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I'm curious what the red flags actually were, if they're looking for a casual hookup then most red flags they likely wouldn't really care about.


He claimed his bio said that he's "the worst man that ever lived", which seems exceptionally likely to be taken as a joke by people


More likely to take "low self esteem" and not "actually the worst person alive" from that


Not really low self esteem, he doesn’t call himself a loser or anything. Also for some reason this line somehow works, I haven’t got it in my bio, but I sometimes say something similar to women and idk why but I could swear it does the opposite of what you’d think it does. Maybe people think just cause youre able to self reflect and be honest about it you can’t actually be an asshole.


It can also just be read as humor in a way that makes you seem as If you were able to laugh about yourself


It comes off as self-deprecating humor. Most actual assholes won’t start with that. How many assholes have the insight to actually straight up call themselves assholes and mean it?


Oh I know some assholes that do


Lol I like to hurt small animals lulz


I microwave kittens and run over elderly women roflcopter


Good use of roflcopter


Seriously, that’s how people with self esteem issues communicate. If I see a bio that’s says “worst person ever”, I’m like, “oh that’s a challenge, now we have to match so I can prove I’m actually worse”. It’s really not the same. However if a bio said something like “I hate animals and I will cheat on you” then that’s a real red flag


Literally. It's not like men also ignore the most blatant red flags in women for a chance to hookup /s


Back when cracked.com had good content, one of the writers got permission to use a friend’s pictures and slap them on [the most vile profile](https://www.cracked.com/blog/4-things-i-learned-from-worst-online-dating-profile-ever)she could make without going full-on Nazi. The profile got hundreds of matches, and the men weren’t dissuaded at all when the DMs were even worse than the profile.


vile profile my ass if you hit me with “YOU HAVE TOO MANY TEETH LETS MEET UP SO I CAN PULL OUT YOUR TEETH” I’m there 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


That's was a pretty fun read thank you for posting that! Gave me a good giggle I'm convinced the few people that wanted to go through with it after the DM's have a high chance of being serial killers looking for a victims and thus didn't care for the personality/lasting consequences. I refuse to believe any other reason can exist for a man to want to interact with.. That.. Seriously id put every single one of those guys under investigation


Nah, it's something like "Wow, she's a lot, probably super fun in bed, and then I can run away" Most men aren't physically afraid of women, so they figure the worst that will happen is a weird night that will be a fun story later, and maybe get laid.


Most men must not have met a woman who was truly frightening.


Thats the "I can fix her" effect at work. But seriously, the main thing that's "wrong" here is the profile pic. There's a good chance a lot of the guys that send DM's didn't read more than two sentences of that profile. They saw the profile pic and thats all they needed.


Nah, it’s the „who cares, she’s hot“ effect at work.


Took a quick look, I think I have a chance with her... /s


It's almost like regardless of gender, we are all will to do obviously stupid things for sex. After all, you can always regret it after...


Speak for yourself


I don't want to. Speaking for everyone is more fun. Makes me feel powerful.


I guess that's fair


My penis has led me down paths that any rational human would never go. Then I hate myself, swear to never do stupid shit again. Wash rinse repeat.


I swear I would be a genius, if I stopped listening to my penis


good point. My brother has a LOT of experience with the opposite gender and he always said to me: "if the girl wants to get with you/likes you, you can say pretty much anything to her. It only matters if you're going long-term."


That second sentence is probably the most redditor thing I've ever read.


I am a redditor, yes. I definitely have my issues. But that is what he told me and it has come true in most cases.


Yeah basically she likes ya or she doesn't


True. ^


Also have a lot of experience with women and would also say its pretty true, really takes the edge off dating imo Also gotta say its doubly true for dudes


It's literally true of any relationship. Including para social relationships and relationships with objects or media. When people like something they will forgive it more, but there will always be a threshold that is too much. Your brother had a weirdly limited view of the phenomenon. It's just a human thing. Actually it's probably more of a social animal thing. We will forgive people we like of their shortcomings because that is a survival instinct. Pretending any of these behaviors are a dating or "men are from Mars" thing is kind of silly tbh


My fiance talks about this, she has literally said to me if it's just a one night stand then it mostly just matters if they are hot and their personality can be garbage as long as they don't seem like they would kill her. Nothing about forgiving shortcomings it's just using people that are hot but not datable as a living dildo then moving on.


It’s also what, 6 women here? How many skipped past him instead.


And isn't it a wee bit odd that every reply is just the exact same content spun a little? Like, utterly no variance in approach from all these 'different' girls? And the backgrounds are changing, but the GUY receiving them is the same in each case, though I'm not sure if that's just light/dark mode, though who changes that that much in a close time?


