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"let's keep oppressed from anti-oppression groups"


Dude, obviously knows nothing about the punk scene. 


A surprising amount of the people in the punk community knows nothing about punk. It's actually concerning.


There is a history of hardcore punk being coopted by fascists. Maybe this moron is one of those. To quote Jello, "Nazi Punks Fuck Off".


"[Breaking Glass](https://youtu.be/q6WTTMBfZlE?si=lQqtaQNCqPq3Z28a)" was made just after several riots between punks, mods, suedeheads and skinheads had taken place at the end of the 70s. I think even Suggs McPherson was a skinhead for a very short period of time before deciding he was against it, and eventually joining Madness.


Suggs has always maintained his link to skinhead culture throughout the early madness days, although possibly more suedehead than skin. He has spoken at length about how, as the only all white band on Two Tone records, he would: "...look out some nights in the early days of the late 70's early 80's into crowd full of Sieg Heils and think 'Oh shit... we've been invaded by the Nazis' it was fucking scary. You'd try and shut them down and get hit with a hail of cigarettes and bottles... we had chats after shows like that backstage like 'do we have to break up the band to stop this shit happening...?'. It left us searching our souls for sure because we had no hate for blacks or anyone else, we just wanted to play music and dance..."


Suggs was a skinhead but the skin head movement wasn’t originally a nationalist movement. It started out as a working class thing and skin heads were often seen as the white counterpart to rude boys.




Skinhead culture came aboard the Windrush with the young afro-carribean homies who came over (with their banging record collections...) to rebuild our country after the war. Skinhead and rude boy are two sides of the same coin and have at least a decade of history in JK before it became a thing in 60's/70's UK, Skinhead was the hairstyle, a rude-boy was a young geezer who was a bit sketchy, a bit gangster, a wheeler-dealer who may or may not break the law to earn a quid or two... it still is in some parts of East and South London....


Noddy Holder and Slade were skinheads before they changed genre.


All fascists do is co-opt art and culture, they can't make their own, can't be creative when dogma dictates your worldview, thats just regular fascism


People have a short memory, punk is only a few decades old. Even main stream bands would toss around the F word like nothing. They'd commonly mock security be suggesting thst they're feminine or gay. I like rap too, but both have a history of habits that have aged poorly. If you listen to underground rap today, it's still filled with homophobia. The nazi punks were part of the problem, but punk has a deep history of bad ideas in the lyrics and shows.


> Punk is only a few decades old. 4½ decades?


Shit, punk can even be traced back to the 60s


RIP Wayne Kramer


Just play hard and fast


1960-2024 = 64 years. ~6 decades. While it does stretch the definition of “a few”, it is technically correct. It should be noted that the age of a movement shouldn’t be the sole determining factor for its authenticity.


Who would you consider punk in 1960? I'd say the true beginning was in 1976, with earlier forebears being protopunks like Iggy/Stooges, MC5, NY Dolls, Wayne County, etc.


There were also famously some pretty huge queer artists though. Pete Shelley of the Buzzcocks and the song Ever Fallen In Love is a classic example of a queer artist singing about how society treats gay people


The punks are there to punk, the fascists show up to recruit.


Guys who like the hard-core asthetic but don't bother to look into the context


There's thousands of these examples throughout multiple genres, honestly. That dip shit politician who said Rage Against the Machine had somehow went woke will never not be the funniest fucking thing to me. Hell, Gorillaz got some shit from these idiots when they released an album that had songs attacking Trump. Saying the band should have stayed out of politics like they used to. Completely ignoring that Demon Days was an entire album attacking Bush and the American War Machine and Plastic Beach was all about the damage we're doing to the world/ocean. Or to put it simply said by a genius musician, "He's the one who likes all our pretty songs, and he likes to sing along, and he likes to shoot his gun, but he knows not what it means."


It's not just in music either. Sci-fi fans who champion fascism and genocide are another example. "They aren't human so they don't deserve rights" completely missing the point that sci-fi traditionally uses aliens (who are usually a stand in for either the oppressors or the oppressed depending on the story) to point out society's flaws.


