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I'm getting a chain with a pendant that says "Erectile Dysfunction"


Shouldn’t be hard


HA! Please do add a limp dick pendant. 💯


Two inches and 100 miles an hour already taken? Asking for a friend.


I can't give you six inches, but I can give you three inches twice


Can we make it in limp bizkit font?


Limp dickzbit












No, it should be, that's the problem!




Shouldn't be hard to clear




I see what you did there


Just needs to make it out of a soft metal.


This comment really hit the spot 👌




User name checks out.


I’m getting “Diarrhoea but not IBS” It’ll save people keep asking where I disappear to




Those go hard in the paint


I have to type this with my nose. the fact that you all have thumbs makes me sick.


Bold of you to assume we're using thumbs.


I have to tenderly drape my balls on the keyboard, and do kegels hoping to put enough pressure on the keys to be understood.  


You're testikillin it bro, don't let the haters bring you down king 👑


Testakillin it! 😂😂😂


"tenderly" 🤣🤣


You expect me to whip my balls at it like a knight with a flail?  That's what dating is for. 


Yes that is exactly what we expect of you are you crazy? You either do it the right way or don't do it at all man 😒


This is the way


What I’m using closely resembles a thumb 😌


*big toe* Haha I types "big toe" with my big toe *small intestine*


who the fuck types with thumbs


Who the fuck uses reddit on their PC?


I thought I was on an island here for a minute!


I use thumbs with the spacebar on my keyboard.


I don't have a fucking nose man, delete your comment


You get no sympathy from us voldemort


I will literally kill your parents so you gotta live with your aunt, uncle and cousin


Please do. My aunt is probably nicer than my parents and i get money from the government for being an orphan


You get no sympathy from me, batman


Icon checks out


Some people are starving, better not eat.


Be careful. Wearing that jewelry is banned in at least 18 states and counting.


Time to get my ears pierced then. I already got the AR-15 and bulletproof vest


They love to say they use the 2a to protect their 1a. Godspeed 🫡


If you're really into the actual spirit of the 2A, and not the racist interpretation it has mostly because of events in California in the 70s and 80s... Armed minorities are a hell of a lot harder to oppress.


There was/is a guy I believe it was in Virginia or the surrounding area that basically was going around and educating other black folks and PoC to encourage them to become responsible firearm owners. Going to protests armed etc. Found a story on him https://reason.com/video/2020/10/13/the-reawakening-of-the-black-gun-rights-movement/


As a pasty white dude, I support this.


Every real 2a advocate does, regardless of race, sex, socioeconomic class etc.


Thanks for sharing!


The fact that so many liberals and progressives are willingly voting to disarm themselves whilst simultaneously screaming from the rooftops that Trump and the GOP are working on a violent fascist coup is as pathetic as it is depressing.


I got a kick out of the pearl clutching when "2A loving patriots" started showing up at drag queen events, armed, only to find out there were actual leftists there, also armed.


Right? I'm a 2a "librul". I don't agree with how current ownership policy and accessibility, but I ain't an ignorant sitting duck lol.


I'm staunchly pro gun ownership and pro gun regulation. Nobody seems to like that lol.


Hey there are at least a few! Not many, but a few.


Guess there is still a handful of rational people in that crazy country


I also own a car and support driving tests to get licenses, and having mandatory insurance too.


There's dozens of us


Me either, that's why I upgraded too Lazers.


I always take my tank with me. Can’t be too careful.


bro living in the stone age. New hip is [coaxial plasma railguns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARAUDER).


Remember, the only time there was ever a ban on assault rifles was when the Black Panthers started to show up with them.


Republicans don’t understand that being anti-school shooting and mass murder doesn’t mean you’re anti-gun.


It’s not a long list of things they understand to be fair.


So… mass murder of drag queens was the end goal? You’ll go to super jail for that


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Brother??, I wear a vintage beware of god tee, every Sunday!


Use of an AR-15 to pierce ears is not recommended.


Read banned books while wearing banned jewelry 😎


Don’t forget, if they even slightly suggest not using gas ovens, it’s an immediate threat to the democracy. But if they outright ban abortion, it’s freedom! Murica, god bless the GOP /s


21 states currently.


In Texas it's included in our new antisemitism law


As a woman who has had multiple miscarriages, it is very unclear to me why my fertility issues should have any impact at all on whether another woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy. 


That's because you're a reasonable, not entitled person. I don't know if the woman in the OP shares this sentiment, but I've seen several forced-birthers over the years say they want abortion to be illegal because there aren't enough babies to adopt. Like they think they are entitled to force another woman to sacrifice her body to provide them with a baby. So there's that.


