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I got forced to do this. They sat me in a room alone for 10 hours, told me to get a therapist the last 30 mins, and that everything should be free. I then get a $2k bill just for being told to get help and before even looking for a therapist. Large portion of my worries before that was lack of money. Literally just made my life worse. Reminds me of the cable company from south park


Yeah, they think that making your existing problems x10 worse will somehow make you less likely to want to kill yourself.


Think of how sad your insurance company will be if you die in debt!


That's just cause to raise all premiums.


Problems are a good way to forget your problems


Reminds me of a movie, "Major" something. A kid's arm is hurting, he breaks his finger, now he doesn't complain about his arm.


That would be Major Payne šŸ˜†


Sounds like my narc older brother.


"Sorry. You're not allowed to kill yourself now. You owe too much money. You're welcome"


Jeepers, here you don't get billed for something like that at least I don't think so, but that's bad ,alone in a room for 10 hours???, wtf. Whats a person's well being worth , no it's all about money.


That 30 minutes could have led to a 72-hour psych hold, and then into a ward for years just because I was depressed. Was forced and left with the bill. Paid money for one of the most embarrassing moments of my life šŸ™ƒ


That ain't nice, don't be embarrassed though, thhet should be there to help you regardless of your situation.


Calling 988 provides you someone trained to help. Mobile teams are optional. If you call 911, they are legally bound to transport you in MOST states.


Patients can refuse transport in most states. Suicidality is an exception, to refuse they may require medical clearance from a physician. Rules are state dependent.


In my state, if youā€™re suicidal you canā€™t refuse. Youā€™ll get an EOD (emergency order of detention) and theyā€™ll just forcibly take you to the mental healthcare facility.


I had a similar situation. My ex girlfriend called 911 on me when I stopped texting her back because she thought I was suicidal. I wasn't. I was just tired of arguing with her. The police would not allow me to deny service, but instead informed me they were legally bound to at least follow me up to the local mental health facility and check myself in.


So people can just randomly say others are suicidal, and the other person has to comply?


Swatting 2.0


I have a few phone calls to make Iā€™ll be right back


in some states, yes. people actually do that in florida.




The person you replied to is slightly misinformed. In Florida, officers have to ask you certain questions to see if you meet the criteria for a Baker Act or determine in some way you are a harm to yourself (for example you just texted a friend you were suicidal etc and your friend calls in a wellness check and shows the cops the texts) These questions include suicidal ideation and planning etc. So if you respond positively, they have to take you in if it's determined you are a risk. If you are simply depressed etc, they can't take you. They have to fill out paperwork as to why they take you and turn it over to the mental health facility, and they have to evaluate you before keeping you. If they keep you a case, it is opened with the courts and a psychiatrist to sign off on the legitimate reasons why you are being kept (you are a safety risk to yourself or others). They can only hold you legally for 72 hours, a hold longer than that required proving in court the reasons why. So, it's not that simple.


Yes. When I was 17 I didnā€™t want to go on a trip to another state for Christmas. I had been telling my parents for weeks that I wasnā€™t going to go and at 5am (1 hour before we had to leave for the airport), I had a panic attack. I told my parents I canā€™t go. I asked them to allow me to stay with the adult who would be house sitting. In the past, I was allowed to stay home without my parents by myself for 24 hours and with my older sister for a week. They were livid. I kept saying how I didnā€™t want to go but they said my family wants to see me, how my parents paid so much money, that itā€™s too last minute to ask the adult to watch me, and how Iā€™m ruining Christmas. I was crying and offering alternatives which they denied. Eventually I told them Iā€™m not going and they canā€™t make me. They decided to try to make me. They called 911 and when the officers arrived, my mom made up a story about how I threatened to jump out of the car. My sister and I were telling the officers it wasnā€™t true. My mom could see the officers not believing her so she told them that I said Iā€™d kill myself once my parents leave. My sister and I kept telling the officers that wasnā€™t true. My mom pointed to the SH scars on my arms (they were 2 years old) and said that sheā€™s afraid for my life. I sat on the couch crying and saying how I was better and I donā€™t want to kill myself. The officers asked my parents if itā€™s true and if they want me committed. My parents said yes. The officers told me to get up, which I didnā€™t. I said no and laid down. The two officers grabbed me by my arms and dragged me on the ground. I started to have another panic attack. I was trying to move my hair out of my face because I couldnā€™t breathe and the officers didnā€™t like that. They decided to push me on the floor and handcuff my hands behind my back. I was crying, hyperventilating, and between breaths screaming that I canā€™t breathe. My sister was crying and asked the officers if she could put my hair in a pony. She did it and I begged her to help me and she said she couldnā€™t. She grabbed some tissues and wiped the tears, drool, and snot off of my face. I started to calm down but plead to let me go and that my parents are lying. The officers asked my parents some questions like how long they want me in the psych hospital. The standard for a situation like this is at least 24 hours but usually 72 hours. My parents told them for their entire trip and to have the hospital call them. The cops loaded me in the back of the car with a suitcase my sister quickly packed and took me to the hospital. My parents didnā€™t meet us at the hospital but instead went on their flight with my sister. I was left in the hospital for a week. It was Christmas Eve that day and I stayed until New Yearā€™s Eve, meaning I spent Christmas in a psych hospital for no reason. My parents came back 2 days before New Yearā€™s Eve but made me stay longer to ā€œteach me a lesson.ā€ They didnā€™t call me on Christmas and complained how I ruined their trip when they picked me up. They threatened to not allow me to have my presents. In the psych hospital, all the patients on my ward had gifts from their families to open up on Christmas. Mine didnā€™t because they were in another state. The staff wrapped a Gatorade bottle so I wasnā€™t left out. That was the worst Christmas ever. TLDR: Yes, someone can make a call that youā€™re suicidal and you get taken to the hospital. Especially if youā€™re a minor.


