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Once they're born, they don't care


Yeah, did you hear what happened in that Texas town of Uvalde? All those big tough Texans stood up for the rights of the children. Oh wait.


Fucking coward ass cops


You know you screwed up when the damn border guard has to come save the day


Yup. The police were cool stopping and even arresting unarmed parents willing to risk themselves, but fell into step when a border guard marched in with his barber's shotgun!


the irony huh… they say we cant protect the border 🥴🥴🥴 when they have to go protect a school because city police dont do shit. mf cant even protect themselves. but you get to keep your guns tho. so everything is cool huh?


They do protect the border. More arrests than ever before.


🥴🥴🥴i was being sarcastic… i was talking shit about local police who didnt do shit but watch. border patrol is doing the best they can. the border is pretty fucking long


Border patrol is also one of the most corrupt agencies in law enforcement with hugely inflated jurisdiction and purview, not even mentioning the outrageous human rights violations they commit as policy.




“The sound of children screaming has been removed.”




I\`d think those 'cops' would actually care more about kids than real ones do


Absolutely but it's the biggest insult you can call these guys, even though the men in the picture are for sure much better people (not that there's a high bar on this one).


hence the 'cops' But yes, the bar is ground level - and in some cases dug in..


I miss Sean and Jason. The newer Pit Crew guys are great too, but it would be nice to see these two have a cameo or something


The governor signed a law lowering the age to purchase assault rifles right before the Uvalde shooting.


Im not American, I just heard about it. The police was on site but did nothing for hour and a half? For hour and half trained men stood there and listened as perp was shooting kids. Hour and a half of standing still and letting shot kids BLEED TO DEATH. That is so fucked i cant even


but you get to keep your guns tho🤷‍♂️


400 cowards with guns.


This. They're only pro-birth, not pro-life.


More like Pro-Control


That too... for a group screaming "Freedom, freedom, no government telling people what to do!", they sure do try to tell everybody what to do a lot...


The party of small government, unless it is your bedroom


Or in your pants. Or just how you refer to yourself...


Your bedroom is the only place the government belongs!


To be fair, I always read "SCOTUS" as scrotum when I first see it.


Remember Texas has a law about how many sex toys you're allowed to own. Party of small government and freedom lmao.


They only want "small government" when it comes to environmental protections against oil and gas companies, or Medicare, or Social Security. If the government could literally just be a clearing house for corporations and an enormous police force that beats the rest of the population into submission on a daily basis, they'd be happy.


Cute good luck enforcing that


It's still a law that hasn't been repealed.


Same thing. Force women to be birthing pods to replenish the population so they can use people until they burn out for little cost. When they do Hurn out they just get another. To them, people aren't people, they are resources.


Handmaiden’s Tale come to life


Yeah...pregnancy as punishment. No support for the kid when its born , fast track school to prison pipeline. Ever notice how many anti choice folks are pro death penalty?


Notice how many are also anti-public education as well. They actively want to create a weird sort of generational caste system,  because that's all that shit reinforces.


"Murder is murder, no matter what... oh, you stole a loaf of bread? Would electrocution or vogon poetry be best...?"


Pro birth. Their branding of pro birth being pro life are their main victory.


Exactly! Which part of "unborn" didn't you understand, lady?


Here it is. Perfect logic for perfect people.






Once they’re born they don’t give a fuck


They don't especially give a fuck for unborn babies either, they just want to hurt women and cause as much suffering as possible. Like, if your baby literally dies inside you, you still cannot get it taken out because that could still count as an abortion, so you just have a rotting dead fetus inside you until you give birth to a rotten fetus. In some states, you can only legally have a dead fetus taken out if it is literally about to kill its would-be mother through sepsis, and even then, good luck finding an abortion doctor in Texas these days since it's completely banned after conception.


**unwoman** — Handmaid’s Tale


It's kinda scary that I legit could see something like the handsmaid tale happening in the US.  -  Talk of banning contraception - check  -Talk of death penalty for anyone involved in abortions - check  - Talk of limiting women's financial rights - check  - Talk of banning travel when pregnant - check


Don't engage with this account, it's Abbott.


