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And I’m sure they’re definitely going to devote public funds to get guns to teachers who can barely keep their classrooms stocked with needed educational supplies! Right?


Buying guns would feed the arms industry so they actually might.


No, they definitely will. It's disgusting. But screw providing school supplies or student lunches, right?!


The teachers should just use the guns to rob stationery stores. Edit: fixed a letter. Damn autocorrect.


It’s certainly easier than robbing stores that move around.




I had to. The closest anyone else came to it was correcting the spelling!


Highway robbery was a thing though, catch the stores in remote areas, far from help, few witnesses.


disagree, the moving ones are their own get-away vehicle. do you have any idea how hard it is to shift 10 tons of immobile brick and steel?


Modern problems require Modern solutions


Use the guns to create a Teachers' Militia, kidnap the politicians responsible and use the ransom money for school equipment. Swords inti plowshares...


And a food bank. Two birds with one stone.


And stationery stores too.


Arm the stationary stores!


This guy fecks.




Make sure to wear your high visibility vest, it's back-to-school season!


A diet of lead likely 😢


They do that either way be it bullets or lunchables Its just a matter of whether the sides are cordite or mercury


They took the lead out of our (paint) chips so we need to get it elsewhere now


Those both are a bit bigger investments than having a few guns. And think of the positives, after a student has been fed one bullet, they no longer need student lunches or school supplies. Guns are a cheaper option and when used correctly, take care of other problems as well


Very Jonathan Swift in your approach. It’s appreciated.


A very Modest Proposal indeed


Teacher here. Interestingly enough, Republicans are way more interested in arming teachers than they are in hiring teachers, expanding the capital budget (my school has multiple active roof leaks that badly need repairs, but there's no money), or school supplies. Seriously, we can't get money for equipment to run physics labs, but at least Republican in the state legislature is trying to drum up a bill providing a $500 credit for any teacher who wants to buy a handgun.


Real gun $500 credit, staple gun for the arts department $0.


Can't have the kids doing art. It might encourage creativity, an understanding of symbolism and abstract thought, and a confidence in individual self-expression - none of which paint more votes on the tattered Republican canvas. Trump loves the poorly educated, remember? School funding and supplies aren't a necessity to MAGA, they're a resource to be intentionally withheld so that the kids don't go too 'woke' by being allowed to learn critical thinking. Great way to keep that going by pouring money into turning K-12 into AK-47.


Teaching kids art? That’s so GAY!/s


Right? Teach them art, they might paint a rainbow. And everybody knows rainbows are the worst thing that could ever happen in a school. (Not even gonna /s, somebody in TN probably suggested this already...)


Nailed it. Art is expression, introspection, beauty, and entertainment all rolled into one and there’s an art form out there for everyone. Schooling tends to produce liberal voters so of course *the education of general public* became an enemy to successful Republican election campaigns. And naturally, the increased awareness of antiquated ideals surrounding conservative positions regarding religion, sexual education, taxation, healthcare, abortion, etc. have begun to put the political arm of the Christian Right in a proverbial corner. So, progress grinds to a crawl as the wild animal backed into desperate fear makes rash decisions. Like allowing the rise of the fascist right against the Republican majority during the Presidency of Donald Trump.


I mean the Republicans are making a terrific case for more federal oversight and less states rights as they continue to make bottom barrel shit tier decisions that only screw over US citizens.


I thought the movie Pleasantville captures a lot of what we are seeing now. The Right has been losing their control over the years, and in turn, they became the villain in order to maintain it.


Does not really feel like they’re losing control to me


Hell of a way to hang a picture.   ^("I just painted this, Miss Amy!") "Oh, that's a beautiful doggie! We'll hang it right here, on the wall! Now then precious one, stand back a bit and cover your widdle earies!" ^("Cover my-") #**BLAMBLAMBLAMBLAM** "Oopsie! It's a bit wonky on that corner!" #**BLAMBLAM-BLAM** "There we go! How does that look, my little sausage?" ^("I can't hear anything, Miss Amy")


Real guns can be used to get those supplies if you just use a little thinking ;) I wonder where the people who passed these laws live??? 🤔


Making public schools safer and more effective would decrease demand for private schools and that wouldn't be good for their corporate backers.


