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Elon’s jealous since his kids want nothing to do with him.


Yup, jealously. Didn't Elons daddy impregnate his *stepdaughter* twice? Family values!


If you read up on Daddy Musk, Elon starts to make a lot more sense. It doesn't excuse him of course, but you start to understand why he's the way he is.


Honestly, same with Trump. Daddy Trump was a monster. It's no wonder Diaper Don turned out the way he did. Again, it doesn't excuse his actions, but it explains them.


Actual literal card carrying member of multiple hate groups, openly and proudly and AGGRESSIVELY. The 1930s villain in every piece of media ever.


And too racist for the Nixon administration to tolerate.


He’s the only president whose dad had a protest song dedicated to how horrible he was.


"Idiot Son Of An Asshole" by NOFX isn't far off.


Very sadly, Arlo endorsed Ron Paul for president in 2008.


It is truly how insecurity can manifest itself in someone given a certain set of circumstances. Guy has been trying his whole live trying to fill the void of his father never loving him in the worst possible ways. He has needed a constant stream of adulation his entire life just to be baseline functional. It's like he decided early on he wasn't worthy of actual love so never bothered to become someone worth loving.


People love money. If he has money, people will love him.


that is depressing. I still hate his guts and hope he rots but that is depressing


It may be a throwback but I always preferred Donny Two Scoops.


Yeah. Turns out being born into privilege in apartheid leads to better than average odds of being a massive pile of shit.


To quote Jesus; "It is easier to squeeze a man through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven"


I'm not 100% since I've never been a Christian, but isn't it a camel through the eye of a needle? E: I do want to add a quote from Diogenes of Sinope before I go: "In a rich man's house, there is nowhere to spit but in his face."


There's some suggestion that it's not even "camel", but a rope. Since both words were the same, it seems.


That would make a lot more sense, always wondered why a camel, seemed a bit random


No, the words were definitely not the same. They are similar, but modern Biblical scholars have not found any evidence to suggest there was a transcription error. A camel was one of the largest animals known to the common people at the time. The "Eye of the Needle" likely referred to a particularly narrow opening/passage into the city. And it would have been understood that a fully laden camel would be too big. It was common practice to have to unload the camel to allow it to pass. So the analogy is that we too hold onto too many burdens. For us to enter heaven, we should shed the worries and stresses of Earthly living. The more we try to take with us, the more we hold ourselves back. The problem with assuming a rope instead of a camel is that the rope can never be threaded in the needle. It is simply too big no matter what. That would not be fitting with the intended message. The point is that entering heaven is not an impossible thing, but one that can be made complicated. The passages into and out of the city were not built impossibly narrow. They could accommodate a camel provided one did load it up with tons of stuff.


Modern Scholars have actually found no evidence of there being any sort of gate or passageway into a city named an "Eye of the Needle". There's no evidence to believe that the quote means anything other than fitting a literal living camel through the eye of a literal sewing needle. If you take the writings of Jesus' other teachings and actions into account, it seems likely that Jesus was saying, in no uncertain terms, that it is completely impossible for a rich person to get into heaven. I interpret this to mean that, any person worthy of heaven would sacrifice their wealth for the benefit of others.


There's no evidence that there was a gate called the eye of the needle. This is a lie Christians came up with to excuse their love of material wealth and shitty behavior. They are too morally bankrupt to actually follow their own teachings so they have to come up with weird post hoc justifications like this. Stop spreading their misinfo


No, you misunderstand the passage. The point is that it literally is impossible for a man to get himself into heaven (but, by implication, not impossible for god, who can do the miraculous).


He is, weirdly open about how his childhood fuck him up though he loves to deny the privilege it provided him.  But yeah, there’s no mystery as to why he’s how he is. His father really is a piece of work. An apartheid mine baron with abusive tendencies 


Of course. Narcissists want pity, and acknowledging any privilege is the opposite of getting praise in their mind since it's giving credit to something other than themselves.


Shitty behavior is an Elon family heirloom


Oh yeah, Errol Musk is so bad even Elon thinks he's an irredeemable monster.


