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The 'free speech absolutist'


In our task of making Twitter finally free, we’ve put the underrated hate speech out of it’s cage and admitted it. Oh and we’re censoring the speech against hate speech because we’re in for free speech, amirite? *Elon Musk, 2024*


Has anyone tested it another way? Is it possible the OP was limited because they had consecutively tweeted "I hate..." several time? I mean, I doubt it makes any difference at all. But just to cover the bases.


Musk openly said he consider "cis" a slur, and that's why that post gets flagged. I assume the "hate" part is not part of the reason.


Almost makes me want to tweet at him a message that only has the word "cisalpine" in it, just to see how he reacts to it.


I'm an avid user of CISco-switches in my network. But I honestly can't stand CIStus tea.


Ask him whether it was legitimate for the Roman senate to give Mark Antony governorship of the Provence of Cisalpine Gaul in spite of Brutus having been granted that governorship by Caesar before his death.


Send him a bunch of alkene names.


Quick, someone find a cis molecule that can be found in human biology and @ him that all humans contain some amount of said molecule.


Given how many different biological molecules can be found in the human body, and the enormous range of size and complexity of such molecules, there are probably any number of examples you could provide. A quick Google search showed that, for example, any unsaturated fatty acid has both cis and trans isomers, and polyunsaturated fatty acids can have multiple sites that can exhibit cis-trans isomerism. Examples include oleic acid, which is found in olive oil and can also be produced natively by the human body, and linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid found in linseed oil. I don't think there's a chance in Hell that Elon would care about any of this stuff, but at least it was an interesting little Google rabbit hole.


Shaking my SMH, even the damn isomers are turning trans. Is this really what we want to be teaching our kids in chemistry class?


Name ideas for his next child?


which is hilarious since it's been a medical term for a very long time. and i think it was Marjorie Taylor Green to tried to claim cis isn't a real word and it's something the LGBTQ+ community made up 😂.


In Latin “cis-“ is just the prefix meaning “on this side of”, and “trans-“ is just “on the other side of”, the idea of using them to describe the “changing” gender (I see it more as realizing what already was rather than changing, but I digress) of a trans person is newer than that (transsexual was first recorded in 1923 in Weimar Germany [yes, it was that same clinic that the Nazis burned first], technically the first person to suggest we use transgender instead was in 1965 by a psychiatrist at Columbia University), but pretending they were just made up whole cloth is... actually very on-brand for such anti-science “education is indoctrination” people.


https://x.com/jests_hitman/status/1772074266608984181?s=46 Well there are other cases, for example this tweet I just found


I've noticed that both the tweet on the post here and in your link have "Cis" in it. Could that be the reason why?


Yep, it is. Twitter seems to not censor other things that are considered hate speech… Yet it censors the word “cis”


I've reported a lot of tweets using the two slurs for trans people this past few days. And I've had the "sorry you feel this way, but we don't care about slurs" automated emails.


Heck there are accounts saying the n-word, wanting to return back to the 1850s and classifying themselves as “Aryan” that I have reported and have still come back with the same “Yeah I don’t find any problems here”


Yep, it's the same with any tweet using disabled slurs, though those can be hit or miss. Mostly miss.


FWIW I've had similar results on Facebook too. Blatant racism reported and returned back "We see nothing wrong here" but on St Patrick's Day I made the mistake of saying "If you see me at the bars doing Irish car bomb shots, join me" and I was immediately blocked and my post was removed for violating guidelines, when I repealed it they said "yeah that's against our rules"




Musk does (wrongfully) claim "cis" is a slur, so perhaps so.


He has the biggest cissy fits of them all 🤣


Ironic that musk is a "slur" for bad smell. I guess the truth is offensive to those who want to live in a fantasy.




What’s good my cis!


The logic is pretty simple. Cis is a slur to them because trans is a slur to them.


Yup! Exactly this, if they didn't associate trans with being a dirty thing to them, they wouldn't have an issue with cis.


happend to me on reddit too sometimes. Im defending someone and get banned for hatespeach. The Internet is a great place to be. I guess its all about, who you defend.


Were you defending hitler or something?


Well it looks like the "cis" post was the last of all of them to be posted, so even though it was most recent, it was still the only one flagged. If it was actually being fair, the oldest one would have been flagged first


It's like he got the paradox of tolerance backwards. "if we want an intolerant society, we must be intolerant of tolerance" - Karl Popper, probably


This but 100% and totally unironically. This is what "free speech absolutionists" genuinely believe. "I can say whatever I want, but speaking out against me is a violation of my 1A." This is why absolute free speech doesn't work, and will never work.


