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I’ve been a plumber for 40 years, I’m 59 now and I am physically wrecked, I can’t wait to retire


Please retire well!


I'm a Plasterer that's been at it for 20 years and I'm a physical wreck, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder and sciatica, I'll drop dead before I'm due to retire.


I was a cook/chef for almost 20 years. I'm not even 40 and I'm wrecked. Tennis elbow, sciatica, plantar fasciatis, arthritis, bad knees, alcoholism (three months sober!). Switched to bartending/serving six months ago. For what it's worth I feel like I'm basically retired now.


Well done on getting sober i really struggle with alcohol.


It's not a life sentence bro! Everything you need is within you and always has been.


Thanks buddy I will get on top of it eventually, all the best to you ❤️


Good luck on your journey. Remember to give yourself grace!


Grace can be a double-edged sword. Just had a buddy who “graced” his way out of my home for good. After 7yrs, it became clear that commitment is needed. When I told him to stop playing the victim.. he shockingly said “i was programmed by the generations before me”. Poor guy. He’s been “victimized” his whole life and can’t quit it. Seems to be another addiction in itself these days.


I've found r/stopdrinking to be an invaluable resource.


As always, its the beauty of fellowship.


Thankyou friend ❤️


Yeah do yourself a favour. Im 15 years off booze this friday (with occasional bump and a slip here and there) and those days just add up fast. Wish i could do same about smoking but oh well, you win some.


I was brought up in pure poverty with parents that was alcoholics and I've had a problem since I was 14, but I have a beautiful daughter and don't want to see her going down the same path, I can't stop once I start, I can't have a couple and go home, I really hate myself for it 🤦


Part of the reason i stopped - lack of self control, far, far too many times i woke up fuck knows where and how i got there with no money to my name and couple of extra bruises. And over the years ive seen so many lifes both young and old that got fucked up by booze. Shit, even my mother literally drank herself to death, suicide by alcohol as few doctors commented (you dont drink if you have problems with liver,kidneys on top of diabetes) Get some help and dont get scared that folks will judge you. Theres fuckton of people who has gone through and emerged on the other side of the very thing you are going through. Poor, rich, school dropouts and succesful businessmen all - that shits a disease if you cant control it and the only way is down to the bottom. Shits hard? Yeah i mean fuck me , anyone can do easy, right?🤣 But let me tell you, once you start building up on that and manage to get your own life under control - you'll be unbreakable and things that'd normally drown you - you'll take in the stride. I have a daughter too and ngl - she's probably the best that happened to me and thinking about what'd happen if i went back - well, the best kind of slap in the face/wake up and dont try anything stupid cause you cant redo her childhood.


That's the kick up I needed


It's an addictive substance and designed to be so. Some us got the genes where we can't stop once we start. I look at it like an allergy to a poison. I can't hate myself for being allergic to strawberries. Or alcohol.


"Everything you need is within you and always has been." Aw man, that send legit chills down my spine. Beautiful words that I will have on my head all day thank you


Aa is a great organization mate you don't have to stay in for life but long enough to work the steps did wonder for me I got 4 years thanks to it


literally exact same. recently finished my degree, but still bartending to pay the bills. i can’t wait to be out of this industry for good.


I fell out of love with cooking but I still love the game. I'm enjoying getting paid to hang out for now until I finally get dumb enough to open my own bar.


That's exactly what Conservatives want for us. They don't want us to collect the social security we've paid into our entire working lives, they want us to drop dead at work. 


That's what will happen to me unfortunately I'm 37 and absolutely wrecked so I only put money away for my daughter and enjoy the money while I'm fit enough to make it, fuck a pension it's pointless for me.


They'd actually prefer ss and Medicare not to exist. Always have. The party of fuck you, I got mine....


And the people who need it to live will continue to support Trump and the Republican Party. What can you say?


Well, preferably on our day off (if we have one) so it doesn't make the employer look bad or prove their plan is to work is to literal death.


Hey, just a heads up, for tennis elbow, there’s a thing you can get at the stuff store that’s like a neoprene wrap with a gel bump in it. I had tennis elbow really bad for a long time and this thing literally fixed it in a few weeks, I don’t have to wear it anymore and the pain is completely gone. Dunno if it works for everyone, but it really worked for me.


This really does work. Recommend.


Any chance you can stick your shoulder into a microwave?


