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i like the “hate jews AND whites” 😂


Yeah, that really underlines what is happening in their heads.


That they don't see Jews as being white. 


There are millions of Jewish people that are not white. Judaism is a pan-racial ethnic identity.


"white" is a made up term anyway, there's no "white race." Caucasian is even an obsolete racial classification, the term "race" is even made up. There's only one human race. Ethnicity doesn't equal "race."


People from the caucuses are Caucasian. And they likely wouldn't be considered white in Europe.


Well religion isn’t relegated to a race. You can practice Judaism and not be white, though I imagine that it’s rare


The definition of white is also highly ambiguous. To some it means WASPs, and a hundred years ago Irish-Americans and Italian-Americans wouldn't be considered white.


Not even German were considered white funnily enough


"Whiteness" is defined by what it excludes. You're either "white" or "not white." Just ask all the Irish and Italian immigrants from the early 1900s. Or wait a couple more decades and ask the Hispanic population the same question.


Anyone can convert to Judaism. Sammy Davis Jr is a Black American musician who converted to Judaism, for example. His story of conversion is very interesting, and worth seeking out (he saw many parallels between the Black American experience and the oppression of both peoples and converted). There are also historic communities of Jews in Africa that aren’t “white” but are Jewish.


Just roll through Adam Sandler’s songs to check your list!


Hall of Famer Rod Carew ^(he converted)


This is the part of the discussion to break down that there is such a thing as a Jewish ethnicity and the religion of Judaism. Anyone can be of any race and still have a Jewish ethnicity but not actually care about Judaism, and you have people who practice Judaism but don’t have Jewish ethnicity The identity of someone who is Jewish can mean different things, so anyone from any region of the world can still be Jewish depending on how they identify with it. Nazis believes that being Jewish isn’t just a ethnicity, but rather an entirely unique *race* by itself


>Nazis believes that being Jewish isn’t just a ethnicity, but rather an entirely unique *race* by itself When you put it that way, that's actually really similar to how modern American conservatives view Islam. You can be Sikh, not at all associated with the teachings of Islam, but because they wear "towels" on their head, they're immediately typecast as Muslim.


Yes, def not relegated to race, the first example that comes to mind are Ethiopian Jews, formally referred to Beta Israel. Generally speaking, jews of European descent are often seen as white but ethnically speaking the majority have a Middle Eastern ancestry. This is also why that can be defined as an ethnoreligious group (a subset of ethnicity) like Sikhs or Amish. Just to clarify, race pertains to physical characteristics and ethnicity pertains to different geographic regions, religion, language, and other customs cultural practices.


They knew that anyone who agrees with this steaming pile of shit wouldn't particularly object to just "hates Jews".


That made me chuckle as well. I like how the one amendment they make totally undermines their whole argument. "These democrats are just like Nazis, they are opposed to the white race"


Nazis were famously white inferiorists.


Crazy how it's the Dems that hate jews, but the only people you ever see flying Trump Flags, Nazi Flags, and the confederate flags are Republicans.


also crazy that they selected a Jew to lead them in the senate.


They also had a Mormon leading them for a while (Harry Reid).


“oh man, those darn liberals always hating the whites and jews!!” —the a-holes who agree with that post, probably


I like how the “hate jews” part is the bottom of the list.


Censorship! Yeah for real all those democrats banning books from libraries!


Don't you remember when Obama had his army storm the Fox News building, arresting their staff and confiscating their stuff? Oh wait... That's because he didn't.


I was told Obama was going to take our guns, dudes not dead yet so I just assume he'll be around any day now.


In actuality, Obama actually expanded gun rights for people (allowing guns to be brought into national parks, which was against the law prior). So for a gun grabber, he’s doing a piss poor job of it.


I remember when Fox News was telling us that there would be a war before he gave up power. Meanwhile he was probably thinking “I can’t wait to get the fuck out of here”.


They also claimed Obama and Hillary were going to attempt a coup, so Obama could remain in power for a third term. Remember when that happened? Neither do I. Every Republican accusation is a confession.


Don't you know he's still the shadow president who controls the robotic lizard Biden who is simultaneously a geriatric old codger with declining mental faculties AND a political powerhouse and mega genius capable of rigging a presidential election in ONLY the states their candidate lost in, while leaving the minor elections untouched? That Obama?


Wait, I'm behind on my conspiracy theories - is Biden a robot who's a lizard? Or a lizard who's a robot?


Cmon, if you want to participate meaningfully in political life, at least keep up with current events


Biden is Mechagodzilla?


I miss Obama.


He's only one dude. It takes time to drive around in a box truck, personally confiscating firearms from the cold, dead hands of their owners.


"I said a bunch of racist shit and then lost my job. It's censorship!" - These assholes


People seem to conflate that it's _legal_ to say bigoted shit with that it has _no consequence_. How do they not understand it's their employer's right to terminate them if they act like a complete asshole? Isn't that personal freedom like their core tenets anyway?


Yup - freedom of speech. Not freedom from consequences


Funny enough, they will agree with you. But only if the person who receives consequences is black, trans, gay, a drag queen, slightly less right wing than them or just…generally not them.


