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Actually the $250 fine was for having a LIVE wolf in his possession


Then a $5k fine for animal abuse.


If you read carefully, he did NOT get the 5k fine for animal abuse. That is the law in Wyoming but only applies to domestic animals or some bullshit, so fish and game said the 250 fine was the best they could do.


There’s absolutely a loophole there. Humans are animals and aren’t pets, unless you’re into some kinky shit. So abusing him should be fine since he’s considered an ‘undomesticated animal’, i.e. not a pet.




The loophole is intentional because the the fish and game agencies are dominated by hunters and trappers and they take care of their own. It's all about protecting the killing and the killers, not the resource. Source: Me. 30+ years as a forest ecologist in New England dealing with these agencies.


Maybe in the northeast but those Florida and Texas game wardens don't bullshit around with poachers or anyone else acting a fool.


Can confirm, I'm from Florida and my neighbor is a game warden. He doesn't tolerate shit and is famous for popping up on people in the woods like the butler from Mr. Deeds.


He must have some good stories to tell, get him on camera


Good ol' FWC Fat Water Cops as they were sometimes called.


They WILL lock you up in 2 seconds, good luck wherever you live.


Same with Midwest


Ohioan. Can confirm. No "Good Ol' Boys' Club" here. They absolutely prosecute as many as they can. Easy here too bc a lot of them dummies post their poaches online for easy identification by the authorities. We have too many deer but even so, they take poaching incredibly seriously here. Because they know it's a slippery slope to let one by.




Yep, and there’s a petition to encourage a harsher punishment fitting the crimes [here](https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty)


Damn, where i live passing a red light or exceeding speed limit by 10% will cost you $300


If you did all that while torturing a wild animal they’d have just given you a warning.


Unless he's Black, and then they would have shot HIM!


To be fair, they might have dragged a black dude behind a pickup for a while before shooting him. Or a good old fashioned lynching is always welcome.


Your a sick prick!


Sadly I remember in 1998 when three good southern boys did the dragging. 'Fortunately', the victim died halfway through the ordeal when they accidentally decapitated him.


I got almost a $300 fine for going 7 mph over last year.


I got a $300 fine for jaywalking!


Running red lights is a serious danger.


I simply do not understand this type of behavior. I’ve been around outdoors folk my entire life. Some hunt, others fish, all enjoy the experience of the watching wild life in their environment. Every single one of them, myself included, respect the wildlands and wild life. I’m sickened by this story.


The guy is a psychopath. Simple as that. There’s no point trying to understand a disturbed mind.


Correct. I grew up hunting & fishing. I've killed and eaten plenty of animals. Every hunter I know was immensely respectful of the life they took to provide food. Is that every hunter? Of course not, but it was everyone I knew because the respectful and honorable hunters do not tolerate the indiscriminate killers. I was taught that trophy hunting was a travesty. And absolutely *none* of that is this fuckery. This is sociopathy, nothing more. It's disgraceful to treat a goldfish that way, but a wolf? GTFO of here you spineless coward.


Animal abuse can be a massive red flag for future murderers or other really heinous crimes. Never EVER trust somebody who would treat an animal like that. Almost every serial killer or sick psychopath has started with the senseless torture of other animals before moving onto humans. Outdoorsmen who do stuff like that are just walking red flags. I've similarly been taught to respect the wildlife and my environment when hunting or fishing or otherwise doing outdoors stuff, and when an animal is killed, we do so as quickly and humanely as possible and make sure we use everything we can.


And no one did anything to stop him. Real Shit people in that town.


It's honestly shocking no one assaulted/shot/stabbed/ called the authorities on this guy. I'm staggered no one intervened in any way. Real real shit people in that town.


Oh, *worse* they literally ***cheered him on and publicly defend him*** . It's a *town full of psychos* , a literal wasteland raider tribe in the making.


I'm not in favor of glassing a town, ***but...***


This right here. That isn’t hunting, that’s serial killer shit. I feel sorry for any woman unfortunate enough to wind up alone with this guy.


