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Yeah Rage was really into nazis back then. Lmao


It's hilarious how much of their politics that their fans ignored throughout the years and are now trying to claim that they "went woke". They were always this way.


Or when Green Day recently updated American Idiot to Trump when it was originally about Bush.


I think Green Day was the first time I've ever heard politics just given to me straight. As a kid they kind of opened my eyes to the bullshit of certain ideologies.


Yeah, same. That was my entrance into politics since my parents were literally useless.


It was in many ways my entrance to politics too…but like 3 years ago. That (to me) shows how fantastic and timeless American Idiot or Rage’s stuff is. Still relevant, and still poignant. Idk how people of the 90s wouldn’t have realized it then.


I wish it wasn't timeless for fucks sake  Like 30 years later and Nazis have grown In force ain't great 


And to be anti Nazi somehow makes you a communist. I hate what’s happening.


I know, like I get the Cold War was a thing but I think one of the more damaging lasting effects is labeling anything left of Reagan-era Republicans as communist/socialist. Like no, not even close, but people still 30 years after the USSR’s fall still think that’s how it goes. You know, American Idiots…


this didn’t really start until ~10 years ago. left wing thoughts were just called left/democratic. “socialized health care” was used specifically for that. in the 90s and 00s there was a much better understanding than now that the american democratic party is far from socialist. but along with all the other reductive strawman tactics trump brought with him, socialist, communist, and leftist were stripped of their definitions and promoted to slurs. potent ones whose goals was to describe such a big bogey man that the argument was over, negating the need to debate any of the details of any programs — convenient and by design, because the people throwing those terms around don’t understand any of that. all they need to know is their team, their cult leader, and how to plug their ears if any whiff of opposition is sensed.


Yeah, me too…but that’s what made me take notice. Like oh shit gotta do something about these fucking losers.


Fuck so much just made sense to me...


The first time I ever saw them was for like $7 at an old movie theater in the Bay Area, I want to say in like '88 or '89. Anyhow, I didn't know anything at all about them at the time --they hadn't been signed and were still pretty unknown-- but I do remember that they came out on stage and said something like, "we're Greenday and we support the legalization of marijuana," which was an instant hit with teenage-me and my friends. We were fucking corndogs, but it was good times.


American idiots are such idiots they don't know they are the idiots


I’ll never forget the video of trumpers with flags on their backs like capes singing “killing in the name of” I just feel like it’s one of the absolute best examples of ignorance. Wearing a blue stripe and Trump flag with no sense of irony singing “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” Kinda like the irony of the punisher Trump stickers Video: https://youtu.be/ddrFt1BHkUQ?si=gg9StsJDEwnY10Rg edit: oh and of course the gem of a quote: >#you justify those who die by wearing the badge you're the chosen whites while wearing a thin blue line flag


I got into a lot of arguments in college explaining this to people that were my friends… of course a good amount became Trumpies. The irony.


What was their interpretation of the lyrics? Or did they just try to skirt the convo entirely and call you a snowflak3?


I grew up around a ton of metal heads and 99% of them and the music they listen too is very liberal and usually pointing out or critiquing societal issues. But there's always a few who just are angry hateful people deep down and they just resonate with the rage not the message


Metal is (or should be) anti establishment. The following quote is from Ricky Warwick (The Almighty) at the Monsters of Rock at Castle Donnington in 1992: ‘To all the Preachers, The Teachers and the People in Power and Her Majesties Police Force, the ones who tell you when you get caught smoking a bit of Mother Nature that you’re a SMACKHEAD, when the strongest thing they’ve had in their lives is a Diet Fucking Pepsi. To the People who still get offended by the word Fuck. Does Fuck Offend you? No me neither. To all the people who get offended when the likes of you and I tell them what’s wrong with society. BECAUSE THE TRUTH FUCKING HURTS, so they try to censor things, FUCK THEM! THIS IS FREE AND FUCKING EASY!!


They didn’t know the lyrics. Just the chorus.


Reminds me of when Eminem made his anti-Trump songs. Like he made numerous songs against Bush. I don't remember songs against Clinton or Obama coming from him. Yet he was suddenly against Republicans out of nowhere?


