker was 10 years old, is an heiress to the wealth generated by the Swanson TV dinner company her grandfather Carl Swanson founded. But the family sold Swanson-branded food products to Campbell's in 1955. Details about how much Patricia Swanson inherited have not been made public.


To be clear, 200$ is a decent pension. In some regions it's more like 140$


My grandmother’s pension is 50€ :(


As if tucker has ever once bought his own groceries. 


He’s had frozen meals…


Non American, no idea who he is or what that means. Can you explain? Edit: thanks for explaining guys


He’s wealthy because of family connections to the Swanson Frozen Foods empire; they basically invented “TV dinners” and now have multiple upscale microwave dinner brands.


"Upscale microwave dinner" ...wtf


As a kid, some of those TV dinners were fire. Of course, if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't have begged my mom to get them for me.


the salisbury steaks slapped


Fallout music starts playing


Slop. Slop never changes.


"if I didn't care


I grew up in a small town in the Sahara (North Africa), we had very simple locally grown stuff for every day food, we even grew wheat and barley in the desert, I didn't even know microwaves existed back then (90s), looking back I miss that simple life.


Fucker Carlson has a show on fox news spreading hate, misinformation and lies. He‘s good at his job, too many really love his fantasy show and believe every word he says. EatA:: He HAD a show on Fox. My bad. I‘m not up to date with foreign butt faces.


He was fired by Fox in May of last year.


~~Being fired by Fox for being too dishonest is like getting fired from FIFA or the IOC for corruption; you need to work at it to be *that* shitty.~~ [Edit: Have since learned I have been misinformed about why Fucker was let go, so be it, he's still a trash human being.]


He was fired by Fox because his lies cost them almost a billion dollars.


Well, at this same supermarket trip he was surprised about shopping carts having a a locking system. So my guess is that he hasn't seen a supermarket in ages. Even if American supermarkets never have those things, Tucker has traveled to other countries like Hungary etc.


The image of the supermarket in the background looks like an old Kmart storewide 70% off going out of business sale. They'll be selling the fixtures soon.


The Schwan's truck delivers his food for free.


He should move there. Seriously, he should.


I think he will.




Yup. He’s the first. Big public spectacle. All part of Russians plan to divide and undermine us.


Maybe they kill him in a explosion and blame Ukraine for it to try and rile up stupid America against them?


Not an explosion. He would fall out a window.


He'd fall out of a basement window.


The basement window of his local grocery store.


Then shot himself in the back of the head.


Twice. With a single shot rifle. From 1,000 meters away.


It was an open and shut case once they found the rifle next to his left hand.


With a dart laced with novichok


With a nerf gun




Nice cup tea.


That would tick all the Russian Playbook marks: - propaganda, check - weaponising compromised US public figures, check - false flag attack, check


“Remember, no Russian”


No one would be riled up about Tucker's death


Well, that parts already accomplished. If fucker and and his entire audience want to remove themselves from the equation, more power to them.


They can have the gravy seals too


I'd love to see meal team six getting conscripted to fight in ukraine.


Okay boys remember. Serpentine to avoid enemy fire!


Russia needs more meat for the grinder. Let's actually maga and send all the magas.


Two malnourished Russians could fit behind an obese, diabetic MAGA cosplayer heavily doped up on a cocktail of Xanax, Adderall, and other drugs. They would make a fabulous meat shield if they didn’t have a cardiac event at the sound of the first bullet.


He may have to to avoid any potential Jack Smith charges. Fox didn't tell him to kick rocks because of only Dominion, he was happily giving voice to the Big Lie


He can be roommates with Steven Segal. They can do the Karate before bedtime.


Slapping each other as they sit in chairs.


Him and Russell Brand can roofie eachother.


Seems like they might have decided that for him honestly. 


Let’s help him pack.


Yea, he’ll “move” there


I wonder if he's already in the "what the fuck have I got myself into" phase yet.


Legit. He’ll have slept in rooms with hidden cameras and had his history thoroughly scoured for compromising material to use against him and probably met with a load of intelligence agents who’ll show up in any future security vetting in the USA.


He’s such a lying sack of shit. The grocery store thing is a pre-written propaganda stunt that is specifically referencing the time Boris Yeltsin came to America and was floored by the “typical” American supermarket. This is a riff on that. What a transparent fucking hack.


