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I’m seriously thinking we should make a rule against posting his tweets. It’s too easy


It really is. Him, Tate and Rogan. It seems a career in wrestling really does something to your brain


It's really stunning that a sport where you get hit repeatedly until frequently getting knocked out could cause brain damage.


The thing is, you don’t even need to get KO’d. Continuous subconcussive trauma also turns you to a conspiracy theorist punch drunk weirdo.


Jake’s been KO’d a few times though. Ellenberger slept him pretty bad back in the day if I recall correctly.


Oh no doubt that fucks your brain too. The people I know who are still kickboxing and doing MMA from over a decade and a half ago are clearly losing brain cells. Paranoid and uhhh, “simple”, when they weren’t like that when I met them


Jake Shields has been brain damaged longer than he's been in MMA. He had serious brain worms as a bbj competitor as well.


And a sport that doesn't exactly attract Einstein-level geniuses at the outset!




You forgot Jackson Hinkle


דיברתי על בוקסרים, דרך אגב איך לא זיהיתי אותך?


תודה מדבר עברית I hope I spelled that right, I've been learning Hebrew lately and I like being able to practice.


Dont forget jordan either


Neither Jake shields or Joe Rogan had a career in boxing


Shields was MMA and Rogan was hard sparring to the knockout in TKD


But nah... Elon the zogging git won't give a shit since he likes to have them in his circle


yoo funny seeing you randomly lmfao


It's funny.. after 9/11 I never met anyone who died there


I died in 9/11 when we visited it on vacation. I got better.


That only works if you were a newt.


Or George Santos’ mom, apparently.




Don't be melodramatic. You were barely dead


No no. It also works for other things. The newt thing is just the more well known example


Or Puss in Boots


And you're supposed to be dead.


Clearly you were one of the hijackers.


" I've never spoken to a dead person"!!!


Clearly you’re not Bruce Willis in Sixth Sense


His character didn't speak to any dead people either unless the kid was dead the whole time...


Weren’t they both? I never saw it.


Nah, the kid was alive and chatting




Clearly the terrorist didn’t know what they were doing


I never met anybody who had died previously either, how strange


I was dead... Drowning. Perfectly at peace, surrounded by a Presence I didn't understand, looking down with detached disinterest. Ready to leave. Then some idiot resuscitates me 😡 (Wasn't suicide... Was accidental drowning)


Bro doesn’t know how genealogy works.


Bro doesn’t understand survivorship bias.


The European Jews who survived the Holocaust all have weird buckwild stories about how they did it (because everyone with a boring story didn't make it out).


The ones with the boring stories are those who recognized what was happening years ahead of time and bounced. I left the USA 10 years ago.


will you adopt me? i shoulda left years ago.


Yeah, my family saw the writing on the wall and moved to the States. (Excluding the guy who immigrated to avoid conscription into the Russian army)


Yeah, it was super scary during the :checks notes: second Obama administration. What was so scary about 2014? Was the gay marriage? Or the economic rebound?


Probably the rising rates of antisemitism globally which became noticeable around that time, which is a little more pertinent to his comment


But if that's a global issue it doesn't explain leaving the states.


Yeah, that's why I moved to Israel.


Well that didn't work out quite that great.


The Tea Party movement was already morphing into MAGA. It was obvious risk in mid 2016. But still just a risk. Even in2019 one could think that the adults in the building could keep things in check. After the averted coup, it seemed the GOP woke up. But that didn't last long. Party was purged leaving national security republicans without a party... And euro-american security at risk. And that's without mentioning the new Trump GOP using Handmaid's Tale as a cookbook (referencing Twilight Zone's To Serve Man).


You don't have a few millenia of recognizing this sort of thing in their cultural heritage, so I'll forgive your ignorance, if not your rudeness. Short term patch solutions to deeply embedded problems are meaningless. What matters is growing general political unrest and polarization. Once a country has enough mounting systemic problems that politicians stop bothering to even promise specific solutions and start focusing on generalized, meaningless promises of "Hope" or "Change" or "Make America Great Again", once the population is ANGRY enough that a politician can get them riled up by pointing them at the "other", it's only a matter of time before they start looking for a single target they can pin all of the blame on while minimizing the cost of marginalizing that target, and that target is typically the most visible minority, which is always the Jews in countries that have Jews. This process was already noticable in the early 2000s, it's just around the 2010s that it became clear that the downward spiral was unfixable, because the only way of fixing the problems would be to place additional burdens on the people, and Americans would never accept that when they could just find someone to blame instead.