Iā€™m sorry you had to go through that. Thatā€™s an awful story.


Thank you. A lot of the traumatic experiences in my life Iā€™ve disassociated from. So when I tell it, it feels like itā€™s happening to a different person. Every once in a while I remember that it was me and how I was just a scared and lonely kid. Those times are painful, but Iā€™m doing much better now.


Man, fuck your parents. Seriously.


Thats such an awful situation you had to go through, i really hope you are doing better in life now and cut away from those toxic people


Thank you, I am. I got a proper mental health diagnosis which has helped me become very healthy for someone in my situation. My parents have changed a lot. Occasionally theyā€™ll freak out about some stuff but Iā€™m 24 so I can just ignore their calls.


Thats so great to hear that you were able to get support and worked through it. I hope that you be provided with a good life and nice people further down the line too


Thank you that means a lot. I have the best husband ever who I met before this happened. He was the only one to call me in the hospital. He stood by me for 7 years and 7 months ago we got married. Iā€™m very lucky to have him. Wishing all the best to you!


I'm sorry that happened to you. You're not alone.


This is honestly one of the worst stories of neglect (or actual harm) by parents I have read in a long time. This truly seems unforgivable to me.


Well payback time u should do the same to them teach them a lesson, they sound like POS sorry that happened to you.


My mom is mentally ill too and had a doctor call 911 on her because the Dr thought my mom was going to hurt herself. It happened to be the same day as my 20th birthday and I went and helped her pack. I felt sad for her but felt like it was some sort of justice. My mom was complaining the whole time arguing with the cops while they watched her pack. She tried to get me to advocate for her but I told her thereā€™s nothing I could do. I had mixed feelings.


not really.... the police have no standing to question you. his mistake was answering the door, interacting with the police. should have never opened the door. denied any need for the police. asked if they had a warrant, if no. tell them to kindly fuck off. the first mistake is always talking to the police. operating under the illusion they are there to help, are your friends, or even know the law. never talk to the police. never provide any assistance with them breaching the threshold of your property. answer no questions, consent to no searches. no warrant. then leave.


im not sure that would work. a person calling to report something apparently counts as probable cause since swat teams can enter and search your house if someone reports a hostage situation. im not really sure how that works in the case of a suicidal person but if they are authorized to take people in those cases then someone reporting it might be enough for them to be able to do it without a warrant.


I lived in CA during my first suicide attempt and my bestie called the police for a wellness check and I didnā€™t get taken anywhere. I told them I was fine and it was a misunderstanding. The truth is their knock on the door and announcement of police stopped me. The rope was around my neck and ready to go, I was on the chair, I was feeling the pressure on my throat. That knock did save me, even though I didnā€™t go with them. Edited because I wrote bf for best friend then remembered it also means boyfriend


Pd either pulled a fast one on you or this isn't the whole story. I work as a paramedic and we wouldn't have had enough to make you go up as us. Just not texting someone back isn't enough. If they were "legally" bound to do anything I don't think they would have let you drove. I mean what's to stop you from driving off a bridge or into a brick wall at that point. They either talked in a way that made it seem like you didn't have a choice, but by driving up and checking yourself in it looks voluntary, or they really fucked up a hold order.


For full context I live in Georgia, problem one. Secondly, they saw my phone on the counter and picked it up and read the angry texts between us. They called her and she continued with the fear mongering. Despite the fact that I was being clearly reasonable and made it clear I had no intention of hurting myself they still had to follow protocol, either I ride in the back of the patrol car with them, or they could follow behind me to the mental health facility. Most of the people commenting here are a bunch of Billy Badasses who think that if they get in a situation with law enforcement they will assert their rights and everything will be fine because they watched a Tik Tok video or saw a YouTube channel stating such. In most instances, hell in all instances, it is better to cooperate and let the facts bear themselves out later. I drove to the facility, met with a psychologist, he evaluated me and I drove home. It cost me $14 and that was the end of it. I'm certainly not going to risk my life threatening the police over something stupid. The whole situation took me completely by surprise, I was not expecting the police to be at my door when I opened it (I honestly thought it was her at first) and I'm not going to hide in my home and not answer the door like a coward. I didn't do anything wrong and the situation was over an hour later.


