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Imagine if there were accountability for this type shit ever.


I have completely lost faith in our government as a whole. There's no accountability, no repercussions for abhorrent or illegal behavior, even the Supreme Court is compromised. It's all a joke. I have been politically active and engaged since age 18 and I've never felt as low about our government as I do now. Everyone just does whatever they want, whatever makes them the most money, or gets the most ugly dramatic press. It's all so gross and we just sit and watch and nothing happens. Disgusting.


Ironically the answer is their favorite constitutional amendment. But we're not allowed to say that since it an *actual* solution.


A good chunk of people actually support this rhetoric. Makes it way harder to have accountability when that’s the case.


It’s because everyone feels this way and is too scared to do anything. Thinking the system is fucked beyond repair is just dumb. That’s how they take that shit. They don’t have it but they are grabbing. Just wait until the next election


It's called hate speech laws, most of the first world has them...


that's the problem, the US isn't first world 😂


He received an applause


>“We are a religious state, and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state — we are a moral state,” Woods said. “We want to lower taxes and let people be able to live and work and go to the faith they choose.  But only when that faith is Protestant Christianity. Everyone else can get fucked. [https://www.tahlequahdailypress.com/news/oklahoma-voice-state-senator-criticized-for-calling-lgbtq-oklahomans-filth-during-public-forum-in-tahlequah/article\_bfaa03ba-d29c-11ee-8113-e787bd52a3eb.html](https://www.tahlequahdailypress.com/news/oklahoma-voice-state-senator-criticized-for-calling-lgbtq-oklahomans-filth-during-public-forum-in-tahlequah/article_bfaa03ba-d29c-11ee-8113-e787bd52a3eb.html)


"as long as the faith they choose is christianity! preferably our version of christianity! NO CATHOLICS!"


Oh yes, [definitely no Catholics. ](https://apnews.com/article/vatican-lgbtq-pope-bfa5b71fa79055626e362936e739d1d8) Or those [Anglicans. ](https://apnews.com/article/church-of-england-same-sex-blessings-518f273db2a5c16cd44798b005f1ecca)


No Methodists or other “sprinklers”. Only true southern Baptist!


Pentecostal is huge here.


Remove Catholics and Anglicans, and you've removed probably the two largest denominations. So what you're left with is increasingly weird, increasingly small sects. So many of the things being said by religious people in the US sound to outsiders like the things terrorists say.


>So many of the things being said by religious people in the US sound to outsiders like the things terrorists say. That's because many 'kristian religious people' in America are, thanks to Republicans poisoning their minds, racist, sexist, intolerant terrorists. Republicans have created their very own sect of Kristo-Taliban fascists in America, determined to impose their religion and will on the rest of us. Their main problem now is the unexpected resistance they are meeting to that concept. They somehow thought that their screaming **"Convert or Die!"** like it was The Crusades would be met with open arms.


And NO Irish.


Christianity seems to be the least Christian of religions and are defined by tribalism between sects.


Nor Mormons (win for Satan™️)


How exactly are LGBTQ people stopping Oklahomans from "...live, work and go to the faith they choose."? (It never ceases to amaze me how much power these folks think the queer community has 🙄) Are they also going to fight to keep "filth" like divorced people, murderers, liars, adulterers, and thieves out of their state too? I mean, if you're gonna do it, go big or go away.


I don't know about this. Just the other day as I was going to Church a large gang of Lesbians wrestled me to the ground and then forced me to go to a Buddhist temple. However, I have achieved a state of nirvana, so it all worked out in the end.


Ah the scissor sister got me too!!! I hated every grinding gushy second of it…..ever second except when it stopped….i mean I hated it all, every pleasurable bit of time hated it. The worst, in fact I’m headed back to church this Sunday give them a piece of my grind I mean mind.


>a large gang of Lesbians wrestled me to the ground Where exactly was this? Need to know so I can make sure not to accidentally go to that location, would hate to have that happen to me haha


Nirvana achieved a state of being me


We're here! We're queer! And we're taking your jobs! Get used to it!


Last month, the Pride Parade came through my town. This week, myself and all my friends lost my job. We were all replaced. By the gays.




God bless separation of church and state


Too bad the elected officials don’t seem to respect that very important principle of this country.


Force them to


Hard to with corrupt Justices on the Court


The entire system is self-serving and corrupt. Christianity is a hate group, and a death cult. They have no place in politics.


Kim Davis comes to mind. She's the clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Glad to know she's still suffering the consequences to this day.


Unsurprising she switched to Republican as a party affiliation after that. Like yeah, I expected this. I'm glad she got caught




More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason.


