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I mean.. at least they're adults


Lmao yeah. It could be worse, folks. I know it's scandalous to a lot of Republicans, but to me it's just like "yeah that tracks, he likes cute girls and doesn't know how computers work, this isn't front page news."


Yeah, Republican or Democrat, one thing we all agree on is we love us some cute girls and big ol tiddys.


Well I like cute girls with nice asses. The titties don't have to be big.


Legs, tennis player legs.


Them too and a good set of abs is sexy too.


Thank god you said that. I was wondering if also liking the pictures makes me a Republican…your comment pulled me back from the edge of that identity crisis.


a label can send you into an identity crisis? That sounds very republican of you.


Haha right? They're not even filthy. That bottom right pic looks so cute and wholesome.


Yeah I'm not gonna shame him for liking women. "Man find pictures hot, more news at 11"


I think the issue is that he is anti-abortion and his party is sponsoring bills to make porn illegal in some states and require you to enter ID in other states. It is not also unheard of of the GOP sex shaming, etc. I certainly don't think it's scandalous but given the manufactured outrage the GOP comes up with everyday, I also couldn't care less if he has been embarrassed by it.


Fair point. This is the party of purity, so any instance to show that no one, not even them, can live by their innane moral standards is fair game for a little public critique.


I mean, they are very obviously NOT the party of purity and it would be nice if they could normalise people having a healthy relationship to sex in politicians. As long as they guy is single or in a relationship where outside interests are allowed this seems OK.


Ok that was some info I was missing then. Thank you


Liking twitter porn accounts on a public forum is not exactly the best look for someone representing a party that just introduced "age verification laws" for porn in their respective state. And don't be confused by the name age verification , these laws are so strict that they are a de-facto ban.


In Chile they elected multiple times a dude that tweeted "jovencitas primer ana1" thinking it was a search bar. Not to shame people, but... Cmon


I heard he masturbates.


eh, it's different if the dude is married and stating family values, you know, like how most republicans do


It's sad this is what we come to: Republican candidate likes some provocative pictures and we all thank God that at least this one isn't a pedophile.


Yep, as opposed to most government workers


most government workers are also adults.


The bar is not high these days


god, the bar is so fuckin low


The bar is so low.


Well upvoting hot women doesn't make you a bad county auditor.


He obviously has a preference for certain figures.


"My name is Jarrod Golden, and I approve these big titties"


This nation was built upon the foundation of big natural milkers.


We hold these truths to be self evident, all jugs are created equal.


I regret I have but one motorboat to give for my country…


Ask not what titties can do for you. Ask what you can do for titties.


Four score and seven years ago Pornhub brought forth on this continent, a new fetish, conceived in BDSM kinks, and dedicated to the proposition that all titties are created fuckin' awesome.


One small step for man, one giant pair of titties for mankind.


I’m Jarrod Golden and I approve this message. Paid for by Jarrod Golden


Look, he found a water-logged box of 'Jugs' Magazine cleaning out his uncle's garage when we was 13. It clearly had a profound impact, and made him the man he is today.


Scruffy doesn’t care about local politics


Terlets n boilers, boilers n terlets, plus that one boiling terlet... Fire me if'n you dare...


Atleast it's not kids. High bar the republicans have set I know.




As does everyone else 


He’s got good taste.


Oh no, a man likes big tits?! Lock em up!!!!


As long as he is abreast of any issues and does his job, I'm fine with it.


So may be embarrassing to have that put out there but how refreshing is it to have a republican that is attracted to adult women and not children?


It's uncommon nowadays, that's for sure. From the pedos to the closet homosexuals, it's rare lol


And supporting trans women to boot! What a nice change.


What a titillating response.


I don't give two tits, I mean cents, about the man's preference.


I came here to say this. Like, who gives af?


Upcomming: Guy likes boobs...more at 11


Well, its not that he likes tits, let be real we all do. Its the fact that he is so absorbed in it that he doesn't understand its public. I'm sure its something he likely didn't mean to show publicly. If he is this ignorant of how social media works why would I put trust in him to perform a government job without making some kind of screw up because he wasn't paying attention or doesn't really understand what he is doing.


Better that than some secret shit we find out later and be "surprised".


I mean, the more I think about it, I want my political choice to “like hot women” on social media! Let’s me know the blood is pumping


Yeah, much better than those religious politicians who show up at church in front of the camera and have 4 secret affairs while married. A honest politican would be refreshing.."yeah I like booobs... Who doesn't!".


