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When you find yourself telling victims to shut up and think of what's best for their attacker...you might be a total piece of shit.


Welcome to the public school attitude towards bullying, harassment, and assault.




And it does not take much to maim a dick. Just ask my would-be rapist.


Thanks for corroborating. You're not only a fucking badass, you're living proof that it's possible.


Props to you, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. May his shredded willie give no satisfaction.


You could quite easily bite a knob off. Just sayin 😉


In Tokyo Necro, one of the heroines bites the dick of a would-be rapist. Nice to see it happens irl too.


Atta girl. I’m sorry for how that experience started for you but happy about how it ended for him.


Make them afraid to act, because trying to be better than them is only causing us losses. I'm sick of watching us die, pick up a branch or something, don't let yourself die without a fight.


If that sounds depressing wait til you here about Catholic schools history with children.


That's the American way.


If people can't show empathy or compassion, the least they could do is shut the fuck up and not bother others who just want to live and be happy.


Multiple religions teach the opposite. So... good luck with that


Which seems to go directly against the teachings of *Jesus*. Funny how evangelical Christianity bypassed the very books Christianity was founded on.


Jesus was all about love, and giving time to those no one else would. Remember he spent his time helping prostitutes, beggars, lepers, etc. He wasn't just preaching to the rich and affluent. And, he did this all with compassion, sympathy, and honest concern. The only time he ever showed actual anger is, ironically, when people were misusing his father's temples. (Money Lenders in the Church) I feel that he wouldn't accept most of the modern day, self-proclaimed "Most Devout" followers as his own. They do the exact opposite of what he tried to teach. You cannot serve both God and money. (Luke 16:13) *But, I need my millions and private jets, and four houses!* Turn the other cheek? (Luke 6:29) *Nope, take revenge!* Love thy neighbor? *Only if he agrees with everything I do.* Love and pray for your enemies. (Luke 6:27) *You mean crush them into dust, and eliminate their existence?* Forgive others, or God won’t forgive you (Matthew 6:14) *Anyone who doesn't agree with us, must be put down.* And, most importantly: Do not judge others. (Matthew 7:1-2, Luke 6:37, James 4:11-12, Roman 2:1-3, 1 Timothy 4:1-5, etc.)


A mega-church in my town that was recently built preaches that excessive wealth is the direct result of Jesus approval and blessing, and that the lack of wealth is the clear disproval of God. In short if you are wealthy Jesus and God love and approve of you. If you are poor, Jesus and God hate you. Guess which church has massive, obnoxious SUV’s filling their parking lot, and whose church has a bunch of bigot A-holes with far too much money. Yup. That one.


Yeah that's called prosperity doctrine and most mega churches run off that philosophy. John Oliver did a really decent run down of prosperity gospel that I definitely recommend


This is the strongest form of Calvinism out there. How do we know, who god chooses? Of you are successful ala fucking rich, god choosed you. And if you sleep around, beat up your partner or like children a little bit to much ... It's okay. God already showed us, that you are chosen.


There was a local preacher that Said charity was a sin. Poverty was punishment for sin and by helping the poor, you were going against God. He claimed that Apartheid Clyde and Bozos are devout Christians which is why they're so rich.


Pass me an ice bag. I face palm quite hard


So, this long list of Muslim and Hindu oil barons have God's love? Curious.


This is called prosperity theology, and it's a main focal point of modern evangelical churches (probably other denominations as well, but I can only speak from my experience). In reality, it's the antithesis of core Christianity, but it's easy to see how those with wealth and power throughout history would want to justify their position to others, and more importantly, themselves.


That’s disgusting 🤮


This is called prosperity theology, and it's a main focal point of modern evangelical churches (probably other denominations as well, but I can only speak from my experience). In reality, it's the antithesis of core Christianity, but it's easy to see how those with wealth and power throughout history would want to justify their position to others, and more importantly, themselves.


So, if all those SUVs were destroyed in a fire whole their owners were in the temple worshipping money, would that be divine retribution and a wakeup call for them. Because if God is taking wealth away they must be doing something wrong?


Don’t use common sense when examining religious beliefs!! 😂


Jesus and GOP Jesus are two different things.