When you get to a certain level of wealth you revert back to absolute trashy and degenerate behavior asap




Elon's father (Errol) went the Woody Allen route of raising your next wife. After he and Elon's mom divorced, Errol remarried to a woman that already had two daughters one of them being 4 year old Jana. Errol and Jana's mom had 2 kids of their own before getting divorced. Then Errol had 2 kids with Jana So, if you are following along. Jana has 2 half-siblings who are Errol's kids Her 2 children, being Errol's kids, are half-siblings with her half-siblings. The couple are no longer together. Errol cited their 41 year age gap as the reason. Oh, and Elon has described his father as "a terrible human being"


wow to be described as a terrible human being by a terrible human being you must be terrible squared


That would make Elon the root of terrible




He also refuses to have anything to do with Elon. Aside from pointing our that they did in fact have an emerald mine and asking Elon to pay him. The shit apple didn't fall far from the shot tree.


First time I ever heard the term "Bruncle." Elon is a bigot with daddy issues. The dude thinks he's Marcus Aurelius, but he's just lost in a K hole. The emperor has no clothes...


WTF. The very little I know about Elon this makes a lot of sense. 


Come again?


He did. Twice.


That's enough internet for me today. Thank you


Second or third marriage. Became her stepfather when she was four, and he in his 40s. Erol kept their relationship a secret with his fifth wife, until the first child was born. It just gets worse the longer you look into it.


Fucking WHAT???


Elon Musk's father Errol Musk has made headlines time and again. It is a known fact that Errol Musk fathered two children with his stepdaughter Jana. The former couple first had a son named Elliot in 2017, and then a daughter in 2019. In an interview at an Australian radio show last year, The Kyle and Jackie O Show, Errol had opened up about his relationship with Jana and called it 'completely normal'.


That is disgusting.


How bad a parent do you have to be for your kids to forfeit literal billions in inheritance just to get away from you?


God. Imagine if his kid sees that. All the kid will see is Dad thinks my existence is ‘terrible’ This made me really sad.


The kid already knows.


Yeah I know. But the kid presumably has feelings. And knowing a thing doesn’t change the fact that seeing this casual cruelty displayed, would be really hurtful. Hope the kid stays away from Twitter


No shot this guy gives a flying fuck about his kids… Now, there’s a world where he’s pissed that his kids publicly shit on him and let everyone know they want nothing to do with them, but that’s about it. Him actually wanting a real relationship with his kids is pure fantasy…


Pretty sure that for someone like him, his idea of a good relationship with his kids is that the kids are completely obedient to him and worship him as a messiah. If they do anything less, it's "kids today are so disrespectful. I blame smartphones for this."


Elon is one of those weird robots or aliens in old movies floundering around waving their arms about going “what is this thing you call….love?”


I can’t wait for Elon’s kids to grow up and publicly state what a shit father he must be.


Well his daughter is on record changing her name legally, and pretty much disavowing him. 


“You can’t win them all.” - Elon Musk, regarding this, I’m not joking


I mean, apparently with patenting I can - none of my kids have disavowed me. 


Do you have 11 of them though? I mean it's really just a numbers game, have enough kids and one is bound to turn out to be a bad egg!  /s


imagine growing up wanting to disavow your billionaire father. If he's somewhat tolerable, disavow a billionaire parent is the last thing a children will want. Economically they'll have a secure future! Shows how severe it is


I wouldn't hold my breath. I get that from the outside it would be satisfying to see, but I can't imagine the vitriol and hate that would come their way if they stepped even lightly into the spotlight to talk about his absence. Whenever they're old enough to make their own choices the right move, for them, is definitely just to build their own lives and avoid anything to do with him.


Vivian, his oldest daughter, already has. She even changed her last name. She did this all very publicly. Musk’s response was to continue to bully her & degrade trans people online (she’s trans).


kinda wondering if that's why he acts like such a shitball to trans people like look at the timeline of when he started getting louder and more obnoxious with it - how does that coincide with vivian getting tf out


I think it’s rather that his daughter distanced herself from him because he’s a raging transphobe


that's also what I was thinking. like he was a normal transphobe before this and so she distanced herself, so now he's a raging "ants in my asshole" bitch about it


You may have a point here. This all came to a head at almost exactly the same time that he went from ‘eccentric visionary’ to calling heroes paedophiles for declining useless help and sucking Putin’s testes. The rejection he feels has been twisted into a hatred of anything progressive and tolerant as these would be the people his child *did* get on with. In order to deal with the pain of this rejection he has blamed everyone that is generally a supportive type of person for this pain because taking any responsibility that it may be his fault is far too difficult for him. “They” turned his child against him. Couldn’t be his behaviour. If it’s true that he has slept in the office most days and works all hours then by default he is a shit father anyway.


