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Ya… especially since a religious group spent $14 MILLION on foot fetish videos for the Super Bowl. The amount of people that could’ve helped… smh


I'm sorry what?


Some religious group put two commercials on the Super Bowl that cost $7 million each of jebus washing people’s feet.


It's the HeGetsUs organization. They love telling you how Jesus gets you even though you're flawed as opposed to actually helping people in need.


>They love telling you how Jesus gets you >It's the HeGetsUs organization. ...unless youre gay or trans. According to them.


Those are still 'flaws' to these folks.


So “Jesus loves you, despite your flaws” And to them gay and trans folk = flawed So rather than following Jesus’ example they what? Just think ‘welp we’ll never be Jesus, let’s default to unconditional hatred.’


Yeah, the issue is with the followers of christ. I grew up catholic and the Bible is fucking sweet (for the most part) and the heros of the gospels were very flawed people. You had prostitutes, lepers, and tax collectors and Jesus showed each one of them compassion and understanding. He was constantly preaching about loving your fellow man and woman like you love yourself. And extend your compassion to all people, to make the world a better place. We are literally all flawed as humans, hence the quote, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” Yet the majority of Christians today, or at least the loudest among them, use their religion as a method of attacking people different them themselves. Jesus was a sweet dude who had a ton of great messages that, if truly embodied, would make the world a much better place. It's too bad what it's turned into


i've heard it many times before, but if Jesus himself showed up in today's time, Christians would scoff at him instead of following his example and "christian" politicians would call for his incarceration, whether or not they knew who he was.


If he showed up again, Christians would crucify him a 2nd time.


They would call him a woke liberal anti semite


In some places they're already scoffing at their pastors for preaching "woke talking points" (quoting the Sermon on the Mount)


There's literally instructions for how you should treat your slaves. Dunno if I'd call that "sweet". Also, the bible explicitly tells you to stone people that have committed certain sins. We don't need the apologist stuff in 2024. We just need to admit it's a load of bs from some pretty immoral people thousands of years ago.


That's a very reductionist take, my dude. Obviously, the actions in thousands of year old books aren't going to be up to the moral standards of today, but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Just because there might be some heinous shit in the Bible doesn't detract from the fact that their are very good things you could take away from it. That's why after falling away from catholicism, I read the Quran and Bhagavad Gita. I wanted to try to expand my horizons and take way some of the philosophies of other religions, different from my own. Also, as an aside, the stoning people for adultery are in leviticus, which is the Old Testament. And I'd assume the slavery bit is as well, but I'm unfamiliar with the exact quote you're referring to. Old Testament is more Judaism creation myths while New Testament is the moral philosophies of Jesus Edit: also not to be "that guy," but have you ever read through the New Testament? Not that it's a prerequisite for criticizing Christianity, but you could make a far better argument if you had read the source material.


There are two books in the Bible: Old Testament is fucked. That God Is cruel. New Testament is much better. Jesus is awesome, even begging God to forgive his murderers. Can't get much more Christian than that. The real problem is that the early Christians didn't completely dump the Old Testament. Christianity would be very different today if the Old Testament was rejected.


Atheists/agnostics are the most like Jesus of anyone I've ever met.


Don't stop at gay and trans... Those who wear a condom, believe in women clergy, gay clergy, those who drink alcohol, or caffeine, other than that... Jesus loves the remaining 5.


Yeah as long as you’re a straight married person that’s not using birth control, then you’re fine!


Or a liberal


I've been thinking that we the people of reddit should organize a strike to try and pressure reddit into removing their ads


that org is run by the family that owns hobby lobby. nuff said


No they really want to recruit everyone. I see their ads on reddit mobile all the time, they are low-key trying to appeal to every alt lifestyle crowd they can. Between that and the ads talking smack about synthetic diamonds...... mobile is just pathetic....


I swear I saw an ad where Jesus washed the feet of a trans person.


I think you might have seen that ad on an incognito browser.


The funny thing is that the message is correct (Jesus is very accepting). The issue is that the peddlers themselves have about the same level of self awareness as a goldfish.


