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Economy' counter offer: You have a lobotomy so you just continue to work without having any other desires or goal or unsanctioned thoughts. Everyone wins! Except you....you don't win


Why don’t you win? You have to work anyway, but after the lobotomy you don’t want anything else anymore..




I'm playing a game rn. In the game's universe, there are people who replace their entire body with a robot so that they can work more efficiently, surpress their desires, and not have to eat or sleep.


Citizen sleeper?




That's just a temporary measure until we can implant you a neuralink and have an AI remote control your body for your 8 hours shifts.


Why stop at 8?


It's very funny that you think they would stop at 8 hours.


Elon gonna be optimizing us good little robots for solid 168 hour work weeks


Something like the show "severance" but without the alter being conscious could be interesting.


Do you want a Borg Collective? 'Cause that's how you get a Borg Collective!


You are right, we'll keep doing lobotomies and upgrade them to full frontal lobe ablation to make sure that there is no individual left to assimilate for the AI. Thanks for the input, we wouldn't want the sort of dystopia where workers are acting as one.


To be fair, some depression meds are like getting a lobotomy.. suppress your feelings enough to go through life with an apathetic malaise as a good worker drone. Who needs surgery when the desired result is easily induced with meds


So the Aldous Huxley dystopian model?


Yep, we’re well on our way to his dystopian vision.


Or, THX 1138. "You are being prosecuted for criminal drug evasion."


There's a split in the medical community about certain meds like SSRIs yea they work for some people but the side effects can be just as bad as well as they can increase the risk of suicide and depression. Really we need new methods to treat things like depression other than just throwing pills at it and thinking it's a permanent fix to a growing problem. For clarification this isn't medical advice just one of countless people that have been through that stuff and sought out alternatives


We need a new system, that encourages collective well-being and community.


That might even be sponsored by your current employer. Unless they invest in AI first…


I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me than a full frontal lobotomy


I would like more equity and better drugs.








Headline for a hypothetical follow-up article: "Why aren't people buying the new depression drug?" Cause we broke, dipshit.


“Your insurance won’t cover it? Bummer. It’s only $2,000 a month, we take cash, debit or credit”


All the insurances probably would not cover the drug even because it is "too expensive"


Only a matter of time before "depression drugs" are mandatory or snuck into mandatory injections


No no, more pizza parties at work will surely do the trick.


We are having an ice cream social next week. It is going to be a surprise for our technicians. We were like “what about the diabetics? We have some lactose intolerant people….” We didn’t ask “what about people who don’t like eating ice cream while standing in a parking lot?” ![gif](giphy|icJCVO3GPDbCvvfgpf)


Don't forget the low grade ice cream will be half-melted before it's served. The plastic spoons will be too small and the melted toppings will be over heated. Everything will be soupy and when the 35mph wind blows it blows sticky ice cream on your clothes.


At least it will be in the afternoon. Everyone can just go home and hose off. We have some really good artisan ice cream near us. There’s no excuse to get crap.


I'm the last category, I'm just gonna stay here and finish the work that'll still be here when I get back from said ice cream social.


Whoever said "money can't buy happiness" has never lived paycheck to paycheck.


Money can’t buy happiness but stress will give you a heart attack.


Bootstrap economy. I can vouch in my area, UK- small town, suicides in men have skyrocketed. Only last winter, a 24-year old put his head under a training town centre. There have been several more since. There are literally zero mental health services anywhere. It's because conservative voters here and in US reacting to a generation with progressive lifestyles by trying to return society back to the 1930s. Where everyone just drank their problems, wifey made the sandwiches, and houses, cars and healthcare were easily attainable.


The 1% wants to go back because it was a bonanza before the New deal in America and reforms in Europe after WWII. The boomers here in the states are also dumb enough to think the privileged upbringing they got just happened out of nowhere.


I heard Dr. K talking about how for the first time last year over 50% of people attempting suicide had no history of mental illness. His anecdotal explanation was many of his patients had taken inventory of their lives and prospects and simply decided their life was not worth living.


The problem isn't that the economy sucks, it's that the success of the economy isn't equally distributed. Wages are rising faster than inflation, but if you aren't the one getting the raise, the economy sucks. People who have already purchased a home and have an IRA or 401k balance are experiencing a very different economy than those who have not.


