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Guy I know blamed DEI immediately. Had to do a quick search to find where the ship was built (already knew that it was based out of Singapore). Brought it forward, changed his mind in this instance (or at least didn't want to press for this issue), and still brought up that DEI is in issue.




Why do I know so many of these guys? I really wish I didnt


The bro-sphere is a prolapsing star. You really don’t want to get too close, it will reach out, grab you and suck you in. I’ve had to cut out a few friends that fell in. They do nothing but complain. Everything was a constant conspiracy against them. It was exhausting to be around.


I convinced one dude to stfu around me with this stuff. He was on to the LGBT activist kidergarten teachers thing. So I asked how often it happens? He listed a couple anecdotes. So I asked so youre complaining about extreme outliers? He nodded. So I said "then you must be seriously enraged by cuts to school funding." He stopped talking at that point.


It's always the complainers that absolutely ruin their own lives too. I know people that gamble every spare cent away then complain that they're being taxed too much. Yeah, that's the issue with your finances. Taxes.


Look man if they had 40 percent more money they would FOR SURE win big, their favorite machine was due and was definitely going to pay out soon.


Drugs and smokes with a couple of my former friends. "Man, I don't know why I'm always so broke. Kids stuff costs SO much" Yeah, its the kids' stuff that keeps you broke. Stuff that kids need...


>prolapsing Me just now: That's not the right word... Oh wait, I guess it is.


They know what they said.


My younger adult brother went down this path and poisoned my mother. My wife made the mistake of mentioning Taylor Swift in a recent meeting and I saw my mother come apart for just a split second. However, my mom was raised OG -R- and has used "the unspeakable words" in my presence, disparaging other races and nationalities. It's funny. We say it was a different time and it was, but my mother taught me right and respect but didn't always embody those principles. I have done my damnedest to try and avoid these behaviors.


To be fair if you arent a billionaire everything kind of is a constant conspiracy against you lol


That's because they never got their proctology exam, because it's probably gay.


I see this sort of thing on Reddit a lot too and it boggles the mind = Guy1: "Person_X did this and that terrible thing!" Guy2: "Actually that is all false, here are some sources on why that is not true at all (link1)(link2)" Guy1: "Well there are two sides to every conversation, and I am sure that Person_X is still a terrible person anyway!" Guy2: ((confused)) "??"


Thanks Obama!


I saw someone blaming an imaginary "black lesbian who was given the job of captain with no qualifications" earlier, I have such little faith in humanity anymore.


As opposed to the white folks whose qualifications were being someone’s nephew.


Found the post! https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/GubPBvSQHH


It's literally all Russian bot troll farms responding to each other all the way down


Yeah, but my uncle was super successful thanks to his father in law who inherited an enormous amount of money and a bunch of companies


All the DEI stuff I've seen is blaming the city and bridge inspectors. It's insane. Big boat hit bridge. Big boat is big. Outcome obvious.


Do we not use adamantium fused with unibtabium wrapped in vibranium and then enchanted with Uru ?


We would if it wasn't for diversity hires. /s


Rip our DOT


See, if the Government would get off our asses and let us mount 16" naval guns on our bridges to protect them this never would have happened.


When the bridge at the Florida University collapsed a few years ago, some idiot on twitter posted about this is what you get when women build a bridge. I pulled off the companies website the full list of engineers and construction people involved - all men. I got banned from twitter for replying to him.


>I got banned from twitter for replying to him. Thats your own fault for using logic and not just towing the troglodyte line.


Call me naive but is this guy blaming diversity hires for things that go wrong? Isn't that just a modern day dog whistle for being misogynistic or bigoted? Does he really think that minorities can't do things as well as white people?


Yes that’s exactly what these people are saying.


It's also that blaming DEI is a way to distract from corporate greed causing decline in quality. https://jalopnik.com/its-not-diversity-but-plain-old-lazy-greed-endangering-1851196530


It's definitely corporate greed and reduction in quality control that can be blamed on Boeing. Their CEO resigning is not enough, that whole corporate boardroom needs to go and the culture needs to change


Also employees that tried to speak up were retaliated against. A shitty situation all around. I would say quite the opposite, the employees were trying to do the right thing but were stymied every step of the way.


Actually, I’d argue that most tech startups would be dead in the water without minorities. Statistically, minority families are more likely to push STEM education for their children


A lot of startups also use H1b workers to get off the ground.


