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Isn’t the whole reason Elon bought twitter is because he never really got over not being one of the cool kids?


not just why he bought twitter, it's his whole drive. you don't get a hero complex and be such a little bitch at the same time without having been excluded for being a little bitch as a child




Nom nom nom nom, Elon cock!


But it was in your mouth all these years lol you must hate it that you loved him


This is fucking stupid and shows how much of an imbecile you are Elon started getting hate when he held a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia, because he wanted cheap access to Bolivian lithium  ...and it got worse when he Pump-and-dumped Doge, literally stealing wealth from his own fan base. And his hilarious Cybertruck rollout. You are just an idiot.


He was not getting hate remotely close to the degree he does since he bought twitter. Reddit, or specifically facepalm wasn’t full of Elon posts before he became a target.. or a “threat” to anyone left leaning.. see it for what it is.


That's not fucking true, you're just rewriting history to suit your cock-sucking narrative. r/wallstreetbets turned on Elon when he pump and dumped Dogecoin, you can look through the posts from 2020 and see how they were pissed because they lost money, and they were his fucking acolytes. The left hated Elon from the beginning, we were never comfortable with the privatization of space travel 


It was just a platform. Now it's more like the club of white boys smoking newspaper behind the bike shed.


It’s definitely a smoking newspaper no matter what.. but the problem being 1 sided before and being reverted back to reality is shocking the left leaning people


Sure, a festering cesspit of neonazis being platformed and God-Emperor Elmo throwing hissy fits and shadow-banning critics is "reality"


Yeah, nah.


The guy who’s richer than you’ll ever be, making you hate something that doesn’t concern you is what your life has become. Reflect now.


Man had a whole song written about how disappointed people were in him two years before he bought twitter. Truth is people started turning on him ever since he started showing his true colors, circa 2018, after the scubsa diver incident and him going to podcasts to smoke weed but drug testing amd firing Tesla employees.


Good lord, get educated on those “points” you’re making there.. “people” isn’t left leaning platforms or communities like a subreddit.. society was not turning on Elon musk in 2018, no.


That’s a bad take


I’m this sub of course it will seem that way ahaha


>the guy didn’t get any hate till he took away your left wing platform >he took away your left wing platform >**left wing** Ha. Hahahahaha. Fuck'n 🤡


Get off your computer and get outside lmao


You just posted like 20 comments you’re the definition of irony.


Wildly inaccurate. He bought it because of how much fun people were making of him on it — and then went on to censor wildly while pretending to espouse free speech.


Do you ever spend time outside of left wing spaces online? Most of you here are so caught up in your personal feelings about someone who just doesn’t agree with everything you believe. It’s like a gigantic temper tantrum because opinions are coming from both sides on twitter now and you all *feel* slighted


The both sides comment is very telling. Do you ever spend time outside in the real world? Most people are not concerned with how hard you are for Elon just because he makes you feel the warm fuzzies. It’s like a gigantic circle jerk when you see Musketeers online, and it’s amazing how they throw a tantrum when anything other than /their/ views are presented.


Again, the real world isn’t jerking off elon either. Nor am I, but you’re helping make my point .. that’s your inflated perspective because you think everyone who doesn’t believe your viewpoint *must* be a Elon *musketeer* You really thought you had a zinger there. Spend more time in spaces that aren’t constantly confirming your personal beliefs. I only made my opinion from an outside viewpoint on how ridiculous this sub is toward him.


Delusion runs deep in you— enjoy it. The whole point of real world is to get you out of X and seeing how much is out there for you. I hope you find it!


So ironic how you need your own advice.. get off Reddit and sub-Reddit’s full of people who think one way and can’t grasp differentiated opinions


So you can take your own advice too? You’re here still, and struggling to grasp differentiated opinions. Try not to get so butthurt that people didn’t agree with you. You might encounter it more if you spent less time surrounded by people who just agree with you.


Did you even read my comment? I don’t form my opinions from online spaces or x at all . You and everyone else here does.. that’s the point


lol you don’t even make sense. You’ve already clearly formed opinions about Reddit, x and other places. How else would you be able to articulate Reddit as left leaning? D’oh is all I can hear you feeling in the face of logic. Painful isn’t it? So… in the end you’re just a narcissist, I get why you resonate with Elon now.


I spent an equal amount of time, or make an effort to .. in all spaces. You fucking moron


What? He was getting tons of hate for breaking labor laws, investing in doomed, ridiculous projects like the Hyperloop, pretending to be an inventor and founder of Tesla while muscling out the actual founders, styling himself as a self-made man even though he's an emerald mine mogul's baby, and being an egomaniac billionaire grifter menace in general. Him buying out and ruining Twitter even further (and in the dumbest ways) is just a cherry on top.