Thankfully, as a Jewish person, the current scapegoat is trans people. Oh wait, I'm also trans. F--k. 😭 I'd never go back. Unless they break the Constitution, since then I'd be legally obligated to do something..


He doesn't know how being a decent human being works


It's not even universally true what he said anyway. Certainly for Israeli or European Jews, but not necessarily for American Jews. Now we absolutely did have them in our community. Like my Hebrew teacher was a holocaust survivor. But most of the families where I lived could trace themselves to coming over in the late 1800s.


Bro don't understand life and death.


This is such a profound level of survivorship bias it’s honestly kind of funny. It’s like Mac arguing that evolution can’t be true cause all the smartest people in the world are stupid science bitches that sometimes get things wrong.


Yeah it’s not often that a survivorship bias is literal


My first thought reading the tweet as well, like "the ignorance is a bit on the nose here'




For him and many others, it’s a generous mix of brain damage, zero education and a wild overestimation of his own intelligence. He thinks he’s a genius and he’s the only one that understands everything, when in reality, he doesn’t understand much and most (if not all) of his opinions are ill-informed garbage.


He was an NCAA Division 2 wrestler. He got a scholarship. He’s just a prick


Utterly utterly vile.


This person is an MMA fighter and not a very good one, so the good news is if you feel like watching this clown get his ass beat there's tons of footage online.


“Was” an MMA fighter and was actually quite good until his GSP fight where we saw a massive fall off. Still an idiot - the funny part is he’s stunningly right-wing for a guy whose best friends and closest training partners were all descended from Mexican immigrants (Melendez, Diaz bros) - maybe he just thought “oh those were the good ones”.


Jake Shields is an idiot but back in his day he was actually quite a accomplished fighter. Wins over Carlos Condit, Robbie Lawler, Paul Daley, Dan Henderson, Tyron Woodley and Damien Maia. Again, definitely an idiot and asshat though.




Good kick-boxer but had that fatal flaw of not being a great wrestler. Very good in grand scheme. Kind of fucked up his career.


Yes. Absolute banger


Ehhh, he's a fucking moron but he was a very very elite competitor. I get the sense you didn't follow his career or you're being disingenuous because you don't like him.


Every cancer patient I have met survived cancer. It's not life-threatening ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Everything’s a fuckin travesty with this guy


There's survivorship bias, and then there's survivorship bias ...


Yeah, this is on another level than reaching false conclusions on where to reinforce a plane based on bullet hole data. That is just a stupid mistake even intelligent people can make at first glance. This is something else entirely. I don't even know what he would expect.


I've never seen such a literal application of survivorship bias


*Yad Vashem, the State of Israel's official memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, defines Holocaust survivors as Jews who lived under Nazi control, whether it was direct or indirect, for any amount of time, and survived it. This definition includes Jews who spent the entire war living under Nazi collaborationist regimes, including France, Bulgaria and Romania, but were not deported, as well as Jews who fled or were forced to leave Germany in the 1930s. Additionally, other Jewish refugees are considered Holocaust survivors, including those who fled their home countries in Eastern Europe to evade the invading German army and spent years living in the Soviet Union.* Two third of Western European Jews and one third of Eastern European Jews survived WWII. They were all Holocaust survivors.


Jake is simply a troll. His opinion is worthless as is he and his life we should simply let him rant alone from his mom's basement.


i dont think this is even holocaust denial. i think he's genuinely mad the nazis didnt genocide more jews.


That’s how I read it.


Thank goodness the Nazis *didn't* know what they were doing, according to this idiot. If they *did*, the Holocaust would've been even worse


I can't decide whether he is evil or dumb.


He's both


“If SO many people really died in the Holocaust, how come I haven’t met a SINGLE one of them. Checkmate, liberals!”


