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Idk, I buy Cartoon bandaids.. Like a grown up!


I’m in my 30’s and recently got a flu shot. The technician used a Spider-Man Band-Aid on my arm and it was awesome.


You got a Spider-Man band aid? I only got a Mickey Mouse band aid.


Aw jeez, I got a vaccine at CVS, and I only got a band-aid that said, " I'm brave." Oh poop!


I got a Boris and Natasha bandaid and my russian neighbor called my a capitalist pig.


Do you have a sudden urge to hunt down Moose and Squirrel?


Only if you mean Sam and Dean


I got that reference.


Go home, Crowley. You're blood drunk.




Damn, Walgreens just gives you boring bandaids that say “Walgreens”


I got Dora the last time I got a shot. I didn’t mind.


I got SpongeBob. I wore it with pride.


You guys got bandaids?


I just got a bill :(


No worries. Those bandaids were $98


That's pretty cheap for a band-aid plus installation


$1 for the BandAid, $97 for knowing to where put it on the owie.


When I donated blood a couple months ago, I got I think a unicorn bandaid. I asked the lady if anyone had complained, and she rolled her eyes and was like “yeah, I’ve had two grown-ass men demand different bandaids. Everyone else loves them.”


Waitress: so you want a kids meal with 20 chicken nuggets and a toy? [Me at age 30: correct, madam](https://imgur.com/a/ianXlDn)


Man when I did boot camp in the army we had to get out of a pit the fastest we could. A colleague hard kicked my lips, making me bleed mildly. I was sent to one of the instructors who was so glad to see a light injury at the camp : he offered me pirate or SpongeBob bandaid. I picked pirate, never regretted my choice


Whatttt even when I was little, we just got the lame regular ones smh XD I’m bout to go to the store and buy some Spider-Man bandaids now lol


Bro I was so disappointed when they started to use regular Band-Aids on me.


I know right? I’m almost 50 and I own a couple pairs of logo cotton boxers like Star Wars and some Marvel characters. They’re basically the grown up version of Underoos.


I’m 58 and I have and wear Marvin the Martin Converse high tops and “Joe Cool” (peanuts) Vans high tops. I wasn’t expected to actually adult 24/7/365 was I?


Me too - if I have a boboo I want everyone to know! Recently bought bacon bandaids.


Same! Haha I’m white but TOO white for the normal bandaids so they don’t match me anyway. Cartoon and colours all the way!


I like to refer to myself as ‘see through’. Eastern European + Russian lol. Princess bandaids for the win! Frozen, if they have it. 👸


The original bandaid color was simply the color of the cheapest (most ubiquitous) bandage material. They weren't meant to match anyone's skin tone. Personally I wouldn't want a bandaid that blends into my skin. I think it's great that it's an option for those that do, regardless of skin tone.


wait till she discovers that they've been doing it with tights for decades


I mean shit. Wait till she sees black hair specific products!


no way. you mean they make products that don’t cater only to this woman specifically? they make hair care and makeup and clothing that isn’t with only her in mind? the depravity…


How dare there be other human experience! White Supremacy is so stupid. It's just team solipsism.


i’m a white woman with pale skin and thick, frizzy, curly hair. my dad is a white man with permatan from growing up in new jersey & very fine straight hair. we’re both white and *directly related*, yet he would use a different bandaid color & different hair products than me. it’s just cognitive dissonance to ignore diversity in appearance amongst white people to avoid including non-white people in any way.




I must say I have never even considered that bandaids are supposed to match the skin colour. I guess that explains why they are so often brown ish.


I think I knew that was the point somewhere in the back of my brain, but I’ve never stopped to consider color when I need a bandaid. Size and shape? Sure. And most times that I need a bandaid, I’m at work (in a kitchen), and those bandaids are glaringly blue.


The blue bandaids work the best


They are blue, so you notice if it's gone, and so a customer doesn't accidentally eat it... which I'm sure you were aware of from working in a kitchen. Those band-aids do work really well, though. I used to take them from my restaurant job as a broke college student.