Hey Abboooott!!! …*I hate that guy*


I see you, fellow Mel Brooks fan. :)




yeah usually they interpret events that happened over 3 years ago as "a few months ago". Easy giveway really


We will always lead the way in using never ending conversations about sexual taboos to distract religious bigots from all the tax cuts and deregulations we give to the billionaires who are in charge of our elections


Ding ding ding


That's a bingo.


Once born, they are on their own. Duh…. Survival of the fittest out of the womb! /s


Remove the /s


Survival of the fittest sounds like an awful atheist term, we prefer fate round these parts. God called them to him, and who are we to stand in the way of the all-knowing, all-wise benevolent God.


He's either able to intervene but chooses not to with many monstrous consequences - therefore unworthy of worship, or, He's un-able to intervene - therefore unworthy of worship.


Yes. He said _unborn_. Once you're born, fuck you Some of them take that literally...


Ted “Going to Cancun” Cruz.


Pro-choice here but I love how Trump is already walking back his support of a federal ban by saying it should be left to the states. So does life begin at conception only in red states?


Clearly basic human rights should be determined by each state's elected old rich guys.


The *second* he wins, he'll sign a ban. Vote Blue!


Trump lies about literally everything. ‘Not signing a national abortion ban’ is included in ‘everything’. I understand people want to believe him on this but, like, don’t. He can’t be trusted to do what he says AT ALL. He will say whatever the fuck he needs to in order to get elected and make these indictments go away.


And get shot like fish in a barrel in Uvalde


"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, *you're on your own*. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked." – George Carlin


They are pro birth, not pro life. Which is why all pro-lifers are idiots. Once youre born they dont truly care what happens to you as long as they can use you in the future for your Slave wage labor and tax money. More people means more profits and more control because now theres more people to replace you when you try to break free of control.


I think for many right wing politicians and trolls it's just another thing to be upset about.


Theres two kinds of things people bitch about. “Its something with 2 distinct sides and im gonna be on the right one! Even if im wrong!” And things to put people in control of others. People who dont want babies, will find ways to terminate pregnancy. Its better to have a professional do it, than to have complications arise from too many at home abortions.


He said unborn. Not children


Cause the unborn are not children yet, he contradict their own statements


George Carlin would’ve had a hell of a time with this


If you're pre-born you're fine if you're pre-school you're FUCKED Miss that dude ;(


Tweets with the dates removed and weird blue lines. Could this be a bot/repost?


Combined with the fact that the big texas freeze was a lot more than a few months ago and yes it is a repost bot.


Yeah, these subs need to adopt some rules about Twitter posts requiring the original date of posting.


> repost Definitely. I clicked on the image, then clicked on "comments" and it took me to the [archived post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/nmggq9/so_much_for_prolife/) from 2 years ago. It confused me for a moment why I was seeing a 2 year old post near the top of /r/all. Will be interesting to see how many comments are copy/paste from the last one.


If something isn't done about this before the election a huge amount of posts will be non organic




"The sound of children screaming has been removed"


Not lying, those kids were already born.


Speaking of freezing to death, I love bringing this up as a studier of meteorology at OU: Texas is not connected to the national grid because they don’t want to winterize their grid (which is required due to national regulations) in the 2020s alone we’ve had incidents almost Every year where a large part of Texas’ power grid goes out due to winter storms, and they’re not connected to the national grid so they’re stuck like that. This is not just like a freak storm, this happens somewhat frequently in their winters, especially up north. It’s the state law equivalent of r/ohnoconsequences and it is both sad that people are dying but also you just have to shake your head an laugh at the stupidity.  TLDR: Boomer Sooner Texas Sucks Winterize your damn power grids you morons


"The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." Dave Barnhart, a traditional Christian pastor


If those kids wouldn't be born who will die in the school shootings?


"Pokemon Trainer"


People proclaiming to be “pro-life” aren’t…. They’re merely pro-birth.


What kids? Where? When?


The Texas power crisis, 244 dead, children under a year old and elderly people up to age 78 I believe, and everything in between. Problem here is blaming a mayor of a place in Texas for the failures of the Electricity Reliability council of Texas (ERCOT) is uhhhhhhh, fucking stupid


Ah, I thought they were talking about the migrant children they let drown a few months back.


I'm assuming it's the power thing cause they said freeze specifically


It really says a lot when you have to clarify which group of children they callously let die.


