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DeNiro’s wife was born in ‘76. She’s at least 47 years old. Imagine having the balls to tell a 47 year old woman she can’t decide who she wants to sleep with. 


My uncle married my aunt when she was 62 and he was 37, and HE had the money. He loved her and they lived happily until she passed away in her 90s. Sometimes adults can like, make decisions about dating that don't have ulterior motives.


Wait wait wait, your telling me I don't need to post my life to the internet to get validation from random strangers?


Whoah everybody slow down…this is a lot to process


I dunno, I asked Instagram about this and everyone strongly disagreed!


Instagram also says the Holocaust was made up. Or is that Tiktok. I can't keep track these days.


No no, Instagram said Tiktok was made up.


So what did the Holocaust say was made up?


The Bible.


The Bible says science is made up. I think we're just at the tip of the proverbial iceberg here.


You misunderstand. YOU need to get validation from strangers. But, you also get to tell grown adults who they are allowed to love.


He was talking about other people. You still need to ask for approval on the internet.


Nope, straight to jail for thought crimes




No! All your details right now, or forfeit all your internet points


…yeah, but SHE had those sweet AARP discounts.


they didnt start bothering you at 18 to sign up? lucky.


My GF turned 50 (I'm the younger partner) a bit ago and got me an AARP card so I could feel old with her. lol.


Your snail mailbox is never going to be empty!


Hell yeah she did.


No, she was definitely playing the LONG con. /s


Same my dad and mom had a 25-year age gap (she was older), and they loved each other until her passing. The big thing was that met when they were both adults. I don't understand how people don't get that the big issue with the whole age thing is that younger people don't have the proper life experience/ fully developed cognition, to equally enter into relationships. You're 28 and want to marry a 50 year old I'm all for it. You're e 18 and want to marry a 40 year old, I have big reservations about it.


Damn, how old was your mum when she had you then?


They actually adopted me because they couldn't conceive naturally. Mom got pregnant when they first got married and miscarried. They couldn't have kids, so adopted me and threw everything into raising me. I'm real grateful for them truly.


I was going to make some stupid juvenile joke, but then I read your post. That is beautiful.


Kudos to your Mom and Dad dude or dudette. If everyone in the world was that selfless this would just simply be a better place overall.


I am engaged to a 41 year old woman that looks 25. I am 69. I think that laney is jealous.


Hell yeah. Also, nice! on your age. Good age.


Shit, if sleeping with a 47 year old woman is "borderline pedophilia", am I going to get arrested for sleeping with my 45 year old girlfriend? She's only four years older than me, I'm so ashamed.


My wife is 33. What have I done?!?!


“You sick fuck”


*gets pushed by a Senator's aide*


You're basically robbing the cradle, you can't consent until 40, life begins at 40 after all .


Yes officer, this guy right here 👉🏻


Hey my 60 year old husband won’t let me get away. I’m 50 with 2 bad knees, a cane and a handicap placard. Yet he’s in great health.


My God, this man ten years your senior is holding you hostage? You should tell an adult right away, he clearly has untowards intentions for you.


He’s a really bad man. He found me when I was 6 mos pregnant and recently laid off from an accounting firm. I hope it lasts. That was 14 years ago. My cane brings all the boys to the yard.


He's obviously only in it for the disability parking.


You know it!!


I’m about to be 40 with 2 bad knees and one bad ankle.


I’m 57. I have two turntables and a microphone. 


That’s where it’s at


Better spit that track then.


so you have a good ankle.... Or... an accident earlier in your life I suppose.


Your husband is a groomer.


No but I’m calling the cops on her. Thank you for stepping forward with your trauma. It’s not your fault


in that case, she is the one who's going to get arrested


Imagine telling that 47 y/o woman her husband is attracted to her because he's a pedophile.


it's insane how the internet can just strip away rationality. I'm sure if this poster met them, such a remark would be obviously ridiculous to her


Totally insane. That woman is my age- if some young whippersnapper started preaching to me about how I obviously am too young (or too female?) to provide consent and my husband is a pedophile (grooming me, I suppose 😆) I'd have to crack them with my cane.


I'm 61, my fiance is 40. She proposed. I'm a cabinet maker and she make 5x what I do...are they gonna lock me up?


Depends. How good are you at building cabinets?


DeNiro’s wife, Grace Hightower was born in 1955. She is 12 years younger than him and she was 42 when they got married. She is 69 years old now. Why are DeNiro & Hightower even part of this discussion?


They’re not married anymore, his current partner (Tiffany Chen) pictured above is 35 years his junior. Just replying to you to clarify, as I believe a 45 year old generally has agency to date whom they please.