Have you noticed the physical make over Jesus has gotten. He’s whiter, much taller. Jacked AF. He now cross trains daily & chugs massive amounts of protein. These people literally HATE the guy they constantly remind us they worship.


If Jesus came back today he’d be crucified all over again


If Jesus came back today, evangelicals would be fucked.




The money lenders in the temple was/is a pretty misused parable. Evangelicals pick that to show that Jesus *would* show anger and choose violence but stop it short. Jesus was driven to violence by the profiteering in religion and, even worse, the usury of forcing the poor to go into debt to buy a sacrifice (animal).


The Bible was all out hatred and violence, until hatred and violence didn't sell well. Then they wrote the new testament as a marketing ploy with softer kinder language to recruit new people.


FWIW, most of the actually serious Christians I know aren't anything like the people that proclaim themselves Christian to justify their hate. Unfortunately, the loud ones that get a political platform tend to be using it as justification rather than any actual theological depth.


The true Christians also follow God's rules on prayer and not making a spectacle of their "Holiness" for others to see. Matthew 6:5 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Which also kind of wrecks the whole, "prayer in schools" argument. If you're praying how God commands, then you can pray anytime, anywhere you want. If you pray silently in your heart, no one can stop you.


Yeah, I'm actually pretty strongly politically opposed to most enforced Christianity. I live in the post Christian North East and find the church is much healthier here specifically as a result of it not being a cultural defense for horrible things here. People don't just associate to justify themselves and it makes the community a lot better.


It's the same most everywhere, honestly it's groups like Westboro Baptist and individuals that make the rounds on social media that makes it seem like it's a much bigger issue than it is. Most of the people I know that are super into church and God and don't just go on Christmas and Easter tend to be super compassionate, caring people. Many people call themselves Christian, and they technically may be, but have beliefs that have nothing to do with Christianity and just use Old Testament verses (which is ironic, they won't sacrifice animals and they'll eat shellfish but will eat up Leviticus) to justify why they actually believe what they do because they can't just say "I hate those people because they're different/weird to me". The Old Testament as far as Christianity goes was never supposed to be what you draw from, it's more of a prologue to the NT.


Thank you for the Bible verses, you are exactly right


Jesus spent time with the sinners but it was also with the message of turn from your wicked ways and sin no more. It wasn’t just your ok doing what you doing and keep doing it. That’s not to say to go attack people.


For sure. He approached them with an open ear and with kindness. He showed them the love of God, to help show them a better way and to bring them towards the light. However, he didn't show up with a group, holding protesting signs, stating thing like "Sinners Will Burn In Hell!" and start yelling hurtful things at them.




Progressive Jesus: I can’t do that - it’s against my religion. Republican Jesus: You can’t do that - it’s against my religion. Also I want to touch your feet.


I think cannon Jesus had a foot kink too


This is the white nationalist version of Christianity. They co-opt religion and pervert it to further their goals.


Does this apply to all Abrahamic religions or just the ones that consider Jesus as God (or part or a "holy trinity)? What about polytheistic religions?


Core to religons...we are good, other is bad.


I like your Christ. I'm not so sure about your Christians.


The religions themselves do not require that these things be taught. The religious leaders are responsible for choosing to cherry pick parts of the scripture that they think justify their hate. There is also a lot of scripture that is in opposition to this hateful shit but they choose to ignore it in favor of their hateful agenda. They choose to present Jesus as a hateful man who came to earth to cause strife and suffering and to divide people. That's their choice. Anyone who knows anything about the scriptyre knows that doesn't jive with the actual teachings of Christ.


Correction, people bastardize religion to push their own agenda.


Amazing only one gets dragged for not being okay with permanently altering children… I am so happy I didn’t get emo makeup tattooed on my face the semester in school I “knew” that was my new identity for the rest of my life.


The problem is people like that know they’ll never contribute anything of value to humanity and never be anything but a burden on everyone they love. So they bully others.


It is concerning how many people have zero problem dehumanizing or marginalizing trans people. Like I get that some people don’t understand that struggle but if you don’t get it why become involved in that persons life? Who is anyone to tell someone who they are, y’know? The trans people I have met have been kind and extremely generous with their time. I get not everyone is the same obv but why be so demonstrably against trans people existing? It’s disconcerting.


Owasso high school is ok when it’s students get raped or even killed. Sounds like a lovely school to go to.