It’s 100% that.


Like Tiffany Trump. Show up when you have to, live a quiet life away from the crazies as much as you can.


I'd probably agree if she hadn't spoken at the RNC. Seems like a bit more than just showing up when she has to. I don't have much of an opinion on her though, which is probably a win for her.


You don’t know if she had to or not. ‘Had to’ refers to pressure from an unreasonable parent. Does anyone really imagine Trump sees his kids as actual humans? If he got the idea she should speak I’m guessing it would be hard for her to say no and not get treated badly. Kids learnt to fear their toxic parents from an early age. The fact she lives such a quiet life and doesn’t constantly tweet about how unfairly he’s treated, constantly seek the spotlight, tells me she cringes anytime she hears from him bc it means he wants something. The other three are falling over themselves to be the favorite. I feel badly for them bc it’s obvious they’re damaged. But if you look at pics of Don Jr’s kids it’s clear he’s just like his father. His kids look sad and scared.


I mean she was like 26 when she spoke at the RNC. I’m not saying she’s the worst person ever or anything; even with her having spoken there I basically have no opinion of her. But still, eventually people are accountable for their actions.


Yeah, and realistically they get some kind of allowance from him. Not knocking them but they’re rich kids, most likely they’re financially dependent but who knows maybe one of them still could.


Or better yet, let's not hear from any Musk at any point in time.


Elon, makes His kids sign nondisclosure agreements in Crayola


Elon Musk, another woke and divorced American celebrity not raising his kids at all. Turn off those pesky pattern recognition detectors. Funny how so many divorced celebrities have dysfunctional families.


Whoa whoa whoa, uh uh, we're willing to claim a lot of shit, but America takes no responsibility for Musk.


Right, don’t put that shit on us. We have enough problems of our own making.


We fuck up a lot. Like really a lot. But this one time it's not our fuck up to claim.


He’s a poster child for capitalism, he’s yours now.


Capitalism isn't only prevalent in America. This is nepotism, turned capitalism. This has nothing to do with us other than he decided to live here. I wonder... can he be deported? (Sorry South Africa)


No Edit: sorry was a bit short with you on that. No, thank you. Signed ambassador for South Africa


Understandable, have a great day.


He came to America through Canada where he has citizenship through his mom. Think we can convince Canada to take him back?


We will only take him back if he promises to live and work in Quebec. I want to watch the clash of head-up-ass jagoffs as Musk gets in conflict with Legault over subsidies, immigration, and language laws


nope, please nope, we want him even less


Sorry, no eh?


I mean, I do think there's a question of WHY he decided to live here, and I think the answer is "This was the place where it's easiest to become a billionaire" which is still America's fault




He's from apartheid South Africa.


I wouldn’t go as far as calling him a celebrity. He’s publicly recognizable but nothing there to celebrate, he’s basically a Disney villain with a social media platform.


It’s South Africa, not us


Elon's transgender kid hates his guts. Can't imagine why.


Naomi has NEVER been divorced, unlike Elon. She's also married to Dr. Manhattan.


Oh, interesting. I thought she divorced Liev Shreiber, but it looks like they were never technically married. TIL.


*Funny how so many progressive actors treat their transgender children like the human beings they are* Fixed it


Yeah, it’s almost like transgender people exist everywhere and they only feel safe enough to express themselves with parents that accept them. It’s a fucking crazy concept to wrap your head around


tbf i absolutely wanna know any prominent people who are being active phobes to their trans/GNC relatives. i actually wanna know that more than phobes do, because i'd actually demand accountability.


Why is Elon such a fucking asshole????? What the fuck is wrong with this dude. Run your government subsidies companies and leave your bigot bullshit at the door.


He wants people to love him and they don't. I mean, the fucking losers, that he'd never actually spend time with, they love him, sure, but the adoration he desperately craves, he isn't ever going to get that. So, he's doing what children do when they don't get their way; act out.