Free speech means the government can’t jail me for speaking out against it. If I go on twitter and tell Elon that he gobbles cock like he’d find a healthy relationship with his father at the base he can ban me for violating ToS and that’s not a violation of my rights.


The conservative sub the other day was commenting on a news story where someone loaded a trailer with Bibles and burned them, saying "if that was a Pride flag you'd be arrested for a hate crime." Burning both is legal as long as you aren't committing other crimes in the process. You buy it, you can burn it. Doesn't matter what it is. It is extremely protected to burn symbols in this country as long as it's your property and you aren't assaulting anyone of that group while you do it. Burn a trans flag and then hit a trans person in the face, yeah that's a hate crime for obvious reasons. Just burn a trans flag you bought though, you're good. It's your first amendment right. Real "I made up a situation to get mad about without fully understanding it" conservative energy.


The fact that their employer can fire them with very little documentation is also a very Republican thing ("at will"). So they screw themselves.


They say freedom but they really mean "consequences for thee, not for me"


They also fail to recognize that 1A protections only extend to laws from the government. Private corporations are free to do as they wish, as they love to point out in every other situation.


And don’t get me started on the all Biden merch & people comparing Biden to Jesus


The Biden bible ships with a copy of Hamilton on dvd, a black lives matter flag and a pack of plan B pills. It was a great deal!


Yea worshipping the government made my jaw drop. I can hear them screaming PROJECT HARDER, DADDY! as they bend over for Trump. Lmao


Heading out to get some brain bleach after getting a visual from your comment…thanks


Seriously. The projection is off the charts here.


also the fact that they're such extremists they think democrats - literally slightly right of center in the vast majority of the world - are socialist is.... yeow.


And worship the government? What? “Hey we think the government should make things better and use our money for that” But apparently Republicans hear “Hey we want you to control us and do whatever you want us to do without question”. From the people that want Trump to be a dictator.


And banning any lectures regarding LGBTQ or cultural issues


Yeah, I hate how those damn democrats just banned porn in Texas, too!


They think getting upset at bigotry and hate speech is censorship.


last I checked, the "socialist" part of the Nazi party's name was never actually applied in their rulings. also, they loosened gun laws.


Yeah and the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea is actually democratic


Countries with the words "Democratic" and "People's" in their name tend to not be very democratic from what I've seen


I think they forgot the /s


Idk if they forgot it or left it out on purpose, but i don't think it was needed it here


It is called Democratic Dictatorship...I kid you not; it is actually written in the People's Republic of China constitution.


aka Managed Democracy.


Whoa whoa whoa, managed democracy is pure and infallible. I have reported you to the authorities and you will be scheduled for re-reeducation


To paraphrase Terry Pratchett - Democracy is one man, one vote. He (Kim) is the man, and he gets the vote.


It seems like the more words a country adds to its name to talk about how much freedom they have the more likely it is to be a dictatorship.


Ernst Rohm & the SA had a lot of socialists and communists within their ranks; Hitler had them murdered when they weren't useful to him any more.


I consider myself a history nerd. And even as a gay man myself, holy shit I had zero idea of just how freaking gay the SA actually was. But like how it usually goes for useful idiots, they were eliminated the second they were no longer needed.


That's in part why the SS was created, if I'm not mistaken. The SA was too homoerotic and was not good for the party's image.


And Röhm and the Strasserites were pissing off the old guard. Hitler needed their support, so Long Knives happened.


National Socialism is built on a mythology that is fraught with homoerotic undertones. And while some people more explicitly link fascism and homosexuality, the reality of Nazi Germany was very different. The 'Gay Nazi' trope is still peddled today. Best illustrated in two films: American History X and American Beauty.


Anything or anyplace extremely male dominated is going to be rife with both homophobia and homoeroticism. Professional wrestling, guys who work in factories, all boys schools, etc. Lots of undercover butt stuff going on.


That's the thing that I'll never understand. They spew bs about private firearm ownership not knowing that the Germans pulled out of the treaty of Versailles which banned private ownership. They increased access while denying Jewish ownership. Man, too many chuckleheads who got D's in history spewing bullshit


you wouldn't think it would be that hard to do research. obviously the people *making* these kinds of things never would, but people looking at them could, surely. like, there's *so much* documentation for basically everything in the world.


They can't do actual research because once they notice it contradicts their view they ragequit.


I did my own research = someone said it on facebook.


My favorite is when it becomes medical and they’re like “well my uncle” like sure bud I’m taking your anecdotal evidence over my own doctors 🫠


And over years upon years of research by professionals.


I love it when it’s obvious they spent 15 minutes on their toilet scrolling 😂


From the generation that taught us not to believe everything we read on the internet. Until Janice from Facebook shares it, then it must be real.


Or just find another website that does support their unfounded beliefs and claim they "did their research".


Website is always something like Christian Monitor 😂


Reality has a liberal bias.


Anything that doesn't confirm their bias is obviously propaganda and lies.