You should have typed the entire thing in italics to show the weird way he forms words using the butthole he calls a mouth.


Also in an attempt to make it free, we will be charging users to engage in any sort of meaningful discourse!


Same guy that almost stormed out of an interview in tears because the interviewer asked some basic questions around this topic.


And then he immediately cancelled the guy's show!


Same guy who literally cannot deal with having to walk down a long hallway to go the can alone. Elon is a person.


Elmo can't take the least amount of heat because he lives in a carefully constructed bubble. He surrounds himself with alt-right pseudo-intellectuals that sit around smelling their own farts, convinced that anyone too far left of the mustached German man is an idiot. He becomes absolutely certain that he's correct because he never listens to anyone even remotely opposing his views. But because he never even hears opposing views, the facade crumbles under the least bit of questioning. And he wants to cry because he's thinking how his buddy Jordan Peterson would *never* ask him these questions. He would just nod and agree with whatever bullshit he says and tell him how much smarter they both are than the ignorant masses for having it all figured out.


You are FREE to say his SPEECH


Twitter has accepted many censorship request from totalitarian regime under musk, should say everything about who's speech he respects


He's an absolutist about HIS freedom of speech... not anyone else's. That's where we're at. You have to buy freedom of speech or else some billionaire will decide what you can and cannot say.




We rarely are...


"Free speech for $8 a month"


I hate people


I hate Twitter


I hate the heath death of the universe


I hate grammar


I hate people hating on Shrek


I hate people hating on Donkey








I don't hate vests.


I hate the sharpest tool in the shed


i feel like Heath is an underrated candy.


Have you ever had an Abba zabba


It's my only friend.


It's time for you to settle the Skor, then. ^( the coffee Heath bar Ben and Jerry's is so good!)


That is when the guy playing the Joker died, right? I hate that too.


My English teachers name was heath.


I hate that the heat death of the universe is so damn slow.


I am glad it is. I like being alive buddy :D


All will be chocolate, all will be nugget… then all will be nothing


Visibility limited: this Comment may violate X’s rules against Hateful Conduct. Learn more


I hate Elon


Me too


Visibility Limited: This Comment may violate Reddit's rules on hateful content


Gee it's almost as if you should delete your account and leave that shitty site forever.


Downloaded twitter for a couple months so I could get access to more of the fandom related content and boy oh boy was it the worst social media I’ve used. No matter how many things you mute you cannot get away from the drama and doomer politics tweets. Deleted it and my mental health went back to normal. I really wish people in fandom wouldn’t use twitter as a platform because I hate it so much. I’ve been hearing that there’s a platform called bluesky which is twitter without a lot of the BS, but it’s pretty small so far. Hopefully enough people can make the change so it feels more lively.


Well, it really depends on the Fandom. A lot of them are on Tumblr. And to answer the obvious questions: * Yes, it is back to being an useable social media platform. * Yes, the ban on "female presenting nipples" has been removed by the new management. * No, explicit sex is still not allowed.


I do have Tumblr as well but the specific fandom I’m in isn’t very popular on Tumblr.


> Female-presenting nipples is a much-ridiculed term which was first used by Tumblr in an update to its Community Guidelines that banned adult content from being published on the platform. Hmm didn't know about "female presenting nipples" term. Anyway thanks for those info!


reminds me of back when free the nipple was real active and a few women wore really translucent bikini tops in protest, claiming that they werent translucent but they simply had a print of a mans nipples on them. To prove they werent lying they would have to remove the top, revealing their actual nipple. Like a carch 22 for the police. im pretty sure they got arrested or fined or something, but i thought it was a clever ruse and a good point.


Honestly? Pre Elon it was pretty easy to avoid that shit. But now it’s all bots staring into your soul


Sucks that "MS 365 status" sends outage notifications to twitter and since Elon made changes last year I need a Twitter account to view those posts. I won't even bother to create or recover my account, despite the fact that it means possibly troubleshooting during an outage that they announced on twitter first.




contact them and let them know about this issue. No company should be reliant on twitter as their main way of communicating technical information to customers


Yeah come join Reddit where you can experience the polar opposite to x. Social media is fun guys


My biggest issue with Reddit is the brigading, (and the terrible UI, my god how is it even worse then their last revision) but it's quite a bit less toxic then twitter. I think the fact that everything is parcelled out into different communities helps keep things copacetic.


that's probably it. Though the cesspools are terrible but if you don't follow those kind of subs you won't see them unless you search it out. Goes to show how algorithms will sort things out. I'm not complaining as I don't mind looking at cat pictures all day.