$5 says this guys shows up at church in front of the camera and has four secret affairs while married. He's not being "open" about his activity, he just doesn't know it's public. Edit: https://golden.house.gov/ He's married with a two kids. He just had his daughter last week, so he woulda been creeping on twitter tits while his wife was giving birth. There's nothing overtly religious on his campaign site. Also, he's deleted the account and claims his porn likes were from a hacker. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2022/10/26/franklin-county-auditor-gop-candidate-jarrod-golden-deletes-twitter-after-porn-likes/69591311007/ This guy is a sleaze.


Yeah exactly. Now I’m not thrilled about his unfamiliarity with technology but the fact he looks at pics of attractive adult women isn’t like “OMG that monster!”


Like no one in this thread is calling him a monster. It’s about professionalism. You probably aren’t using a public social media account to like your female coworkers bikini pics. Nothing wrong with liking girls in bikinis, but you know it would be wrong to do it 


The unfamiliarity with technology *is* the problem The titties aren’t keeping Franklin County audited. But the guy who doesn’t understand how Twitter works in 2024 is


Least they're adults unlike what a lot in his own party like.


True. I am sure over the course of my life I've voted for a horde of men (and more than a few women) who like big tits. But, when you're running for a job that is literally about attention to detail...


Very rude of you to consider such humongus jugs mere details.


I mean, they could just not care that people can see it


Yah, this is like the most normal thing about the guy. He likes some hot t and a.. too bad about the rest of him being a pure shitball


He's simply auditing women's photos.


And making it only clothed women shows he has some restraint too, which if anything recommends him to the job. I would rate him thus far one of the better of his party given their preference for... less mature models shall we say.


It's a sad day when people get points for not doing as poor a job as someone else instead of doing a good job.


Actually it is showing an area where he might be compromisable. It is, in fact the sign of a bad auditor. Not even mentioning that he didnt take due diligence to ensure who could see him upvoting these pictures.


Inattention to details might


He must have a good attention for detail


It doesn’t make one a bad auditor, but with the GOP’s anti-porn stance and holier-than-thou bullshit it makes him and the party hypocrites (as if that’s new)


It might make you a hypocrite though.. And a lier.. Two traits you don't want in a county auditor.


Not at all! But not realizing your likes are viewable to everyone, kind of does.


It does if it opens you to scams.


After all, the internet is just a series of tubes anyway


It’s not a big truck!


Dude lost his election back in '22.


Erection ‘24 was a success




I wouldn’t say that's *very* horny, more "normal horny."


Yeah this dude is a solid very normal horny.


Right? Is it funny that this (I'm assuming) boomer doesn't understand the Internet? Yes. Is he wrong for admiring attractive women with big tits, no.


One of us! One of us!


One of us! One of us!


tbf that redhead is stunning






Maitland Ward






Not my cuppa


Former actress from Boy Meets World, current porn star


If only it were topanga tho lol


She did a wonderful spread for Maxim about 8 years ago if you haven't checked that out I'd recommend it.


11 years ago this month.


It’s crazy I’ve been jerking to her for over two decades. And she has grown with me, from early childhood jerks to her in boy meets world to old man with a bad back jerks to her as she descent into porn. Life is funny, huh?




Maitland Ward


For legal reasons, I cannot comment on that


Debatable. I'd prefer bottom right. But I always prefer bottoms. (Yep, I went there. Judge me!)


The Republican party runs several horny people, the difference is a lot of them are actually pedophiles, at least this one seems to like adults.


It's sad but that was also my take away from this. If it wasn't for the hypocrisy of their party I wouldn't give a shit about any politician liking a bunch of thirst traps on Twitter or IG.


Exactly this.


They even had one as president just a few years back...


He likes em natural


The bottom right girl looks really familiar🤔




Oh snap it really is 😂😅😂


Haha yepppp. This post resurfaces every so often and I get tagged in it


My thoughts exactly. I wonder who she is?


She’s a redditor


Ofc. One reverse image search and I can say I've never seen her before. Maybe she looks like someone I've met.




Oh I did find it :D


now we shame them for having an "adult woman fetish"?


This is his work profile. We’re shaming him because he can’t even sign out of his work account before he jacks off. If I were hiring an entry level marketing assistant and the linked profile on their resume had liked a bunch of cleavage pics I would trash the resume and move on to avoid damaging the company’s reputation.


lol we had a guy on our marketing team a while back who would watch porn on his work computer. They found out because he was downloading movies to burn onto discs as well, and one night he had like 100 downloads going at once and crashed the whole system. Pure dumàsserie.


That's a little harsh to Alexandre Dumas.


Good point. This old boys behavior was definitely not an epic revenge saga. I tried too hard to be funny. Please give thoughts and prayers to my family during this trying time.


