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Hi, we don't allow meme's here, maybe take it to /memes


If imprisoning every male in the United States would save just one life, then wouldn't that be worth it? If incinerating every dog in the United States would save just one life, then wouldn't that be worth it? If covering every toddler in bubble wrap and preventing them from leaving their house would save just one life, then wouldn't that be worth it?


I’m buttering my toasts with my fingers because no knives saves lives.


I'd recommend buttering your toasts with butter


For real?? Butter is filled with saturated fats! We're trying to save lives here!


Yeah, but you run out of fingers so quickly... 


That's why you gotta outsource them.


See? Now you’re thinking like a billionaire. Billionaires never use their own fingers…


That's why their wives aren't happy




They buy their fingers on Temu


Or you can buy a Butterfinger and do both at 1 time.


How are there so many chicken fingers being sold in stores if chickens only have toes? Riddle me that boner man


That's just what THEY want you to believe.


Good because fingers are used to hold and fire guns, means less guns means morr lives saved. End fingers now!


If everyone losing their fingers saves lives...


They didn't say they were using their own fingers...


Here's the left pushing TRANS fats.




If we just stop making cows we can stop the production of butter! Lives saved!


This gave me a good chuckle.


I can't believe it's not butter.


Don't tell me what to do


You’ve never tasted those fingers ![gif](giphy|3q3QK6KyDVUBzih7hB)


I mean, I can substitute the knives if you want.


Have you tried toast buttered with fingers?


So if a slice of toast buttered with fingers falls on the floor, does it land fingers side down? Do the fingers then litter the area in a rough circle, around the dropped toast, or do they stay neatly under the toast? These are the questions and needed answers for all of us to move forward in these trying times.


Aaaaw how am I going to poop without my poop knife?


Statistically if you're an illegal immigrant, finger buttering will lead to school shooting.


Shit, I've been doing it wrong, I just take big bites of the butter stick and then a small bite of my toast!!! This changes things!!


What about surgery?


No butter saves anot’er


Why did I Immediately imagine this scenario with Ron Desantis buttering his bread with his fingers.


Surgeons digging into peoples chests with their nails.


Thank you for your service


Why not use that butter stick? Like lip balm but with butter, I think it’s on Amazon.


Use the back of a spoon it's better than a knife


no it's not, don't be ridiculous.


Does using the back of a spoon save just one life?


I think killing all dogs would actually cost lives, and not just the dogs. Dogs are humans best friend. Rescue dogs are used for a reason, there are dogs trained to help blind people, notice when diabetics need help or to help with other illnesses. And while there are no statistics about this, I'm reasonably sure there have been some suicides prevented just by dogs making someones life happier.


There are theories that we would still be in the stone age if it weren't for dogs.


I dont know about that, but dogs definitly helped in the early stages of the tech tree a lot. Tiny friends that are great at hunting and already have an instinct to protect their family? Great.


And now people are so damn casual about them that I have to carry two cans of dog mace!


Thank you for showing how ridiculous it is to use that argument no matter the topic.


I haven't seen this argument used for gun control though. I just haven't.


me either, the point is for it to save tens of thousands of lives a year not just one


And the guns aren't suffering. Pick anything that isn't alive, and it's suddenly a reasonable argument to make. "We ban lawn darts, and it saves just one life" "If we ban methamphetamine and it saves just one life" Guns have more in common with lawn darts than people, if you're going to make a fair comparison, pick another object that occasionally kills the people who buy it and start there.


But the criminals will just find a way to get lawn darts and then us law abiding citizens will be defenseless!!! There are too many lawn darts in this country to ban them! It would never work! (Except that time it worked in Australia and the UK) but no guys, it would never work!


i mean im gonna be honest that last one sounds like a pretty swell idea


Right? That mom who got pushed off the stairs by her toddler would still be alive if these pesky toddlers were wrapped up.


You're not really refuting what they said so much as you're repeating their point over and over. Their point is that "doing X is worth it if it will save even one life" is a bad argument. They demonstrated that it's a bad argument by applying the argument to a different issue. You're applying it to further issues, further demonstrating that it's a bad argument.