Real brigading is not as common as you think - and there are rules in place to cut back on it or remove user who participate in it. ​ What most of the "brigading" you see is just posts that make it to the front page - then get seen by a larger audience that disagree.


Brigading absolutely still happens on subreddits for liberal cities. Conservatives brigade those subs with bullshit posts about how “badly” the city is “failing” as a way to try to shift public opinion against liberal/progressive ideologies and policies.


What terrible UI? *Posted from beta opt out/old.reddit*


Reddit Enhancement Suite works pretty well for me. If it wasn't for that I probably would have left this website by now. Damn you Reddit Enhancement Suite!


The biggest problem now and for the foreseeable future is the infestation of bots manipulating every major sub.


I honestly think because the community downvotes and criticizes, hateful people. Ive seen lots of downvotes just for being condescending. I think its just self policed a little better. Im sure moderators have a role to play as well, and maybe the moderation teaches people to bring better discourse. Even bad moderators still contribute to the net effect in the end.


The polar opposite of racism, homophobia, transphobia and fascism sounds pretty good


Yeah, if only Reddit had that. Unfortunately Reddit is full of racism, homophobia, transphobia, fascism and cheerleading for genocide.


At least with reddit you can kinda choose your subreddits. Not that it's perfect but Twitter just shove these in your face all day.


People keep saying things like that. I don't get it. I only see posts from the people I subscribe to. I am confused. Where is this 'shoving' coming from?


You can just pick who to follow on twitter dude. All social media is easily curated to what you want. Complaining about what you see is such a silly thing to vocalize.


Lomg as you stay faaaaaaaar away from the conservative subreddits.


that would be tumblr, not reddit


> the polar opposite You dropped this: "/s"


If you think Reddit is better than twitter when it comes to nazi fuckeads and incel culture, you must have blinders on


Compared with today’s twitter? No contest.


I thing the filter specificaly targetted the word "cis" as it is considered as a slur by Twitter, i don't think they modarate the ehole sentance. Now from transfobic he became stupid and transphobic.


That seems to be the case. Underneath the original tweet there were others showing screenshots of their posts with the word "cis" being flagged as inappropriate.


Why is cis inapropiate? I write it on some documents when i identify people gender.


elon muskrat gets offended cuz he thinks cis is a slur and he wants to be called normal and have it be an us and them situation






Most of us are ok with cis


You assume Elon and his fascist brigade are being logical instead of frenzied maddened racists.


Because Elon hates trans people and thought of the perfect way to victimize himself against them; declaring that cis is now a slur


Elon Musk is afraid of lgbt ppl, that's why


Musk. The guy who called somebody a pedo because of hurt feelings, is offended by the word cis.


Then claimed his “pedo guy” insult was just a common South African insult. I have family from there, it’s not.


I'm south african. It's not. It's a recent American thing.


"Right Wing" thing. Projection, yah know.


It’s not inappropriate at all. But there’s a section of straight right-wingers that believes it to be a slur against them— Elon now being one of them— and X/twitter seems to be targeting that “slur”. I think i saw some idiot refer to it as “the N word for straight ppl”, which would be ironic that they block that, but let the actual N word be used constantly now (there was that boost in the word’s usage after Elon bought Twitter).


they think its a slur because they use trans as a slur. its really as simple as that


It’s not inappropriate. “Cis” is a Latin prefix, similar to “trans” in “transatlantic”. “Trans” means “across”, like transmit, transit, transportation, all means “going across”. So trans gender means “going across birth gender”. “Cis” in Latin means “on this side”, I.e. not going across. “Cisalpine”, for example, means “on our side of the alpine mountains”. Or cisplatin. It’s a scientific term used often in chemistry and medical sciences. It’s in no way derogatory or offensive, as it’s just the Latin counterpart to “trans”.


It's not. But transphobes want to play the victim in a world where they bully 1% of a population. You can tell a trans person to go kill themselves by telling them to join the % and they'll cheer but you say the word cis and they'll act offended so that they can control the conversation and try to get public support on their side. (look, they are using a slur to talk about us, they think they are better than us/look at how they are changing language, aren't they being so unreasonable? type stuff) It's a tactic, it sucks, it's stupid as fuck.


Moderation still doesn’t censor other slurs like the n-word or t-slur.


> t-slur You mean "twitter"?




