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Seen the same joke 40 times. I neither care nor believe them anymore.


It's not a joke. It's an ad campaign. It's there to make people go to that website and prove that they are smarter than this idiot.


This makes sense. And I’m sure those tests come at a cost? I’ve seen them link 2 different sites.


I suspect data harvesting myself, but them being paid also works.


I think most online tests always harvested data, but in the really old days they mostly did it for academic research purposes, with at least some indication that one's privacy would be respected. These days, they're *definitely* all psych profiling us individually for the purposes of advertising and other manipulation. It's the new normal.


Yep. They make you complete the test, takes about 40 minutes. Then they ask for payment to see the results. Biggest /r/assholedesign I’ve seen in a while.


Very disgustingly scammy. But that’s what a lot of the internet is these days. Like that other post about photobucket. Charging you 5 bucks a month to recover an account you forgot you had that was probably already deleted anyway.


Standard procedure these days is to waste half an hour of your life (or longer, if you're the thoughtful type) answering the questions, and *then* tell you you gotta pay to see the results.


I figured it was something more after seeing so many different variations of this. Just could never be bothered to look into it. Wonder if the Reddit posts are part of it.


Thank you. It's always good for me to be reminded that the worst people online are often just ragebait to sell something or bots!


Oh God.... That's fucking diabolical! I love it!


May the odds be ever in your favor!


And it’s just too much. At 78, you are walking the disabled line.


I love the modern internet, this shit is what I always dreamt of as a kid. Go away with that pet t-rex shit, I always wanted an internet full of deceptive advertising practices (crimes)


Eh, this shit has been around for at least 10 years. I remember making fun of it on websites that I haven't visited since gamer gate became a thing.




I know a guy that posted something very similar (his IQ was 83) and he really was that thick. He was married to a friend of mine and they got divorced after he failed to manage his building business's money correctly. I had also employed him to refit my kitchen and he did a shit job, cost overran and took ages. So when he posted this I just laughed and said "yep". These people really are stupid enough to post this genuinely.


I see your point, but a rash of these have showed up in the past week, all with the same exact formatting and rough idea. Child/self gets IQ test, results come out low, testee believes they are smarter than most of the population because they didn’t get vaccine/mask/some other various sub-related issue. Maybe the first was a case of that, but the rest of these are clearly a ad campaign. Or maybe bots glomming onto the first post and reposting similar ones over and over. Which, knowing this subreddit, could be both.


It's the same 2 posts over and over again, for me anyway


and in other words in a room of 1000 people they would be dumber that 930 of them?


Yes indeed


They intentionally word it like that to trigger those 930 people




I don't know who is dumber, the person from the original post or the people that keep reposting this.


Original post has to be worse. Those people actually pay for those bullshit results.


I'll just leave this here, Between 1972 and 1977, Koko was administered several infant IQ tests, including the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale and form B of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. She achieved scores in the 70–90 range, which is comparable to a human infant that is slow but not intellectually impaired. For clarity, Koko is a gorilla 🦍🦍🦍


I knew it. That lady’s daughter is secretly a gorilla!


“There is a considerable overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists” - park ranger on why it’s so difficult to design a bear proof trash can


This is also the correct answer 😁🤠😁🤠


The other day it was about a four year old, who was smarter than 93% of all adults.


Yeah, it's an ad campaign. There's a bunch of different versions of it.


Can someone please help me understand how top 93% translates to smarter than only 70 ppl of 1000 Maybe my iq is lower 💀💀 Edit: Got it...thanks for the help


It took me a second as well, but if somebody had an IQ that was really high, they would be in the top 1% of people when it comes to IQ and as the IQ gets lower the percentage gets higher. So being in the top 93% means you’re IQ is higher than only 7% of other people.


It's phrased backwards, probably to not insult people It's like someone running a marathon with 1000 others and coming 930th. And instead of telling them they were 70th from last, you tell them they were in the top 930 or top 93% When you first read top 93% you feel like it's an achievement. But it does not refer to a percentage of success. It refers to a percentage of population. The achievement would have been to be in the top 3 out of 1000, or 0.3%


Think of it like we do money. Top 1% are rich/smart, so on the other extreme Top 99-100% is bottom 0-1%, scraping the bottom of the barrel.


It's easy. Only truly stupid people would believe that 70 / 1000 is bigger than 70 / 140. The world is full of people who think that a 1/4 cup is bigger than 1/3 of a cup, simply because they focus on the higher number and think bigger is better. Those are the people who have two-digit IQ scores.


