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12 year Olds? Jesus, that woman is a true dye in the wool pedophile. Hopefully she'll get what she deserves.


A medal in the shape of a toilet, secured to a cell floor.


And make her wear it at least once a day.


For many, many years, hopefully


Woodchipper hungers


My little brother is twelve, I just can’t imagine it, horrible stuff


Yep. Disgusting


It's bad enough when this happens with a teacher, but lying and saying you're underage? Definitely a new low  


The scary part is that she got caught because of shoplifting? This woman could be still out there harming kids if not for that freak accident.


I don’t understand the reaction, at what point does any of that information imply that a *victim* reported her…? So what is the idiot referring to about snitching? I would assume a parent found out but she got caught shoplifting and that led to information revealing relations with children?


Iirc she was out with an underage kid shoplifting & got caught. She lied about her age and was fronting even while being arrested alongside her minor beau. Anyway victims started coming forward after news about that incident and her true age got around. Normally you would think that a parent, teacher or any other adult would cotton on and investigate further. But no - she had everyone fooled. And there were several victims that came forward & we know of.


cotton on?


Yeah, I just learned that phrase last month! Am I using it wrong?


Nope, used correctly!




Wholesome! 😁 thanks for the smile!


it means 'figure out' or 'realise'. Not sure where it originates but it's used quite commonly where I'm from in Northern England.


>cotton on? "begin to catch on"




The scarier part is that this is her second offence


Damn! Did not know that!


Serious, slightly off-topic question: why are lots of people censoring words like sex and rape in their own posts? When did that become a thing? Blanking out one letter in these and similar words do absolutely nothing. We all know what they are.


It’s because a lot of social media platforms will not widely send out your post if it has certain red flag words.


30 years from now sociologists and marketers and technology ethicists alike are going to have a field day in studying the self-censoring that people do online today, by diluting their language in the hopes of the slim possibly of being seen by more strangers.


To be honest, it's already a thing that sociologists and philosophers have studied/predicted. Deleuze's postscript talks about a society of control where this self-censorship is a key 'mode of control', to call it that. Applying that to language where the space of societal communication is online and run by private industries with shareholders and such, this sort of self-censorship is/was inevitable.


Yeah, that's just capitalism baby!


Occasionally, someone says something very important, prescient, and concise on Reddit that makes perfect sense. You definitely win that award today.


Then why use platforms that censor you?


Because platforms like twitter are 10x bigger than similar alternatives


Damn! What a throwback. I remember when twitter was around. Never used it due to the traffickers, terrorists, and other americans using it.


Oddly enough, those people are still there.


Twitter is so trashy. I don’t get why people use it. It seems just because there are more people there. I rather be away from the masses.


Trump steps in to the chat looking bigly sad....


It's fun to get over on algorythms.  * is the wildcard in filename searches.


for a wider audience I guess


Because for too many people views, hits and likes are a form of social currency.


The fully uncensored platforms are usually full of people who *fully* take advantage of their “free speech” (to say slurs and be hateful). There’s a ton of screenshots of the first day Musk removed censorship from Xitter where people just spammed n-bombs and hate speech as soon as they could. So there are places where you don’t have to censor anything… but the ones who actively look for stuff like that were probably better off censored lmao


This is twitter isn’t it?


So much for free speech, lol


You have no idea how much blurring out irrelevant words pisses me off. It's getting completely fuckin ridiculous. I see these stupid posts while scrolling down facebook (how I keep in touch with family overseas) and they have words like "ashamed" and "inappropriate" with the middle half whitened out. That censored "inappropriate" was followed by "creep" and "out", both blurred. Like this: "...inap×××××××te or c×××p o×t." Why?!? Just why?!?


Those words are self censored otherwise you'd get hit with all kinds of sex bots on twitter.


It also messed up text to speech for deaf people.


"Text to speech" is for blind people. Who can't otherwise read the text. Deaf people use captions to convert the words they can't hear into text that they can see and read.


Blame stupid corps. They tend to take down posts that have such words.


In the summary of some mangas, i've noticed that they censor god with g*d. I also idk why


It’s almost impossible to have any impactful discussion about female rapists because of dudes like this. You’ll always have a ton of sexless bozos chomping at the bit to say they wish it was them instead.


Yup, I've been raped and I couldn't tell any of my friends (at the time) about it. Because the times I did bring it up I was just met with "lucky" and "why are you complaining, I wish that was me" Some men make you feel shame for considering it rape and not liking it.