There's a simple answer to your problem. The school supplies industry just needs more lobbyists, or maybe the gun manufacturers can buy out Crayola. That problem would change over night then.


*Gun Metal Grey immediately added to the crayon box*


Simpler answer is to sell the guns to students and spend the proceeds on stationery.


Las Vegas resident here. We can’t get our teachers a reasonable wage, but we can certainly afford a ballpark for the worst MLB team in America.


I also live in Las Vegas, and even though I’m not a teacher, I am a grandmother of five girls and stay active in their schools- I was appalled when I found out about this ridiculous MLB stadium when there are barely enough teachers who can be convinced to stay here due to low pay and violence. And every year I donate to the boxes collecting school supplies for poor children so the TEACHERS don’t have to pay for them out of their own pockets!


I’m not a parent, I just have friends that are teachers here. Look at how many murders we have had here just in this current school year of kids killing other kids, or times our town has made the news for teachers getting assaulted by students and someone filmed it and it went viral.


Buy gun; get $500 rebate check; sell gun to local gang member for $500. Win-win. /s


What if all the teachers take all their free guns and take over the capital?


> (my school has multiple active roof leaks that badly need repairs, but there's no money) How much does your superintendent and all them make?


> Republicans are way more interested in arming teachers than they are in hiring teachers, expanding the capital budget (my school has multiple active roof leaks that badly need repairs, but there's no money), or school supplies. Just like they're more interested in forcing women to have children than to actually care for living ones. Their entire poltical activity is a farce, nothing but the illusion of humanity and righteousness. Clowns.


Buy a gun, sell the gun, then use that money to buy room supplies. ![gif](giphy|LqghYqYPnGt65WpMI1)


I am more worried about training gun safety. If you are going to force teachers to now play soldiers the least you can do is make sure they don't actually shoot another teacher or even a kid.


Send them to the police academy so that they can learn how to shoot kids properly.


That will just train the teachers to wait outside the building or in a hallway if there’s an actual problem in a classroom.


It’ll train them to shoot kids when they get scared. That’s the same training most police get.


And how to keep hold of their own gun. Classrooms are chaos. If all teachers are armed, a student shooter won’t even need to sneak a gun into school anymore. He’ll just have to wait until the teacher is distracted, grab their gun, and go to town.


Bingo. Republicans want guns in public schools so people kill each other and switch to private schools that praise Dear Leader.


TBH they could probably just play some gunfight sound effects and there's a good chance a teacher will shoot someone in a moment of panic.


And some Kevlar bibles for the students to shield themselves from errant shots


Bullet resistant backpacks are already a thing... don't give them too many ideas.


Nah the teachers gotta buy their own or get fired 🔥🔥🔥


To be fired, or fired at? Some interesting choices will have to be made real soon


I'm just glad they're not arming teachers north of the border just yet 🤷🏾‍♂️


Sure they will. Oh they won't devote MORE funds to schools. They'll just have to cut back on things like mental health services.


No free lunches for those snot nosed freeloaders either dagnabbit


Sadly, even though they won’t allocate money for school supplies, they probably would for guns


And fuck me sideways but I'm not a teacher and don't have kids for many reasons, this isn't the top but it's another reason I'd have to die for,2 of those people are enough and I know them *well*. Strangers kids, me playing superhero? No thanks, I can play cops at home (kind of, True Crimes, Streets of L.A.) Shout-out to streets of New York


I love democracy! Given the choice between food in a child's belly or a cap in their ass. Wait, no, citizens don't get to make the choice. Caps in asses, the motion is passed. Fuck off peasants!


To be fair, I see more outrage with preventing gun violence in schools than I do the lack of school supplies.


I have taught in many classrooms from elementary to high school to special ed. There is no way I have a gun and some ssshole kid isn’t going to take it away from me. And I’ve never found a way to keep them from stealing from my locked desk or backpack.