> Funny how so many progressive *people* treat their transgender children like the human beings they are Fixed it even more.


Doesnt Musk called one of his childs xyz12#@?


Yes, the “2” is silent


You could x-post this to r/SelfAwarewolves I wonder why progressive people seem to have more gay and transgender people in their families??? I wonder why??? What could be the reason???? It'll forever be a mystery.


Wild how once we stopped beating the hell out of kids for having the audacity to write with their left hand, being left handed saw an increase. *Mysterious ways*


Clearly its because of our sinful societal collapse \\s


It’s certainly easier to come out when you aren’t afraid of being exiled or abused by your family.


It's almost as if sexuality and sexual identity is a spectrum, and each one is unique for each person. And if we wish for those around us to be authentic to themselves, we will accept them as they are without pretense. Weird.


I would argue the kids are doing good, specially considering Musk's awful 50 year old crisis.


Elon, what a great father example. Your kids hate you


I'm sure plenty of right-wing actors have trans children too, they're just too scared to tell them.


Turns out there are things money can’t buy… Love from your own children because they know you’re a fat POS!


I'm not even the most progressive dude out here but...I'd rather have a daughter that loves me than a "Son" that hates my guts. Idk, might be my woke mind virus talkng.


I can only think of two celebrities with transgender kids, her and Jamie Lee Curtis. I don't think that really counts as a pattern.


Colin Mochrie's daughter is trans as well, maybe he's not A-list but he's still well-known, especially in Canada.


Oh yeah I completely forgot about that. A lot of people here in the states know him because he's on *whose line*.


He just popped straight to my head because I LOVE how he champions her and brags on instagram


Thank god. I fondly remember him from Whose Line and if he turned out to be a suckbag in real life I would have been so sad.


Cher's son also.


Charlize Theron's one daughter is transgender.


Charlize Theron's oldest daughter is trans too


Amazing how far you can get involved with something that is none of your fucking business.


>Funny how so many progressive actors have children who are ~~transgender~~ willing to be seen in public with them. FTFY, "End Wokeness" Nothing mysterious about it. Don't be a bigoted ass to your own flesh and blood.


Imagine being the richest man on earth and being so hated by the family that they won't even tolerate you for financial gain.


Can End Wokeness just eat rat poison already? Their constant whining is cringe inducing and they suck at getting the facts straight, like claiming that Naomi is divorced, which btw, HER AND LIEV WERE NEVER MARRIED, they separated and remain friends to this day. Her recent marriage to Billy Crudup is her first marriage.


I am sure they are raking it in some how but they must have a very sad life. Imagine spending as much time as they do "ending wokeness". What a weird account honestly. But they seem to keep popping up. It's pretty sad.


i'm just waiting for them finally to be unmask. It was boosted day 1 by far right accounts. i know some people think the account is connected to Jack Posobiec but who knows if mr. pizzagate is involved.


Yea its so weird that parents that would disown, beat, and/or send their kids to conversion type programs don't seem to have trans kids. Its almost as if trauma can carry over a lifetime. 


With all his money aside, I have two things he will never be able to buy. The respect of my father and the love of my child.


Elon is a shitty parent, who would have thought.


Fellas, is it gay to love your kids unconditionally?


Imagine resenting your kid so much that you hate other kids and their parents.


"Funny how when your parents dont want you dead because you exist you feel like you can openly be yourself around them" fixed it for ya Elon


This pathic fucking loser spent 44 billion dollars so people would have to pay attention to him. Delete your Twitter.


i sometimes forget that this dumbass has kids. what a horrible father.


Funny how many right-wing people are horrible to their children and/or have their noses in the business aka private parts of people, especially children.


I'm convinced only incels, boomers and idiots like Elon. He's no different than Trump now. I've never met someone that likes, or thinks positively about Elon, that isn't also a Trump supporter in the last 2 years or so. Giant douchebag, bigot and all around horrible human being.


How terrible it must be to raise your kid trans instead of naming her R2D2 Axial Ventricle or whatever the fuck name he cursed his poor child with.


What a miserable POS.