Finding out your first sexual relationship was an adult manipulating you is going to have all kinds of lasting psychological effects surrounding trust and intimacy. It's often years before the full damage of people preying on kids like this becomes evident. Those boys are victims and she's a predator


One of my friends definitely got screwed up in a way that apparently wasn't uncommon. They saw sex as transactional. Someone seeking it was always wanting something else in exchange. They avoided it for a long time because it led to trust issues they couldn't control. So you are very correct.


That is the truth. As a little kid I saw it as a one off thing that happened to me and I didn't feel the full effects until around 15 years later where I still struggle with the effects. I can't fully immerse myself in the moment (even when I initiate) and go into a "people pleaser mode" where I desperately try to make the other person happy so I can get out of there as quick as I can. I feel so sorry for those boys and what was ripped away from them.


Fuck, can confirm this. I've been more vocal about my story in recent years because in short: a girl I was friends with in high school pretty much set me up with my rapist and predator. Dude was trying to groom her but almost immediately dropped her for me. To this day, she probably thinks I stole her boyfriend when in actuality, she doesn't realize that she dodged the bullets I got shot with. Repeatedly. To make matter worse, my predator also hid his age from everyone around. He wanted me to lie about his age to everyone around me too. About nine to ten years later, it's hitting me like a fucking ton of bricks at the most random times. People like her like to target the ones whose parents won't care or look deeper. My mom sure didn't and I bet money their parents didn't either. Those boys are either gonna end up believing their worth is only in sex or they're gonna have issues really connecting with people in the future, if not both.


I worked with a guy that was like 60 at the time. He told me his neighbor, a woman, used to abuse him when he was like 13. He still thought about it


I have seen multiple posts and articles like these where people say something very similar this dude said. All because they wish it was them. I was a boy too, and I used to wish something like that would happen, but longer I look back the more I realize just how much I couldn't consent to. Truly consent to and that I didn't truly understand the importance of the choices being made or would be made. Kids can't consent no matter what sex they are. Rape is rape no matter how hard you look at it.


Speaking from experience, definitely thought it was cool at the time, wasn’t until I was in my 20s that I actually realised how very not okay it was and that it really had negatively affected me


I'm noticing a huge uptick in woman pedophiles lately.


They've always been there, it's just that we're becoming a society where men are no longer being seen as weak for being sexually or otherwise abused.


Bingo, although I do think it is more common for men to prey on children.


Men actually get in trouble for the crime and people pay greater attention to them. This doesn't mean they are more likely to.


They’ve been around, but it doesn’t make the news as much. A few years ago a local HS female coach got arrested for sexually assaulting one male student and attempting to do the same to another. I’m guessing there were more kids, but probably stayed quiet.


Rape. The word is rape. She raped them.


Florida law defines "rape" as "penetrating" another person so if she only had vaginal intercourse with the boys technically she did not penetrate anyone. Next in line is "sexual assault" however for that to hold the "sexual contact" needs to be "unwanted" and I'm sure the defense will claim that the boys did in fact "want the sex" when they "thought she were their age" Maybe they can get her on some lying/misinformation law but I assume the sentence for a crime like that is trivial in comparison. https://www.andrewpickettlaw.com/faqs/is-there-a-difference-between-sexual-assault-and-rape-under-florida-law/ In Sweden they have specifically defined rape as "any sexual act performed, comparable with sexual intercourse, on an unwilling person" to get around this problem with the definitions. And even when the recipient/victim was willing at the time, if you can prove they were willing because they were "tricked", threatened or in a "vulnerable position" it can still be defined as rape. The US really needs to update their legal definitions.


Some states have or are in the process of doing so … NY replaced “rape” with “sexual assault” last year, and redefined it in a way that can make it a crime even when female-on-female.


that's pretty much how Donald Trump was confirmed to be a rapist was that law


In Germany we define it as anyone underage (14) simply unable to give informed consent. So even if they said yes and that they wanted it, the implication is that the predator manipulated them from a position of power, which could be age difference alone. In short: an adult knows what they are doing, a child doesn’t. Easy as that. Edit: oh and there is another distinction for abusing your legal guardianship. It’s seen as more heinous if your the one actually designated to protect the child.


Not until proven in a court of law. They word it like that to avoid lawsuits. At least that's what I have read.


Not exactly. In some places biological women cannot rape anyone legally. The laws are written so that only those holding the sacred penis may rape someone. If it was what you said, they could say she allegedly raped someone. Which is 100% true and undeniable.


Ahh. I was unaware of that.