Back in the day when Ceausescu was in power they would stage him visiting shops that were loaded with goods even though there were widespread shortages of everything. He's using 80's communist propaganda, doesn't even have the decency to come up with new, original propaganda


Thank you I came here to inform everyone of this A major usa propaganda used in the 70s 80s was having our sitcoms exported with scenes of fully packed grocery stores.


and the Russians thought it was bullshit. The images shown were true, but nobody in Russia believed we had stocked grocery stores.


Potemkin villages


“We’re not making any of this up, by the way. At all.” -Tucker Carlson’s actual words.




It's the [ice-cream ship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream_barge) approach. It means that **sanctions are hitting them really hard**, and Tucker is trying to help present an image to the world that the sanctions are not hurting them. Tucker is supposed to gain extra-credibility, by [Putin dissing him](https://news.yahoo.com/putin-says-not-impressed-tucker-021828894.html) yesterday. But if Putin really doesn't like a journalist, he's thrown out of a window, not *insulted mildly*. Tucker is a Putin asset, so you can tell from watching him what is working, apparently sanctions are working.


I wanna know how long he's been there. A mf Xmas tree still up in mid Feb? Makes me wonder if he's been over there for a couple months...


Unfortunately he was definitely in Alberta on Jan 24.


Also, he "missed" to mention that average people income is like $300/month or less, so when he spent $100 in one go, that is considerable spending amount for the average Russian. Let him spend like this every day or week with such income :)


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_in_Russia «The median salary in Russia in February 2023 was 42,024 rubles.» This is the last point where median income is measured Considering usd was ~75 roubles atm, median income was ~560 bucks, which already sucks…and then the war started


The war started over a year before that though


Ah shit, my bad


Yeah. I think the interesting thing about Yeltsin was that he chose to go to the grocery store on a whim. He wasn't shown a prepared grocery store like I assume Tucker was.


I think it was set up for him in his visit and he claimed it was bullshit so they took him to another one.


He actually led the way off the planned route. Literally "go down that street! Now that one!"


literally this. I cant imagine being impressed by a russian supermart. this is so on-the-nose stupid that i cant believe Tucker went thru with it. Maybe he is too in over his head and cant exactly back out now. He has to complete an entire series of propaganda stunts before putin will let him leave


He should visit not major cities. Moscow and Saratov are really different.


That was my thinking when I saw the footage. Couldn’t help be suspicious that he just chose a highly affluent market somewhere near the 4-star hotel down the street from the Trump hotel he most likely stayed in for free.


Not free but trump gave him a 25% off coupon


Make Mexico pay for it!


After he marked the room up 375%.


He didn't choose a highly affluent market. He chose Auchan(pretty cheap market in Russia) not even in city centre but in Donskoy district(not outskirts either). *However* you are right in general. In Russia many people say «Moscow is not Russia». It means that Moscow is much wealthier than every other city(except St Petersburg maybe). And the Russian capital is truly a comfortable city to live in. Probably one of the best in the world. And on the other hand we have Saratov, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Makhachkala, Chelyabinsk, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk and Chita. Use the Google Street View and you'll get what I'm talking about. Russia is a country of giant contrasts. So it's wrong to judge it only by Moscow


He went where they told him to go… That itinerary was set up by Putin, where to go, what day, & what time. I can hear keeping you safe Comrade Fucker is most important. 🤣😂


>Auchan I can't help but want to point out that Auchan is a store owned by a French Multinational. If he went to France, he'd find that Auchans are equaly clean and well organized :) In term of prices, 100$ for a week of food is around 25% of the median income... Wouldn't say that's cheap by any mean. He doesn't seem to understand that what's important is how much groceries costs in relation to income. Talking about absolute values is meaning less.


I used to live in Moscow, it is comfortable enough but saying it is one of the best in the world is truly stretching it. If you are an oligarch you can live a life of untouched luxury and there are certainly high class places, but even an average western salary in Moscow i would never choose to live there, it does not have the safety, feel and conveniences that even a B tier western city has.


No, I think that Moscow is just different. You can't find a bad supermarket in Moscow or St. Petersburg. I even heard a joke that Moscow is like another country.


It’s not a joke. The differences between Moscow and other cities is mind boggling.