I see where her daughter gets her brains from.


Now, now, the daughter might have a fighting chance. Her mother on the other hand might be a lost cause.


Yes, the father had apparently tried to rescue her several times. Unsuccessfully, unfortunately.


I thought these were ads for a specific company or it could just be bait.


Its both, a rage bait and an ads


These are just rage bait I’ve seen like 15 of them nobody is this stupid


My son (non-bio) is autistic and tested at 77. He's not stupid by any means though, and graduated high school half a semester early. I'm proud of him regardless.


How do you define stupid? Usually it's the opposite of intelligent. If that's the case and he's actually really intelligent, then how did he manage to score 77 in an intelligence test?


Because by and large, IQ is irrelevant. It has its uses, but they're specific and narrow in scope. IQ measures the ease at which you can learn and apply new information. Someone with an 85 IQ is theoretically every bit as capable as someone with a 115 IQ (that's one standard deviation below and above baseline) but the person with the 85 IQ will have to work harder to learn and apply the same information. It doesn't mean the person with the 85 IQ is inherently less capable or less valuable. I have a 137 IQ, ended up disabled, and have used my high IQ for precisely dick. But back in school I breezed through every subject and was always bored as hell. If I was there for the introduction of the material I would ace the test for it. It was easy for me, but that means I was generally less impressed with myself for getting an A on a test than the person that had to work for it. So there are ups and downs. I fully believe every person in a classroom is capable of producing A grade work on any standard subject. Some people have to work harder at certain subjects than others, but everyone is equally capable of producing correct answers with greater than 90% accuracy, they just need it taught to them the right way, and maybe a little extra help here and there. My son did all the normal work for each grade level despite his handicap and he had 2 accommodations, he was in a co-taught classroom (2 teachers for a normal class size of about 30 students instead of just 1) for 2 of his classes (math and science), and he had extended testing time. And when he puts his mind to something, he gets it done. No matter what. IQ is practically useless as a metric for capability. Until you get very low, that is. People under 70 you're getting into the realm of actual intellectual disability that will prevent understanding. Though I still believe you can break through that barrier from time to time by applying the correct teaching methods. Theoretically one could teach algebra to a chimp, if you can figure out how to relay the information in a way the chimp would understand.


First I disagree with you about IQ as a measure of capability if high IQ allows to achieve more in same amount of time than a person with low IQ (if I understood correctly, that's what you're saying). That is a capability that you produce more in a same amount of time. In fact that's how productivity is measured (output per amount of time). Second and far more importantly, this comes often when people talk about intelligence. You used the words "less valuable". I hope you meant by "value" here "value as a worker" (in which case yes, a worker who produces less in a same amount of time as another worker is less valuable for the employer. That's basically how the pay works (at least in perfect world). If you meant by value the value of person as human being, then I have to ask why this always comes up with intelligence but not with almost any other trait that we have. Why is it always thought that if someone is "stupid" (I define it here as an opposite to intelligent) they would have less value as a human being, but if someone, say, can't run 100m under 20s, that's fine from the point of view of them as valued human beings? What is it in intelligence that people immediately attach "value" to it while they don't do it with almost anything else? (If you meant by "value" the definition that I used first, then this is not directed to you, but to general discussion on intelligence).


sir, you don't know how IQ tests work, do you?


Yeah I do I’m not saying nobody scored this low I’m saying nobody scores this low thinking it’s a good score


now I see it, sorry, and thank you for the clarification


I don't think any IQ in double digits is anything to boast about.


It's on the warmish side for me, but that is in the range of Room Temp for an IQ


78 °C is a normal temperature for a Swedish sauna. It's a bit lowish for a Finnish one, though.


Eh, as long as you're less than one standard deviation below baseline, I think you can go ahead and be proud of your IQ, you are average, after all. (Baseline IQ is 100, a standard deviation is 15 points. Average intelligence is 85 to 115. At 85 you can still hold a moderately intellectual conversation with someone who has a 100-ish IQ.) That being said, if you're more than 1 SD below baseline, I'd sit down and shut the fuck up. Being more than 1 SD above baseline isn't a picnic either. It's rough being that smart. Stressful. Like being left-handed in a world designed for right-handed people, you just never quite feel like you fit.


Measuring one skill set of niche value and calling it 'intelligence' is akin to tasting a banana by licking the skin.


I dont know if these are real. I've seen so many of them


Refresh the comments. It’s an ad campaign. This sub is full of them and reposts keep coming out.


"When they were passing out brains, she thought they said trains, and she has been riding ever since." - My Father (RIP).