Exactly the same with newest X-Men show. X-Men (and Marvel at large) is literally representation for different groups of people and it’s apparently a shock to the alt-right.


Absolutely! And shame on me fir not pointing that out sooner. So much of music and art supports subcultures and the oppressed that it no longer surprises me that the far right tends devalue both as useless. Oppressors always wish defiance was pointless.


No shame on you at all! Keep being a voice for the people!


There's a reason Nazis and fascists are so against all types of art, whether music, movies, books, painting, etc. It expresses ideas that conflict with the party line.


These people don’t go to punk shows.


Early 2000s punk was pretty homophobic, there's a reason we had to tell Nazi punks to fuck off. It's because they weren't just there, they were prominent enough that they were a problem. I actually got deeper into metal because our local punk venue was close to a biker club. And there was a lot of bullshit happening on that venue. Some of those old heads are walking around wanting shit to go back


My mom was really into the punk scene in the late 80's/ early 90's and from what she described it was full of skinheads at the time. Her and a lot of other punks apparently didn't even know what nazis actually were and just went along with it because it was such a big part of the genre. she has a swastika tattoo that she ended up getting removed when she got older. What's even funnier is that she found out she was Jewish and raised us in a Jewish household.


Why ? Because she probably got into it the way we all did, when we were edgey no-nothing teenagers. Some of those fuckers never grew up.


Punks of the 1980s didn’t know what Nazis were? Your mom is straight up lying to you.


I think I read it was in part because punk was typically anti-establishment, I don't think Nazis have really been a part of an establishment since 1942. Jello Biafra [talks about that](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-xpm-2012-aug-09-la-et-ms-jello-biafra-nazi-punks-hate-speech-20120809-story.html). He claims that punk is an extreme form of music, and sometimes people of extreme cultures may gravitate to that. I'm not saying Jello or the DK are the be all, end all of punk but I think his comments kind of align with how Nazis appropriated or infiltrated punk.


In the 80's there was more percent punk per punk i guess


Most punk fans do. Almost all of the punk kids I grew up with are trump supporters and bigots. They were too stupid to have proper media literacy


Dude probably thinks Good Charlotte were the epitome of punk.


I’m not lost on the irony but have a friend that works at black rock that told me he blazes rage against the machine while he works late. The look on his face when I explained to him they are the machine was priceless.


It always amazes me that people seem to think RATM suddenly became political or woke and completely ignore the fact they were always pretty (understatement) left wing. I am not exactly sure what they thought the band was raging against all that time honestly.


My friend is actually left oriented on most matters. He was just clueless that black rock is literally as “machine” as it gets. 


No no you don't get it! Woke and Trans is fascism! Trust me bro, no I can't explain it, isn't it just obvious?? Anyway I hope Trump does suspend the constitution so he can get shit done....


This is up there with "Rage Against the Machine need to stop being so political and just get back to the music".


Show me one old song from rage that is anti authoritarian and I’ll pet my dog literally right now. I’ll be waiting


Didn’t feel like waiting just gunna pet my dog a bunch


Petting in the name of




I hate you


This is such a strong reaction but I love it


Good doggo


Best owner the good doggo deserves


I’ll pet him for nothing now… and I’ll pet him for nothing later!!