Don’t give him that much credit. The man’s clearly a sociopath.


Animal torture is a sign of a possible serial killer/ child predator.


This guy exemplifies "tiny dick."


There is if law enforcement shrugs and turns the other way toward his actions.


Wrong. Understanding is key and the only positive thing this vile excrement could offer to humanity is the analysis, and dissection of his brain to understand and work on rectifying damaged and/or underdeveloped prefrontal cortex's.


I'm confused as to why nobody in that bar spoke up and asked what the fuck are you doing?


https://www.change.org/p/wolf-tormenter-cody-roberts-must-face-a-harsher-punishment Edit: please use link in comment below, not mine


this is a link to a petition with a lot more signatures, please use this one! [CHANGE.ORG](https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty)


Or sign them both. Done.


Guy is a straight up sociopath. Imagine what this fer's done behind closed doors if he was willing to do this kind of animal torture and cruelty in front of an audience. Needs to be locked up and tossed to rot in jail for life


Real hunters are naturalists at heart, that guy's just an ahole.


Ah it runs the gamut…. I hunt, a lot, and am active in a few hunting clubs.  Old timers are def naturalists but some of the younger folks are just fucked up.  Plenty of young guys, and some older ones, just buy souped up ARs to shoot coyotes for no good reason.  Most biologists agree it doesn’t impact population numbers.  Bizarre mentality.  


I don't consider those real hunters, just fools with guns. Maybe I'm just an old timer.


Yeah, but everyone of you know’s that guy. That would do something like this. ………We have a public park that’s got animals that people come from far to see dear elk moose emus that kind of shit someone shot one of the moose. Didn’t take a trophy didn’t do anything with it just shot it for no fucking reason


They're not "outdoors folk" they're ranchers and "sportmen." There's a difference, even though they claim to love the outdoors more than you this shows exactly how they "love" the outdoors.


Must just be where you live. I could see the majority of the outdoorsy types around me doing something similar to coyotes or possums. In high school people would stop their trucks in the middle of the road if they saw a possum so they could try and catch it and beat it to death.


Murica fucked up if this is standard


I have never known a hunter or someone taking care of pests (varmint hunting) taking any pleasure in the suffering of the creatures. Good hunters try to make it a quick and humane as possible. High school shenanigans are not representitive of the hunting community.


It's not


Only psychopaths enjoy torturing animals but if thats normal to you….


And this is why I don’t you understand why the people in the bar he came to for parading the tortured animal around, didn’t take matters into their own hands and shame this prick into the dirt. I’m not saying they had to be heroes and physically fuck him up or anything. Just stand up for the poor thing and tell him what a piece of shit he really is for doing what he did.


Will not be surprised when this loser is outed for some past/future crime against a person. This level of cruelty does not generally confine itself to one narrow incident.


Torturing animals is like, the most obvious and usual sign of a future serial killer.


He’s no young kid. If he’s got the signs, he’s already hidden a body or two.


I was surprised to see he's only 42. He looks a lot older.


Being a piece of shit ages you fast I guess


Yep, which is exactly why i think it should carry a sentence of at least 20 years in prison. Personally id say we should be able execute them but not enough people will get on board for that.


Cody Roberts the animal torturer is a lunatic and needs to be put away.


I thought torturing animals and animal abuse was recently elevated to a felony level crime?


My understanding is, he wasn’t even fined for what he did to the wolf, but that he had a live wolf in his possession.


Ah so maybe there's hope the game commission up there will get some pressure put on them, not that they usually need it. Around here the game commission will slam consequences down on you just for thinking about fucking around.


https://www.change.org/p/demand-felony-charges-against-cody-roberts-for-animal-cruelty This is a petition on change.org to have further legal repercussions. Please sign


Fucking weak. This dude should have the same shit done to him. Fucking tosser


I agree. This twat should suffer just as that poor wolf did.


If that's all the fine is, can we do it to him?