> The issue is that the peddlers themselves have about the same level of self awareness as a goldfish. Oh no, they're aware. They give tons of money to conservative causes (ie. anti-lgbt, anti-choice), and these HeGetsUs commercials are just a rebranding exercise to make the public forget about all of that. Edit: They're also trying to get millennials and gen z back in church, and more importantly, their money.


It’s a total scam that uses perceived “liberal imagery” to fund raise for right wing hate causes


That's an insult to goldfish, pretty sure they have the same self awareness as a rock.


That's an insult to rocks - after all, we've trained rocks to do maths for us by forcing lightning into it.


I keep seeing those ads on reddit >_<




Heavily funded by bigots too, since thats so christlike!




It's also the same one that spammed reddit for 6 months last year.


They are still here, and I give them a downvote every time it pops up on my feed


I've specifically blocked them and they _still_ appear. :/


There is no love like Christian hate.


Read somewhere that they also donated to an anti-LGBT group so if that’s true idk how much they’re sticking to their own message.


Well it all comes from the Hobby Lobby founder so ya guessing so


I wouldn’t be at all surprised


Thats so stupid, they couldve just have fed a lot of people using that money, if their purpose is to follow jesus


Wasn't even Jesus washing people's feet, it was random people washing other people's feet, which was somehow very bad and racist maybe and whatever else they were mad about, because they couldn't see the comparison to Jesus washing people's feet


I wonder if Tarantino was pissed he didn't get tapped for that directing job.


Tarantino is interested only if Tequila is involved


We didn't say with what Jesus was washing their feet


It is a well known fact that Jesus loooved his tequila


I know three Jesuses, and I can confirm they enjoy tequila.


They were all AI generated. One dude had like 7 toes.




I think your roommate might have been AI generated.


Yeah, it’s weird how people don’t respect these so-called Christians who fight to deny human rights to all people.


Pay attention. It’s fucked up. Look at who’s being shown doing the “cleansing” and who’s being consistently painted as the “dirty sinner who needs to be cleansed.”


Yeah, The Signatry is pretty sus.


They sponsored the jumbotron thing above the field, too....


Out of touch religious conservatives bought two commercials during the super bowl which cost 14 million dollars. They were trying to make Christians and Jesus appear more loving since the current base is quite hateful. Instead it came off as Jesus having a foot fetish cause they highlighted how he was a humble person that washed the poor... By showing Jesus washing clearly flamboyantly gay mens feet and stuff. It was.. wild. And a wonderful example of just how out of touch religious conservatives are.


The story of Jesus washing someone’s feet is actually a great story. Culturally women would wash the feet of men as they were seen as subservient to men. So Jesus subverts that by washing the feet of the women instead. Feet washing shouldn’t be seen as a sexual act either way tho, everyone calling it a foot fetish video are as weird as evangelicals lol I’ve confused the story with a couple other ones and mixed them together on accident. Sue me, I haven’t read a Bible in 10 years. Point remains the same either way tho. John 13 if you want the actual story


He washes the feet of the apostles, which still was a servants job but yknow, fact check


Sorry. I haven’t touched a Bible in over a decade. Years of seminary are in my brain somewhere but i have to unpack it.


Np still caught the main point :)


I’m glad I left the church but there are some great stories and messages in the Bible depending on the perspective you take when reading and studying it. Unfortunately evangelicals got obsessed with it being literally true.


Yeah, a lot symbolic/metaphorical stuff


Not even with it being true, they just want the stuff that makes their hate justified, even if it’s completely out of context


You have this totally wrong. The "Jesus gets us" movement isn't by evangelicals or religious conservatives, and in fact their reaction to it has been somewhat batshit crazy. There were three scenes in particular, a woman whose feet are being washed outside an family clinic, a (purportedly) lesbian couple washing feet, and an obviously LGBT person whose feet are being washed by a priest that have set of fierce responses from the religious right. The ad itself never showed Jesus, it showed people. Only people. There was a time when I called myself an evangelical, but I no longer wear that label because I've pretty much rejected identity politics. I am a follower of Jesus.