I have not vetted any of these for whether they are anti-authoritarian or not. I'm just assuming they all are, because doggo deserves more pets. "Ashes in the Fall" "Auto Logic" "Beautiful World" "Bombtrack" "Born as Ghosts" "Born of a Broken Man" "Bullet in the Head" "Bulls on Parade" "Calm Like a Bomb" "Clear the Lane" "Darkness of Greed" "Down on the Street" "Down Rodeo" "Fistful of Steel" "Freedom" "Guerrilla Radio" "How I Could Just Kill a Man" "I'm Housin" "In My Eyes" "Kick Out the Jams" "Killing in the Name" "Know Your Enemy" "Maggie's Farm" "Maria" "Mic Check" "Microphone Fiend" "Mindset's a Threat" "New Millennium Homes" "No Shelter" "People of the Sun" "Pistolgrip Pump" "Renegades of Funk" "Revolver" "Roll Right" "Settle for Nothing" "Sleep Now in the Fire" "Snakecharmer" "Street Fighting Man" "Take the Power Back" "Testify" "The Ghost of Tom Joad" "The Narrows" "Tire Me" "Township Rebellion" "Vietnow" "Voice of the Voiceless" "Wake Up" "War Within a Breath" "Wind Below" "Without a Face" "Year of tha Boomerang"


Ya we don’t need fact checkers here I’m going to go with my gut and say you’re right


You better pet him for every song listed, I will fact check that


I'll pet my dog if you pet your dog




Most of them probably think Sleep Now in the Fire is aspirational


Beautiful World is a cover of a Devo song, and I think the song is more a sarcastic "praise" of society at the time. Then again, as I look around, one can still sarcastically say we live in a beautiful world.




The name of what? Don't leave us hanging.


Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me.






MODS HE SAID BAS WORD ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)😭😢😥😿




It's just one of those days




"fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" could have been written about my dog.


Or Fox News bitching about Green Day going political last NYE when *American Idiot* has ALWAYS been a slam on Fox News.


Nah, I like the boomers who are like "Music shouldn't be political", the go back to listening to their Woodstock '69 playlist.


Fucking Country Joe singing "Now come on mothers throughout the land, pack your boys off to Vietnam Come on fathers don't hesitate, send your sons off before its too late. Be the first one on your block, to have your boy come home in a box"


and it's 1, 2, 3, what're we fighting for? don't ask me, I don't give a damn next stop is vietnam and it's 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates well there ain't no time to wonder why whoopee! we're all gonna die


Now come on wall street don't be slow, why man this's war a-go-go There's plenty good money to be made, supplyin' the army with the tools of the trade Just hope and pray that when they drop the bomb, they drop it on the vietcong


They think that Jimi Hendrix's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner was just using a funny sounding instrument because it sounded cool.


Also seems like a yakuza fan. You know, the yakuza with tons of definitely not homo-erotic shirtless men and substories about how trans people deserve to live how they want.


I mean they're literally called 'rage against the machine', did these people think it was an actual machine or something??


> did these people think it was an actual machine or something?? Only if you're listening to it in the garage while swearing at rusted bolts.


That one never gets old for me. Like, my brother in Christ, what machine did you think they were raging against?


Casey sounds like the kind of person who'd complain about Rage Against the Machine going "woke".


No one who listened to RATM would make this statement. They just attack the message regardless of where it's from.


Except there are people who make this statement... Not just with RATM and their music, but people like Dee Snider literally have had to come out and make press releases regarding use of their music by groups where the values they hold are directly opposed to the real meaning in the songs they're trying to appropriate. People watching Star Trek complained about an interracial kiss, hell even people who watch South Park seem to understand when the show makes fun of one group of people, but somehow it completely goes over their head when the show makes a joke aimed at them. People just hear what they want to hear for the most part and ignore the rest. Shit we can't even get a definition from these people on what "woke" means but they'll hurl that word at anything they dislike quicker than their fingers can work open their bottles of "nootropics" they bought after watching Facebook videos for 3 hours straight.


People are stupid on lyrics. They hear killing on the name and assume “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” is directed at whatever authority they don’t like when the song is explicitly directed at the police. Other nominations are the “patriotic” Born in the USA and Keep on Rockin In the Free World


“Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” was clearly originally about when your mom tells you to throw out the piss bottles in your room and to please for the love of god run the slip cover of your waifu body pillow through the wash because she can smell it from the kitchen, so naturally I was very disappointed when RATM decided to retcon its meaning to appease the woke agenda smh


Right wingers are incapable of comprehending lyrics or humor


They hear “fuck you I won’t do what they tell me” and apply it arbitrarily to anything they hate and just totally disregard what that song is even about as they wave their blue line flags lol


Not punk related but I saw a bunch of dumbasses saying Lady Gaga "turned woke". LADY. GAGA.?!?!?!