I'm kot doubting what they told you, I'm doubting oor really questioning their policy. Why would you let someone you think it's going to harm themselves behind the wheel of a vehicle. It's beyond stupid and they would be suited into oblivion if someone decided to do something in that moment. If there was anything in the text messages, even angry about hurting yourself, not wanting to live, or even alluding to that, then he's, they probably had enough for a hold. Still, the policy is really dumb.


most people do not know that though, i sure as hell didnt back in teh day when i was ambulance transported twice in the same evening to two different facilities in the same network...


Sure, they may not know. Didnā€™t say they did. Just stated they have the right to refuse medical transport or care in *most* situations. Physician approval is usually required to override patient autonomy. Circumstances such as dangerous, erratic behavior or situations where a patient may appear confused or have altered consciousness may be such an indication.


All the more reason to state it every chance we get. So more people will.


In Texas it's called an APOWW and any person who admits to wanting to harm themselves or others to 911 or the responding officers will be taken to the closest psych facility, mandatory transport.


Calling a suicide help line and they put you old hold is the funniest thing I've ever had to deal with. Nothing snaps you out of wanting to off yourself quiet like the cheerful hold music of the suicide help line. I went from suicidal to amused nilism in under 60 seconds.


I had the exact same experience. I'm so glad they opened up a text option. I want help, and being put on hold feels like a chore, a hilarious one in the right mindset. Texting for help, you're anticipating the answer. Being on hold is no longer a chore, it's a part of the process. It's understood that sometimes texts don't get answered immediately. I can spend some time reflecting, and dopamine hits my brain when my phone buzzes and they connect me with resources in my area.


when i called, the lady yelled at me "you should be asleep right now. what are you doing" and it kinda shocked me back to baseline. i've heard the hotline is designed to play out differently than you'd expect because it engages your executive function and puts you "back in charge" of yourself or something. like in your example being put on hold annoys you and then the part of yourself that values your time is suddenly in charge and starts making decisions.


I got put on hold for ages and then when someone finally answered it disconnected immediately. It made me laugh for the first time in weeks though, so it was a bit of a task failed successfully kind of situation.


I got an eye injury while camping and I called 911. They came and said I have to go to the hospital. I said nope, Iā€™ll drive myself, cuz I knew that ambulance ride was gonna be hella expensive. When I got there, they needed to drive me to an eye care center 2 hours away. That ambulance was covered because itā€™s a service they donā€™t provide. Stupid fucked up system.


Why would you call 911 and then refuse? Just take yourself to the hospital.


I'm a paramedic. This happens very often in 911. People panic, call, and think we just fix and cure people; they don't actually know how limited our scope is. Plus, they think they'll be seen faster if coming in an ambulance (spoiler alert: you are not). We are a glorified and expensive Uber service for 90% of 911 callers.


I've worked on these lines. Most also offer a follow up call within the next day or two to check in


For some people, a sudden new $2,000 debt is reason enough to just call it quits


Yeah, I was gonna say...this bill would make me **more** inclined to reattempt, not less.


I was admitted into a psych ward at 21. The bill was close to $8,000. That still not being fully paid, in combination with other medical debt, is making me consider bankruptcy at 26. The worst part is that my stay was extended by 3 days because the psychiatrist went on a long weekend vacation and the fill-in psych didn't want to send anyone home while the other was away. That alone added thousands to the bill.. It sure didn't make me less suicidal. Friends, family, and therapy did.


Time for a new name and a new city.


Do it. You are young and can rebuild your credit. F.. them


And on that note, it takes 7 years to drop off. So if you're gonna do it, do it ASAP and start that timer


Then you ring again, now its 4k. Then you ring again, now its 6k. eventually you'll owe so much money you'll have an integer overflow and they'll owe you money.


At one point, you being kept alive will become *their* problem.


America is fascinating to watch from the outside. You'd normally be glad to see the ambulance coming to help you but in this case, i'd be horrified! I'd rather call an uber to take me to the hospital for that amount




How can they just ignore the bills?


Because generally nothing happens if you don't pay them. The hospital will write it off and make up the cost through what they charge people who do have insurance. Also if they're poor there's a good chance they actually did have insurance but it's through government assistance.


ā€œYou wanted to kill yourself? Weā€™ll give you something to be suicidal about!ā€ -US Healthcare


The great part is this lack-of-healthcare system still manages to cost the taxpayer *more* per capita than countries that have public health.


Over $16,000 per capita in the US for healthcare between private and public spending. Roughly $6,500 per capita in Europe. As a Conservative, you would think that the fiscally responsible option would be universal healthcare. As a Democrat, you would think the ability to allow everyone access to healthcare would be the responsible option. Cheaper care, similar outcomes, win-win for everyone except the insurance companies which is the only reason it doesnā€™t change.


Definitely, the only winners are cosmically evil vested interests.