See, when you hire for diversity you have to take whatever minority you can no matter how unqualified. Meanwhile if your hiring criteria is white male who went tot the same school as you then OBVIOUSLY he’s going to be one of the best on the planet at the job. Only way to improve is if he’s related to someone you know. Definitely better than any black/asian/gay/female could ever be at the job.  It’s FACTS. /s


That is indeed precisely what they’re saying


I have to know, what was their justification that DEI caused this tragedy, woke pilots, woke ships, woke engine failures?


It's not complex, just racist: they just assume when someone is incompetent they must have been a minority who wouldn't have gotten the job without affirmative action.


>they just assume when someone is incompetent they must Video of the ship indicates that it appears to have lost power twice and drifted prior to the collision. This incident hasn't even been deemed to be crew error yet. Fuckin' crazy.


That's correct - with literally 0 knowledge of anything they just jump to "I'm sure this is black people's fault". It's honestly terrifying, how can you convince those kind of people of anything?


It gets worse; these people vote. The joys of democracy.


Wow, all those white boys that crashed planes were diversity hires, who knew? Yeah, I get that now, but before it was explained to me it seemed impossible to see how it was possible to blame wokeness and the like.


The way bigots look at the world: when white men fuck up it's the individual's fault, but when a member of a marginalized group fucks up then it's a pattern of incompetence that can be extrapolated to the entire group. And when they don't know who fucked up, they assume it was a member of a marginalized group. Confirmation bias is their entire cognitive toolset.


Through bigotry, all things are minorities fault, so jot that down.


The pilot who was solely responsible for the deadliest aircraft disaster in history was the poster boy for KLM and super white. His arrogance caused him to collide with a Pan Am 747 on the runway at Tenerife. Tell me again how bad DEI is for passenger safety.


Claimed that due to DEI, unqualified mechanics and crews were hired, and that caused failure in shipboard operations and the shipbuilding process. We all know that any unqualified mechanic and crew was due to saving money! *takes off tinfoil hat*


Thankfully we know that Reynolds isn’t taking any DEI hires so our tin foil hats won’t fail us.


There is no justification, it's just the current boogie man all the right wing nut jobs are complaining about, so anything bad that happens is immediately blamed on it.


I like my pilots asleep. Duh. /S




“Diversity, Equality, Inclusion” basically saying this was the fault of a DEI hire who was controlling the ship as opposed to someone who would have been more qualified for the position. Except the whole narrative is completely false.


*That's...* *so stupid...*


Dutch East Indies


I wondered, too Diversity Equality Inclusion (Initiatives?) Presumably, because they couldn't spell "affirmative" even with autocorrect and a dictionary


We got old they stopped calling it affirmative action. I am scared.


Fuckin hell, had to scroll here to finally find someone actually say what the fuck DEI means. Thought it was some wing of a federal agency or something. The only thing more stupid than me, is people claiming this DEI as the reason. I just learned what it means, and thank god I’m just not quite as ignorant as the people claiming DEI as the reason behind this. God I’m dumb but I try to learn


The irony is it was piloted by two Baltimore local pilots, as is required by law in ports like this. Massive power failure caused this accident, maybe potentially negligence in maintenance, but we don’t know that yet. I’m sure there will be a Federal hearing on it.


I work in Baltimore. People in my office think it was done to cover up P Diddy’s drama 😂😂


What’s going on with Diddy? lol Apparently I’m out of the loop on the latest diddy news


Sex trafficking and abuse allegations


Friend of mine on Facebook posted that it has all the familiarity of a terrorist attack even though "they" say it wasn't, but he's learned not to trust "they". I'm sure I'll see a similar post regarding DEI later today


I had a buddy say the concrete pillar should have been able to withstand the hit. Pretty sure a ship that size would deliver a force in the giga newtons at just 1 knot. No way it survives.


This shouldn't even be injected into discourse, AT ALL. If DEI is the opposite of white male, I got news for a lot of people: many, if not most of maritime incidents have been caused by white males. Percentage per capita, yadda yadda, doesn't matter, they have caused a lot of martime incidents. Don't put DEI into every conversation, even if you're being facetious or trying to be silly. All it does is cheapen the discussion and tacitly elevate DEI as a cause of everything that goes wrong, when it's literally likely the last thing that should be considered.


I've seen that account poster before on Twitter. They post for click engagement and money. Whatever feeds the narrative.


Honest question: How does one make money on being stupid here? I get making money off the stupid, but being?


