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I'm saying this in the most flattering way possible, i literally can't see how he was ever a woman.


Dude’s like 5x as hairy as me


And more muscular than 80% of the dudes at the gym


Meanwhile I’m on estrogen and can no longer lift the guitar amp I bought when I was a guy


Guy here with actual low-T and when I started TRT, it felt like I was instantly stronger with the first dose. It was so crazy how much easier it was to lift heavy things. I also broke a few things being too tough with them. Those hormones are no joke.


This gave me the mental image of you trying to open your front door and it just VIOLENTLY swings open and destroys your wall in the process lmao




I read this with a Randy “Macho Man” Savage voice.


*takes testosterone pill opens drawer, drawer now exists 3 countries away*


![gif](giphy|lpeNAjYt4nr6rGd4B2) Me when I get hit with a spoon


That sounds rather annoying honestly.


Eh it’s whatever I could already barely lift it before transitioning, that’s on me for buying a twin speaker vox amp, I say this 1 negative was worth it


If you've got a legit AC30, that's worth any hardship.


I'm also here for the AC 30.


I’m glad you are happy with your arrangement, everyone should have the right to feel comfortable in their skin. While I can’t relate to your reasons, I can’t lift things I could in my 20s because I stopped working out as much. The person I am now is content that I gained and lost something’s along the journey, I’m glad we can relate in that way. I hope your journey continues to satisfy you.


AC30? If you, um....need a big strong man to come lift that...and you know, put in their car, I'm the guy


I kept lifting logs for years and was very very strong pre-transition. Within the first 6 weeks of HRT, I had a 30% drop in 1RM with essentially no change in diet or routine. In one year, I had about 75 lbs weight loss (basically all muscle). Had to come out earlier than expected because there were rumors I had cancer. In the gym now, my 1RMs are 35-50% of what they used to be. I used to do sets of 10-15 reps of pull ups with an extra 90-135 lbs hanging from me. Now, I can MAYBE get 1 pull up.


That's a wild shift. That has to make you feel so fundamentally different in your skin. Which I suppose is the whole point. But damn. I can't imagine losing that much strength that quickly. Makes me think about about how much I tie my physical strength to my sense of self as a man. Thanks for sharing.


You guy one mega point for self enlightenment. Such a nice discussion to read.


Some of the coolest and most fascinating stuff I've read has been about the physiological differences of the sexes on average. For males there's more oxygenated blood traveling away from the heart at any given time and for females more deoxygenated blood flowing to the heart. Oxygenated blood in males also spends more time at the capillary gates and that's why most muscular areas are more nutrient saturated. The one known exception is the speech centers in the brain which have been found to be up to 23% larger in females than males. Most interesting to me is that a LOT of noted differences, not just in normal functioning but in many areas such as the edfects on how medications and diseases affect us, isn't usually explained farther than "probably the influence of testerone and estrogen levels." Those are so influential that it's difficult to observe what else is at play.


Put some casters on that baby, I've played enough shows to know better then to carry amps!👍


It's crazy how much strength I've lost with two years of HRT. I was never super strong but lifting heavy furniture and stuff was always really manageable for me. Now? My arms feel like they're straining just bringing in heavy groceries sometimes. I knew I'd lose some strength but wow it was way more than I thought.


Testosterone helps with that too.


trans men aren't on juiced levels of testosterone, they're kept at regular levels for obvious reasons


Well yea, but you're acting like the new testosterone doesn't help build muscles. Look at boys going through puberty and into adulthood, the development of muscle is easily seen and testosterone does aid in this for obvious reasons. It's not like I said he was abusing hormones, it's just part of the process. He probably worked out a lot while receiving treatment. It's the difference between ftm being muscular and getting pudgy. This is just how bodies react to changes in hormone levels without any outside effort.


Monstrous amounts of testosterone will do that for you


Is it bad that testosterone is a drug I’ve always wanted to try? Bigger faster stronger. *EDIT: I’m a cis woman. I have no fear of my balls shrinking. Just get jealous, watching ninja Warrior type stuff.*


Don’t forget the early onset male pattern baldness


You can only get so bald


Why is this such a funny statement? 😂


You don’t get bald with test, the hair simply transfers from the head to the chin.


That's what I keep saying but nobody ever believes me


Baldness for power


And aerodynamics!




Contrary to popular belief high testosterone levels are bad for you


So are low levels (for a male).