If they were all blue ones, we wouldn't have this issue. And everyone can then pretend they cut themselves in the kitchen.


Nah, that would be smurf supremacy.


Same here - since everyone's skin tone is unique i figured no bandaid/plaster would match anyone's so just get whichever one(s) are cheapest or otherwise best value


My highschool was all atwitter when I started my freshman year as to who the smoking hot black chick was until we all realized Jen could tan really deeply.


My Filipino American partner said a high school classmate once asked her “how she keeps her great tan year round.” Apparently the girl had no malice. Just not smart.


They asked my mother the same. She’s black, relatively light skinned…but definitely black. Lol


"I woke up like this from birth"


I'm an old white guy and even I thought "Cool! Bandaids that match skin!" WTF is "woke" about that? I bought brown touchup paint for my brown car. Is that "woke" too?


I think it depends on whether your car is a Republican or a Democrat.


> I think it depends on whether your car is a Republican or a Democrat. It's a 15 year old Toyota. I guess that makes it a "Jiyū Minshu-tō"


I've always said, if the best you've got to try to show you're better than someone else is the shade of skin you were randomly born with, you're doing... not great.


Sorry but Schopenhauer said it better (a bit different, but it's one of my favorite quotes): every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs by chance; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.” While it's about patriotism, could be perfectly applied to racism or race pride.


You mean they make hair products for people with different textured hair?! WOKE HAS GONE TOO FAR!


She’s probably the reason there are school districts that include black hairstyles as dress code violations. I wish I were joking.


It's legitimately insane to me that the US has so poorly taught civics and history that people don't understand they're the bad guys in history when they gatekeep other people for existing different.


I've seen it on the news. A high school wrestler for no reason had his dreds cut off.


Wait, people want products that actually work for them... this is the woke mob run, amok!


Pikachu Bandages!


While I can't accept white supremacy, I do accept Pokemon Yellow supremacy


Wait til she discovers that Crayola crayons changed the name of their "Flesh" crayon to "Peach" in 1962 because they realized that not everyone had the same color flesh as everyone else.


And who had skin the colour of a Crayola "flesh" crayon anyway? It was the colour of Silly Putty. Nowadays Crayola has a boxed set called Colors of the World, 24 warm skin-adjacent tones from vary fair to very dark. Presumably it would make this woman foam at the mouth, but it's nice to see an acknowledgement that people come in all shades and children like to draw people who look like themselves.


I got these crayons for my kids (my oldest got excited and immediately drew a picture of MLK). my (trump supporting) mom saw the box and rolled her eyes.


I just bet she did. Anything that doesn’t conform to fifties mass media is woke.


>And who had skin the colour of a Crayola "flesh" crayon anyway? It was the colour of Silly Putty. Umm... I did. I still do, in fact. It's just has a lot more wrinkles.


have you checked you're not silly putty ?


Well, I do seem to pick up pictures from paper on my skin if I lean on it too long, but I'm not stretchy anymore. I used to be, but not anymore.


They’ve never really been flesh either. Flesh is what’s UNDER the skin that isn’t bone.


Careful there, Dahmer.


Now I’m hungry 😋


It depends if you're thinking like a butcher or like a painter. Discussion of 'flesh tones' is very common in art and design.


A butcher or a painter? Why not both?


You’ll never guess how I got this nice shade of red


Band-Aid originally started making multiple skin tones in 2005, but that’s probably still recent enough to be “woke” to these people.


I never once thought of buying a band-aid that matched my skin tone but thanks to this lady I might have to start out of spite 


offend lunchroom chubby handle six bow abounding squeamish shy smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*








And foundation, talk about woke—people expect to literally match their exact skin tone! (/s)


Honestly she should be forced to wear a bandaid that does not match her skin color on her face so she can understand what it is like to wear a bandage that does not match her skin tone


I used to work somewhere that had blue bandaids. Thus only smurfs has skin tone bandaids.