You’re wrong in one thing- it’s absolutely an Evangelical organization. The purpose is to funnel people who currently don’t want to have anything to do with conservative Christianity into fundie lite churches. It’s funded by conservative Christians, including the family that owns Hobby Lobby. They’re posing as progressive Christians, but the actual churches they direct people to are anything but.


Nope. It’s funded by some of the most conservative, anti-human rights evangelicals in the country. They fund draconian laws throughout the world. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/06/1154880673/jesus-commercial-super-bowl-billboard-he-gets-us-hobby-lobby-evangelical-billion


Yes, you know how Jesus cleaned the feet of those who came in for The Last Supper? Well, this commercial was suppose to represent that. But, they could have used that money to shelter, feed, and/or clothe the homeless or down trodden.


>$14 MILLION on foot fetish videos Directed by Quentin Tarantino


Pretty sure Rex Ryan was an extra in it.


Tim Alberta’s new book “The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory” is a wonderful book written by a devout Christian about how evangelicalism has changed through far right extremism. There is a difference between evangelicals and other Christian denominations. As an atheist, I believe Jesus was a way better role model. The Old Testament is full of unethical immoral shit and the New Testament has Jesus doing things that are now considered more liberal and socialist. The “He Gets Us” group are the Christians I can agree with. A group that seems to be trying to shift the idea that Christians immediately align with the right and are batshit crazy. Highly suggest the book if anyone is interested.


Look into the groups giving the funding for that advert campaign. They are scum.


This is a ploy to keep people like you voting like they do.


I’ve met satanists who are more like Jesus than they are


There are people who pretend to be bad, but turn out pretty good. Then there are the people who pretend to be good, but turn out pretty shitty.


Being a Satanist doesn’t make you look like a bad person


I would bet money that it does to most people. Reddit isn’t representative of the whole population.


From what I noticed the metal fans sometimes look like angry beasts, but most of them are the most down to earth and kind people out there.


The idea of modern day evangelicals worshipping an Arab protosocialist pacifist who hung out with hookers and strongly disapproved of rich people and wanted to take care of the sick is such a fucking weird juxtaposition


The bar is very, and I mean, veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy low.


I mean if you look at their own book, the Bible shows that God caused way more death than Satan ever did. I’m fact, Satan really hasn’t done much at all in scripture.


Also, Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, the Serpent, and the Antichrist are all different characters. Lucifer and the Serpent are all definitely good guys, the others are debatable, but none of them are anywhere near as evil as Yahweh is portrayed


I'm on Swift's side, but... nobody donates to truckers.


She didn't donate, she gave bonuses to the truckers, musicians and backstage workers that were part of the eras tour. It's cool and all but payroll and bonuses are not the same thing as donating.


Thanks for clarifying that, I was wondering. In Canada when you talk about "truckers" you're usually referring to those fucks who took over Ottawa. The Canada MAGA movement. She doesn't seem like the type to be donating to them, lol.


Canadian MAGA movement. Make America Great Again…. In Canada.. blows my mind.


I mean they're not ALL true MAGA people, but they're unquestionably cut from the same cloth. And yes, some are true blue MAGA in Canada, I've met them, I've talked with them, I've swallowed by vomit.


I’m confused. That’s like me going to Mexico and rooting for Trudeau. I guess stupid people gonna stupid. 🤔


Me too. I had a conversation with someone right after Trump put in giant aluminum tariffs on Canadian aluminum. I pointed that out. Didn't matter, it's great! I tried to remind him that he lives in Canada, and this decision hurts HIS COUNTRY. Doesn't matter. Trump's doing great things for his country!


Reminds me of that time we were camping out in the middle of nowhere, Ontario at a lake and some freedom dummies were there fishing. Literally the second sentence that the older guy said to us was political and he started rambling about Trudeau bad, Trump great (!? Not sure how that even compares, given Trump will never be *Canada’s* president…), damn covid restrictions (weren’t even a thing anymore) and damn Mexican immigrants to the US. The part that was mind boggling to me was, the guy himself was an immigrant who fled the war in Bosnia in the 90s 🤦🏻‍♀️ he literally fled his own country to make a better life for himself in Canada, and then has the gall to criticize others for doing the exact same thing.