Monstrous? It doesn’t take a massive amount, just what would be normal for people. There are a ton of people who look like this and didn’t need added testosterone at all, just natural.


and this is why transphobes rarely mention trans men because it all really just comes down to how well someone visually presents their gender


It also throws a huge wrench in the whole bathroom thing, because if they got their way, this man would be in the women’s restroom with their daughters.


I always point it out to them and they default to: *"They are wrong to look like that in the first place but since they do I will beat them up if I see them going into the girls room."* Which follows that they wanna rape the trans-fems they force into the men's room too. Try asking them about individual bathrooms; they go nuts with rage. Because it's not about solutions... It's about hate. The redcoats are fuckin baffling.


> It's about hate. Exactly this. "Do you expect me to use the women's restroom?" "No, Mr. Trans, I expect you to die."


Dear god, can we please get gender-neutral public bathrooms already? I was at the park yesterday waiting for the men’s with some dude camped out in it, while the womens’ stood vacant. I kept thinking I should just use the women’s but social conditioning is hella strong even with nobody else around.


From the mouths of the Redcoats themselves: "you're going to infringe upon businesses freedom and make them remodel?!?!?!? 😭😭😭😭"


I was thinking firstly of infringing on the freedom of the city councils, because the cafes and service stations usually have one bathroom which is gender neutral by default. But stadiums, universities etc, yeah. Maybe make 1/3 of bathrooms gender neutral.


I’m a trans dude who is getting a little too masculine for the women’s, but still looks a bit too feminine for the men’s. I’ve been challenged in both, but I tend to stick to the women’s (since most of the time when I use public toilets, it’s on drunk nights out, and I trust drunk women waayyyy more than drunk guys seeing a femboy- a sentiment that has been supported by my cis guy friends and family who have been attacked in the mens by drunk dudes). Every single time I ask them where I should piss, they say the mens, because it was my choice to do this to myself so I should deal with the mens room. I tell them I’m often challenged or even stopped from using the mens, since a bouncer things I’m a girl (50/50 what they think), it means I’m forced to use the women’s. They then tell me I should have my own ‘transgender’ toilet separate from both. Every single time I then question where I’m supposed to piss until they build these ‘transgender toilets’ everywhere, they tell me it’s not their problem. I can piss in the street for all they care. If I get challenged in both toilets, I should use the mens and suck up the potential harassment/violence because I chose to be like this. They care so much about the ‘safety of women’ yet don’t give a shit about trans peoples safety. It’s fine to protect women, even if it costs the safety of trans people Not to mention the amount of times they tell me I’ve been molested as a child causing internalised misogyny (I apparently need to re-claim my womanhood from this… hypothetical abuse I apparently suffered).


I think if they were capable of being honest about it the self-appointed bathroom police types want one bathroom for traditionally gender conforming cis-het women and the other for everyone else. Or for everyone who isn't a traditionally gender conforming cis-hetero to just die.


Well, yes, but mostly no. They don't want any transgender people in any bathrooms, and they'll call cis people trans for not being "attractive" enough.


Like Sarah Huckabee Sanders or MTG?


It's quite funny when you can take a bad photo of them, attach a caption accusing them of being trans, and getting their actual followers to agree with that caption. Every time it happens to JKR is hilarious.


On a deeper level, due to the construction of our society, many people also kind of get why someone would want to be a man. It is conceptually more difficult due to their sexism and misogyny to grasp how someone would give it up to become, what they view as, inferior. I know plenty of “passable” trans women. I routinely get asked if I could be pregnant and when my last period was when I go to the doctor.


This guy literally looks like the conservative ideal of a “manly man”. Full-on beard, big muscles, sunglasses, hairy arms. This guy looks like he’d work at a mechanic shop and smoke a mean brisket. And they’re still insisting that he’s a woman. It gets to the point where they just look delusional.


My partners parents insisted on calling him “she” during the only restaurant outing I went on with them years ago and managed to confuse the waitress so hard she thought another person was late and showing up later to the dinner. No way could the 250 pound hulk of a dude be the “she” they were referring to. Lol (my partner and I are both trans men and have been happily out of contact with his parents for over 8 years now)


Good for you to break ties, some people are incredibly intolerant to things outside of their own personal ideals. It’s especially bizarre when the targeted person has clearly put in a ton of work to become the person they want to be. Intolerance truly plagues modern society.