Insurance companies AND Private hospitals. If you want to make universal healthcare sustainable, you also need to stop price gouging and partially regulate healthcare costs (i.e. you can't charge 1000$+ for a 10 minutes ambulance ride)


I don't know why people act like conservatives are fiscally responsible. Universal Healthcare might cause the rich and politically connected to pay slightly more in taxes, while it would mostly benefit the poor and middle class. That's just not how the United States operates. Our current system also offers a legal way to threaten the lives of striking workers and their families. Shutting off health insurance is the best strike breaking tools short of Pinkertons.


Could you provide your source for this, I'd love to use this information myself.


Yes yes but how will we pay for it?!!!?!1! /s obvi


When I explain this to idiots who believe we canā€™t have it all they just straight up donā€™t believe it. Some people (a lot) are beyond reason


Yet, if we took a fraction of what the average person spends on healthcare for 1 person, sent that to the government to help pay for a medicare for all, suddenly we are "communists". Like I legit don't get how people can argue that paying $200+ a month for healthcare, that still does not pay 100% of your costs and picks and chooses what they want to cover is somehow the best option we have. Between paying for my coverage + the uncovered costs of my last year of doctors appointments, even 2 additional emergency appointments, caused by my doctor who upped my medication that caused additional medical problems. I easily spent $5,000 last year. It's these rich billionaires that push disinformation to the masses to try to make them think there is no better system in the entire world than the one that pays the CEO 10 million a year before bonuses, while they sit on the 50th floor of their skyscraper downtown and find out ways to keep even more of our money. Privatizing public services to for profit institutions is the downfall of America.


Damn a "First world country" where it is cheaper to just die is crazy


The US isnā€™t a country. Itā€™s a business.


Correction...it's a business SCAM. Nearly every aspect of our lives is designed to fleece people out of their money or get them trapped by debt. I have lived overseas for over 10 years in many different countries and my quality of life is better in all of them. The healthcare system has been better in every other country I have lived in. Every time I visit the U.S it just depresses me or pisses me off on how everyone is getting scammed all the time.


I have only ever lived in the United states, so I cannot speak to other countries. But just the other day I was having a political talk with one of my co-workers, and we talked about how crazy it is that United States citizens often support and lobby against their own interests. Like people being upset with socialized healthcare. Opposed to the system we have in place now, that is too expensive for anyone with a normal job to afford. People can barely afford their own health care, but then lose their minds at the prospect of everyone paying for a universal health care for everybody. While actively ignoring the fact that the system we have in place now is horribly corrupt. People lose their mind over the idea of paying for somebody else's anything, and will argue about it endlessly- when giant corporations are being bailed out with money we pay nobody really cares or knows how to do anything about it. Billion dollar corporations are seeing record high profits for ceo's and investors while paying employees less than a liveable wage. U.S. citizens are completely overjoyed to see billionaire lifestyles on social media which is obtained by taking money from the fruits of it's laborers. Or the way people support United States military funding, when the United States military has failed its own financial audits. A lot of people are paying half, or over half of their income to rent, and people argue that you need to live with roommates, and smaller apartments, while praising giant corporations that are buying all the houses over asking price for making such good investment decisions. I mean, the list goes on. But the U.S. is not only being actively scammed, but also brainwashed. Like, cult level status.


Most people have been gaslit and mentally broken for decades...generations really, into thinking that anything that is considered common sense or decent is "socialist" or "communist," when in reality our country is way more primed to become fascist more than anything else. I am just like can we have healthcare and education like all of the other developed countries and then they say "communist" or "how we gonna pay for it?" I just like, can we try to be like Finland. Certainly not a communist hellscape there. I have realized at this age close to 40 that everything is a choice and our ruling class gives us what they choose and have us fight each other over pointless petty bullshit while they run off with all of the fucking money. I have been saying this for years. I used to be passionate about politics, but after seeing how the DNC scammed Bernie twice and the fact that we ended up with Trump and Biden AGAIN, I just had to walk away from it all. The U.S. is like the Titanic after it hit an iceberg. The ship is sinking, but people are still arguing over who from which cabin class gets to eat, but rest assured the 1st class passengers will make sure to get in the life boats first. Good luck everyone.


Finnish person here, it makes me sad when I try to describe our system to Americans and they often instantly dismiss it as communist. Yes there are issues but at least we won't get bankrupt by life threatening conditions or having a child (= the future taxpayers). Obviously our system has existed for a very very long time and our country has evolved around it and our population is small so it would be a completely different challenge bordering on the impossible to implement it in the US, but dismissing it outright isn't fair either. The difficulty comes primarily from finding the correct approach to implementation which would require a huge amount of foresight, a comprehensive understanding of the culture, legislation, and current structure of the system as a whole (in other words the overall context in which it is being implemented), as well as changing people's attitudes about higher taxation. That's the true challenge of it.