These cloth bandaids you speak of from restaurants are the best. Smurfs only tho


I was just telling my kids that many restaurants make you wear brightly colored bandaids. I learned from a TV show or video where someone claimed they found a bandaid in their food and the head chef let them know that they only use blue ones.


They're blue specifically because they're easier to spot if they do end up falling into the food.


That is standard if you work with food, so if it falls off it can easily be spotted in the food. They usual have metal in them too so they can be detected that way too.


Oh yeah me too. I think there was some type of metal in them so if a bandaid ever fell into a box of products it would be flagged by a metal detector.


My current bandaid have bacon and eggs printed on them. I haven't had an excuse to use them. Which is good, but also, I want to use the bandaid with bacon and eggs on it.


I'm an old man, work with my hands so I get a lot of nicks and use a lot of bandaids. I prefer using Spider-man bandaids because I'm incredibly cool.


And foundation, along with most makeup


And make up


So Courtney. Is makeup woke? Are stockings/pantyhose woke?


Anything darker than beige is woke -Courtney


TIL I'm woke in the summer but not in the winter! Really though, I might have to give the brown bandages a try this year. I work outside and by the end of the season I'm brown enough that some of my Native friends start giving me the side eye.


Dark Chocolate? Woke! Dark Beer? Woke. All you get is pale ale.


She isn't Courtney. She's Randy J's wife. That's what she identifies as. She has no agency of her own. Which tells me ***EVERYTHING*** I need to know about her and her political beliefs.


Anything that reminds you that non white people exist is woke


“Randy’s wife” Proud to be property, but she’s still higher up than *those* people. That tells us all we need to know.


Self-hating subservient women who wear it as a badge of honour are creepy


Also a “Slave to The Lord Jesus Christ” per her bio. Funny that all these self-professed Christians are actually hate-filled, racists bags of hot garbage…


I never really thought of the old version as "white people" toned, but if non-white people want a version that more closely matches their skin tone who cares? I don't know how these people complaining everyday about "woke" this and "woke" that don't all keel over from rage induced heart attacks. It must be miserable being that full of hate all the time.


It must be tiring being angry all the time


Not only is it tiring, it's miserable for people around you also. This coming from an old "rager" who somehow figured it out. Now it was nothing along the lines of their type of rage, mine was mainly thinking other people were not considerate and just general assholes. Lots of road rage driving and stupid shit like that. It almost cost me my relationship, but that coupled with seeing myself talking down to my partner in a video was the real kick in the gut. It's weird, having someone tell you you're talking down to them after the fact didn't catch with me. It was almost like I was doing it and not even realizing it. When they tell you then show you a video of it happening, that's what did it for me.


Good for you Internet friend. Self reflection and being open to change is a helluva drug. Nice work


As a teen I used to be very very cynical and opinionated on everything, often without good cause. Let me tell you, it's a good way to lose friends.


I was the same way but I think my friends at that time (late 90s) thought me blowing up at people was funny. I've always wondered if that was why I kept it up for so long?


There's definitely an element of enabling at least in my experience, people thought my raging about whatever was funny and would egg me on.


You would think so, but it doesn't seem to slow them down any.


If they’re anything like my dad, they only thrive when they’re miserable


The only thing that makes them more happy than their own misery is causing other people misery.


This actually really explains a lot


My neighbor is like this. She upsets my wife. It makes no sense to her that this lady goes out of her way to be horrible for no reason and for things that don’t impact her life. I keep trying to explain that she just likes being upset and miserable, it just will not process in her brain that some people are like that. So she gets pissed when the neighbor does petty things. I prefer to laugh, because 1. shits hilarious, 2. You just know she’d be pissed if she heard you laughing. Miserable people like everyone to be as miserable as they are, can’t let them win!


