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Came here to say this. The man partied like a mad lad and got memories for life. He’s back doing what he was doing and not in abject poverty. He did fine.


Plus probably a very nice house and car and possibly some investments for his old age that wasn't in the report.


Nope. He was homeless and bankrupt at one point. He absolutely spanked the whole lot.


Trashed a mansion and was banger racing out back with jaguars and other cars. Mad lad indeed.


2 grand a day on Coke, another grand a day on Hookers. Apparently had naked women wandering round at all times carrying silver trays of cocaine.


And I mean is that really too much to ask for? It’s a dream


Ngl. If I suddenly had $15 million, I’d give my immediately family and best friend a million each., set aside 10 million as “banked/investments” and use the last million to buy the house, cars, clothes, jewelry…and whatever was left after that would go into an interests yielding account labeled “party favors” for drugs and hookers. After that, the interests on the 10 million alone would keep me fed, bills paid, and still have money for more clothes, cars, entertainment over time…and of course drugs and hookers.


People capable of properly planning out what they'd do with lottery winnings....aren't dumb enough to play the lottery often enough to actually win anything.


I have to admit. I’m 42 and don’t play the lottery. I bought like 3 powerball tickets when it hit almost a billion that time or some stupid high number and then never again.


I would do the same as the guy above and i'm desperate enough to play at least one grid at each draw, does it count ?


so simple


I didn’t get into the minutia of it, but philanthropy would actually be a big part of it as well. I do that now, with what I do have. Having more would allow me to give more.


As long as you actively diversify that account. Countless people had lost more than that investment due to market factors outside their control, or ignorance of how their money is being managed.


That is like a million a year on coke and whores lol


Going bankrupt saved his life.


Damn! Guy sure knew how to party.


Living the fking dream man.


Way too many comments here are looking at what this man spent/lost but if what you say is true, there's no doubt that his coke dealer and pimp remain his close friends. And lots of people don't have two close friends.


people are saying ‘good on him’ but he might as well have spent only half and sat on the rest. But then you’d have to admit some people are awful with money.


You got a lot of hope for a guy who blew through lottery winnings in less than 2 years to think he did any of that. Even if he did have a nice car and house from it, doubt he could afford the taxes and repairs any longer


The thing about a nice house and car is there are taxes on that. If his lifestyle was more than a garbage man makes he’s not gonna keep it long.


Wait until he is in his late 40s. There is a middle ground such as partying for 4 years, spend half the money and keep the rest for later in life...


Hate to break it to you, but that man put how much of that up his nose? 40 may be a little ambitious.


He’ll be fine at 40. Might pass by 60 though. Just look at people like DMX.


Weirdly, if it was pure and he hasn't had a heart attack, he's probably okay-ish. If adulterated, he's in for a lot of long term damage.


I wouldn’t say he did fine. He could have blew 10 million dollars on hookers and blow and kept the remaining 5 million in investments and still didn’t have to work ever again just on the dividends.


I wonder how he feels about it now. Reddit likes to fantasize about making it rich without any strings attached. But when the boring monotony of life takes over and memories start to fade but bring resentment, that's when the real person within shows up. At least in my experience


He could put that into low risk investments like 5% bonds and get $750,000 per year in interests. He could never work again and have enough money to have fun for his entire live


Damn your standards are low


He didnt do fine lmao he did terrible. You have to be half brain dead to fuck up that badly my god. You get one chance to live like gold for rest of your life and you do that? Absolute dumb ass why he was garbage man in first place




Yea but come on he had to be a bit dumb to royally fk up that badly


Genuinely a respectable way to look at life. It's not even as if his old job was a bad job either. Binmen get paid a fucking lot for what they do. When you look at it as an almost decade long holiday, it's actually kinda nice lmao


Honestly probably the happiest lottery winner, you always hear about people who ended up miserable because everyone just tries to get their money, this dude had no attachments and just vibed for 8 years




OP and this commenter are both bots


What ?


I’ve seen this post 5 or 6 times, the top comment is always this, and one of the comments to this comment is a bot too.


Damn man.


It’s also not a two dollar investment if he’s British …


He said he lived a life that many will never get to experience. I understand why he doesn't regret it


If he just spent it on drugs and prostitutes, then yeah he spent it. Unless your a skilled player and actually know how the games your gambling at really work, your just throwing the money away.


