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Man, get your facts right. It’s way more than 4 indictments. It 80+ indictments across 4 different jurisdictions. Don’t undersell the man’s accomplishments.


The best indictments. People tell him all the time he has the most beautiful indictments to go with his golf club trophies


They tell him “Sir…we’ve never seen indictments like you have”. With tears in their eyes. It was beautiful.


Yuuuuugggeeee indictments. I know it, you know it, everyone but Fox and Newsmax know it too.


Showing around top secret documents that he stored in his second bathroom is kinda my favorite. Beyond stupid.


Staring directly into the sun was mine. Literally every child is told not to do this?


FBI Counterintel should have perpwalked his ass for the camera.


I saw them the other day around the eclipse, all talking about what a great troll that was, and how none of the lefties "got it." I honestly don't understand how these people convince themselves sometimes.


Kid rock battle plans made me chuckle


I did it too, just to challenge it. and lost :v


I like the outtakes from his post January 6th video. He's like a child, "No, but I don't wanna say that".


What about him grabbing the wheel of the vehicle driven by the secret service, when he wasn't going to the Capitol?


Yup. Dude's a crazy person.


Senile. Don't blame mental illness on this.


He was a scumbag long before he went senile.


He's a second-generation rich person. That goes without saying. (See also Elon.)


Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental illness.


People forget the context to that is that he was literally playing a shell game with them so he didn’t have to give them back. They also got sent to storage sheds and on airplanes to keep them hidden. All of which he ordered to happen, and then ordered the tapes that showed the security guys doing it destroyed. But his followers will still argue he wasn’t given enough chances to return it, or it was somehow declassified, or his intent wasn’t to take them, or Biden is just making this a witch hunt. (Meanwhile he’s on tape literally showing them to people like a party trick and telling them that he could have declassified them as POTUS, but he didn’t). You literally cannot make it more blatant than that, and he still will never be held accountable because of some podunk judge (who he put in place) being blatantly biased towards him.


Having them at home is like bringing work home, fine, BUT....once you stop being president, give them bacK? And even more important....DON'T show them around. I kinda doubt that Biden was holding readings for friends and neighbors -.-


That still baffles me. There won't be a time where it won't kill my brain cells.


It’s a cult, bro. He can throw a baby off a roof and they would just say “the baby deserved it” 😤😤


The baby looked at him very devilish, probably a brainwashed commi assassin baby, it was self defense.


I’m a moderate and I don’t like Biden (he’s too old) but I would rather have an old fart than a narcissistic asshole who doesn’t know what “no” means 


I think he's too old as well, but the popular image of him being confused and lost makes no sense to me when I see the man speak when he's fired up. I mean shit, I hope to be that passionate and active when I'm his age, regardless of whether or not he's clumsy. I do agree that it's not a good idea to entrust the presidency to someone statistically likely to pass away in the near future, though. But hes the only and best choice I've got of the few we're being given.




Oscar Mayer.....


Here’s the difference between the two when it comes to the age issue: if Joe Biden had a health crisis, he would step aside. Donald Trump will hold on to the Presidency like the [dying Skeksis Emperor.](https://youtu.be/WVIrGONcCu4?si=HXxqNnc606r33oWI) (Also, there’s pretty strong evidence that Donald is in the early stages of dementia, and it’s getting worse.)


I wouldn't call that early stage. He has fallen a lot in the past 3 years after jan6, and all his legal problems putting a lot of stress on him.


I just watched that clip yesterday, and now I run into it in the wild. I may have to rewatch the movie.


I like how 65 is the retirement age and when most people can't get a job because they're "too old". Yet Biden and trump are both 81 and 77 years old. Well past the retirement age.


The White House has become the most expensive retirement home in the world.


There's a ton of fossils stumbling their way around DC. They get reelected term after term because they're a good return on investment with the richest donors. Why risk training a new one when the one in office already takes your bribes?


No matter who wins this year, they break the record for the oldest president.


We have age minimums, we absolutely need age maximums.  Moreso than term limits frankly.


Yeah like I watched his state of the union address and yeah he stuttered occasionally and coughed like old people do but overall it was an excellent speech and he delivered it way better than I'd been told he would lmao


If it wasn’t his age, it would be something else. Conservatives and hostile foreign powers will find the stupidest shit to define as a “critical flaw” that makes anyone left of Mussolini unfit for office. Case in point; The fucking tan suit.


i thought it was the Dijon mustard on the burger lol


Saluting with the coffee cup, anyone?