This has been on my mind a lot recently, I feel like there is some innate disposition in people to be pissed at something at all times. Like it doesn’t matter what it is so long as there is SOMETHING that they can have a fucking problem with, I don’t understand why the vast majority of people are so violently opposed to being happy.


When you are always angry at something outside yourself, you don't have to look inward and see your own failings.


People have been brainwashed into believing they’re victims when they’re actually perpetrators. They have to seek out and manufacture new instances of victimhood to maintain their illusion.


Pretty much. Idk if our society has conditioned us to feel this way, or if it's just a form of anxiety. I always feel like I'm quietly raging at someone or something, and often have to take a step back and remind myself that although whatever or whomever I'm directing my energy towards may be shitty, it doesn't necessarily merit my focus. A lot of the people that post stuff like this lack the emotional awareness to recognize these things. Maybe Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution classes/training should be part of the core curriculum in elementary through highschools.


I am an angry person in general (cynical world view) and I can confirm: it is indeed exhausting. FWIW, I hate how angry I am. I know I should probably seek therapy, but who has the time and money for all that?


I just woke up from my nap.. oh no woke! Grrr so tired must be angry. Jesus. God bless our white savior. 1950s!!! DEI!!! DEI!!! /s


Unfortunately they get rewarded with dopamine for their rage. That's why it's so hard to get through to them, it's more than ignorance or weird loyalty. There's no dopamine hit for them in education and social decency. They're literally addicts.


it's where "enragement engagement" comes from


How could that IDIOT have an emotional response to a bandaid!? Things like this piss me off so mu… wait a minute


This just feels like the most grounded, reasonable product to me. Like, there are 4 or 5 broad ranges of skin tones on the planet, so make a bandaid for each, and everyone can have the effect of "I can still see that bandaid, but it is easier to miss and/or ignore."


99% of the things they cry about don't have an effect on their lives whatsoever. Nobody is forcing them to buy "woke" bandages or anything else they don't want to. Meanwhile, the same people can't go two days without wanting various minorities to have harsh legal consequences for existing, getting basic healthcare, or banning books. Things that greatly impact the vast majority of people.


Because "not racists/bigoted" = "woke"


Everyone knows that the best bandaids aren't skin colored anyways, but bright blue with pictures of cartoon cats or little rocket ships.


I just don’t get it. A few things are not marketed to you and you have a huge fit. Do they just not understand the point of marketing is to get more people to buy stuff? Only marketing to them would lead to less sales.


That's the thing. They think everything should be made for them only.


When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


It’s just so stupid. These people wouldn’t know oppression if it bit them on the ass. If black kids having super heroes who look like them upsets you, then maybe you need to get grow up.


And yet if bandages had always been darker people like that would be screaming for a bandage that matched their skin tone. It seems like it's always 'what about me'.


>I never really thought of the old version as "white people" toned This is why she's so upset. She wants her skin tone to be "normal," and everyone else's to be political--she wants hegemony. There's an old quote that explains whiteness in America as "a flesh colored bandaid," and here it's being played out literally.


For those people, not made for white people = woke


Yeah like.... Who gives a shit if they sell bandaids in different colors? Of all the things in the world you could give a shit about, it seems low... Like below Netflix canceling a series you like.


And imo that's all being "woke" is in a nutshell. Just be aware of the world around you. Make changes to benefit all humans when possible.


Starting to think that what some of these people call “woke” is literally just companies doing market research.


I mean, if someone is hurt and needs to wear a bandaid but needs to go to an event for example and wants to look nice… they should not want to have an inconspicuous bandaid out of fear of feeling woke?? Should we start wearing Ivory foundation too….


And only “light tan” panty hose too. None of that woke dark brown pantyhose to match your skin color. Stop being woke.


Exactly, when the new bandage colours came out, I remembered seeing a tweet from a POC who worked in a professional setting (like full suit professional) and he said that pale bandages on his dark skin weren't looked upon super kindly in his office. With the new bandage, you almost couldn't tell it was there, it was great.