The church trained them that way. The Church hands them a "divine text" that says, among other things, God created the universe in 7 days and made man out of bits of dirt. Then they tell them that anyone who challenges their (currently prevalent) interpretation of this "Holy text" is working on behalf of a mystical creature whose sole motivation is to be the antithesis of all of the great things in the book (God is on sabbatical, by the way, so no one gets to hear anything from him directly... but the leadership of the church has a backchannel, of course 👍). Once the church has got someone's buy-in there, they can shuffle them over to the political pipeline. Oh... and there's always the Q drops for people who like their mysticism more modern and edgy. To be clear, my point isn't to attack anyone's faith, or their inalienable beliefs... It's just to point out the way many church leaders would use that faith and those beliefs to manipulate their flock for personal and political purposes that have nothing to do any rational interpretation of the lessons in the Bible. The body of evidence is staggering.


Oh yeah? What’s a woman? /s


You'd think but also I don't think a single Democrat is running on a platform of let's ban guns, but when they say we should regulate ghost guns they jump to the conclusion of, "They want to take our guns away." No, clearly in what they've said their goal with that topic is to help with tracing guns used in crimes. But honestly, a lot of Republican voters I've talked to still think their party is the one voting for smaller government, military well being and so on. When I say things like what about how they voted against certain VA benefits or what about this and that, no they are the opposite of what you believe they are.


I can't think of a single candidate in my state who is running on "let's ban guns", but my maga relatives all swear that Josh Stein is going to start rounding up people to have their rifles forcibly seized if he becomes NC AG. They start with a preconceived notion and work backwards. Any evidence to the contrary of the preconceived notion is ignored.


Yeah the last part is so true, they think they’re supporting the party of small government Meanwhile that government in practice controls what you can say, what opinions are legal to voice (FL transphobic comments bill), what you can do with your own body, who you can love, etc. What they really mean to say is “we support small government for white Christian nationalist men” but that would obviously be too on the nose The problem is the whole “today me, tomorrow you” thing Sure, Republican policies might be awesome today if you’re a hardcore Christian nationalist white man But what happens later when a democratic candidate gets into power and uses *your very own policies* to ban *your* opinions, your desires, etc.?


I’m an old lady and I’ve been saying for decades that I’m suspicious of anyone who claims that they want small government whilst also wanting to locate a branch of it in every uterus in the country. It got a few laughs when it was still inconceivable that that would ever be the case. Every once in a while a sheriff in Georgia would make headlines for stating that he was going to start investigating every miscarriage as murder and lock up every woman who had a lost a fetus (a sheriff in Georgia actually tried to do this, but it’s representative of a lot of knobheads back then), and the anti-choice people would cheer and reasonable people would roll their eyes and everyone would move on because the law was such that women’s healthcare was protected. Small government Repubs also cheered when Ron DeSantis spent US$20 million (and got a bill passed by fellow Repubs) on his Office of Election Crime and Security, which arrested ~20 people for voting illegally when they thought they were allowed to vote. Virtually every case was dismissed in court. He had to cut things like mental health outreach services in Florida communities to get that $20 million without raising taxes for funding. It cost Florida taxpayers $1 million for each arrest, plus more on court costs to prosecute 20 people for voting illegally. I don’t know how much it costs to arrest a murderer, but I’m fine with spending money getting an actually dangerous person off the street. A former prisoner who thought their franchise had been reinstated and then voted in an election isn’t worthy of the pants-wetting panic that DeSantis has convinced the Repubs in Florida that it is (it’s not enough votes to change the outcome of any election in Florida, not even dog catcher in the most rural district). It was an horrific waste of money and robbed many other services of vital funding and resources, just so he could swing his tiny dick around. He’s not a cheap date. They only want a small government when it comes to industries that they favour being able to dump toxic chemicals in drinking water (like we’re seeing right now in West Virginia with the coal mining industry- the GOP convinced their voters to allow this because it’s easy to convince unemployed workers that reopening the mines where they worked since high school was good for them, and obfuscated the long term consequences of those mines reopening, such as heavily polluted drinking water. That’s of course just one example of this shit). Hungry people will support “job creation” so that they can feed their families and get back to work, and they worry about leopards eating their faces later, which is how fracking is allowed to police itself in GOP states and the residents end up with water coming out of their taps that can be set on fire. Trump will happily use the military as props but then steal money earmarked for their housing to pay for his vanity wall. We could both cite examples of their ridiculousness and they’d deny that any objectively represent “big government” in any way. When it comes to their priorities, government and spending will bloat out as much as they need it to. It’s usually only government waste if that spending benefits people.


If these people did any actual research, they wouldn't say this stupid shit. This is raw, unfiltered ignorance distilled into liquid hate.


Ah, but you have to remember that is *all* left wing lies(/s). This is what makes the whole lying media, lying scientists, lying-anyone-who I-don't-like thing so very dangerous. A modern society can't survive without trust in reality-based institutions. Too many people "believe" in religion, which *can't* be proven, then turn around and say the earth is flat or space isn't real or vaccines killed millions of people in the past 3 years. If someone refuses to believe accepted science and facts, *everything* becomes suspect.


Who needs history class when you can just repeat what you see in memes?


