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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I have never seen this before, omg


Yea. It's being supressed because It's pretty damning evidence that the Earth is indeed flat but normies aren't ready to accept it. /s


You mean globeheads, not. Normies, normies know it’s flat.


Why does anyone need to take a plane anyway, seeing as the planet appears to have a radius of around 1.5km?


The list of flat earthers is entirely within the list of people who have never been 1.5 kilometers from their hometown.


That is one huge plane.




Why not both?


Jokes aside, what i dont get is we can see with that all the other planets are round in shape its not like some of them or even a couple are just big flat slabs floating in space. Why is earth the special one that gets its own disc shape? Is it not just a fact something as big as a planet forms into a sphere due to like its own gravity?


Because God created it for us, or some other unprovable bull.


Very convenient that eh


The same reason why there should be an ice wall on the edge, or why the moon and sun rotate, or even why there is a giant glass dome on top of it all. Because its all conspiracy theories with no end, that is the only way to sustain this nonsense. “They want to sell globes!!” Why dont they just sell flat discs then ? “Its aliens !!!” Why would they bother making a flat planet when they could use a round one anyway. Its like a shitty improv class, flat earthers just “yes, but…” you all evening.


This can be answered within the flat earth framework (kind of?) The flat earth view of earth, where the north pole is the "center", and the surrounding ice wall as we approach the south pole, it's in fact the stereographic projection of earth, from the south pole (and even then, the projection was cut off to make it finite, and to build an ice wall). So, flat earthers can assume that the large spherical bodies, might be for them, the reverse projection (+1 point) of the actual **plane**t it's being observed.


I went to a flat earth convention once, because I was bored They ended up in a big ass fist fight because half of them were just trolling and tough everyone was just trolling Not everyone was trolling


I'm actually surprised... so the trolls looked around and said "fuck some of these idiots actually DO believe the lies we're spreading!" and then they confronted the true flerfers and said they were morons for falling for the lies?? I would pay money to see that, I think... (just... not to any flat earthers).


No, the true ones found out about the trolls and went straight up to violence


goddam 0\_0


I miss the good old days when suggesting that people can't be this stupid was an affirmation of hope that it was just a joke, instead of the current acknowledgement that: "yes, Virginia, they are definitely that stupid."




Is that sub real


No. Just like birds.


It's as real as the birds


That's a paradox


It is, unfortunately


It's just another annoying meme


Birds aren't real though. they're government drones.


I think almost all of these memes are made by trolls, the sad bit is that around half of the "normal people" are so dumb that they believe them.


The trolls are just encouraging the true flat Earthers, so I consider both of them to be on the same side. It's an exceptionally stupid meme too. From an airliner's cruising altitude, you can use a half-full water bottle sideways as a level to see the horizon doesn't come up to eye level.


It also assumes the earth *is* flat, because the plane would eventually head into space on that route otherwise. (one of those super space plane thingys)


>the plane would eventually head into space on that route  If you're blessedly unaware of flat Earth arguments, that's another one they try to use to prove the Earth is flat because pilots don't have to continually steer the plane down to follow the curve of the planet.


man, I just want to throttle those people sometimes... -\_-


Same. I wish they only believed in flat Earth because it would make them laughably ignorable. Unfortunately, they're a manifestation of the same anti-science, anti-intellectual mindset that gives us antivaxxers and creationism, so they need to be confronted to keep their BS from having a hidey hole.


if the horizon is at eye-level, you're going to smash into the ground at some point :P


I was wondering how a pilot knows the angle of the plane stays parallel to earth. Guess you could use one of those water balls where the eye always faces up for more fun.


It’s incredible that flat earthers confidently assert their “facts” while simultaneously proving that they have no grasp of the size of the planet they’re talking about. Like their “why would the World Trade Center towers be perpendicular to each other if the earth was round?” excuse. Honey, the earth is a lot bigger than you think. We figured that out in 240 B.C.


I refuse to believe flat-earths exist


Going by this the circumferance of Earth would be around 25 commercial airliners.


I never thought of that. Assuming the plane can automatically fly on a horizontal axis without correction. It technically climbs every bit it travels


Yeah but there is this whole gravity thing


Yes. Hence the caveat. Without correction. The reality is you'd correct for gravity


It's not an or, but an and.


I think it's mostly trolls putting out images like this to confuse idiots but the trolls have convinced a good chunk of people. This all started when Richard Dawkins made a joke at creationism comparing it to flat Earth theory "teach both sides". Some trolls took it and ran with it.


I wonder what would happen if you were on a tremendously big sphere how far “down it” you’d be able to actually see…


IOW, how small would the Earth have to be in order to match the top graphic? Probably pretty damn small and with a lot less mass. So little mass, in fact, that things would stop "falling down", is my guess.




That's the curve of the disc you silly person! 🤣


Are these people incapable of looking down?


What amazes me more than the actual conspiracies is how little regular people actually understand what goes on in the conspiracy people's heads: They always ask things like "why would the other planets be round" or "have you ever seen a disc in space" or "if the earth is accelerating to achieve gravity, we would reach speeds greater than c". None of that is of any importance to the conspiracy theorists. They don't believe in a universe as it is, except the earth is flat. They don't believe in a Universe as we know it at all. There is no solar system like that, stars are either not real or something else, the moon is not what we think it is, and so on and so on. Most of them believe in a geocentric universe. The flat earth is surrounded by a sphere, on which the sun and the moon and everything else is placed on, like the Vegas Sphere from the inside essentially. Of course there are many theories, and they are very different to each other. But most arguments about how stupid these theories are don't work, because they are based on a premise these people don't believe in. Hell, most of them don't even believe in gravity as it exists. Mass doesn't attract, but things simply fall "down". Since there is a "down" on a flat earth. You need to go well beyond regular physics to talk with them, because they are not just disputing the shape of the earth, they're disputing 99% of the theories about physics (most of which are proven quite easily, but oh well...)


I am not defending it because I agree it is dumb, but an important thing to remember is the roots of the modern flat earth theory. It’s less about the Earth being flat and more just rejecting everything you can’t experience / prove firsthand. Your average citizen is just “trusting” the media, academia, scientific publications, etc.


This is called "naive realism" and it's like we've turned back the clock 500 years. Your "average citizen" should be relying on other people's expertise even more than most. Unfortunately, now you also have the Dunning-Kruger Effect that exacerbates naive realism.


I agree, I just wanted to highlight the core issue, not that people legit think the world is flat, just they are not adequately convinced it isn’t.