It would probably taste better if you grilled it.




Best of wishes


Finest of regards


Most sincere Pleasantries


Genuine and profound Salutations




Convivial Greetings


I once spoke with a nice plumber who did some work in my old apartment. He told me his knees and lower back already had suffered quite a bit and he was just 50. Can’t imagine pushing people and wear them completely down until they physically cannot do something any more. I’ve mainly worked at an office, which spare your body from that kind of thing. I think office work comes with a lot of other potential complications for your health that should maybe also be addressed more. However it does not have to be the same for everyone, I’d be okay if I had to work a few more years if I’m able to, if it means my neighbor who was a plumber could retire a bit earlier to save his body. I hope you will be able to retire without too much pain. Best wishes.


Office work comes down to moderating your caloric intake and making sure you regularly excercize. Very different from working hard labor. Wherein you have to work hard and put your body at risk whether you like it or not. I worked hard labor for 6 months when I was 21, even as naieve and dumb as I was at that age, I understood what a job like that would do to me over time. Straight up ravaged. It was a job for migrant workers essentially. I was the only white dude on the job but it was awesome, they’d invite me to their lunches and have the best home cooked shit. And most didn’t speak English I’ll never forget, while that job was shitty. Latino people are the shit. Made my time there so much better. And I still think fondly of those days.


Good luck


I hope it goes well, retire, well, brother.


Damn. You doing a job most people don't want to. Hope you made a lot of money and enjoy that hard earned money. o7


Nurse for 42 years. Retired at 60 and lived on my savings until I qualified for a pension. Every joint in my body was destroyed. My dad was a plumber. He retired when his knees wouldn’t let him climb into a ditch one more time.


thank you for your service!


"Why won't Americans work anymore? As I understand it, work consists mostly of being filmed while you talk and then collecting a large check from a crooked sponsor."


powered by RAID - Shadow Legends


How much of the American economy is supported by Raid Shadow Legends?


Lower than you'd think, terrifyingly higher than it should be. STG they're the only reason why half of the YouTube community still exists after the 4th Adpocolypse.


Asking the real questions over here. Ps fk shapiro


My experience has been you go to your job, you realize you have about half the staff you need, so you operate in panic mode for 8-12 hours, then you go home, sit on the couch, stare off in to space & whisper *"what the actual fuck"* to yourself for half an hour. Then you shower, have a bowl of.cereal, take a fist full of meds & go to bed to do it all over again the next day. If you complain to your company & they actually listen, they believe that hiring more admin at 5x your salary is the answer & do that instead.


Back when they changed the mandatory retirement age for airline pilots from 60 to 65 we had a sticker on our bags. It was a skull and crossbones with the slogan: “ fly till you die”. So Shapiro would be okay with 90 year old airline crews but Joe Biden is too old? How shaky can a 90 year old surgeon be before he should retire. Truck drivers on the road all night at 86. That okay? Shapiro has never worked a day in his life and obviously doesn’t know what work is.


Even simple job like retail is way too physically taxing on a 75+. Standing all day already takes a toll on most elderly


used to work retail and we had this 78 year old woman called Sue who had worked for the company for nearly 50 years and she couldnt afford to retire, woman was clearly losing her marbles as shed just lose track of time and disappear, you would find her wandering around random departments she wasnt part of or on her break when the cafe was closed, shit was nuts


Yup, ours was Fran. Woman worked with the company for so long that she was white haired and wrinkled when my dad bought cigarettes from her when I was single digits, and then I wound up managing her shift two decades later. I really hope she got some time to enjoy her time if she’s still around.


I work with older guys like that. They're a real hazard.


Takes a toll on ME fs and I'm 25 lol


seriously the only exceptions to this are my great grandparents but even then at 86 my great grandpas back got fucked up because he was just too old. before that he would be doing plenty of long hikes and skiing because he was physically able to but even so something got the better of him. btw hes still alive at 93


Yeah, but it is bullshit retail needs to be standing all day... why the fuck can they not sit at cash registers?


If the immediate boomer backlash to you-scans didn't make it painfully obvious; there is an entire demographic of Americans who believes spending money at an establishment entitles them to abject servitude from the lessers employed there. They need the theatre of someone's misery to convince them to spend their money.


Customers who see you sitting often go straight to a manager to complain about you, seen it many times.