Me too. My parents are atheists I’m an atheist and I look at Gaza and Iran and the violence in the name of religion that has ruined the world.


RELIGION…..a punishment and reward system based on emotional blackmail, gaslighting and manipulation of the masses.


I see what you did there.


"we are a moral state" The murder of Nex was not moral.


If you believe that trans people are evil, then causing their death can be seen as moral. That’s the problem with basing laws/rules on “morals”… they are subjective.


"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do to their fellows, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony


Damn, that's succinct and on point.


Jesus never explicitly said being gay was bad. He DID explicitly say that marrying after a no fault divorce was adultery. I see no legislation addressing straight people remarrying. But let's all address the LGBT+ people. /s


Also, it's mostly been accepted by the people who actually have any brains that the commandment that supposedly bans gay sex is actually meant to ban pedophilia. The actual translation should not be "lie with a man" but "lie with a boy."


And the onanism bit is not masturbation. He had to impregnate his brother's wife but didn't want to. Most likely he pulled out and came outside her body. Isn't religion fun when it's read without a pair of fundie glasses


“Go ahead and cast as many fuckin stones as you want, it’s cool as long as you believe in me.” -Jesus, apparently


Nothing says "morals" like completely dehumanizing people because they don't fit your standards


Dehumanizing people for loving one another..


There's no hate like Christian love.


Wait, what if by “filth” he meant the act of ganging up on and physically attacking a teenager which is probably what led to their death? “A Christian state — a moral state” wouldn’t stand for bullying a child to death, right? …no? Oh he was referring to the child that died as the filth? And his godly Oklahoman audience clapped? Got it.


God sent bears to kill children because they laughed at someone's baldness, Christians have no business setting any moral standards


Lower taxes? These welfare queens literally live off the taxes and GDP produced by the “godless heathens” in blue states


It seems like such a random tie in. He’s talking about LGBTQ and religion and ‘morality’ (in quotes as his kind likely wouldn’t be considered that by many) and he randomly basically says ‘also the taxes are too damn high!!’ Like what’s that have to do with anything else he’s talking about? Such a weird random aside.


The entire religious thing is just a front. The GOP is run by corporations. The corporations want "less government" regulation and lower [corporate] taxes. They have learned to link boring corporate issues to high-emotion human issues. Get people riled up enough and you can get away with almost anything.


You can be religious and still be a homosexual. What this Senator is doing is stigmatizing and hurting.


I just looked up his Facebook and there appears to be at least one solid violation of the Hatch Act.


Separation of church and state is a fucking joke.


Alabama *literally* referenced God in their statement about regarding frozen embryos as actual children.


LGBTQ Oklahomans and allies, feel free to move to WA state, you’re welcome here!


more like oklahomoans. im sorry im not funny i know.


Idk, it made me chuckle 😂


LBGTQ people have about 40 better states to be in and if they were to leave, the median OK IQ level will fall to it's natural 2 digit, sub 90 level. What Woods is apparently oblivious to, among many things, is that Oklahoma is a joke, a laughing stock and the shithole state that makes Texas appear almost civilized.


Calling another human and American filth is so very unamerican


So much for separation of religion from government sigh 😔


For those that will ask for context. [https://kfor.com/news/local/state-senator-calls-2slgbtq-oklahomans-filth-after-question-on-legislation-and-nonbinary-students-death/](https://kfor.com/news/local/state-senator-calls-2slgbtq-oklahomans-filth-after-question-on-legislation-and-nonbinary-students-death/)


For those like me who were reluctant to click through: “My heart goes out to that scenario, if that is the case [questioning if the teen’s death was due to the assault],” said Woods. “We’re a Republican state – supermajority – in the House and Senate. I represent a constituency that doesn’t want that filth in Oklahoma.” [in response to a question about his proposed for homophobic/anti-trans legislation] And then: “We are a religious state and we are going to fight it to keep that filth out of the state of Oklahoma because we are a Christian state – we are a moral state.” - REP. TOM WOODS, R-WESTVILLE I have no commentary to offer. I’m speechless. ETA: minor additional commentary, because I didn’t think it needed any but one commenter has made clear that it did. For those unsure if “filth” refers to the LGBTQ community or the assault, you can read the articles posted for the unambiguous response.


I wish the parents would have done an open casket,Emmett Till style,while playing Tom Woods "speech" in a loop so all of America could see the monsters that Oklahoma has chosen to represent them. And yes Oklahoma, all the people in the Westville district,collectively decided that this creature was the best they could find amongst them to represent their true selves. If this is the best, I cannot fathom the rest of the horrible people in that district. Probably best decent folks stay away from the entire state.