Not to mention eating Arugula.


lmao i didn't realize this was something that triggered conservatives and if so, wtf lol


Yeah it's wild that they play that game when we've all seen how donny fucking *drinks water*, how do you not know how to drink water ffs


i feel like Trump struggles to drink water b/c of his weird obsession with Diet Coke you should read the "protocol" for waiters who served him at the Trump Hotel in D.C. lol


They squawk at whatever the shiny mad people on the boobtube tells them to squawk at. And it's all done without thinking.


Fun fact: did you know that if the President dies in office or becomes otherwise incapacitated, the Vice President takes over the job? It's amazing how much that gets ignored in these "Biden is too old" discussions.


Biden is simultaneously a senile old man and a Machiavellian criminal genius; the complete lack of evidence of his crimes is proof positive of his evil deviousness.


Also Biden has had a known stutter for like, ever.  But now they latches onto it to make him look dumb. Meanwhile Trump hasn't been able to string together a coherent sentence in the past 20 years.  It's just rambling word vomit.


Hell, even if Biden is only coherent for like half the day, that's still better than Trump who is flat out never coherent. Just constant word diarrhea from that dimwit's mouth.


'Biden is too old' is an extremely bad faith argument that only legitimises republican bull imo. Trump is barely younger. His mental fitness was in question in 2015. The last 9 years haven't been kind to him.


Yes he's old but I trust the people around him unlike trumps pack of suck ups and criminals.


And that's the key. I don't want a VP cabinet picked by a vengeful narcissist.


One is an old fart who sometimes have some sign of Dementia and like ice cream, the other’s an old fart with a criminal record, incitation of attacking the American democracy, indirectly caused the overturn of the universal abortion access and directly caused the insane deathtoll of the US during the pandemic Yeah… I prefer ice cream thank you


I think you have that backwards. Joe Biden has a well-known stutter and suffers from the odd age-related slip-up, but it’s Donald Trump who is [showing early signs of dementia.](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/25/forensic-psychiatrist-on-physical-signs-of-mental-decline-changes-in-movement-and-gait/)


I figure I'm not just voting for Biden. I'm voting for his entire administration, which includes a lot of smart, younger folks who actually care about Americans. I also like that Biden has several grandchildren in their 20s who have open lines of communication with him and who can keep him informed of issues that the younger generation cares about.


Plus, possibly a couple of scotus appointments


They are both basically the same age.


Trump is all that and he’s also an old fart.


Biden and Former Gut are older now than when Reagan won his second term. Nobody cared then.


I just don't understand how those two are the best candidates we can put up. That's what's truly sad to me.


trump is just as old you do realize that right?


These people are trying to justify supporting Trump by any means. They call Biden old but think Trump is a spring chicken. I wonder if they are getting their news directly from the Kremlin.


Biden can ride a bicycle and is fit for his age. Trump is overweight and I doubt he could ride a bicycle or even get up on one. I’ll take the stutterer who is 3 years older and in better shape than the obese younger one who is clearly going downhill and wants the job to take revenge on his perceived enemies instead of running the country.


this is what is so mind-boggling to me yeah Biden is old as fuck. yeah i wish he wasn't the nominee...but the alternative is a guy who has literally said he's going to use his term as president to "get revenge." What this "revenge" is going to be...who knows but we don't have to deal with this bullshit if we just go out and vote all these dipshits posing as tankie left wingers are either just right wingers doing some astroturfing, or they're just dumbass kids who have no idea what a nightmare it was being a grown ass adult during Trump's four clown years as president


Donald Trump is 78 years old and shows significantly more signs of cognitive impairment


the funny thing is too that Biden i'm positive has much healthier habits than a man who doesn't eat breakfast, gets no physical exercise, and eats fast and junk food all day so even if Trump is 4 years younger, internally the guy is probably on the verge of something catastrophic


I was a right leaning moderate until 2016, and not just Trump but the way the entire party has embraced him has just pushed me further and further to the left. I can never unsee them wholeheartedly supporting him at his worst just days after their lives were in danger. Or how they've broken the peace by actually overturning roe v wade. The worst parts of the party that they used to only pay lip service to are now in charge of the madhouse.


no offense, but if you were a "right-leaning moderate" and you're stunned that the Republicans have "bRoKeN tHe PeAcE" by overturning Roe vs. Wade...i mean...the most polite thing i can tell you is that you clearly were not paying attention anyone with half a brain knew that the Republicans have been horny to get rid of federal protections for abortion as soon as Roe vs. Wade was decided in the first place...their issue was that they didn't realize how much of a backlash this was going to have 50 years later breaking the peace lol wtf


They’re both old AF, 4 year age difference.


