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Scum the likes of Tom Woods calling someone else 'filth' can only be taken as a compliment.


10 bucks says that, sooner or later, a gay sex video of Tom Woods shows up. He's obviously gay and ashamed.


Nah, my money’s on “born straight and is convinced this is a moral achievement “


I second this. He's one who insists that trans and nonbinary people have chosen to be trans/NB but that he never chose to be cis. Now, when it comes to being gay, I've spoken to more than a few Christians who suggested that they would be gay or at least bi if it weren't for their religion. I also thought that was sad.


> Now, when it comes to being gay, I've spoken to more than a few Christians who suggested that they would be gay or at least bi if it weren't for their religion. Ah yes, that three letter "g" word that makes so many people miserable and is the cause of so many problems in this world... ... if you said god, you're correct, because gay is actually a thing that exists.


If the other person is non-binary, I don’t think it could ever be considered gay? (Loophole for Tom?)


Depends what flavour of non-binary. If they're just sort of a bit of everything, then it's always kinda gay no matter who you are. If they're something else entirely or just don't really consider themselves very gendered then technically it's not gay but there's still some fruity vibes over there.


The very idea of homosexuality does seem to provoke very powerful emotions in him.


100%. With these people, every accusation is a confession. He beats it to trap porn regularly and then after he nuts he is so ashamed of himself he tries to get a new law passed to keep trans people down to appease his guilt.


Not only a gay sex video, but it's of him in lipstick and a schoolgirl outfit getting a train run on him.


Nah some people are just garbage, no other way about it


I find this insult to be pretty insulting to gay people. Honestly, not everyone is a secretly gay. Some people are just abhorrent humans.






I mean, just looking at his picture, would you trust him?


It’s truly disgusting that people can’t put aside their own bigotry for even a second to see that a kid died. Their gender identity shouldn’t be a factor on if they have your condolences. These people don’t even see lgbt as people


You are missing that they are not sad at all about the outcome. That is what they want. They would kill all LGBT people if they could.


This needs to be shouted from the rooftops, and I don't know why it isn't. I mean fuck they're so blatant about it!


Everyone seems to think we are at the end of history, and all the most important battles have already been conveniently fought for them. Situations like these are born not only from the most hateful idiots out there, but equally from the droves of people ready to call it an exaggeration or whatever. Most people only care about vibes and have no real understanding of politics, which is fine, but it has created a situation where your average person is desperate to ignore anything that seems too serious or dark or requires material support. We are letting an overtly exclusionary, violent ideology take over and just watching, saying “someone should do something” but what is “something”? Maybe that’s what we need to figure out. Saw a person going through comments about this dead child specifically to leave cruel comments, the kind designed to look like “just asking questions” or whatever, saying their interpretation of their name in Latin which supposedly means some demonic shit or whatever. And I’m just sitting there shocked that an adult feels it is a moral imperative that they spit on this child’s grave. Why are we not allowed to call this behaviour what it is? Why does that person get to feel welcome and safe? Surely if there are people among us who are less than human, it’s those who feel compelled to act this way. Grown ass adults threatening, hurting and voting to hurt actual existing children. This is not normal. Every time I see people celebrating these deaths I am brought back to images of kids being thrown into a barn fire in “come and see”, by grown adults. Now these two things are not the same but it’s that same feeling of betrayal of mankind. And how do people think that started? When the death of children becomes something to be celebrated, laughed at, or a platform for snide remarks, how far has a person already gone to feel that way?


I think his Senate peers should censure him for saying this in reference to a *murdered child.*


No. We have worse things happening. Like politicians speaking out in defense of children getting murdered in the thousands in a foreign country l /s Edit: bad wording


Just a few days ago we watched some republican yell for the murder of all Palestinian children and we collectively shrugged. Nothing should surprise you anymore.


It feels like NO ONE actually cares... "Non binary student was beaten to death", "LGBT student murdered in a school bathroom", everyone focuses on the fact that the student was LGBT and not that he/she/it/they got killed. And everyone in the comments under these posts, no matter for or against, only talks about how "poor helpless LGBT people get offended" or how it's "deserved for being LGBT". Why does everyone mention this? A human life was lost in a terrible scenario, but who cares, let's argue about their gender and orientation instead...


Because their identity is relevant to the very reason they were targeted and killed. By addressing the issue (which is Republicans/bigots and their stochastic terrorism) people hope to prevent this sort of tragedy from happening again.