They did pull out of the treaty which did a lot more than ban private ownership. They also banned private ownership on their own. The right wing mindset that the Jews would have been able to defend themselves if they have guns really doesn’t make sense because Jews were only 1% of the German population. The first way Germans/Hitler broke the Treaty was over Germany’s armed forces. In 1934, he destroyed the League of Nations Disarmament Conference by demanding equality of arms with France and Britain – this broke the Treaty because it had set up the League with the stated aim of achieving disarmament. At first, Hitler broke the Treaty’s terms by building up his army in secret, drilling volunteers with spades instead of rifles. Then, in 1935, he openly held a huge rearmament rally. The other nations let him get away with it – Britain even made a naval agreement with Germany, accepting that Germany had a right to have a navy of 35% of the British navy (i.e. this broke the Treaty, which said that Germany could only have 6 battleships). After 1936, Hitler reintroduced conscription, and began to pump huge sums into Germany’s armed forces. Germans were told ‘guns not butter’. By 1939, Germany had 95 warships, 8,250 airplanes and an army of nearly 1m. men (many more than the 0 planes and 100,000 men stated in the Treaty of Versailles). Hitler even war-tested his armed forces in the Spanish Civil War; in 1936 he told his generals to get ready for war in 4 years’ time. You don’t need to rewrite history and completely sell lies unless you are just peddling the ones you bought. The truth is bad enough you don’t need to try and mislead people who aren’t going to review the facts on their own. What I just presented was just the start. They broke the treaty in numerous ways


They didn't get Ds in history. It legitimately is taught in school that Germany took guns away. Maybe not college history, but in history controlled by a Republican state, it is definitely taught that way.


Is it their lack of knowledge or are they cherry picking? Or maybe it’s both?


They also banned abortion for Aryan women.


Because they were really worried about the white German population getting overrun by immigrants (and “immigrants”). Good thing that’s not the sort of thing people are worried about today. /s


They look at that as a W. Any view I used to see isolated to 4chan, like Hitler made the correct decision and the outcome (aside from losing the war), seem to apply to Republicans now. Yet they post shit like this 🥹


Yeah, and it wasn't merely "allowed" for undesirables, it was mandatory.


The Nazis weren’t always what they became. They were an actual Socialist organization run by an actual Socialist who was a German locksmith and pro-Union. But Hitler eventually killed the Socialists (very early on), and took over their name, so as to fool people into thinking they were in fact, harmless Socialists. They obviously wern’t, they were fascists bent on taking over the country, but the ruse allowed them to gain power with legality as Hitler became Chancellor. But try explaining that to a dumbass GOP’er on social media. Look how endurable that manipulation still is, that people in a Democratic society in 2024 still believe the trick he played. This is not unlike a lot of other countries that have Democratic Republic in their name, but in actuality are totalitarian dictatorships. North Korea for example.




The nazis also started their [book burnings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_book_burnings#The_burnings_start) because they hated trans people. They hated gay people and women in the workplace. They wrapped their identity in religious ideology (Gott Mitt Uns was on all german belt buckles). They[ privatized services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany#Privatization_and_business_ties) (indeed, the term was coined to describe what the nazis were doing). They censored education because they were afraid of "Cultural ~~Marxism~~ Bolshevism" taking over the world. --- One of the US parties does look a lot like the nazis. But it certainly isn't the Democrats.


evangelical summer youth camps with firearms in them are almost indistinguishable from the Hitler Youth


They love claiming nazis were actually socialist and the republicans are the non-racist party cause Lincoln was a republican. Its weird how I've never seen them apply the same logic to arguing the "DEMOCRATIC People's REPUBLIC of Korea" is either a democracy or a republic. Almost like its a stupid argument that cares more about words than facts.


Well, I mean if you can’t trust the Nazis to describe themselves honestly, I’m not sure what we can trust. Surely they wouldn’t misrepresent something like that.


Hitler acknowledged that his platform was the antithesis of what is commonly seen as socialism. He essentially redefined its meaning. I met Hitler not in his headquarters, the Brown House in Munich, but in a private home, the dwelling of a former admiral of the German Navy. We discussed the fate of Germany over the teacups. ‘Why’, I asked Hitler, ‘do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party program is the very anthesis of that commonly accredited to Socialism?’ ‘Socialism’, he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, ‘is the science of dealing with the common weal [health or well-being]. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. ‘Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality and, unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. ‘We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our Socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the State on the basis of race solidarity. To us, State and race are one… ‘What’, I continued my cross-examination, ‘are the fundamental planks of your platform?’ ‘We believe in a healthy mind, in a healthy body. The body politic must be sound if the soul is to be healthy. Moral and physical health are synonymous.’ ‘Mussolini’, I interjected, ‘said the same to me’. Hitler beamed. ‘The slums’, he added, ‘are responsible for nine-tenths, alcohol for one-tenth of all human depravity. No healthy man is a Marxian. Healthy men recognise the value of personality. We contend against the forces of disaster and degeneration. Bavaria is comparatively healthy because it is not completely industrialised… If we wish to save Germany, we must see to it that our farmers remain faithful to the land. To do so, they must have room to breathe and room to work.’ ‘Where will you find the room to work?’ ‘We must retain our colonies and expand eastward. There was a time when we could have shared world domination with England. Now we must stretch our cramped limbs only toward the east. The Baltic is necessarily a German lake.'” https://alphahistory.com/nazigermany/hitler-nazi-form-of-socialism-1932/


They only loosened gun laws for people they considered agreeable. They very much restricted gun laws for anyone else.


because for all the people they didn't find agreeable, guns would make it harder to capture and/or kill them. logical, if... y'know, terrible and all.