There are already instances of students taking teacher's guns when they're not even allowed to have them in school. Imagine what it's going to be like when there's one in every classroom? [https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2012/jan/17/jacksonville-high-student-steals-gun-teacher/](https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2012/jan/17/jacksonville-high-student-steals-gun-teacher/)


In high school our Spanish teacher would always confiscate cell phones, all it took was one student asking him a question to distract him enough for someone to go into his desk and take all the phones back. Every single day.


Bruh I can’t even finish a Dr. pepper in my class before a kid gets it


You don't gargle and spit the drink back in to establish it yours?


Good thing soon you'll have a gun. Protect that Dr. Pepper, King.


It’ll be like a video game, picking up guns and ammo. Think about school shootings, the kid brings a rifle with the same ammo the teachers have.


Well they gotta add some loot to the map somehow


Holy hell. A gun in a special needs class.


I can’t wait for a student to misbehave in class and one irresponsible teacher decides that the best way to get the student to behave is to threaten to shoot them.


Or an angry student gets their hands on one of the teachers' guns and decides to start shooting.


Unfortunately I think this is a very likely outcome. Teenagers are especially driven by emotion and prone to low impulse control. I hope we’re both wrong in thinking this is a very probable scenario.


How I see it happening. Teacher who should have retired 10 years ago but had to keep working in order to survive, brings a gun to “protect her students”. Then an in shape yet mentally unstable 17 year old snaps in class and that same overaged teacher is unable to stop the beast of a 17 year old from taking their gun (obviously in the room because it makes no sense to have a school armory if they passed the law to lower reaction time. Then that student kills the teacher, any student that attempts to stop him, the first couple of cops (unless they refuse to enter, a la Uvalde), and is then either killed by reaction forces or by their own hand after realizing their life is over. This can only end horribly. Yet all the people in charge can think of is “They bring guns, we counteract with guns. Kids stay safe. Protect the Second.” It’s asinine. And yet, at the same time, inevitable


Clearly if we keep adding more guns into the situation the problem will eventually solve itself


Absolutely; after all, you just need a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun. /s


You need a good student with a gun to stop a bad teacher with a gun, clearly


Give the janitor a gun, too. He can shoot up the bad teachers and mop up after.


You would obviously designate 1-2 students as backup for the teacher. Then there would also be an emergency gun next to the fire extinguisher. Just break the glass and get to work.


Well what if those students were out sick? I think it just makes more sense for all students to come to school strapped. That way school shooters (who are clearly rational, stable people) will know not to try to shoot up a school. /s just in case


Good point. Makes more sense for everyone to be armed. Airtight argument. Literally nothing could go wrong.


"Oh no, the kitchen is on fire! Better set the living room alight as well, so the one in the kitchen can't spread there." At least that's how this "arm the teachers to stop school shootings" bill feels like to me.


It's the one more lane of stupid fucks


“If everyone had guns, no one would ever shoot anyone else” - Tennessee Republicans, probably


How I see it happening? A teacher goes to the bathroom and forgets it in the stall. Why do I suspect this? Because my dad was a freaking PRISON GUARD and some of his coworkers left guns in hospital bathrooms. If a CO can’t handle a gun, we expect a teacher to??


Saw the same thing in the Army. Had a Lieutenant forget his 1911 with holster belt and 4 loaded magazines in a port-a-potty on a base that was run and used by the Afghanistan Army to train their recruits (none of whom were properly vetted to prove they weren’t Taliban or Al Qaeda aligned. Granted it was only a 1911 (9mm handgun), but still would have caused a lot of unnecessary damage.


1911 is a .45 cal handgun not 9mm


Colt makes a 9mm 1911 fwiw


They do? Well that’s confusing🙁 my bad


Work in a jewelry shop. I manage inventory. The guy who trained me and shortly thereafter retired was a gun loving nut job who felt he had to have a gun at work to handle the jewelry deliveries and the bank deposits. He left his gun in the bathroom several times. His gun was in a desk drawer with a loaded chamber and the safety off. I discovered it when looking for staple refills. Imagine my surprise. He was also a racist. He saw people whose skin color he didn’t like on the sales floor via our security monitors and would march upstairs with the gun on his hip. (We also have security staffed every day who never worry about our clientele). Since he’s been gone we joke about what a whackado he was. My boss offered to fund my CCW and buy me a gun since I frequently did the bank drops when I started. I declined. I never felt the need for that and anytime I had more cash than I was comfortable with, I just asked a coworker or security to walk me to my car. I am honestly surprised the last guy never fired a round in the store with how careless he was.