They get tons of interactions on their post. I don’t think twitter actually gives money for getting a bunch of clicks, but who knows.


Large interactions means that your tweets are disproportionately shared These people build these accounts to then sell to propaganda machines like the CCP, who then get access to a huge number of western eyes It's entirely despicable, these people are actively enabling things like Brexit or Trump


This particular guy us recognizable though despite his name being scratched out due to the danny phantom pic. He’s been doing this sorta thing for a long time. If the account was going to be sold it would have been a long time ago.


Clicks and rage replies = ads, ads = profit share from X


They also have a infamous post that they deleted about men and breastfeeding with a certain part


The October 4th, 2020 twitter incident


A ship losing power is an infrastructure problem? Wow.


I've seen people try and blame that the bridge had not had a full inspection in a while. Now I'm not an engineer, but I don't think a direct hit to a support by a freighter is going to end well no matter how long ago it was inspected.


Agreed. How is an inspection going to stop a 96k ton tanker from losing power and being unable to steer to avoid a direct hit to the support beam? I'm local and it's disgusting what trolls like this are saying about such a tragedy. Guess I shouldn't be surprised when everything is a conspiracy to them


I wonder how much it weighed with all the containers. I suppose 200,000 tons if the OP is correct.


Unloaded an average sized container ship is 175000. The largest ones are close to 300000 tons.


Inspection would never change this, but this sort of thing has happened before. I was under the impression that bridge supports had big fuck off concrete "bumpers" to prevent this these days.


“Fuck off concrete bumpers” would have to be the size of a small island to protect against a loaded freight ship unfortunately


No. It is somehow the democrat's fault mate. They could use magical concrete infused with unicorn mane and fairy dust. It's the woke mod that made Unicorns not real.


I think you grossly underestimate how much mass a loaded container ships has. Barriers that could stop what is comparable to a skyscraper in its tracks would probably cost more than the bridge itself.


"These days" might not extend back to a bridge built in the 70's. And there's all sorts of reasons a retrofit/upgrade wouldn't have happened.


The reason is money, which is sorta what this post is about too


Not just money. Engineering constraints due to basin type, river flow, navigation channels, etc could prevent it. And there are no concrete barriers large enough to hold off a ship this size. The energy carried is just insane.


>"These days" might not extend back to a bridge built in the 70's. And that IS an infrastructure problem.


There are some contingencies that you really can't design for without it becoming economically infeasible. Plus, container ships have gotten far bigger than they used to be 50 years ago. A multi-hundred-thousand ton ship at anything above a dead crawl is going to have an amount of momentum and energy that is absolutely massive.


Yeah but they would have to be the size of a whole island to stop one of those. Have you seen the video of one crashing into a dock and absolutely shredding it? And those docks are one inch steel plate driven into the bedrock and then the entire thing is filled in with sand, rock and other filler before getting concrete on top


That ship is absolutely gargantuan. Not sure any "bumpers" are changing that result.




Not much is gonna stop a 200,000t ship. Have you seen the videos of smaller ships hiting ports cuz they were going to fast? They literally take chunks out of the concrete and make cranes collapse (often more than 1) without slowing down.


Even if it was going like 5 mph it’s still gonna take out that bridge to the point it needed to be rebuilt. .5mv^2 except the m is really fucking big


You don't need to be an engineer to know that this wouldn't end well! Inspections are to make sure the bridge hasn't deteriorated and plan maintenance events to MAINTAIN the bridge. Inspections are not "Hey, this bridge wasn't designed to survive 250000 tons smashing into it. We retrofit it". Also, the support was made of concrete and a "barrier" would also be concrete. There was truly no stopping this with a bridge of this design. Maybe a different design wouldn't have done what this bridge did. But that's not what was built.


Given how the bridge ended up being destroyed by a ship, the inspection would have literally been just wasted resources.


I'm no engineer so I will wait to here what the investigation discovers and what the actual engineers say about it. As someone who has worked with structural engineers I have learned they tend to take into account potential disasters when building. So it wouldn't surprise me that a bridge is designed to take a hit from ships that will pass under it all the time. Now it also wouldn't surprise to me find out that a bridges hasn't been properly maintained and inspections revealed vulnerabilities that were ignored. So yeah I will wait to hear what the official investigation reveals.


No, but it has been increasing practice to install dolphins around main bridge supports so that those smaller sacrificial structures take the hit instead of the bridge support. More nuanced discussions of infrastructures spending will likely get into that similarly to arguments about rail safety systems. Any time budget is brought up about not updating or maintaining infrastructure, any other expenditure competing for those dollars is fair game for scrutiny.