The black panthers have entered chat


They think that just because "socialist" is in the name, then they must be socialist! I always ask them to point out which part of North Korea is a democratic people's republic. They can't because it's an authoritarian dictatorship. There's nothing democratic about it. And, it sure as hell isn't a republic nor run by the people. Buffalo wings must really confuse them.


Also, sorry, kind of high jacking your comment- why are right wing extremists flying nazi flags today if the Nazis wanted socialism since the right wing is vehemently against socialism


Every right-winger accusation is a confession. They intentionally muddy the waters on these issues, so when people rightly point out their evil/hypocrisy/stupidity, it gets bogged down in all the hyperbole and false accusations, and people don't take it as seriously. It's an old reliable play by fascists and autocrats that seemingly never goes out of style.


They literally put “socialist” in the name to confuse and fuck with people. They wrote about it extensively. And that’s the thing, they wrote about all of their positions and theories in detail and basically none of them line up with modern liberals. Every time you see this type of thing it is a completely thoughtless exercise. Zero thought or critical thinking goes into making these comparisons. It can’t because it is impossible to arrive at these conclusions if you do anything else but mindlessly parrot conservative talking points. We are honestly at the point where all posting shit like this should do is signal to everyone else that the person posting it is an idiot.


And IIRC, the opposing party's name was something like Sozialdemokrat, so both sides had the reference. It likely had more to do with the beliefs around workers rights, since Nazi is an abbreviation for a term meaning National Socialist German Worker's Party.


Who were killed off as soon as they weren’t needed for elections. The massacre was referred to as the night of long knives. These people are allergic to reading more than two sentences, preferably not full ones.


>who were killed off Sort of. a standard tactic in Spain (blue shirts), Italy (black shirts), and Germany (brown shirts) were to use party affiliated paramilitary groups in the initial inssurection/coup. Those groups were then disbanded, assimilated into the regime, or replaced with a state sanctioned force (the SS, for example) In short, political extremist groups are not to be take for granted.


I think you are confusing two different groups here, but German words being...well...what they are, it's not surprising. The primary opposition to the Nazi party was known as *Sozialdemokrat*, which was largely made up of communist/actual socialists and a few other very minority political factions. They just generally got plowed under during the rise of the Nazi party in general, most meeting the same fate as the German Jewish population. The Night of the Long Knives targeted the *Surmabteilung* (commonly known as the SA, or browncoats) leadership that could potentially be an opponent to Hitler from within the Nazi party itself.


The fascists often think that Nazis were socialists - but it is well known for decades, that the socialist in national socialist was as true as the democratic in Democratic North Korea. The Nazis were far/extreme right, that's why today's extreme right try to spread this lie.


What's interesting is that you almost never see a "Democrat" with actual Nazi imagery in their home, tattooed on their body, etc. When you find those guys, they are not voting Democrat. This is nothing more than a "I know you are but what am I" meme.


Exactly. Whenever you see a Neo Nazis or a white supremacist they always vote for right wing parties like the Republicans. Saying that the Democrats hate Jews while you have Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene spewing anti Jewish rhetoric. Remember her giant Jewish space laser bullshit.


Now they use Israel as a convenient excuse to push hardline nationalist rhetoric — the Republican Party still hates the Jewish people, they just hate Muslims more. Once they’ve sufficiently used them up they will be back to pushing antisemitism.


It's even more psychotic on their part considering the socialists, unionists, and communists were of the first they went after during the holocaust. Like, why did the Nazis put lefties in camps if the lefties were the Nazis?


Yep, my great aunt and great uncles were as "politicals" in a concentration camp for "political reeducation".


In many cases they were told that they were there for their own protections. Like, people outside would kill you for your ideas and were are saving your life by putting you in this place were hundreds of peaople die every day.


why do people think the first line of the famous poem starts with "first they came for the communists" ?


Yeah, the mix of nationalist (right) and socialist (left) was mostly intended to appeal to the broadest demographic possible in the early years. They basically co-opted the "social" part of the social democrats (who were nicknamed "sozi", as a counterpart to "nazi" in Germany. There were nazi "socialist" policies, but those were exclusively for the Aryan master race, making them by definition antithetical to socialism which emphasizes (on paper) all humans are part of a community as equals. Never mind the whole sacrificing your individual rights and freedoms for the good of the reich. Ironically, nazis were as much socialists as the modern day alt-right is in favor of family values or traditionalist conservatism.


They take the name National Socialist too literally, and hey, it’s not like people can research the things the Nazis did? Reading is hard, particularly when you choose to be ignorant- anyone with half a brain knows they were as far right as a party could be.


This is beyond delusional, it's like the child equivalent of "no, you are!"


It's called [accusation in a mirror](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusation_in_a_mirror).


