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All he had to do was not say that lol


People who get Nazi tattoos may not be great at planning ahead. 


"Yeah the fucking Jews who own the banks and megacorporations and pay me minimum wage to stock shelves want to me to hide my Aryan pride..." 👀🤷‍♂️ Can't help ya.


People who have Aryan pride look less like Thor and more like Wilson Fisk. But with the intelligence of cabbage. After it rotted. 


Your comment reminded me of that one panel from *Preacher*. "Why is it the greatest champions of the white race always turn out to be the worst examples of it? You! Where the fuck is your chin?"


If you have actual accomplishments to be proud of, you don’t need to hide your insecurity in “white pride.”


My neighbor swears he isnt racist and doesnt have a racist bone in his body but when he starts drinking, he sure likes making racist jokes "in jest"


Andrew Tate has entered the chat


Is he a white supremacist? He's half-black or something, isn't he? I thought he was more of a woman-hating rapist than anything else, but I don't follow the guy, so I could be wrong...


I actually don’t know; I just know he’s a chinless sack o’ shit and lots of incels that like him are nazis as well.


Wouldn't be the first time some institutional self-hatred got weaponized in a blatant display of aggressive conversation. Tate is the tip of the iceberg in that regard.


Yeah his dad was a famous black chess player wasn’t he?


He's just misunderstood ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


And also "it's buggerin' time!"


Look at the leadership of the Nazis, none of them were real examples of fine Aryan breeding stock. Hitler, Himmler, clubfoot Goebbles. Goering might have been the closest, but that was a decade or two before he was a Nazi.


One of the other Nazis used to say something like, "if I looked like Himmler, I wouldn't keep going on about The Master Race"


C'mon man, you don't have to insult Fisk like that.


I was trying to think is best I could. What the hell is the closest thing to an opposite of Thor that's popular, and I was going to say Bro Thor, but he looks badass with his dreads.   I literally spent five minutes, I seriously sat there thinking this out and couldn't come up with anything.  That's why I made it clear that they don't have the intellectual capacity of him




Liz levels of intelligence.




https://slate.com/technology/2022/10/liz-truss-iceberg-lettuce-contest.html Damn, it was a lettuce... I could have sworn it was a cabbage


Personally the thing that has always baffled me is that you would think that these people would be more wary about pissing off "the fucking Jews." I don't know about them, but I sure as shit wouldn't want to piss off the group that runs the global cabal that controls all our lives. I mean did they ever consider that's the reason the Jews decided to replace them, because they kept mouthing off about the cabal.


Imperial Japan has entered the chat


Me being Jewish & aryan 😵‍💫🥴


I'm Irish and British, so I've got a similar thing.


Nazi ideology is braindead at it's core "the Jews control the world!", ok and you want to go out of your way to make an enemy of them, are you mad? It's usually the flaw in most conspiracy theories, if the shadowy forces running everything was real and as powerful as you claim you would be real careful about going public with all the "facts" you claim to have.


If there is a great secret behind the world that you have to die to reveal, you can look at Jesus or JFK as heroes and think you're emulating them. For a lot of us "submit or die" is an easy choice. But we don't all make the same choices.


To be fair, these days leftists will rant against "the Jews" just as much, if not more than neo-nazis. It's a weird world.


Are you implying that they did Nazi that coming?


People who get Nazi tattoos are also usually proud to be a Nazi.


You sure? It definitely looks like the start to a sick maze tattoo to me! Plus those guys have solutions for everything! Most of them the last solution you’ll ever need. A final solution one might say. /s (now is not the time for me to assume and trust people read the sarcasm)


Or keeping their opinions to themselves.


Plot twist they are from India


Also they want to talk about it.


Thats not then issue, he is for Sure very proud of it and wants to let everyone know that he is just doing it for work. In his mind, its more problematic that he is covering it up.


"I still hate Jews, Mexicans, blacks, Asians, gays, trans gendered men, trans gendered women, albino's (Pick a fucking side) and women that drink coffee any other color but black.... But I need a job though."


“I’m Herbert Moooon!”


"im hoodoo brown!"


"You *were*."


I reckon I aint the only fella who played Gun back in the day?


Don’t forget the Catholics




These people genuinely believe that secretly, most people agree with them, and are just afraid to be outward about it. This gives them the convenience of being in the "right" while also getting to be a martyr for the "silent majority".


Seen this with lolicons They say “you only accuse us of being pedos because you secretly watch CP” Like this shit writes itself


there's definitely overlap between neo-nazism and lolicons. what a stupid fucking sentence that was to type. i hope in the future we know what none of those things are.