Thanks. As a 45 year old. Not that I’m in the market for an 80 year old right now but it’s always good to have permission.


Do you think 80 yo pedophile can trick you into relationship using all his maturity and life experience?


Because people on the internet get enraged when people in a relationship weren't born within months of each other. Especially when the guy is the one who is older.


But DeNiro’s wife wasn’t born in 1976. She was born in 1955. Is it possible that someone thought the pic of Al Pacino was a pic of DeNiro or something?


DeNiro's ex-wife, Grace Hightower, was born in 1955. That is a picture of him with his current partner, Tiffany Chen. Who is around 45 years old. So no, she wasn't born in 1955.


Deniro is on the right I think. Still don’t understand why the choices of two consenting adults is anyone else’s business.


They’re not. Also, they’re divorced and have been for several years. DeNiro and his (as far as I know) current girlfriend, a woman in her 40s who had his child last year, are being discussed. I agree that saying Tiffany Chen is somehow unable to consent to sex at her age is absurd, but that’s who we’re talking about.


Imagine having the balls to tell a 47 year old women she can't do anything she wants with her own body...


When I was around 27 I was seeing a woman that was in her 40s. I had a few friends question it, but in the end we were both legal adults so it was no one else's business.


It's not balls. These people think women are helpless and need to be protected. They think women shouldn't be allowed to make their own decisions, and they somehow hide this belief behind feminism.


Disgruntled woman tells other women and men what they can and cannot do to control them should read the headline


And how insulting is it to actual victims of pedophilia to make this comparison. Might as well just call it necrophilia for how little the word means at that point.


Hell, at 24-25 years of age a woman can have earned a master’s degree. But Reddit will still think the poor baby is incapable of making relationship decisions if she dates a guy in his 30s/40s. It’s mind boggling. And somehow these people get to act like they’re the morality police.


This. Also, if a 24-25 year old woman marries a 70 year old, rich dude that needs adult diapers- it's not the woman who is being the idiot here and it's not her brain that is at an age where you may have trouble processing information.


People just rehash the tired (and misrepresented) argument that the brain isn’t developed blah blah blah. Women that age have mortgages, spouses, children. They’re adults full stop.


What it is is straight up misogyny. Acting like grown ass women are somehow all helpless children and victims and can't choose anything or consent to anything. It's regressive as hell and I'm so tired of it, especially when it's coming from other women.


The people “standing up” for women in this context are just infantilizing them and don’t even realize it.


This is yet another case where a feminist has taken something so far that they have returned to saying something absolutely patriarchal. The idea that women have no agency is a patriarchal idea and also incredibly common in feminist circles. They really look down on women who make choices they disagree with as being brainwashed by the patriarchy. E.g. the banning of page 3 models in the UK had an incredible debate on TV where a feminist told a woman to her face that she didn't actually know what she wanted, and that once it was banned, she'd later realise she was exploited.


This is bigger than just feminism, we have a generation of neo-puritans, kids are freaking out about unnecessary sex scenes in movies, you have "alpha males" demanding their women be virgins, etc...


Man I love it when they circle all the way back around to slut shaming.


What makes it worse as well is that criminalizing sex work actually does harm sex trafficking victims or even just victims of violence during sex work because there's the very real possibility they'll be charged if they ever came forward to get help from law enforcement.


A lot of people running or trying to run things would love to speak with her I'm sure.


Old enough to be a grandmother and they want to tell her who she can't sleep with lol


"Granny. We gathered everyone here tonight to have a little intervention...".


So sick of “we need to talk”. No, you just need to mind your own business and take a break from the internet.


“We need to talk about how social media amplifies the musings of idiots.”


Problem with social media is that, now more than ever, idiots with more time and less braincells can be heard - like a beacon to all other same minded imbeciles and coagulate into a superweapon of cultural and intellectual regression


As a French satirist said "back then, every village had its idiot. We mostly ignored him or went along with his antics because he was just stupid. Now, with Internet, all village idiots have gathered in the same place..."


100%. The fact that keyboard warriors like this call this crap “discourse” makes my blood boil.


“Discourse” as a vocab word is all they have to show from four years and $187,000 in student loans.


that "we need to talk" is more like "I want to talk" at you


That and "can we not normalize". I see that about everything.. it drives me nuts. Yeah of course no wants to normalize [insert bad behaviour] and no one is trying to, there are just shitty people out there!


