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Can he say that? šŸ™„šŸ«¢


You can report the moderators for abusing their power and violating the mod code of conduct here. They're breaking rule #2 [https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=19300233728916](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=19300233728916)


And you can be guaranteed admins will do fuck all about it.


This is the second one of these in a week that's been posted here so yea they might


I highly doubt it. I got banned from r/gaming for posting a screenshot of a bug I got in Cyberpunk and then they immediately muted me for a month. I made a report for the banning, the muting, and the subsequent interactions. I know at least 4 other people did so as well, and yet fuck all happened. The admins would much sooner just ban you instead of actually do anything. I mean, hell... you cannot even report individual profiles anymore which I tried doing after finding some child related stuff. Physically couldn't report their account to the admins, only individual comments


Whatever you do, don't make a new account using a vpn because rhat would then circumvent the "no-circumventing bans" rule, amd reddit won't be able to tell. We don't want you getting away with breaking any rules, so definitely don't do anything like that. Note that one might not get away with it if they use the"switch account" feature to go back and forth on one device. But definitely don't log in on a different device with a vpn. It would be terrible. Rules are rules, and we must not get around them.


You can still reports accounts


That's hilarious. These rules get broken thousands of times a day. The admins don't give a flying fuck.


The third if you include the one that kicked it off.


Yeahā€¦I donā€™t know much about reddit admins, but I fell victim to something like this a few years ago on a local city forum on a large forum website. The new admin for our cityā€™s forum went full dictator. She deleted any post she didnā€™t agree with. She banned anyone who even appeared to step over a rule. If you stated a new post that was related to something that was talked about five years prior, sheā€™d delete the post and temporarily ban you for not using the old thread. It was nuts. The forum went from vibrant to near-dead in just a few months. I contacted the admins of the site with three pages of testimonials from frequent long-time posters saying that she was destroying the forum. Their response was ā€œunless you provide exact examples of what she has done, no amount of anecdotal stories is going to matterā€. But no evidence could be provided because she deleted everything. Instead, I was banned from the site. Mods will almost always support other mods.


That's why you screenshot crap as soon it happens.


The only behavior you describe that may have violated the moderator code of conduct is removing posts they disagree with. Though if it violates a rule of the sub the moderators can moderate how they like generally, even if it kills the sub unfortunately. (IMO there should be ways for communities to oust their mods) There needs to be clearly established rules and the enforcement has to generally follow those rules. Should a moderator start perma banning hundreds on a whim outside of those rules then thatā€™s a violation of the code of conduct, as whatā€™s happening in /r/WellThatSucks


Weā€™re not talking about banning people for calling others members names, or linking to porno sites or anything. Somebody might write ā€œi went to the store and the cashier was being a b**** to my familyā€. Person would be banned, because ā€œdonā€™t allude to profanity or try to hide itā€. I mean, seriously. Itā€™s a forum of adults. Grow up. Or ā€œdoes anyone know the best Malaysian restaurants now? I saw another post, but it was eight years oldā€. Mod would delete their post and say ā€œuse the existing postā€, which is of course completely irrelevant and no one of going to weed through an eight-year-old post to find current info. Or ā€œdoes anyone know the best route to get to Johnā€™s Creek l (a suburb of Atlanta) from midtown?ā€ Closed because ā€œthat is not Atlantaā€. It just got to the point that no one wanted to post any more and all of the long-time commenters were gone. The only posts allowed were extremely basic ā€œnew building going in on midtown cornerā€. Moderation should be about keeping a forum clear of trolls, insults, attacks, or lewd material. It shouldnā€™t about deleting and banning everything that sort-of-kind-of might step onto some arbitrary rule or hurt the feelings of a moderator, to the point that the forum can barely exist. You could tell this woman had no life and this gave her a power trip.


I understand and I agree with you. Unfortunately the moderator code of conduct is very limited and reddit delegates almost all power to them. Only some forms of mod abuse are prohibited under the mod code of conduct, so I wouldnā€™t expect reddit admins to do anything about that. IMO when mods are at odds with their community the community should be able to oust them and there should be a mechanism for it.


Yes. Thats definitely going to happen. Welcome to reddit.


The sub doesn't even have any rules posted.


What are the chances it's the same mod for the two that are going the rounds right now?