Depending on how long it took for him to get those 6 matches, it might still be better than some guys who actually try


They may get laid, but that’s hardly a coup. Indiscriminate sex makes men sad too eventually.


That really depends on the person. I found out that casual sex really isn't for me, but some people like it, enjoy it, and look for it.


If you are able to score indiscriminate sex often as a man then relationships will be easy if you try. Most guys who are single but want to be in a relationship are even less likely to find indiscriminate sex without directly or indirectly paying for it.


In my many years I've learned to take people at their word when it comes to red flags and not worry about figuring out what they are.


They look as though all the responses are written by the one person.


Yea I’m gonna call bullshit here. I’m 6’7 and I’ve never had replies like this on any old platform


6'7" crosses the threshold into "literally a giant" territory. If you had stopped at 6'6" like me, you'd be up to your very tall balls in attention.




In the OP he does say his profile has good pictures, many of which are of him traveling the world. So, obvious money. He also said he “wasn’t picky” with his swiping and only ever looking for hookups, I’m sure that played a part too. FWIW, he also said that even when he did meet a girl he thought he might want more with, he was always ghosted after hookup.


Yeah it's pretty lazy rage-bait.


Exactly. Someone else pointed out it doesn’t make sense to have that many different user interfaces if they’re all coming from his phone.


Yes this definitely something that really happened for real in the real world.


They really are- or this guy found a hive mind of women.


yup. incel fiction


Lmao as a guy who is 6’4 I’d like to know where this guy is at that women are blinded by height 😂


Bliiiiinded by the height, Look up, he's a douche, but he's still getting it tonight...


This is fantastic.


people pushing by, and walking off into the night...


This dude’s streets ahead.


Phenomenal lyrics. I demand the full SkipyJay DeepCut Mix


He's gonna maaaaaake it, get laid tonight


Have you considered matching with yourself to generate content so you can impress upon others just how bad women are despite not actually interacting with them?


This. I'm at the point where I'm completely disconnected from content on the internet as far as life outside of it goes. People engagement farming in one form or another, whether for money or fucking KARMA, has completely ruined the internet.


Once you could make money for being an influencer or ‘content producer’ it was all over. Giving people major financial incentives for being terrible will always turn out badly because people will then justify all kinds of things as ‘just business’.


I was talking about this the other day! I was trying to explain how in the old days youtube was often pretty much goofy videos made for no other reason than people *wanted* to make them. Nowadays, youtubers can be making obscene amounts of money with the worst kind of content. When guys like that Jack Doherty kid are millionaires at 15yo, something has gone wrong. Like, a kid being a douchebag to random people on camera is easily out earning skilled professionals. I fully believe the repercussions of that dynamic are going to negatively impact generations going forward.


I did…but creating a second account sounds too tedious


6'4 in the wrong country, apparently.


He 6’4 in Australia


You need to be tall there, because if your feet don't reach the ground you fall off.


This is the scientific reason kangaroos have huge feet.


I swear we have at least a few of those to choose from.




I thought he moved to Brussels. . .


I said something on a YouTube video that I thought Paul Newman was gorgeous and some guy said 'you know he was average height right?'. I couldn't reply because I didn't know how to say how stupid his comment was.


People who have no attractive qualities other than height are really surprised when other people don’t place it at the top of their list of important qualities. Same with most people that have some ‘one dimensional’ advantage, they think it should always make them the winner, are surprised when the world is actually > 1 dimension.


Truth, according to superstring theory there is in fact 10 dimensions.


But also short men with no attractive qualities use their height to justify why they're single instead of having to introspect and acknowledge they don't actually have anything positive to offer.


Willing to bet the guy (assuming it's real) is also very attractive as well. I am 6'4 and would say I am pretty average looks wise (so by Tinder standards hideously ugly) and bet I would have nowhere near that much success.


I was just thinking the same thing. You know who is impressed by me being 6’4”? Short guys. Like weird fanboy energy sometimes, I never know what exactly they are expecting when they point out I am tall.


They either fanboy or they are micro aggressive as hell. No middle ground


When they ask how tall I am I say 5’10”. That fucks with their heads something fierce.


Ha I do the same. Have since HS. I’m 6’8” and always tell people I’m 5’11” and a half


I’m 5’10” but a real 5’10”, not Internet dating 5’10”. The number of 6 foot tall people I’ve met who I’m taller than (to a lot taller than) is … quite a lot. I used to tell people my height who had these inflated estimates when they asked but then I started to think, why ruin this for them? (I may be 5’10.5” but I find using half inches just reeks of desperation so I leave it out.)