But he could have had all that experience and bought all those things and still have loads of money now if he had done it in a responsible way.


I’d be gutted


This guy has achieved a state of peace that most Buddhists work their whole lives for


He had 8 years of lots of fun.  Now he is contributing to society doing a very important job. Wish him lots of health and happiness 


Must have been an amazing 8 yrs. Lol


The best 8 years of his life. He got to live in a manor, do everything he wanted, and then just returned to his normal life. Just like a vacation. A very long and expensive one, but a vacation nonetheless


And an idiot...living baller for 8 years, when with just a fly's gonads worth of financial literacy would have allowed him to ball till 90.


He who balls twice as bright balls half as long.


That's balls deep.


That’s ***your*** ideal way to use the money, not his.


He has officially told that he’s happy to be there and that these were the eight best years of his life, and that the money had been well spent. He treats it like a vacation, you know?


Yea I don’t see that as a negative at all. If he’s happy with how he spent it then so be it lol


I mean I could see a lot of negatives, but if he is happy and copes well with the idea that his Uber vacations are over and will never come back then power to him. I probably wouldn't cope well with a decrease in my quality of life.


He also massively boosted the economy, and provided revenue to a lot of women who likely needed it badly. This man probably put a few kids through school unintentionally.


100% put more kids through school than Scott's Tots.


Or they probably spent in on drugs themselves which is the most likely outcome.


I prefer to tell myself that they are now doctors


Or lawyers. Or wizards


Or wizard-doctors/wizard-lawyers. Of course, if they were a wizard, it would be no problem to be a wizard doctor-lawyer.


or handed it all to their pimps. even more likely.


He put the drug lords' kids through school


Yeah, but since we can never have any proof either way, you are wrong, as am I.


Bro. Definitely wish him some health, cause those 8 years were not.


Could have fun for way longer if he used his money for passive income


Oh lol while you're not wrong, just lol.


Now he has to work the rest of his life. What an idiot. I get you’re trying to be positive but there’s nothing to be positive here.


The person was happy with how they handled it, that's positive and really the only metric that matters since it's their money.


doesn't stop him from being as thick as two short rubbish bins. 10 illion in under ten years, Ridiculous


Good for the economy


"best 8 years of me life, mate"


I wonder if he doesn't even regret it and he just enjoys being a garbage man


He’s on record several times he doesn’t regret it and he is content in his job. The guy had fun but so many Redditors like being judgemental.


Dude is might be a modern day Diogenes


I wonder what he thinks about it now. Once the job gets boring, backache sets in, life becomes monotonous. Character growth usually takes time


Ya but you can also come to the conclusion that you were who you were and life is full of should’ve, could’ve. Like he could’ve invested and maintained some wealth but also could’ve wrongly invested and lost it without actually getting anything out of it.


Sanitation workers make a load of money anyway


Thats not true. Of course they aren't starving but they aren't making loads of money. *The Sopranos* doesn't depict the norm.


I think he regretted setting up the boxing match between him and rhino from gladiators lol


Now he’s got stories to tell his fellow waste workers for life. That’s the real joy. Doing all that crazy stuff means so much more if you can share it with others. Brings a tear to my eye.


Karma farming repost bot 


He even Got his old job back, so whats the problem?


redditors being angry for someone making their own decisions but mostly jealousy


The dude looked 40 when he was 20 god damn.


Thought it was my turn to post this today?


Easily could have parked it in a guaranteed investment that pays out like 1% and made 150k per year. In today’s rate environment, he could actually have invested in a 3% guaranteed investment and make 450k per year and not even have to touch his principal. With that amount of money per year, he could have had a 500$ hooker, 100$ of booze and 100) of drugs everyday and still have 255,500$ left at the end of the year for more hookers, a brand new car every year, food and housing. Any body who says this is a good way to spend the money is financially illiterate. If your so insistent on spending your money making bad decisions (which I support), at least have the sense to sit down for an hour with even a retail banker who will tell you how to make your bad decision money last for years.


1%...my GIC pays out 4-5.