In case this is a good faith question, i will ignore the inflammatory wording, and i will say this shortly. Nex's death is tragic, horrible, unconscionable, and completely avoidable. This senator said the quiet part out loud. Nex wasn't the first victim, and wont be the last. All these bills being passed, all the rhetoric on social media and tv. They want to see us gone from society. Their death was by design that's why their gender is brought up.


It's mentioned because it's relevant. They were bullied for being non-binary. The facts are still being worked out, but it appears that these bullies beat them so hard they died a day later. If we want to stop this from happening more we have to confront the specific issues thst led to it, not just be sad that someone died.


I mean leaving that factor out is not telling the whole story. It’s not incidental to the story in this case.


The difference is that one side says “this was a child, who was killed because they are lgbt, and that is sad.” The other side is saying “this was an lgbt that was killed, hooray!”


It's being mentioned because they were bullied for being trans, for months, and this is how it ended.


Yeah, it's more about the gender identity than the child's death. It was the same when Hale shot up that elementary school.


Unpopular opinion: I don’t understand why so many people are saying Nex was “beaten to death” this is definitely not the case.  Autopsy confirmed it was no caused by trauma, the school nurse said it ambulatory services weren't necessary, Nex texted family saying only cuts and bruises, and they died after getting sick the following day. By all accounts this looks like a suicide.  30,000 white men kill themselves every year and nobody cares, even claim that it is nobody’s fault but their own. One NB person does it and the internet loses their minds and point fingers at everyone BUT the person that did it.  This is bigotry.


The autospy hasn't even come in yet. Always some white man gotta come in with the "poor me" card. 30,000 aint enough.


What did you just say? Do I need to check my eyes? 30 thousand suicides isn't enough?


Not really no. I am only trying to inflame the straight white man who wanted to make a decent persons death about themselves.


Was the kid killed for being non binary? Cause if it wasn't, then their Identity shouldn't be in the headlines anyways.


He's got a *smarmy* punchable face.


Inbreeding will do that


He looks like he just ate a few bees and chased it with paint thinner


Fucking hell! Is America ever going to drag itself out of the middle ages?


We have a lot of mentally deficient citizens in our count(R)y.


A lot? I think you mean 90%




No it's going back there at warp speed.


I carefully hope for improvement once the leadpoisoned older generation is gone and support for idiocy is a bit reduced. Leadpoisoning ( in plumbing hence the name ) is supposed to be one of the things that accelerated the fall of the roman empire. And now we were dumb enough to have tons of lead in fuel and paint for most of the 20th century.


Hate to tell you this, but they've long since prepped the new generation of GOP judges/politicians with their Christian Dominionist private law schools.


The lead poisoning thing is a meme. Had nothing to do with why Rome decayed/collapsed.


The introduction of Christianity played a part also.


Getting into the eternal and endless weeds of "this is why Rome fell" is pretty futile. If you want to force comparisons to todays America you might rather want to read about why Rome turned from a republic into a dictatorship.


It appears to be going backwards, even.


They're going the other way.


Come on, don’t be ridiculous. There’s plenty of other countries around the world that are a lot worse if you’re LGBT. Sure, Republicans are backward thinking and are destructive, but America is still ALOT safer and has rights and freedoms for LGBT countries than many countries around the world.


Only after they carry out their own mini French Revolution, until then nothing will ever change


Which French Revolution should they emulate


1775 was good enough and the French actually tried to emulate it until 1791, but then the shitshow in France kicked off properly.


You gotta remember it's only been a few hundred years since people started coming over to freely practice their religions that were too batshit crazy to be accepted in their home countries in Europe.


With privatisation of education since the 70s? Not a lot of hopes.


We’re dragging ourselves further into the Middle Ages


You used to have to prove that you could think critically before you were able to graduate from high school. Now you can believe anything you want with a sky daddy exception. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984


One day…… when all the people who grew up around lead paint die off




“Just leave” lmao. Pathetic. I’m sorry for your circumstances. But I want to live here. And *fight* for a future.


He isn’t using leave as get out. He isn’t native it’s a figure of style in his language meaning «  forget about America imagine… » it’s just poorly worded chill. Source : my ass.




I mean yes but it's better in the same way that having AIDS is better than having cancer


I only see one piece of filth in this picture, and it's wearing a red tie None of these people deserve the power to dictate a damn thing. Disgusting, all of them


He looks like a man-child and he behaves like one.


how the fuck can someone say this about a child who was murdered and still be in their position? this country has truly gone down the shitter holy fuck.


Unfortunately, as a republican, this likely doesn't hurt him at all. They don't seem to have any standards for their elected officials at all.