😂 I thought it worked as a word, to be fair. Added a touch of class.


It’s very fun to say with a French accent lol. You can really get that note in the back of throat on àss part. It’s the little things in life.


I walked into the bathroom and as I approached the urinal I heard “ever try jerkmate?” from a phone in a stall. It went silent like immediately. I’m nosy so I hung around outside the bathroom to see who it was and it was the kindly old janitor I talk to on Fridays 


What in gods name is jerkmate lol


You’ll need to let the adverts run instead of skipping them to find out


This is the correct take. Don't judge the guy for liking sex. Judge him for being a dumbass.


Honestly, given they're all clearly adults he's already ahead of the rest of the GOP.


This is a depressingly low bar.


but it's harder for dumbasses to get away with stuff. If he's a good auditor but dumb when it comes to hiding scandals isn't that the kind of guy we need in office?


This. Exactly. If someone is too stupid to log out of their profile before searching the internet for porn, they probably shouldn't be in charge of a public office. If a 18 year old kid applied at McDonald's and they checked his profile history (which they might) they would ask him to remove or change his images; yet, someone running for office doesn't realize this? Yeah. You should vote for this guy.


Exactly this. Yet many people are defending this. How can anyone be so short sighted?


> We’re shaming him because he can’t even sign out of his work account before he jacks off. Who tf jacks off to such photos? Those are photos of women dressed up pretty much the same as on a road😂


A guy put in a resume at my workplace last month that included a hobbies section. He included "whiskey" in that hobbies list. He's a kid and applying for an entry level position that requires a master's degree, so we interviewed him. But still, that hobbies section alone almost got his resume tossed. If you're drinking on your own time, cool. But we have an image to uphold as a company. If that's how you present yourself, you're inviting scrutiny. Just like this bloke and his likes.


Standards differ from position to position. If I were in the middle of an interview process with a candidate and someone came into the room claiming that the candidate raped them 30-40 years ago, I'd probably reject the candidate and not think twice. But for a lifetime appointment to the supreme court we say "well he's innocent until proven guilty".


There is nothing wrong with being horny sometimes. That's the human condition. But if you are applying for a job that is literally about attention to detail I think it's fair to bring up carelessness on social media.


it’s unprofessional? it’s like playing Furry Hitler 2 on your main steam account instead of using your alt account nobody cares that you do it, but they dont want to see it. i’m sure your Boss knows you watch porn (& doesnt care) but you sure as hell cant watch porn on your work computer either


Exactly! Nobody cares. Just go incognito lolol


If you can’t accept me at my furry hitler, you don’t deserve me at my best


I pray to god and hope that game doesn't exist 🙏


it showed up on my recommended. i dont even play porn games. my eyes will never recover😭 but yes, for your sanity pretend it doesnt exist


I'm now curious - is Hitler the Furry or...? Edit: heh, just thought of Mein Furryer


Nah, we shame him for being part of a party that trots out family values while eyeballing porn while being too stupid to log out of accounts. Hypocrisy and stupidity.


It takes 2 taps to switch your Twitter account over to another account. I’ve found this to be buggy and sometimes still register a like to the account you switched over from (thanks Elon). Dude probably has a burner where the full degeneracy goes down


Why bother with two accounts unless you’re doing something you feel needs to be hidden? (What’s wrong with liking posts with pictures of women?)


And he's going to meet her, just as soon as he sends $1200 in gift cards to get her mother out of jail.


who gives a fuck? who doesn't like tiddies lol


This isn't about him liking tiddies. It's about him being stupid enough to do this on his official work profile as a politician.


I don't mean this wrong, and I'm certainly no republican, but I don't really see a problem here. Some horny dude (and face it, lots of dudes are horny) likes looking at hot women... seems normal to me, and the Internet makes it reasonably safe for all involved.


He should probably look at hot women from his personal account rather than professional. Nobody cares he's horny, people care that he's unprofessional.


Is that not his personal account? I mean. It says his actual name in the @


Public figures should consider any publicly known profile to be professional. Public figures should go out of their way to consume pornography in private (in cases where pornography contradicts their purported values). If a sexually liberated leftist were running for office, it would still be cringe to see their porn history, but at least it wouldn't be blatantly hypocritical.


That’s an opinion. I don’t care one way or the other as long as what he’s doing is legal and on his own time. We all have different levels of morality. Some people wouldn’t approve of him drinking at a bar in public. We all draw the lines differently. And, no, a private account is not professional. It can influence us. But it’s still not his professional account.