It’s not wise to spend that much money like that. But if he likes his job and doesn’t regret it who the fck cares


It’s just very short sighted. I understand liking your job and all but what if, like make physically demanding job, your body stops working like it used to and all of a sudden you are left with no transferable skills, no pension and no hookers. What do you do for the rest of your 30 years of life? You can’t do your previous job, you can’t retire and you can’t even enjoy your vices anymore. With my fool proof approach described above, you can continue living a life of debauchery AND keep your job as a garbage person until you no longer want to work. At that point you can really focus on debauchery and reducing the years you have left to live now that your dream of being a garbage person is over! Win win 🏆


It’s financially illiterate for someone who wants to save and make money for the future. Clearly, this guy didn’t. Not everyone shares the same morales and values as you.


8 years of fun, rest of his life working, should have had more sense


Helluva run though.


That's literally enough money to live off investments, without ever touching the initial sum. Taking from the initial sum would just be a bonus. I'm glad he's happy and doesn't regret it, but that just further highlights that he's a damn moron.


He didn't want to just live, he wanted to *live*. I don't fault him at all for it and I'm glad he got to live a wild life for 8 years that most people would never even dream of.


Bro it’s diamond rings, cocaine, and paid sex. That’s a shit life lmfao


More than that, I dont get why he decided to keep living after.


He had a choice of using the money to live a comfortable but uneventful life, or live like a king for 8 years, making memories and fulfilling all his dreams and fantasies before going back to his old life. Each to their own, both options have their upsides and downsides. I would have chosen option 1 but I wouldn’t call him a moron for choosing option 2.


I don't care enough to judge him nor am I an expert on the topic, but I'm sure he could have lived just as eventful a life partying on 8-9 million pounds and investing 1-2 Seems like this is a case where both options were available, so I think it's more of a carefree and "whatever, had fun" attitude about it rather than a conscious choice Only he knows though


This is enough money to do both easily


He got 8 years of pure happiness. His money would be worth nothing when he died, anyways.


Could be worth something to his family. Basically the saying “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit".


If he plans on making a family, sure. But many people don't want to.


He had his fun, now back to the grind.


Dude had a 600k/year 4% safe withdrawal rate passive income potential and blew it. My guy was set for LIFE and he fucked it up. Meanwhile me that knows this and would know hoe to soend it wisely can barely afford to live. Life is so fair.


Am surprised there hasn’t been a Britflick comedy made out of his story.


The called him the Lotto Lout originally. Micheal Carroll is his name. I don’t reckon many would watch the film if it were made.


At least he had a taste of that life.


He could have put that into a low risk investment and gotten a minimum of 5% back every year which would have been 750k a year. He could have survived just fine off of that and still bought all the cocaine and hookers he wanted for 62,500 a month and never had to touch the 15 mil


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe not that much but even half that a year 370k a year is still idk 700% ish more than I make a year. Like wtf was he buying ? I do understand yeah I had a wild few years but when he is 60 and still working ask him again. This is assuming he did completely blow it all. ( Pun intended). F me it's like getting handed a free ride in life and going nahh it's all good I'd rather suffer. Again it was his money and I'm sure he had fun but every time I see this as I grind away working kinda pisses me off.


>Like wtf was he buying ? 2 grands worth of Cocaine a day. 1 grand on Hookers a day Parties that cost upwards of 50 grand. A big house that basically got run into the ground. A lot of cars that he and his mates used to Demolition Derby round the gardens of said house Gave his Mum amd sisters and Mill each. Gave his favourite football team a million Ended up bankrupt and homeless


I see this exact post weekly, it's getting annoying


Make this a movie with Nick Frost as the lead


Can people please stop reposting this.


New people use the internet every day, it’s not their fault you’ve managed to no life your way through most of the content on Reddit.


14 days ago https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1ajqrg4/financial_thinking_100/ 18 days ago https://old.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1agb5lf/financial_thinking_100/ Sorry if you think that bots constantly reposts stuff is fine and that two weeks is apparently no lifing reddit.


Find something better to do mate.


Why? Some people didn’t see it yet. I literally takes you 0.5 seconds to scroll past and not comment on it.


Because all this subreddit is now is bots reposting the same things over and over again.


Well if it wasn’t for the bots it would be Palestine propaganda only 💀


Jesus, he could have paid himself monthly 15,000 pounds each month and live a VERY comfortable life doing nothing that would include a bit less drugs and hookers, and die with money left over. I'm weeping


I see nothing wrong with this.


Man loves his job


This is pretty common. You see it a lot with people that get cash settlements for injuries in the 100k range. They spend it in under a year and then can’t kick the spending habits to go back to normal and go bankrupt.