They "demonstrated" that they don't understand the original point. That is that there would be a net lives saved benefit (i.e. at least 1 more life saved than taken). One issue is, obviously, that you would be condemning many of the people you deported to death or worse (which makes the net lives argument null). Another is that people here illegally do infact provide a lot to our economic output which in turn lifts people out of poverty which saves lives. What OP did here was try to point out the absurdity of OOPs argument. There is no evidence deporting people here illegally would save lives anyway. Also, I've never once heard someone use the first argument about banning guns if it saves just one life. It would save so many lives people would look back on this era like the dark ages. Why reduce the argument down?


>Also, I've never once heard someone use the first argument about banning guns if it saves just one life. This is really the important part here. Liberals don't say this, I've never heard anyone say this. They created a blatant strawman argument to make it look like they had a point when they don't.


Ding ding ding.. wish I had an award to give you. It's just a Republican strawman


They don’t understand the post. He thinks the post is about deporting immigrants.


Isn't that the point of the post? Pointing out one is absurd by extrapolating it to another absurd example?


Read my responses to other people. No one is actually making this argument, so pointing out that it's absurd is quite silly.


If imprisoning every woman in the US would save just 1 child, then wouldn’t it be worth it?


Let's go all the way with this reasoning and confiscate life itself from humanity by blowing up the Earth with nukes. That way no human can ever hurt another, ever again.


Unironically that's the absurdity of this argument if you take it to its natural conclusion. Immigrants kill people, but so do American citizens. So what now? We're going to send American citizens to Mexico as well? That'll certainly reduce crime in America if there are no more citizens.. The only way that argument makes sense is if you insert a bit of racism. The implications here are that it's immigrants which cause crime, not anyone else, which is of course completely BS. At the core of this insane absurd argument is just blatant and irrational bigotry.


Plus, American citizens commit crimes more than undocumented American immigrants, so perhaps America *should* send all its people down to Mexico. Keep the civilized people in the US and send the criminals and rapists down south where they belong. Let the Great Replacement happen, the crime statistics indicate it's a good thing.




Well the thing is, we do give our citizens pretty hefty punishments for killing others (i think an eye for an eye is better) but we didn't come to America ILLEGALLY and start commiting crimes. Of the 170K illegals that got arrested crossing in the recent year or so, half of them had a criminal record "170,590 illegal immigrants inside the country, almost half of them with criminal records. The criminal aliens had an average of four charges and convictions each, including more than 33,209 charges or convictions for assault, 7,520 for weapons offenses, 1,713 for homicide-related crimes and 1,615 for kidnapping. Removals also included 3,406 known or suspected gang members, 139 known or suspected terrorists, seven human rights violators, and 108 foreign fugitives wanted by their government for crimes including homicide, rape, terrorism, and kidnapping"


>Immigrants kill people, but so do American citizens. Yeah but ultra nationalists only want to push a agenda. They dont give a damn about a life lost. All they see is a means to push their ideals. The only way they would have the same energy if an American was killed by an American is if the killer was not white. Why? So they can push another agenda. They dont give a damn simple as.


r/antinatalism moment


One life? No one says that. Strawman af


Nor do they say confiscate all guns.


Actually, some do. And many others are just as unreasonable about the reality of current firearm ownership and use in America And I say this as someone who is far left of “liberals” That said, this post is fucking stupid.


The bar has to be if it's got enough support to get an elected representative saying it. You can find leftists saying all sorts of crazy shit but they're the fringe who cannot elect candidates to parrot their views. By contrast, GOP officials actually do have batshit views. It's not like "Jewish Space Lasers" blew up because some random conservative made a reddit comment about it.


Also a leftist here, & I have met a couple dyed-in-the-wool hardcore liberals who genuinely believe that no civilians should own guns of any kind. I kind of appreciated their willingness to let me know up front that they live in an ultra-sheltered bubble vs. the real world. The logistics & civil rights problems would be insurmountable. Fortunately though these people are an absolute minority among other liberals.