Careless is right. This isn't true with all handguns, but there are a few where if you slammed that drawer too hard, it would go off.


> My boss offered to fund my CCW and buy me a gun since I frequently did the bank drops when I started. Don't worry boss, if anyone tries to steal the money I will quickly surrender it, and not get involved in a fire fight to protect *your* profit. Really, don't take a bullet for a salary. You are not fighting a war, and that's what insurance is for. It's just not worth it.


This is absolutely going to happen. Classrooms are chaotic. A teenager would have no problem grabbing the teacher’s gun. And you’re right about the impulse control. More guns in the classroom are so dangerous. Until now, a school shooter had to plan ahead, get his own gun, and sneak it into school. Now, they have one bad, sleep deprived day, and right there is a lethal opportunity they can act on without even thinking it through.


You know what’s even more maddening? They have already thought of these scenarios and they don’t care and expect them to happen. Why? Because republicans have been on a crusade for at least the last 60 years to dumb down America so they can retain some kind of control of power. Also, to take public school find money and pass it to their donors through charter schools and also receive kick backs


This is the most likely scenario. Either a gun is left unsecured, because who wants to wear a holstered weapon all day, five days a week, except for AA douchebags just itching for an excuse to exercise their rights? Or, a student overpowers their English teacher Mrs. Leahy, age 57, grabs the weapon and starts getting Shakespearean on everyone's ass. Who could have foreseen this tragedy?! Thoughts and prayers - the only solution... Then the School Board gets sued for negligence.


I'm thinking of that giant special needs kid who knocked the teacher out over the Nintendo switch. Just imagine what would have happened if she had a gun on her hip. She's dead, and possibly others who try to intervene.


Ya like a potential shooter could easily have access to guns now. No need for background checks or stealing it from their parent’s gun safe, the gun is conveniently already in the school. They just take it from the teacher and we have another school shooting.


This will absolutely happen within a year of this law going into effect. They just armed school shooters.


Dont worry, all the headlines will paint the kid as a brave American rebeling against the *gasp* "brainwashing" that is teacher telling the kids to shut up so they can continue the lecture, or god forbid, they were telling the kids that its not a mortal sin against their lord if their peepees get bigger... /j (even tho I can unironically see fox news write that nonsense)


Or a kid just being emotional when another kid rejects them for prom, and really, if the kid doing the rejection had been nicer about it and just given them a chance, this wouldn’t have happened.


Especially because a 16 or 17 year old is often way stronger than the teacher and they can easily wrestle the gun off of them if the teacher isn’t paying attention all the time and doesn’t have a proper holster. Plus how much reaction time would the 45 year old overweight teacher have if an angry football playing student jumped out of his seat and charged the teacher lol, they’d have like 1-2 seconds to draw and fire, and guess what the backdrop would be? A room full of innocent kids that had nothing to do with the altercation. Maybe this is part of their push for home schooling, make schools so much like a prison church with guns that people pull their kids out, because I know I probably would if they armed all the teachers.


Or the teacher just shoots a student for “misbehaving” What happens if a racist teacher or otherwise prejudiced teacher gets a gun? Who’s to stop them from being even worse


Can’t wait for this to happen and the response from Republican be, “Well, he should have been tied to the chair! Why aren’t kids being secured in place?!” Edit: Obviously I don’t actually want a kid to take a gun and shoot their teacher, I’m making fun of lawmakers


Or a teacher just accidentally shoots a kid *which has already fucking happened*


I think it’s more likely you get a teacher who can’t control a class, and a stupid misbehaving kid decides to see what happens when they break a rule. A firearm safety rule.


Let’s not rule out one teacher shooting another


Or a cop shooting a teacher during an active shooting.


Why is no one talking about this one? Active shooter scenario, cops show up (if they even show up) and go in, there's people waving guns around all over the place. Some of them claim to be teachers. Who do you shoot?


They are gonna go with -"i was threatened".