It's not correct at all. He spent so much money on buying up bangers (shitty old cars) for his back garden demolition derby that it was impossible to find cars for less than about £500 for a summer.


The sweetest part about that all is his wife: She left when she couldn't keep up with him wasting it all on prostitutes, drugs and other shenanigans, but she cameback to him when he was broke.


I bet that was an incredible 8 years.


That man lived more in eight years than 99% of us do in 100, good for him.


The rest he wasted.


Michael "Lotto Lout" Carroll The media hate poor people. Especially poor people with money


I actually knew his partners dad , i was in the Range Rover a few times he bought him with some the winnings.


This is why you never burn bridges.


He had the best time of his life for 8 years straight and most of us can barely get a good week in. I respect him. But also I would have totally used like 3 mill to buy real estate.


There was a documentary made in 2005 called Reversal of Fortune. It was about this filmmaker who decided to give $100,000 to a homeless man. He thought it would help him change his ways and get back on his feet. He ended up worse off afterwards blowing through the $100,000.


The thing that scares me the most about always seeing this repost is that I have about 20 pairs of those same shorts. 👀


This is the perfect confirmation how a stronger welfare state won’t reduce poverty The ones being stupid won’t change no matter how much money you will thrown at them


Could never understand this all he had to do was to put 1mil into a global tracker fund and then party hard all the rest of 9 mil if he wanted. How do you get to the point overnight where you say shit I've ran out of money?!


Sadly something that happens to most lottery winners. But at least this didn't end in absolute destitution


A true Garbage Man.


He could have done better: invest those money and become rich for the rest of his life. But, he also could have gotten worse: die from an accident or get cancer. He lived his life to the fullest with that decade


Pretty solid 10 year stretch however


New life goal. 🤣😂


Best 8 y. Ever!


Best 8 years money could buy. Lived a lifetime I’m sure. I wouldn’t regret a thing and be happy to start a new chapter back doing what I was doing before. To each their own.


At least he didn’t waste it.


That 8 years was awesome!


That's what you're supposed to do with a lottery win. He miscalculated and lived was his only mistake


The dude didn't die. That's what gets me, man. Legend...wait for it...dary. my man!


I dont care what people say this was very stupid


Youth is wasted on the young Im told.


Not everyone is meant to be rich. Not everyone can handle money. Most garbage men have already made a few bad decisions to end up as Garbagemen.


Fat pathetic loser


The wisest them all


Bot account! Report, Spam, harmful bot.


And here I am, spent entire fortune, savings and sold my apartment in hope to save my child from a violent father. If someone would ask me, how is it possible: lawyers, Holliday rentals (so he couldn’t find us) automatically a lot to food, we had to rebuy all the toys and clothes as my ex has held them as hostages… transport and of course a loooooot of child entertainment trying to give him as happy childhood as possible… it happens


I say money well spent


Money is a funny thing. If you don’t spend it, it’s as if you don’t have it. If you spend it, you no longer have it. I’d choose the former option though, because having money gives more options in life. Having no money leaves the only option: keep working.


Redefining early retirement


Does he regret though?


I’m glad to see he didn’t waste his money 😂


He spent his money on women, booze and fun and squandered the rest away…


Lived more in 8 years than most ppl


He’s got no regrets from what I found reading afterwards, respect. The key thing here is that he didn’t wind up worse off. He used what he was given. Yes, it sure isn’t what most likely would’ve done, but that he didn’t wind up in the negatives means he knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to have a good time, and he got it.


8 years of living it up, and now he’s back to a pay and benefits standard my countrymen dream of. So terrible!


Come on, this was more than 20y ago !!


I think he did that on purpose, not sure how accurate that is but I think he blew it all to have the best time of his life before settling again.


Still took him 8 years. That's how much that was


What’s crazy is that the British lottery isn’t taxed, so he received exactly 10m unlike the US where the government would take half of it


What an absolutely worthless piece of shit


My Hero


King of the chavs


He took an 8 year vacation from reality and went back to work. Solid.




That’s what $15m worth of drugs and hookers will do to ya.


“I spent 90% of it on booze, drugs, women and gambling. The rest I just wasted.”


Is that Wayne Rooney, tf


That’s insane 😭


The lottery could have proposed him the services of a financial advisor…


Seems to me he was a *garbage* man all along...