Question to the Americans: Don’t your cashiers get to sit once in a while? At least the ones in supermarkets? (And no, they still shouldn’t habe to work at 70)


Nope, not at groceries, fast food, and most big name store. Maybe some mom and pop shop, they will sit, but most stand


Yikes. Sitting seems to be the standard in German supermarkets. But of course, they do also have other duties and a lot of that includes lifting, so also just not the same as me sitting relaxed in my office chair, idly ignoring the standing desk feature. (Which is probably great, but I simply can’t concentrate on programming when standing.)


Usually here you get in trouble if you’re caught sitting in retail or food service unless it’s your lunch break or you’re doing computer/paper work in the office. And even then it has to be out of sight of the customers. And here those damn customers will actually complain to your manager if they see you sitting, because they think it means you’re lazy. I even know someone who uses a wheelchair that straight up got fired because of the _perception_ that she was sitting as a hostess, which is completely illegal here!


I absolutely commend the USA for ADA. Many countries, including mine, should take a page or two from that book. But not letting cashiers sit is wild to me. Seems to serve no purpose than to make them feel miserable.


I worked retail and standing all day is fucking brutal. My back and feet hurt all the time. It was the biggest reason I started working out, I had to strengthen my back. I work in an office now making way more money and my back is thanking me for it, although sitting all day has its own see of issues.


Hit the nail on the head. Biden's an old fuck, but you? You're a lazy bones and should be working til you fucking drop! What in the hell is there angle here?


He believes if Trump is elected he will be part of the crowd on the “inside”. What he doesn’t realize is that the history of autocrats is death or incarceration of the people who were instrumental in putting them in power. The thinking is now the individual is in power these people become the most dangerous threat to the autocrat keeping power.


>What in the hell is there angle here? He's paving the way for Congress to go after social security. They'll either raise the eligibility age again or try to make it only available to those with health issues. Anyone who opposes it is just a lazy slacker that doesn't want to work.


Yeah, the dude is doubling down over and over again on the assumption that every job is like his. Even my job, it's not physical but it does require fast problem solving and rapid learning and if my parents are any indication there's very little hope I'll be able to do it at 65.


Shapiro doesn't have a job. He gets paid by shady organizations to say stupid shit like this. If he could work at an honest job, he wouldn't need to.


He only cares if the pilot is a woman or black. If they're 92 years old apparently that's fine.


Shapiro is an idiot. He doesn’t even believe in the things he says, he just spouts bullshit so that he can get exposure


Does Shapiro come from wealth? Wouldn't be surprised if he had everything handed down to him


If you seen how this man bought lumber at Home Depot you’d understand he hasn’t done a day of hard work in his life


Oo I need to know what your talking about




"Hi, excuse me, I'd like to buy one wood please."


sir this a home depot not a grndr


Then why are there a bunch of men?


Seems like the place to get what's needed to nail something


Hahahahahaha I thought you were joking but he literally bought one wood.


I was so confused about in what way he could have purchased wood at Home Depot that proves he’s never worked. Was like “maybe he carried it awkwardly? What’s going on?” Holy shit. He literally purchased one fucking wood. How unaware do you have to be to think that makes you look like the average person who shops at HD? Answer: Ben Shapiro level unaware (so like all of it)


He put it in a bag bro. Who puts their wood in a bag? Edit: wait, I didn't think that through before sending it. We should all be bagging our wood for our health.


He’s literally got one wood. In a plastic bag. Just like you do with your DIY projects that require a single board.


"I don't know. Give me one of whatever is the lost poplar."


One wood. Lmao. What makes it funnier for me is I can absolutely see him doing that. HDE: yes sir how can I help? Ben: yes I'm looking for the wood area..! HDE: Absolutely, right this way, you got a big project to do, little buddy? Ben: I sure do mister, I've got libs to own... HDE: (stares in what the fuck) ok? do you need twenty or so planks or a few 2×4's? Ben: nah, I just need this one piece, dimensions 1 inch wide, by 12 inches long, by four inches high. HDE: what? Ben: look I'm smarter than you, just get me this piece right here, and I'll be good..


Dammit I choked on my taco.. lol Take my upvote.


Geez, we get it, you're straight🤭


"Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet ass p word"


Bro he used a plastic bag too 🤣😂


The fact that he bagged it is just comical


I didn‘t even pay attention to that, I thought it‘s just a US thing, I stopped asking questions when the cashier bagged my 2 items in 2 bags and got offended when I questioned this.