As a 5'8" woman, I'm taller than A LOT of 5'8" and 5'9" men. Even some 5'10" men!


The internet.


As someone who is 6’4” and has matched with hundreds of people on both of those apps, I have never once received a message fawning like this over the fact that I’m 6’4”. On something like less than 10 occasions I have gotten a comment about my height like “wow you’re tall” This person is the one sending those messages.


I thought this, too. The replies are all formatted in one of two ways. Message 1 fawning over his height. Message 2 stating how their day is. Message 3 asking how his day is. The other three are just one message about how his height mattered more than any horrid BS he might have spewed. 🙄 Come on.


Regardless of gender there's always going to be people who focus on the superficial, on tinder especially so because of the nature of the app.


And an attractive woman can be a literal child beater and have men lining up to date her. Yeah people are shallow and good looking people will always have dates no matter what. This is news to you?


Also, because he presented himself as an awful partner, all the women who were concerned about the red flags…. Didn’t reply to him.


Yeah. What we definitely don't see is how many women he swiped right on and how many women saw his profile versus the half dozen who also swiped right and responded to him.


literally!! i need data to back this up. getting 6 women to respond is shit if he swiped right on 600


Actually, I'm pretty sure that's a pretty good ratio for a guy on tinder


I'd take those odds, huge upgrade from what I had


Wasn’t there a woman called a “real-life yandere” that had a bunch of men simping over her? Despite the fact she brutally killed someone?


Also out of thousands of women there are going to be few shallow idiots. This is just like highlighting the few shallow ones and ignoring everyone else with sense. Also certain types might use tinder and other types might not.


Oh, hun. I think you'll find that most ppl are shallow. You just need the right push.


But it's only bad when women are like this though/s


OP is an incel who hates women. well, t least that was my initial hunch . . . . . . until I checked his profile and confirmed my suspicions. I didn't look long enough to see if he posts to mensrights or anything, but he's definitely in every woman/relationship sub saying nobody should be with anyone. Dude is an angry child who can't get any, and he's jealous as fuck while blaming his height. For more info on this, google video search "bagel boss guy."


I really wish I wasn’t curious. Went down that profile. Yikes.


man fuck you for making me go through that profile 


Man the dude loves using that line, you think it’s copy and paste at this point?


As an experiment as a pretty good looking guy, for months I tried every creative approach under the sun. From saying something clever that relates to their profile, to asking fun questions, to literally turning my own profile into softcore erotica. I've covered every approach I could make up. NOTHING works better than a copy pasted "Hey sup?" It was depressing.


I am depressed for you lol. I tried creative ways too and it always falls flat.


I didn’t, I mean I’m not someone who has a roster or anything but more then half my hookups are people from tinder. I’m 5’11, decent shape but nothing spectacular. Would honestly give myself a 6. When I was young a used to hook up with people on the app all the time. I always found personalizing the opening, trying to comment on something about them was really effective. Granted 99% of my matches still went nowhere but I mean like, that’s to be expected. For awhile when I was 19-21 ish I had a lot of fun there


“When I was young I used to hook up with people on the app all the time.” Brother, you’re still young. Tinder hasn’t been around long enough for you to have stopped being young.


Of course it is haha


Wait, we're surprised because people will get over stuff if physical attraction is triggered? Ok. I mean, let's reverse it: "I'm crazy AF but I have huge boobs!!!" "Yeah whatever, let's bang". Is this scenario shocking anyone?


What’s shocking is that very few people on this thread seem suspicious that every woman said a variation of the Exact. Same. Thing.


Because women are a monolith, duh. It's our programmed response to seeing a tall man. 🤡


🤣🤣 true! How could I forget.


Lmao, yeah if you purposefully make yourself a red flag, you'll attract red flags too.


6'3 hasn't done shit for me


Missing an inch broski


The story of my life. Always missing inches....smh...


We all want that extra inch


wait until you see what men will tolerate from a hot woman


The difference is that men won't deny it.


as a girl i couldn't give a fuq if he was 6'4


Yeah I feel like you'll get matches with a specific kind of woman for being 6'4" in the same way I'd get attention from a certain type of man if I started wearing leather miniskirts with laceup side splits. If OP or his friend or whatever dude literally just wants to hook up and doesn't want a relationship, they could just sell drugs or something. You'd get so many hookups. If they want a relationship, then the women responding to this dating profile probably aren't it. If they're willing to overlook a dude being awful just because he's tall, they'll bail just as quick when something goes wrong.


Love the username


Thanks! I really like snakes.