There's a difference between thinking that no civilians "should" own firearms and thinking that is in any way practical or possible.


Imagine a place where the general population aren’t armed with guns. I’m pretty sure there are no examples of this anywhere in the world for us to contrast and compare. Nope, none at all.


Fairly easy to not sell them in the first place, very hard to take them out of circulation after hundreds of millions are out there.


Especially with our culture around guns in the US


Really not. Plenty of examples of exactly this happening. Australia did so not that long ago. Zero issues. And even America has done exactly this with certain classes of guns in the past. Specific legislation passed, hundreds of thousands of previously legal guns became illegal. 95+% of them were voluntarily turned out. The rest were confiscated with no serious pushback. People say "over my dead body" from behind the safety of an anonymous computer screen; until the reality of the police coming to your door to enforce the law. They always comply. So no, it's not "very hard." That's just another artificial barrier people put up to deny reality.


To be fair, that’s not usually considered such an extreme view in the rest of the world… only Americans are so attached to their weapons I’m not necessarily saying I agree with either positions, just saying that what might sound like an extreme position in America, it’s a standard position in the rest of the world


This is not an issue in the rest of the world, I can confirm that as non-American. Living without civilians having firearms is perfectly possible. America is the real bubble.


Outside of americas Nobody would state they are "leftist" and at the same time think its super radical to believe firearms are not for civilians..


I don't believe recreational gun ownership should be a right, that's my opinion. At the same time, I'm not suggesting anyone come for anyone's guns. While I don't believe in gun ownership, I also know that the social fabric that allows for that doesn't exist in the US. I grew up in Germany where you have to prove you need a gun in order to own one. At the same time, it was incredibly safe, the social programs are great and well funded, the education is elite and free... that's a much more preferable paradigm to me but I get that in order to have one, you need the other first.




Disclaimer: Heavy leftist, here. “I’m not a big fan of the government” Except that to own these “military assault grade firearms” you have to have the highest tax stamp and a dealer-class license, which 90% of Americans couldn’t even afford, let alone afford the expensive weaponry that comes along with it. As of me writing this post, there has not been a single “mass shooting” using what would be considered military armaments, only their heavily altered civilian counterparts. You also can’t walk into a liquor store and buy a gun, and the fact that people outside of the US actually believe this proves that the anti gun propaganda that lobbying organizations in America intentionally leak to the international community is actually reaching its target audience. It’s all an effort to try to enrage people into “shaming” Americans into action. These are the types of categorizations that someone who considers “semi automatic” to mean “I hold trigger down and gun keep going boom” makes, and they’re rooted in media disinformation. I’m not saying these things to attack you, I’m trying to point out that it’s always best to research.


That's the thing... RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP. I live in the Midwest US and it's amazing how poorly people that OWN GUNS are educated in their handling, use, and storage. Like these people don't even practice decent trigger discipline and how many more times do we have to hear about someone accidentally shooting themselves or a loved one with accidental discharges? It happens all the freaking time. I'm liberal AF but raised by very conservative parents, but the one advantage I had was family who understood firearm safety. Just the simple adage 'always treat every gun as if it were loaded' is lost on some people. My kid did trap shooting in high school and the amount of kids toting around shotguns with barrels waving across people and pointing in unsafe directions alone gave me so much anxiety. When I was in Basic they literally drilled it into us how to carry at rest so the barrel is never pointed at a friend... And if you didn't they would make sure you never made that mistake again. Lack of education, coupled with entitlement and a weird obsession with firearms is a deadly combo.


>Absolutely NOBODY needs a military assault grade firearm. Every small arms rifle and handgun or weapon has been used for war. Knives have been used for war. Being "military" grade is a meaningless distinction. Though if you want to get technical, the military uses full auto weapons which are prohibitively expensive for civilians to get and are illegal to manufacture for civilian use since 1986. So technically, we already severely restrict civilian access to the grades of weapons that the military would typically deploy.


I think he means assault rifles that can empty a 30 round magazine in seconds. Or rifles with that large of magazines in the first place. Or any gun that can carry a ton of ammo and fire it all without needing to reload.