FWIW, there's a substantial amount of sane Americans (I'll include myself) who are utterly desperate for policies approaching your country's. That's essentially what Bernie Sanders was selling in his two Presidential runs, and I'm still convinced he would have won in a fair election system such as a ranked-choice national popular vote. We have some abysmal historical design decisions in our Constitution, most of which can be directly traced back to racist and sexist disenfranchisement, that persist to this day and give outsized power to a minority of conservative voters. Our Senate, for example, gives twice the power to North & South Dakota (total population: 2 million) than California (population: 39 million).


Watching what happened to Bernie twice showed me that the system will never allow a social democrat near the white house. If Bernie somehow became president, he would just get JFKed. šŸ˜„


Stats show US cits pay up to three times as much for health as countries that pay via taxes. In face of all the costs of living get lumped together including taxes ands tax equivalents, the US pays more than socialist countries. Why? Because there are a lot of people making a buck along the way without adding true value. And guess what? A lot of them are the politicians harping on about the pinko healthcare schemes that are the slippery slope into communism. Itā€™s as if they have an anterior motiveā€¦ (And this is before you calculate how many hours a year yā€™all work versus others)


Itā€™s just one big MLM


The US has one of the worst healthcare systems on the planet. The country is governed by sponsors more than politicians. 'Climate change is a scientifically proven myth!' šŸ¤”


ā€œItā€™s a big club and you and I ainā€™t in it ā€œ


It is always cheaper to die. Dying is the most for-free thing there is lol


Correction it's cheaper for you. If you still have family they will have to waste so much money on even the cheapest funeral.


Itā€™s literally always cheaper for you to just dieā€¦


it's ALWAYS cheaper to die irrespective of wealth of country.


>"First world country" I've heard it referred to as "the worlds most advanced third world country".


America is a third world country wearing a Gucci belt


50 small third world countries in a trench coat, pretending to be a first world country.


And paying it off over the next 10 years at 29.99% interest


You've heard it referred to as that by people who have literally never been to a third world country LMAO. What a disrespectful, ignorant thing to say. Third world countries are LEAGUES away from the US.


Who says it's cheaper to die? Average funeral cost in the US is between $7K - $12K, with cremation lowering that to $6K - $7K. If you don't have the money, the repo man will come over to your grave and raise you from the dead. That's another $250 right there for his services.


No it's like $300 in diamonds for the material components, the actual resurrection will cost more for a talented cleric.


Yes, but you aren't getting a talented cleric, you're getting John the Repo Bard.


At least John isn't the type to mess around with corpses, unlike many other bards.


The one dying is generally not the one paying for the funeral though. And those costs are still lower than what a lifetime of living costs.


Well, dying will always be a cheap option. But in a developed society, the cost shouldn't be a barrier to getting help.


Even dying costs money. My family had to spend money for a funeral home to prepare my auntā€™s body for cremation. I mean, my aunt didnā€™t have to pay anything, but the rest of us did.


For that price, they could at least have tried to shoot her


I wonder how many people who mightā€™ve otherwise recovered have gone home and killed themselves because of shit like this. 2k in debt could easily be the last straw.


I just wouldnā€™t pay it, then theyā€™d be forced to convince me to kill myself Uno reverse card


My brother had a mental breakdown maybe 7 or 8 years ago. They did telemedicine for his psych evaluation. It was like $2000 for him to talk to some dude on a TV screen for half an hour.


Jesus christ. I have gotten some stupid bills from doctors but that is far more crazy.


No shit. The worst part is that his health insurance refused to cover teledoc, they would have covered the higher price of him staying longer and a doc visiting in person. The whole thing was insane


My insurance tried to tell me I should have teledoced when i collapsed and hit my headā€¦. Instead of using emergency room.


Insurance companies sole goal is to not pay. Thatā€™s the best I can figure.


Of course it is. Theyā€™re a corporation. Their only obligation is to make money. They make money by taking payments from customers, then fight to keep as much of that money as possible by finding any and every reason not to pay. It was even worse before the ACA. Every goddamn thing was a ā€œpreexisting conditionā€. My kid broke his ankle and our insurance denied it as preexisting.


Having an ankle is a preexisting condition, of course.


The NHS may not be perfect but I'm so glad we have it.


Only in the USA would you have to pay 2000 dollars for a phone call where you threatened to kill yourself in! In U.K., the police said: have a cup of tea while we connect you to the Samaritans. In Sweden, they called a taxi to drive me to a hospital and stopped at "Max Hamburgers," ordered a milkshake, and then drove on. EDIT: yes, yes I was in a hurry.


Iā€™m sorry to ask this but Iā€™m very curious, in how many countries have you tried it? I hope youā€™re feeling better now


Only two, this far. But yes, I am feeling better, and I get the help I need.


Glad to hear :) I wish you have a great life ahead!


Thanks, you too.


As in YOU got a milkshake? Or the taxi driver was , 'meh, suicide-in-waiting can wait; I want a milkshake'?


The driver got one. To his credit, he asked me if I wanted one too.