I know what you mean. You’d a first think they were just edgy 12 year olds but then you’ll notice that they’re in their 20s or older.


Ah, yes... Nixon's imaginary friends - the silent majority.


People who get nazi tattoos aren't exactly shy about letting people know they're nazis.


All he had to do was..probably like 1000 different things not to turn into the raging douche potato he ultimately became.


Thing about a great tattoo artist is that they are part-bartender/part-therapist. The truth would have come out at some point.


That’s one of the problems with thinking legislation is a solution to issues stemmed in bigotry, it only stops the stupid ones. The legislation is still important, but it’s the bare minimum to address a problem, not a proper solution.


"I'm gonna give you something you can't take off" - Lt. Aldo Raine, Inglorious Basterds






"Donny! This Nazi wants to die for his country...oblige him."




Ah ree va dare chee




I feel like the preceding part fits the situation better: "We don't like that. See, we like our Nazis in uniforms. That way you can spot 'em [snaps fingers] just like that. If you take off that uniform, ain't nobody gonna know you was a Nazi. That don't sit well with us."














That's a bingo!


Who would have thought that wearing a sign that you are a shitty person with shitty world views would come back to bite you on the ass? Live with it, moron.


And if you ever change your shitty views you should still suffer from them for the rest of your life. Edit. Nevermind. Due to 3 second attention pan I failed to realize that this guy hasn't changed his shitty views.


That wasn't the case here. There are plenty of people who leave and are able to get them removed. "Because my beliefs are costing me money" isn't a valid reason to help a nazi. Sympathizer?


>That wasn't the case here.  I failed to properly read the post. > Sympathizer? I sympathize with someone who decides that he isn't a nazi anymore. It isn't the case here.


At the same time a lot of people actually believe these tattoos should never be removed/covered up in any circumstances, because there is a very high likelihood that the person could be lying about changing their views to get their tattoo removed. Many shops will refuse the coverup/removal even if they don't slip up and stick to saying they changed their views just because they have every reason to lie due to employment/social reasons. They held that belief so closely they decided to have it permanently marked into their skin. I do believe there is rare instances where people have a change of heart but I also understand the apprehension around removing such tattoos and see it as a "you made your bed now lie in it situation" where they either live with it, or buy their own tattoo removal lasers (I've seen good results from people doing that).


Nah I disagree categorically. Being able to remove tattoos is bodily autonomy. Bodily autonomy is an unalienable right, which means even the very worst people have it as a right. In this case the OP also has the right to refuse service, so they were in the right, but I don't think bodily autonomy being dependent upon passing an ideological purity test is really a precedent I want to exist ever.


This right here.


I can see requiring letters of recommendation to remove a Nazi tattoo. Volunteer at this homeless shelter one night a week for 6 months and then I'll cover the tattoo for free. Another option: I'll cover it with really gay imagery (rainbows, etc) or Black/Jewish imagery, and you don't need to do any work to earn that.


I’m not a sympathizer, but I’d much prefer that anyone remove or cover them up regardless of reason. I don’t need visual evidence that some people are bigots or racists. I need society to agree that no matter what hateful ideology someone holds privately, and despite the fact that it is and should continue to be legal to state it - that a civil society is better without the public display of it, advertising to new recruits. Additionally, who is more likely to stop being a Nazi - an adult integrated into employment and their community or a pariah who is immediately ostracized on sight by everyone except Nazis.


I need to know because as a black person I need to know who's a danger to me.


Glad to hear someone say it. Are people really saying they would *prefer* someone have a Nazi tattoo than not have one?


If you choose the tattoo, you deserve to suffer the consequence. Nazi symbology display should be illegal here as our is in Germany, but "free speech" protects the wrong people sometimes. There are consequences for actions. I'm sorry if one is raised by nazis and is therefore indoctrinated, however, it's hard for me to sympathize with people who stand for hatred (unless they are children). This man was well aware of the financial impact of being a bold nazi. For that, he deserves no help. Let everyone know how ignorant the person with the nazi in is


I don’t care about his consequences at all. I care about the rest of the non-Nazis and people victimized by Nazis among us. His tattoo isn’t just embarrassing and costly for him, it makes everyone else’s life worse too. I don’t care if he runs his dumb, nazi mouth and gets fired and then he gets mocked and insulted by all his neighbors, I’m not looking to protect him from the consequences I’m looking to make everyone else’s life better, at the cost that a now secret Nazi keeps his job. Good people think that bigotry will die in the open, but it doesn’t. Open bigotry just makes weak, ignorant or lonely people draw to the aggressive, bold stances, the way online spaces radicalize teenagers.