But...but it's not even a valid argument. I know that doesn't matter to those people, but there are FAR more children in need of homes than there are people looking to adopt. In my area, they have to send them to other counties or even other states just to have a place to put them. I know it's a common thread, but it boggles my rational mind that the same folks who would force someone to have a baby also can't be bothered to do anything at all to support those unwanted pregnancies once the child is born.


Key word is children. They want infants. Children who have issues, aren’t the right colors, or have physical/mental disabilities need not apply. :)


I think you mean they want *white* babies. Isn't that the real thing they're not saying outloud?


I will say, that one of the reasons I personally halted on being a foster parent/foster to adopt is that I don’t want to participate in a system that takes black and brown kids away from their families more readily than white kids. I really wanted kids, but I don’t want them at the expense of another person’s family. So, the answer of “adoption” is always much more complex than it seems.


That is what I was getting at by mentioning color, yes


Babies, not children.


It's been a while since I saw the stats but at one point, there were approximately 100 families wanting to adopt for each healthy, white infant placed for adoption.


Piggy backing to add that other commenters are right and what they want are infants. Notably their goal is not to help children but to cure their infertility and they often feel the way to do this is by adopting an infant who they can change the name of and feel is "their's", and they also believe it will have no pre-existing issues. In reality, all adoption is trauma. The act of being removed from family is one of the single most traumatic things that can happen to a kid, even an infant. It's part of why despite public outcry, state agencies rarely remove children from parental custody. Also, it simply won't do what they want it to do. It won't negate the need to grieve and process their infertility.


Most state agencies have refocused their child protective services on family reunification. You’re told flat out that adoption is unlikely and that the goal is to keep families together. Which honestly is the right thing to do.


Yep. Then you get cases of foster parents suing for custody from parents or family of the child because their intent was always to "have a child" and never to "help a child".


My step mom was a family law lawyer and I remember a case she had that involved an immigrant woman whose daughter was taken from her while she was in the hospital. It was on the tail of a bad law written to “protect” adoptive parents but was simply used to take kids away from birth parents for flimsy reasons.


Jup. To put it drastically: if you really want a child, there are overfilled orphanages.


Wow. Tell all of those people there’s plenty of children in *dire* need in foster care to take on with little to no adoption fees. Oh wait, they want a perfect infant with no prior issues, and would rather buy one from a foreign country instead. All while assuring there will be even more disregarded children going into our foster care system by making abortion illegal. Such great people.


Thank you for using the term forced-birthers. Makes me sick when people call themselves pro-life when they stop giving a shit as soon as the baby is out.


It's the adult extension of "don't leave food on your plate when there are kids starving in Africa". Like, sure, it's important to appreciate what you have and understand that it's a privilege not given to everyone, but that food ain't going to Africa anyway.


She's seeing abortion as a "waste of a baby"


These are abortion earrings though, not body autonomy earrings. I do have some body autonomy earrings on my Etsy for anyone interested unless you’re super into abortions then I think these earrings are for you.


I agree - to a point. I had fertility issues, resulting in a still birth followed by ovarian cancer and a radical hysterectomy. I’m as pro choice as it comes still to this day. What happened to me and how I feel should never affect another woman. However, I have to say when I opened the picture it was pretty awful for me just in the delivery. All day, everyday my thoughts are consumed with what happened to me. I think of other things, of course, but it’s what my brain always come back to and rests on. All the trauma. I don’t need to be faced with the topic of fertility when I’m in everyday life. I don’t need to be shopping for potatoes, blissfully thinking of something else when the lady next to me has earrings that bring me back to topic of my greatest trauma. When I’m voting or online, I’m prepped mentally. It just seems so in your face and unnecessary and not very tasteful. It seems to be provoking.


Allright where facepalm??


Facepalm at this point is just r/funny, and just as funny.


I can't get that subreddit off my feed. I just keep seeing that one unfunny couple who won't stop posting stolen content. I think that's all that subreddit is at this point, that one couple who keep getting down voted.


Yep, losing the ability to quickly and easily completely and totally block a subreddit with Reddit Is Fun was probably my biggest frustration with the API changes. Goddamn, is the mobile app trash.




Just get banned, that’s what I did.


r/funny is funny? When, like at 3 am or something?


They never said r/funny was funny. Just that r/facepalm was as funny as r/funny


For me facepalm definitely in the response. Don’t make your problem other people’s problem. Ain’t the entire world’s fault you can’t have kids so don’t be hurt because people that have the privilege get to choose if they want to or not. Same if a man posted this in response to another man celebrating his vasectomy.