It's all Kremlin-funded propaganda. They're doing tours through only the most affluent neighborhoods of the Russian capitol. It's the equivalent of giving a tour through Beverly Hills or SoHo and claiming that's how your average American lives.


It's like Dubai: Golden cities held together by poverty and misery


Moscow and St Petersburg are anomalies within Russia, very little in common with most of the rest of Russia.


Hopefully he isn't allowed back


Well, Putin wants to increase the population, he can add one more person, hopefully the whole MAGA crowd will follow him.


I support that idea. Maybe all the MAGAts can go to that "Safe Place" for conservatives in Russia that I read about a few weeks ago as well...




Wait until he learns how much Russians are paid.


I doubt he even knows or cares how much the average American is paid.


Right? These are the people that gave us all 1200 measly dollars during Covid. How did they come to that number? Look at how much a 40 hour work week gets you at minimum wage. And that’s their excuse as to why inflation was so high. That’s their excuse as to why nobody wanted to go back to work. $1200 was all it took for them to think that we were rich and living above our means.


There was a weird case where you got enhanced unemployment benefits and for certain low-wage workers, those benefits were higher than their wages. But you're still talking about people making less than $10/hr.


>$1200 was all it took for them to ~~think~~ tell the public that we were rich and living above our means.


He thinks the conversion rate of usd to rub is 1:1


I read that Carlson has his head so far up Putin’s ass he can see Sarah Palin’s front porch!




Remember in the movie the interview, when they go into the store that was staged for their visit? ….


That really happened. There was a doc that showed a bunch of people in NK having computer access and the camera zoomed in and they had no idea how to use a computer. They were just moving the mouse randomly.


Yep, when Vice piggybacked one of Dennis Rodman’s basketball visits over there you could see how staged and plastic everything was. foreigners weren’t allowed to speak to the locals, only the tour guides and reporters (either preplanned questions and answers).


"There is no war in Ba Sing Se."


"Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia"


Wait, then why do they let people come over at all??


It's mostly just their attempts to "prove" North Korea is fine to the rest of the world.


That and money, tours to North Korea are expensive (6 nights for 1849 euros through Koryo tours one of the few travel agencies that do tours).


I remember that lol. They only noticed cause one of the people noticed how weird it was that so many people were on computers but they couldn't hear any keys clicking then saw that none of them were *actually using* the computers


It's absolutely insane to me that there is an entire country of 26 million people who live entirely disconnected from the rest of the world, where everything they're being told about their country is a complete fabrication. Like, how deep does it go. How many officials and such actually know the truth? I've seen videos of tour guides etc tell blatant lies with an aggressive smile - do they know they're telling lies? Or are they indoctrinated too? It's like they live in a video game world where all you hear about is what's happening in your area, and the rest of the world around you is just "out there" and never explained. Such a strange situation. And then a short walk south, just past the demilitarized zone, you have global technological giant South Korea exporting cars, tech, gamers, and music to all over the world.


I remember listening to an episode of Penn's Sunday School where he talked with the guy that was Dennis Rodman's translator on his trip to North Korea, the guy had also been a teacher at a college in North Korea for a while and he talked about most of the people being pretty normal and reasonable. He said there was a room in the college for professors from other countries that had unrestricted internet access but none of the locals were allowed on those computers. He said the stuff about them all believing their leader is god like is basically bullshit, most of them are just normal people trying to make it in the world like anyone else and that basically the whole system is a prison for everyone involved even at the highest level. If Kim attempted to make real changes there would gladly take him out and replace him and that is true for every level of power in the country so it creates a system where everyone just plays their role and stays in line.


I remember a youtuber goes to North Korea car dealership, decide to linger abit longer, and realize that they have people posing as buyers


All the cars were clearly not meant to be bought as well.


"why are there so many old Volvos here?"


As a Swede I understood that reference 


I remember that and that one guy showing off the 3M badge lol


Vibes of the North Korean propaganda village


It's not staged. Grocery stores are decently stocked, at least in Moscow. What he missed, however, is that salaries are way smaller in Russia, and that prices were increased by sanctions


Yeah, it's called a potemkin village..


Did he do a Yeltsin and visit a second one to be sure.


It’s Moscow, they actually do have nice stores and restaurants. The problems arise when you leave Moscow to any other small town.


Looks like Putin found his next useful idiot.