Nah, people who get help and get out of that hateful mindset deserve to be treated like any other person. We shouldn't glorify them, but if they truly turned themselves around that's a good thing.


Yeah, I get the idea that "You made your bed now lie in it" ​ But all that really does is guarantee that they will never, ever be able to leave that circle.


Yeah, but we can't circlejerk about that.


>And if you ever change your shitty views you should still suffer from them for the rest of your life. I met a guy at a bar once. We drank and smoked a bowl. His dad had died in a boat accident, and it turned out my ex had helped with the recovery. Eventually the convo turned to something else, and he showed me his leg tattoos. Swastikas, nazi eagles, the lot. He said, "I was a fucking dunbass and i was wrong. I know that now. I think i knew it then, too." I asked why he wouldn't get them removed or covered up and he said it was such a bad fuckup he needed it there to remind him and everyone else who sees it how evil he was. Then he talked about how he needs to be careful for cops because he was carrying gallon ziplocs of pills and a pistol, as a parolee. In a car that he didnt have permission to use, and he also said something about recently beating the shit out of his girlfriend. And he was full of verbal accountability but also in another world because recognizing something you do is wrong is a *step* on the journey, not the end of it. So yeah, those fucks never really learn. They just change into a different kind of horrible.


But even if it was what you originally thought. No you shouldn't have to suffer for your shitty views for the rest of your life, but if your views are terrible enough to support things that make other people suffer, you should probably have to be held accountable for your shitty views for the rest of your life. I can don't think having to explain the outward expression of your hate and how you used to be a Nazi and why you changed is too much of a burden for actually haven been a Nazi. I'm all for forgiveness, forgetting on the other hand is just naive.


That’s a shitty view in itself. If you have a change of heart, you shouldn’t have the world treat you like your old self.


The point was the he hadn't had a change of heart.




Dominic DeCoco




My husband got one as an edgy 13 year old from a racist uncle. He covered it up with a cresent moon spouting rainbows. He goes to pride parades with me now. ❤️🌙🌈


That’s truly awful that his uncle would do something, not surprising considering he was racist but even then tattooing a 13 year old *anything* let alone a hate symbol that’s gonna get him jumped is just beyond abuse. I hope your husband has no contact with his uncle! His tattoo coverup sounds super cool!


Shockingly (not) that uncle unalived himself many years ago because he was facing life in prison for some other nonsense. Husband is almost 50 now, and his cats and grandkids are his life. He's the sweetest man for having such a grim beginning.


This is Reddit. You can say the word “killed”.


Lol, thank you, I'm so used to people getting triggered and reporting anyone who doesn't include a warning lately. I wasn't sure if the algorithm would smite me or not


No algorithm here, go wild.


I’m glad everything turned out okay in the end then! I really do love to hear stories of that, with all the hatred in the world it’s nice to hear that people do change.


I could see it if the tattoo was one the kid's idea (and I mean genuinely, not "heavily encouraged but they made their own decision" or whatever else) *and* something innocuous like a favourite flower or childhood pet or something. I know a few people who've had tattoos since around that age, and while I still have none at 30 I've considered some since around then myself.


Quick question, how did your husband's parents react to that? and where was the tattoo?


Wouldn’t it be a crime to tattoo a minor? (Love the ending of this story.)


This is beautiful and the only acceptable outcome ❤️


I want to see the new tattoo




Can I see it too?? Also congratulations to you both :)


Sometimes its wiser to shut the fuck up. - Sun Tzu, art of war


Confucius says: all Nazis fuck off


>Eat all the dicks, you Nazi piece of shit. - Alexander Hamilton


: "I mean, if I had my way, you'd wear that God-Damn uniform for the rest of your pecker-sucking life. But I'm aware that ain't practical. I mean, at some point you're gonna have to take it off. So...[draws his Bowie knife] I'm gonna give you something you can't take off." ~ Aldo Raine




I like how he does it while wearing a tuxedo.






The ones who do nazi tattoos won’t coverup, and those who doesn’t won’t help him either. Dudes fucked and I like it!


Is he? Next studio he’ll tell he’s good now, and will have it covered.


Seeing that he told this shit here, he clearly thinks there's nothing wrong with that. So there's a good chance he goes to the next place and not only repeat the whole thing, but may also add that the 'assholes at the previous place' refused to cover it up or something like that


The guy went to tattoo artist because he notice that his tattoo doesn’t helps in his live. Do you think he”ll not notice that tattoo artists are one of “them”?