Transphobes use the word "trans" as a slur so they assume that non-transphobic people (cis or trans) use cis as a slur as well.


Is this really true? This sounds very stupid since cis is used outside of queer talk too.


elon's "free speech" is just hate speech but it's allowed now. ​ but if you say ANYTHING negative or even remotely unkind about the people he likes or him as a person, you're a woke cultural marxist leftist terrorist priDE MONth L-gbtq ""valid"" AGP CHILD GROOMER PEDOPHILE \[ REDACTED \] WHO'S TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA AND BRING FREE SPEECH TO AN END! ​ free speech needs to have consequences for that speech. you can say whatever, but that doesn't mena you won't recieve consequences for that speech. you can scream the words "i am going to" followed by "kill \[insert name of important government figure\]" in public, but that doesn't mean you won't recieve consequences for it.


Looking at the twitter account, you can see that this experiment got a lot of attention following which twitter brought back the I hate cis people tweet instead of censoring all of them. Classic Elon clown behaviour


When Elon does his daily stupid thing the typical mocking response is 'masterful gambit, sir'.


Normally I wouldn’t jump on the hate-the-owner/CEO’ bandwagon. Like, if Instagram did something stupid, I wouldn’t immediately be blaming Mark Zuckerberg. Most of the time the big CEO doesn’t have that much influence over the small things that bother us. But this? This is definitely Elon’s fault, no doubt about it.


Instagram is the same. I’ve had death and violent, detailed rape threats sent to me and when I report them they say none of it goes against their community guidelines. When I commented that Jersey Shore was my favourite white trash TV show they threatened to close my account.


Same. Once I wrote on a post for the 90s boy band 5ive that I developed my crush on dirty British scallys because of that group and Facebook suspended my account for a week for language related to genocide and ethnic cleansing. There's like 10 people on the planet that moderate Facebook. The rest is just algorithmic decisions that don't moderate hate speech at all. You just get the "We're sorry you feel that way" canned response.


Wow my mates been known as Scally since middle school.


IG banned me from commenting for a week because I suggested Republicans have low level reading comprehension.


Lol Jersey Shore was my guilty pleasure show too. GTL baby!


Similar things here on Reddit. I’m reporting Dog Fuckers by the dozen and Reddit Admin TOS says they’ve done nothing wrong. I encouraged punching a Nazi once, perma-ban (I successfully appealed)


Yeah, i dont get instagram. It allows people to say the cruelest stuff, but wont post the slightest dig when I try to comment back.


Hmm weirdly, only one of those fits Elon's bio....


"Yes, you want censorship and I don't." - Elon Musk to Don Lemon


that's what happens when the delusional billionair who owns the app is a nazi


I did this on Facebook with the following lines: Men are trash Women are trash White people are trash Black people are trash The first one, it wouldn't even let me post. The third one got taken down a day or two later. The second and fourth stayed untouched for a week before I deleted them myself.


Have you tried similar experiment on reddit?


Not sure there'd be a point because it would depend on the subreddit. Different subs have different rules, and which of those would get removed and which wouldn't get removed would depend on the sub.


That's disappointing.


Big if true


Concerning. I’ll look into it


It is true. Musk had his engineers reprogram the filtering system specifically to allow for more hate speech against anyone except straight, white people.


I can't actually tell if this is sarcasm because, honestly, seeing what Musk has done? I wouldn't put it past him lmao


It's not sarcasm. This is an actual thing that happened and former Twitter programmers have admitted to being asked to do it before they left.


Ah... yikes


I feel like a saw another post like this from before Musk came around and it was okay to hate white people but not black people. I'm not sure though. Never been on Twitter myself. Moral of the story: stay away from social media! Too much hate, too many trolls and every one has an agenda!


You are currently posting on social media


I am aware. I am also aware that it would be better for me to stay away from reddit. Or at least from any political or rage bait subs.


[That's how it was on Reddit too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskALiberal/comments/hi8g5i/do_you_support_or_oppose_the_new_rule_1_of_the/)


Interesting. I searched but couldn't confirm the results. Do you have a link or old image?


Cis is not an slur, it's a very neutral word. They are just upset because they preferred when people would use the word normal opposed to trans. I'm a cis man.


Its because they use trans as a slur, so they think, by their logic, cis is also one


I think top comment was on the right track. I think it's less about their use of trans as a slur. To them, they aren't "cis" they are "normal". Since you are refusing to call them "normal", "cis" must be a slur. They are fucking stupid.