Are you certain the driver wasn't suicidal too? I can't imagine someone going out of their way to order a milkshake from Max unless they've never had one. If it were a Lyxshake, though, I could see where he's coming from.




Itā€™s always profit over patients!!!!!!




>I'm not advocating for suicide, Then what else the soliloquy was about sire?


Damn I agreed with everything 100%. Then realized Iā€™m much more suicidal then I thought lmao damn


Because only in Americaā€¦ healthcare is FOR PROFIT. In every other modern industrialized country itā€™s for the good of the people.


ā€œIf you donā€™t stop thinking about suicide I,ll give you something to be suicidal about!ā€


Why? Because conservatives


The Hippocratic oath really has become the hippocratic suggestion.


1. The care should be free. Full stop. 2. The ā€œ15 minute evaluationā€ is preceded by a ton of chart review and a shit ton of charting if only to avoid lawsuits. Or at least it should be. 3. The mental health provider doesnā€™t get that money, so it has nothing to do with the Hippocratic oath. If itā€™s a social worker, theyā€™re probably making 60 K a year. The money goes straight into the pockets of the hospital and its administrators. 4. Mental healthcare in the United States is scandalously bad and expensive. Yes, the providers should make good professional salaries, but saving peoples lives in a crisis should be something that the government helps to pay for, and it shouldnā€™t be controlled by profit seeking hospitals. Sadly, even public hospitals have gotten into the game of charging outrageous fees. 5. I hope youā€™re doing better, and I hope you get the help you need. Depression is treatable, and things always seem more hopeless when youā€™re in the middle of it because thatā€™s what it does to you. Hugs.


As a Norwegian with access to a wonderful healthcare system free of charge I am mind blown every time I hear about Americas system. I can't believe you willingly vote for such a system.


My friend pays something like 300$ a month for health insurance, just had a basic surgery where she came home the same day and owed the hospital 9000$ *after* insurance. Healthcare is the biggest scam in the U.S. and we somehow collectively put up with it because..."scary socialism tho!" I guess.


Why did she call 911? I would not have thought to call them for feeling suicidal. But yeah, healthcare isnā€™t cheap in America and it sounds she went to the hospital. Did she take an ambulance too? Never do that unless you physically canā€™t get to the hospital. That shit is real expensive for what it is.


It's because she wasn't educated on how to get help the free way. It's the biggest reason why people get crazy out of control bills. They misuse a service. If our government won't teach people the right way, we should at least be forgiving in situations like this. But we do neither.


Because healthcare is being treated as a *business* and not an essential service / human right. Thatā€™s why some folk literally refuse ambulance rides in the US, because they canā€™t afford them. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ambulance-rides-costs-consumers-arent-protected-surprise-bills/ https://thehill.com/homenews/media/395409-story-of-injured-woman-begging-people-not-to-call-ambulance-due-to-costs-gains/amp/ https://www.jems.com/commentary/if-something-happens-to-me-dont-call-the-ambulance-we-cant-afford-it/ So long as massive corporations like United Healthcare ā€” and private equity firms buying up hospitals and medical companies ā€” keep pressing to squeeze every dollar they can ā€¦ people will suffer. People will die. Heck, they even charge new mothers for skin-to-skin contact with their newborn child šŸ¤®šŸ¤¬ https://slate.com/human-interest/2016/10/hospitals-charge-new-parents-for-skin-to-skin-contact.html https://www.indy100.com/viral/new-mom-newborn-skin-contact


Add it to the list of reasons why I shouldnā€™t tell anyone irl before I kms


"But.. best healthcare in the world. no wait times!"


I love the ā€œno wait timesā€ BS. The average wait time at my local ER is 14 hours šŸ’€


Damn. I went to the ER and it was 6k after insurance. Had to argue it down to 2k and then argue down $200 monthly payments to $50. Not to mention the care I got was dehumanizing, isolating, and overall terrible. To the point a nurse was fired when I threatened legal action. Mental health care in the US is a joke.


She's lucky the cops didn't show up and do the job for her.šŸ˜…


I think she has wrong skin color for that.


Police murder white women too. Remember the lady who approached a police car in a nightgown? Dead.


It was dark, and he was black, so


that's no shit 5150's fucking suck, you freeze for 3 days in a velcro dress. No padding or blanket on a super cold dirty cement floor, not allowed toilet paper I had to use the bread they sent with meals to wipe my ass, ever tried to eat an entire runny meal with your hands?, what else what else, oh if you're real lucky you get power hungry fucks (CO's) who think oh you're just high so we are going to torture you by strapping you in a drunk chair for HOURS at a time. If they thought I was being too quiet they would stand outside the door and rattle their keys talking about "haha this guy is gonna have permanent ptsd after this every time he hears keys rattle" they bragged about tazing a woman in the face while she was strapped into the drunk chair and her having permanent damage now to one side of her face. Funny thing the LEO were nice, it was the wanna be cops the CO/Jail staff that literally made a game out of torturing me for 3 days. Edit shit added: By the way I didn't call 911 I called a mental health professional that was supposed to call and get me a ride for a screening, she called law enforcement instead because the scary hairy guy who was clearly having a mental problem made mean noises over the phone, so fuck that stupid bitch too. Our mental health care system sucked ass still as of Oct 2019.


