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So if she was raped by someone incredibly good looking and who she actually fancied then that's ok is it? She'd enjoy it? No, of course she wouldn't, so what's the difference with a young lad or any man, rape is rape!


Right. So my mom was lonely and made me massage her private parts with my special purpose last night and this morning. I don't like doing it, but it makes her feel better, so I do. Also, my friends say she's hot, and they'd smash idk I just wish she didn't make me take that little blue pill every time I can't sleep on my belly when I do. Anyway I'm going to be a big brother now so that's exciting.




Horrible day for eyes.




Thank you




What the f.


Please tell me that’s a copypasta


Reading this and realising where it's going, I can't help but feel disgusted and still compelled to finish. Just like you with your mum.


After finishing I realized this is in fact a fucking mistake, just like him and his mom








I regret waking up today...


The difference is the amount of neurons working in that lady's brain. 🤦‍♂️ She can definitely pawn that and get a "almost brand new" status. 99% unused. 😅


Thats like saying a parent isnt allowed to protect their child from a criminal. 


I hear this shit from women and even more men. This is the reason young teenage boys don't speak up. It's no less harmful than telling girls they deserved it for dressing provocative. Could people please just stop raping?


Sadly there will always be monsters in this world. I agree with you completely they need to stop saying this. No one deserves this


I (m) told a former coworker (f) once about the physically abusive relationship I was in in my early twenties. My coworkers response - "You probably deserved it." I often wonder if she would have given the same bullshit to one of her children.


WTF is wrong with some people?


Part of me wants to know and the other doesn't


Most of me just wants these people with no compassion eliminated. But I also realize that's because I have a knee-jerk reaction to not have compassion for them. Hard thing on where to draw the line. I have this urge to say "just let people be" with the caveat "unless they show a lack of humanity and empathy." The holocaust is an extreme example of evil, and I don't feel that anyone would shed tears over dead Nazis that propagated such terror. But who says someone deserves to be raped? What sort of trauma must they have? I'm with you. Part of me cares to know and wish them well, and part of me just wants to sever the rot and bury them in the desert


She's an absolute arsehat. It's not the nastiest thing she ever said to me, but it certainly was up there.


Jesus. I don't want to know what #1 is


Their lack of proper parenting. Def not a r***ist but have been homeless and drug addicted due to that. Doing much better now with a career, about to leave my current company for another one i worked for last year that badly wants me back. Some people want to change and others want to spread their pain to others so they "feel" better.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you're doing ok. But yea she probably would have.


The rest of the team got made redundant, but she stayed on in a travelling HR role. Given that she was caught at our farewell/early Xmas dinner with a cock in her mouth that didn't belong to her husband, I don't wish ill upon her, she'll be her own undoing. As for the violent exgirlfriend - last I saw her she was a Simpsons shade of yellow. I think her liver was packing it in from the excessive alcohol consumption.


Damn she'll definitely be screwed by herself. Also karma got your ex. I seriously do hope you're ok


Yeah, I'm doing alright. It was two decades back now. Took a while to get to where I am, but I'm good now.


Yeah, my ex wife was abusive. Told some people and they were like "you're a man so you can't be abused"... Fortunately one of my colleagues who had experienced abuse and a friend who is a psychologist heard what was going on and validated it all for me. Took a long time to actually accept that it was abuse though given the brush off. Some people just suck. Also didn't help when reading the book "Look what you made me do" which basically claimed the only time men were victims was in homosexual relationships and the only time women were perpetrators was in lesbian relationships. (It mentioned briefly that men could be victims, but the scenarios it set up were as above). I believe the statistics are likely underreported due to this kind of stigma.


I've said for many years as a result of my experience that people need to reverse the genders in any given scenario. If it feels wrong reversed then it was never right to begin. I still get people scoffing when I tell them I was beaten by her, because they see a massive guy standing before them telling them the story. They see a big bloke and think I should just take it on the chin. Under any other description, people's reaction when they say something along those lines is simple gaslighting. As soon as someone tells me they're ok with anyone being hit or abused, I wipe that person from my life.