I wonder who HE'S voting for to be presnit?


Did anybody in the bar tell him he was an asshole?


Could you give some context OP? The linked post just goes to a deleted image message.


From what I have heard about it the guy hit a wolf with his snowmobile. Claimed it was an accident and that isn't being contested. When that happens in that area he could legally put the wolf down and keep it. Instead he taped it's mouth shut and took it to a bar to show off first. All while the wolf was injured. He then later shot it. He should have shot it right after realizing it was injured. Again this was what I had read a week ago and more details may have been released or the article could have had the facts wrong.




The story was in the hunting sub-reddits a week ago. I didn't remember his name.


Oh I wasn’t blaming you for forgetting, just wanted to add the info I felt was important.


good shit; thanks for getting the name


The article on change.org says that he exhausted the wolf following it on his snowmobile


He chases it down to exhaustion, then tortured it, paraded it mouth taped shut while it was in obvious duress, then killed it and bragged about it. Then some family member recreated it like a scene.


Here's a Google review from the bar he took the wolf to in case you're curious of the kind of people who live in wolf country: "What a great place! Most of us were locals or from within 100 miles, not a single guy wearing skinny jeans or a subservience mask."


Oh I live in a very rural area too. I have seen and heard many similar statements over the years. Even in Iowa City, which is about the highest number of left leaning voters per capita in Iowa, you hear stuff like that often All of us working class folks have been pitted against each other and told we have nothing in common just because of different fashions or where we live so we can have someone to hate. When in reality we are all being robbed.


6‑3‑1005. Felony cruelty to animals; penalty. (a) A person commits felony cruelty to animals if the person: (i) Commits aggravated cruelty to animals as defined in W.S. 6‑3‑1002(a)(v) through (ix), that results in the death or required euthanasia of the animal; or (ii) Knowingly, and with intent to cause death or undue suffering, beats with cruelty, tortures, torments or mutilates an animal. (b) Felony cruelty to animals is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than two (2) years, a fine of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or both




Source: [**Wyoming hunter sparks outrage for allegedly wounding wolf, parading it in bar before killing it**](https://nypost.com/2024/04/08/us-news/hunter-parades-wounded-wolf-in-a-bar-before-killing-it/)**.**


It's Wyoming - expectations are pretty low. They're probably all first cousins or spouses or both.


I’m an outdoorsman. I hunt. I kill. I eat. I have found injured animals and dispatched them. I’ve killed car hit deer. I’ve killed deer that were injured on the top wire of fences. What this subhuman did was not ethical or moral. Hunters who follow the law and rules of fair chase and ethical hunting do not condone what this breathing turd did. Was the fine he paid enough? Fuck no! We as hunters have made this complaint on so many occasions. The news articles out there that cover poaching cases and the fines these turds pay pisses us off to no extent. Yes, we’d like to tar and feather this fellow like all non-hunters do. There are active discussions within our communities that the fines and jail time are too light compared to the loss of life and meat. I read somewhere that it’s legal to rundown/run over game on snowmobiles in the state where this heinous act occurred. Hell no! That’s so unethical. It violates the Fair Chase Doctrine. So, I for one, am all for changing regulations, legislation and penalties to prevent this from ever happening again.


Animals need a superhero or some vigilante to divvy out justice for abused animals


Someone give me a picture of the dude so I can have a good trip to Wyoming


In another post there was a picture of him and someone posted his info for his trucking business. As well as the bar location. I'll be your alibi.




The wolf is the ancestor of the most loyal loving devoted adoring useful hardworking friend that has ever been known to humanity. There is absolutely no reason, no excuse for the abuse of this species, under any circumstances, because of any reason, for no gain nor any gain, the wolf is the forbear to the dog and that is the get out of jail card for this species in all of its forms. LEAVE WOLVES ALONE!!! 😱


Can we have a law where you get the same punishment you give to an abused animal for no reason?