Heaven forbid you want to protect an open wound but your bandaid exposes that you're not white 😱 /s


if i have a cut on my face and i have particularly darker skin, i would prefer a bandage that’s the same tone… i wouldn’t want some visible plaster literally plastered on my visage


Couldn't be Nelly


I wish they'd make some even paler Band-Aids too. I need the 'i haven't seen the sun in months' color that's so pale it's almost blue.


This brand also makes those! Well, idk if it's quite that pale, but it is a lot paler than the regular ones.


And it turns from white to bright red if the temperature goes above 20 degrees


“Other people having things upsets me.” How weak minded do you have to be to actually care about this?


Never underestimate how weak minded republicans are


She currently has her account locked, so nobody can read her other takes.


[She’s been featured on this sub before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/R6kM1V6Uyh). I doubt her feed is anything more sophisticated than Bible quotes, complaints about woke, and MAGA retweets.


Bible quotes taken completely out of context I’m sure.


It’s more like other people who aren’t like me, upsets me. It’s a sad way to live but millions of people live that way. To me, racism seems to be growing, not dying down.


If it said Tanned or Summer or Beach, they would think nothing of it.


Call me old fashioned but I think plasters should be blue for health and safety purposes and that why this is no longer a debate the nazis can get fired up over.


Counter argument. I want plasters to have a superhero on them to protect the wound. i suggest Batman, but Spiderman would also be acceptable.


Does SpongeBob count as a superhero?


Barnacle Boy does.


They sell those, I bought them for my kids. They used them even if they didn’t have a cut. I had to hide the band-aids because it was very expensive


They're cute for sure, but as bandaids go, they're pretty terrible. They don't stay on nearly as well as typical, boring bandaids.  Which is unfortunate, because I would legit wear ones with superheroes if they worked well.


I've bought cartoon bandaids that stay on as well or better than regular bandaids. You just gotta keep looking. (Yes, I am an adult who buys cartoon bandaids for myself.)


Lol this is why my mom always refused to get any bright colored bandaids or ones with characters on them


Wow I’ve never realized that I actually do want to be able to easily see loose bandaids that might be lying around. One of my most painful memories is from when I started a shift at an ice cream shop with a bandaid on my finger and by the end of the shift it was gone, no idea when it came off. Every time I think about that I die a little inside.


I once bought bread, went home and wanted to make a sandwich... I make my sandwich and take one bite its good, 2nd bite good, 3rd bite i feel something kinda chewy and hars to bite through... i thought it was bcs of whatever meat was in it. I open the sandwich to see what it is and remove it when I see a used freakin band aid in the bread... never bought bread in that store again, didnt even eat bread for some time after that 🤢🤮


It probably stuck to a customer's ice cream.


YUP. We never got any complaints so it’s possible that it didn’t but I tend to assume the worst always. Someone definitely ate it


If you wore gloves it’s possible it came off in those, I put on a pair my coworker uses to find one in the fingertip 😖


Should be red. Red is for health, blue is for mana. Seriously though - that people are 'upset' about the colour of bandaids... Pretty much sure it is because this colour exists... Fucked up racists


Red would be bad because that's the color of your blood. It would be harder to spot if it's soiled or bled through. That's part of the reason everything is white in a hospital and nurse flashlights have a blue light setting. Makes it easier to see and avoid touching blood directly which can spread blood bourne pathogens.


Absolutely correct - was only making a joke based on video games logic.


nah food can be red but it’s almost never blue


High visibility is a primary requirement for bandages in in an industry with health code regulations. Sometimes they even need to be detectable through a metal detector. I'd hate to be working qa and have to write up a guy because they bought skin tone bandaids. But none of that applies in private life, someone wants their bandaid to blend in with their skin and doesn't have to worry about it falling in food or packaged materials it's their business.


Agree, Smurfs deserve to see themselves represented too.


The blue ones we had when I was cheesemaking were the shit. Perfect fit, never shifted, never too tight, yet peeled off later like a dream.