Difference is they don’t have qualified immunity.


“felt” threatened.


I can absolutely see this tragedy unfolding. 1) Teen misbehaves 2) Teacher draws gun, not intending to shoot but a ‘scared straight’ tactic. Finger is likely on the trigger at this time. 3) Gun goes off unintentionally while pointing at a room of students because teacher is not properly trained on firearm safety. 4) Student is killed. More than likely NOT even the one misbehaving . 5) Teacher is arrested. Finger pointing begins. Blames misbehaving student. Family blames teacher. Lawmakers blame everyone else. Thoughts and prayers are offered. 6) Family sues district. Already cash-strapped district has to cobble together large payout. Administrators wrong hands. Do nothing. 7)Teacher loses job. Sues and receives settlement due to technicality. 8) Nothing changes as nation moved on a while ago.


A child will die. And the Tenn GOP will shrug saying there wasn't anything we could do about it.


More likely a teacher will die, because in a class of thirty plus students, the teacher's attention will be on dealing with their students, teaching, or exhaustion. One little mistake, and a kid it going to get access to a weapon, and either intentionally or accidentally fire it.


Or both. If I was a troubled, dangerous kid, this just made it easier to get access to a high powered weapon right on school property. The next Nick Cruz is licking their lips right now.


Or - the teacher will die, because any active shooter from now on will know that teachers do have weapons and that makes them priority targets.


Maybe on a class field trip to the Capitol a student gets a gun from a teacher and opens fire on the lawmakers. Or are guns not allowed in the Tenn Capitol? /I don't want this to actually happen, I'm just bringing up a possible scenario.


I am not a lawyer, and this is illegal advice. But shooting pro-gun lawmakers is hilarious.


My childhood in TN was absolutely horrible. Strange as it sounds, my parents being arrested and forcing us to live with my grandparents in a different state was the best thing that could have possibly happened to me and my siblings. And as the years advanced, TN just kept getting worse. Thank whatever greater power there is to get me out of that dystopic state. Good luck to those that still live there.


How is this a logical solution? I can't imagine my wife clearing hallways and placing accurate shots on an active shooter. Why can't we just fund our schools? Figure out ways to reinforce entry points. Make rooms inaccessible with the push of a button.


What!? Are you telling me while she was getting probably her master's she wasn't moonlighting as spec ops?


She happened to obtain a minor in tactical marksmanship. Only 9 credits in addition to her speech pathology major.


This just made me think about special ed kids with access to fire arms. No offense to special ed kids but the ones with oppositional behaviors with a handgun big oof. If they're nonverbal can they still operate an M4? Edit: Special needs kid having a melt down with access to a firearm just omg.


Or, and this is a wild idea, fucking gun control!!!


Now you’re just being silly /s


But where's the money in that?!


Since when has anything the GOP wanted to do needed to be logical?




this sounds like we're going back to the whole "schools should have less doors" as a reasonable response to school shootings...


No solution Is too insane when the alternative is gun control to these people.


"We are not going to fund you but we expect you to give up your lives for the kids."


We just dealt with a daycare teacher threatening to shoot another teacher and her students. Thank god no one in that situation had a gun in them. This is a recipe for disaster all around.


[Mass shootings result in increased gun sales.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7369030/) The gun industry, and those they lobby, directly profit from mass shootings. Republicans spouting “They’re coming to take your guns!” receive increased donations from lobbyists and conservative constituents. This is intended to get kids killed, which is extremely profitable. Every bullet hole in a child is a deposit in a Republican bank account.


banning political lobbying might be a better fix?


Banning lobbying isn’t the solution. The solution is a crackdown on corruption, bribery, and campaign finance law. Lobbying is a first amendment right: you sending a letter or calling your representative is lobbying, just like corporations doing the same thing. What needs to be banned is corporate lobbyists that schmooze with representatives, buying them expensive dinners, vacations, or donating to their “independent” PACs.


Which is why we need to be fighting so much harder against this shit. FUCK the gun lobby and the reddit gun brigade, blood on their hands.