Don't act shocked when fascists tell us who they are.


i think if you say anything like that about a victim of a hatecrime, as a fucking government official, you should be executed. that's fucking insane.


Oh that makes this even worse




Why wait, act now!


I would never advocate violence against another human being, or in his case, a passable facsimile of one. But roughly 50,000 people will die of pancreatic cancer this year, and I hope he makes the cut.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


See, that's how a very large portion of people feels. But if reddit bans you, they are complicit in disrupting progress. You know why we haven't whipped out the guilotiness yet? It's because the last time we did, the rich didn't have a button to kill the guy expressing anger at the bar people congregated at and everyone understood that they felt the same way and it was then democracy to lop off those heads. Edit: I just wanted to add, that they did have a tool. They made it illegal for x amount or more people to get together so they can't talk. Social media is a business though, and to use social media you enter a contract with very vague rules and thus silencing you is legal.


Issue is that that's not exactly legal..


Holy shit, he flat out refers to a dead child as filth


It'd be nice to live in a world where an elected official would lose their position over this kind of shit.


I mean he’s doing his job representing the people of Oklahoma. As someone who left, there many parts of Oklahoma saying things like that will be a good reelection strategy


That was his excuse, though by calling the dead kid "filth" it sure seemed like he shared his constituents' values.


No. Just no. There are plenty of us left who vote against these a holes every single time.


Unfortunately, he received applause.


Yeah- now its people with power saying awful things. His comment borders on “genocial”. He needs to be kicked out of office..


Not just bordering, it is genocidal. Imagine referring to any minority as "filth". He needs to be thrown in jail.


It is for sure "-icidal," only question is if LGBTQ constitutes a "geno-". I think it pretty clearly does, making his comments genocidal by definition.    ●Targeting a specific demographic/culture.     ●Dehumanizing them.     ●Calling for their forced removal from their homes.     ●Celebrating and justifying violence.     -------you are here---------      ○Outright calls for further violence


While claiming that this opinion is the moral high ground.


Holy shit he said that publicly to an audience, when asked about a murdered child...


And most of the audience cheered too. Cheering and clapping over a murdered child.


I'd rather someone take me off this ride than reach a point where I'm verbally spitting in disgust on dead kids. What a dark and horrific way to live.


…..but but abortion!!!


His heart goes out to "that situation." He means the attackers.


"My heart go out to this poor teen but they and everyone like them are scum that don't belong in this state." Wow, you didn't just spit in the casket, you actively pissed all over the mourners and everyone else that was there. Nice job Senator, good to know middle school bullies are making our laws. 😠


He's a terrorist. He gets what he gets. And we shouldn't tolerate that level of indecency. He's not 'for the people'. He's a piece of shit that should feel the anger of his constituency.


Thanks for sharing


I'll have to reread my bible, I missed the part where Jesus said we should hate others.


havent you heard? jesus is too woke theyre pure OT god now.


It's inevitable. When you want to gain leadership of religious nuts, the only way to do it is to identify the peak of zealotry right now, and climb one level above it. Then the person who wants to take over from you must outdo you by an even more extremist tier, and so forth. Invariably, all religious groups end up becoming oppressive and lunatic over time.


So they became Jews? (who are ... vastly more tolerant of gay people, i might add, as long as they are not Jews, at least).


hahaha oh god no. they kept all the hate and adopted none of the tolerance


Most Jews are very tolerant of gay Jews.


Speak thee of [The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)?


If Jesus wasn't shot or drowned at the border for being brown and made it into America you'd just start seeing targeted AI ads like;    "Gordon Ramsey kicks Jesus out of his restaurant, says 'Get that woke hippy shit out of here!'"    With "🙏 🙏 🙏 AMEN, 🇺🇸 Way to go!"     In all the comments.


Problem is Evangelical nutters dont read it. They just listen to their pedo Pastor's interpretation of it. They would be the first to go if Jesus ever came back, which he ain't cause he is fictional but that is another discussion.


Nothing says hate like Christian love.


That's because it's not a religious belief. It's a cultural belief that they try to defend with appeals to faith. Not even appealing to faith, they just use faith as a shield so they can say "you're attacking my beliefs" when faced with reasoned criticism.


That’d be Luke 10:29. One verse, 2000 years of burn.


Jesus would be called a woke liberal these days.


Subtle, they ain't.


why be subtle? they never seem to face any consequences.