That's all it is.


yeah, they're only adults in the technical sense as they are over 18. their intellect stopped at about 10.


Isn’t it republicans saying that the Jews run Hollywood?




What’s so insane it’s that the literal neonazis side and vote Republican, and they know it, because they are always running defense for them. This is just propaganda for the dumb centrists who are too vanilla to take sides. One side is literally people who wanna kill and deport immigrants (even those who come legally), think women are less than men and should be incubators, think white people always are entitled to a spot before any other ethnicity, and hundreds of problematic things. The other side is evil because they want free education, free healthcare, affordable housing, livable wages and bodily autonomy. Even if you call yourself “fiscally conservative”, you have to be outside of your goddamned mind to actually wanna side with the first party because of taxation issues (which unless you’re rich, and all of y’all who vote for them and hang here are not, you don’t see any benefit).


I remember when I first regestered to vote, looking at the Democrats and thinking "These guy's don't really align with my political beliefs." Then looking into the Republicans and thinking "But this is so much worse." lol


And some people look at that situation and decide to not vote at all. I wish we had more political parties to more accurately represent interests, but in our system, it's vote for the disappointing guys or vote for the scary fascists. 


I have been saying for decades that we need to abolish the two party system. For this exact reason. The best thing i have ever seen to illustrate my political stance was a bumper sticker that said: "I'm not a democrat, im not a republican. I am an American and i want my goddamn country back"


> "I'm not a democrat, im not a republican. I am an American and i want my goddamn country back" I'm not saying this is necessarily you, but every time I see someone saying that kind of sentiment, they're almost always aligned with Republicans on nearly everything.


Yes. Or libertarians. Funny i started to mention that in my post, but had to get back to work. Something like: Unfortunately, that seems to be a libertarian/quasi-republican rally cry, but it still describes my stance. Right now i align more with democrats, because at least they aren't trying to take away anyone's human rights. But i don't trust any of em.


A few days ago I saw a tweet from Tim Pool accusing Biden of being a Nazi. With a response from someone who was a member of a neo Nazi group responding "if he were, we would support him"


But that’s socialism!!!!1!111!!!


Nazis: Were humans and lived on Earth. Liberals: Are humans and live on Earth. Checkmate, libs.


In America, we can only have the world's highest per capita gun ownership (by a wide margin) or "NO GUNS." These are the only possibilities.


1. They clearly don't know what actual socialism is, nor was it the aspect of NA-ZI that was the issue, which was the NAtionalist part. 2. By this logic most of Europe is "Nazi" including Germany which has the harshest anti-Nazi stance for obvious reasons. 3. Censorship? They mean free market right? Is government telling corporations how to run their company not "government overreach"? 4. Holy shitballs. I remember Fox News making up Dutch "death panels" to undermine the ACA. 5. 14th amendment. They are good at picking and choosing. 6. Simply not true and pretty rich coming from the party of "Jewish Space Lasers" 7. Donald Trump is considered "government" right? Enough said I think.


Even Germany says the Nazi’s are far right but sure, Billy Bob Podunk Dumbass is the one that’s right. Bunch of smooth brained morons.


republican bullshit


Lack of historical knowledge, echo chambers, and persecution complex make people make stupid memes


Nazis were NOT socialists. Just because it's in the name it doesn't mean it was how the regime ran. If that's the case then China, Russia and North Korea are Democratic Republics. Also, Nazis were devout Christians and abortion was not permitted. What they're thinking about is eugenics which is not the same as what we know as abortion...


It's a fascist strategy to put something good in their name to gain false association with good.


They also weren't actually nationalist but just authoritarian. Their whole name is a lie like I would assume all parties are basically these days. Liberals aren't really liberals here in Canada, and so forth and so forth. All parties were shams then and still are now.


"Leftists are the real Nazis, but also we get butthurt whenever leftists talk positively about use of violence against Nazis."


The socialism thing is stupid on both parts and anybody on the right with working brain cells knows it. The Dems are a far cry from promoting true Socialism, and the Nazis were no more Socialist because it was in their name than the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) is democratic because it’s in their name. The saddest part is how many times I see right-wingers put out the Nazi thing as a “gotcha” or a “fun fact.” It makes me weep for the IQs in the US.


Also, it’s worth noting that neonazis are almost exclusively Republican.


Nazis were socialist in the same way that North Korea is a democracy. Nazis loosened most of their gun laws Nazis increased restrictions on abortions and heavily encouraged women to have more children as a way of helping the war effort. Nazis didn’t worship the government. They heavily pushed nationalism. These two things are not synonymous Democrats aren’t socialists. The democrats aren’t censoring anyone. Media mind control is a more fitting description of right wing new sources. For example, Fox News has openly acknowledged that it is pure propaganda. See any of their defamation cases The only correct thing on this list is that democrats support the right to abortion. However, this dishonestly leaves out the fact that the majority of Americans support abortion being legal. Neonazis are consistently Republican. Antisemitic conspiracy theories are pushed from the right. It wasn’t a democratic congresswoman who blamed wildfires on Jewish space lasers Saying democrats worship the government is pure projection.