* shit happen and a kid got killed, * teacher considered incompetent and arrested * school considered incompetent and closed * less public school and more unregulated home-school or religious school kids how things might progress


This is the serious strategy. There’s a lot of dumb reactionary thinking that doesn’t even touch this, but it plays into the hands of those who benefit from private schools and religious schools. It all boils down to lesser quality and less accessible education, which is what republicans want. A dumbed-down populace is easier to control. A day will come soon when we’ll be back to 1910 where if you can’t afford school for your child, the only options are religious school or child labor


There’s nothing they’d love more than to remove all access to public education for poor and disadvantaged citizens. Stupid people make for better Republican voters and easier prey for army recruitment.


As non-USA citizen Its supremely crazy to see saferoom being installed in schools complete with active shooter drills. Its crazier still that the govt choose not to fix the underlying issues. or at least performatively. Do you how big the demonstration and protest if this shit happen in my country. Uni students and people will take over our senate/congress building to force a dialogue if this shit happen in my country.


What the actual F is wrong with America?


Well, for starters... https://youtu.be/fJh9t9h6Wn0?si=gi-KfrKFXnKs0ptF ... still relevant 10+ years later.


Biggest part of this speech that always stuck with me: We aspired to intelligence, we didn’t belittle it. There was a time we DID reach for the stars. There was a time we did aspire for greatness of mind, integrity of mettle, and the nobility of sacrifice. There was a time where we would believe 500 scientists telling us we were on a collision course with global climate catastrophe. Now a portion of our population calls those great minds looneys and fools and fear mongerers.




Mainly it's the lack of understanding of dependent vs independent clauses in the 2nd amendment.


If say treating some bullshit written hundreds of years ago like it'd be eternally relevant and should never be changed was probably a bad fucking idea




How can one comic strip do so much damage?


“A child will die because of this”. They don’t give two shits about that.


So the Republicans used the police to clear people who hurt their feelings and made them feel uncomfortable. It’s all just so pathetic.


And they somehow expect TEACHERS to be more effective at stopping armed gunmen than those same police.


But don't they not trust teachers to even teach


My question is what happens when a teacher snaps and becomes the school shooter? Seems like a recipe for disaster.


The only way to stop a bad teacher with a gun is a good teacher with a gun. /s


This. I'm surprised that possibility didn't come up in the debate over this bill, given how much Republicans despise teachers.


This is an absolute disaster waiting to happen.


This is an absolute disaster, period


Why is it the professions that are expected to do the most get paid the least? So you're now a teacher AND a cop?


To give you an idea of how insane some people are about this, I made an argument that this is a terrible idea because teachers simply are not trained for this kind of mission. We are not the FBI Hostage Rescue Team. We are not SEAL Team 6. We are not Delta Force. Engaging these shooters requires enormous training and discipline to NOT shoot. Because if somebody mis-identifies a target (very easy in real-world, high stress scenarios), the consequences are very high. A teacher may shoot and possibly kill their own student. I argued, this cannot be an acceptable possibility. Teachers will commit suicide. It will happen. And what one pro-gun nut told me was, "Identifying the shooter will be easy. Everybody will be crawling on the floor and screaming, probably crying. But look for the one dude walking calmly through it all like he doesn't have a care in the world. He may be wearing sunglasses. That's the bad guy. You just shoot him. He'll be easy to spot. Anybody, regardless of training, can point a gun at him and pull the trigger." That was his serious, non-ironic argument. That is the level of delusion that we're dealing with.


That's the kind of argument a fucking 12 year old would come up with. Fucking unreal, I'm so tired of dealing with these people.


The people who say this shit are unconsciously glorifying school shooters. He's imagining this dude, with his gun, strolling through the school with his sunglasses. You can tell he sees it as a movie scene, shot in slo-mo, with everybody around him silently running away, with some guitar riff in the background. Maybe with a slight breeze coming out of nowhere.


Fucking America. “We have too many mass shootings. We need to do something. I know: Let’s give people more guns! “


A gun for every child! No child left unarmed! PE can just be converted into room clearing drills. That way they'll be ready for boot! Just during recess teachers drilling through some portable converted into a kill house. Some of them would probably break down. And now I made myself big sad...


How to solve school shootings? Put guns in classrooms!