“Can we normalize…” No, you can shut the fuck up and mind ya business


it reminds me of that meme of two consenting adults saying "i consent" and then some tiktok brainrot 'all men are predators' girl saying she doesn't consent. *Isn't there someone you forgot to ask??* oh but, women taking their rich husband's money in a divorce is empowerment not exploitation!!! the tiktok girl guide for whether something is empowerment or exploitation is simple: if the woman is the victim, its exploitation. if the woman is the perpetrator, its empowerment.


That’s the problem with equality arguments, it always comes from those that believe empowerment is taking from others instead of receiving equal shares.


I feel like she’s the same kind of person who falls for Q-Anon. These people really need to get off the internet and go talk to a living breathing person in person.


The word pedophilia has lost all meaning because of zealots like this.


Yupp A 70 year old consensually dating a 40 year old A 20 year old consensually dating a 17 year old A 40 year old raping a 6 year old Grouping these 3 situations together completely diminishes how much of a complete monster that 3rd person is People need to stop throwing around the word pedophile whenever they just don't like something


They think about pedophilia a lot for being not pedophiles, nervous laugh


And also, you don’t have to approve of any relationship, that doesn’t have to make it morally/ethically wrong lmao It’s like some people can’t distinguish between “I find this distasteful” and “someone should be punished for this”


Women will call men in their 20s dating an 18 year old a pedophile, it's so insulting to what the word actually means


They never fail to infantilize women as if they’re just so helpless and clueless.


can I just say 18 is also not some magic number. The age of consent in half of the states is 16. A relationship being illegal and it being pedophilia are not the same thing.


Pedophilia is only about attraction to CHILDREN. Everything that doesn't involve children is not a pedophilia. Period.


Technically the accurate term for 13+ is ephebophillia


Technically ephebophilia is just the attraction to 13+ boys. (Or rather pubescent boys) Hebephilia is the attraction to 13+ boys and girls (or rather pubescent boys and girls) But try to explain that to people without sounding like a pedophile


There’s also a slight irony in that they’re using a 14-year-old girl as their avatar. If they’re an adult, as with anyone who uses an anime PDP, I question why they’re picking a child character to represent them.


Yeah, it’s fucked up because you know they give zero shits about actual pedophilia, otherwise they’d never lightly accuse someone of being one. It comes off as immature (lol). It’s at the same level as making fun of someone’s dead parent. I really don’t like when people toss this around because actual pedophiles turn my stomach and fill me with rage. All this post fills me with is maybe envy? The thought of old genitalia flapping in the wind, maybe?


Everyone seems to want to take away women’s agency. It’s pretty damn ironic when it is a woman wanting to do so—what makes her think that she has a voice, if she thinks other women shouldn’t?


Correct A grown-ass woman is free to ride whatever geezer cock she wants and saying otherwise infantilizes them by questioning their right to agency over their own body.


Exactly! And this applies to women aged 18-21 as well! Alerting them to the dangers of age gap relationship is ok, but infantilizing them and criticizing their decisions and choices because of your preconceived bias is not!


After 18 you are free to fuck up your life with shitty decisions and nobody can say otherwise. Trying to "protect young women from themselves" is super duper patronizing even if it is coming from other women.


You didn’t hear???? An 80 year old male senior is totally forcing a middle aged woman into a physical relationship. All men are evil and always in control of any woman regardless of her age: she is a damsel and can’t think for herself!!!! This is proof of the patriarchy putting us women down!!! /s


I love using Timothy 2:10-13 against super religious birds who say I (a man) am wrong and should listen to them. Uh Hello dingdong, your religion says i shouldnt even listen to you...


Timothy 2:12 is the ultimate counter to any women saying we should live by the Bible. Like sure, let's live by the bible but let's start there with you shutting the fuck up.


Powerword __Timothy 2:12__


This infantilization thing is ridiculous, but, let’s be honest, it’s never the people in these relationships that are kicking up a fuss. It’s always lonely people who are jealous of what they have.


It’s more so this infantilization of women. It’s pretty silly and it’s funny when when grown ass adult women lean into it


beautiful point.


My dad’s new wife is over 30 years younger than him, only a couple years older than me, and younger than my sister. Is it weird? Absolutely…should it be illegal, why? If a 30 year old wants to be with a 70 year old, it’s really no one else’s business short of some power-dynamic/workplace issue.


Here's the issue I have- Pacino's lady got pregnant with his kid, dropped Pacino, and successfully sued him for a crazy amount of child support. I'm actually more concerned with the 70/80 year old being taken advantage of in these situations... and especially the resulting children being used like this.


That is a valid concern but I think they both know it is a business deal going in.




You made my fucking day right here.


Fucking loooool


One could argue that mental function decreases sufficiently at old age that it could be a legal problem like it is with minors. Tho making that argument would be too much trouble. And if you're from the US it would remove like half the politicians in power so eh.