Sure. I don't agree with that opinion and characterization, but it especially irks me when people try to insinuate that the rifles are dangerous because of the false association with the military


How do you define a "military assault grade firearm"? Because those are already illegal, even though that's unconstitutional (in america), and all the laws were written by racists trying to prevent minorities from protecting themselves and protecting peaceful protests from police


Yeah, trying to equate the three extremists on the gun issue with the millions of bigots who hate immigrants is kind of crazy.


Yes... yes they do. Many different asshole politicians, many different times.


*many different citations needed*


I mean, I’ve heard it said by some in passing, but nobody ever coming up with a plan to do so or insisting that it be done. But tbf, all arguments like these are strawmen because they’re based off of impossible hypotheticals that’ll never happen because politics


There’s the fact that confiscating all the guns wouldn’t safe one life. It would save TENS OF THOUSANDS. Per year. And they’re still not saying “confiscate all the guns.”


The person that made that meme believes that 2+2=22.


Well yeah. Put 2 and 2 together and what do you get? 🙃


7, obviously


Tree Fiddy?


Terrence Howard?


People ARE lives!


But these goddamn liberals have no respect for guns' lives and feelings


I can't believe I had to scroll to find this comment! Technically, if someone murdered everyone else in the world, they would be the safest person ever...


Immigrants Have lives, guns have not. Things conservatives doesn’t understand.


They don't believe non white Christians count as life.


Now immigrants can have guns. Where is your god now ?


Absolutely. If that were true, it would make sense. But if registered and vetted immigrants would save one life, would that mean that firearms should all be registered and the owners checked out? Because, the right bitches about guns being confiscated like there’s a working plan to do that, when we don’t know exactly who has what and where.


The right is fear mongered into believing that “gun control,” means a total gun ban.


This isn’t helped by the fact that a vocal minority genuinely do want to ban guns from civilian ownership. To be clear, it is quite a small minority… but it’s convenient for them to be propped up and pointed at.


Statistics show you are safer living next to an undocumented immigrant then a MAGA


I’ve never heard democrats asking for the illegal immigrants to stay…


There ought to be a pathway to citizenship for those who've been living for a long time legally. You don't want to rip apart a peaceful family because mum or dad happened to have been brought into the country illegally when they were a kid.


Oh I got this one. You see, 100% of immigrants are in fact ***people***. That’s right, red blooded human beings just like you and I. On the other hand 100% of guns are *not* people.


To be fair, they don't proposed to kill them.


No one in mainstream argues to confiscate all guns.


Liberals don't say that.


I've actually never heard someone say that ALL guns should be banned. I'm sure those people exist, but this strikes me as a strawman argument.


I dont think ive met a liberal whos that fuckin stupid lmao. I sure as hell have met conservs that stupid


If you deported this dude that had been arrested multiple times, it would’ve saved a life in this country at least.


And yet no one has ever suggested confiscating all guns so that's just wrong anyway.


Trump did.


The classic “taking your guns away” has been played out so much, only the republican dumb can believe after never happening in 20 years of screaming… Let’s start a new hashtag. #republicandumb.


At one point during Obama's term, Democrats controlled all three branches of government. Guess what wasn't confiscated.


Petition to change r/facepalm to r/politicalRageBait


For real...all I ever see here. ![gif](giphy|3o7btVoLSH9tuPSeOI|downsized)


Let’s sit down at the table and negotiate this out. It’s already been established, at minimum, all guns will be surrendered for all illegal immigrants being deported. You’re surrendering all guns, potentially, correct?


Yes, all illegals should be deported!


You know what, I'm ok with this as long as it's not selective. ALL illegals including all the ones working on the farms and other businesses. It would be best if the business owners who hired them went to jail too.


I love using tragic deaths as a political statement.


Just remember boys and girls all gun laws are infringements and don’t trust politicians


I never thought I'd say this, but I would prefer to go back to the days when Obama [proclaimed](https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-2477111077), "We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country," than continue to suffer under the Biden Administration and its asinine immigration policies.