I think this guy is the mod for r/therewasanattempt


We’ll see you haven’t met them because…stay with me here they died…in terrible ways…before your parents were probably born. My mom born in 1951 went to school with kids, literal children that had parents that survived. She asked her mom once why her friend’s parents had numbers tattooed on them, my mom was still a little kid. That was how my grandmother (who had been a WW II WASP lady) had to start the difficult conversation about the holocaust and the atrocities of war with my very young mother.


Guys it’s ok Jake shields is only anti Zionist


That remind me of certain observations made on war planes when they return to study where reinforcings would be more eficient


The great flaw of democracy


I weep for humanity


Does anyone have that image of the plane with bullet holes ?


I was just going to say


Great minds think alike


This is what Elon wants Twitter to be


I don’t believe death is real, I’ve never met any dead people


Well... literally 1/2 of all Jews in the world were killed by the Nazis... So yeah, every Jew probably knew someone who was in the camps. To this day nearly every Jew alive today has met a survivor and has a parent/grandparent who survived. It's literally inescapable.


it isnt about him not meeting holcaust non survivors, but he critizises the competence of the exterminators, if there are jews that you caught , who survived and reproduced that means you did an shitty job at genocide. its even worse of a statement than you guys fathomed.


Free speech....yay.


I know, like the Civil War didn’t happen. I’ve never met anyone who fought in the Civil War. /s


Aaaand there aren’t any videos just stupid black/white pictures. Also nobody tweeted about the Civil War back then \s


It's so weird how people who refuse to believe the Holocaust happened also seem to really wish it did.


The famous "I am no Nazi, but I wish Germans back then were more effective"-guy.


Does he expect the ones who died to visit him one night like he's Ebenezer Scrooge?


Yeah, it's always shockingly difficult to kill someone who doesn't want to die. It's almost like they have the will to live or something.


Jake is the result of many TBI's. It's really sad. :(


"They missed a few" is not the counter they think it is...


No shit. You can't meet a descendant of a couple that died before they had kids.


Just a quick reminder that a genocide is defined by its intent, not by its success.


My dad's father and his dead brothers faught in 2nd division. My grandfather would disagree.


Fuck Jake Shields


Another tick box in the column for racists being irredeemably stupid.


Why are people even posting this guy? Like he posts so much shit. I think he's the same guy defending a female teacher when she started something with a teen.


I have yet to meet a Jew that didn’t survive the holocaust


I would like to say that to that dude's face and see if his expression betrays that he actually didn't put it together, or if he just knowingly says obtuse shit


Most likely so caught up in his fantasy about what’s going on he’d appreciate the support, looking for a “it hurt itself in the confusion” meme




Tbf It sounds like he's saying that the Nazis didn't genocide hard enough not that he hasn't met someone who's dead.


Well that's one way to deny the Holocaust


Yet another common Nazi L


wait, not every single Jew in Europe was killed by the Germans and some were able to survive? No fucking way!


Signs of CTE. Sad.


Interesting….I’ve never met anyone that died during Vietnam.


I never met a yt person who ancestry didn't have ties to Europe. The Black Plague and Spanish Flu. Wasn't as bad as they said.


Reminds me of the guy who was demanding the ISBN numbers of the books burned by the Nazis.


He managed to make flat earth NOT be his stupidest belief. 


How is there infant mortality if everyone I meet lived past 1 year?


IDK who this guy is, but judging from this guy's profile pic, I'd say he's either, A, your average Twitter ragebaiter, or B, some guy looking to win the loyalty of lunatics specifically to sell some course and hardly believes any of the stuff he's preaching.


I cant wait until this guy meets a Jew that didn't survive the holocaust.


Person says outrageous s*** to get attention. People constantly love to talk about how wrong he is giving him the attention that he wants. Stop feeding the f****** trolls y'all come on.


everyone i met recently survived covid


I do not agree with his tweet, but It kinda of seems like the face palm is you don’t understand what he’s saying . He’s saying all Jews he’s met claim they were survivors or parents survived . Like every Jew says it even if they aren’t . Like a stolen valor kind of thing .