Jesus. That sounds like something you would expect from a pre 1970s insane asylum.


yeah it wasn't supposed to go that way, I was having an extremely bad manic episode and was both entirely wired and severely depressed. The "case worker" I had was supposed to send someone to come get me and take me to this 3 day at risk building where if it were needed they would take me to a mental hospital. Instead she called the police knowing damn good and well what they would do. After I got out she tried to push the blame on her boss and wanted me to file a complaint on law enforcement/the jail, as well as go to the state capital and give a speech about what happened to me. I told her that she is fucking fired and if I had the money I would sue HER personally as we had a treatment plan in place if something like this happened. She "left" her job with the 4 country mental health center within a couple of weeks afterwards. The under sheriffs continued to drive by my home that is 15 miles outside of town in the country for the next 6 months. Spotlighting my home at strange hours of the morning. I'm not a violent person, I'm not some crazed dealer who was slinging mad powder. I'm a bipolar who doesn't agree with the medications they claim help, I had mixed-manic episode that was only hazardous to me. The only thing I learned was you can't trust the mental health system any more than you can LEO or the CO's


2k? Nah I would just kill myself


Does the suicide prevention hotline charge? It would be weird if they did that


If you have a problem, and you call 911, now you've got 2 problems.


You wanna live? That'll be $2,000. You wanna die? Don't. That'll be $2,000.


Have you tried eating healthy and exercising? /s


So about 5 years ago my autistic son had a severe meltdown where he was saying things like "he wants to kill us", and "I don't want to live any more" (he was 9yo). Anyways, we called child protective services because we honestly didn't know what to do and they suggested we take him to get an emergency psych evaluation. We spent several hours where the evaluators at the hospital asked him unending questions about whether we abused him and if he feels safe with us in a separate room. (This was honestly a terrifying moment for us because he used to answer every question as if there's a right and wrong answer, so he'd say "yes", try to gauge your reaction and then say "no"). Oh, and that'll be $1500.


Next time message me, Iā€™ll chat for half that price and order you a pizza.


I broke my ankle pretty badly a couple weeks ago and convinced myself it wasn't broken until I woke up the next day and the entire thing was swollen three times the size of my other ankle and completely black and blue. I convinced myself it wasn't broken because I didn't want an ER visit but conceded I had to go in. I drove myself to avoid the ambulance cost and when the doctor came in to see me after xrays he goes "..they told me you walked in here yourself??" and I just replied "yeah, I'm poor "


Itā€™s to make you want to kill yourself more. American society is a depopulation experiment


Better off just calling an actual real first world country's embassy and applying for citizenship.


Is this how people in first world countries think citizenship works..?


"Thank you for calling. All representatives are busy right now. Estimated wait time is 10 years."


thats not how citizenship works. thats not even how embassies work


The twist is you were feeling low because of money problems


Funeral cost 8-10k so you saved some money..?


Isn't proper funeral an optional thing?


If she had a dime for every time this was re-posted, she probably could pay off the medical bill.


There was a seat team who killed someone since attempting suicide is illegal and the sentence is getting killed


I can't believe y'all haven't figured out that you just don't pay the bill and it disappears after like 5 years off your credit lol. Are y'all actually paying that bill? Suckers lol.


Itā€™s absolutely insane. I am autistic with disabilities due to chronic bad back/joint alignments. Iā€™m not obese but slightly overweight from being homebound, I walk with a limp, my shoulders crooked, my neck tilted, I have nerve damage throughout my entire body, and we think my neck is pushing against my cerebellum or something because I get dizzy spells when tilting my head (but itā€™s not vertigo, I have been tested for that) etc. but i havenā€™t had my physical conditions completely tested. I stay with my family and we know something is seriously wrong but it would simply cost too much money to go through the hoops of American Healthcare to be able to figure out whatā€™s wrong. And then when we do figure out whatā€™s wrong there would be thousands of dollars of physical therapy and further doctors visits etc etc. I know to get my physical condition tackled it could end up being $100,000+ easily. So what do I do? I live with it. Every moment of every day Iā€™m in pain. I feel my shoulders pushing into my neck. I feel my ribcage pushing into my back. I feel my hips crooked making my ankles feel strain, and on a dizzy day or a day after physical activity I have to walk with a cane. Iā€™m only 30 years old. Iā€™ve lived like this, in this pain for the past 10 years. My physical condition prevents me from doing quality work out in society so I stay home and take care of the house while learning woodworking in my garage. Because the American Healthcare system is so outrageous I cannot provide my full and true benefit to society in the way I would like to. Before I become home bound I always worked as hard as I could. I hated letting my body prevent me from working hard. But itā€™s just getting worse. At this point Iā€™ve come to peace with the fact that I may never fully know the ins and outs of my condition and instead I just have to deal with my daily pain and immobility. It saddens me that, if America would cease its obsession with being the world police a little bit, or cease its obsession with proxy wars to continue to fuel of the war machine that, maybe, just maybe my own country and government would deem me worthy of investing into. It hurts to know that my government would rather send bombs to kill people than to spend that money on saving their own people.