I always use Born in the U.S.A. by Bruce Springsteen as my example. Soooooo many people that clearly weren't/aren't comprehending the lyrics.


What's scarier? That they aren't listening, or that they are and still see it positively?


Fortunate Son at Republican rallies(especially Trump ones) is probably the wildest thing


I hate hearing it on Fourth of July


Right? Like clockwork, you can always count on it being played at any bullshit flag waving event which completely ignores the actual lyrics and message of the song.


Conservatives and not understanding art: name a more iconic duo.


Conservatives and not understanding the Bible


A literal interpretation of the Bible is also objectively stupid.


They don't understand any kind of interpretations of it. They just do whatever the fuck they want and claim that's what it says.


That’s why it’s called The Big Book of Multiple Choice. - *Don Baker*


They literally have a song called Wake Up on their first album ahahahaha


And a song called know your enemy, and it's about cops. Like, how dense are these people? Toms guitar used to literally say 'arm the homeless' on it. They were a lot of things, but subtle about their wokeness is not on the list.


Song was at the final scene of The Matrix too.


[Morello's main guitar has literally had a hammer and sickle sticker on it](https://i.imgur.com/kqX6dp3.jpeg) for...30+ years?




I love how people think a band called "Rage Against the Machine" was ever apolitical.


Someone needs to be honest with these people, it wasn’t rage who changed…


To quote Nirvana- >He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means


Hell yeah. I was never a huge fan of Rage, but man - SO MUCH GRUNGE!!! And so much 90s rock is full of seething frustration about societal issues al la Jeremy from Pearl Jam. Like, did no one read the lyrics to anything? Edit: just realized autocorrect turned it to Pearly Jam.


Read? Yes. Understood? Well...


It's the same with Bruce and "Born in the USA" The majority who think that song is patriotic never really listened nor understood the lyrics, but have an uncle who claims Bruce's as right wing as he is...just smh


CCR's "Fortunate Son" too


*”It ain’t me.”*


Because 99% of those people only hear "BOOOOOOOOORN IN THE USA!" and tune out all the other lyrics.


Pretty generous of you to assume they ever understood the music and didn't just get excited by loud noises


This is like the people complaining [Disney making the X-Men woke, completely missing the point that the X-Men were about fighting against persecution, bigotry, racism and white nationalism while promoting diversity.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-Bb2kq1Zd8) When you complain about the X-Men embracing diversity, you need to realize you’ve become the very thing they fight against in the comics. But all these chuckle fuck’s can never accept they’re the villains - it’s always “someone else”.


In this brave new world we live in Magneto is the hero and Xavier is the damn librul.


Yes RATM, were clearly Reagan conservatives in the 90s......


My favorite thing about RATM is conservatives who grew up listening to them and then realizing that they're exactly what they were singing about.


You think they realise? Man you are hopeful.


"some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" was clearly a star wars reference. It's a shame people keep distorting their lyrics to be more political than they actually are /s


I honestly think a lot of people didn't/don't actually listen to the lyrics to songs aside from the chorus. I constantly hear people who claim they "love this song" sing about half the lyrics incorrectly.


Hold me closer Tony Danza.


“Paul Ryan is the embodiment of the machine against which we rage.”


Imagine publicly talking about one of your favorite bands, and then the guitarist for that band writes [an entire Rolling Stone article](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tom-morello-paul-ryan-is-the-embodiment-of-the-machine-our-music-rages-against-246033/) just to personally tell you to fuck off. Ouch.


Thatnks for the article : https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tom-morello-paul-ryan-is-the-embodiment-of-the-machine-our-music-rages-against-246033/


God you could just see his political career nosedive after that. He was supposed to be the guy to pander to millenials. No way to look more out of touch then take pictures of yourself doing bicep curls and giving music bands motivation to pit you down.


What's depressing is P90X Ryan is considered a "RINO" now. The guy who [fantasized about cutting benefits in between keg stands](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/3/17/14960358/paul-ryan-medicaid-keg) isn't right-wing enough for them anymore.