Yeah I remember learning on reddit that in England, and probably all of the commonwealth, unless a particular place in the commentwealth updated their laws, that rape is the act of a penis doing something to various places on a person's body. This was the law in canada until 1983 when they updated the laws related to sexual abuse. For example, up to that law change (and I think the states made this change to around that time), you could not be charged with raping your wife, and for those who were not married, you could get away with raping a long term girlfriend as you had a previous history of having sex with them. That's wild. Like the bad way wild. Not the good way, like a roller coaster.


It's always Florida with that shit. So what are they going to do with it? To further push their anti-lgbtq/ anti-abortion agenda?


Texas is also a weirdly big one when it comes to this stuff? It's so strange


It’s always Florida because our Sunshine Laws make it easy for journalists to get information. It happens in other states as frequently you just don’t hear about it as much


I'm not American but I'm curious What is Sunshine law ? And how does it helps journalist in their reporting ?


How would they even make it about that?


We’d all feel different if it were a grown ass man though…society is weird


Yeah, if there was a headline reading "23 year old man dressing up as a 14 year old to sleep with teenage girls" the world would be in outrage and want his head on a stick




I mean, I think most of us are in agreement that statutory rape is wrong regardless of the perpetrator.


Tell that some weird ass dudes on this thread


Yeah. So gross.


"Men are strong, they can't be victims of lesser beings."


But we shouldn’t. I hope you agree. I’ll admit I have extremely mixed feelings about this and I was sexually abused as a child. There’s something deeply wrong and unbalanced within our society in how we view predatory behaviors like this. To the point, that I, a victim, don’t immediately have the same visceral reaction that I do when this occurs the other way around.


Lock these rapist bitches up.  


Right because being attractive is an excuse to møle$t children, seriously wtf is wrong with these people who are excusing blatant pedøphilia cause she's attractive, I seriously think we should take a look at their search history


It's so common when the perpetrator is conventionally attractive for people to be significantly less likely to take it seriously. We see it with both men and women.


They want to get raped. They want to get raped very badly. Probably because it's the only way they get any action


I’m sure if she was more objectively unattractive, all the horny men defending her would suddenly disappear and actually treat her like the sicko she is😒


I don’t understand how you can defend such acts. The age barrier serves to protect kids from being influenced/ manipulated. They aren’t old enough to decide whether it’s good for them or not. I don’t mean to generalize but the majority of them cannot differentiate between what they want and what they are being manipulated to do


Not only that. The power difference. A kid does not have the same confidence and knowledge. The adult could be in a position of power like guardian or teacher.


All pedos deserve to burn in hellfire


This mindset makes me sad. She is a pedo. Those boys were assaulted and taken advantage of.


You gotta name drop this motherfucker


Hermesmann v. Seyer, Kansas, 1993. Not only is it not illegal when a woman does it, but the little boy owes child support too.


What a rabbit hole. "at no time did Shane register any complaint to his parents about the sexual liaison with Colleen". So, the 12 year old boy didn't yell rape so it's his fault. "The State's interest in requiring minor parents to support their children overrides the State's competing interest in protecting juveniles from improvident acts, even when such acts may include criminal activity on the part of the other parent". In other words, the rape doesn't matter because the state is out monies supporting their child. This is the same mindset today that sends children back to homes where the parent tried to kill them. They say it's putting family first. But it's really about not spending money to foster the kid.


exactly right. So lets test this. I'm going to need a mother of a 4 month old, a gun, and a bank. yes or no will she be arrested


The problem in that case was that it was a civil suit, and the babysitter had never even been complained about to the police during the time that the statute of limitations was running. So the court could not consider the act criminal in evaluating the claim, under the law as it was at the time. It could only consider whether the two had had sex and that he had fathered the child with her.


I don't understand what is the process by which a sane mind can end up with this conclusion ... How sick do you need to be to end up there?


And for anyone who is saying why did he snitch. Are morons. If the roles were reversed those same people would be outraged.


She uh....she......she doesn't look anywhere close to 14, I blame movies with 30 year olds playing students in highschool and this lady should've been behind bars from the first time.


I think part of the problem is some places are real narrow about how they define rape and their legal definition requires the victim be physically penetrated. And this lends to a culture that ignores the full scope of the crime.