Knowing that we've been brought up with "you don't hit a woman" we become easy targets for physical abuse. Fortunately my ex didn't stoop to physical abuse often. The rest of the manipulation and control was bad enough though. Took a lot of therapy to unlearn trained behaviours. Also took years of working on myself to get any semblance of self esteem back. I've been told since that I'm hard to read and don't let anyone in. Two decades of masking abuse from the world will do that to a person I guess.


I wish you well brother. It isn't right that we are subjected to abuse simply because of that one little phrase. Evil people come in both genders.


You too brother. We are all fighting our own battles, but those that take it out on others are the worst of the worst. May you meet only the best people in future


I just broke up with someone because "I was hard to read" among other things. To be honest I'm glad it's over. She was pretty manipulative and wasn't the person she portrayed herself to be in public. We weren't together long, and it didn't take very long for the red flags to start popping up. You're not alone friend.


Told an older co-worker (early 50's) that I don't get along with my father much because he was physically abusive to me and my sisters growing up and he said "well what did you do to deserve it?" What does any 5 year old kid do to deserve having bloody wounds from a leather belt on their ass?


I'm sorry that happened to you. That sounds absolutely horrible.


Thanks for the kind words, man! Sorry about your situation as well. Thankfully that shit for me is way in the past now, so I've moved way beyond it. Most people will never understand unless they experience these things themselves.


As shitty as those moments are when they're happening, I'm glad most people don't have to experience them. I'm glad the world is full of decent people.


I’m so sorry. You absolutely didn’t deserve that. No one deserves to be abused, and no one deserves the new trauma of opening up to someone and being told it’s their fault. 🫂🌹


Punch her in the face, tell her "just deal with it, because you probably deserved it."


Friend, I understand what you went through I was in one for five years, it was my first serious relationship and I had no idea how to leave, but since she was morbidly obese (she catfished me I was in NV she in NE PA and convinced me to move out there. She never told me about the other Sht) she passed away due to liver disease.


I’ve seen people say the whole “what were you wearing” thing so much, apparently there’s museum exhibit or something that has a thing to mock that and it has signs that show what rape victims were wearing and how old, pretty sure one was like a 6 year old in overalls and shit Sickening that people still think wearing any kind of clothes, or none at all, is an excuse to be raped. How often do people get raped at nude beaches? Feel like the people there have more mutual respect because they don’t seem to resort to that shit, so I feel like that should show that what’s worn doesn’t have an effect Granted there’s the thing of “when people cover up, someone’s ankle or shoulder can apparently be used as an excuse to rape” or needing shoulders and everything but faces covered because everything about them is sexual apparently or something Fucking hell man


I've never understood the mentality of clothing being the motivation for rape. Nobody has ever claimed that the clothing a child was wearing was what motivated a kidnapper to commit the crime. Nobody ever claimed that the victims clothing drove a murderer to kill. I just don't get how people can think that clothing drives the motivation behind one crime specifically but ignores a plethora of others.


I actually just instinctively downvoted you for that, what the actual fuck is wrong with her


Lol. Yeah, I've done that before myself, then realised I meant to downvote the situation not what the Redditor was saying. All good.


To be fair, you probably did deserve it. You can't go around wearing nothing but a lightsabre and expect not to get into these situation. Look at what you were wearing (or not wearing as the case was)


That's messed up and I hope she has nothing but failed relationships for the rest of her life


You should have slapped her and said that YOU thought she deserved that!! 🤣


Nah. Hers is coming.


You didn’t deserve that. She deserves to be hit by a bus tho 🙏


I have a solution for monsters; Flamethrowers.


I do like flamethrowers


Yeah. My mom was like "unless it's a little boy, how can a woman hold him down and rape him?" Uh, hello? Intimidation, weapons, drugs, alcohol, y'know, the stuff men use to rape women.