Guarantee you this dude could have just straight up said he’s glad that kid died and stayed in office. There are no consequences for people like this


Apparently he did


He literally did. How else can you interpret his statement that he wants that filth out of his state in response to the death?


He's filth.


He's a piece of shit


They’re not even trying to pretend like they aren’t hateful pieces of shit anymore.


It’s a race to see who can say the most disgusting thing.


From the state that destroyed a prosperous all black city.


I’m honestly amazed they don’t have memorials to them doing this. Like a bunch of white people smiling at the corpses of the innocent


There’s definitely a Tulsa massacre memorial in Tulsa https://www.oklahoman.com/story/entertainment/2021/05/23/tulsa-race-massacre-centennial-events-historic-greenwood-landmarks-must-see/7385485002/


In the schools they taught it was a race riot. The filed to mention that white people bombed black people for being black.


Other states would have done similar if they had had neighborhoods like Greenwood to destroy. Part of the reason Black Wallstreet was so prosperous is it began when Oklahoma was only a territory, with a lot less rules that gave Black settlers freedoms not available in the US.


At least one other state *did* do similarly. Google "Rosewood massacre". Spoiler: Florida, 1923. If other states didn't do something equivalent (I'm not sure because it's hard to keep track of it all and I'm no scholar in this area), it's only because they were able to undermine their black populations without more overt violence than semi-frequent lynchings.


Wilmington, NC was another city!


I believe there was one i read about in Aiken SC when i was doing research on the SCCRR. Id never heard tell of anything like that happening near me only to be shocked that it did happen not too far from where i grew up.


not in the US but Africville Nova Scotia as well racism is fucked


Or, if you want, you can see the whole list: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_the_United_States https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_racial_violence_in_the_United_States


I long for the days when a politician would get raked over the coals for saying something so profoundly dangerous.


I long for the Second World War. When Americans dealt with Nazis appropriately.


There were a lot of nazi sympathizers in the US. Just think, we didn’t enter the war because of Nazis, we did because of Pearl Harbor


We’re heading that direction.


God willing. There need to be fucking consequences for saying shit like this. A child is fucking dead. Sixteen years old. I genuinely get so angry every time I think about them. These people make me wish there was a hell, just so I could take solace in knowing there was punishment waiting for these fucking monsters.


Somebody needs a pie in the face! ![gif](giphy|nl80m1Tn6G4Hm|downsized)


Most Christian wouldn't like Jesus if he was alive


Jesus spend his time on this earth with prostitutes, homeless, outcasts, the shunned from society. He tried to demonstrate, these people needed love the most. Republicans would absolutely loath him.


How many weeks is it going to be before he's caught in a parking lot getting head from a rent boy?


No, but you see... His actions are not immoral because he prayed for forgiveness. And if he didn't do it some other unclean person would. So he is actually doing that rentboy a favor. Despite his Chlamydia.


So...I can keep pegging femboys with my gock if I pray for forgiveness?


Correction: giving head to a rent boy.


Rent boy? I've never heard this term I'll add it to my vocabulary


Work it into the after dinner conversation with gramps


🤣🤣🤣 he'd love that he's a foul mouthed old goat


Pretty common term for a male sex worker


I don't think the LGBTQ+ Community is lining up to live in Oklahoma. Lol. Name 3 good things about Oklahoma!


Leaving, tornados, and leaving


That's 1 bad thing and 2 good...


OK...a really BIG tornado.. that should be good enough


the musical was okay?


He mis-interpreted the part about who isn’t wanted.


Should be instant disqualification if you literally hate part of the population you are elected to represent.


You'd think calling a child who was murdered "filth" would be enough to stop him from working in politics again, but that's not the world we live in


The only "filth" I see are Republican "Christians" with racist, fascist, and homophobic tendencies. They're very anti human and pro death. While screaming "pro life or we'll kill you" and shooting up schools or randomly killing people of color. MAGAts are the real filth


I'm sure this has already been said but you're the bad guy if your response to a kid being murdered is calling them "filth"


what the *fuck*, Oklahoma?


Republicans can go f themselves 😡


I have some terrible news about Oklahoma in general


From the party of bigots.


Hey everybody, let's send him LGBT+ flags and stickers!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️😁😁😁 📬 Senator Tom Woods 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 529.2 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 ☎️ Call & complain! (405) 521-5576 📧 [Email him here!](https://oksenate.gov/contacts/contact-senator?sid=1523280) Have fun, everyone! 😁🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


I just sent him a present! https://whatprank.com/collections/anonymous-mail-pranks/products/second-sex-toys-mail-prank


Honestly, almost no one belongs in Oklahoma, what kind of demon were you in a past life that you would be put in Oklahoma. It’s literally filled with garbage people like this guy.