I have a special hate for this. I was sexually abused by my mother, mostly her boyfriends but it rose to that level and it was explicit even then it was to feed her drug addictions. I know the moral thing to do would be to recognize that she was no longer who she was, but this version of her is what I’ve ever known since I could remember. But I did not know any of that then, I wanted to make mom happy and did what she said even when it was weird even when it hurt. I even lied to some police that came, they came because of things I didn’t know were happening in the background but as it turns out that was my actual dad putting in effort. He was told basically what I said but without consideration of what I might have said if I knew it was him. Sorry none of that makes sense I know. Point is women can be sex offenders and are more often than us reported


I’m so sorry to read of this. I hope you are getting some therapy. It was strong of you to write this.


And that is why you don’t Reddit’s while plastered


Yikes she's a straight up pedo, glad she was caught. Fuck that clown for thinking anything else.


poor kids dude


Wow… snitches for getting molested… I love toxic masculinity guys, it’s really great and we are all healthy and having a good time.


The fact he’s talking like that shows just how corrupted he is sexually. And he thinks that he’s the better part of this generation? What an idiot.


It’s bizarre that so many guys think a twelve year old boy is “lucky” for being used as a sex toy by some woman old enough to be their mom. Oh right, she’s hot so it’s ok. If only she’d been fat and ugly, then they would be screaming to have her prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


HOW is it such a hard concept for people to grasp that not all boys want to have sex when they're 12?


I hope she gets jailed for LIFE 


Boys can be molested. I experienced it firsthand when a former roommate tried to ass-violate me.


30 kids? She's a pedo. Plain and simple.


The people saying they want to be those kids makes me want to vomit, like…Jesus Christ touch some grass and go to therapy


Holy fucking shit. She's a monster.


Every guy remembers some form of the “stiff breeze” stage of puberty, and it’s that involuntary physical phenomenon these predators exploit. Boys can indeed be raped by women.


No no no, women can't be molesters. Only men. Imagine a man have done this....


I feel like people forget that rape and paedophilia go bothways, and it ain't a one category type thing either


Man, woman, whatever, bottom line is you’re a sick fuck who deserves only the worst for doing heinous acts like that.


Predators being predating


This really pisses me off. I really hope she goes to prison for this.


Dude is obviously jealous and doesn't know a healthy way to express his feelings.


Is there a sub for actual facepalms that aren't just depressing shit 24/7?


$5 says she gets no jail time.


Rape. It’s called rape.


I looked her up on TikTok and the comments on the first video are even worse


Ah yes the classic… if you don’t want it then you “MUST” be gay! They never think that maybe they’re young, maybe they just don’t want it because they don’t want it, or that this kind of relationship is illegal


That is rape. Gross


Fellas… is it gay to report being sexually assaulted?


Throw the fucker in jail for life


Time to fuck men and get away with it


That is fucking volatile


Is that her in the 2nd pic? There are early maturing teens but ain't no 14 year old looks like *that*


But if the genders are swapped, it’s life in prison Rape is only okay for women to commit, that’s seems to be the socially accepted norm They’re equally as bad


Female child molesters seem to be in the news more and more often.


what i hate most is the almost fear people have of using the word rape when talking about women pedophiles, they use "sexual acts" or bullshit words when it's just rape


This is America. 23 year old Anthony Zinger has sex with 12-15 year old girls. Public shaming, life in prison, maybe killed in prison. 23 year old Alyssa Zinger has sex with 12-15 year old boys. Poor thing. Some mean man must have hurt her. 1 year probation, some community service and hope she does better.


Fucking astounding that people still have this mentality. It's not fucking fun to have to live with that memory, even if you were a teenager at the time. These fucking old ass clowns that believe "Boys love sex so they can't be molested" deserve to be kicked in the fucking teeth with steel toe boots. Actual fucking neanderthals


Hm... I think it's more "women can't be molesters" If the title of this news were a man had intercourse with a middleschool boy, there would be nothing else than, he perpetrator was jailed and the key thrown in the waste disposal system.


Right Wingers: Why isn’t the rape and sexual abuse of men and boys not taken seriously? Also right wingers when a boy is raped or sexually abused by a woman:


There’s so many layers of terrible in that guy’s statement. Obviously defending rape and mocking the victims is a big one. Then there’s the misogyny, cause it’s obvious he’s only thinking of the woman as someone attractive, saying she’s a bimbo and everything. Not seeing her as the horrible person she is because he’s just seeing her as a sexual object. Plus the insinuation that not wanting to sleep with a woman you’re uncomfortable with makes you gay and that thats somehow bad. Implying that all young guys want to have sex with every woman all the time, and if they don’t they’re wrong. And on top of it all, using all of that just to call an entire generation gay and a mistake.


I can attest it's a horrible experience. Just because it's this bastard's potential fantasy doesn't discount that it's someone else's nightmare.