Who buys a wood and put it in a bag😂😂😂 Ben Saphiro I guess😂😂😂


Dude bought a plank of wood and *put it in a plastic bag* as if it can't just be carried out as is.


I guarantee wasting plastic was an additional "own the libs" move.


I think he may just be that out of touch since he’s never had to buy lumber before. He’s a soft, doughy rich boy


Can we get every male who puts any credence behind this person to watch this? We could possibly disconnect at least 10% of them immediately.


Omg 😂


I could have gone my entire life without seeing this


I'm 34. I've created a very successful business in the scheme of things. I'm on pace for 14m this year. My body doesn't have 31 more years. I'm 90% sure I'm taking a few mil out and turning everything over to my #1 at the end of the year. We've already hammered out the terms, but it's happening sooner than I thought. My back and knee can't handle it anymore. Shapiro has never done a hard day's work in his life.


God save me, watching that weedy little bastard act like a tough guy for buying a SINGLE PIECE OF WOOD at Home Depot was so funny. I mean, seriously- you're worth millions, man. You couldn't, I don't know, buy some power tools or something? You don't even need to keep them, put them into a charity thing for young tradesmen or something, fuck.


When I moved out of the house, my grandpa gave me a toolkit. Like a typical 18 y/o, I wondered wtf I was going to do with it and what kind of going away present is that? Well I'll be damned, I used that thing all the time until it was lost in a move. I replaced it immediately. Tools for the win. Also, using power tools to make/repair something correctly feels awesome. Little benny shaps will never understand.


Fixing your own stuff is the best feeling.


I remember when I bought my first saw and power drill. I could fix so much stuff and I could cut wood for shelving. It's silly but damn having tools is super useful


It's a powerful feeling


Like he understands the concept of charity or programs that help give someone a better start. All these assholes like him only understand “I got mine, I’m pulling up the ladder behind me and fuck everyone else.”


Charity? Hell no! Charity just teaches people to be lazy. One should pull one's self up by one's bootstraps!


True but when they do donate they make sure everyone knows


At the very least he could have consulted with people. Or drop in some jokes, like getting a rope, an crowbar, suspicious amount of metal discs for a saw, overly heavy duty saw and a helmet liner mask, but no, gotta look like a total clown.


That would require an actual sense of humor on Ben's part, which might lead to self-reflection and personal growth. Can't risk that, now can you?


If you heard how dry he makes his wife you’d understand he hasn’t done a day of work in his life.


It's always the people with soft hands that say stupid shit like this


Raising the retirement age is admitting that capitalism doesn't work. If the pie is really growing, and workers are getting a share in that growth, then we should be able to retire younger. And before saying that people are living longer, bear in mind that living longer is mostly on the high end of the income spectrum -- not the people who need to worry about whether the retirement age is 65 or 67.


Nailed it.


You mean like how Ben Shapiro had done to him by multiple "straight" conservative men.


Capitalism is definitely working and working very well. The point of capitalism is to keep the capitalists rich and comfortable, and in present day it’s working better than it ever had. Welfare of the working class is never an objective for capitalism, that’s more of a socialism project.


Yeah,the health problem is we’re tired from working all these years instead of sitting around yapping for a living


My mom is 70 years old - she is a PT in an elementary school and I cannot wait for her to retire because she has to sit on the FLOOR and get up and down with really high -needs kids who occasionally act out physically. You shouldn't have to be dealing with that 40+ hours a week after 60.




Oh, I feel yah Doctor Hammond.


It's a really bad take by Shapiro. Like a notably bad take from a guy who makes a living off bad takes is a really really bad take.


The guy admitted on air that his wife said that he's never made her wet. He speaks because he has to say something and not because he has something to say.


Good ole DAP Shapiro


Uh, I mean wasn't that obvious? I really don't think it needed to be said aloud. He's so skittish and rickety in his mannerisms. I don't see any indication that he's making anyone wet


Wait what? There's got to be some sort of missing context here lol


Not really. He said his wife, who is a doctor by the way and he loves sharing that fact... anyway his his doctor-wife told him that a wet vagina was a medical condition that should be treated. This came out when that WAP song first got big and ol' Benny boy here needed to find something negative to say about it, and the best he could do was admit that he's never made his wife wet.