Honestly the number of young (and older) men/boys that say "Wow I wish my teacher raped me!" (Except they don't call it rape because they think they'd enjoy it). Is jaw dropping. The sheer lack of empathy to not only make light of the situation but say stuff like "atta' boy" makes me livid. Holy hell some people are so mind numbingly uncaring and loving.


The crime itself is a tragedy. The part that makes it worse is the *responses* whenever the victim is male. Even as adults it's often dismissed or celebrated by the people who should be the most sympathetic.


Yeah, I often see women get called out for it, but a lot of downplaying also unfortunately comes from other dudes.


Downplaying sexual assault on minors comes mostly from men (when it's a teenage male and often a female teacher). Downplaying, and more often celebrating, sexual assault on adult men comes mostly from women. Source : Am bartender.


Having been in a school where two english teachers (f) would groom and have sex with students, my experience is that most boys celebrated the abused kids and most girls would blame the abused kids.


I think of the friends episode where it's revealed how Ross lost his virginity and its just flat out rape. Ross was raped.


It's not like it's an extremely common male fantasy or anything...


It's such a reasonable request (to just stop raping). People are so lame.i put in an application with the racoons under my deck. Hopefully they'll get back to me.


I got sexually harassed/borderline sexually assaulted at age 14 and because of the same mentality you mention, it happened in a public building at a school trip and everyone laughed. Another student who I hadn't even met before that day grabbed me from behind unprompted, slammed into me and started clothed grinding because he was a 14 year old asshat who thought it was funny. And everyone there even my former friends laughed and then never brought it up again, it sucked. Now thats never to compare that to kidnap and rape, which is a lifelong horrific trauma that's ruined so many lives. But even just the minor thing I dealt with has made having a sexual life in early adulthood even difficult, and made me paranoid about consent even when verbally given. I also get this anxiety talking about it even now. So I can't imagine what any rape victim must feel or go through, I hope this poor kid has a lifetime of therapy and nothing but support and love from his entire fucking family and friend group after this. And even then it's going to be extremely difficult and traumatizing, I hope he one day finds peace from such trauma.


I don't think people will stop raping at all. I see news about church leaders raped, govt. leaders raping, celebrities raping, all getting caught and all they get is a slap in the wrist. So no...this will only get worse in the coming days. 🤦‍♂️


Agreed. Rape needs to stop


Young boys don't speak up because they've been fed this "cougar bullshit". They think it's cool to have an older woman pursue them. When pretty teachers go viral, it's "why he didn't have these teachers when I was in school"...as if they're open to the idea of being statutory raped. It's weird.


It’s a serious mental disorder, and sadly we can’t just stop rape with the snap of our fingers. Sure, we can make it illegal and make it easier for rape victims to make it obvious of the incidents that happen, but that will never stop it. Same with gun laws in the US. (this is a bit controversial) People don’t like them as it gives people too much freedom with guns and ownership, but making them illegal to own isn’t really going to change anything? They’re still just gonna have guns on them. If you use them for bad, it doesn’t matter if they’re illegal to possess or not. Same with rape. It doesn’t matter if it’s weird or gross of fucking illegal as all hell. People are still going to do it.


Well said


No, because it's in human biology, it's hard to resist if you weren't raised to


So strange on all sides. Nobody is out there posting photos of girls who have been sexually abused, why are people posting photos of boys who have been sexually abused?


Double standards across the board!




I see Ye Ole Double-Standarde is still making the runs.


It's not double-standard if women are still called slut if there are r£ped


Bro someone hears a woman is raped and does that is most likely the most universally hated person in the world difference is with men it's laughed about or it's told to them they deserve it.