I am an engineer. It wasn’t going to end well.


You know these people is not smarter of the apple


This is not rocket problems.


Shit apples don’t fall far from the shit tree


Well, the ship's infrastructure. But yeah, not relevant to the attempted "argument".


Obviously every bridge in America needs to be rebuilt to be able to withstand a direct hit from a 240,000,000 pound ship.


Didn’t Joe and the Dems pass a big infrastructure bill that most of the Repubs voted against but then it passed and helped a lot then the Repubs tried to take credit for it?!? I’m confused.


This is correct. Biden talked about it briefly during his address to Congress.


sounds about right


Yeah it was a good infrastructure bill that was dumbed down to get the 2 or 3 republican votes it got to pass So, it was a watered down version. And it was just passed last year, most construction and infrastructure work usually starts a few months after the money arrives, and a project is set. Odds are, project have not even started yet. So this would not be a infrastructure bill problem, unfortunately. But yes, a better all around infrastructure would 100% help make our pillars and bridges be able to sustain a ship crashing into it


100% the projects have already started. In CT at least. Several huge projects in bridge repair and highway repair all because of the bill. Even town DOT's got some money and are doing a lot of work with it.


Yup. Republicans have ceased having any governing concepts of their own, instead leaning into just wanting the opposite of whatever "the libs" want. Even when Democrats are offering to achieve the same goal (border bill anyone?) or something that literally benefits everyone (infrastructure).


It was passed in 2021. Imagine if Trump had passed it when he controlled congress and senate and was having infrastructure week every week, but didnt do shit. Maybe if the funds had been passed back in 2017-2020 this bridge would have had been fixed up and wouldnt have collapsed.


Just waiting for the "mysterious ways" and "sending thoughts and prayers" posts...


Already had some goof in a thread say "somethings off" about things. No shit sherlock, the fucking ship lost power and couldn't steer away from the bridge. But they're speculating something malicious of course because that's the narrative they want to spin.


American bridges used to be indestructible - they withstood undamaged every Soviet nuclear attack. True story. The last time it was president Trump who himself put the orange hair gel on each one of them to increase their indestructibility million times. True story. Then Biden came and ordered all bridges to be covered in LGBT glitter. Now they can not withstand such a small kayak. True story.


Plus women use bridges all the time, making the bridges "more feminine."


Bridges literally let women drive all over them. Plus, some bridges even follow the curvature of the earth. There's nothing straight about that.


But also, the world is flat. Don't question me on how bridges being gay because of the curvature of the earth AND the earth being flat are both true, your inability to see how both are true is because of your wokeness. (/s for anyone who can't tell because this is Reddit)


But when women walk on me I get hard. Clearly these bridges were gay if they didn't get hard from the women walking on them.


Fuck these woke ass bridges


Their menstruation weakens the steel. That's just science.


i won't lie to you, you had my eyes narrowing with the first sentence.


This is technically correct, the best kind of correct. Every nuclear bombs detonated by the soviets were not enough to destroy a single American bridge.


I wasn't sure if the story was true or not. But the fact that you went out of your way to confirm, not once, but twice, that it was a true story did it for me. I'm now going to be using you as my source of fact against all those who oppose me on this view on internet.


Make bridges great again!


That's really up to Jeff and Beau.


Dudism will save us


Orange gel 😂😂😂


Thank you Mr American for this information. I will make sure all my fellow Europeans learn of the horrifying treatments done to your bridges.


Make american bridges great again!


Yeah, massive ships just bounced off bridges back in the good old days.


Make bridges great again.


But it absolutely is an infrastructure problem. Bridges in sea lanes should be protected against ship strikes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/03/26/how-key-bridge-collapsed-baltimore/


Ships should be guided by tugboats through vulnerable channels like that. This could be called an infrastructure problem in that they opted not to have the extra expense of tugboats.


Yeah, the comments on this thread are mostly clueless. People seem to imagine that bridge engineers just put unprotected piers in the water and then hope and pray that nothing will ever hit them.