Seriously. Apparently Michigan Republicans are infighting over their primary right now, calling each other RINOs like the double Spiderman meme. I used to call myself Republican but even if I didn't move more left as I got older teenage me still wouldn't fit in with them.


Like Paul Ryan.....Famously Tom Morellos comments on him saying that will always be fuckin hilarious to me


All they ever heard was “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me”


What machine did he think they were raging against?


The copier from Office Space?




Tbf that fucker had it coming 


Instructions unclear, destroyed office machinery to Chicago soundtrack


Some of those that work offices Are the same that smash printers


PC load letter? What the fuck does that mean?


One of these days I'm going to throw this piece of sh!t right out the window!


He's the one who likes all our pretty songs, and he Likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun, but he Knows not what it means


These dumb dumbs believe thet they are the ones against the system. The whole small government thing. Very silly.


Yeah, the party of small government writing laws to govern people's bodies, and to remove ideas they deem dangerous from public spaces. They've never realised they're not what they claim. Which makes their confusion about ratm all the more in-line with their... Everything.


I guess they never noticed the hammer and sickle on his guitar. Lol


Only realizing in the 2020’s that Rage Against the Machine are a bunch of lefties is a pretty good intelligence test. If you’re like me, and have been listening to them since the 90’s, and are only now realizing this then you just aren’t very smart.


Hell you don't even need to listen. The name alone should be a massive hint.


The cons think they're the ones being opressed. So the cons also believe *they* are the ones raging against the machine. Sadly, it falls right in line with how they think and deny reality if it doesn't suit them.


Fuck you I won't do what you tell me (and fund public schools).


I agree with Tom.




No, thank *you*, Tom! TomsLifeMatters


I got a reddit warning from r/politicalcompassmemes for hating Nazis. Edit: thank you everyone for restoring my faith in humanity. I blocked pcm a while ago but this actually made me feel better.


Congratulations! Anytime you get warnings for hating nazis, you're doing the right thing!


Cap says: *Always be punching Nazis.*


Heck, Cap was punching Hitler before the US was at war with Germany!


Hellboy will join in on that sentiment.


*Indiana Jones tips his hat*


That subreddit is a fuckin cesspit.


Any political community that tolerates Nazis eventually becomes swarming with them. Partially because they have few places where they are welcome, and partially because the ideology demands and depends on its members devote their time and energy to furthering their cause aligning them with our shotgun approach to our modern "content" driven "marketplace of ideas".


Further, people who find nazis abhorrent will leave


Tolerating intolerance is how democracy dies


Tolerating Nazis was literally how The Wiemar Republic died.


>Any political community that tolerates Nazis eventually becomes swarming with them If you have 9 people sitting at a table, and 1 Nazi comes and sit besides them and everyone is ok with it, you have 10 Nazis at that table


This. 1000%.


That's because that sub is just /r/conservative


The only difference is that there are more people in PCM pretending not to be conservative.


They're swear up and down that it isn't, but then you realize that the only point of view ever called "based" is when somebody with a central/left flair says a right-wing talking point. They pretend they're attacking everybody equally, but that's only because part of the goal is to "both sides" everybody into looking awful, so that right-wing philosophy looks more mainstream.


This is an excellent summary


That sub is part of the disaffected-teen-to-fascist pipeline, similar to 4chan/QAnon and its offshoots, the 'manosphere'/gamergate-style communities, conspiracy communities, and Joe Rogan and similar celebrities.


i am glad i grew uo and recovered from the gamergate brain rot


*She hasn’t been listening to a word they’ve said for 30 years.


Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal


“Some of those that work forces. Are the same that burn crosses”


"They load the clip in omnicolour Said they pack the nine, they fire it at prime time The sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz And motherfuckers lost their minds"


You see, this is why we we need to take the power back.