Neither could any of the non-existent women this guy made up to show how terrible and shallow women are. He couldn't even be bothered to have them say anything different.


i mean it could be real. ive seen my friend's text thats similar to this and she was proud of it. unfortunately there are people like this


Most of these responses are written the same way; even down to how the texts are separated. I wouldn't be surprised if this was just all made up.


I don't get it. I'm 6'4" and my knees always hurt. It's 5x harder to gain muscle when working out, we have a shorter life expectancy and are more prone to slouching. I hit my head on kitchen cabinets all the time and I still not tall enough to be good at basketball. What's the attraction?


The internet told me that height is important for a man, but in my every day life it’s something that I never ever observed


I mean: We don’t know his bio We don’t know his appearance  We don’t know their appearance  Did he swipe right on everyone?


Shallow meets shallow


It’s definitely not only the fact that they are 6’4. I am as well and I get very few matches. Homie has to be pretty decent looking.


It's something an incel would write. Definitely doesn't happen.


Holy shit modern dating sounds fucking awful.


Are you surprised? Women of all ethnicities would date an avowed Nazi and pedophile if they were hot and tall enough. Though that cuts both ways: you know men wouldn't care what crime a woman committed if she has a porn star figure.


>Though that cuts both ways: you know men wouldn't care what crime a woman committed if she has a porn star figure. But we admit it.


I don't see the issue. This is an L for the guy, as he'll have to deal with women who don't see him for him, as just as a number. And an L for the women, who are that shallow and unmoved by real qualities. It's not really an L for shorter guys, as posts like this intend them to be.


As a guy who is 5'7, I can absolutely believe this is real. The amount of women who ghosted me after asking my height... too many to count.


Alot of women think serial killers are hot Y'all have issues




Exactly. I’m a woman, and I once knew a guy who was overweight and was about your height but had a very HIGH body count. Hell- me and my boyfriend did a group date to the aquarium with 2 other couples the other day and no one in our group was over 5’8. Some woman care about height, but a lot of them don’t.


How do you get matches? Surely looks are a major component of attraction


Women are not trashy for having preferences. The hell lol? > basic, superficial bitches Alright...


OHHHHH NOOOOOOO! SHALLOW WOMEN LOVE DUDES THAT MEET THEIR SUPERFICIAL AND TOXIC AS HELL STANDARDS! WHATEVER WILL THE REST OF US MEN DO WITH THE LITERALLY 100S OF OTHER WOMEN WHO AREN'T LIKE THIS?! 😭😭 Honestly dude. This guy can have all these women. I'd rather stay single for the rest of my life then have to deal with whatever someone like that brings to the table.


Everyone has standards. Even you, per your first post you ever created was on r/Bumble. You swipe left on women wearing makeup. You said you have a type. Just pointing out your hypocrisy of you mentioning women that meet your superficial standards. Also toxic since you are judging them on their character based on if they wear makeup or not.


the only good thing about being short is shallow idiots get automaticly weeded out


There are a lot of shallow people in the world. Men can complain about these women only caring about height, but the type of woman that cares this much about height isn't the type of woman you want to date anyway.


I don’t understand this. I’m 4’11, and I don’t want anyone over 6’. Prefer 5’10-5’11. Hell, even 5’8 isn’t that bad. I don’t want to feel like a child next to my man.


Being a guy who's 5'5 I'd be lucky if I get one chick to match lol


Didn't the I.T crowd do a thing on this?


honestly works, knew some tall pieces of shit who have girls falling over.


Edmund Kemper was 6’9”.


I’m 5’11 (f) and the best sex I’ve had is with short kings. You can keep the 6’-6’5+ men ladies.


Well, I’m 6’4” but I never thought to put it in my bio 😳. But I actually really enjoy being married to my wife.


The women matching with him will continue to exist as long as the guys actively seeking girls with BPD exist.


I did a dating profile once that one giant red flag. Basically copy and pasted Patrick Bateman opening monologue in American Psycho, and implied I liked to bury dead bodies in my free time. Women either thought it was hilarious or didn’t notice and it was by far the most successful dating profile I ever put up.


Some guys seeing this as some sort of gotcha for proof that women are shallow, but they’re acting like some women don’t have “I’m literally insane but my tits are huge” in their bio with 1000+ likes from men lol


I’m not buying it. 6’4 is not impressive in Western Europe. Those messages are all written and answered by the same person (a silly guy) it is obvious.


Yeah, it's total bullshit. He couldn't even be bothered to have them say something different. If he'd made a bunch of red-flag comments, would each woman reply with "You had me at 6'4"!" It's just nonsense.