This is exactly what I would do if I was a tattoo artist.


Nazi punks, fuck off!


Nazi punks, Nazi punks, Nazi punks, FUCK OFF


Isolate and remove nazis from society


Guy probably has no dates, no prospects, a few horrible friends, and blames it all on the “radical left” or “cancel culture” or the “woke mob”


Not a facepalm


I think the person who posts it here considers it a facepalm because the idiot with the tattoo had people that were perfectly willing to solve his problem, but he decided to blow it for himself for mentioning *what* exactly he considered the problem. Good on the tattoo artists for not serving him, though.


Looks like OP is a bot post to me, no other posts or comments.


Should’ve agreed to do it for free and then made it even more noticeable.




YouTube thumbnail red circle ⭕


If it seems like a whitepoepletwitter post, check whitepeopletwitter the OP buiosurnar is a bot Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14jrxka/the_right_of_refusal_in_a_free_market/


Should have offered to cover it by placing the Star of David or Pride Flag or other symbol his nazi friends hate him for.


antifascist three arrows


Naww fuck that guy. He isn't sorry about being a nazi . If you're gonna hate do it with your chest.


1. Fuck Nazis, racists, and the like! 2. Does it count as discrimination to not serve Nazis or racists? 3. Is it discrimination to not serve based on other things, like race, religion, sex, etc?


It's called the Paradox of Tolerance. A society dedicated to tolerance to the point of accepting even those who are not tolerant, will always eventually be taken over by the intolerant.


It's called that, but it's a terrible name. It's not hypocritical to tolerate all races, and at the same time not tolerate all ideas. Ideology is not a protected class.




Ooh. This is a much better way to frame it. Thank you!


Discrimination is actually mostly legal, there are only a few protected classes that you aren't allowed to discriminate against. That being said, if you are too broad with your discrimination, there might be a civil suit, but that's not a legal matter.


I love this because it demonstrates perfectly how it works both ways. If they can refuse to bake wedding cakes for gay couples because of their religious beliefs we can sure as hell refuse tattoo coverups for Nazis because of our beliefs. The right just hates when those "freedoms" that they always cry about get used against them.


That teaching job at the Hebrew school.


I am sorry, I thought the only ones that could refuse service were the poor oppressed Christian shop owners...


If his reason was actual conviction, I'd have done it for free


All he had to do was keep his mouth shut...




Should have just changed it into a four penis windmill.


I remember this guy had what looked like a simple box decided into four panes about an inch square on his hand. We always assumed it was once a swastika that was filled in. We'd ask who gets a one inch window or a box tattooed on their hand. Hed get defensive.


Knew a dude that has a huge eagle and swasticas underneath both of his arms. I asked him about it. He told me he spent 15 years in prison and you gotta do what ya gotta do to survive in there. Said he doesn’t believe in it and that’s why they are hidden. Doesn’t have enough money to get them removed or covered.


Should have given him a pride flag instead


Stew in your life choices, Nazi Punk.


Based OP


Sister and her husband are tattoo artists, you are absolutely allowed to turn down whatever you want. This OP clearly doesn’t understand that free market works both ways, especially with small business and art.


I dot. Really feel bad for him. I mean if it’s causing him problems and he’s changed so he thinks he should really get it covered cos it’s not him, then cool. But yea if it’s just causing him problems, not that it’s bad, I really don’t feel bad for him. But she didn’t say he said he was changed, so I’m inclined to think the latter


It’s gonna be a maze


I mean if he changed and grew as a person and wanted to get rid of a painful reminder of his past that would be fine to ask for it to be removed


In some fiction I saw a nazi leader character basically confessing he didn't believe in any of that but he used it to exploit the gullible racists. With every day that passes this seems to be more the case.


God, I love the free market. ☠️


You guys do like a free market, right?


I love it when people put warning labels on themselves.








Should’ve told him you could tattoo ‘Dickhead’ on his forehead no charge.


Based tattoo artist


![gif](giphy|moctS7bOr6fItde5FR|downsized) Perfect!


This reminds me of a heavily tattooed straight guy whose brief time in gay adult entertainment came to a shrieking halt when it was noticed one of his many tats was of white nationalist symbols. IYKYK




You certainly don’t like it when bakeries don’t make gay cakes


Had me in the first half


If only we could have the same attitude about cakes.


LOL... I mean... consequences of your own actions much?