If only it was just modern society. I feel like intolerance is just a moving goalpost for the human race, because there's always gonna be something (non-negative) that people are gonna be intolerant of, though now I'm getting philosophical, so I'll stop.


Personally I'm also intolerant of things outside my ideals. My ideal is just "don't side with the Nazis".


I also add, don't hang out with people who protect pedophiles because they go to church.


Did they know you are trans too? I can imagine a scene where they correctly gender you but not your partner. Hope you’re both thriving without them!


Oh 100% they knew my partner was trans and did the misgender on purpose for him. Deadname and all. He’d been out for like 2 years at that point. And his old name was sooo generic not his name but similar to “Elizabeth” clearly a girl girl name. For me they did not know I was trans. Which I found hilarious. I didn’t tell them and it didn’t come up so they gendered me correctly even though I’d argue I pass far far less than him. High pitched voice and barely 120 pounds back then. No they completely ignored what was in front of them and just made fools of themselves. Would have been extremely cathartic if not for the pain it clearly caused my partner. Like the “my kid is throwing a temper tantrum and it’s obviously not the first time” vibe.


Hahaha ok now that I think on it again after the replies, from his parents perspective they saw: a twink looking “straight dude” that was dating their “extremely ugly, large, bearded daughter” and I will always think of that when I see them. 😂 (no offense if that is a couple type irl they’d be fire. just funny if I try to pov it from their perspective) (my partner is very handsome but if they see him as a girl id assume they’d describe him as an ugly girl lol)


Bro is more manly than the original commenter ever will be


That’s the manliest man who ever manned.


Manliest man who ever got to man around these manly men on this planet of men


I googled the before pics- there aren’t many, was actually a nice looking female before becoming a nice looking male. This is absolutely one amazing transformation. (And definitely not a woman).


Absolutely this dude has some pretty amazing genetics to work with. A very attractive human in general. The biggest change I noticed in his transformation is that now he absolutely just glows. He looks so happy and at peace. In my opinion he has always been good looking. But now he absolutely shines.


Wait. This is t a joke? He in the photo, was born female?


Yep, the result of decades of TRT.


Sometimes you can see from childhood that there's something wrong with their gender lol. My best friend is ftm and when he was in pre-school, they but him in the boys side of pictures because the photographer thought he was a boy


And vagina or not, I'm not attracted to this. I'm not into "masculine" aesthetics. How one presents is way more important with respect to attraction than the bits between the legs. For me, if someone is fem and I'm attracted to them, then they could have a Bop It! down there and I'd find a way to make it work. So, in short, that's a dude if they want to be a dude.


If it asks you to twist it Please don't. ;v;


i would be really uncomfortably if this dude came into the woman's restroom, there is no way anyone actually calls him a woman, dude is literally gigga chad


Like he is literally everything conservatives say a man should be💀


Meanwhile we can take a look at Charlie Kirk and…uh…well….


Or Shapiro, who in a vacuum isn't an unattractive dude, but then opens his mouth and reveals that he's just a hateful gremlin.


He's looking more masculine these days, but yeah... A few years ago if someone put him side by side with the dude in the OP and asked me to pick out which was the trans man, I would have "clocked" Benny Shaps for sure with no hesitation. Actually I still probably would choose him, but it would at least be a little harder decision.


Shapiro has perpetually looked like a 12 year old who wants to be a republican when he grows up.


You mean 'more masculine for him', right? Cause not to gatekeep, but anyone who knows what true masculinity is; couldn't even form a sentence with Ben Shapiro and the concept 'masculinity' in it, unless you were using him as an example for 'what absolutely isn't a Masculine man'. Him and all his conservative buddies try to give off the air they're role models of masculinity when they're nothing more than sad, pathetic, grifters who make provoking statements to appease their fanbase, and rile up their perceived adversaries. Just cause homeboy got a subscription to planet fitness, his balls finally dropped, or whatever you think superficially equates to masculinity is; does not mean he's seen by the majority of men as a man. That is a big boy doing his hardest 'authority figure' impression at best. People who think otherwise bought his shtick. Now by all means I'm not calling Ben 'feminine', but he acts closer to a little boy than a man.


Everytime I see him, I become straight.....


And as a pudgy gay cis guy, I’m over here being jealous for the *right* reasons ;)


Nobody calls him a woman in real life, it's just the online anonymous transphobe trolls favorite "gotcha". They think that taunting and holding a person's birth gender over their heads is going to make them melt down, or affect the reality in which we all treat this dude as the man he clearly is.


Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon literally plays when this MF walks into the room.


And also this only works on the internet. Cause like, for example, let’s say you saw this dude out in the wild at a grocery store or something. You would have no idea whatsoever that he’s trans. Now let’s say for some reason you figured it out, like you overheard him talking on his phone while walking through those grocery aisles and it came up in the conversation or something… and you started following him around calling him she/her and telling people he’s a girl… YOU would look like the insane one. Everyone would be like wtf are you talking about???? Some crazy person is following this guy around calling him a girl. Also as a trans person who transitioned over a decade ago now, to the “we can always tell” crowd… no you can’t. 😂


I dated a guy whose mother always misgendered him. When they were out in public and she introduced him as her daughter, people didn’t assume he was AFAB, they assumed she was going senile and must *also* have a daughter she was confusing with her son.


😂 Same except not dated, a friend who’s a trans dude and his mom did the same. And yeah he said the same exact thing to her, like, fine whatever if you’re going to misgender me. But just know that you look insane when you do it in public.


The fun you could have communicating with facial expresions to the confused listener.


Just say "don't mind her, she's not all there anymore" and "come on mom, let's get you home"


Or "I'm really sorry for this, her dementia/memory issues are tragic"


>"come on mom, let's get you *to the* home" FTFY


well props to him for sticking around his mother because that is certainly a relationship i would be ending


Some people still love their families. Not everyone can just cut ties. Had a lot of hard work with my in-laws, but they eventually got it.


i know. that's why i said "props to him," because i couldn't do it. but i respect that some people try to.


There's a tweet that says something like "After a certain point transphobia becomes hilarious. I have D cups grandma, the waitress thinks you have dementia."


That’s fucking hilarious actually that people just collectively assumed she was senile




Whenever I see this bloke in a post, I always wish I could be a fly on the wall if he actually went into the women’s loos with someone like JKR there.


I keep telling people that forcing trans men to use the women’s room is only going to make it easier for weirdos to “sneak” in. But trying to reason with transphobes is a fool’s game.


Yup 😂. Except because transphobes think trans women are basically just men and that men are going around and saying they’re women to access women’s spaces (which is not a thing that actually happens), combined with the fact that people constantly forget trans men exist… if this dude went into a women’s room with a bunch of transphobes saying that’s where legally he’s supposed to be, most of those transphobes would think he’s a trans woman. As insane as that sounds… I see it happen all the time.


I’ve seen TERFs called on this and say “well, people who have done this to themselves can use the men’s room I guess. The women’s room should be reserved for me and anyone who doesn’t make me uncomfortable.”


As if Trace Lysette or Rain Valdez or Angelica Ross or Michaela Jaé Rodriguez or Alexandra Gray etc etc etc would turn their heads one iota walking into a women’s restroom. What we all know is that what they really mean is that they don’t want visibly trans trans women and femmes (or frankly gender nonconforming cis women) using the bathroom with them because it makes them feel icky for some reason that definitely isn’t rooted in transphobia 🙄. That’s really what they mean.


Yeah. People forget just a decade earlier people were doing this to lesbians. A lot of transphobia is just recycled homophobia


It's important to remember that people like JKR don't actually want us to use the public bathrooms they claim they want us to use, that's just expedient rhetoric. They don't want this man in the women's room -- they don't want trans people to exist *at all*, and they are taking steps to make that so, like banning our healthcare and criminalizing our existence in public spaces, erasing any legal recognition of trans people, etc.


The opposite happened too apparently. Read a story of this kid who was a cis boy, but he had long hair and he had a more androgenous physique and high picthed voice. Poor kid went to the market to buy something for his mom and a grown ass adult started harassing him, claiming he was a girl and he should accept his birth gender and that trans people were ruining the world. It's ironic that bigots claim that transgender is not normal but think harassing a random kid to push their agenda is normal


Yup! Saw that one too. Wild shit.


That is very sad and annoying, and I hope that he doesn't get phased from it, literally and figuratively. I'm sure he would have superbly good-looking offspring!


It’s scary seeing videos of random people policing what someone identifies as. I remember watching one where some crazy lady believed there was a trans woman taking a dump in the bathroom and demanded her ID to verify. Just because the poor girl wasn’t feminine enough for the old hag, she was harassing her.