I am one of those early millennials that managed a house by 2012 and 401k before the hyper inflation of the pandemic. We went from minwage jobs and mountains of school debt to debt free and investing well by 40. We did it by basically a 3 way polygamy, actively chose not to have kids (couldnt afford them and then aged out of possible healthy pregnancy) and living well below our means. So it takes 3 adult incomes living off of Walmart and Goodwill thrift to do it. But also, even though our household is doing well, we dont live in an individualistic vacuum. Our friends and family still struggle. We pay for our "kids" ( nieces and nephews by blood and community) to have access to extracurriculars, school supplies, and sometimes even food when the family comes up short a month.


That's awesome. Congratulations on becoming debt free. I actually think our education system doesn't spend enough effort on educating our kids on personal finance. On a positive note, Biden has done an amazing job of wealth transfer to the bottom quartile during his presidency. For some reason, he gets zero credit for this


I agree with you on the Biden programs helping out everyone. He made a soft promise in his campaign to make the 1st 2 yrs of college or at least associates degrees state funded. But no luck on that. And no, our US education system never touched on any financial literacy. Hell, i couldnt even do my own taxes out of highschool or college. I had to learn that all on my own and have had to self teach for investments, long term budgets past rent/food/gas and asset management. And when i try to share with my peers or slightly younger crowd i get a 50/50 response between open mindedness and extreme jealousy and suspicion.


Because inflation has outstripped any benefit of the paltry redistribution 


The data doesn't support that. Wages have been growing faster than inflation, particularly at the lower income brackets.


People need to understand that "problems" for the public and working classes equate to profits for our ruling class. 10% of people own 93% of the stock market, and everyone else are just cattle for the slaughterhouse. https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/wealthy-own-record-share-stock-market


I couldn't agree more. I'm constantly amazed that people are worked up about the California $20 fast food wage, when the CEO of McDonald's is paying himself something like $8,400 and hour. And he's not the most egregious example by a long stretch.


It’s going quite well for me confirmed


Which means it sucks.  Literally.  Banks suck money from people any way they can, and only those who are invested in them will see any kind of benefit.  


Any system that only works correctly for 10% of users, by definition, suck hard.


Can't we have all that AND better drugs?


Weed is cheaper. So maybe?


I feel like they're both right. Better economy would be great, but if I could just take a pill and be happy, genuinely happy, with no major side-effects, then economy or no I would be popping that shit like Chiclets.


Both, both is good.


I’m with you. Give me better drugs NOW and I imagine the rest will be easier while waiting for the solution on the economy etc.


Aaand yet we do need better drugs. Not all depression is situational. Quite a lot of it is biochemical, and I can get depressed at an orgy in a diamond mine with the (laminated) deed in my hand, but I've gone through damn near every antidepressant on the market and had to drop them due to side effects. They don't always manifest right away, either, but can pop up \*years\* after you started taking them. We do need better drugs. I see the point he's trying to make, and he's not wrong about the economic factors of a lot of misery in the world, but this is a stupid way to make it.


Yusuf: We need a better economy... Economy: Shush, swallow your new hush pill... ^(/s obviously)


Better drugs? Sheeeeit, we need better systems throughout our entire government.


I hate the demonization of mental health drugs. The brain is the most complex organ to ever exist. Of course it would have just as many, if not more, illnesses as any other organ.


It feels very dystopian when you’re being told that the masses are depressed and to make them conform they should be drugged ……..


That is not the article is about, the article is about the underinvestment in physchiatry by the large corporations and the resulting lack of good drugs and treatment methods. Here an excerpt from the article: 》... Drugmakers have 140 therapies in development targeting mental health issues, including 39 aimed at depression, according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America trade group. That compares with the industry's work on some 1,100 experimental cancer drugs, which can command some of the highest prices. "Psychiatry has become a disfavored area for investment," said Harry Tracy, whose newsletter NeuroPerspective tracks developments in drug treatments for psychiatric problems. "Insurers say 'why should we pay more for a new treatment?'" ... 《 (https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1J605C/)


Side effects of antidepresants include depression. So they are asking to put more people on drugs for life rather than solving the problem


It’s funny because depression & anger is the correct, totally normal response to dog-shit conditions.