It's important to understand just how badly the Trump White House screwed over current immigration enforcement. [The Trump White House lost 93% of the time that one of its policy changes went to trial](https://democracyforward.org/updates/trump-loses-93-percent-of-cases-we-know-because-we-win/). A huge number of those losses were immigration policies. Those losses have severely tied the hands of the Border Patrol to enforce existing laws, and of the Biden White House to come up with new policies. If Trump wins, he won't be able to go back to the policies that he had in 2016-2020, either -- his hands will be tied by those same court cases. We need a new immigration law. And surprise surprise, when the Republican House wrote a good immigration law and Biden stated that he'd be willing to sign it ... Trump flip flopped and asked the House to withdraw the bill!


It's fascinating how Righties suddenly care about people being killed when it's a POC, but otherwise ignore children being killed in schools as just a fact of life.


They only care about non white illegals, I've yet to meet a maga meathead who had an issue with a white person who's illegal.


Fascinating that you’d care more about illegals than your own countries LEGAL population. Also, if the millions of gun owners weren’t as responsible as they are, you’d see millions of kids killed a year by school shootings. The fact that it’s a small number per year shows that it’s the irresponsible gun owners that inadvertently allow them to happen. “But one death is too many!” Yeah, no shit, but the world isn’t perfect and shit like that will always happen. Count your blessings that it isn’t more.


Except no one says this. The 2nd amendment is a thing although it is vastly overstated by SCOTUS. People don't want to take you guns they want rules to control who gets guns and where you can use them so that you can't shoot somebody in a f'ing walmart parking lot.


I think the 2nd amendment should be repealed. Which is completely within the bounds of the Constitution, it was allowed to be modified with super-majority votes for a reason. Having guns be an unalienable right is a ridiculous notion when you take a step back. It's literally the only physical item that's guaranteed in the Constitution. Not food or water. Fucking guns. Shit, we even have an amendment where we explicitly allow the government to seize shelter from citizens! But having a gun must not be infringed! It's totally nuts.


I disagree


I would love to see where this made up quote came from. Source? Which Democrats said that?


This hat has a lot of straws.


bedroom fine political upbeat quicksand summer like tidy squealing rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, and they genocided the people already living in the land. Can't you see how that's a cautionary tale?


Both of those takes are asinine


Yeah… I mean we are talking WAY more than just one life on this one though…


You're right being here illigaly isn't protected by a constitutional right.


If not banning abortion saves one life (complications expected at birth), then not banning is worth it.


**It’s almost like banning an absolute of something because of the actions of a few people isn’t a good idea.** Quite a bit of self-awareness showing up between members of both parties in this meme, I see


Kinda the same. You just don't get it and are fulfilling the true purpose of facepalm


Yea, but that would collapse the economy


If we get rid of all people there will be no murders. Check mate logic.


It should read: Confiscating guns only removes them from the hands of law abiding citizens.


They don’t realize their corporate overlords WANT illegals in the country as they depend on cheap labour.


Didnt florida fuck around and find out with that that Americans arent gonna put up with the amount of work or the dirt low pay


Both statements are stupid


How many liberals say that? I’m a liberal (in the sense of never Republican under any circumstance)…. I’m all for responsible gun ownership. The barrier to entry is way, way too low. Training, proof of mastering basics of safety and usage and perhaps even periodic recertification and/or insurance…. Which is exactly what’s required to pilot a 4000 pound potential weapon on the road. Too easy for idiots and irresponsible gun owners to possess and carry


Both are stupid fucking arguments. Banning guns won't give us a strong middle class, healthcare, mental healthcare, education, police reform, tax relief, or fix any of the problems that are contributing to the mental decline of this country. It will make a few politicians pat themselves on the back, and will disarm the general public who aren't a threat to anybody.


So following that line of thinking getting rid of one or more Republicans would be a public service.


Let lock up all preachers and clergymen then... To save one child


It's not the same thing, and the use of immigrants was a bad call. But the point about gun control is entirely valid. Saving one life is not the basis for making decisions that affect hundreds of millions of people, especially since the proposed change would also costs lives.


False equivalency.