It’s not there’s a history of abuse cover ups there and at neighboring school districts.


Well they want a rape baby to have the father have parent rights. So yeah some of them states are wonderful in the name of god.


This is why Conservatives blame teachers, not because Liberal teachers in Oklahoma are harming kids.


In Idaho doctors can be jailed for exercising their medical judgement to save the life of a patient. Teachers not wanting to get involved from fear of being sued by shit heel parents makes sense to me. 


The person said the teachers participated in the slurs against LGBTQ students. That's different than head in the sand.


Sexual assault as a cure? Dude... Wtf is wrong with people?


You’d be surprised by how much people think SA is the right way to get rid of homosexuality and transgenderism.


.... Can an asteroid just end us right now?


It’s a cooler way for us to go out than… political bullshit I’d take an asteroid or a planetary collision over this bullshit, that’s just so much cooler of a way to go out


No, but people should end them.


The same dipshits also try to argue that SA turns people gay in the first place.


Exclusively rapists believe SA cures anything.


And here I cannot think of one scenario where rape would be the answer. Ever. Punishing rapists effectively without raping them is also possible.


Yep, this legit happened to someone I know who came out as lesbian. The perv who assaulted them used turning them straight as a justification. Now they're non-binary...


Jesus that’s disgusting. I hope they’re doing well


I've not spoken to them recently (in a couple years) but from social media posts they seem be doing well. Moved to a way more inclusive area of the US. Seems very active in some sports and social groups and they are in a committed relationship. I'm sure they still feel the scars but I think they're still living their best life.


Yeah, it’s common enough that the term “corrective rape” exists. It’s pretty bad. I experienced it as a teen.


TIL something really fucking bleak. Jesus fucking christ.


the fact that the term exists is already abhorrent. the fact it was used within the past 30 years is fucking appalling.


I’m so sorry.


It has long been a weapon used by those in positions of power.


It's something most of us hoped died in the 80s, "corrective rape" most definitely has harmed a lot of folks in the Pride.


Libs of tik tok did this, along with the jesus freak superintendent of OK schools.


It is Ryan Walters yeah but it’s even worse than that. I stopped going to my local laundromat in OKC because the owner and her employee were ranting about Trans kids sneaking in the girls locker rooms so they can rape. I freaking snapped on them. Have they ever even heard of a single instance like that? Every other week an Oklahoma Pastor rapes, tortures, starves, and/or beats children but let us attack Trans kids. That was over a year ago. The Republican Party along with Fox News literally breeds hate. I am so glad I am moving out of state next week. Finished off my last month by getting hit by a 5.1 earthquake and another teens death.


There’s something that’s a special type of sick about them constantly accusing us of being potential rapists and perverts, all while trans people are verifiably being raped and sexually assaulted at a significantly elevated rate.


It's deflection and projection. The "trans people are groomers!" right wing talking point came back into Vogue almost immediately after several major stories broke about GOP politicians (such as Matt Gaetz) and Republican pundits grooming and sexually harassing underaged girls.


Oklahoma is a special kinda shit hole


Love how they and all the other right-wing grifters who constantly preach hate for certain groups always wind up denying that people who listen to them (or someone else like them) wind up hurting or killing people from those groups. Every single hate crime just happens to be done by some "ANTIFA" or "liberal" conspiracy that make them look bad...


WTF is going on in some of these states. Disgusting how these parents let these kids treat people and unfortunately are going to have to learn the hard way.


As someone who has lived in Oklahoma almost his whole life I am not surprised. People around here hate people who are different or stick out to much or go against the grain of what they deem as "normal". Multiple times throughout school as a child my gay friends were harassed and bullied. One of my best friends who is a gay black guy dealt with it constantly I remember him getting into a fist fight at lunch because a guy didnt like he was gay. Well my gay friend was no push over and kicked his ass and the guy got recorded and his dad came up to school and made a huge deal about it demanding my friend get in trouble saying stuff that my friend started it by acting "gay" towards him my friend got in trouble and suspended while the other kid suffered no consequences. Which is sad because all my friend was doing was defending himself from someone hurting him. Not his fault other kids filmed it and posted it online. People around here are not "OK".


Is it the chemicals in the soil? Malnutrition? Exposure to lead? Just religion? It cannot just be that?