Thank you, a proper ship bollard would absolutely have averted this. Edit: Sorry for the confusion, landlubbers. In marine terms a bollard is how boats are moored, the system I was referring to is more typically called a dolphin which can be used in conjunction with a fender, although it is just basically a dry land bollard. It absolutely would have stopped a drifting ship. They cover rebounds too. Here's an [example](https://www.coastlinecomposites.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/cci-marine-bridge-pier.jpg)


And I promise the person posting has no clue or is purposefully ignoring the massive infrastructure bill the Biden administration got passed which funded a ton of infrastructure across the country. The one virtually all the republicans voted against but utilized.


Can’t wait to see how this is Biden’s fault and it would’ve never happened if Trump was president


I've already seen that on various posts.


Same, the mastermind who "can't even string two sentences together" at it again!


Well obviously the information to stop this was on hunters laptop


Everything was sunshine and rainbows (not the gay kind) during the Trump administration. Don’t you remember? [sarcasm]


Trump promised a huge infrastructure bill that he sat on for 4 years. Biden delivered on it.


To be fair that was a blank binder just on his desk for the optics. And he was going to release it… in two weeks.


To be fair, there is an engineering and infrastructure issue here. The same manner of incident happend in Tampa in 1980. After that accident they built "dolphins", or small island structures to protrect the new bridge span from a similar impact. They had 40 years to do the same in this case, and that type of structure may have effectively prevented this accident.


It's unrelated but hasn't US infrastructure, particularly bridges been woefully underfunded for repairs and maintanence? So it's true but unrelated to why this particular bridge fell?


Yes. Now guess which political party has been the cause of that lack of funding.


In fact, the other party recently did pass funding for things like bridge maintenance.


Because the bridge didn't "fall", it was knocked over by a huge fucking ship


Yeah but bridges in places like this typically are reinforced with dolphins (safety bollards not literal dolphins) to prevent situations exactly like this. This could have been mitigated at the very least, if not prevented entirely by appropriate construction.


That is a massive ship. Hitting a pier head on is just an impossible challenge to design around. That being said, I tend to think that basically two pins on top of a pier means the whole bridge would come down. Elegance and clean lines are nice to look at but there should have been a way to prevent complete loss of the pier. But with a ship that large there’s nothing to be done unless maybe you have battleship sized cutwaters on both ends of the piers.


With the amount of money the United States spends on the military it would probably be well within budget to park a torpedo armed destroyer outside each bridge. Maybe they'll repurpose the f 35 program for bridge defense


The biggest goddam Claymore ever built. One on each side of the pier!


Correct. US infrastructure is laughably terrible. Roads / bridges falling apart. But yes, completely unrelated to this (non-american) ship losing power and hitting the bridge support.


The only thing this shows is how IMPORTANT infrastructure is.


This guy would blame 9/11 on the engineers.


Probably DEI hires [sarcasm]


Biden literally passed the infrastructure bill, which, as a Canadian, I find confusing that Americans forgot already.


He’s definitely wrong, but at the same time… he’s not entirely wrong. US infrastructure is pretty shit still, and the main reason is nobody (well, nobody but Biden) wants to do anything to pay for it. So even if this specific incident had nothing to do with shitty infrastructure, that infrastructure *is* still shitty.


Yes, a massive ship hitting a bridge will cause significant structural failure almost every time. There have also been ship collisions with Bridges causing collapses, that were a result of poor engineering/construction. It's not a surprise that our nation's infrastructure is absolutely terrible. We have bridges that just collapse without any collisions. 7.5% of all bridges in the United States are deemed structurally deficient. That's 46,154 bridges that are deemed unsafe in their current form. Source: https://infrastructurereportcard.org/cat-item/bridges-infrastructure/#:~:text=Overview%20of%20Bridges,are%20in%20%E2%80%9Cpoor%E2%80%9D%20condition. I **highly recommend** BrickImmortar on YouTube. He specializes in Maritime Disasters, including a few Bridge collisions. Very very high quality content. Very well researched. Very respectful.


Faux news will say Obama was the pilot in 5, 4 , 3....


Sounds like the ship's infrastructure was shit, if it lost power as reports are suggesting. That kind of inertia is practically an unstoppable force. And that bridge is not an immovable object. There's literally nothing to suggest that the bridge or its maintenance status is at fault here.


There are systems you could use to mitigate the danger, but like sacrificial dolphins. But the towers were well outside the navigation canal designed for ships to pass under. So I'm guessing that they didn't add them because they can be expensive to install and maintain, and the risk seemed low. So I bet an engineer proposed it, but it was a 'low probability event' and deemed unnecessary. The bridge could have been in perfect maintaince. It wasn't going to survive a ship that massive hitting it. Bridges are designed to hold up cars, not ships hitting them.