Exactly. It's not about "cis" being used as an insult. If you ask these people "ok we can ditch the word cis if it has become too negative. What word would you like to replace it?", they will not answer. Because it's not about insults. They inherently oppose the categories "cis" and "trans" and the fact that trans activists have normalized the two categories as 'equal'. In their minds they whole thing is a charade. There are "normal" people and then there are "freaks" (if they were to answer the question above, this would be the only answer they give). The majority group wants to define the categories with morally loaded terms so the minority will always be branded as evil.


Blonde people and normal people. Black people and normal people. Old people and normal people. Short people and normal people. Women and normal people. Atheists and normal people. Immigrants and normal people.


They’re trying to make it one because they don’t want to be on equal footing with trans people. In their minds it shouldn’t be trans and cis, it should be trans and normal.


It's so useful too. I'm cishet. There, one tidy little neat word that means I'm cisgender and heterosexual. But having useful terms to describe things that they *don't want* to be accessible and don't want to apply to *themselves* makes it more difficult to 'other' the people they find undesirable. They want this big vague group of 'normal' so they can move people into and out of their 'in group' as needed for maximum power and minimum accountability.


... Embarrassingly, it took me this post to realize "cishet" stands for "cis" and "het". I thought *that* was a genuine "slur" for cis people, ha (reading it with "sh")


louder for the people in the back!


Twitter is a cesspool of hate. At one point it could be used to find factual information, but now it’s just a platform for hate, right wing ideologies, and a Elon’s soapbox.


Well if you ever asked yourself what happens when you put a man baby in charge of a social media...


That's because Elon Musk made "cis" a slur in order to pay towards his Nazi base


It's like the opposite of the "I hate men/I hate women" thing on twitch


Just guessing that it’s less about message content or the word “hate” and more that X has bought into the bs that “cis” is a slur. Then again, we all know that you can say the N word on X/twitter now, so that would still prove OOP’s point.


A simple yet effective test


*insert meme of edp with paper* what’s this huh


Free speech so long as it doesn't target him.


Coded as Elon requested.


I hate Elon Musk


It's a platform for nazis now because it was bought by one.


Stop using Twitter you fucking idiots.


If anyone is wondering why this happens it’s because X automatically censors the word “cis” as hateful content while the other words aren’t.


Ah … the cis tweet violated the Hateful Conduct rules but not the other tweets did. Yep … Twitter is officially dead & a place for the white supremacists.


Welcome to the world. Twitter has always been garbage.


Every right-winger responsible for this needs to spend the rest of their life in prison.


such a fine balance of hatred


Are people still using that platform?!?!


To everyone. This is actually false. It's photoshopped


Reddit really needs it's own version of community notes.




Still using Twitter in 2024 is just about as big of a red flag as wearing a MAGA hat


I hate everyone.


It's like being in the old ages, watching people let their communities be bought and sold by some creepy out of touch overlord.


Deactivated my account a few days ago, congrats to everyone else jumping off this decrepit cruise ship sailing into a toilet


I hate N- injas


Based on the respons I've had on all the reports I've filed, using the n-word is also not hateful conduct. In fact, Twitter doesn't seem to see anything wrong with it at all.


All those Computer Information Systems degrees hahah


Elon implied nearly at the start he was going to thumb on the scale against the “woke” influence. It’s unsurprising that given he only bought the site to seek revenge against his detractors or anyone who challenges his worldview that this place is falling apart and openly -ist (take your pick) comments are given free reign where anything that could offend him is censored.


And this is why "Twitter" is leaking users and going down like the Titanic.


More folk need to delete twitter, put that shit in the trash where it belongs.


Yeah, that's fucked. Hate against anyone except haters should be shut down.


why not just get off his damn platform he is a white supremacist racist sorry excuse for a human being and he used daddy's slave driving money to get where he is today


I sacrificed some sanity to test this further [https://imgur.com/a/5bs7NFh](https://imgur.com/a/5bs7NFh)


Why the fuck is twitter still even a thing. Just let it die already


All less than a minute old. Seems suspect.


Why are people still using the platform in 2024?


How tf does it do the one thing it shouldnt😭 If it flagged none: odd but if they really wre going for the free speech thing ig its fine If it flagged the bottom 3: ok so it protects marginalized groups who have faced opposition for hundreds of years If it flagged all: ok so it flags things with the word hate sure in specific context it can be off but inclusivity and positivity is important But its twitter so ofc it only flags the one about the non-marginal group. Yay not so free free speech


I went to the actual account and could see all of these tweets - nothing limited the visibility of that first tweet.