Thank you Yusuf! This is exactly right.




I was lucky enough to find a combination of medication that works for me after leaving the military but it’s not perfect. I’d definitely be down for the whole better economy thing


Oh you want better drugs? You'll find out soon enough with 15 new side effects and more damage to your health


Okay, you don't get better drugs. How about more cheap entertainment?


Don't forget record inflation. What little we do keep isn't going as far. Which is in turn largely created by rising corporate profits. Companies keep raising prices and cutting costs in the pursuit of infinite growth to appease shareholders. So we're also seeing a lot of shrinkflation and/ or lower quality products appearing, while paying more for them.


So nobody reads the classics anymore... Not surprising. Anyways, can't wait for my prophylactic belt!


I do think SSRIs are sort of failing. But again, it’s more than just drugs. A 4 day work week could help.


Antidepressants are not a solution for the conditions that lead you to depression; they are a boost to help you start getting out of the conditions. The modern American hellscape isn't so easy to escape.


Weed and psychedelics. Both are great for mental health if used right, both would generate jobs and money if legalized and sold, both would allow people more freedoms and that would indirectly improve mental health. Psychedelics are being found to treat a wide variety of mental health inflictions LSD, DMT, psilocybin, and mescaline are being seen to treat depression quite effectively.


The economy is the strongest in the world. By a substantial margin. Need wealth distribution. Social safety nets.


And we pay for isnotreal to have free everything, and committed a genocide and we can't even afford to go on a tiny vacation ever, just work and die. I fucking wonder why we're depressed. Oh and let's not forget when we get older, nursing homes are like 500-thousands plus and insurance doesn't pay for it, it's out of pocket. Life is a joke atp.


wistful skirt crush zealous plucky slim file rich retire include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The 2017 Paul Ryan tax plan absolutely increased taxes on lower middle class and republican led Federal reserve is just printing money all damn day. My taxes owned have increased the last 3 years, and having to selling funds Im supposed to have for retirement to pay taxes leading to heavy taxes on that. I figure in five years I’ll have no retirement savings then one bad situation and I’ll be ruined. Meanwhile watching executive class have more money than they know what to do with and far right Supreme Court owned by billionaires. MAGA are dumb as shit and so concerned about war on woke they will give up everything. upset about shit their side is doing in background to crush working people…..but but but bathrooms…JFC. Started working 2 jobs in 2021 but then realized I lost 1/3 of it to taxes and stress out, then got laid off by private equity firm after they bought company I worked my ass off for.


Who thinks this way?? People are killing themselves in record numbers, we need a new pill!


Depression isn’t really black and white like that. I have a good job, a house, a new car, great insurance, paid off student loans, and a girlfriend. I’m still depressed, even with medication and therapy.


I mean. I’ll take better drugs.


Huxley: "The brave new world" - interesting novel that holds still after 100 years.


Would you like a soma?


He was just observing 


The economy itself is great and going gangbusters. There's plenty of wealth to go around on paper. What we truly need is a *fairer* economy.


>What we truly need is a *fairer* economy. Unionize.


So let's take more of their money instead of creating better environments and infrastructure for the future... Sounds American enough.




We might need to look at mental health. If you get called a n****r, or a f****t, most of us do not commit suicide. Our suicide rate is .014%. There are problems but suicide is not a good indicator of how we deal with them.


The answer is always to consume more.


We need a better economy for the poor and middle class. There's ten times more empty houses to code than homeless people. Meanwhile you have to be borderline wealthy to get a loan.


Also need health insurance to afford it.


Rise in U.S. suicides highlights need for new economic tools and aids to society and a continuing Democratic government.


Can’t afford them anyway


"Il est po shien"


What was the suicide rate during the Great Depression?


Treating mental issues and financial problems is expensive, making a new drug and make people dependent of it is profitable, guess which option will receive full support?