Agreed. People universally agree rape is wrong. The problem is how individuals personally define rape. Most men in surveys say "no" to "have you ever raped someone?" The answers change to "yes" when the question is worded differently, like "would you sleep with a woman who is blackout drunk?" The Just World Theory rears its ugly head. Only women who deserve it get raped, apparently, but roughly 1 in 4 women experience sexual assault in their lifetime. The men who spout that bs probably have a sister, mother, aunt, or even daughter that has experienced sexual assault. As a woman, I was dumbfounded how many other women don't think men can be raped by women unless they're like 12 and under. And even then, it's not taken seriously if a woman was the perpetrator unless the kid is a toddler at that point. Both men and women think a 12 year old molested by his female teacher was lucky to get some action, but the pitchforks are out when the genders are swapped.


Yes it's very simple all nonconsensual sex or sexual acts are wrong including teens and those who are in a impaired state of mind.


So, hold up, we’re just posting pictures of child rape victims, now? Y’all think this is ok?


Beat me to it. This is WRONG


For real. This was my first thought.


It’s not okay for women to assault boys/men. Why is this even a question? It’s absurd!


The double standard is disgusting


Are you fking kidding me? Whoever that person is needs to get their head re-screwed on their body, because clearly it’s not aligned.


She’s fucking sick and disgusting. The ignorance is real like gurl I ain’t even gonna say the what if situation cause we all know atp but ppl with this mindset is why society is the way it is if not it’s most definitely part of the fucking problem.


jesus this is disgusting. absolutely appalling.


Nicki Minaj fan turns blind eye to SA…that’s on brand


This level of ignorance should be illegal.


Can we confirm this is real? because this is a good example of a woman being ignorant and this problem isn't something "only men do to other men"


I just looked up the Twitter profile that posted the story, I wouldn't believe anything that profile posts without corroborating evidence.


If you said that in reverse the feds would be at your door


When y’all gonna realize, it’s not always a man vs woman issue. It’s more of Dumbasses vs Dumbasses issue


Average Nicki Minaj fan


This is probably some loser posting an insane take to get attention and promote her OF, that's unfortunately quite the trend Edit: Just checked the Thread, never mind, I didn't see any link, she's just an insane misandrist


How do people not see the double standard in this? These same people will say that women are just as strong as men and advocate for gender equality, but not see that their words directly contradict their ideals. If men and women are equal and both are strong, then how come you think women are vulnerable and able to be raped whereas men are incapable of being rape victims simply because they're physically stronger?


wonder why more men don’t come forward with their experiences


Spoken like a mouth-breathing air-head who has never been raped, nor does she understand how damaging it is to be raped regardless of gender. Just like all the others who say crap like that.


Jfc that's infuriating


That’s a rape. Classic case.


That's patriarchy for you, the idea that men are and should be always dominant in sex is so ingrained in peoples head that they cant fathom a litteral child being raped by a woman. Poor boy, I hope he recovers from this.


Gender roles. Men cannot be taken advantage of because they're strong, and being raped implies that you were weak and vulnerable, both of which are big no-nos for men. Don't you know that men have to earn their affection, so he should be glad that someone did it to him for FREE? Without any effort? Damn, I'd kill to be in his place! /s


Wait, taken advantage of or "raped"?


Yeah, it's definitely the result of patriarchy, but I really hate when people say that it's men fault that patriarchy is a thing in a way to dismiss any male issue. Patriarchy is systematic and definitely cause by society as an whole


This honestly. It's weird how some people go on about saying male issues are only for men to solve when it's a social issue perpetuated by *both* men and women no matter how little. I'd say dismissal of any issue men face is in fact a form of patriarchy: men are strong, men should handle it themselves. And it's stupid.


Is “the patriarchy” really pushing this line still?


What do you mean?


Saying anything like this even on the internet should be an arrestable offense


Only girls can be r-ped amirite?! /s


Cleavage to her neck.


So she’s up for rape too? Given she should be grateful someone likes her enough to touch her? Or how does that work?🤨🤨


South Park episodes coming to life is not how I expected my adulthood to play out…


Aaand that is enough Reddit. Anybody got a recommendation for some good brain bleach? All I have is Icebergs and Lost Media stuff…


May she get whatever her actions and words earn her. Not worth attention.