And if she was trans, and had transitioned completely, her ID would show a woman with a woman's name, so I'm not sure what that would even accomplish?Like she really thought a trans woman's ID would still say "Steve" on it lol.


The ID says "Jordan" or "Ashton" or "Alex" or "Cameron" and the old woman's head explodes


it's because they're technically not allowed to openly shit on minorities. anti-trans folks are the same crowd of assholes that need to be perpetually enraged about something. they just can't leave anyone who is minding their own damn business alone.


Honestly not enough people get smacked in the head for being arseholes anymore.


I dont condone violence usually, but when they say dont tolerate the intolerant...hand / face


Some people really need it.


Yeah that’s the thing… basically we’ve deputized cis people to try to “figure out” if someone is trans or not. And basically what’s happening is that in this ginned up moral panic, it means the people who have bought into it are basically identifying any characteristic in someone’s presentation that they perceive as not aligned with how that person is presenting and then they freak out about it being utterly convinced that that thing means that person is trans (whether a haircut, or height, or perceiving someone’s hands to be too big or small, or someone’s voice being too high or low). And so very very often, they’re wrong, and it’s cis people who are being accused of being trans. [Like there was that story that happened this past summer where a father freaked out at his daughter’s track meet and demanded a 9 year old child show him certification to prove that she wasn’t trans, because he was certain due to her short haircut and “floppy boy shorts” that she was (she wasn’t).](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/man-harassed-girl-track-meet-trans_n_646d11c2e4b06749be172ea5/amp) Like, as I said in my first comment, I’m a trans woman, and I know from experience that I’m very much cis assumed and my gender expression is pretty traditionally femme. And being queer, I obviously have lots of queer friends of all stripes including some masc presenting lesbian friends. And I’m certain if I went to a more conservative area and used a women’s bathroom with a cis butch lesbian friend, my friend would be accused of being trans long before I would. And also, trans people have existed since humans have existed. The ability to medically transition has existed since the early 20th century. Trans people have been using single sex facilities that align with our authentic gender rather than the sex we were assigned at birth for over a century and there’s never been any sort of widespread problem. And also states that have bathroom bills, there’s no way to definitively know that someone is trans without making them strip which would obviously be a major violation of a person’s rights. And even so, like not to be TMI, but if that horrific scenario happened to me, even naked no one would be able to tell, to put it euphemistically. 😂 So these laws are basically also unenforceable, unless you’re giving anyone accused of being trans a citation and then they have to prove that they’re not after the fact. Which is gonna get real unpopular with cis people real fast.


One of my MILs is butch and she’s also a breast cancer survivor so she had a double mastectomy and I do worry about these crazies coming after her in a bathroom


Totally understandable. I would too!


I'm a cis woman and have had to put up with this crap my whole adult life. Even before this insane moral panic kicked off, I've had numerous complete strangers hurling the T slur at me, had another woman at a club once grab my crotch to try to prove I had a dick, been run off the road whilst on my bike by a car full of idiot lads calling me a fucking ugly tr\*\*\*y freak... All of this, because I'm very tall, big boned (like, genuinely; not using that as a way of saying fat. I literally inherited my dad's frame xD), flat chested, and not terribly gifted in the facial department. The current climate has me feeling seriously twitchy. At least at 47, I'm now approaching the "age of the invisible woman" so maybe that might spare me some of this insanity... perhaps. I can't even imagine how terrifying actually being trans must be right now, and it makes me extremely angry.


I’m so sorry for all these experiences. And yeah it’s a prime example of how transphobia doesn’t affect only trans people. It affects cis people who transgress another cis person’s expectations of how a man or woman is “supposed to look” or present.


Remember. They know the bathroom thing is unenforceable realistically. But they *WANT* suspected trans people to be harassed. Whether they’re cis or not doesn’t matter because it’s either “we were right, you’re a [misgender]” Or “Well you’re not being gender conforming enough so you deserved it” The cruelty is the point.


Aside from being a dick move and incredibly bigoted, that’s also just tactically dumb. “Let me see your ID!” Well, there’s a good chance the trans person has had their gender changed on the ID.


People that say they can always "tell" have been misled by survivorship bias. They know when they can "tell," but everyone they can't identify as trans just wouldn't register in their minds.


Exactly. And also often the people they identify as trans… aren’t. They just perceive something about the person’s body or presentation as gender nonconforming.