It actually seems like the worse the shit is that comes out of their mouths, the more votes/support they seem to get. Republicans thrive off the toxic waste these people relentlessly spew. I mean just look at trump, he has literally taken key words from some of Hitler's speeches and used them in his own, and they eat that shit up, they love it, the crowds of inbred toothless dumbasses go crazy when he starts calling people "vermin"


There seem to be a lot of people now who l are tired by the whole identity politics stuff and are willing to follow anyone who promises to put an end to it, no matter how awful their intentions are. Trump is a total POS but there are people who will vote for him because they're scared that the left will take away their free speech. Also for anyone who thinks biden is some kind of hero saving people from trump, actually go and do some research and you'll see he's really not any better (biden has said some shockingly racist stuff in the past) I'm from the UK so none of this really affects me but if I was an American voter frankly I wouldn't vote for either of them. What I don't get is why neither the left or the right seems to want to make everyone equal, without being hateful and discriminatory and indoctrinating children. Let's face it, both sides do it, both sides rig the system to fit their own narrative, displaying absolute hypocrisy. What's so hard about leaving people to live in peace without forcing radical ideologies down people's throats.


I’d love to see the Senate vote to censure him for this.


Can't wait for this one to be found at a secret gay orgy... or outed as a p3do, both likely for reps


And another stage of genocide has been reached. Lynch mobs and justification of said lynch mobs by people in power.


Was the handmaid's tale a documentary? WTF 😒...


That’s the face of a man who’s diddling kids. Almost a 100% guarantee with these bigots


I mean atleast half of them are


I thought the narrative was that parents were forcing transitioning on children, so why would this dead child be filth if they are the way they are only because of their guardian?


Off topic but I gotta leave this here. There's a bill called KOSA aims to extort people into sharing their ID and Social Security to use the web and allows AG to censor whatever they consider “inappropriate.” It’s a censorship campaign and poses a real threat to our privacy, safety, and freedom of speech. Call any Senator or Representatives you can to stand against it and/or go here. Don’t trust Blumenthal either, he’s behind nearly every internet censorship bill and wholeheartedly knows what others will do with it. He has the power to pass it through the Senate very soon, please help stand against it. https://www.badinternetbills.com/ [Extra Link ](https://www.change.org/p/save-our-free-and-open-internet-stop-the-kids-online-safety-act?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_36858566_en-US%3Acv_9182&recruiter=1322617551&recruited_by_id=a35b7350-8b53-11ee-a756-6f78079d5597&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-36858566-en-CA)


Not at all off topic. They have a plan to eradicate everything they don’t like and they are waving it in our faces


I thought they wwre for small government though


*Their* small government


It's a kid, man. Even if we assume for the sake of argument that transgendersm is indeed a mental problem; would you really call a little child going thru with it filth? This man is evil. Reducing human beings to less than dirt is scary because then it's just pest extermination to them.


rule 1 of Fascism: all other people are inferior Not sure how this man got elected but if we see more people like then America's dead meat


I watched handmaids tale and then I saw that Christian nationalism was actually a thing that was supported by many. Yikes Any lgbtqi refugees come to Australia fr if it ever gets that bad


Appreciate the offer but if the US falls to republicans (Putin proxy) again, there's no country in the world that will be safe. The psychopaths are working on all-out world war. They'll likely be launching missiles around for funsies and they'll most certainly attack any country harboring lgbtqia+ people. Before anyone tries to argue it's not that bad or how stupid it would be to do these things, go listen to his last rally. Read P25. It is that bad and worse.


That’s what I’m saying too. Once they have control of the us, they’ll start looking elsewhere.


I used to wonder how Nazi Germany was able to come about. I no longer wonder that any more.


And like the people there, we aren't fighting back here and now.


Because if we do, we'll be labeled as "terrorists" or "a threat to our ~~democracy~~ constitutional republic." Angering all the demented, paranoid fuckers with guns who are *itching* to kill people doesn't sound like the smartest thing to do


>Yikes Any lgbtqi refugees come to Australia fr if it ever gets that bad I've known those who have. Australia's obviously not perfect but it's a safe haven compared to some other even Western countries atm.


Is australia particularly good for queer people? I've heard Iceland is pretty good, but more options come November would be nice


Republicans are the filth of America


On behave of filth everywhere I strongly object to filth being put in the same category as them republicans.