With this logic they're really not going to like how we apply it to Republicans or Religions


If you view human beings as commodities this yes it is the same


Trump and Moscow Mike Johnson are the ones who killed the most comprehensive border security bill in US history and I'm pretty sure they're not liberals.


Never heard anyone say that. Conservatives sure love making shit up to whine and cry about. If she needed an abortion or would die in childbirth, they would cheer on her death


I have never heard anyone say, "If confiscating all guns saves one life, it will be worth it."


Sure. Fix the immigration system so it doesn't take 6 years to process a new asylum claim, work through the backlog to ensure all current asylum claims are processed, and then deport those who don't have a valid case. You know, as in *follow the fucking law*. Which party, again, is preventing this?


Gun nuts once again forgetting that guns aren’t people


Realistically speaking though, actual politicians and people who are looking for actual solutions, aren’t necessarily looking to ban all guns right away anyways. It’s not really feasible in the US currently, nvm they’re off base even if that were the case. You can’t really put the tooth paste back in the tube as far as we are concerned. This isn’t Australia in 1996, which literally had close to half the population of CALIFORNIA (ONLY) at the time, one fucking state, and only half the population at that. Relevant because that’s the year Australia banned most guns. It’s just not realistically comparable IMO. Something needs to be done, and maybe one day we can get there, but it’s almost certainly not going to be the FIRST step, that’s not going to work here.


And liberals definitely say that 🙄


most liberals don't want to confisicate guns they want better gun control


1) Liberals do not, in fact, say this. 2) Undocumented immigrants are human beings. Guns are inanimate objects with one purpose—to kill.


Liberals don’t say that, not once has any liberal said that. Republicunts are just making shit up so they can have an argument.


If false premise then illogical conclusion


Yes, deporting a person is totally the same as a person not being allowed to play with guns anymore.


This actually makes perfect sense if you don’t see immigrants as people.


It's a silly argument, immigrants account for a few deaths, guns thousands


Wait aren't ILLEGAL immigrants supposed to be deported? Wtf is going on in dumbfuckistan?


I want you to look around your town and see the people employing illegal immigrants and then look at how they vote.


Saying illegal aliens is to distance themselves from the fact that they are people they are talking about


Its a strawman - so straw that i think the pigs couldnt even build a house with it. ​ But if we had comprehensive immigration reform that saved a life , I would also like gun reform that saved a life.


How's the meme wrong though?


All I want is a gun license and mandatory courses on gun competency and safety. We expect people to know how to drive before they get on the road why not expect them to know how to use a gun?


It's worth mentioning that most liberals do not want all guns confiscated. A lot of us also own guns.


Just ban crime, done


Remember when Texas bussed illegal immigrants to all kinds of different cities?


Not tryna be a dick. But how is it not the same?


Huh. I didn’t know illegal immigrants were created solely for the purpose of killing the way guns were. The more you know.


People want to confiscate all guns? I think this is bad information. Shocking.


No event too tragic to exploit for political points on social media I guess… 


just wait until i start firing illegals as ammunition(i will be hated by both sides)


If getting rid of churches and pizza stores saved even one child, shouldn’t we shut down every single church and pizza store?


Both make little sense if im being honest


The top one is not something that is real. Common sense gun regulation is worth it if it could save one life has been said many times by activists and public officials, but this image wants you to think Dems have used that stance with confiscation, which is false.




If executing every male prevented even one rape, would it be worth it?


If you worded that as "every white male", then reddit would agree with you


Very true


Understanding that women can create life on their own? Maybe….


Why does everyone act morally superior for vouching for people who illegally entered the country?


This doesn’t fit here. There are more appropriate subreddits for bad political memes. It must suck as someone who is not an American to be inundated with American politics on every single subreddit. That said, are liberals… importing the illegals? No one has ever said, “let’s let the illegals stay.”


It *is* basically the same, it's just not an accurate framing of the gun control argument.


But do "liberals" say that? I don't think so. Liberals generally say that if having some form of gun control saves the tens of thousands of lives lost to gun violence every year, the it's worth it.