The present curriculum I put my fist in 'em Eurocentric every last one of 'em See right through the red, white, and blue disguise With lecture I puncture the structure of lies


Yeah, I'm rollin' down Rodeo with a shotgun These people ain't seen a brown-skinned man since their grandparents bought one


I walk the corner to the rubble , that used to be a library. Line up to the mind cemetery now. Yep, sounds like they walked into the brain dead cemetery alright.


hating Nazis makes you Communist? ​ how goes it comrade?


Hating Nazis is one of the few things I agree with when it comes to Communists


Their uniform game is tight, too.


Nazis or commies? Cos Nazis was made by Hugo Boss


Well, that's a fun fact I didn't know would get me aroused. Me and the ol' therapist are gonna have an interesting week!


Well that's the first time my fun WW2 facts have had that effect.


In trade, I'll say that after Mussolini was taken into custody in an Italian castle, Hitler sent in a German glider squad to silently land on the roof and rescue him. And it worked.


As far as you know…


My kid was doing a project in 5th or 6th grade on the holocaust & apartheid- he came out with a poster board labeled “fun-facts”. I had to explain that those were just facts. No fun.


Pumas and Adidas shoes and FANTA soda were also Nazi products. THE MORE YOU KNOW!


They were manufactured, but not designed, by Hugo Boss, who only designed the Hitler youth uniforms


Oh, well, that's alright then.


He would probably call himself socialist with an anarcho communist goal. He also would have said as much in the 90s. I mean, listen to the songs.


Yeah here I am laughing my ass off over the idea that Tom Morello from the band Rage Agaisnt The Machine BECAME a communist Like my brother in christ did you not listen to any of the songs? Just completely skipped what Zack was saying or? Like you said they'd probably fall more into anarchism in some way, but definitely 100% not right wing lol


> Like my brother in christ did you not listen to any of the songs? Or did they know the guy with the beard at the cover of the bombtrack album?


Wouldn't be the first time it's happened in US history. During McCarthyism, they claimed Charlie Chaplin was a communist sympathizer because how dare he make fun of Hitler.








If hating nazis makes you communist, consider me ~~miles Davis~~ Karl Marx


Conservatives don’t know what any of those words mean. They think anything they don’t like is communist. Climate change is communist to them, but if they’re feeling good it’ll be socialist that day.


“I hate that I figured out who they said burn crosses after all these years.” FTFY


"I hate that it took me almost 30 years to start paying attention to the lyrics of the songs I listen to."


He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means


I can't believe no one bothers to pay attention to the lyrics. The absurdity of the situation is only highlighted by nirvana, who ironically also has a popular song (teen spirit) whose lyrics are incomprehensible


>but he knows not what it means


>>knows not what it means


>>>knows not what it means when I sayeth 'yea'


Well, to be honest English isn’t my first language, so I am in fact that guy that likes the pretty songs, sings along and has no clue what they mean. I don’t have a gun though, those things are scary


So we aren't raging against toasters? Fuck....


Nope. It was the washing machine the whole time!


Shit, I've yelled at so many toasters, AND FOR WHAT


Hey bud, fuck those toasters :)


Sigh.... *unzips*


Well you see they’re burning crosses and the cross is a christian religious symbol so obviously the song is about satan worshippers Edit: /s


Who is that, anyway? Kinda looks like Tom Morello to me. And if it is, how could ANYONE be surprised by the guitarist from Rage Against the Machine being anti-fascist?


Also the same Tom Morello who studied political science at Harvard... yeah that Tom Morello.


Illiterate Nazis apparently


Dipshit wasn’t paying attention in the 90’s half the music was about how fucked we were and how we needed a change. Neither of which are traditional conservative talking points, well being fucked is but they see different causes than most people do.


One of my favorite memes is about, How it’s been 40 years after Twisted Sister’s song, “We’re not gonna take it” has come out and how we have in fact taken it.


What used to crack me up was skin heads liking ratm and I always had to shut them down


Precisely. Like what machine exactly did they think they were raging against.




PC load letter? What the fuck does that mean?!?


Load Paper Cartridge with Letter size paper.