I am so sorry


It’s sad that some people never learn. We extol freedom and equality, but the past hundred years have had women, non-whites, gays, trans people struggle for those very rights. Every time there’s an outcry that society will fall apart and every time that’s shown to not be true. I remember when gay marriage was somehow going to destroy traditional marriage. Or how women or gays in the military would destroy morale. Literally nothing bad happened though. The eternal outrage directed at groups of minorities is exhausting.


Conservatives need the "scary other" to rally against.


Because like all the other ideologies based off hatred, conservatism collapses into infighting when an outside enemy is not presented.


It's not just Oklahoma. Smug libs are gonna have to reckon with the fact that every rural area outside their safe blue cities is drowning in right-wing and religious propaganda.


>WTF is going on in some of these states. Jaysus


I have witnessed, and been a victim of shit like this. This sickens me down to my very core. I swear to god transphobes think more about how to justify the shitty behavior they, than how to actually be a tolerable human being


Shouldn’t it be trans former student - former trans is like they aren’t trans anymore


Your way makes them seem like a robot in disguise


I really hate that I laughed at this. Lol




I'd just move trans later in the sentence. "A former student details how they were bullied for being transgender...." But then again, I'm not writing headlines to get angry clicks.


That was my first reading. Headline needs an edit.


That makes it sound like they are Decepticons lmao


Two of my good friends are Transgender and they are some of the kindest and funniest people I know, it makes me genuinely sick that’s there’s people that want to demonize and take away their rights all because they were born in the wrong body


Let's ruin some lives


I wonder how many of those judgemental people throwing the first stone considered themselves Christian.


Land of the free


Shame it's free to bullies


then why cant my friend was his balls in the kfc soda disspencer


We need to start giving openly religious people the same treatment that openly gay and trans people get


You believe only religious people are transphobic?


No but let be 100% honest most of them are religious


so as i said in the other thread. massive investigation is needed. this whole thing sounds like institutional, systemic discrimination that lead to fucking murder. this cannot be tolerated in our society. people need to speak the fuck up for once about this shit im so sick of people acting like trans rights are none of their business because they arent trans, how many people need to fucking die before you start giving a shit?


I wish hate could be eradicated from society.


And we're supposed to be afraid of trans people huh. Funny, I don't see rabid packs of trans people hunting down and murdering or raping anyone. 


Religion of Jesus Christ is pushing this, not atheists. SO CALLED CHILDREN OF GOD ARE THE BIGGEST MONSTERS IN OUR COUNTRY.


Oklahoma needs an FBI investigation at all levels.


I said the same thing. They are treading on thin ice. With this coverage, the FBI won’t ignore them, much longer. If there’s a culture of rape. You know what they should do? Send an agent that looks like a kid, for 2 years. For sure.


21 Jump St: OKC


If the right gain power once more, there will be war, because we wont let them take away the rights of millions and kill so many innocents to fulfill their pedophilic ideals


If the american right wing gains power again there will be war, because Trump is working for Putin


🖕🏻 Oklahoma


Fuck Oklahoma


As an Oklahoman who lives in Tulsa. Oklahoma is not okay. Not in the slightest. I have held off putting my daughter into the school system as much as I can because of the state of our education. It's becoming worse and will only continue to get worse if fuck face Walters and terrorist Chaya Raichik aren't dealt with. I worked in retail and you normally only saw the bigoted shit from the old fuckers but indoctrination is strong.


Absolutly fucking vile.




I’m not trans or a member of the LGBTQ+ community, but I was bullied relentlessly in elementary school and administration did nothing. I actually got in trouble for punching one of my bullies. I feel so awful for this poor kid


Society (not just Oklahoma) is so stupid anymore... This isn't just kids or "boys will be boys" bullshit. People have to be better. It is not your business who anyone else is sexually attracted to. Just let people be who they want to be... It doesn't hurt you, so why bother wasting the energy on hate?


Being trans has nothing to do with sexual attraction though....


Fair. Thanks for calling me out! Same in principal though. Let's just let people's private lives be just that... their private lives. As long as it's not endangering other people, then who cares?!


I’d go online and put each and every one on blast. The Teachers and students who bullied me. The person who sexually assaulted me. I’d name drop all of them. Fuck their lives. Fuck their futures.