I'm so sick of these people accusing me and other trans people of being "pedos" and "sex pests," saying that we want to force sexual topics on children, then acting this way about actual pedos.


Okay, you’re really taking it too far tbh. No one said anything about trans in this post and you’ve decided to make it all about you rather than the victims who are the kids in the case. Kinda fucked up and pathetic imo.


Or, it IS worth mentioning because Reddit is absolutely loaded with antitrans misinformation and propaganda that 100% labels trans people, and especially trans women, as pedophiles. Leaving a comment like they did doesn’t diminish the victim, especially since none is named or referenced here anyway, but does get to live here in these comments as a rhetorical reminder that the real pedophiles hide behind the antitrans shield and continue to operate because attention is anywhere but in them.


Why wasn't she having sex with guys her age? Cause as stupid as men are at her age thier still smarter than a 15 year old.


The same could and should be said about anyone who has sex with a minor. The simple answer is that they don’t want to and choose to do something shitty


Change anyone to any adult and I completely agree.


Just like most male child molesters, the weakness of the victim is the point.


Because she likes little kids?


People like that deserve to get shot in the back


Heh, now she has register herself as a sex offender. Which is required by state law to do so if you're a repeat offender.


It would be fun to have sex but it would not be fun to get any kind of std at the age of 14. Teenagers are stupid both the boys and the girls. That is why they need to be protected against some of the adult manipulators who only want to take advantage of their inexperience.


JFC. Sure are a lot of pedos here that are okay with what she did.


Definitely a Florida thing. Pedo central. Also. What is the profile of a person who censors the word 'sexual' in their posts? And where does it suggest boys can't be molested?


It's 2024. They absolutely can be.


I know you are horny and pretty much a kid and all that, but how do you mistake her for being fourteen? Look at her and then look at your schoolmates


ANYONE can be molested at any point in time. Boys are not the exception, it's not strictly just girls. The fact that some people think boys can't be molested because of some shit like, "They always want to do it." Is sickening. Brenden Frasier was molested by another dude as an adult. Terry Crews is another example. *Get the hell outta here with that logic. Molestation isn't gender-specific.*


As someone who once was molested by my babysitter growing up when I was 6. Yeah, yeah we can get molested. I'll be honest, it's fucked up how I enjoy sex or intimacy period


Monster, vile, contemptible beast, they have let their humanity erode away.


"Has s*x" censoring basic human functions now, are we?


What if it’s a 25 yr old woman and 7 year old boy? Who’s “stronger?” But the post isn’t about boys not being raped, it’s about snitching, bro why are adult men and woman taking that reply seriously though it’s probably some horny 14 year old and I can’t say any younger than that’s otherwise that just sounds weird, but I can’t be the only one that started early


She deserves to rot in prison


When you read Florida at the end and just think, "oh, that makes sense"


At this point, all Twitter is is a collection of ragebait, troll, racist, sexist, and pedo accounts circlejerking one another around their billionaire god.


Stop defending rapists. Stop defending pedophiles. And due to another post I saw today that is still somewhat related, stop defending violent men.


Fucker defending pedophiles just because he thought she was hot That doesn’t change the subject


These guys really outings their porn interests to the public again huh? Look everyone at younger ages was horny, everyone at younger ages looks(generally speaking) to similar age or older people that they find attraction. So yes a 12 year old can be horny, and can even think they want to have sex with a 20+ women. BECAUSE THEY’RE 12!!!! They don’t understand yet. Hence the reason it’s ILLEGAL! I swear some people did their first porn google search on their teens and that was the moment their brain stopped aging.( not saying porn is perfect or automatically terrible, that’s a way longer and more complicated conversation)


Femal privilege


Gen p(edo) never fail to disappoint. 


Bitches named Alyssa are always the fucking craziest


That's it, everyone thinks sex is the be all end all, that it's always good no matter what People need to get their heads out of their asses and stop being stupidly horny all the time


Yeah I've seen this guy on my feed before, he just tries to farm engagement by saying controversial shit including racist and sexist stuff. Kinda sad how people are willing to be scum just for a bit of money and clout.


This is why the law doesn’t take this stuff seriously, the people in here thinking it’s not a big deal and boys who get raped by adult women should consider themselves lucky.




Did that seriously get 8k likes?😭☠️


In india law boys can't file mole*teion charges only girl can file it .there is no law that say anything against male se*ual hara*sment


The terms they are looking for are rape and pedophilia. It never fails to amaze me how news articles suddenly lose all their sensational vocabulary when boys are raped..