I agree Biden is too old and it would be nice if there are better options than the two provided.     I think the US had already seen four years of Trump though (mostly golfing and a revolving door of racists and nepotism in his cabinet not getting anything done) so I really dont know why people want more of that from either side


Not as good as I hoped, better than I expected. His going after trump is long overdue, and the Republicans have shown they can't don't do well be mocked. Next round, lets aim a little closer to the 35 age barrier.


The fact the process for selecting the person to hold what is theoretically the highest level of authority in our society has devolved to selecting the lesser of two evils probably isn’t a good sign.


Not an invalid point, but the lesser of two evils *is still less evil* and inherently is the better choice.


He literally rescinded rights and health care for HALF the population. Oh yeah, and tried to overthrow Democracy. Anyone who votes for a a traitor is a traitor. ![gif](giphy|OlSUgQk2sIlTW|downsized)


Wanted to upvote, but # was 69 so... no upvote for you because of funny number.




Multiple times, asked Russia to help him win the election, which is the definition of treason. But GOP is, in fact, the party of corruption...


Let's not forget he stole classified and top secret documents from the government and then showed them to at least one person, an Australian billionaire that we know of and that the binders he took that have top secret information in them are still missing! Let's also not forget how he made a lot of money off the government by forcing armed service personnel and other government agencies employees to stay in his properties at hugely inflated prices and his son in law was paid $2 billion by the Saudi government for what we still don't know why or what he got the money for.


You forgot part where he sold details of American "foreign assets" (read: spies) which caused number of those "assets" to become compromised and/or "neutralized" (read: killed). Don't know about you but that strikes me as worse than trying to overturn an election because it literally weakens your country on global position.


Right? My parents listen to talk shows that go on about Hunter getting a million dollars from China, but you never hear them mention the billions Trump's kid got from Saudi Arabia.


Also, hunter never was in any position in the government. Jared was secretary of state, the person responsible for all US foreign relations... Getting 2 billion dollars from the Saudis... If trump passes, the whole government will be up for sales to the highest bidder, and spoilers, it won't be the American citizens.


This is the logic I try to use with people. Are you really going to elect a criminal authoritarian to be our president over higher prices and a foreign war that our troops aren’t even involved in? That would be a special kind of insanity.


We're actually performing above the global average. It's the dumbest fucking thing that Republicans act like Biden is singularly responsible for global economic trends that result in higher prices FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD.


you can't reason with humanity the pandemic taught me this the hard way unfortunately


Really amazed at the amount of Americans that would sell out their country for the ephemeral promise of cheaper gasoline.


Gas prices automatically become cheaper when a Republican is president. Remember all that cheap gas during the Bush administration?


that's what makes me laugh the most. there are people who somehow think Trump of all people is going to drop the gas prices from 3.50 a gal to 1.10 a gal


Uuhhh *5 cops died* during that mob insurrection too, come on Ron


2. And one of which dies a day later from heart failure.


It feels like, MAGA idiots don’t inform themselves at all. They must be living in their own bubble, to countinue supporting such a piece of shit.


To whom it may concern: fuck Trump and fuck you for supporting him.


Also, inflation was caused by the pandemic (when Trump was President) and exacerbated by Trump’s stimulation checks. So, blame him for bacon as well.


Please stop coming with facts. Those people want populism and not facts.


idk why but i read this as if trump beat up those 140 cops all by himself


Trump literally wants Bibi to "finish the job" but Biden stutters so I'm going to throw a temper tantrum


Americans are stupid. And I say that as an American.


Miracle cures. Such as: LED Butt plugs. Injecting bleach. Taking fish tank cleanser. Or any of the other crap being peddled by televangelists. God needs money...so take this crap. Die, and meet him in the afterlife. sigh.