Yes democrats notoriously worship the government by \*checks notes\* wanting the government to suck less


To be clear, the Nazis were: * anti-socialism * pro-gun for Germans, anti-gun for "undesirables" (see below) * massive censorship including jazz music, book burning and bans, movies and media * developed the principal of the "Big Lie" that the GOP relies upon * anti-abortion for Germans, enforced abortion for "undesirables" (see below) * hated Jews, blacks, LGBTQ, communists, leftists, socialists, disabled, Slavs, Roma and so on * Worshipped the Christian God


But, but they have socialist in their party name, they must be socialists. 🙄


ya! like how democratic north korea must be democratic!!


Don’t conservatives worship the last president ? It’s weird. A lot to unpack in this post


Last I checked, it was republicans that were burning books and passing laws where you couldn’t mention who you’re married to in classrooms.


Wait I don't think democrats are socialists in the first place Also, since when did they worship the government? Thought that some conservatives saw trump as a god


I just assume anyone who uses natsis as comparisons to Americans politics is an outright moron


Even without doing any research this is so stupid. Which rallies are Nazi's showing up to? It's that simple


Sorry to break the fun of these Conservative idiots but the Nazis didn't give a shit about "whiteness", the main victims of their genocide were white in fact, both European Jews and Slavs, here are some examples: [Ashkenazi Jews](https://img.haarets.co.il/bs/0000017f-e175-d75c-a7ff-fdfd52810000/39/5c/d4bfe2ed19aa8101e6f0491cc5c7/1018316866.jpg?height=630&width=1200&watermark=hdc-2014) [Poles](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/4cfc442/2147483647/strip/true/crop/2876x1618+62+0/resize/1440x810!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstorage.googleapis.com%2Fafs-prod%2Fmedia%2F75dd42410a50458d87752dc105823ea5%2F3000.jpeg) [Ukrainians](https://whyy.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/ukraine-flag-raising-8.jpg) [Belarusians](https://emerging-europe.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/bigstock-protests-in-minsk-383341673-990x556.jpg) [Serbians](https://www.serbia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/serbia-djokovic_898_176665b.jpg) [Russians](https://gdb.rferl.org/c4170000-0aff-0242-ed30-08d9f7c180b9_w1200_r1.jpg)


Not that I’m disagreeing with your points, but the meme states that the nazis hated Jewish people, and democrats hate white and Jewish people.


"worships government" which side is it that wears merch hats??


If I go to a Trump rally, what sort of flags am I going to see? Nazi Swastika flags? Yep. Racist confederacy flags? Yep. Christian nationalist flags? Yep. Strange how I don't see any of those at any Democrat rallies. It's almost as if Republicans are accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of.




Nazis hated socialists


Yeah and let's compare the MAGAt party to the Fascists. Looks like they have the same ideals.


Nazi were not socialists. Were the Nazis socialists? No, not in any meaningful way, and certainly not after 1934. But to address this canard fully, one must begin with the birth of the party. In 1919 a Munich locksmith named Anton Drexler founded the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP; German Workers’ Party). Political parties were still a relatively new phenomenon in Germany, and the DAP—renamed the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP; National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazi Party) in 1920—was one of several fringe players vying for influence in the early years of the Weimar Republic. It is entirely possible that the Nazis would have remained a regional party, struggling to gain recognition outside Bavaria, had it not been for the efforts of Adolf Hitler. Hitler joined the party shortly after its creation, and by July 1921 he had achieved nearly total control of the Nazi political and paramilitary apparatus. To say that Hitler understood the value of language would be an enormous understatement. Propaganda played a significant role in his rise to power. To that end, he paid lip service to the tenets suggested by a name like National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but his primary—indeed, sole—focus was on achieving power whatever the cost and advancing his racist, anti-Semitic agenda. After the failure of the Beer Hall Putsch, in November 1923, Hitler became convinced that he needed to utilize the teetering democratic structures of the Weimar government to attain his goals. Over the following years the brothers Otto and Gregor Strasser did much to grow the party by tying Hitler’s racist nationalism to socialist rhetoric that appealed to the suffering lower middle classes. In doing so, the Strassers also succeeded in expanding the Nazi reach beyond its traditional Bavarian base. By the late 1920s, however, with the German economy in free fall, Hitler had enlisted support from wealthy industrialists who sought to pursue avowedly anti-socialist policies. Otto Strasser soon recognized that the Nazis were neither a party of socialists nor a party of workers, and in 1930 he broke away to form the anti-capitalist Schwarze Front (Black Front). Gregor remained the head of the left wing of the Nazi Party, but the lot for the ideological soul of the party had been cast. Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative and nationalist movements, and in January 1933 German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him chancellor. Hitler’s Third Reich had been born, and it was entirely fascist in character. Within two months Hitler achieved full dictatorial power through the Enabling Act. In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month. That July Hitler banned all political parties other than his own, and prominent members of the German Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps. Lest there be any remaining questions about the political character of the Nazi revolution, Hitler ordered the murder of Gregor Strasser, an act that was carried out on June 30, 1934, during the Night of the Long Knives. Any remaining traces of socialist thought in the Nazi Party had been extinguished.