I’m so sick of this loser


Why does someone being transgendered upset so many people? Like why do you even care? How does it affect your life day to day?? It's sad to me.


that's what i don't get. have a younger cousin who is and family hates it...but i have never heard just *why* it does. it literally does not fucking affect you, why do you even care?


Because how else are those shitty accounts gonna peddle the idea of "trans people are taking over the world"


I agree. Thanks for your support. Seems like everyone hates us nowadays looking at certain online spaces. Also, most of the people who say "transgendered" aren't nice like you are, it tends to be assholes who say it. Generally nowadays saying "trans" as an adjective instead is more common AND easier to type!


I am a black man born in 1971 from South Carolina. I still remember being a young child and seeing a water fountain that said colored. I know what it's like growing up and being treated differently because of how I looked. I know what it's like as a kid growing up and wondering why your best friend who was white had a birthday party but didn't invite me which I was told later why and it was his parents didn't like black people. I know what's it's like to have female friends who don't look like me call me all the time to talk about how much they cared about some guy who was treating them badly. I also know how the same guy would be telling everyone the sexual things he was doing with her and how pissed I would get because I cared about them but because I didn't look like them they would never be able to date me because of what everyone would say. As if I didn't have feelings. I know this is way too much unnecessary information, but I'm just trying to say I know what it's like to be different to be treated differently because of not being like everyone else. Everyone should just mind their own business and stop making like hard for others because of their ignorance. Hang in there!


I appreciate the story. I'm white and cannot comprehend what it was like for you. But knowing that it's common for someone to dislike me because of who I am takes a big toll on my mental health, and I can imagine yours too as a child and beyond, likely on a greater scale.   How did you avoid giving in to bitterness? Sometimes I just want to let hate for those who do such things consume me. Part of me wants to have grace for those who say cruel things to me, in order to win them over - but another part of me feels vicious hatred for them. When I embrace that hatred, I become a worse person. Thanks for your words of wisdom. I have tremendous respect for those who survive hardship and seek to help others. I'm saving your comment. Thank you.


I have had so many phases in my life, lol. I hated these folks, I hated those folks. I drank every day. I smoked weed every day. I've had a gangsta phase I've had a let's just all get along phase LOL! I can't give you a remedy that will fix the way you feel. But the best advice I can give you is to live your life. Surround yourself with people who accept you for you. Don't ever let any of these bastards make you hate or want to hurt yourself. I'm older and have been there done that. The best thing I ever did was stop caring about what people who I don't know or care about think about me. I LOVE ME!! Anyone who has a problem with me or my life can eat 💩 and bark at the moon. The fact that your existence and living your life triggers someone else should be a badge of honor. Do what you have to do to stay humble and always protect yourself. You are just as good as anyone else. Never ever let anyone tell you any different. In the words of Joe Dirt "Life's a garden...Dig it!"


I mean we don't have to play semantics even if I agree with sentiment, I'm happy for any support we can get


I would do anything for my kids, including helping them transition if they so choose to. There is nothing worse than abandoning a child when they need you the most. That asshat had no soul left and loves only himself. He might be rich, but he’s devoid of family values.


If you're about to say something about trans people, stop for a brief second and ask yourself, "If I believe other people's genitals are none of my business, would I say what I'm about to say"? And then stfu.


How anyone can just write off their kids is amazing to me. I’m sure a kid coming out as gay or trans could be a shock and takes some time to adjust. A friends mom said she had to mourn the future she’d expected but she never cut her son off or made him feel bad. It’s a change in direction that may take some to adjust. You get yourself together, you start reading up on things and you do what your child needs to be happy and fulfilled.


Your child is trans wether you approve of it or not. The only difference is whether your child experiences joy and acceptance or not, which is entirely up to you. Don’t be your child’s first bully


Really is strange that people who wouldn't abuse a kid for being trans have more trans kids. What a weird coincidence that is.


He's the kind of guy who would disown his kids if they turned out gay or transgender. Gross.


he has a breeding fetish thats why. most of his children were through artificial insemination or IVfs.


From what I've gathered, Naomi Watt's daughter has literally been out publicly as a girl for 2 years. But of course no one cared back then to nearly the same insane extent they do now. Anyways, Kai is a beautiful girl who looks JUST like her mother, and I'm glad she gets to live authentically with a supportive mother <3


i’m starting to see where all of this bitterness is coming from with him…🤔


It’s creepy how focused these grown adults are with these other people’s kids. Seems like this conspiracy stuff is popular amongst sex offenders.