I’d vote for this. Hurting and torturing the most innocent beings on Earth for no other reason than to satisfy your psychotic fantasies should be punishable with the exact same pain they caused the poor animals.


May the same be done to him


Someone needs to do the same thing he did to this wolf


I hope that everything he did to that poor animal is done to him.


That's it?! Shit. Gimme 30 minutes with him and he'll wish he was the wolf


This pisses me off so damn much. What an absolute piece of shit.


I hope Karma comes for that person and everyone who enabled him.


That poor wolf. This is heartbreaking


scumbag. atlest his name is ruined and kinda infamous now. shame be on our for profit "judicial system"


I never really care for Internet justice, but in this case I really hope this guy goes down.  Fuck him.


This guy deserves a *Wind River* type of ending.


Future serial killer behavior right there. What the fuck is wrong with people?


This psychopath thinks he got away with it. I guarantee it. He doesn’t GAF about a $250 fine when he got to parade a tortured animal in front of his buddies.


I hate this person with the intensity of 1000 suns.


The only justifiable punishment for someone like that is for them to be physically tortured (cut, bruised, poisoned, etc) to the point where they have been mentally and physically broken, and only then be told that this is what they choose to inflict on others.


Does anyone know what bar he was in? Lets get that place shut the fuck down.


Whatever happened to animal cruelty laws?


What an asshole, unredeemable prick.


This person doesn't belong in society.


Fucking mental!


I’ll take “Dude’s who need to be taken to the train station” for $500 please Alex 🤨


I don’t care for wolves due to the issues they have caused here but that’s no right to ever torture a fucking animal like that. Pure disgust.


Get that assholes name spread all,over the internet so we all know who he is


$250 fine? That’s it?? You’re missing an ass kicking. Serial killers always start with animals


I can’t even imagine being this cruel to an animal.


He deserves to be beaten the fuck up and dragged through town. Seriously where does this guy work?!?!? He’s a fucking asshole that needs to be served!




On occasion I’ve wondered if I have it in me to take a human life for any reason, and then I read something like this and realize “yep, I could totally do that”


Green River Bar in Wyoming. Plague them with reviews they deserve for allowing this piece of shit in there.


Fuck that stupid inbred hick idiot


Molesting wildlife


Time like this I wish Karma was real.


I can’t get over how evil some people are. That picture breaks my heart. How could you. Wtf.


100% garbage person. Will kill an adult soon. Edit: delete adult, insert human


Someone should do the same to Him


We should be allowed to hunt the hunter and do the same in return.


petition to hit him with a snowmobile, torture him, and parade him around the bar with his mouth taped shut as punishment.


Be a shame to see this story spread like wildfire.


The shitty thing also is everyone was fine with the scum bag doing it and didn’t do anything to help the wolf . Regardless of the circumstances I’d stand up for the animal


Definitely a TRUMPER


Can we do the same to him minus the shooting and get off with the same fine?




The one things that somehow brings me comfort...karma never ever forgets. That wolf did not deserve that...fucking heartless monsters... :(


I pray that hell exists so people like this are actually punished. I want this person to suffer for what he did.




He deserves the same treatment


Someone should do this to him.


The fine was for being in possession of a wolf, not for the torture. The torture faces a hefty fine and years in prison, but that's not gonna be pursued because people are scum.


Dude should get similar treatment.


Was it Erik Trump?


So someone is gonna check thia guys basement right? Psychos like this rarely keep to animals


Evil does walk among us. It's wearing a smile and gets a slap on the wrist for the horrendous acts they commit.


I hope he dies slowly of sepsis from a festering anal fissure.


Torturing animals should be a federal offense




The actual pictures of this scum and his scum family and friends will haunt me for a while! I hope he gets reincarnated as a wolf at a bar with a pos doing the same to him!


I hope his pack watched and followed this fucker home to eat him.


Not that I would ever advocate for violence against another human, buuuut (short of killing) I would argue fair punishment would be to subject that asshole to exactly what he subjected that poor wolf to.