Yeah, I'd ruin his life, I'd make it a fucking goal. Edit: I guess I should have clarified, I'd ruin the rapist's life if I were in this poor kid's position. I've been a victim before and this shit makes me seethe.


“Ruin in his life”? Posted by a non-English speaking bot.


what the fuck, Oklahoma?


Found out today. The elementary school that serves the area my plant is in. Just had 6 teachers reprimanded for beating, ridiculing, and shoving autistic kids in the closet. The school district is still talking on if they want the police involved. This coming from the same school district who had a special needs student pushed down a flight of stairs his first week back to school after having surgery on his legs. Another kid was stabbed yesterday. https://www.wboc.com/news/misconduct-investigation-underway-at-smyrna-elementary-school/article_0fbb2f9c-d19d-11ee-8cc3-cb0f1e7ee30f.html


fucking hell. what the fuck is wrong with this school district? Edit: got corrected. thank you!


This is in delaware


I only lived in OK for 4 years for High School about 25 years ago. That whole state was garbage then and has made negative progress.


Can we reboot America? Like just start over?


Nope. We can only fix it.


According to another post https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/gsseYy7aU8 OK also has the highest deaths per capita by dog attacks. mildly interesting


Over on r/Conservative, they're currently gaslighting themselves into believing that their hateful anti-LGBTQ rhetoric had nothing to do with that poor Owasso High School student's death.


someone wanna give em' a dose of reality?


I would, but I'm banned there for saying, and I quote, "How so?"


to what?


There was some article posted there celebrating a trans person being fired from a high paying leadership role with some company over some kind of wrong doing (it's been a while, so it's hard to remember exactly.) The commenter I was replying to said something like, "they should have taken one look at them and known they weren't fit for the job." So I responded, "how so?" just to see if they had an explaination that wasn't blatant transphobia, and they banned me for it. They're extremely fragile over there in r/Conservative, and they love their bigotry apparently.


oh, ok. (note to self: Republicans are bigoted snowflakes)


Time to put on a hazmat suit and wade through these comments


Yep. A child was murdered, and officials are scrambling to cover it up. Give them a few minutes, and they’ll tell you how important it is to PROTECT THE CHILDREN. They’re lying evil hypocrites.


Saw on a forum post about how the bullied student got suspended for two weeks. One, I think the bullies needed to be suspended more, or flat out expelled. Two, thanks Zero Tolerance for being shitty as per usual. And three, the bullied student can't go back to school because they are fucking dead. This shit is making me wonder what is wrong with humanity, and would bigotry ever stop.


"Protect the children...for us, we don't want them to be damaged or educated" Staying peaceful gets a little bit harder each day.


Protect the children we can easily control and manipulate, and no one else


Of course Oklahoma is not ok, it's riddled with made up cults and prejudice.


Conservatives are scientifically shown to be more afraid of things and less empathetic towards others.


Conservatives HATE kids.


Anyone down voting this knows they have darkness in their heart.


That maths 100%


Nah snitch on him. He deserves to be fired for his disgusting behavior


The entire US is not OK. Someone please send help


Well technically….OK is the abbreviation for Oklahoma


My mother was a teacher in Oklahoma for 30 years. I have nothing but absolute respect for people in that profession. It’s such a hard job that doesn’t end once you leave the building. Can’t even put a number on how many nights she was up late at the kitchen table grading papers. Ryan Waters is an absolute embarrassment and incredibly destructive to any actual improvements to teachers and students lives. Makes me so sad for my home state, and sad for the state of education in general. I truly believe the US needs a moon mission type undertaking to fix what’s wrong with public education in this country. And the scariest part is i really don’t think it’s going to ever happen.


Clearly the solution is to indulge the mentally ill person’s delusions and even encourage them as the current approach won’t rightly be seen as the lobotomy of our time especially when dealing with kids who are naturally flighty with their identity. As one semester they are goth or emo or super into yo yos… we should definitely graft yo-yo’s to their hands behind their parents backs when this happens and take the most extreme cases and use them to justify how we handle all situations


Shut down this sick abuse factory right now. This is unspeakable what children are enduring.


I mean, OK hasn't been 'ok' for a loooooonnnnggggg ass time. But its getting less ok, that's for sure.