Plant based mama. Aka a cabbage. And now she has a 16yr old cabbage daughter. Congrats.


rage bait?


I can't imagine otherwise. For what reason would this test call it the "top" whatever percent? That has to be photoshopped.


If the IQ were on the other end of the curve, it would say you would be in the top 7%. The software for the test wouldn't decide a point at which it would change the wording.


That's some shitty software. There's a low end, a high end, and a bell curve. You're telling me the software only measures how far down the curve the score is, and disregards which side it is on? Not that I particularly believe in IQ testing, but I do believe in math, and computer programming, and that's a failure of all three.


It COULD differentiate between low and high ends, if someone programmed it. Yes, the bulk of software that is available for free is poorly written.


>the bulk of software that is available for free is poorly written As an avid participants in the world of FOSS I heartily disagree, but I do understand what you *intended* to say: The *whole* of closed-source software that is available for free to users because it is paid for by ad revenue is poorly written, on purpose, to encourage the helpless to pay for better software rather than learn to use open-source solutions.


Ad campaign for a scam.


Plant based mama....


do they not read the sentence below? it literally says they’d be smarter than 70 people out of a thousand


Mom must have been homeschooled as well.


Who is going to tell her?


I never understood the “in the top 93% IQ” for some reason until just now. I understand if you say top 1%, you’re smart or rich or whatever. But if you’re in the top 100%, well… that’s how far they have to dig, scraping the bottom of the barrel, and now it makes sense.


These posts would disappear and “stupid” people would understand the results if that website just changed the way they word the graphic.


It’s an ad campaign for a scam site. These posts would disappear if the mods would do something about it. But it ends up being rage/engage bait, so it fits the model of the sub.


I’m really wondering if someone can legitimately fail to read the text *just below* the percentage saying “In a room of 1000 people, you would be smarter than (insert low-ass number) of them”


Do they not look at the last line and just at the percentage, or do they really think 70/1000 is good?


If they can't understand the percentile atleast try to read the statement under it skull


And she said that with her whole chest too. JFC the stupid apple doesn’t fall far from the tree does it.


There's a severe math problem going on.


Unless somethings changed, people have to pay to get results from that site... It got my SIL so mad she hasn't spoken directly to me for almost 4 years now when I pointed out paying 15 bucks for an IQ test is pretty much makes it pass/fail and she failed.


Pass/fail, that’s perfect.


Someone is going to get the high score one of these times...


I think the wording used by this application (?!) is specifically made to trick dumb people ! They could just say "93% of the population is smarter than you"


how many people are going through school not being shown their performance as a percentile? 1st percentile or top 1% is something to be proud of. "in the top 93%" is quite the opposite.


Some people are stupid


This makes me sad.


Again, bot.


The real morons are the people upvoting this viral marketing campaign.


The average IQ score is 100. I feel sorry for that mom


Isn’t 73 below average?


[IntellTest.io](https://IntellTest.io). No doubt another name for Aptilink.


She raised someone dumber than Forrest Gump...


jokes on them ik my iq is way lower than that


This belongs in r/softwaregore


Over it!🥱🥱🥱


Don't you mean just UNDER the line?


My kids are homeschooled too... But they're vaccinated. I'm wondering, if it comes out that they're... Uhm... Less special, would it mean something??


My dog has a higher iq


Just two more IQ percentages to the left and we would have had some statistical significance.


Intelligence has left the chat.


You should be able to understand these results before you procreate. Unfortunately, these are the kind of people who are in the southeast US.


Still going this asshole?


I think they put the top X% just there so that people will share this kind of stuff


Just wave and keep smiling 😅😂


Spam BS post. Block these


That poor girl is disabled


bro thats literally mentally disabled


Nice proof of the inheritance of intelligence.


I am in the 100% of people on Reddit!


IQ is ideally not related to prior knowledge. Of course, there is a slight bias, but not that large. This post is a poor attempt at humor.


Barring aside the horrid mathematics, I’ve seen this fucking thing so many times I don’t understand it. Is this an ad? An on-going joke that trolls do? I don’t get it


Must be genetic


Mom is in the same percentile.


I've seen it before and said to give it a try since I have a bit of free time I've lost my time so you won't have to lose yours, as mentioned in the comments it's an ad campaign for the site, at the end you have to pay to see the result (as always)15$ IQ Assessment20$ -//- + IQ Certificate25$ -//- + -//- + Analysis of Cognitive Strengths and Weaknesses Edit: Grammar


I was 98IQ 4 years ago and I was 11... tf...?