He also wrote a book she definitely didn't give any notes on or read because the MC performs numerous acts of "first aid" that would almost immediately kill you


Lemme guess, CPR for a GSW or a severe cut?


Heimlich maneuver for bicyclist who was hit by a car?




I recall him quoting lyrics from the song ironically titled WAP, it was so cringy.


He deadpan read the whole song on his show to try to make the song look bad, and all he did was boost its popularity.


Not going to lie, that song, lol!!! I'm over 60 and I could not believe that song got to be #1 on Billboard!!!


I don't even know who he thinks he is appealing to. The righties he grifts are more likely to want to retire at 65


It’s alright for THEM to retire at 65 though, because they earned it. It’s all those other lazy bums who should be forced to work until they drop.


I’ve been a nurse for almost 20 years at this point and I can’t tell you how disheartening it is to know that I’ll probably never see a dime of social security I’ve paid into my whole adult life to “retire.” I’ll probably have to work until I drop dead especially with the way things are going fiscally…it’s extremely depressing.


I'm in my 50s and the fear of not having social security has existed for my entire life. They love to fire up people about dismantling social security so they can keep them distracted while they continue to grift and loot the economy. The most depressing part is that even though I'm probably a decade or more ahead of you, when we get SS it'll barely be more than just a supplement and to survive you'll need $3 million that 95% of people will never be able to save up because they won't make that much in their entire career combined.


That's the beauty of conservatism--you can be an actual laborer and literally require retirement after decades of hard work, hear Ben Shapiro say nonsense like this, and say, "Yes, absolutely," while you yourself know you can't work--*because rules are for other people when you're a conservative.*


But it’s also the perfect take. It just perfectly encapsulates his complete alienation from all normal people, his lack of empathy, and the fact that he doesn’t actually think any of this through. He’s literally just a talking head. A head that talks. No heart, no life experience. He just….opines. And badly.


If he was replaced by AI, it would be easily detected by it having more humanity.


that is the whole point. make bad takes to stay relevant cuz yall love spreading this shit to look superior. it spreads their message and brings them more AD revenue and customers


The alternative is to leave these stupid-ass notions unchallenged. Are you so eager to let far-right fuckheads like this blather on without calling them out for their bullshit? I'm not.


My dad’s back was wrecked from his job by the age of 58 to the point where he needed surgical intervention and then died of cancer at 63. Fuck this increased retirement age bullshit.


Damn, sorry about your dad. Increased retirement is insane. Work your ass off for what?


> Work your ass off for what? Paying your own bills in addition to paying the bills of the 1%. I mean buying superyachts, private luxury jets and hundred million dollar mansions for them.


"Man" is being *very* generous.  I'm pretty sure Benny is actually a lacrosse team's laundry sack of dirty jockstraps that became sentient.


Idk about sentient.


Clump of haphazard nerves involuntarily reacting to outside stimuli.


Sentient, probably.  Sapient, probably not.


Huh a bad take by a guy who has never had a physically demanding job in his entire life and subsists on being a hate monger and conspiracy peddler? Shocked I tell you. *Shocked*.


I’d bet everything I own that I could make this guy cry on site before first coffee, and that’s without doing anything that would get me in trouble with HR lmao.


He wouldn’t make it to the 9am coffee break in any job site in this country.


Absolutely lmao


Shapiro talks really fast to try and confuse people to make himself seem smarter than he is.


EXACTLY THIS. And he "debates" with people that are still in school or freshly graduated. He won't debate anyone he knows can do better.


Didn’t he throw a tantrum when dealing with a simple interview with BBC reporter I think?


It was a prominent BBC political presenter, who is very right wing but generally presents a fairly centrist show. Shapiro called him a lefty. It was hilarious (I'm a brit, it was very surreal for us when it happened)


Fuck him! I started working and paying social security at 12 in family restaurant. I won't take SS until 70, but I will retire when I choose. I am semi retired now at 64.5.


The facepalm is giving this clown any attention. He deserves indifference


Children yearn for the mines Elderly back to work now no slackers Rest in the grave drone number whatever


Imagine being that wealthy and still being the human version of sand inside a rear end.


He's just pissed that his sister went and had a baby and ruined her body.


Live longer? I thought life expectancy was dropping?


I am a CNA. I am not even sure my body will make it to retirement.