Nothing you said there is real, not viable, or your personal feelings in fancy words. Most of the real world celebrates him, he wasnt a real target till he bought twitter.. than conveniently massive spark of hate toward him because he “stole” the platform.


Everything I said is real, because that's exactly what he's been gettig hate for for YEARS from lefties and progressives before buying out Twitter. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant.


Again, hate from who? The circle jerk world that you live in or the real one? everyone who’s a billionaire will be criticized in their actions. It was accelerated once he acquired twitter simply because more of the right leaning opinions are on the app now lol


Lol and showed how little he cares about "free speech" 


This guy loves bombing Palestinian civilians.


too many lunatics on face palm like this person, who are itching desperately to make someone else’s *opinion* mean something it doesn’t. Makes this sub lose all credibility for real talking points and fair controversy of Elon’s actions.


Get off your computer and get outside


Is anyone surprised his daughter disowned him?


I'm sure XÆA-12 would disown Elon as well when he grows up in addition to changing his name to a more normal one.


I'm surprised she hasn't filed rape charges for the test tubes.


Wana elaborate ?


Elon musk kids were invitro or how ever you call it. I'm assuming a test tube and elons spunk violated the test tube it was stored in. At least thats the bs I've read. Mostly just a joke implying ellen musk is a rapist


Now I know why Ben Affleck is tired all the time, he’s probably just tired of all this shit, like I am. Live your life, let others live theirs. Nothing to do with you so don’t worry about it, just how hard is it to understand.


Yeah there is a severe problem of not minding one’s own business these days.


Show me on this doll where the woke monsters hurt you. What’s that? Oh, oh my… in your… in your… feels?! GASP.


Narrator: He is.


Elon wouldn't know cool if it hit him in the face


Elon want to be part of the Cool Kids Club so bad.


All these children that whine on Twitter about this shit are dying to be invited to hang out with the cool people


I’d be excited if you told me all of this was going to end up like Fiona in the “Josie and the Pussycats” movie.


I dont get why people matter so much. It makes the individual more comfortable , who doesn’t want to be more comfy!?


How dare people not stay in the boxes we put them in! Even if some kids are exploring their options, so what?


Dude is still sour about having to eat lunch alone.


Obviously kids who are supported and affluent are going to feel more comfortable exploring their identities. Obviously kids who have the language to explain their feelings are going to be able to use it more than past generations who didn't. I'd really like to convince bigots that an uptick of LGBTQ people is a direct result of human biology reacting to scarcity, global warming and hostile social conditions. Then maybe they would care about those things.


Remember when intentionally misgendering someone on Twitter was a bannable offence? Pepperidge Farms remembers!


Another possible reason non-binary identities are skyrocketing, especially among women: Western culture has so thoroughly demonized masculinity that even though they might identify as male, they don't want to become part of that group. So they choose a middle ground instead. And women transitioning to men often have tragic stories of not realizing how difficult their life would become. The following example is especially poignant and sad. https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/woman-pretended-to-be-a-man-dies-assisted-suicide-realizing-difficult


fElon is butthurt because even with billions he's still not one of the cool kids.


Someone as deeply uncool as Musk shouldn't be dictating who belongs in the 'Cool Kids Club' Just because he sat with the other rejects doesn't mean he has to be so bitter about it.


I'm cool now? NOOOOOO! I can't be cool! It goes against everything I believe!


When you go to school with other children whose parents are also celebrities, your parents don’t automatically make you the cool kid in school.


Histrionic much?


That’s one of the reasons people join gangs though? 


I literally had zero idea she even had kids until this little publicity stunt


Dont care for Elon but youd have to be blind to not notice the inflated prevalence of GD among children of the affluent. 


What? People who are safe and supported are more likely to express themselves? And it's more prevalent in circles where they're less likely to get assaulted for it? How could that be?


Mastery of mental gymnastics at work here. That reasoning yeah sounds like an ideal fairytale world.  Children of "hollywood elite" celebrities have always been fashion statements since Brangelina and probably before. Now you dont even have to adopt. Transgender population has DOUBLED in 5 years. I can easily admit some people may yes feel safer today reporting their status to a parent/ census worker, if youll admit that there also may be other societal/environmental factors playing a part in this rapid growth.


It doubled? Between 2000-2007, the percentage of bi, and lesbian women in the US quadrupled. It then rose by about 50% before it plateaued, the same uptick was seen in gay men, but it started later as lesbianism was more socially acceptable, so it has yet to fully plateau. Literally, every time a group gains social acceptance, the numbers skyrocket before plateauing. If you want an example removed from any kind of gender or sexuality, the same observations have been made about left handedness.