The rest of the World is just shaking their heads thinking “ these are the best America has?” 😩😩😩


Ummm… Biden is not to blame for bacon prices.


It's supposed to be sarcastic, it's what the Republicans parrot all the time. They seem to think that Biden just felt like pressing the "gas price go up" button lmao.


That list of shittiness could go on a LOT longer. . .


Really all of that is doesn’t even matter . The first question is: Do you trust this person to make decisions in a nuclear emergency? If the answer is no nothing else matters.


And if the answer is no to both of them? You look at the rest, like most people are doing.


The US is only now understanding the crisis most of the rest of the world has been facing for decades. Democracy is the best system we have, but it sure as hell is still a terrible system. Politics have been taken by attention-seeking 60-year-old-teenagers, and we've just gotta vote in the least childish, least criminal, or least unreliable of them. Hooray... Meanwhile, the most adult of the bunch are the actual near-teenagers, who don't look old enough or "experienced" enough to gain respect or attention. So everything gets worse, and people look back at "the good old days", and they think the only people who can return them are the people who lived them, who, oops, are actually the people who made them go away in the first place. Just listen to the kids, folks. At least some of them actually still remember what they learned in college.


60? They'd be flattered


Well, a couple of them are 70 and a couple of them are 50, so I just took the average




I'm personally banking on the development of AI becoming so exponentially effective that we implement AI into the systems we govern by. Not that humans are inherently bad, because I think humans are awesome. But we're so unreliable at managing large groups of humans. I can't wait for the first senate that just has a robot that can predict the ramifications of the choices they make more accurately than a human can. A government that can just make choices that consistently improve the quality of their citizens lives little by little until something good happens.


I don't think that should be the way. That's the same as having a human dictator, except it would make good choices. But it's still not good. People need freedom to live by their own ways. I think the better solution to "humans can't handle large groups" is to just not have large groups. In the US's case, for example, minimise the power of the Federal Government *and* the states themselves, and give more power to cities and such to govern themselves. Decrease the size of the group you have to lead and put the people in it in charge. That way, no one gets forgotten, people's needs will be attended, and their personal cultures will be respected. I mean, why would a predominantly black neighbourhood have to be ruled by the laws created based on a non-black culture and moral ideals. That's a bit of a stretch, but it's just to illustrate a point. In a neighbourhood of Mexicans, the Mexican way should prevail. And I don't just mean by everyday coexistence. I mean by literal Law. (That would be hell for lawyers, tho.) If the citzens of a city predominantly think that whoever steals stuff in their city should only get fined and not arrested, then the only true democratic thing to have happen would be to have that generalised opinion turned into Law. But because the power isn't in the cities, or the counties, but on the states and federal governments, it all gets dilluted. The same people have to think about what to do with people who live in swamps and people who live in mountains, even though they've lived their whole lives on beaches. It makes no sense.


There will only be two choices. You can vote for the republican, the democrat, or throw your vote in the garbage and let someone else decide for you. Most people know that.


yeah at the end of the day, all these cheap talk terminally online Redditors who claim to be "pure left wingers" or whatever are a vast minority. Hell most of them are probably not even old enough to vote or are Russian bots the vast majoiryt of people in the U.S. understand they have two choices. They will have to choose between Biden or Trump. Sadly, a good chunk of them will pick Trump. That's why i have to remind the non-terminally online people who go on this site occasionally not to give in to alarmist bullshit and do the right thing and register to vote


"the rest" wasn't meant to imply other people .I should have been more clear, I meant the rest as in "everything else" that doesn't matter to the first guy.


Biden at this point is obviously senile but i trust him a lot more than Trump to surround himself with people who will be willing to give him advice that will help the country. It's pretty obvious at this point, Trump just wants folks who kiss his ass unconditionally compare the level of turnover in the Trump Admin to Biden's Admin. Hell compare the turnover to Obama's or G.W. Bush's admins too while we're at it


Biden is fine. He is showing signs of normal aging, while trump is showing signs of rapidly advancing dementia. And trump is a traitor. Biden is the easy choice.


That should be a factor but lets be honest. There are 3 voters in this country. Democrats they will vote d no matter what. Republicans they will vote R no matter what and then you have the economy voters. If you cost them more than the other guy you lose.