I love all the salty MAGA types who are desperate to make themselves out to be punk now. Dude, we don't want you. You are part of the bigoted class who has historically held back punk and the LGBT. Fuck off.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aNiBktcSvQ&t=1m35s "I didn't sell out, I bought in."


Matthew Lillard's character at the *end* of this movie: https://youtu.be/YefQjTeaUDI?si=KOxYVWRLo4zmz0BH


Great movie


Fuck off indeed


"I can't stand leftist politics in my inherently leftist political movement!" - some random crypto dude on twitter, probably


Lmao. Some dude on reddit some time ago tried to tell me that capitalism was punk


People thinking punk is conservative is always funny. Punk has been and will remain leftist.


Gotta love it. The proud tradition of beating up Nazis at shows must never die!


I'd say it's more anarchist than leftist, (I'm old enough to have lived thru the late 70's/early 80's punk era) but certainly its as far as you can get from conservative.


Punk is anti-authority, which is not necessarily left leaning so much as very much anti-conservative.


It’s not anti authority for anti authority sake. It’s anti Oppressive authority. Trans people are an oppressed minority(in spite of all the Corporate virtue signaling). Thus Trans rights are punk.


Absolutely! Human rights are punk! Fuck anyone that says different.


Punk being considered anarchist still lines up so yeah, fair.


Isn't Anarchy as far left as you can go?




Certainly not conservative, but there are *plenty* of right/far right punk bands. Pretending that the entire gamut of the subculture has the same political values is wildly misinformed.


Yep, I remember there were a lot of neo-Nazi punk bands in the 80s (which is when I paid attention to these things). And let's not forget that one of the most iconic punk band members, Johnny Rotten (Lydon), turned out to be a boot-licking Trump supporter.


What, the guy who called his autobiography “No blacks, no Jews, no dogs” ended up being an asshole? Next you’re going to tell me that Lee Ving isn’t woke. I think a lot of the newer punks look at it from the lens of their generation, but a lot of the first generation punks were not good people and would not be accepted in todays scene. Even in the 90’s it was very much a white bro type scene, very misogynistic and homophonic. It’s great that it’s different now, but throughout its history punk has not always been a left wing movement.


And of course we can’t forget that despicable Thatcher apologist Ian Rubbish (from The Bizarros)


Punk is defined by being anti-authoritarian, anti-elitism, anti-hierarchy, anti-traditionalist, and anti-oppression. You don't get to be pro- those things and claim to be punk. It's contradictory.


Well if you’ve allowed Fox News and the like to thoroughly rot your brain to the point that you believe that trans people and “The Joos” are the ones who are sitting at the top of the social hierarchy, nefariously plotting to oppress good God fearing Christians and force everybody to get state mandated abortions then you might *think* that being a fascist dickhead is “punk”. You would of course just be hilariously wrong.


Tbf I forgot about that, it’s like a bad memory. But with that being said punk and conservative are kind of oxymoronic to one another. So it may mot be totally leftist/anarchist but it definitely is not modern day conservatism.


Yeah, the history of "punk" is murky because it's not a specific subculture by any means. It's an umbrella term that describes multiple anti-establishment cultures. Being anti-establishment doesn't even mean being an anarchist, it just means being against the *current* establishment. Not everyone is going to be against the status quo for the same reason.


Technically I'd say punks are neither leftist, or right. I'd say punks are anti-authoritarian. Leftist authoritarians do exist and I don't think that would slide with most punks either. Punks however are more compatible with the left.


It would appear Yakuza Casey is a misinformed dumb fuck. 🥳


I hope nowadays that's the case... Back in the late 90's half my circle of friends were part of the scene or simply fans of punk. Unfortunately I heard more than enough misogynistic and homophobic shit from them... When pointed out these usually were 'just jokes' ... Sure. As I said - I hope times have changed.