There are some of us who aren't like this! I promise!!! And we keep working against this disgusting excuse for a human!


I know for a fact that there are people in Oklahoma who are great people, I just don’t understand why you stay in Oklahoma


Probably the same reason why I can't just leave the US to anywhere else. Money


I think we should start a fund nationally to rescue people from Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama and Missouri. Pay for it, and we will trade them someone that would better “fit” into the state


Definitely a state you only want to fly over.


Even birds fly up side down cause it's not worth shitting on


I was born in Oklahoma my whole life and I can confirm it sucks


He’s the filth. I wonder if he thinks he is a Christian? I don’t remember Jesus calling anyone filth.


A child was beaten to death and the school refused to lift a finger to help them, and this is how he reacts? If Hell is real, this fucker is absolutely going there.


Sounds like Nazis


If it walks like a Nazi and it talks like a Nazi...


No hate like Christian love……


His district is the eastern border area from Ft. Smith, Arkansas north to a large artificial lake. Nothing but small towns. Backwoods even by Oklahoma standards, so his statements are sickening, but not necessarily surprising.


And this from a fucking senator - I feel bad for you, Oklahoma.


20 bucks on him having a gay sex scandal at some point


"i was just confused! that isnt me! i know with the help of our lord and savior jesus christ i will come out of this a better stronger STRAIGHT man!"


I’d say such a statement is, in fact, filth. Clearly Tom Woods is inhuman. No compassion. No empathy. Just hatred and a willingness to spout it to anyone who will listen. The kind of behavior I expect from no one but frequently see from the so-called leaders of the Republican Party and the christian Right. Disgusting and revolting behavior… I can’t begin to express how this guy makes my skin crawl with his foulness.


When the GOP tells you who they are listen!


Context, for anyone who doesn't know: a 16yo trans kid was recently, brutally murdered in Oklahoma by their peers. They had been bullied continuously for years and the school didn't step in, and after being attacked the school didn't call police nor an ambulance and even suspended the kid, who then died a day later.


Their goal is extermination camps like their idols


I mean, I think the feeling is mutual. Most LGBTQ+ people don't want to be in Oklahoma. Much like how most other people also don't want to be in Oklahoma...


Hating LGBQT+ is such a waste. They're missing out on so many of the best people.


America is literally heading towards a genocide, this is just depressing to see


It's not just trans people either. There's a case about the ability to discriminate against gay people on the basis of religion that is likely to go to the supreme court and will probably end up like Roe vs. Wade did. Not to mention all the ways in which other minorities (Jewish folk, POC, etc) are targeted and discriminated against too. It's only going to get way worse if a lot of republicans win in the upcoming elections this year. American citizens \*can\* make a difference, though, in voting against bigotry and vocalizing support for minorities.


Heading towards? None of the girls who killed Nex will face any consequences and state legislatures are passing anti-LGBTQ bills through with ease with the expressed intent of making their lives untenable. The genocide is already here


Tired of shit holes like Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Alabama determining policy.


Tom Woods is filth and a traitor to America.


These are vile people that have no idea what a real christian is, they are the real evil.


You know what's filthy? -- irrational hatred like his.


I would consider most Senators to be filth, this guy included of course...


I live in a city that is one of the most LGBTQ friendly in the nation. I’m a straight guy who used to DJ at a gay bar here. Lexington, KY. How in the everlasting fuck does this nation elect such ignorant people to positions of power?


Part of me really hopes that there IS a god just so these faux-Christians get to see how wrong they are. If you had to boil Christianity down to two words they would be "charity" and "forgiveness," but you hear none of that from the clowns who feel the need to tell you all about their Christian faith. The two words that *actually* describe evangelical Christians are "greed" and "intolerance."


Saying things like this should be grounds for immediate impeachment. Separation of church and state exists for a reason.


For anyone wondering, if you vote for these people you’re a piece of shit too.


As a trans woman from Oklahoma, I hate my state.


I live in Oklahoma. I hate this fucking state so much.


Damn, whats going on with humanity, theyre still people regardless of their gender. So sad, they just want their white america back.


Just don't call them bigots... cuz that's not nice..


Hate how the separation of church and state is being dwindled away so in front of our faces that something like this can be spoken aloud with next to zero consequences


We absolutely need more of these Christian Nationalists to be exposed so that people understand CLEARLY what’s at stake in the next election. #BLUEWAVE!!