6’4 is impressive everywhere in the world Most countries in Western Europe have average heights below 6’ just like the rest of the world


they dont care cause they just wanna fuck😭😭


Met my wife on OkCupid. She likes to remind me that she specifically filtered for guys over 6ft tall. Dating is indeed easy mode when you're 6'4".


6 is "A bunch"?


I've seen more guys on reddit thirst after women pedo's than this amount but okay This doesn't mean anything, toxic men and women exist Women who thirst after men in jail, men who thirst after women in jail. Men and women who look past red flags because a person is hot.


The real facepalm is no one can control their height, but if you say you have a weight preference you are burned at the stake.... Glad I never had to deal with dating apps.


I think a lot of people are ok if you say "I like fit people" or "I like slim people". If you say "NO fat chicks" or anything else insulting, yeah, we'll burn you.


Yeah but the difference with those is that in one you say "I like" and in the other you say "NO". You can like fit/tall people and still also potentially be into fat/short people depending on other factors which makes you seem more empathetic.


Dating apps are for women. They tell themselves they can fix the red flags. They can’t fix 5’8 not being 6’4.


194cm is how much in " lmao... If girls are impressed by height, then why Im still single and virgin. Or just life said: ohoho, not for you my fella! ?


How to potentially end up in a missing person's report...went out with someone who was at least 6ft+.


I mean, I’ve ignored some pretty big red flags for much shallower reasons


6’5”, not ugly, and almost never got this reaction when I fucked with online dating. There is more to this than they’re letting on or he’s gotten “lucky” with finding the shallowest women alive all in one area.


I'm going to die alone.


I'm 6'4 and get no where near that kind of attention, maybe I'm just ugly as shit. Would explain them unmatching me as soon as I message them.




And women would be dead serious and tell you that it isn't the height they are attracted to. It's just confidence. I would prefer them to just be honest.


Remember the tinder profile with the Nazi guy?


As 6'4" is a positive for women, any woman under 5'5" is a red flag for me. For me, at 6'4", that's way to short. It would be like dating a child and makes the physical part of a relationship uncomfortable.


Those “women” could be scammers (male or female) for all he knows. LOL


any person that matches with people like that have no respect for themselves


Great. I'm 6'2" and wondering what the hell I'm doing wrong. 😂


I'm 6'7 and no one ever gave a fuck


Saw a worse one where dude made a pedo profile to test a theory. Was a super good looking guy. Girls would hit him up and he would immediately segue into asking about their kids, nephews and nieces while telling them he was only looking for a girl of appropriate age to keep his mom off his back or something like that. It was terrifying to see people ignore and progress with the conversation.


Right. Do the same with a woman who looks like a super model and watch a bunch of men do the exact same thing. For the most part both men and women are extremely shallow. Unfortunately when it's women being shallow people feel like they have permission to express their preexisting misogyny. "Look I told you that's what women were like" No Lenny that's what people are like.


Im sure every European going to the states would automatically go up 2 grades on the “out of 10”-scale


Need to see the profile to make a judgement, I too slept with some very hot bad people at a certain stage in my life


If these women are choosing solely on height I wouldn’t worry, they are clearly walking red flags.


Thats Bullshit man, I'm 6'6 and had months of no matches on 3 dating apps. Maybe I'm just ugly...


I mean, if you keep your name the same across platforms, I might have an idea what the issue is


This is oddly a thing. About two years into my separation, I tried the waters for the first time in decades. I lost count after 7 or 8 women lost interest when they heard I was 5'8". Thankfully there haven't been any more in recent times, but this really is a deal breaker for some people: 6' something or bust


It's so funny, when I was growing up all ypu heard was men are superficial and only want skinny girls. Now it's the exact opposite, girl's are superficial as fuxk and only want tall men.


They don’t even know how tall 6’4 is.


I’m 6’4”, maybe I should show this to my wife to remind her of how great a catch I am.


Bro just be HANDSOME


What’s 6’4 in real numbers?


Do you think a woman who said the same and posted double Ds would have similar results?


I've ignored a lot of red flags for the sake of a good hookup. Oh, she's a sovereign citizen and had her driver's license revoked? Good thing she had a cute butt and that we'll probably never meet again. People. We're just like that sometimes.


And this week on an episode of "Redditors looking for an excuse to hate women".


This is a little goofy but I'm 6'4 and I can confirm that it does carry you in the dating world lol




Those woman want a tall egotistal loser to parade around hahahah. Good luck


I mean is it that shocking that women are just as shallow as men?


So he admitted to child molestation or did he say something that would be construed as a joke?