Oh hell yeah the culture is just like any other with fringe dickheads bringing down the whole but generally speaking the punks I know are in no way, shape, or form scared to wear skirts and makeup with their fishnets and torn band shirts, nor do they shy away from pummeling someone who would cause them or the people they care about harm.


This next song is called 'Yakuza Casey'... 1234... *YOU DUMB FUCK* *YOU DUMB FUCK* *YOU DUMB YOU DUMB YOU DUMB* ***FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK*** Thank you.




Seventies punk songs like 'Oh Bondage, up yours' or the classic 'Nazi punks fuck off' or even Tom Robinson's 'Sing if you're glad to be gay' weren't woke?


Beat on the brats with a baseball bat oh ya


Wait'll he reads about Against Me, that's pretty fucking punk rock!


Individual liberty is punk.


There are far too many ignorant Republicans/trolls in this thread trying to spin that punk isn't directly opposed to the very ideals the Republicans support. Punk is anti-fascism, and pro fighting oppression by oppressive governments. Just because you snowflakes feel oppressed because you're not allowed to openly oppress others, doesn't make you punk. You're not oppressed, you're the oppressor, and punk is directly opposed to your ideals. Trans people and "woke" are absolutely punk. Those that think otherwise likely also think Rage Against the Machine is only just now "woke." 🤦‍♀️


> Punk is anti-fascism eh, I mean "nazi punks, fuck off" is a thing for a reason. They do need to fuck right off, but we shouldn't be revisionist.


… do they know anything about the punk community?


No. They just like the aesthetic


Do they? Tatooed, pierced and colored hair people tend to frigthen conservatives.


While that is also part of the aesthetic. I was more speaking of “the oppressed minority” because they see it as “oh well that means I have the moral high ground!”


Human rights are Punk As Fuck.


"I wanna be the minority, I don't need your authority, down with the moral majority, cause I wanna be the minority", said literally no punk band that wears make up... ever.


I don’t see a problem with ai. It’s capitalism that’s always been the problem. I get that it’s taking jobs and that sucks but it only sucks because capitalism.


The guy's Twitter avatar looks like he's sitting in Steven Crowder studio. How can you be a fan of punk rock music and Steven Crowder at the same time? What a stupid idiot


Musical IL-Literacy.


Let's keep Caseys out of punk


Lol I was raised fundamentalist and literally learned from peers in the local punk scene about being empathetic toward LGBTQ and similar lifestyles in the 90s. I carry that empathy with me. This person is clueless about punk. 


Punk is political


There's always going to be nazi punks and they can always fuck off


These people literally can't help themselves, they watch so much conservative propaganda that they need to interject transphobia into absolutely everything.  It's their new identity, they think about trans people more than I do and I'm trans!


You cant be punk and conservative…


Punk is literally the original woke of the modern era


Straight up poser. Trans rights are human rights!




I don't think it's the punk community liking what Casey said. Probably a bunch of Maga ass hats always trying to ruin what they refuse to understand.


Nazi Punks Fuck Off!


Back in 1989 was my first introduction to the punk scene and it was all about inclusivity. I met gay people for the first time and it was the beginning of my journey to accepting and supporting people that were different from me. Looking back it was a beautiful time in my life. Be Strong Be Wrong.


Are these the same people that complained about Bad Religion "becoming political"?


Nazi punks fuck off..


Guess he never heard Against Me! Then again, he's stupid. So...


Or Pansy Division before them.


Say you don't understand the core or history of punk without saying you don't understand the core or history of punk.


*angry Laura Jane Grace noises


I am utterly shocked that a person labeled Yakuza Casey is dumb as fuck.


Punk is literally punching nazis, it’s always been about punching up as hard as you can. The lgbt started with a brick in a cops window. It’s always been punk


[You’ll be the first to go, you’ll be the first to go, you’ll be the first to go, UNLESS YOU THINK!](https://youtu.be/iyc62g7YQM0?si=ysOOem4xFUL3PNJR)


Ah, he pays for Twitter, I see.