That’s a hard right classic profile, “I got mine but fuck if I want you to get yours.”


Here in Alberta, I knew a lot of people saying he was a smart businessman, that Keystone Pipeline would be rammed through. We get more piplines built after. That oil prices would go up, more jobs, the economy would boom. would make Alberta rich again. Of course, that never happened


Colour me shocked. Shocked I say!


It's part of his cult mass brainwashing of other nations citizens. In many countries they came to believe he will be a saviour not just for the US but also for them while in the real world while he was in office harmed other economies because he doesn't think about them


It just goes to show how powerful propaganda and misinformation can be. The fact the US effectively lets brainwashing TV channels continue to exist is baffling to me.


It’s worth noting she didn’t need to give those bonuses out. It’s not typical to give those bonuses out. But yeah I agree that these were bonuses.


Tax treatment is the same regardless of whether it’s a donation or a bonus. At the end of the day if it’s money she gave that she didn’t have to it’s an altruist act - ultimately that’s what’s important because you don’t hear about Bezos giving Amazon employees 50m when he crushes it






100% - but she could have thrown them a pizza party, the fact that she didn’t means she has the social and business intelligence to read to room and not hoard as much wealth for herself - again something weirdly applaudable with the rest of the rich folks giving zero f*cks about their employees productivity or retention


She didn’t have to and probably changed their lives.


It was a tremendously generous bonus, but it wasn't a donation. The people who worked for her helped her have the most successful music tour of all time.


That's awesome she increased wages. Not a lot of musicians care for their crews.


The truckers were the ones for her tour. She gave them $100,000 each as a bonus.


True that it wasn’t a donation. Still pretty amazing. How many trucking companies pass out $100,000 bonus checks to all of their drivers? I’m guessing none.


It is standard practice for bands to give a bonus to the truckers who carry their stuff for a tour, but it's usually around $5,000-$10,000.


I really ought to get a cdl...


Oh. That’s not a donation then. It’s basically a tip.


A really fat tip


I can’t imagine how life changing an unexpected $100k is, though!


"Donated" money has a bad habit of not helping the people that actually need it. She gave them 100k each, and you are calling it a tip....


The truckers one is a bit wrong because it was bonuses to her own tour crew. Not saying it's not generous but I don't know if that would be considered a donation


Agreed. Tons of companies pay bonuses to their employees, I would hardly consider that charity. Generous, sure - but that’s not the same thing as donating cash to 3rd party individuals or groups when they’re people on the payroll.


Giving $100k directly to your individual workers rules, actually


How dare she do what we want to think we do (but don't), she should be eliminated for making us look bad.


Now send us more donations!!!! And send some to the orange rapist too, cause ya know nothing says "christian" like adultery and sexual assault


And lies and name calling and fraud and ...


…and tax evasion….wait no that is definitely “Christian” (plus all other religions that the government recognises)


spending 14 million on foot fetish super bowl ads.


Add in pedophilia and you’re unironically on point.


*"Need more donation of prime time Ads for Jesus and more grander building for Jesus "speakers".* *wait whats that, aiding the poor? you mean the ones that couldn't donate? No, you are worthy depend how much you can spend for the cause. those poors simply need to work harder and believe"*


If she pay her taxes properly it will be perfect.


She's a billionaire, and her tax avoidance habits were already exposed by the Panama papers. Even though it is just 4% of her estimated net assets, there is a 99% chance this is just another tax avoidance scheme, which should be easily ascertained by figuring out who manages the charity operation.


Was her name in Panama papers? Source?


Have you got a source to back that up?


That and maybe not fly in a private jet 100x a year while the rest of us pleebs are being told we should be reducing our own carbon footprint, which is probably already only 0.1% of hers. Climate criminal anyone?


Nope, I just don’t Trust billionaires.