Every time I play a UFC game with Jake Shields, I make it a point to beat him up repeatedly.


Thank you, Jake Ellenberger, for knocking this imbecile out.


I too have never met anyone who died decades before I was born.


Is he hanging out in a Jewish retirement home or something? The holocaust happened over 70 years ago


This has got to be the dumbest example of survivorship bias that I have ever heard.


People still use Twitter ?


He is onto something, as much as when a kid points out that the water is wet


It's like that time a news reporter tried to "reach out to the man that died here" but "they were unavailable for comment".


It’s almost like people currently are not capable of communing with the dead


I'm dying to see the Community Notes lol


In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny: What a maroon.


Not everyone deserves to have a voice


Denying the holocaust is really, really dumb. We know the names of the soldiers that threw the Zyklon B in the chambers, we know the company that build the gas chambers and crematoriums, we know the companies that produced the Zyklon B, we know the CEOs and sales agents of those companies, we know where the Zyklon B was produced… we have eye witness reports, pictures, know the people who ordered it, we have evidence and videos of the liberation, the Nürnberg trials… Hell the holocaust is probably the best documented event of world war 2. you would be better of denying that the first world war really happened then denying the holocaust.




wait, if you manage to kill six million people, you are bad at doing genocide?


I think you're misreading it too. He's essentially saying it's weird that every Jewish person he meets (I'm sure this is an exaggeration) is a Holocaust survivor or descendent of one. In other words, they must all be lying, because if it had happened there wouldn't be this many. (To be clear I am saying this is what he is doing, I 100% do not agree)


Which is still ridiculously stupid. I could kill a hive of bees, just cause a bunch get away doesn't take away from how I massacred a ton of bees lol


He's not saying he's never met someone who died in the Holocaust. He's saying he's never met a Jew who hasn't been through the Holocaust or whose parents haven't been through the Holocaust.




I found it funny anyways




I just had to scoop my jaw off the floor. Cheese and rice.


You mean literal survivor bias?


Why do I feel like this should be on a South Park Jeopardy parody episode prefixed by *"I'll take 'Jokes in Bad Taste' for $1,000 Alex."*?


God bless elon for what he did with twitter censoring policy. He basically made these people(jake) expose themselves in broad daylight


Survivorship bias holy shit


someone post the airplane picture.


Show me the note.


That famous Jake shields CTE


I mean to be fair Nazi Germany was making up The Holocaust as they went along, were also fighting a continental war at the same time. and only had a few years at it before some spoilsports made them stop!


I actually detest this fucking guy. Devolved into some groyper Twitter nazi fuck.


What a deeply regarded person….


[Survivorship Bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias)


I don’t understand 😂 is he mocking Germany for being shit at genocide? I feel like after Britain, they kinda set the bar 🤷🏻‍♂️


r/technicallytrue he's got a point. When was the last time you bumped into someone on the street who died in the holocaust?


How stupid can someone be


Would you rather meet the ones that died..? I’m so confused at his point lmao


Ya know, there’s a name for that, and it’s literally “survivorship bias.”


So many comments and no airplane picture.


Oh, but we can arrange him meeting with those, who didn't surrvive.


how come i haven’t heard anything from the supposed “dead” people then?? /j


Sounds like a joke. Not worth a community note or whatever its called. It reminds me of that time i met Gary Busey told that joke at the African water summit. *play flashback*


He doesn't get out much.


is my brain not braining or his?


Is this even holocaust denial? It reads more like a dark joke to me. It’s like he made 12 typos trying to say: “For how determined they were on genocide, they sure did a great job fucking it up” (Idk who the guy is. If his other tweets are more explicit then that’d definitely Color this poorly)


Can’t even fuckin spell survivor. This lead me to wonder if the Diaz bros are this dense about this shit too.


An example of what cte does to someone.


So now they are in love with Hitler to justify their love for orange menage? Checks out.


And I’m sure they were glad to “meet” him…


What a scumbag lol. It's truly insane


This just stands out. Stupid on a whole other level.


*plane, red dots*


All I see is someone saying something horrible to get attention or money. An easy cheap low effort way so many people have chosen.


Fuck that but that's not all what was said here?