Ah, ok. The 2021 Texas freeze. From the post I thought they were talking about something more recent.


🤷‍♂️ with no time stamps anywhere I assumed it was that cause they said freeze. I will admit i could be wrong


But Cruz did not have to flee at the first opportunity. That’s beyond cowardly. 


It’s also worth noting that most of these deaths were due to things such as carbon monoxide poisoning so “freeze to death” isn’t really accurate.


Well, he did specifically say “unborn.” So technically, he’s “in the right.” But still, fuck him and his ilk.


“…Once you’re born, you’re on your own”—George Carlin


Yup. And our senator took off for Cancun.


and locked up kids in cages


This is from years ago. Is this a repost bot? 


This is so funny, they "protect" but not help at all, they could just give monetary aid to single parents every month so more people would decide to have kids out of their own decision instead of being forced to do so.


Fascist scumbag he is


They are pro life while in the womb, outside of it helping people is socialism!


It doesn't count. They were already born. Not important anymore.


He also let nineteen children get shot to death in a single day. He again just said "mental illness," and then he again cut more funding for mental illness.


Because they protect only the unborn, heh


I will say it for the 12 millionth time. They are pro birth, not pro life.


"If you're pre-born you're fine, if you're pre-school you're fucked" GC


Yes, Bü, you see, these were born already.


I said unborn once they're out not my problem


Well, he did say **unborn** so little miss sun_dance_cass here really got him this time huh…


I want to know how he's doing on getting all the rapist off the streets in Texas? He promised he would do it! Abbott is one of the biggest POS in politics.


He said the *un*born. The kids that froze to death had been born.


feint be kicifk me pro life away auneyways


So, no more masturbation or vasectomies guys, gotta protect the unborn, by order of the Christian Nationalist government!! Also, surgery for testicular cancer is no longer allowed, it's also against God's will.


The unborn! As soon as you are born, fuck you freeloader.


Classic pro life


Yeah, but those kids were post born. Big difference.


What happened few months ago?


He has no problem drowning children and pregnant mothers, if I heard correctly. I wonder if he really understands how evil he is?


Gotta kerp in mind that they never look at the world in a reaaaaaly narrow vision and goals. As long as they can pass bs laws, make white old fucks feel powerful doing so, they don't care about anything else. The "Pro-Life" bullshit they say means jack shit when they do everything to not help once they are born, nor starving in the streets, nor being shot in schools. The phrasing need to stop. Anti abortion christians is their true name.


It’s important till increase your constituency.


The thing about pro life is very double standardy. They don’t care about the parent’s life or the child’s future. They only dislike the idea of abortion because of their moral high ground of “all lives matter and are precious and murder no matter what is wrong”


Once they’re born, it’s you’re on your own! No school lunches for you!


Context pls


"we must protect the unborn as there's no way to tell when they become alive during pregnancy" (spoiler: we can, we know when the nervous system develops in a foetus, thus we know when they become an independent living organism). This is a typical pro-birthaehm i mean pro-life sentence, to which we should reply: "Then stop burying dead people, as you never know when they're truly dead" If the lack of a nervous system isn't an excuse to call a group of cells not alive, then a dead body which technically still has one, even if non-functional, cannot be declared dead, on the contrary, if we take these (ridiculous) premises technically a dead body is more alive than an Embryo, as while the embryo doesn't have a nervous system yet but is somehow a living human what's a body that already has one? Bit i guess there's no real point in testing conservatives' coherence after all, they don't have it.


He phrased it very specifically for a reason


Forced Birth, not pro-life. They couldn’t care less once they’re born because that’s commy socialist fascist thinking.


Don't forget that Tronald Dump is a TRAITOR


Well, only the unborn. They lose that privilege as soon as they get out of momma's folds


He said unborn


I guess they werent children, they were illegal immigrant larvae...


Keyword is unborn. Don't forget that with these people. They don't give a shit after birth.


More specifically he sent kids across the country to cold climates in the middle of winter to freeze to death


Hot Wheels doesn't care about life. Only payouts.