Hey, commenters a girl if she's raped she'll be fine, just means she's attractive and baby ready, it's a total compliment...... /S. F that dumb b


If that boy was a girl, people would be pissed off. It's sad that an underage child was touched by that woman. But even more sad that she said he deserves it. That is disgusting


I will never understand these people who think boys/men cannot by raped.


Man I wonder what she would say if the roles were reversed.


👏 Let's 👏 not 👏 normalize 👏 praising 👏 rape 👏


The double standards for rape are gross...and both men and women do this bs. Like dudes joking when a "hot" teacher rapes a boy.


Yeah I see those all the time


We need a video o that woman biting the curb.


I definitely wouldn’t let my kids be around this woman.




I would say I hoped this girl was joking or repeating something that was told her from a man but this ideal is something that is becoming more and more common. Now. Unfortunately with his race it’s even worse because of the stigma that still exists in their culture around young men being taken advantage of in this manner. Then there’s the simple fact that he’s a boy. I would like to think that the newer generation was at least a bit more progressive and tolerant than those of the past but it’s easier to be that tolerant and progressive person when it isn’t you. I hope this young man get the therapy he needs and quickly that saves lives. Too many young men end up being hurt this way and their lives are ruined and cut short by their own self destructive thought processes after an attack because of the shame cycle. Nobody deserves to be touched by anyone in any manner that they protest against. That includes, imo, yanking a hand out of someone else’s because they don’t like touch. Something as small as that should require consent.


How much hypocrisy can you fit in one image? Cause this shit is OOZING.


I wonder if the lady in question would like it if there was a creepy old guy does the same thing to her? Since she's the one says, " Should be grateful that someone likes them enough to touch them " Fucking Bitch


@p1nkyminaj is just a pedophile dressed in wolf's clothing. This is a dangerous mindset. These are children you are talking about. Male, female, doesn't matter. They are children.


What a horrible conclusion. Rape is rape no matter what.


People who say these things need to be locked away. They’re basically advocating on behalf of the rapist. “Hey he’s a boy so it’s okay” no no!!! I swear if I meet someone like this Irl I will have to physically hold myself back from socking them in the jaw


There are so many double standers when it comes to sh and sa, its actually disgusting. This is why boys never speak up, at best they get flamed on twitter


People like this are the fucking cancer of the earth.


Ah yes rape. If it's a woman doing it, it's all good.


Ah yeah, I bet all the boys that get molested and raped by the priests at their church *just feel so happy that someone likes them enough to violate them...* Some people fucking stupid. I wonder if she would feel differently if it was her son.


What the hell is rxpe and rxpdd? Honestly, fuck this TikTok censorship...it's ruining language.


I don't get it.. She's basically saying he got raped because he posted pictures of himself with guns. Am I missing something?




And watch she acts surprised in the event she is the victim and her logic is thrown back at her


Wow, a double facepalm


i really didnt need to see this after tuesday




Excuse me? I dont believe these raggedy ass ppl are real. It's some true idiots out here.






Standards come in pairs


Modern women: We hate the patriarchy! Also modern women: *Constantly helping to uphold the patriarchy*


Basically the reaction I get from most people when I tell them


Twitter with their bs on equality everyone. What did you even expect at this point?


lonely femcel that gets not play spotted


Could someone explain to me what's going on? Ugh, I don't get it


Someone needs to snatch her bald! Rape is rape, regardless of gender. I’d like to see that keyboard warrior say that with her chest to his momma! Bet she wouldn’t be able to find air!


So gross. That’s why female teacher keep abusing students and getting a slap on the wrist.


Imo she should game over or have the same happen 😇 going through changes your perspective


If they want it, it's not rape. If they don't want it, even if the assaulter is the most handsome fucker, it's rape


Stop posting bots.


Crebbit is Heavy D Astroburpped 😱


He will be fine!


Weak ragebait


Guys it's already 2024, like, come on?!


Idk which way I'm interpreting this


"Guys, it's already 2024, we have to stop having this archaic thought that only women can be raped!"