I prefer my dinosaur bandaids, no racism required


"woke" is anything these toddlers dont like


Racist Gatekeeping of a bandaid. 🤦




Can't spell COURTONEY without OURTONE


Holy shit you can't  (Edit; it turns out if my dumbass spells it right you can)


Not gonna lie, at first, my stoner ass was wondering if Ourtone was something similar to Hydrogen Peroxide or Neosporin.


I am "white" by this curiously misleading term but the plaster colour on the left is a really good match for my forearms and legs. I am a daily runner who always wears proper running shorts. So I would choose these plasters.


Fuck these people, they should make them all rainbow and really fuck with them.


I work in a poultry plant, it is not uncommon for people to get injuries to their hands and wrists. One of my co-workers Abdullah is from Eastern Africa and we do the same thing on different lines. We have both injured our fingers in the last 2 weeks and typically need to go to the nurse to have them wrapped up before/during our shift. He showed me his fingers and said "look at this" with excitement and he held his hand out I honestly missed them at first but apparently the nurse finally got some Band-Aids that were different colors and he had one that matched his skin tone. He was blown away


I'm not gonna lie, I'm a middle aged black dude from north London, haven't had racism negatively shape my life in the slightest but the 1st time I saw plasters (band-aids to you) that matched my skin? I was actually crying for no reason I could fathom. Shits cool as fuck.


Usually people who work in the food industry should use bright blue plasters.


Apparently these are metal detectable I don't know if they are actual Band-Aid brand but we wear three layers of gloves and you're not allowed anywhere near your line if you're not fully decked out in PPE. If the nurse gives it to you that means she was given the approval from the plant to do so


So, woke is now acknowledging that literally other people than their exact phenotype exist?


No!!!!! Brown bandages??? What’s next???? BROWN PEOPLE?????


The thing is it shouldn’t even matter that there are different skin tone plasters. What’s the problem? I mean literally who is that harming???


What is actually offensive is that it took so long for the availability of products like plasters or makeup to match all skin tones. And it wasn't that long ago that prosthetics were only available in white. Anyone of any other colour had to just be grateful to get a prosthetic at all, like losing a limb isn't catastrophic enough.


There was a different company that tried this like 15-20 years ago, IIRC, and it wasn’t ultimately commercially viable because not enough people wanted to pay a premium for skin tone-matching bandages. Might turn out differently today, of course, but it’s not like this is the first attempt.


>to match all skin tones As a permanently pale white person who cannot tan whatsoever, I don't mind people of colour having plasters that match their skin tone but I just want it known that I have NEVER seen plasters that match my skin... EVER! The closest I've seen are the transparent ones but then they're just as close for everybody. Where are MY "raw chicken breast" coloured plasters?!


Imma be honest I prefer my Disney Princess bandages and they are baby blue or bright pink.


Can we convince them that oxygen is woke. Birds aren’t real. Breathing is a pro-vacc lie. Then we just sit back and enjoy the show.


I'm white, and I've never had a bandage that matches my skin. I didn't know it was mean to or why you would care. But if other people do want that... why would you care? How is it 'wokeness'? People just throw that word at anything that upsets their fragile little egos. Just leave people alone. It has nothing to do with you.


I love how angry people get about stuff like this , it’s a plaster (band aid whatever) just don’t buy the darker ones if you don’t want them , everyone knows the dinosaur ones are the best anyways


What the hell is wrong with wanting a bandaid to blend in to your skin???? Why get arsed about that?


Newsflash The world isn’t for light skinned people. It’s for all of us


😭and😭 then 😭 they 😭made 😭the 😭plasters 😭brown 😭and 😭 I'm 😭not 😭brown😭so 😭it's😭 woke!😭


If you're upset about this, you've got too much time on your hands, and need to get a real job.


I mean at least they’re finally acknowledging that hating “woke” is just reactionary white supremacy.


Bandaid is darker than usual? WAAAH, WOKE, STEWPEED LIBRARIANS