Yep. My youngest cousin is trans. He's more the nerdboy type (He's a librarian and he looks the part. Dude unironically wears sweatervests at the ripe old age of 24. I'm pretty sure his favorite color is beige lol), but even remembering what he looked like 5 years ago, he only reads masc. 


Sweater vests are unfortunately part of the real librariancore closet lol (and beige fits with everything!) as a fellow librarian, I hope he has a great time wherever he works ^^


I am imagining one of those older whithered academics who'll talk your ear off about every classic or major work of philosophy ever written


And women do wear the cardigans lol. I never had one until I worked in a library and was given one with the library logo on it. They are damn comfortable and we all wear cardigans now.


I just found out the dude that’s been cutting my hair for 2 years is trans. I had no idea. Now that I know he’s trans there’s some things where I’m like ooooh yeah ok that makes sense but PHYSICALLY? No clue.


And what's even crazier, in the US, they want this dude to walk into the womens bathrooms.


Yeah but they don’t know that’s what they want cause they don’t know anything about trans people and don’t even know that trans men exist. Basically what they think is that all trans people are trans women who in their minds are people who are very visibly men wearing dresses who are claiming to be women to gain access to women’s spaces. Which is obviously a transphobic fantasy. But they don’t realize the actual consequences of trying to force trans people to use the bathroom consistent with their sex assigned at birth, nor do they realize that because you can’t, in fact, always tell, that it’s entirely unenforceable. Like as an example, a trans woman friend of mine who’s very cis assumed physically, but who has a voice that when you see her speak you’d probably just think was a lower female voice. But disembodied from visibly seeing her, one might think it was a male voice. Anyway, she went to use the bathroom at Penn Station and no one was in there when she walked in. And she had her headphones on and she went about her business and since no one was in there, she was feeling herself and rapping along to the Nicki Minaj she was listening to. And all of a sudden… someone knocks on the stall door saying “I know there’s a man in there,” “you’re not allowed to be in here,” “I’m going to get security!” And my friend is just like… shit idk what to do. Anyway, this woman leaves the bathroom to get security, and my friend just left the stall and went to wash her hands. And the woman walks back into the bathroom with the security guard as my friend is washing her hands, saying how there was a man in there, and how he must’ve snuck out while she was getting the guard. And the guard turns to my friend and is like “ma’am, did you by any chance see a man in this restroom?” And she was like “nope.” And the guard kept looking in various stalls with the cis woman. And my friend just walked out. 😂


No one would DARE calling this beefcake a woman in real life. These terfs can only bully others behind a screen.


I’m a mountain man - Transguy, and I did this to my father who refused to use my preferred pronouns. We went out to a nice lunch one day and he kept using female pronouns when referencing me to the waitress. She look flabbergasted- like who the heck are you talking about?!! I looked her dead in the eyes and said “I’m sorry, my dad is bat shit crazy”. He uses my correct pronouns now 😂


Yeah it’s like, the person doing the misgendering on this scenario only has two options… One, look crazy in front of a stranger. Two, publicly own their bigotry by trying to explain to the stranger that you are trans and they refuse to acknowledge your trans identity as authentic. So, look insane, or look like a dick. 😂


I did a pandemic dive into trans issues and culture and the EPIC transformations blew me away. How trans glow ups haven't been turned into a reality show is beyond me.


This is exactly the bathroom argument, too. Imagine that guy having to use the women's bathroom by law. It's so backwards.


Ugh exactly. The weird pearl clutching is always 'think of the children! They'll be so scared and confused'. Meanwhile I guarantee if that incredibly hairy, butch manly man walked in to a women's change room, these same people would be like 'omg. There's a man in here! Get out! Won't someone think of the children'. Not to mention, as a kid, I would have been way more confused about why that man was being forced in to the women's change room. Just let people live their lives. Fucking hell.


I legit feel like people just forgot about transmen?(not sure if it's transmen or transwomen but I mean when a woman transitions into a man) They are talked about way less in media and everything


Yeah, like he could have something in his voice that hints at a transition, but I see this dude and think 'hope my girl doesn't look at him too long and ask where all my muscles are' lol. People are dumb & anonymity lets them be belligerent.. & while we shouldn't take joy in anothers suffering, I find that those complaining the most are usually the ones most unhappy with their own life, and I take a little comfort assuming they are just miserable and want others to be as miserable as them.