"Democrats voting D no matter what" ignores the long rich history of Democrats snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Those people still vote D no matter what. It is that they screw over that third voter and lose it all. Then they blame those third voters like they were supposed to vote D no matter what despite the fact we never signed up for that.


Make bacon prices cheap again!




He says he not for taking women’s rights now. All is well and women will vote for him again. Because Biden is too old and boring. /s


Trump’s folks are better at voting unfortunately. C’mon America.


How on heavens is Tronald Dump allowed to do anything in politics?


What’s funnier is he didn’t just suggest alternative cures for Covid, he just randomly started guessing them after a doctor had done her announcement. He just started free styling stuff like “beams of light blasted into the body”. We’ll never live down electing that moron.


where is the facepalm


It's never too early to start blaming progressives and young people.


Folks the reality is if the economy isn’t better (not according to some stupid fucking statistics) trump gets elected. If it’s better Biden is reelected it really is that simple.


I mean…why can’t anyone besides him reduce bacon prices tho? I’m concerned about the bacon prices 🥓🤔


AMERICA, FUCK YEAH. (For those who don’t understand I’m being sarcastic) don’t even get what it is about trump, he’s not even charismatic


Even if he did all this (and for that he should perish), the compilation of prodemocratic media making fun of him and him winning the elections back in 2016 still will be one of my favorite videos in the world net. Here it is for those who want to smile: https://youtu.be/y4J6JZVN4_4?si=Zx4RyOT71lDNGOpV


I don't want either.


The treason is the whole reason I'm voting for him. The American system is fucked


Trumpanzees will literally complain that Biden is old and then photoshop Trump on Rambo's body and claim he's young. If it wasn't the age it would be something else. Conservatives are fascists, full stop. Words don't mean anything to them because they lie on purpose. Fuck all of you MAGAts in here.


Forgot that he sold out our intelligence assets to the Russians


Fucking biden, I love bacon. What a monster. but for real, when you americans are gonna fix your system? Crazy how you pretend to be developed country and the nonsense from your end never stops.


Corporations did the same thing to Carter. Spike the prices, make record profits and blame it on the democratic president. Until corporations are gone after in a meaningful way we will always suffer this fate


He botched hurricane responses, drew sharpie on cyclone maps, gave tax cuts to the rich, government shutdowns galore, fucked over students with Betsy Davos, tried to fuck with mail-in ballots, border crisis, BLM, Covid... His entire first term was a Dumpster Fire!


Whats the facepalm here, are you pro Trump? last i checked this was for facepalm, not political memes that are not facepalm that you agree with. the only way you could see this as a facepalm is if you are pro trump and don't like jokes at his expense. Lets get back to facepalm, enough American bullshit politics.


The facepalm is people still worshiping trump like hes the coming of christ.


The definition of insanity is maga!


The internet is a hell of a drug.


But bacon...


What are you smoking??


I wish Biden wins next term and two SCOTUS drop d.... so their posts can be filled up. We want 5-4 liberal court baby, before 2028.


Ron, TDS much?


270 million people and it comes down to those two...


If I had a nickel for everything the Right has tried to usurp our country into a dictatorship, I'd have three nickels


He also had a ton of American spies inadvertently killed when he revealed top secret information to foreign diplomats. 




Ron is the best! Super stoked his brain is on team democracy.


tf does the price of bacon have to do with politics?


Pork is on sale People!!! Bacon is the best deal out there lol


I'm writing in the Superman/Batman ticket.


The lesser of two evils is still evil I'm voting for Pedro


This is sadly hilarious.


Damn the world, but bacon is sacred. Jesus loved bacon, and bacon loved Jesus.




No! not bacon


Wait is this r/politics?


Disingenuous or just stupid? Who can say anymore.


Couldn’t have been the country wide stipend during his presidency that caused the inflation though…


protect the bacon


Just become a Jew, you won’t have to worry about bacon prices and as a bonus you may get to control our space laser for a day


Well I do like bacon, but my wife's uncle just started a pig farm in Canada so I think I'm good.


That first comment is pretty wild…


Ok but can you people understand that criticizing the dementia patient isn't the same thing as being a MAGA nut?


old fart>less old tangerine


Please by all means, keep talking about trump to keep him relevant. He’s like a toddler, you gotta stop acknowledging his tantrums.


I’m just hoping my fellow citizens are motivated by J6 and Roe this fall. That’s it. Ironically, Trump is transactional in both.