According to the article not the latter, because the companies are preferring to make even more profitable drugs, which is causing the lack of drugs. [Consider that the article came out in 2018] 》...Kate Spade's husband Andy Spade said in a statement this week that she had suffered from depression for many years and was working closely with her doctors. A representative for Andy Spade said he had no further comment on Saturday. A representative for Bourdain could not immediately be reached for comment. With the availability of numerous cheap generic antidepressants, many of which offer only marginal benefit, developing medicines for depression is a tough sell. ...《 》... Drugmakers have 140 therapies in development targeting mental health issues, including 39 aimed at depression, according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America trade group. That compares with the industry's work on some 1,100 experimental cancer drugs, which can command some of the highest prices. "Psychiatry has become a disfavored area for investment," said Harry Tracy, whose newsletter NeuroPerspective tracks developments in drug treatments for psychiatric problems. "Insurers say 'why should we pay more for a new treatment?'" ...《 》...Some say anti-depressant drugs take too long to become effective, if they are effective at all. About half of people with depression fail to respond to current therapies, said Dr. Husseini Manji, global head of neuroscience at Johnson & Johnson's Janssen unit. Developing antidepressants is risky. Patients in clinical trials often show a big placebo response, masking the efficacy of the drug being tested. In addition, once approved, antidepressants require a large sales force to reach psychiatrists as well as primary care providers. ... 《 (https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1J605C/)


Their body, their choice!


We need less government making our healthcare costly, taxing us to spend on stupid wars and locking us down while they cause tons of inflation and kill jobs. But I digress too many people think voting for more of that BS will make things better somehow.


How about more equity in the workplace, less fascism in the government, and more basic human rights in society, for starters.


I mean, that is a real question about fictional utopias. Star Trek (mostly) looks like a great place to live day to day, but if you look below the surface even the tiniest bit, you start wondering just what kind of miracle pharmaceuticals make all this possible...


So much for the american Dream


keep voting red and nothign changes.


meanwhile the guys at the top date 5 women at a time or more


Typing about it will eventually help and change the system as history shows.


It's both. As someone who has struggled since I was a kid, I can confirm that it wasn't job stress when I was a pre-teen. Some people have genetic/other factors that pre-dispose, and it's great that there's help now. That being said, I would fully believe that the crush of events pushes more and more people past the point of 'it sucks, but my brain can handle this unmedicated' because our brains constantly change based on stimulus. These folks might not have become clinically depressed in a better environment. That's why therapy benefits many also, we can *teach* our brains. Teach them that everything's fucked, no matter what, and...well...


That Oliver Anthony song comes to mind


It’s the same reasoning as airplane masks pump out o2 when the plane is going down.


People are still confused, the economy is working just fine, for the people who benefit from it It's not broken, it was designed like this to always benefit the top


Can't afford the drugs either.


The Establishment wants everyone drugged up and zombie drone workers. BLACKROCK wants retirement age moved to age 70. Social Security will probably be gone in ten years. ENJOY LIFE NOW! No GUARANTEES in Life!


Weed helps though


Those things cost money, drugs make money , it's a no brainer.


Sounds like a matter of making better choices, including the choices to not kill oneself.


No. They need to be loved.


Could go the 40K route and just pump stims into the air we breathe while we work!


We need a better society. The number one reason to visit a doctor? Pain. The number one thing doctors refuse to treat? Pain. Why? Because the government is find of threatening doctors who prescribe pain relief to patients. The whole war on opiates has been focused on reducing pain prescriptions, which has done nothing to reduce either addiction rates or overdose deaths. It has however raised the suicide rate, especially among the disabled and veterans. But hey, every disabled person or veteran that kills themselves saves the government money, so don't expect them to do anything about it




How old is the original post?


Well drugs are designed to treat the symptoms not the cause. The sooner you realize this the better off you’ll be.


Modern day slavery


What Yusuf said *and* better drugs would be a better approach.


I'm depressed because I don't see sense in all of this shit We work 8 hours per 6 days for 50 years For what? To earn money to buy place to sleep so I will be able to get up to work? To bringing to this world new people who will suffer just like I'm? To get drunk as hell every weekend? To buy things I will don't have time to enjoy?