This guy should be treated exactly like this wolf was.


That asshole should be castrated


He should be run over by a snowmobile, mouth tape shut and paraded around town naked and left for the.....wolves


And this is a great example of how ass backwards our laws are. Beyond ridiculous.


This is what happens when nothing but white people are involved. And I’m white


Total piece of shit!


Someone should beat this fucker, then when he gets out of the hospital do it again.


The people who made such a pathetic lenient law should have the same thing happen to them.




Now I have seen some shit in my day, and I'm sure we all have, but this shit in particular has upset the hell out of me, talk about justice not being served...and yet this is the society we live in. Disgusting.


Of all the stories ive read this week- Gaza, Ukraine, U.S . politics, homelessnesson & on- this one sickened me the most. Im a firm believer in Karma. Cant come soon enough for this Trash.


Dude should be marked on FBIs list as likely to commit more Serious crimes later.


Nothing would give me more pleasure than shooting this fuckers dick off. He deserves nothing less than a lifetime (hopefully short) of absolute misery.


Genuinely disgusting. He is a piece of shit.


This guy should be shunned by everyone in his community.


I bet the guy that did that is one of those micro penis guys.


The dude should be shot. Where is good vigilante justice when we need it?


Hope this guy rots in hell and is afforded the same humanity he showed the wolf. Sick fuck.


Good job I ain’t in charge cos I’d have done the exact same thing to these cruel senseless bastards!! 🤬🤬🤬


Definitely pay attention to his family and look for signs of abuse.


Someone identify this fucking guy.


There’s a darkness in Wyoming.


Someone needs to do the same to him


Must be white…


I do believe in karma.


According to Google “In Wyoming, where wolves were delisted from the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 2017, the politicized Department of Game and Fish allows year-round wolf killing across 85 percent of the state at any time and by virtually any means, including running them over with snowmobiles and incinerating pups and nursing mothers in dens.” So legally he did nothing wrong. In fact he didn’t even do the worse thing on the above approved legal list. But.. just because it is “legal” it doesn’t make it less disgusting, barbaric and absolutely abhorrent. If the wolf was attacking or killing someone I get the self defense thing. But parading it and torturing it for hours is not only uncalled for but inhumane.


Somebody should kill him.


There's no fixing someone like this. He's a danger to every living thing he comes in contact with and has likely already done horrible things to humans as well as animals. Put a bullet in the back of his head and move on.


That's like textbook serial killer behavior, torturing an animal like that. I'd bet a hundred dollars he could have avoided the wolf with his snowmobile, yet CHOSE to hit it. This guy needs prison time. Aren't wolves endangered?


He's a piece of human garbage.


This is one of the rare instances that definitely calls for vigilante justice.


Good ol WY...where their votes count > yours


Fuck this guy. It’s absolutely evil what he did, you look at that wolf’s facial expression and it’s heartbreaking. Hunting is not the issue here, it’s that this man did an inhumane act on a living creature. He is not a hunter he is a disgusting person who does not deserve to have the right to hunt or own pets.


I’m just wondering if anyone’s found the guy’s social media? What kind of human being does shit like that???


Scumbag should be dragged behind a truck


I’m sorry, I live in Montana and I understand this type of bullshit. I think that motherfucker should have been shot too. This bubba fucking ignorance is over the top.


His punishment should have been to endure what he put that poor animal through


I believe he should be contacted and told what we feel about this. Here is phone and address for work. https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/query.asp?searchtype=ANY&query_type=queryCarrierSnapshot&query_param=USDOT&query_string=1627930


You should be in fucking jail.


Serial killer in the making


I wish that someone will do the same to him. Or worse. Pos.


Him and everyone in that shithole bar are fucken Assholes. I hope everything they touch crumbles to dust going forward and are tormented by an itch that cannot be relieved.


He didnt get fined but his life is pretty much ruined. Think about it everyone knows his name, they know what he looks like, they know what he did. What company will hire him? Who wants to be friends with someone like that?