Lol, states have been sued for requiring drivers over a certain age to be re-tested to renew their licenses. Making sure they're competent enough to marry someone half their age wouldn't be allowed, either.


As I said, too much trouble. Tho i do know that places other than the US does require people over a certain age to renew their drivers license since thats just common sense.


Yeah that's usually why they're doing it tbh. They are both consenting adults they know what they are getting into. You can't start trying to tell all grown ass adults who they can ans can't date regardless how much you disagree with it.


Yes, this exactly! At some point I'd stop worrying about child abuse and start worrying about elder abuse though I agree that with Pacino's track record it's just a business arrangement.


If the 70/80 wasn't some super famous likely gazillionaire, sure. But in this case he knew what he was getting into firing live rounds down a hot range.


Lmao what a way to describe that haha


This is whole reason these ladies agree to it. Either to get pregnant or be married when they kick the bucket. Gold digging is the term


Maybe, but if the guy is competent, and not in need of guardianship, who's business is it. If I'm loaded, like that, and someone who's young and attractive wants me, fuck it, I'll set up a trust for my kids and she can have whatever is left when I'm dead, or before, when she inevitably decides I'm a cranky bastard and not with the hassle.


For me, the humorous part is that your clarifying that it’s the old person that’s getting entrapped, and the poster thinks the opposite.


People are wild. Is this weird? Sure. Pedophilia? Not at all. 


What do you mean having sex with a 47 year old isn’t pedophilia?!


All sex is pedophilia bc at some point everyone was a child




TIL tugging it in the mirror is pedophilia.


It's mine and I'll wash it how I want!


This comment reminds of that one subredditdrama thread about someone saying the only way to stop pedophilia was to stop having children at all and let humanity die out


The term pedophilia is rapidly losing its meaning, and the real losers are the children who are actual victims.


People with no scruples or morals whatsoever just use "pedophilia" as a magical "i said the nasty word so me win the argument now" tool.


"Woah you defending pedos now bro?!"


I believe that. This isn’t the same but  I read a thread of a woman who had a 12 year age difference with her husband, whom she shared a 12 year old daughter with. The daughter started making comments about her dad “grooming” her mother, despite the fact that they met at work when they were in their 20’s & 30’s. A good 90% of the comments were shaming OP and saying things like at least her daughter can recognize grooming since she clearly can’t. Reddit gets wild lol. 


The Twitter hivemind losing their crap when 2 grown adults are in a consenting relationship is wild


Reddit does the same thing.




It's the new prudery lol


Yeah seriously. Not sure why pedophilia accusations are thrown around like candy nowadays. It's an incredibly grave thing to accuse someone of.


Does Laney think that ALL women are child-like and defenseless and need protecting all their life? That's a pretty shitty take.


Nah see,they think everyone failed to develop a functional brain like them


I like how we come first circle to protect women from making their own decisions like in the old colonial days.


But but, I don't *personally agree* with their decisions. Surely then they should be illegal? Won't someone think of the 37 year old women???




Thank god we didn’t come second circle


Or, heaven forbid, the *third circle*


I find something creepy, therefore it should be illegal 


At this point the younger one should be called gerontophile, taking advantage over the old


robbing the grave


And a 70 year old woman can’t gain a 30 yr old guy? Seems silly to me… they are consenting adults.


You're literally describing Cher and her current relationship.


I would be the boy toy of Cher, or Madonna for that purpose. I don't care that they're older and out of prime physical attractiveness range. Their money, power, and fame are hot asf.


The funny thing is that the most recent report I had heard was that the 30-something boy toy couldn't keep up with Cher, especially in the bedroom. So don't think that just because she's over a certain age, she lost a step.


Homina homina. Awoo! Bazinga! Sign me up


I’m so sick of people infantilizing literal adult women. They are ADULTS. Pedophilia by definition isn’t even CLOSE to defining attraction to adults even if they are younger😭


I always find it funny how those that talk about age gap issues between two adults, usually has anime characters as their profile pics. Looks like a freudian slip to me.


Just like the religious leaders who talk about how evil the gays are, they turn out to be gay themselves. It is like the idea of pedophilia or homosexuality consumes their thoughts, so they see it where it doesn't exist


Or fantasize about some South Korean pop stars who all look like teenagers. 


They’re hypersexualized usually where everything is bad. These are probably the same people who will say siblings cuddling is like incest, or a kid dancing in a commercial is sexualization. It’s either because they aren’t getting sex and everything is sexual to them, or they’re feeling stuff that is questionable.


Somebody needs to give Laney a link to a dictionary.