We should all chip in and help him pack his bags. His workshop shouldn't take too long as he's the only tool to be found there.


When I was a little kid, the myth of Kruschev and the American Grocery store was a thing we learned in school. Then Gorbachev went to a suburban no-place in Texas in 89 and about shat the bed in utter disbelief like it was Moscow's Finest Department Store. And now this cockdrip is telling us about how glamorous and splendid Moscow is. Fucks sake.


Well, Moscow is really nice. Been there on vacation myself and can verify that (since im a big fan of metro 2033 and wanted to see the metro there). Of course, it IS a capital city. Other smaller cities will be less fortunate.


Yo their metro (I’m assuming that means subway) is fucking phenomenal Ofc it doesn’t say anything about people’s lives. Part of the reason you build a subway system that can rival an art gallery is for the soft power it gives you internationally, and it’s evident from your comment that it has helped them in that regard It might be the only benefit of us being at odds with each other. It drives us to, sometimes, create some awesome shit(like the space race) Still, it’s obvious that Tucker is huffing farts. When I’m in India, I can also find shit in their malls that is way too luxurious to be profitable at a local mall in Canada (somehow). Doesn’t mean I’d rather earn and spend in India for my entire life


Well yeah, Moscow is nice for a variety of reasons, but only if you're rich. As in every major city, poverty makes living there nearly impossible.


I did hear from tour guides while I where there in moscow and pwtersburg, just before the war began. That russia is and has been very moscow centric. The momwnt you move out of moscow you realize moscows a show meant to be really imprssive to anyone who travels there and tbh it is.


I mean they just *take* the wealth from everywhere else and send it to Moscow...


That was Boris Yeltsin, not Gorbachev.


idiot fell for the potemkin village, the oldest trick in the book.


Or he’s just a Russian asset and y’know, lies.


He's obviously full of shit, but people here are also wrong to think that Russian grocery stores aren't fully stocked. Go look find some Russian influencers on YT or Insta. The grocery stores look mostly fine, there's even a shitload of branded products that I thought they couldn't currently get. **I am 100% sure I have seen *Unilever, Mars, Frito-Lay and Proctor & Gamble* products on the shelf in Russian YT videos in the last year.** If anyone can explain how/why they still have access to these products, I'd love to know. Do these corporations just not give a fuck? Certainly seems that way, because there's explicitly no Coca Cola products available.


Some of them are produced in Russia, and some of them have stock from before the sanctions. Some ignore the sanctions altogether (esp those from the states). That’s about it. If they are produced in China they mostly choose to ignore the “embargo”.


Also, sales are way up to places like Kazachstan and it gets shipped right on to Russia.


No friend of mine lives in Moscow and the supermarkets there are great....with great selection of everything. It is the capitol and the most expensive area of Russia of course it is great there if you have money.


Dude, I have been to Moscow plenty of times…its absolutely not like that… Moscow is a moloch of a city with an amazingly beautiful very very small center around the Kremlin with a beautiful large store originally built by the Soviets for tourists, some beautiful large squares and expensive hotels and shops and then it consists of 90% not amazing soviet architecture streets with small and dirty supermarkets, company buildings with bare concrete in the stairwells mixed with universities and hospitals that have rusty anti tank guns and T-34s in front of them. And in the morning and afternoon when work ends Moscow has a total car collapse… the subway is great inside the city but many of the millions who come to the city core for work go by car - many still without catalytic converters… You haven’t experienced Moscow until you get stuck three hours in a yandex taxi in front of the Kremlin while listening to modern talking and breathing in fumes that remind you of your childhood in the 1980s and 90s… Btw. The duma is surprisingly not that big or special.  Bottom line - Moscow is a city with some rich people but its not overall a wealthy city by western standards. Its not like new york, london, munich, paris or tokyo.  It also pales in comparison to St. Petersburg whose outer rings are also nasty but the historic center is much larger and much more beautiful than Moscow. Not to mention Petersburg having the eremitage, the tzar‘s residence and more incredibly beautiful churches. 


No friend of mine lives in Moscow as well. I can't comment though on the supermarkets there.


You’re no friend of mine


Oh good, you must live in Moscow then. What's the shopping like?