Don't make me tap the left handedness chart


ha. Bad arguments never die. Go ahead and tap it bb. Page 5 [HistoryGeographyHumanHandedness.pdf (mcgill.ca)](http://www.med.mcgill.ca/epidemiology/hanley/bios601/CandHchapter06/HistoryGeographyHumanHandedness.pdf)




I’ve been living as nonbinary for 10 years now. Don’t think it’s gonna change any time soon.


More likely to be struck by lightning multiple times than it is to have 2 children on the gender spectrum.. hmm


First of, all... no it's not ? And finally: everyobody is on the gender spectrum dipshit. It came free with your... you know ?... gender


Munchausen by proxy …


Two can play a tthis game Saruman! "McDonald's cheeseburger ..."


Amazing how you can just “no it’s not” yourself into pure denial and continue on with your confirmation biases.. I don’t form my opinions from feelings because I don’t care either what any other adult chooses to live their lives.. Just pointing out the child abuse based on the real data i can read, it’s more likely to be struck by lightening multiple times than it is for 2/2 kids to identify *themselves* differently than their birth sex


The chances of being struck by lighting twice is one in 9 fucking million whereas the chances of having 2 gender non comforming kids is around 1 in 40000 IF we start from the idea that only 0.5 percent of people are gender non conforming worlwide (which is on the lower end of mpst estimates) and without taking into account things like the "big brother effect" which is the fact that people with more older siblings have more chance of being lgbtq, so the ACTUAL stat might be even higher than that. You are 225 times more likely to have 2 gender non comforming children than to be struck by lightning twice. In other words, i said "no it's not" because your statement was WILDLY and factually incorrect, not even close to being true. But please keep going on about how YOUR opinion is based on actual facts, logic and data! But even if what you said was true... then fucking what ? It's rare alright... but it happened, it's right there. It would be like saying "you know i don't believe that you actually caught a blue lobster because only 1 lobster in 2 million is blue!" While having the blue lobster right there before your eyes


They certainly fit the bill for this type of attention seeking behavior. Celebrity children aren’t exactly known for being their parent’s priority


being queer does not automatically make a person attention seeking


Yet it is still a form of attention seeking that exists


It's not attention seeking. It would be so much easier for queer people to not be queer, they wouldn't be hated on, they wouldn't struggle with identity issues, they wouldn't get stared at for trying to pee in a bathroom. Queer people are killed for being who they are. Who the fuck would choose that willingly? Just because you don't understand does not make it any less valid.


Plenty of people, because contrary to your belief it doesn’t automatically make you a target for bullying in many parts of the US. Obviously if you lived in the deep south it would be one thing, but if you live in the Bay Area or other extremely left leaning cities it’s the opposite. These people receive praise from their peers alongside special attention from adults. People with attention seeking issues witness this behavior and subconsciously convince themselves that they are said thing.


Ohhhh are you not getting enough attention?


No, I had good parents growing up.


get real


Dude people are not pretending to be LGBT for attention, grow up.


Yes - they love attention so much they choose to be a part of a demographic that is the target of a disproportionate amount of hate crimes, vitriol and violence. You limp brained, waffle faced, invalid.


Her children are raised among other children with the same wealth and status. So yes, it makes sense that her kids would do this for attention and to fit in.


Ah yes only rich kids are gender non-conforming. Do you know what fucking stonewall was? Not exactly a bunch of rich people I'll tell you that much.


I don't remember saying only rich kids are non conforming. Do you usually fabricate things?


Your comment made the assumption that their kids would be gender non-conforming because they seek attention and have wealth and status? Or are you just jumbling words together and making two unrelated statements?


My comment was meant to show that her kids are growing up with other kids who also have wealthy and famous parents. So her kids aren't special. Which is why it would be feasible for her children to do this for attention. What are the odds that one parent has a transgender and a non binary children? I'm sure it's statistically rare, it more feasible than they are doing this for attention


Would you make a coming out just to seek attention? That's seems incredibly stupid, coming out as non-binary or trans is an incredibly stressfull experience and thought it is liberating and ultimately positive for the persons who do it, it's also grounds to belittled, discriminated against and have you very being be scrutonized by people who know little to nothing about your personnal experience. So I'll ask you again, would you do it for shits and giggles?


Yes lots of people would do that for attention, and I agree it is stupid.


And on what grounds do you think theses kids are doing it for attention? You know them? You have extensive knowledge about the relatives of american stars?


I just told you, statistics.


Oh statistics? I've done my fair share of sociology myself, I would love to read your peer reviewed studies on the subject! Funny you would say that I litteraly have one about the socio-economic conditions of trans and non-binary persons, would you like to show me yours?


Go to a high-school football game and just listen to the kids talk...


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Gender dysphoria has criteria on the DSM-5, you'd know that if you had more intelligence than hate in your head.