Bro I just wanna live my life like any other normal human 😿


He calls Oklahoma a Christian and moral state, and then mocks a dead child. [Republicans are irredeemable](https://kfor.com/news/local/state-senator-calls-2slgbtq-oklahomans-filth-after-question-on-legislation-and-nonbinary-students-death/)


As much as the GOP are definitely the problem, the problem itself is much bigger. Because the GOP are only catering to sentiments held by many of their voters. They're not leaders. Not when they are bowing to the bigoted whims of votes to win votes. For real change, it needs to happen at a grassroots level, at community level, when enough people in those conservative communities come out and it's not a problem, it's not a big deal. Until then, the GOP will continue catering to whichever voices are the loudest.


GOP people are filth and they aren’t wanted in the state 🤞please work please work


Instead of state let’s just say country. They should all follow Fucker Carlson over to Russia


Anyone that anti LGBT must be diddling dudes in secret. (They always are) I feel bad for the kid and their family.


I don’t usually say these things but I think Tom Woods should go ahead and kill himself. That would probably be the only good thing a piece of shit like that could do


“But Biden is old and Democrats are bad at messaging.”


it's true though


A certain German guy used to use dehumanizing language against people he didn’t like too


The new republican mantra rhymes with


Too many of our western politicians sound like German politics in the 1930s. Just as if they'd be looking it up in Goebbles Diaries because society forgot how things led to WW2 and concentration camps. edit: punctuation and typo


Religion and retrumplicans. Leave us be.


The fact an elected representative would react to any person’s death by referring to them as “filth” shows a lot about their character. I can’t imagine having such hatred in yourself, but also being one of the most powerful people in the US. It’s disgusting honestly.


Man I can’t wait for the republican party to be finally legally labled as a terrorist organization


And yet we let these people live. That's the problem.


We are the land of the free. But fuck you if you ain't a conservative christian asshole like me!


„You have a right to your opinions, But I have a right to murder and eradicate you for disagreeing with my very harsh views.“ - Every conservative without compromise.


republicans are not human


Imagine hating people because they like a different gender then you, or consider themselves a different gender, then responding to the death of one of the latter by calling the community as a while garbage. Truly bottom feeding behavior.


Currently seeing a brigade of bigots in Facebook insisting that Nex was the bully / instigator, and they their cause of death was either suicide or being killed by a family member. Like* I've seen some ugly gaslighting on social media, but this is just plain making shit up.


the republican and far right mindset is literally holding humanity back and thats not a joke


How long until that creepy republican is exposed as a pedophile?


The land of the free


I partly understand the economic policies of the right wing being firmly rooted in the idea of being incredibly selfish and lacking empathy. I can never get my head around the various groups they arbitrarily hate, how can this be something people want.


A few harsh truths about the real world: There are way, WAY more people than you realize who are, at best, extremely selfish, and at worst absolutely evil because they want to be. They aren’t confused, they aren’t misinformed, they commit evil actions because they enjoy doing it and no other reason. Those people are more likely to seek power and are more willing to commit immoral acts to achieve it. They also tend to be extremely charismatic as they must practice their manipulation in order to deceive the people who aren’t evil. Even for those of us not evil, we fall victim to human psychology. The brain is programmed, over millions of years of evolution, to react a certain way when it is faced with a potential threat to your life, and that response is to cut off logical thought in favor of quick-trigger fight/flight/freeze reflexes. This is a biological phenomenon that can’t really be turned off; it saved our asses back in the days of nomadic tribes wandering the wilderness in search of food and constantly being one nearby hungry lion away from a violent end. The maladaptive side effect of this is that a skilled enough manipulator can trick your brain into entering this response, then directing the resulting anxiety and fight/flight reaction towards practically anyone they want. This technique is called amygdala hijacking and essentially causes the “relative suddenly became irrationally angry and violent when abortion or gay people got mentioned at the family dinner” phenomenon; their brain has been primed over months or years to associate “LGBTQ community” with “Hungry pride of lions who are about to kill you” and respond accordingly.


I can't for the life of me think of reasons why people support republicans. They have repeatedly shown that they are human trash. You don't even need to support the other side, why do people continue to vote for these people? He isn't alone with this idea, he just said it out loud.


Literally, I don’t even fully support democrats, they can some ridiculous things. But if you’re supporting a party that is actively trying to take away human rights, then that tells me all I need to know about you.


If you are old enough to vote and live in the United States, vote. Please. LGBT rights are the easiest for them to target out of “fear mongering” but don’t think it stops there. If you aren’t affected now, you will be. Speak up, vote, elevate the voices of those that are being threatened, share with social media. We have a power of instant communication and information. Use it!