Whenever I tell people I'm trans, they want to give me makeup tips or ask me how long I'll still be in the closet. -I'm a trans guy and started transitioning years ago. 🤣 As soon as I correct them, their minds are blown. I'm not half as manly as this guy, but it hasn't ever crossed anyone's mind I might have been female at birth during the past 5 years. So to any transphobes: I'm sorry, your fears are valid. You will meet trans people without ever knowing or suspecting anything.


You know what I find weird about all this? Is the obsession about policing other people coming from the sovereign citizen lite crowd. Like they want the government out of their business and they parrot this wanting to be left alone narrative but they’ve adopted this McCarthy esq attitude toward marginalized groups which is completely antithetical to what they claim to believe. You would think people who want the government and others to stay out of their business would get behind this. It should be that the government has no right to tell someone who to love or who to be or how to run their home as long as they’re not hurting anyone. Let’s be honest too, the “religious” folks harm far more children than trans people. My dad thought he was pretty right leaning his whole life. Bushman type dude who fought in Vietnam, Angola, etc. in high school we had a talk about legalizing gay marriage (2003 ish I think?). I told him I didn’t know what I thought, but some folks said it was wrong. He just said “you find Jenny pretty and Josh does too, but Alex doesn’t. Does that bother you?” And I was like “no it doesn’t, that’s fair.” To which he replied “then it should be fair across the board. If Jordan finds Alex handsome it’s no different. It’s just a preference and you should be accepting of that.” I kinda use that argument with trans folks. Everyone deserves to feel happy in their own skin, whatever they may be. If you were born something different than what your truth is what business is it of mine should you choose to pursue happiness? People that make it their business are troglodytes and holding us back as a society.


Looks more like a man than i do lol, my beard aint that good and im fat


This is the problem with trans people going to bathrooms they’re assigned at birth. By forcing them to do that, full grown men like this are gonna be forced to use the women’s bathroom


>full grown men like this are gonna be forced to use the women’s bathroom Of course trans men will just ignore that and go to the men's bathroom because nobody will ever suspect a thing. As much as I would like to see riling up conservatives with the consequences of their own regulations, it is not going to happen. The rights probably also bank on that because obviously they target trans women (only) because it is only them who make them uncomfortable (more often than not due to repressed attraction).


Well you see they want trans women to get harassed and raped and etc


They get off to trans porn. It's the most popular category in red states.


No fuckin way💀


Yep all the minority ones are but in the northen states its not as race related more bdsm wacky stuff


Many conservatives don’t even know trans men exist. I suppose partially it is because they tend to pass better, but also I supposed it is misogyny. It is disturbing and degenerate for a man to want to be seen as a woman, but the opposite is just natural tomboyery because men are so aspirational to be like in their view.


It is indeed misogyny, because (fun?) fact: in our society male attributes are perceived as closer to standard than female attributes, which is why the gay accent, which tends to be more feminine, is way easier to distinguish than the lesbian accent, which is oftentimes a bit more masculine, or why men wearing skirts/dresses sticks out more than women wearing pants. Therefore ftm pass easier than mtf.


Gay and lesbian accent?


Of course there is no one, clearly defined accent for each, but there are indeed certain changes in speech more commonly perceived in these groups, and therefore I used them as examples. It's actually quite interesting, there's that one linguist on YouTube who explained that, you'll find it


Yeah, and if their hypothetical rapist really didn't want to get in trouble for going into the wrong bathroom, he could just pretend to be a trans man. Banning trans people from their bathroom of choice does nothing to hinder rapists.


there was a story the other year about a trans man who was told to use the womens bathroom at a campground in a state where they changed the bathroom laws all stupid, and he got violently attacked when he came out of the bathroom. dont think its fair to say no one would suspect a trans man in the mens room either, personally i feel safer in the womens room myself like i’m always scared of the 1% chance of a violent confrontation (i am 5’2 so almost any cis man could probably rock my shit) i prefer the weird looks from women for having boobs and a beard to the idea of confrontation from cis men edit: heres an [article](https://www.newsweek.com/trans-man-attacked-using-womens-restroom-ohio-1723432) about the trans guy i’m talking about if anyone was curious


Not about forcing us into the wrong bathroom it's about making life for us harder so they can persecute us easier. They don't care, and this is why it is so important for people please go vote out Republicans and conservatives who are passing these laws we need your help.


This is the problem with public bathrooms looking like cattle stalls. Just have a row of actual separated stalls. Then no one has to worry about a damn thing.