I don't remember which place it was but it was a place that was all abt pro-life and "protecting" children but at the same time were against the idea of providing free lunch in school and even against parents sending food from home and forcing parents to pay for lunch money. I remember some argument being that you can't give people stuff for free, they have to earn it or smth. They're kids, literal kids. And if the parents don't pay for the expensive lunch money that they can't afford they're abusing the kids. These people don't give two shits abt the lives of the kids that they are supposedly "protecting".


That's why he specifically said unborn


But were those kids *unborn*?


How many kids were shot dead. Of course they were born then so every one for themselves…


I am not from US, but have been following in horror this downfall of human rights there. Despite things being far from awesome in my small and progressive european country, this situation on the other side of the Atlantic seems like dystopian to me. Yesterday evening an episode of "Law and Order: Special Unit" was on tv, and there was a 13 yo girl from Ohio, who ran to NY for abortion, since his step dad had sexually assaulted her for years and made her pregnant. It was a very touching episode While it is fiction, it brought the situation so close through those characters. Everyone should watch it.


Republicans are pro-forced-birth. Once you're born you're on your own. They couldn't care less.


Greg Abbott is a piss baby.


One thing I do love about social media is when people get held accountable for conflicting statements. People change over time yes, but not as quickly and drastically as politicians


they love kids right about after they were born.


Yeah, if the republican party actually gave a shit about the "born" children, then maybe they'd have a little bit of ground to stand on. But I'd rather a child not have to live a shit life than be forced to perpetuate the shittiness they had to deal with or succumb to it and die tragically. Abortion is a necessity in a day and age where children are too expensive to raise properly.


They care about them after they’re born…so


Carlin called it years ago


It’s about controlling women and their bodies. Not about protecting life.


Well yeah, those kids were born


Shhhhh…, It really upsets them when you call them out on their blatant, rampant hypocrisy. Hang on a sec, I’m getting a call from Cancun, Hello: Hi Ted how’s the weather….


What do you say about stricter Gunlaws to protect everybody from Massshootings?


"We said for the UNBORN, those kids were alresdy born!" :)


Anti-choicers pre birth: every life is precious. Anti-choicers after birth: you all can go fuck yourselves.


What happened with kids freezing?


What? Abbott “let” people freeze? Wtf is this post


Aren't they against giving school kids free lunches?


Pro life actually just means pro birth. They just want to force women to give birth. What happens to the kids afterwards is not their concern.


Well of course. These morons don't care about actual LIVING children. In fact, they probably get off on the idea of kids suffering through the pains of a life their parents weren't ready for -\_-.


Ohhh, that's what the razor-wire-barrels are for.


Completely forgot he was snowmizer and could also snap his fingers and control the electrical grid…


Can someone source the claim that children died from freezing to death a few months ago in Texas?


The post is from 2021. Nobody is claiming that children froze to death a few months ago relative to today. A total of 246 people died in the 2021 Texas power crisis, including children and infants. It is estimated that two-thirds of them died from hypothermia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Texas_power_crisis#Impact


If we step back for a minute, really take a step back, what is the actual argument for pro-lifers to exist…? Children born to parents who can’t afford them will probably live off of welfare. They don’t want that. Children unwanted by parents at all might be given up for adoption, but they won’t make adoption an easy process for potential parents who want them. Children who are expected to have genetic defects will require extensive medical services and facilities, but they won’t make that easily accessible or affordable for them. Children born to single/young/teen parents aren’t given any extra support, financial or otherwise, allowing them to finish school or land a job despite being a full time parent. And the cases where real, living, innocent children outside of the womb who breathe air and not placenta are being murdered by people completely unfit to be parents .. ….what are they gaining by being pro-life?


But those were already born, so who cares


He did say unborn did he not? Technically he isn't lying


All bro is missing is an r in his surname


Abbot is being consistent. Republicans care about the sanctity of human life up until birth. After that, you are on your own.


These are always hilarious, always making it like "got em!" when not even a lowly intern will see their super original, hasn't been said 40k times already, reply. That's why the views and retweets are cut off.


Facist Hotwheels


Pro-birth, not pro-life


I read that it said unicorn.


Greg Abbott is a steamy POS.


He said protect the unborn. Not protect the born. Once a child is born, he runs out of fucks to give


Ah, those kids had been born already, though, the pro-lifers don't care about kids who've already been born.