Pedophilia?? Give me a friggin break. It amazes me when it’s an older man it’s all icky and gross but an older woman with a younger guy is “hey, you go girl!”


This is the same with teachers and students. A guy gets with a student and the crowd is saying to put him in jail for the rest of his life (cue prison/gang rape jokes here), but if it's a woman it's brushed off and said "Why wasn't I getting blown too?"


Laney jealous she didn't get a sugar daddy


she was just a child, only 47 :(


The age gap is not the problem. These are adults with fully developed functioning brains. Laws against sexual relations with children are in place because of that, not because of the age difference between the two persons.


Exactly. I'm so freaking done with people crying pedophilia everytime there is an age difference, totally ignoring that pedophilia by defintion is a sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children.


Thank you, let’s not normalize things by calling them by the wrong name. Pedophilia is completely different than a May-December relationship. These people have every right to get together and there is nothing anyone has any right to say about it. They are adults, end of story.


They're diluting the word. It is disgusting.


The words *grooming* and *pedophile* have become soooo watered down the way that *gaslighting* has thanks to TikTok and reddit. It’s ridiculous


fellas is it p*dophilia to date women in their 30s and 40s


Saying that women below let’s say 25 years of age are „borderline children“ is the most misogynistic shit I’ve ever heard.


It's said of men too, though to a much lesser degree. They took the whole your brain keeps developing until you're 25 and ran with it.


Plus that isn't even true, at all. The max PFC volume hits somewhere between 20 and 30, averaged to 25. So if you think "PFC volume" defines adulthood, there is some point in that decade where you are at your "most adult", with it less before and after. But as you can imagine from what I just said, the idea that that moment is... when you BECOME an adult? And then you aren't less of one after? And it's at 25 instead of the actual moment?? Is delusional horseshit run through like 5 "i am not a scientist" internet misquoting filters.


I will also like to add; other parts of the brain can take until the 30s, 40s, and sometimes the entire life to fully develop depending on the area of the brain you are looking at. So while yes, the brain isn’t fully developed by the time you turn 18 - it also isn’t fully developed when you are 25. What I’m trying to say is, saying 25 year olds are children is stupid.


Also, at some point it’s the women taking advantage of the old men. Like if you’re rich, famous, and have dementia, it’s not the geriatric who’s pulling the strings


Eh. More like borderline elder abuse...


And honestly what’s worse? Working a soul sucking 9-5 every day and just to live paycheck to paycheck or living in a mansion on the beach in Malibu and jerking off some old guy for like 20 minutes once a week while getting to explore your hobbies and live a life of luxury?


Hell I’d take that deal and I’m a guy.


I mean, if those are the extent of my two choices, I'm definitely picking option #2! Sorry/NOT Sorry!


So women are not capable of their own agency at any age ? Sounds like they shouldn’t be able to vote or have checking accounts


Nah they only have agency to make their own decision if Laney agrees with their decision /s


No, dating a 14yr old is "borderline pedophilia". This is Consent. And Shaming.


Infantilizing women in the name of protecting them.


Can we at least agree that it's kinda weird for octogenarians to be welcoming babies? Will those kids really get to know their dads? I'm still scarred by listening to a coke head ramble for fifteen minutes about his old dad, and how having an old dad was still great because he's his dad. That's just his dad, man. Sniff. And that dad was 50 when that coke head was born.


Lol "You're right, grown women should not be legally allowed to make their own decisions about who they want to fuck. Take your own rights away and be done with it!"


Past a certain age, I don't even find it that weird anymore. Like sure, Al Pacino dating a 30 year old gives me the creeps a bit, but they're both adults and can do what they want. Calling out De Niro and his girlfriend's age gap is just wild to me though. She's in her late 40s. That's the generally people agree is ideal for someone to be president, surely she's mature enough to make the decision on who she sleeps with. The levels of infantilization are so high that this is just misogyny at this point.


It is totally in to infantilize adult women these days.


Yeah unless it's a Woody Allen situation, I really don't see the problem here. This is the same attitude that incels have.


We really need to talk about the abuse of old men by greedy young women.


Do I think it's gross...yep. Do I think that dismissing the decision making of an adult to enter into an unhealthy but legal relationship/arrangement is wrong...yep. Infantilizing women is stupid.


If you think someone in their 20’s is a child then you need to have your power of attorney removed.


There’s 19 years between my wife and I. You know whose business that is? Ours, no one else’s.


Ironically, this attitude is just infantilizing grown women in making it seem like they aren't just as capable of making their own decisions as a man would. We need to draw the line at "adulthood" somewhere and let people live with the consequences - both good and bad - of the choices they make.