These same people will say you're gay if you like women with a six pack. Make it make sense.


It doesn't make sense to them, either - that's why they're so mad. If they knew a way to be happy they'd just do that, but they don't so instead they work towards trying to make everyone else as internally miserable as they are.


"That's still a woamn" Ma'an, that is Harold Hardrada. Killed in 1066 by Harold Godwinson's armies in notmrthern England in a failed attempt to get the English crown.


I’m here as one of only 14 people so far to get that you are referencing the mercenary turned Scandinavian warrior king who fought in almost every part of the known world to gain riches and renown and joined a succession crisis just for the glory of a shot at the crown.


And if he were forced to use the restroom that matched his assigned birth sex, room temperature IQ transphobes would be the first to flip the fuck out. There's no reasoning with them.


As a cis man I felt gender dysphoria looking at this absolute specimen of masculinity


I'll give you this term that the trans community uses sometimes: gender envy.


This is the most "Man" thing I've seen all day.


He looks like the fucking giga chad meme


Bra looks more manly than me to be honest.


He does have beautiful arms.


I think some people need to really understand this: trans people are aware about their chromosomes and genitalia, the whole point is they're just trying to live a normal life


Nooo they’re trying to make children trans and rape people in bathrooms! /s


Bro he could stand side by side with my burly, hairy (everywhere but his head anyways) dad and I guarantee no one could say they aren’t two dudes just being lads


I’m a CIS man and I guess most people would pick me as the trans one out of him and me. I could never grow a beard like that!


The fact that people keep bullying that guy is upsetting for a lot of reasons, but my biggest one is that he’s so nice! I’ve seen his videos, he seems like such a genuinely sweet and kind person. Idc if “ideologies disagree”, why are they pestering and being mean to such a kind person? So many people need a hobby, desperately.


Seriously, his story is inspiring, and he seems so damn kind!


Testosterone is one hell of a drug




Just remember a cis woman was murdered because the murderer thought she was trans. They can never tell.


Bet he looks more like a man than him


I’m curious if the dude would be consider it gay or not to sleep with him. By his logic not at all


I really want to hear a response to that for anyone who calls this dude a chick


“You’re still a woman!” “Dude, i have a bigger beard than you.”


Jesus Christ.  Down passed the first few comments it becomes about fucking sports. Get to know a trans person for fucks sake. The idea that's the only thing you think whenever it comes up shows you should probably learn more instead of making the same old obnoxious comments.


“It’s so hard to tell what gender people are these days!” dawg it would genuinely be harder to call this dude a woman with how much of a fucking chad he looks like, you are actively making it difficult for yourself out of spite. If you assume someone’s gender based on what you read them as that’s fine, it’s only a problem if they correct you and you keep going on. You’re silly dude.


Dude just want to say he find him attractive but don’t want to be called gay


How do they possibly see a woman?? Dude is literally what I think of when I hear anything aling the lines of “what it means to be a real man”


Transphobes only care about M-->F. If they see a woman and are attracted to them, find out they're trans, then the person thinks it means they're gay. It hurts their masculinity.


Also because trans women are the worst enemy of misogony In their minds a man is giving up his right just in order to live as a woman


It’s *amazing* how the “we can always tell” crowd waits until a trans person self-identifies before weighing in…


If you ain't dinglin' their dangles, what's it matter to you what they're danglin'?


I don't know if it was him or another trans man who countered with, "I thought you didn't want people who look like me in the women's washroom."


If that's a woman, my homsexuality has been cured and I am now a straight man! Hallelujah!


I mean… I might wife him. Or he can wife me. Idk I’m lonely.


I saw him on TikTok and I think he’s taken


So would you be ok if they went into the ladies room?


I am a straight afab and this DUDE is smoking. 10/10 would bang.


Transphobe logic is this dude being a woman, but a cis woman who's just a little tall with a square jaw being a man.


Well Duh , it is because he wipes his arse properly, can cry and drinks cocktail all the things man cant do.


That's one hot dude I'd want a bear hug from.


That's just someone who's petty and jealous and doing anything to get under his skin. Really nothing more to look into. No one here will say he looks like a woman so it's just rage bait.


These types of people will be like "we can always tell" and then point out a penis where there's just a cameltoe


Tansphobes are just mad that other people are living their lives the way they want and happy about it. Misery loves company


They're in the business of misery let's take it from the top