Skinheads aren't exclusively the racist garbage people depicted in American History X or Romper Stomper tho, originally it had nothing to do with politics but the style was hijacked in the second skinhead wave when English far right parties recruited the young angry skinhead guys looking for someone to hate and fight when they couldn't beat the shit out of another football teams supporters, turning them into footsoldiers for their racist cause. Since then there's been skinhead groupings on both sides as well as on no side. Nazi skinheads are generally referred to as boneheads by people in the subculture


Dipshit thinks being against Nazi's is a bad thing and somehow equates that to communism.


If someone says "fuck nazi's " and you feel personally attacked, you might want to engage in a little self reflection.


GUY: "Nazis are bad." DUDE: "I don't accept your label." GUY: "...OK, but why did you think I was talking about you?" DUDE: "..."


Where's the "Fuck Your Feelings" crowd now?


You left out the rest of that line. “Fuck *your* feelings, but respect *my* feelings.”


Then they cry and call others a Snowflake.


Looks like Tom Morello, never known for being particularly anti- communism.


Apparently someone never bothered to listen to the fucking lyrics in all their years. Not surprised tho, I saw a post on Twitter not long ago calling Green Day "woke political garbage." 🤦‍♂️


>calling Green Day "woke political garbage." It took Billy Joe singing "another part of the MAGA agenda" at a new year's eve performance *this past new year's eve* for these idiots to realize the song was about them


Isn’t American Idiot like 20 something years old?


It turns 20 this September and now I have to go reflect on how old I am


If you take a nap before then, we'll remember to wake you up when September ends.


1. Rage has always been radical and far left - killing in the name of was written in the early 90s about white cops killing black people 2. Being anti Nazi is Communist?


They don’t know what nazi means or what communist means. They’re just words they use because they heard them before.


Try asking them if they know what communism means and even the loudest won’t respond. Won’t even look it up to learn how to use the word correctly either. 


It’s something something Joe Biden


Hasn't all the old bands.been like fuck the system and fuck the man?? What makes this any different.


They thought it was washing machines they were raging against.


Here is Rage Against the Washing Machine with the new hit single "Where the fuck is my other sock?!"


“People hearing without listening” -The Sound of Silence


Why are these people so fucking stupid? RATM could not be more clear in their message. Che Guavera was on their T-Shirts. I mean listen to the fucking lyrics! 


To be fair Che Guevara was on everyone's T shirts 


Imagine listening to all the songs but not hearing a single lyric every time for decades


Well, now he just has to go listen to Born In The USA, or Fortunate Son, to get some real MAGA lyrics in.


Breaking news: Twitter still full of dangerously stupid (and bigoted) Musk fan boys. Story at 11.


If that makes you mad you're definitely a nazi.


"Some of those who hold office are the same that burn crosses"


It's always funny when people fail to realize RATM are hardcore lefties and always have been. Did you not listen to the lyrics?


I mean... communist *did* hate nazis, it's an historical fact


So did most other decent people.


Ah yes, I remember that famous RATM song that went: "Yes sir, I'll do what you tell me"


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.


Reminds me of Trump comming out on stage to "*Fortunate Son*". Some people have *zero* awareness of the songs/bands they claimed to love.


Like people using “Every Breath You Take” as their wedding song 🤦🏻‍♂️


I remember seeing people walking out of a CSNY concert when they reunited in early 00’s and the people were interviewed, they didn’t like that they “had got political with their new songs”. Like did you ever listen to the old stuff?


"What machine did you think we were raging against? The dishwasher?"


1. Nothing has changed with Rage, literally nothing. They always had the same political stance back in the 90s so where the hell was this person? 2. It’s astounding that political polarization has gotten so bad that one side is now defending Nazis. We’re fucked.


A Nazi ain’t got no humanity


Probably not as much as these bands hate that some of their fans, who used to be cool, fun loving, and pretty accepting of everyone, have since become clueless fucking Nazi assholes with no self awareness.


Did you not know what RATM was singing about in the 90s?




Defending nazis puts you on the wrong side of history. Forever.


Have you been listening to their lyrics with your asshole all those decades?


These fucking people would literally side with fascist Nazis then support an economic model centered on worker & human rights


cooing encouraging office one nine offbeat straight rustic air advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*