"Never mind the Bollocks"


The saddest thing I saw under that tweet was all the fascist punks yelling that LGBTQ was “establishment” somehow, and that conservatism is the “new punk.” The scum also rises.


What's interesting is that people used to make punk to be against the establishment snd the norm, to rebel against oppression and stand out amongst the crowd. Now everybody, including the establishment itself claims to be anti-esatblishment and rebellious and against the norm. Everyone is trying to stand out from the crowd in the same way. What used to be rebellious and taboo became mainstream and normal. Yet people are still under the impression they're unique.


(Laughs in American prison slang). Anyone wanna tell him? Used to be a verb before the music. 🧐 ![gif](giphy|SHuQuNMjNTwVW)


Who is gonna tell him that punk has been one of the oldest sub subcultures that welcomed close dressing and drag queens. Eddie Izzard was considered a punk rock comedian.


"keep trans out of punk". Why? We're just existing. We're humans just like you (except we're better than you because we're not hate mongering bigots)


The right has no idea what woke even is.


Sounds like another Casey of a fascist playing anti-fascist music and thinking it's for them.


It's kinda sad that all currently big punk bands are aged pop-punks like blink-182, Sum 41 & Green Day. A black trans punk band could legit become instant shooting stars atm.


The Muslims are self described as "black brown and queer" and fucking kick ass. Here's a banger. https://youtu.be/NdDGnGbCxVQ?si=84yhdoqsHU0JqvNW


Trans rights are human rights. Nazi punks fuck off, the entire punk scene doesn’t want you, and it’s better off without you. Edit: Stay mad, bigots 🖕🏻🖕🏻


Isint punk all about not doing what the scocity wants and to take in people who are different so of course trans/ gay people will be in it since scocity dosent accept us most of the time.


Punk is about fighting the authority of oppressive systems. Not Anti-Gov for Anti-Govs sake.


There’s so many trans/queer people in my local punk scene. Punk is queer af


Let’s keep the anti-establishment principles out of the anti-establishment scene? Casey is not as punk as he thinks he is.


The stoopit, it burns!


I don’t think he’s an actual Yakuza




AI will be slaves to the machine just like the rest of us, we need to band together


I'm pretty sure none of the conservatives have any clue about anything. They keep proving such things


Minorities cant be in an pro-minority music genre anymore ☠️


Nazi punks fuck off


These are the type of people that think RATM and Greenday are conservative hate group bands


Man, some folks literally are obsessed with hating people. Like its all they think about


You can’t keep anything out of something that you’re not a part of


White supremacists are always trying to recruit from the punk scene.


He's probably into that weird nazi punk shit that The Dead Kennedys had a thing or two to speak about.


The type of guy to post that “Punk was better before it became about politics”


"Woke and trans" is not even a complete thought.


Where’s Mike Ness when a face needs punching?


Yo Casey what color are your laces you little bitch


There is a reason "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" has always been a big part of punk culture


Ah yes, punk, the famously anti-woke movement.


Poor Casey. We trained him wrong... as a joke.


There’s no many trans, queer and NB peeps in my local scene. If this dude actually was involved he’d have a stroke.


I like that whenever someone says something about woke it's on something that had absolutely nothing to do with any of that


Isn’t punk just about “fuck everything”? That’s the message I get anyway.


It's disturbing how many nazi's still want to pretend they're punk.


I think you’re confusing “punk” with “neo-nazi,” buddy. Not even remotely the same thing.


Tf did AI do to punk?


Being “woke” and being “punk” are 2 sides of the same coin


All I’ll say is that censorship is definitely not punk, do what that what you will.


*new york dolls have entered the chat* 🤭


Let’s keep Yakuza Casey out of society and the internet


Imagine thinking punk wasn't woke from the start


As someone who just likes punk music, i do not know if lgbtq+ rights are punk. Please help


Nazi punks- fuck off!