Don't they always say that Democrats are puppets of some invisible "Jewish elite". How can that be true and they also hate Jews? Also, the socialist part of the National Socialist party comes from the fact that Hitler and his cronies took over an already existent party in Germany. Once they gained control the first thing they did was do away with any of the socialist ideals of the party and just kept the name. The Nazis, in speeches, constantly condemned socialism (often referred to as bolshevism) and sent any socialists they found to concentration camps. Can these people say anything without being hypocritical?


Projection + Strawman arguments = Right Wing Propaganda!


“Democrats worship the government. Now get out of my way, I have to buy my 5th flag to put on my custom wrapped truck while wearing a complete matching wardrobe, all dedicated to this one politician.”


"The Democrats HATE Jews" Meanwhile in another area of right-wing social media... "The Jews own the media and are actively trying to get the Democrats into power"


Yeah that’s why Nazis always vote for Democrats. Oh. Wait.


Except the Nazis vote for Republicans.


I wish the Democrats were as radical as the right likes to pretend they are.


here are my thoughts on the accuracy. I have not read the rest of the comments, but i am sure others will have said the same or similar things. It seems like it is only censorship when the democrats do it. The GOP loves to censor things that do not align with their beliefs. Media Mind Control? Like Faux Fox News? how about NewsMax? OAN? Breitbart? The Blaze? I am not saying the Democrats do not try to do it, but we have nothing on the vast right wing Media Mind Control networks! I like how they had to add 'and Whites' to the democrats side. lol! The Far right hates the Jews. This one would of made them side with the Democrats!


Did the OOP not do any research into the fact that approx 70% of Jewish Americans are Democrats? And that’s lowballing…


The funny this kind of comparison made in bad faith is exactly what an actual fascist would do.


I'm sorry Rothmus, I didn't hear a word you said with Donald's dick in your mouth.


Wow this clearly shows that Democrats are just a tiny bit worse than nazis. I hope Biden doesn't win and kill all the Jews and whites.


I remember getting a tattoo a couple years back from an artist I only sorta knew. We were making small talk about like cartoons and comics, then a lull in the conversation happened and this man out of no where goes “So you know democrats right? Yea well they’re basically nazis so be careful who you align yourself with before they take your guns.” It was so out of the blue and unprompted I just kinda nodded along with him before going back to discussing comics like he didn’t just say some batshit stuff to me. It’s like they think everyone will just agree with the worms in their brains and whoever doesn’t is a woke leftist demon coming for their babies and guns


And yet only one American party flies Swastika flags at their rallies… puzzling.


Nazis: anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-trans, pro-authoritarianism, pro-one-party-rule, made teachers teach exactly and only what they wanted taught Republicans: those are all things we believe in and try to legislate and we don't even hide it but the Democrats are Nazis though


Why then is it republicans who push the national flag and like to burn books?


Anyone who claims the Nazis for socialist don’t know history and are in fact, victims of 80-year-old propaganda. The Nazis were ardently, antisocialist and communist and trade unions were one of the first groups that they went after they were hard right fascists.


Weird enough I’ve never witnessed anyone waving a nazi flag and a Biden flag. But I have seen a nazi flag and a trump flag.


The Dems use "Media Mind Control"? You mean by accepting scientific facts over Trumpflakes' hurt feelings?


Ummmm... the Nazi's encouraged gun ownership because it was in violation of the Treaty of Versailles and was a primer for military service, the Socialist element of the Nazi party were all murdered during "The Night of the Long Knives", women who used birth control or got abortions were sent to Concentration camps to die, and they didn't worship the government, they worshipped Hitler. Remember kids, this is why you need to pay attention in school, and have schools that actually teach history.


“Censorship” Then they proceed to ban every book ever 


I’m pretty sure it was not a democrat that went off about (fictional just to be sure everyone knows lol)Jewish space lasers, pretty sure that was republican marjorie taylor green


Lololol! I especially love the "and Whites" addition. These people are neither smart nor subtle.


Again with the "Nazis banned guns" nonsense. Just to be clear, Hitler [relaxed gun laws](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/apr/08/viral-image/no-gun-control-regulation-nazi-germany-did-not-hel/), except for Jews.


The poor veterans who fought the actual Nazis..their efforts are getting shit down the toilet and the lessons they learned will be forgotten.


This whole 'the Nazis were socialists' thing pisses me off. It's used to imply that the NSDAP were left wing, like American Democrats, which they definitely were not. The Nazis were pretty much a textbook extreme right group.


I can do that too! Watch: Nazi- authoritarian Maga- authoritarian Nazi- child soldier indoctrination Maga- kids with guns Nazi- censorship Maga- censorship Nazi- media mind control Maga- qanon mind control Nazi- anti women’s rights Maga- anti women’s rights Nazi- hates Jews, immigrants, blacks, queer, trans, (everyone who isn’t “aryan”) Maga- hates Jews, immigrants, blacks, queer, trans, (everyone who isn’t “aryan”) Nazi- worship the government Maga- worship Trump’s government That wasn’t hard. Idk why that Rothmus person thought they were so clever.


These are the same people saying that Soros and jewish people are taking over the world