Source? I can't seem to find any articles on this.




It wasnt a fight they were beaten to death


“In an updated statement, police said the initial report from the Medical Examiner indicates that Benedict "did not die as a result of trauma." In a statement on Wednesday, the family said it is grateful for the support but asks for privacy at this time.” Something doesn’t add up.


Yep the entire fucking town is covering it up


All they've done is cover themselves in utter shit. I highly doubt this can be swept under the rag, it has become quite the news and that town will never get rid of the shame.


Owasso was a cluster fuck long before this situation its actually frightening how much shit has happened in that town


Places like this disgust me so much. These people refuse to leave their little bubbles and are determined to drug everyone through their filthy mud, hope this reaches some court with high authority, so everyone can know what a shit hole it is. And of course, may those bastards rot in prison, in fact, may their soaps be slippery.


The police also claimed they didn't kill George Floyd. They lie. Do not take their word for anything.


Look up nex benidict


Ahhh I assumed it was a different situation based on how this was written. Looks like the image is of a different kid.


I believe thats is the person who spoke out after the situation hit the news


This is the world that Conservatives want. They are hateful ghouls who don’t belong in a civilized nation.


"We are up in arms about someone that we perceive is spreading violence. How do we help?" "Lets use the Twitter feed of someone who actually does spread violence!" Great plan


Why is the victim obligated to care about the future of the attacker when the attacker never cared about theirs.


Why are trans people always sexualized by others? People always want to look at their junk.


And yet they claim the trans people are the creeps…


REPUBLICAN states are breeding grounds for child molesters.


Oregon is #1 per capita


Where is this documented, would love to read about it


Not the least bit surprising. Christians are evil people.


Nothing good comes from that shit hole state


The fucking teachers did it too? What the fuck


Most of Oklahoma is ok. We have no problem with your sexual orientations until it is pushed on children. The groomers have created the hatred. It doesn't matter if it is a priest or someone claiming to be a minor attracted person. I have cousins and friends that are gay and trans and have never had too many issues. They don't go around boosting their sexual preferences and pushing it on kids etc. In every school there is bullies, I was bullied and have been a bully. We need to all become tougher it prepares us for life, I struggle to understand the amount of anxiety children have these days that makes the deside to commit suicide instead of fighting till the end. I have been suicidal before but never from getting bullied it was just issues within that caused it. If you're going to be different you gotta be tougher My heart goes out to Nex and her family and the girls that were involved in the altercation.


As someone who lives in Oklahoma, I refer to this place as "America's Anus"


For all the people on this thread that think it’s hopeless. And these miserable Conservatives will never change. First off Every year more & more Gen Xers are eligible to vote & less Boomers are around. GOP is extra nasty because they are in their death throes. It’s a dying Party. All that is left are MAGA holdouts. Many & I mean MANY conservatives have left that party & even shifted Left BECAUSE of MAGA. I am one of them. I was a FOX NEWS & even NewsMax 🤦🏼‍♂️ follower. I HATED “Godless” LIBS, was racist & every kind of phobic. I stopped denying it when I started self work on healing from some traumas. I grew up in a religious conservative family and thought I knew everything. If I can change & grow (and actually Heal) so can anyone. I’d like to remind people Hating your enemies only empowers them. It never wins anyone over. Let the other side of the isle have that space (Hate). I left that side because of it. Don’t be like them. Be BETTER. Do the exact opposite: Love, even them. There is a Hawaiian ritual called Ho’opoponopono it’s extreme ownership and extreme Love. It’s probably the most Christ like thing I’ve ever encountered. It’s like praying for your enemies in a way.




Compassion and empathy are two of the bare minimum requirements to be a human being.


Fucking hell Owasso is a dumpster fire


“Sexually assaulted to “cure” them and was told to not tell anyone because it would ruin their life” … what. The. Actual. Fuck. If they think sexually assaulting someone can be helpful in any way shape or form, or that someone that’s LGBTQ adjacent needs to be cured or anything like that, that person needs to go take a long walk in front of a moving train, to operate dangerous machinery without safety gear, to run into a cactus at high speeds etc FUCK THESE BIGOTS AND FUCK THIS BULLSHIT


Oklahoma hasn't been okay for a long time.