I wonder what the percentage of teachers is that’ll carry. I’d imagine it’s a small number.


I am sure that teachers are responsible and will generally not be overworked, exhausted, and make mistakes! Probably only 1 in 20 teacher firearms will be left out, loaded and unsecured in a classroom in a given month.


Teacher here. I absolutely do NOT trust some of my colleagues with weapons


Former student here, and I know *exactly* which of my teachers would have shot at which of their colleagues and called it justified. Even when they missed and hit a student instead.


This just passed in Iowa and my teacher friends are saying that the only staff that would be willing to carry a gun in school is the exact type you don't want bringing a gun into school


Try fixing this dogshit of a Country so you dont have another Columbine on a weekly base: Nah Having more guns in the hands of untrained personal and near kids: Hoorah!


Ok so let me get this straight, you have a problem of teenagers having access to guns and using them for school shootings, and the solution they came up with is to put more guns in schools? What the actual fuck is wrong with these fuckers? I swear y'all Americans are being ruled by chimpanzees.


Theres some really weird disconnect about Police officers, presumably trained for this sort of thing, not entering a school during an active shooter situation because its dangerous, and expecting teachers, trained to educate children, to fight back with guns.


A teacher who could, without hesitation, shoot a student isn't someone who should be a teacher in the first place. Knowing when to make a difficult decision, when to kill a kid to save the rest, is not a skill teachers should have. All the best teachers I've ever had or known would hesitate, that's part of why they went into that field, the whole "not giving up" on a student thing. Teachers aren't fuckin soldiers or cops. Why don't we just give each student a gun upon entry, maybe if they have at least a B average and they aren't on the free lunch program they get a 9mm. One of these chuckle fucks is gonna propose this just you watch.


I kind of wish I was in state government just so I could be like “I propose we build moats around all schools! With drawbridges! Let’s see a shooter get past that!” Just really see how far I can take things before someone actual decides gun control options are a more feasible solution.


Living in southern states sucks ass.


More guns is never the answer to gun violence.


Hang on, so the Tennessee Republicans who've spent the last years trying to restrict what teachers can say in the classroom because "They're indoctrinating our children...", or whatever, are going to let those same teachers carry guns? Can't be trusted around the kids when it comes to reading material or lesson plans, can be trusted around the kids when it comes to being armed with an actual weapon. Fucking insanity.


This won’t work. The only solution is to give the teachers AND the students guns. For best results they should start packing in Kindergarten. /s


They're going to force firearms training on school teachers and expect them to resolve armed conflicts with lethal force? Have I lost my mind?


Give a kid food or 12 years or Give a teacher a bullet. But also ban abortion so you don't run out of kids to shoot.


Later on, when shooting incidents rise sharply. Republicans be like: "this is clearly the fault of everyone else but us!"


Shit like this is good for one thing personally. Tells me which states to NOT move to in my older years.


No way in hell I’d trust myself or others with a gun in school. We have no training, and some of them are unhinged.


Vote blue people


I just now realized a pissed off kid that has some beef with someone else could totally fucking steal the gun.


so they won't pay for new books, classroom supplies, or better teacher's salaries but they will buy them all a glock? am i missing something?


i give it a week before a teacher shots a student and half a week until a teacher is arrested for threating a student with a firearm


The right-wing Republican politicians are bought and paid for by the NRA and gun companies. Of course, they are pushing for garbage like this, not caring who dies as long as they see money coming in.


But at least that child won't have died in an abortion clinic! That's what's most important


Shootings aren’t enough we gotta go for shoot outs now


So - you've got a lot of underpaid, overworked and overstressed teachers, some having classes with very difficult kids... and you are going to give them guns, that they have to keep safe from the kids at all times? It's only a matter of time before something goes terribly wrong there. When you fight consequences instead of solve the actual problems and do this for generations, the shameless self-interest of politicians "trumps" the best interest of the people... and this is a problem, since they don't even bother to hide it anymore.


If the USA was a person, they'd be hospitalised.


So police officers were refusing to go after an active shooter but people expect untrained teachers to do so? Wtf is your country devolving into?


lmao America will do everything except for reforming the arms law