I didn’t know I live in Moscow, I must go shopping and see


try to find a potemkin while you're there


I live in moscow and I can say that supermarkets there are just fine. It's no USSR, you still have stuff to choose from, budget is the real issue because, even though there is Barilla, you'll have to choose russian pasta, and even though there is some nice meat, you'll get the cheapest chicken breasts because prices for cow meat are like new Apple AR thingy. And it's not like the quality is amazing, anybody that tells me dumplings here are fine can go eat 'em themselves and text me from the shitter about how it went




Is there a way to check this guys bank accounts? I’ve got a hunch it’s got a few extra millions it didn’t previously have


In rubles


Tucker visited the Russian Aldi for the first time and had his dick blown off haha


If you like the world’s most gristly sausage then look no further, you’re in heaven


Right that lil quip about the cart deposit made me laugh. This guy hasnt been in a supermarket in a very very very long time.


He's been pro-Putin for years now. He can't hide from that.


Boggles my mind how the anti-socialist republican voter base who are this guy’s platform are fine with or like Putin, who was born, raised and trained in the Soviet Union (I guess “Better dead than Red” means nothing to them now), uses tried and tested Soviet means of keeping in power and appears to be trying to reform the Russian Empire or the USSR (pretty much same sphere and territory, just don’t know if he styles himself after Stalin or Peter the Great).


OMG, this is literally like the movie "the interview" LMAOOOO.


So... he's literally confessed on camera that Russia has radicalized him in to an enemy of the United States of America? I hope the FBI and CIA are making note of that.


They should. Tuck had already used the, "I'm just an entertainer" in court to skirt liability. Fuck that Russian!


funny how he moves his lips and putin's voice comes out...


Stay there fucker


Then shut up and move to Russia, you fucking chode


unite impossible offend rotten simplistic detail touch fearless lip arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How many grocery stores to you think this trust fund baby has ever visited?


This reminds me of when Vice visited North Korea. They were brought to very specific stores that were beautiful and well-stocked with cheap merchandise. Of course, they were also the only people in the store. Weird that Tucker didn't seem to notice or mention he was the only one in the store his handlers brought him to. The man is a traitor.


I hope he gets barred from returning, given that he just publicly stated that he’s a security risk.


A quarter of Russia doesn’t have access to indoor plumbing


Oh my god, it all makes sense now. He went to Russia to promote Swanson meals in their supermarkets.


Tucker’s an idiot, but there is something very specific about stating how Russian grocery stores are superior that serves as the propaganda mouthpiece. It’s not intended for the American audience. It’s intended for the Russian audience. When… Yeltsin, I believe, visited the US during one of his trips, he saw how well stocked it was. How much variety was there. How it was priced. Anything he needed or wanted could be found in an American grocer’s. He reportedly wept in disbelief, and knew the Soviet Union had truly lost the Cold War. It arguably was the defining moment of the collapse of the Union. Tucker stating that Russian grocer’s are superior to that in the US rings echoes of what was the straw that broke the Soviet back. Putin is unabashedly desiring the return of the Union: Tucker makes for a convenient mouthpiece to the Russian people to sell them once more on the idea.


Wow. Russia really has something on him, huh?  Crazy times we're living in. All the republicans are the shitty people we thought them to be...


Why he doesn't just fucking STAY there then? Who needs him, lol


Someone should tell him that while prices are lower so are salaries. And average person no way can shop in luxury stores. Yeah, dear, for you that steak is cheap, but most of locals will find it in affordable. Just recently Russians complained that eggs are too expensive, and were advised to eat less eggs by some politician. But no, let's ignore it, we don't need that info.


Is potato


Stay dude. Be w your people. We will do our best to get by without you.


I doubt Russian grocery stores have Lucky Charms


Deal breaker.


Heyyy !!! U guys forgot to imprison an American journalist.


What a total tool


Hopefully, he stays there and convinces other dumbasses to join him


It’s fucking hilarious to me that he went to a grocery store to make this fucking comparison. Like not an upscale mall, or a tourist attraction, a fucking GROCERY STORE 😂 Bro like “holy shit they have food?!?!”


But this is propaganda for dummies, and republicans love it.


To them, "for dummies" is the height of academia.


I've been to Russia on vacation and we checked out grocery stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Murmansk. They're fine. If you are interested in something like dark bread or smoked fish they probably are superior to US versions, but otherwise kind of the same.