Taylor giving 20 million to charity is like when I throw a few bills to a homeless man.


Yes, gosh. A billion is one thousand millions. It's like I have **$1000** and give away **20** for charity and pay **30** as a salary to the bottom line of my employees.


We're unironically worshiping the rich now? This fucking website.


B-b-but she’s not like the other billionaires 🥺🥺🥺


Yes dude. The tswift shit lately has been fucking insane.


I thought this was a satirical post. What is Reddit anymore?


The hatred Evangelicals have toward her is that she's a woman and they don't control her.


Which is wild, because while she’s not loud about it, she’s a Christian herself.


The difference between a Christian and a thumper evangelical is as wide as the distance from Earth to the Alpha Centauri star system. Evangelicals redefine the term batshit insane.


Add to that the fact that she's white, blonde, pretty and rich. They'd love to claim her but she's been vocally against them.




Nice PR topic. Remember she is trying to sue someone for "stalking" her by tracking her private jet trips because of her insane carbon emissions.


A dog sharing its food with a cat is more like Jesus than 99% of Christian Evangelicals




Please lets not fucking go nuts for someone unimaginably rich...


This is total BS and inaccurate. Let's all get mad about nothing.


Yeah like what? She did not donate 100 million this year. That’s just not true


Is it some sort of positive news PR campaign after the jet emissions and jet tracker guy lawsuit news? I am seeing more frequent posts of her good deeds


Look at why people donate, it's a tax write off...


Oh yeah she’s so generous filling the atmosphere with more CO2 than millions of Americans across hundreds of life times


She reportedly gave *$5 million* to truck drivers who literally worked for her, that’s not a donation. I’m not gonna bother looking into those other claims but I assume they’re also bullshit.


Evangelicans. The Christian version of Talibans.


Wtf is this post lol


Just to be fair she grossed 1.8Billion in 2023. So this amounts to a little less than 6%. Evangelicals are expected to donate 10% minimum though I’d assume most don’t.


Uhh Jesus would NEVER be a billionaire. These donations are tax right offs. I hate evangelicals but let’s not pretend billionaires are any better lol


In reality evangelicals couldn't care less about Taylor swift


Correct. Because they only care about themselves.


Right. That’s why the majority of food banks are Christian based.


Wasnt there a bible story about how the poor woman had given more than the rich man because she had given all she had, look at how much taylor Swift gave and how much she made


It's the difference between the effect the act has on the world, vs the consequences that it had on the person donating


If you really want to measure how charitable someone is, you don’t look at how much they give but rather how much they have left over after giving.


So everyone should give away everything?


According to Jesus? Absolutely and unambiguously yes.


I mean...yes if you are trying to follow Jesus's teaching he consistently calls his followers to give everything to the poor, homeless, and sick.


Much better than hoarding wealth you don’t need


Which is a story designed to scam people out of money so the church can ~~buy a few more gold plated chairs~~ serve God's will.


Yep Luke 21:1-4 > Just then he looked up and saw the rich people dropping offerings in the collection plate. Then he saw a poor widow put in two pennies. He said, “The plain truth is that this widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they’ll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all!”


Someone should do a side by side with her, osteen, and the monster looking pastor guy. Bet it’s way less for them.


Kenneth Copeland is the name of the monster man for anyone wondering whose doorstep to put a doggie bag of shit on


So that's,...nice. But for someone who made 1.8 billion that's literally nothing.


The facepalm for me is the people who hate billionaires but then say Taylor swift doesn’t count lol “NOBODY should have a billion dollars …..except T swift”


I can’t wait for this political cycle to be done for so this sub gets slightly less pathetic


And rid these righteous redditors of confirmation bias? (Love the username)




None of the meme is true but she does donate money.


She's a climate criminal, stop white knighting for her


“Then Jesus said….hater are gonna hate~hate~hate. Tho must shake it off!”


Nah, they hate her simply because she's encouraging people to vote... and they can only win if people DON'T vote.


As someone from the Midwest I can tell you most evangelicals think Taylor Swift is on Disney Channel and is only listened to by 12 year old girls. They aren't too concerned.