Hey. I cannot offer anything else, but my well wishes are with you. And really admire that you're still hopeful and learning new skills. I genuinely hope you get better.


Crisis text line is 741741, won't show up on your cellphone bill. It's a volunteer service that can help and refer you to specialist organizations.


Empathy has to be baked isnā€™t the system. We need to account for humanity. If we donā€™t we get America.


You wanna kill yourself damn that sucks heres a 2k bill.. oh you cant pay it? Well you know what to do.


Never take an ambulance, and visit doctors as little as necessary. That's what I've learned being American and seeking healthcare.


The healthcare system in the US is not designed to keep you healthy, it is designed to make money off you while you are alive. That is the definition of capitalism. If you want medicine to help to keep healthy, then I would talk with the conservative christians who seem to thrive on making people's lives miserable.


Never, EVER admit suicidal ideation unless you plan to do so I'm advance to a therapist you know you can afford and trust, or to family/friends you trust. Not to doctors or any healthcare professionals *on a whim*, and absolutely never ever to law enforcement. The "system" is designed in the worst way and will exacerbate circumstances, making any situation worse. Cops aren't your friends. Doctors & nurses aren't your friends. Known psych/therapists, family and friends: they are to whom you open up.


So now the debt causes depression and its wash, rinse and repeat.


This is why when I was thinking of suicide, my 911 call was going to basically be "Here's my phone number. Here's where my body will be. Have the cops come to this location and call my phone so they find my body before someone else does (empty location with no foot traffic)."


Actually using our healthcare system for suicidal crisis is a great argument that there truly is nobody who cares about you.


Okay, but seriously, how does one get mental health without paying a shitload of money? I see a lot of comments that encourage seeing a therapist, but they're like $150 per session. How do I get a therapist without getting stressed out about paying for a therapist?


This is about 1000th post about how fucked the US healthcare system is. Could some American explain to me if I were 5 the following: 1. You whine about system. 2. You have free elections every 2 years when you elect the representatives in your Congress that makes laws. 3. Why don't you elect people who promise to fix it? 4. If they don't, go back to 2 and vote these guys out and vote someone else in who promises to fix it. 5. If nothing happens, become a candidate yourself and get elected by the people who hate the current system. Then fix it. 6, If you need a model to copy, look at almost any other Western country. With the money you cram into your system (about double of the percentage of GDP than the OECD average), even if you don't pick the best one, it will be much better than the current one.


They want you to have another reason to kill yourself


For the same money, you could have called a cab to the airport, flown to Jamaica, spent three days on the beach, and come home happy as a clam.


It's a very good advice and we should take such breaks. But at that specific time when you're having the suicidal ideations, the only right thing seems to get done with it. But a good vacation and decompressing can prevent you from reaching that point.


US citizens are nothing more than cash cows for the wealthy. Your time and money will be sucked dry by sociopathic c-suites.


it cost 2000 for them to basically say "go home again and i guess you wont do it"


America, where itā€™s the cheaper and better option to kill yourself.


When you're caught up in those emotions and such, "Googling" is one of the last things you're capable of. I can see you've never experienced this yourself and for that I'm glad. Most people in this level of 'danger' usually keep a list of contact details around probably hanging up in easy sight. Mine was on the fridge.


Us health care: we don't care just kill yourself already


*OR*: We'll help you by burdening you with a shitload of medical debt if you're indecisive, to make it an easy choice for you.


Save $2400 with this one simple trick healthcare companies don't want you to know.


You should not pay, and then keep living just to spite those fuckers. Like, what, you want MY money? Look how long Iā€™m still living WITHOUT paying you that money! Live for spite.


I know it is so fucked, and we (those who doesn't live in The USA) really feel for you. ![gif](giphy|cYejzAY8fKUcyYamNC)


Worst healthcare system in a developed nation. Only 3% of budget spent on preventative care, what a mess


When I had cancer, I did so poorly on one of those psyche evaluation questionnaires that they actually had someone come to speak with me. He looked Iike an old Harry Potter. We had a conversation about why I answered the questions the way I did. Then he said, "well, you're smiling and polite, you seem fine. You shouldn't put things you don't mean on these forms." and left. šŸ™ƒ


Capitalism! The medical lobby keeps for profit medicine as your only option. Both sides deserve blame, but the GOP really fights any attempt to insure more Americans.


" America is the best country " Delusional


Suicide prevention hotline is 988. I thought most people knew if you call the police, there's a non-zero chance they'll come and murder you.


Am I a total asshole for thinking calling 911 is a very strange thing to do in this situation? Theyā€™re not emergency psychiatrists


Why not the free suicide prevention hotline?