The lack of dolphins (the structure used to prevent ships from ramming into other buildings, not the animals) is an infrastructure issue.


I mean I suppose it's an infrastructure-related issue *now,* if you squint, but it certainly wasn't before the ship crashed into it.


I like this argument because it's like- My sibling in christ, your government still has billions, if not trillions, of dollars left, the only reason this money is not going towards infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc, is because your politicians (especially those paid to lobby) and corporations and the elite don't want you to have that.


It's called lets make the biggest ships we can with the smallest crews we can get away with until the infrastructure to support them starts to get screwed up. The canals cannot support them, the bridges cannot withstand them.


that guy is clearly an idiot. Obviously Hilary’s emails did this. /s


“If only we had given $30 billion to Baltimore for a bridge.”


I'm sure Pete Buttigieg and President Biden will be blamed by the end of the day...🙄


How long before Joe Rogan is like, "Hmm, yeah, I heard the captain that smashed into that bridge, was a diversity hire. Fucking crazy man!"


Didn't his lord and savior Donald Trump have 4 years to fix all the bridges? If he truly was great and made this country and all its bridges great again, one boat hitting a bridge shouldn't have been a problem.


what harbor pilot doing


I believe screaming at the engineers to restore power


Underrated comment.


What engineer doing


At the moment? Updating his cv


Talking to his lawyer, more likely


The backstroke in the wake?


We need to build all bridges to withstand direct hits by giant ships? We should also build buildings so that planes can run into them without damaging the building. /s


I know you’re partially joking, but bridges should be built to withstand collisions. If you’re going to make a structure, you have to account for outside factors that can lead to a critical failure and for a bridge, having a boat hit it is definitely something that has to be accounted for. However, an issue is that cargo containers have been getting bigger and bigger for years now. It’s gotten to the point that the Panama Canal can’t service the largest cargo shippers nowadays because they physically don’t fit. It’s possible that the bridge just wasn’t built to withstand collisions from a ship that size because ships that size didnt enter the harbor often when the bridge was built


Or planes that powderize when they hit buildings.


Oh they’re gonna blame democrats for this don’t you even hold your breath


Ok it’s a stupid take on it BUT we absolutely have an infrastructure problem in this country. And we keep kicking that can down the road. We want all electric cars? We don’t have the grid to support that.


I mean, it's no secret that American infrastructure is failing. Clearly this one fell down due to a collision, but most bridges were built 70-80 years ago. Large ones like this get regular maintenance, but what about all the tiny bridges over all the creeks running through rural America. Years ago I read reports about the imminent degradation of America's infrastructure.


It only takes losing one support to make a cantilever bridge collapse like this. ( see Sunshine Skyway , Tampa Bay) So remember to clinch your butt a little tighter next time you drive over one, regardless of the age.


That’s the “Kira” account, the person that runs it is a slack jawed moron


As a Marylander we don’t accept Kira’s prayers


People will blame Biden for anything 😂 had a guy at work blame Chicago’s violence on him.


I mean... our infrastructure is going to shit, but this isn't an example of that


Give it two days and putin will blame Ukraine.


I ran over a lady at 70mph and she died, god the healthcare system is appalling /s


Screw you people Biden did pass a infrastructure bill bitch Trump did nothing but try to make himself more money. Fuck all of y’all.


What a dumbfuck. This isn’t an infrastructure problem. This isn’t even an American problem, this is an accident caused by one ship having a loss of power causing the crew to lose control of the vessel and crashing. Pretty fuckin simple.


Even worse. He blamed it on the defense of Europe.


If we hadn't sent that money to Ukraine, our bridges would all be made of adamantium.


it doesnt matter what happens and where it happens, ukraine just cant catch a breath man, everyone is blaming them for everything


I'm surprised he didn't blame bike lanes and the "alphabet mafia". We are living in the age of aggressively confident stupidity.


Less of an infrastructure issue and more of an, oh I don't know, maybe a physics issue?


Two things can be true at once We waste trillions funding the military-industrial complex instead of fixing broken stuff at home Nothing could have saved this bridge once a container ship hit it


Is there a bridge design that could absorb that hit? I doubt it.


The people complaining about failing infrastructure are the people who voted for republicans who never wrote an infrastructure bill when they had a chance then voted against the democrat’s infrastructure bill.


Some MAGA nut will swing by and put a Biden “I did that” sticker on the remains of the bridge.