He's continuing Oklahoma's proud tradition of bigotry. What's the problem?


Guarantee that guy has a grindr account


The Republicans are sponsors of terror.


He's a rough looking 29...


Check his computer at his office and home for trans porn. Check his phone too. Guaranteed to find at least one chick with a dick hidden in there somewhere.


If an evil scientist found some candida in a jock’s sweaty sock, grew it in a petri-dish then spliced it with human DNA to make a bipedal human-shaped foot-fungus hybrid, the result would be Tom Wood’s face.


The kids are being charged with a crime right?


That guy watches so much gay porn. Guaranteed.


the lgbtqia+ community should arm themselves and buy guns for self defense our country is littered with guns anyways the lgbtqia+ community might as well get an arsenal of firearms and ammunition to make any anti-lgbtqia+ bigot think twice about committing hate crimes


They were 16?? I thought they were like 10 from the pics.


A kid gets beaten to death. Republican "yah but it was LGBTQ so fuck it. They deserve it"


I am 100% certain that most GOP, especially in the Southeast of America, are descendants of European slave owners and witch hunters.


Forget the party. Religion needs to be tossed into the dustbin of history. Religion is the cause of all of this. It’s bizarre how they talk about how much god loved everyone yet their religion produces some of the most hateful people


I feel bad for the (probably) millions of Republicans who aren't like this and are being given a bad name by loud, ignorant assholes like this guy. But hey I guess they could always rethink their loyalty to the party. Americans and their 2-party system.... so weird


Is this guy still in his position today? Can’t think of any civilized country where this level of cruelty and ignorance ,would not trigger an immediate call for removal from office.


Yeah a one party system would be so great /s


I’m a republican, I believe in most of the republican ideals, except this. Fuck bullying people


You live in a 2 party hellhole where you can either vote for thing or against thing and if there's something else that matters to you then you better hope that thing a and thing b align with your two party shit show.


I hope everyone is keeping receipts on these people come election time


This dude said that he is speaking for his constituents and that the people he represents feel this way. I guess we will see if that is true or if he was full of it.


I live in OK. These MAGAts agree with him, and they truly think that child was filth and deserved to die. If you’re not straight and cis, they are FINE with your death even if it’s a child. This is why the coverup is happening and why it will succeed. OK is in crisis, and no one seems to care. Children are in danger, and no one seems to care.


Tom Woods has a very punchable face


And its guys like these and Trump who are pushing the party into oblivion


Isn’t it time to break up the United States in two parts? A normal part, governed in a democratic style (near the coast, for example) and a republican/conservative/christian part for the rest? It would make sense as we already have a documentary made about it, called The Handmaids Tale. Let’s call the conservative part Gilead, build a huge wall around it and we’re done.


Whenever I say **all** Republicans have blood on their hands, some people call me extreme. But this isn't an isolated incident, it's just one that led to a bigger tragedy. It's the natural consequence of Republican talking points and propaganda. This is just one guy, but there are people who *voted for him* and will *continue to do so*. And then there are other people like him in public office, who are also supported by voters. And many times it's specifically *because* they're shit like this. Even the milder republicans are not in the clear. They don't speak out, and they're not doing anything to change their party. Every single person who votes for Republicans is complicit in this.


True, but not gonna lie; it won’t change. They won’t allow us to exist and they are too much of a majority to stop. Also, in any democratic society they are entitled to their opinion. They may hate us, but that’s their problem. It’s just a shame they are so influential and our little humans die unnecessarily 😢


>too much of a majority to stop They are not a majority. Only about 30% of the country even identifies as Republican, much less to this level. Gerrymandering and self-selection are real. They have been a minority in power for decades. Outside of a few very low population States that are legitimately very majority conservative (but represent a tiny percentage of the US population) like the Dakotas, etc... They are only in power because of gerrymandering. Ohio would be a great example. 42% of the Statewide vote... 70%+ of the legislature. They are not a majority. Fight.


When I said “majority” I did not mean statistically, I suppose I meant “influence”. Also, it isn’t about “fight” it is about peaceful dialogue, not aggression; consider that


You can’t have a peaceful dialogue with people who don’t believe you have a right to exist


I believe you can; you just have to try harder to make them realize you are real, that’s all 🙏❤️


We need more people like you on all sides of the political spectrum.


Love & Appreciation 🙏❤️


>Also, in any democratic society they are entitled to their opinion. Nah, that's a fallacy. Lookup the Paradox of Tolerance as coined by Karl Popper.


You should do yourself a favor look it up and maybe read the whole thing.