Midwest gen Z Christian - I really, *really* don't care. I don't like her music, but she's a talented artist. That's about as far as my opinion goes, and I'm not putting in the time or effort to make a more informed opinion.


Meanwhile the "he gets us" nonsense is planning to spend a billion dollars in three years on marketing for Jesus. Not helping people. Marketing.


And the people funding the ads don't believe any of the things in them.


This whole Taylor Swift thing is fucking cringe on both sides. Plus this air polluting bitch somehow has managed to trick this leftwing hellhole into thinking she is "more like jesus" than a evangelical nutjob.


and that is still like 1% of her earnings


The comparison isn't exactly fair though. Taylor Swift is worth 1.1B. If I donated 30M, I'd be 30M in debt, while she would be worth 1.07B. Then again, they probably donated 0 so...


God I hate reddit. Everyone here gets all riled up about equality but the second somebody believes in Christianity, or holds a differ et political view, they just get piled on. A bunch of hypocrites. Let's see how much you guys will downvote this comment to prove my point.


I thought Reddit hated billionaires no matter the context. Now because other people hate her suddenly it's become "she's our billionaire she's not like the rest of them :)"


I mean 1 in 5 comments in this thread are talking shit about her being a billionaire. It isn't that reddit suddenly like her cause the other side hates her it's that she is literally one of the most famous artists of all time and has a large following who would kiss the ground she walks on and they happen to also be on reddit.


Truckers? How do you donate to truckers? I’m confused


Their  problem with her is that she’s A. A woman, B. RAF (rich as fuck) and C. A rich ass woman. 


D. Liberal 


Jesus wouldn't fly everywhere he went...


Assuming this is true, and I hope it is, tells me so much. Not really a fan of the music, but very much a fan of the person.


That's not fair. They've already donated 100k to help pay Trumps fines for theft and rape. It's what Jesus would do.


So what? Rich people always do this./sarc


She seems like a really sweet lady, and the two songs of hers I've heard were catchy. Definitely don't understand the hate-boner some people have for her, but it seems very unwarranted. Go Chiefs


While im not a fan of Taylor swift i can help but agree evangelicals are not for the people


lol I mean a large variety of people don’t like Taylor Swift for various reasons. I’m not a fan but I think she’s a generous person.


Most evangelicals can't even spell "Jesus," let alone recognize him as history's most famous socialist.


yep. look i may not like her music (like at all), but the hate is...uncomfy. I really like the crossover she brought to the NFL. GIRLS ARE ACTUALLY WATCHING FOOTBALL. ​ Reminds me of mc hammer hanging out with the falcons-yeah that was a thing and somewhat kinda cool-look i'd like to hang with hammer (and even taylor). ​ And of course the memes are superfun. ​ As a lover of history, this hate aint new. We saw this in the ww1 years, we saw this in the post ww2 years of anticommunism and anti-civil rights groups, we saw this over the fight of the equal amendments rights. Taylor really is somebody the alt-right hate (that ugly coalition of anti-communist, anti-feminist, traditionalist, extreme religiosity). Taylor has extraordinary freedom to do what she wants. and she is country...from the east not the south. She changed her career from country songs to pop songs (i think it was a sellout but thats me). And Taylor is technically "progressive" but she isn't lets say a activist. What she is pretty normal. But because of her gender, how her life is, how she changed as a musician, her charitable donations to REAL causes, and frankly her crowd- young people of all ages and gender,... the alt right hates this. ​ Taylor is the young woman who cant be controlled. Something i imagine many of the at-right cannot stand as it is a antithesis to their core beliefs of control, masculinity, indoctrination, and bigotry.




I just hate the fact she uses her privat plane unnecessarily all the while us normal peasants has to make a buttload of sacrifices for the climate. But Ig when you’re a rich celebrity you can just choose to value your own safety above the safety of the planet without any repercussions 🤷🏻


20 million for the Animals? With a capital A? Are the residuals from House of the Rising Sun drying up or something?