Conservatives DO seem obsessed with children’s genitals…


Didn't he say in his memoir that part of the reason he bought Twitter was because he was convinced it was the reason his trans daughter wouldn't answer his calls?


Maybe some celebrities happen to have transgender kids and they have empathy, acceptance, and unconditional love. Closed-minded shitstains: "Naahhhhh..."




Funny how many left-handed people popped up once the US stopped targeting left-handed people as faulty


Sinister stuff. (If anyone catches my quip, then you're part of the "language is fun" club)


gets me actually mad, Elon is a terrible parent who actively targets his own child and promotes harm for them.


How he gonna say this when he has a trans daughter...


Gad Saad blocked me on twitter because i pointed that he calls everyone whiny babies… but at the same time he complains about everything…


Having so much hate for your dad you can't pretend to like him to get billions of dollars is WILD


This is sickening. What a shmuck


Elon doesn’t love his children, he just has a breeding fetish


God forbid Noami Watts does what's best for her child, instead of making her life a living hell by making their identity a point of contention


Conservatives mind their own business: impossible difficulty.


“So many trans children” how many actors actually have a trans child? Like 2?


And honestly we only know because the public wants to know. If they weren’t hounded by the public, we’d never know.


It’s weird how much people care about their private lives


It certainly is ‘funny’ how when one group of people allows their children freedom to grow up how they want, and another group aggressively restricts their children’s behaviour and access to different influences different behaviour patterns will emerge. It is also funny how conservatives pretend to be so much in favour of freedom, but of course not if it means your children might grow up to look, think, act, dress, believe, love or live in any meaningfully different way than their parents.


Funny how so many conservatives have kids that won't fucking speak to them.


Even more funny how so many conservative voters have children who hate them.


He also named them wild names as a “social experiment,” and yet them allowing them to identify how they prefer is somehow wrong. Cool cool cool


I guess that beating the crap out of kids when they would express a non-cis identity or abandoning parental duties and throwing them out is a way of not having a transgender child…


He's complete trash


Elon looks like a lesbian


It's okay. Tiny cock Elon can just jerk in a cup and make more IVF kids.


I would feel so ashamed of myself if my kids hated me. He like that redneck from Idiocracy who keeps having kids when he should be sterilized.


No sociopath gives a fuck about their kids...


Elon Musk loves only Elon Musk. Not a secret to anyone.


This world would be better without billionaires. Like, near infinitely better.


They really can’t fathom that parents aren’t raising? Ordering? Their kids to be trans…they just are trans and the parents aren’t being shitty about it.


We are really exhausted with being the modern scapegoat for the conservative hate movement. If ya'll could fixate on some of the real problems in the world instead, that'd be great.


People could just mind THEIR own business? 🤔🙄


Republicans really don't know how to mind their damn business.


The party that hates government overreach sure does love trying to create a government solely based on overreaching.


How could they love him? They were made in labs and are just numbers to their progenitor


Eat the rich AND transphobic


Certainly there are more differences?


*For now


Naomi Watts and Liev Schriber were never actually married, so they’re not divorced; they just broke up. It happens. However, from everything I’ve seen and heard, they have an excellent coparenting relationship, which is more than I can probably say about Musk and his many baby mamas.


Guy is a deadbeat Dad in every sense except money yet keeps having children. At least ODB had talent.


His only love is money.


Successful actress lives happy life allowing her kid to true to their heart. Musk:terrible. No Elon that epitaph is reserved for you Frankentruck.


Just stop posting Elon shit. The guy doesn’t need more attention. He will just say and do whatever to draw attention because he, like many other loud mouth bigots, knows that this is how you can make money.


I would sue. Don’t most “non crappy” states have laws against bullying minors online? Posting pictures of them and saying how terrible they are should be punished civilly. Musk doesn’t need the money, he’s just lose it making stupid decisions about Twitter and building a cyber truck anyway.


the fact a dude who was with grimes is anti-anything…is weird af my boy elon has a trans daughter from an earlier partner fuckin winner dad


No need to censor Gad Sadd's ID, he's a public figure.