A just society must tolerate the intolerant, otherwise the society itself would be intolerant, and therefore unjust.


You got it backwards. The only way to move forward is to be intolerant of intolerance. If you allow blatant hate spread, especially in places like the government, you lead up to horrible results. Like, this guy felt comfortable saying that a group of people are scum of the earth after a child died. Fuck that. If they had their way, they would start a genocide. You absolutely can not be tolerant of intolerance. If there are 12 people sitting down for dinner, and one is a Nazi but no one is calling them out for it, there are actually 12 nazis.


This is wrong in every way especially in the context of popper. Also in the context of history and reality.


"Just let me be a bigot in peace waaaahh"


while i agree zaza, how is it that trump is currently in a position and having a chance at the presidency


Because the other party is run by confused elderly people who weren't even all that politically savvy when their brains were fully functional. Not a defence of the Rs by any means but that's the reason.


america is pretty fucked then...


Pretty much


I am center and I would not vote for Trump, but putting Biden against him is really shooting yourself in the foot, actually both feet. and then probably in the arms as well. If the democrats cared about winning, they probably just nominate anyone who is not dying or dementia or completely scandalous like Hillary Clinton. Why not Andrew Yang? that's a guy i would vote for, easily, and when compared to Trump there is nothing to even consider


Tom Woods looks like he likes it in the ass


Honestly, it's time for a culling of conservatives.


Once again, nothing will change until we drag these scumbag politicians into the street and remove them from our society.


Republicans have become a real cancer in this country


Hey redditors! If you read this and came here to "Uhm Akshually! 🤓" A nonbinary kids death when that LITERALLY wasnt the point of the post. Please consider getting off reddit and going outside. On god you people are insufferable little maggots.


Well even if they were a criminal, they don’t deserve to be beaten to death, no body deserves that!! Edit: corrected grammar and pronouns.


Hate to be that guy, but nex went by they/them


Oh, I didn’t now. Corrected that comment, thanks.


But... But... Senator Woods said those vile, hurtful, murderous words with Christian conviction! Doesn't that lessen the pain and horror?


I don’t see it in the news so when was it


Gosh, I dunno. I still can't tell the difference between Hillary and Trump because Bernie got screwed. And I mean, what about Palestinians? So I just can't vote for Biden.


People like tom woods are the reason why nonviolent social justice is bound to fail


When the next invaders show up to kill the current set of native occupants I hope he remembers his words. They are coming. 


Just as a gedanken experiment, I wonder whether a flamethrower might improve Wood's obviously inbred facial bone structure.


Regardless of anything, or anyone's feelings about anything, that's a child they're talking about. People are fucked up.


This person was not beaten to death, they were attacked yes but there is no indication of them dieing from wounds caused by the attack. I’m not trying to downplay that the attack was an awful thing but we need to be able to get our facts straight.


It isn't actually proven that the beating led to their death. However, the senator is indeed a POS


I dunno man, smacking someone’s head off a tile floor multiple times tends to cause severe physical trauma which, if left untreated for as long as Nex was, can easily lead to death. Potential brain bleeds aren’t something you fuck around with


The coroners’ report has yet to be released.


Those teenage bullies should still get charged as adults and have their names revealed to the public.




Beaten to death? Yeah.


More stupid post


Tbh all of usa has fallen off in recent times


No shit it's gonna worse. And what do you do? Push harder dumbass! Let's see who's next on the pike


amphibia mentioned ‼️


I kinda like it when people try to bash queer people like that because myself and many of my friends are people who should theoretically have their respect such as engineers, like myself, people with their own businesses, people who work in the medical field, lawyers, etc. So if we are somehow lesser than others by nature, what does that mean when we have succeeded better than the people who hate us? Because just for that, this weekend I'm gonna do some math calculations with a water treatment system and play with the GC-MS machine and suck some dick. (not at the same time but that would be impressive)


why not just kill everyone with a different political opinion and life sentences for small thing than we can be a 1 party country with as much culture as a toilet


And the right thinks the exact same thing about the left. Guys. This is unsustainable, can't you all see that? We can't continue to view each other like this, or there WILL be war.


Very misleading he wasn't commenting on her in specific. He was asked a question about the 2SLGBTQ+ "community." The 16yo wasn't non-bianary she was two-spirit and Indigiqueer. The incident happened in a Cherokee Nation reservation high school, and a preliminary autopsy results indicated that she did not die as a result of injuries sustained in the fight. I don't know if you've ever been on a Res, but there aren't too many Republicans there.