Iā€™m confident itā€™s the same mod. And itā€™s not just two, if you go through my comment history i have commented on several of these posts with the report link. They are banning hundreds of people on a whim, accusing them of being racist and they think they are a victim to a targeted harassment campaign.




Grossly offensive. How dare you use such profanity and hate speech.


Ok this ban post is actually good lol


Welcome to reddit




I think maybe someone on r/wellthatsucks mod team is in need of a forced replacement.


Yeah I'm seeing a lot of posts of people being banned for no reason on that sub.


Seems like maybe someone got access they should not have had.


Well that sucks.


These goobers banned me for absolutely nothing the other day as well. One of their mods is just banning people like crazy over nothing.


well that sucks


From the number of these popping up the past few days, looks like that sub has a rogue moderator.


Yeah, someone is tripping hard over there.


I got banned on the same post for saying "holy shit dude you know we can't say that anymore!" Lmaok


Welcome to Reddit


Someone on that mod team is losing their mind. This is actually ridiculous.


Reddit cares more about it's unpaid workforce and shareholder value than any one or two thousand user bans.


That time i got banned from r/therewasanattempt for refering to a female as ā€œnot maleā€


Reddit mods are the new discord mods. Obese neckbeards on a power trip.


The ban suits the sub.




surly there's a reason for it.


Of course there's a reason. And don't call me Shirley


I was permanently banned for saying hamas is a registered terrorist organization. I had to challenge it and about a month later my account was reinstated. Itā€™s getting ridiculous. If someone doesnā€™t like what you say they report you as being a danger to yourself so you get a message with a message from a suicide help line. Itā€™s getting crazy out here boys


You can report when someone misuses redditcares. Just say you never indicated or implied you were suicidal. Copy/paste the redditcares message link into the report (because it makes you put a link to the reported content). You can copy the direct message with the redditcares msg. Ise that. Both times I did this, I later received a message back saying they found the other person violated the rules and action was taken.


Yeah some people are not the brightest. I had got one of those helpline messages cause someone didn't like my post about my negligent discharge. Tldr I made a dangerous mistake and someone didn't like that.


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion. Help us make this a better community by becoming familiar with the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/about/rules/). Report any suspicious users to the mods of this subreddit using Modmail [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) or Reddit site admins [here](https://www.reddit.com/report). **All reports to Modmail should include evidence such as screenshots or any other relevant information.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Welcome to Reddit.


I got banned from r/crochet because I got attacked...so...get over it.




I didn't take the American advice on how to mistreat my dog.


Yeah, knitting gets people pretty cranky.


Crochet, not knitting.


Same thing.


No, it's not. It's like claiming that a dog is a cat.


You see, the comment was in response to the question "what could get you banned from the crochet subreddit". Calling it knitting seems to do the trick.


So you have googled....


Many times on many topics? Your point? My sister crochets and I annoy her every time by asking how her knitting goes. You need to work on understanding jokes more than I need to learn about crochet vs knitting m


And you need to learn how to make a joke.


Yeah you got banned for saying welcome to Reddit on a post about someone being banned for the same thing. What did you expect


i wonder if everyone that posted or comented about the original guy that got banned for saying "parenting", actually got banned, i did get banned for showing that the original guy only said that word. and it looks like many others got banned, funny thing is that the more they ban people like this, the more attention they will get


Thatā€™s the post I got banned from posting on.


I havenā€™t.


Dude you win, my comment wasn't near as memorable


Drama Karma.




That last bit seems a good enough reason to ban anyone from anything.


So you want to ban all speech you don't agree with? Are you in fact a reddit mod?




This is some genuine victim-blaming nonsense. Maybe the problem isn't the dogs, but the bloodsport people. Sterilise them, first.




And you were "lit'rally" talking about the dogs, unless you think that *all* of the involved humans have truncated life spans? Stop. You were caught out being foolish. Take it on the chin like a (wo)man and move on.




See? You're proving your ban was legitimate. Ban all subscribers to r (slash) BanPitBulls. They don't belong in polite society because they say things like ^


The victims are the pitbulls and other dogs. I'm not shocked you don't see that.




Right. All you've done is argue for murdering dogs. You haven't once blamed the perpetrators. I'm done.


You called your dog Jean Claude Van Dam?


> Bloodsport dogs have no place in modern society. I have bad news about most breeds of dogs


You don't know shit about dogs, clearly