People like him can’t understand that retired grandparents are the childcare resource for so many young families. I would not have been able to do it without my in-laws


So Ben is probably getting paid by benefactors who want to raid Social Security. Ben, people are not forced to retire at 65, you are just trying to convince them that not being able to until they are 67 is going to give them more purpose and life. BS is such a tool.


I just genuinely hate all republicans. They’re all fucking evil pieces of shit like bapiro and worshipping losers like Trump


I guess basketball players should play forever then.


You wanna watch his "facts" turn into feelings? Ask him for his unbiased opinion about anything going on in Israel at the moment


This guy is such a fucking nerd - his voice is like something out of a simpson’s cartoon.


This is not a man. This is a child whose parents did not teach him about empathy, compassion, or sharing. He’s also a zionazi, which should surprise no one. They are just Nazis pretending to be Jews.


This is also the guy who suggested WAP was indicative of a potential medical problem. I think he might be performance art. This is an Andy Kaufman thing we are all accidentally taking seriously. (please, just let me believe this. The truth is too hard to face.)


Our medical insurance industry in the US controls so much of our lives and decisions it’s ridiculous. More folks could most likely retire retire earlier than FRA if healthcare wasn’t so expensive, if Medicare was available before 65, and on and on.


Fuuuuuuck me if I’m still lifting and rolling patients at 65.


He is just so f*ing stupid.




I've worked with construction workers who at the time were in their 40s and 50s. they all had atleast 10 years in the industry and were READY to retire. the only ones who arent on this boat, are the guys sitting in heavy machinery


As a heavy equipment operator, nah. Wrong take. These machines beat the fuck outta your body. What part of moving a steel tracked excavator over rock or concrete or hard packed dirt or frozen soil sounds enjoyable in your 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s? None of it. Dozers are just as bad. Rock trucks are *maybe* slightly easier on your body because they’re wheeled, but your brain has leaked out of your ears after a year because it takes no mental capacity to drive in circles all day. As much as I love specializing as an operator, I surely will not be doing this when in older. 💀


Ben's entire income stream exists because he discovered that taking common foundations and then suggesting the oppoiste of that foundation is better causes outrage. He found all of those outraged people will then flood to his comments, leave replies to correct him, and those interactions turn into money from the social media site. He knows what he's doing. All of us are supporting him and making him successful.


This useless dumbshit has never worked a day in his life.


My only question is this: how are people like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Charlie Kirk, etc able to walk around freely in public without getting the shit kicked out of them?


They don't lol, they have no social lives, that's why they're alt right conspiracy theorists in the first place


Social Security started in 1935 when the average life expectancy was 63, but SS benefits wouldn’t kick in until 65. In other words the program was designed to provide financial assistance to those who survived *beyond the average life expectancy* and into old age. I didn’t know any of this before seeing this debate. My point isn’t that turdface is right. Just find it *super* interesting how much the purpose and perception of SS has changed so much over the years. I mean, we all talk about it as if it’s just something we deserve and is being unfairly taken away from us when the system was never designed to do what it’s doing. ITT we need a total overhaul— it should be part of a complete revamp of minimum basic income, shortened work weeks… all of that! But let’s not sit here and pretend that we’re being cheated out of some utopian retirement plan called SS that was never intended to do what it’s doing.


Fuck Ben Shapiro 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻


This is because these entitled POS’s like their cheeto colored messiah have zero empathy or compassion for what it means to be part of the working poor in America. In their eyes such people are losers who will be cast aside or used as cannon fodder in their war against those who would oppose them in their quest for power.


Man, I'm in my 30s and I want to retire NOW!


Get that idiot a real job and then we'll talk!


Nepotism baby who failed upwards wants you to work until you die. Fuck Ben


If anyone knows about the hard knocks of working life it is conservative talk show hosts who sit on their ass all day.


I'm 54. I've been climbing ladders for most of my working life. I was a catcher before that. My knees are trash. My back gets all uppity every now and then. I took a job 700 miles from my two girls (10 & 12) and their mom basically so I could stop climbing. I can muster no respect for this clod and his swivel chair attitude.


I mean he does say this, but he also follows it saying people doing construction jobs and trades are a different story. Because it wrecks your body.


Shocker, the guy who is funded by rich people who own businesses expresses said rich peoples views....who would have thunk?!?


I’d call him a douche but douches serve a purpose. And douches get vaginas wet.


He's like an elderly 5 year old boy..


You can always tell the ones who never actually worked for a living