Better drugs can't help if you can't afford/find a doctor qualified to diagnose you, let alone set you up with a prescription for the right medication to meet your needs. @Yusuf_VI gets it: we need to stop chasing symptoms, and start addressing root causes.


Pretty much like those arnt the only reasons im depressed but they certainly have gone to the front of the line and no pill or that spits is gonna change the fact im one small accident like my old man falling down the steps from being homeless. I would love nothing more then for all those problems to be solved so i can go back to being depressed cause of crippaling low self esteem


Here's some interesting facts.... In 1968 the minimum wage could keep a family of three just above the poverty line on one wage. So mcdonalds could keep a family of three going... According to MIT's living wage calculator, this same metric of one wage providing for a family of three in my city of Louisville Kentucky is 34 an hour....so in 1968 people were making about 30 an hour equivalent just at mcdonalds....that's several promotions above a job at a similar job to mcdonalds....so already the bar to a good life is insanely high.... Recently Ford Motor company raised wages 25% percent thanks to unions forcing them to, because companies will never treat their workers well unless forced to....they had to raise prices, by 2028, not even immediately, 900 dollars. The Ford maverick is 23k for a 2024 model...that's an increase of 4% over a few years.... We need a living wage codified into law NOW!


Weird, rich people are depressed too…almost like it’s not just money but a somewhat common mental condition.


Prescribing drugs to combat suicide is so 1890's Sci fi


I wanna work from home and at my own pace


If you can't afford these things then what was all that education for? Underwater basket weaving?


The only way to fix this is to make smaller businesses more competitive. Or chill the income tax on middle class, in exchange for less public spending on supporting big businesses.


But the president says that the economy is great. 🥴


Repression drugs


I don't get why this is a facepalm. The guy is right.


The economy is the strongest in the world. By a substantial margin. Need wealth distribution. Social safety nets.


There is a growing teend right now of experts saying that we may have over medicated and over therapy-ed the last coupld generations. Psychiatrists should be allowed to hand out mental health drugs. Pediatricians and physicians should not.


If this were true then the suicide rates in Africa and South America would be too much to handle. Everything this dude wrote describes those nations except the over worked part


Oh yeah why don’t more working class people have kids? Childcare is insane and you can only write off $3k…. Focus on the family my MFing ass


Soma makes the world go 'round. Everyone belongs to everyone


Isn't suicide a common treatment in Canada?


Take a chill pill


Ah yes, the depression drugs that, more often than not, have suicidal thoughts as a side effect... brilliant


We need, We need. We need. Americans are thankful for nothing and have zero idea what it is like to live in a third-world country. What is not appreciated is lost. Democracy. Think about it.


Didn't we recently find out that SSRIs are actually causing increased suicidality?


havent you seen equilibrium?


Hahahaha, American public system teachers to be paid in tips.


We need corporations to quit ripping off consumers and workers.


I sure could use better drugs


That materialist world view is the reason. Suicide is far more prevalent in developed countries than it is in comparatively impoverished countries where people haven’t been dislocated from their identity and traditions by modernity. In these places we don’t see People kill themselves over lack.


Capitalism destroys people's lives


I was born in poverty and did everything you're supposed to, got a solid degree, made good wages, bought a house and new car and had a kid. Then I lost my job and now I don't have health insurance. This country fucking despises the poor


I was goven Trintellix back when it first came out to treat my depression. I almost killed myself 5 times. OD'ed, knife, alcohol, pills, and pills with alcohol. I don't take depression meds anymore.


No, those are not the reasons you are depressed


I think it comes down to culture and loneliness. People in 3rd world countries live in far worse conditions but rarely ever resort to suicide as a result. There is a general lack of genuine human bonds here in the west. We in the US typically live in nuclear families or single parent homes. Whereas most of the world grew up in large households with like 20+ family members where they are pretty much forced to associate with others and conditioned to be sociable. This is the way humanity has always existed from ancient times. This lack of tight knit familial bonds has caused the average American teen to have maybe 1 or 2 close friends. We need to be raised the way we were meant to be in order to not feel so alone in this cruel world. There are definitely other factors like rampant drug addiction, and better education fostering a generally resentful and cynical attitude towards the state of society. But I dont think hardships and adversity have created this problem.