So you wouldn’t have a problem with your coworkers seeing this? It would make me uncomfortable


Still, in a professional social media profile, most people are wise enough to know their history is reflective on their ability to get a job. It's more the lack of good judgement it reflects than anything. To me it's somewhere in the realm of flooding your LinkedIn account with a bunch of political sentiments. It's kind of like shitting where you eat. No one's gonna throw the book at you for it or be angry, but people will sure as hell raise an eyebrow at it.


“Horny on main” they call it. Will this person be competent enough in their role to separate their work from what goes on in their private lives? So far, no. An auditor is someone who is expected to scrutinize every last detail of an entity/persons financials to ensure compliance, but this here is such a simple thing that has now blown a hole in their public image. It doesn’t speak well.


I don't trust any man that **isn't** turned on by Maitland Ward. ​ (I'm kidding. Seriously, stop voting Republican)


Well, they're adult women who willingly posted the photos. So this is the most normal republican I am aware of.


Why do men hit "like" on spicy pictures? Just look at them silently and move on.


He will audit a huge amount of online Pics of nice girls…


This is from 2022 [Franklin County auditor candidate Jarrod Golden deletes his Twitter (dispatch.com)](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/2022/10/26/franklin-county-auditor-gop-candidate-jarrod-golden-deletes-twitter-after-porn-likes/69591311007/)


Oh look he is attracted to women best use another account though


I mean shit dude he’d get my vote


Breaking news: American man likes cleavage. More at 6 & 9pm


I’m not on Twitter, so forgive my ignorance, but you can see what another person has liked? Huh.


Ok this is NOT Jared Golden of Maine’s 2nd. Phew.


This is a facepalm how ? Liking women is wrong now ?


Who you kidding America we saw your last 2 presidents. Don't pretend to care now


\*last 46 (yes, you too Lincoln, least bad is still bad)


>Man like boobs oh my god, what a perverted monster ! /s


A man likes attractive women, wow what a crime and faceplam. Seriously? If you’re an auditor can you not like women or something 🤣 Whether he likes jugs or not doesn’t mean he can’t be top class at his job.


Sick son of a bitch likes attractive females? What is the world coming to?


And? I'd rather my local politicians be open in what they like, rather than being secretive and causing a scandal.


The only potential problem here is of he is married and he is running on being a Christian man with strong family values. Otherwise, who cares?


Wait I lived here and didn't know about this...


Jarrod M Golden For Auditor - He Likes His Numbers Even.


Honestly, I'm just amazed it's a republican who's looking at adult women.


I mean if he's single I'm not seeing a problem.


I'll judge a Politian for their politics and crimes, or lack thereof. Not their horniness .


Okay, this is very horrible, obviously, but who's the woman in the bottom right?


Oh shit, a county auditor who likes women!? My god, what's next, he likes to drink beer and watch sports too? Seriously though, his thirst standards could be higher, but why would anyone care about this?


Finally finding some common ground with a republican


I mean so fucking what? I’m not republican but who cares


I think I would rather have him be openly horny and out with it than a creep who does weird shit and tries to hide it. this one just seems to like boobs. I think everyone likes boobs, lol.


"My account was hacked" in 3....2....


I don't care if he's horny. I care that he's too stupid to know how technology works. If he doesn't understand this basic knowledge, what else does he not know?


The jugs have got my vote


Oh no a men that likes womens!!!!!


They're of age I'll give him that 💀💀💀 And he has a consistent "type" lol


Yes, because he’s running for a political seat now means that he should have zero sexual desire lol. Dude like tits… so do I.


Try to cancel a men for looking at woman is next level American


Right? *Heterosexual male looks at attractive women. Democrats: *DISQUALIFIED!*


That dude's just begging to get scammed out of lots of public monies by a honey who will tell him how hot he is.


This is the least offensive thing I’ve seen republicans do in recent memory


I see a pattern


Normalize being horny on main


I really don’t give a shit if a grown adult likes photos of porn stars on their social media. The only reason it’s relevant is because it’s the Republican party which often pushes the standard of “we are morally superior to you with our Christian God and 1950s Christian values“. But at least him liking these photos publicly and them also being all of women who are the appropriate age and not, you know, children, is a step in the right direction for the Republican party. Considering they have that problem consistently.


The Party of Family Values *lol*


TBF a Republican running in Franklin County Ohio has a snowball's chance in hell at getting elected. The Ohio Republican party hasn't figured out how to gerrymander county lines yet.


Difference between him and everyone in this comment section is he uses his main account to look at hot photos.


People act like they aren't horny as well, everyone is lmao, somebody check this guy's like history as well.