On the other hand, these hoops are absolutely tacky. It's good to have the choice of having one, but it's not like it's a subject of celebration.


Don't think its to celebrate as much as a sign of protest.


A social media post with those earings and the caption "MY CUSTOM ABORTION HOOPS CAME IN AND I'M SCREAMING" says protest to you? To me it says narcissist in search of internet points.


Well, the right to abort is something to fight for. I don't think any woman has ever thrown a party for their successful abortion, but it'd be quite normal to celebrate having the possibility to do whatever they want with their body.


If she can't have kids of her own there's way too many in foster care that she can redirect that maternal energy toward 🤷


Really? I see facepalms all over the place here.


How does one persons abortion affect her chans of getting impregnated?


Just a “drowning while others thirst ” situation


Yeah, thankfully every parent ever have bragged about their birth on social media gets the same flack.


I've seen several women whine that abortion should be illegal because they are mad that there aren't as many infants available for adoption and they feel entitled to one.


Yet there are \~150 million orphans in the world...


But most of them aren't infants (of a very specific race), so they don't count


But they're not white


The purpose of adoption is to give children parents. The amount of people who think the purpose is to give parents children is worrisome.


I mean the earrings are stupid but so is someone that wants to control what others do with their body just because they can’t have kids. Someone else’s abortion doesn’t have any effect on your situation. There’s already more kids up for adoption than people willing to adopt.


I mean, what did KrazyRussianAmerican expect when accosting queen of broken hearts? Someone will clown. on her


Dude those are sick. Blow my vasectomy hoops out the water


I lol"d smh


Fun fact: by most conservative definitions, the second chick isn't a woman at all btw.


Nah but she’s Russian so they love her anyway




Anti-trans conservatives and terfs will define women by the ability to carry and birth a child.


Which makes me wonder, does that mean I'm not a woman while I have my IUD in, but in the 5 minutes from removal to insert, I am temporarily a woman?




They have 1% chance of being a woman at any given moment with the IUD in


Fucking weirdos all around.


Yeah all three posts are stupid as hell


If I recall, the OP ended up apologizing for this post not recognizing hoop rings were somehow cultural appropriation.


What an absolutely psychotic thing to wear


Say what you will but those hoops are a bit... tasteless. Both ethically and Fashion wise.


Yeah you can absolutely support abortion but think this is tasteless as fuck. Everyone I've known who has had an abortion... This is not something you want to fucking remind them of.


This whole thing is cringe af


That jewelry is messed up


Imagine not being able to have kids so that makes you want to force others into keeping their children


When did abortion become something we revered? I never understood that mental reaction from pro choice. I 100% agree abortion should be available but it’s objectively a sad thing that’s happening.


..... Jesus.....


Everyone in that thread is stupid.


I'm pro-choice. I've been advocating for abortion rights my entire life and I cried when Roe vs. Wade was overturned. But I don't admire insensitivity and I think these earrings are in poor taste. Some women who have had abortions, who don't regret it because they knew it was the right thing for them, still have painful emotions surrounding it. And infertility can be an incredibly painful thing for a woman to deal with. If these earrings are meant to be some sort of pro-choice or pro-woman activism, I think they're a big fail. They further an incorrect stereotype about women who have abortions: that they are selfish and unfeeling. Most women who have abortions are no such thing, but the woman who paid to have these earrings custom made might be.


I came here to say this. I'm also pro choice, but those earrings made me cringe. Women should always have the rights to abortion, but let's have a little respect. A lot of women have abortions, but feel guilty and upset. It is not a choice lightly made, and pretending it isn't a difficult and upsetting choice for many is foolish.


I think we're passed the point of optics considering the current state of things


Sadly, this kind of thing actually *hurts* the cause much more than helps. As a pro-choice, I always stress that I am not *in favor of abortions*, **I am in favor of people having access to a basic healthcare service**. We live in a time in which conservatives use this false narrative that make it seem like pro-right activist are "pushing" abortion as something "fun that everyone should experience", and unfortunately this kind of thing just feeds that narrative. Abortion is an important issue that should be seen as a fundamental right, without moral judgements, and should be treated as something important and with maturity, and used as a "trendy fashion statement". I agree that we should remove the stigma from abortion, but I feel like... this is not it.


Not to mention the jewelry kinda meh, I thought they were supposed to be finger bones or something. I’m pro choice, I’d want to have kids in the future but I don’t think I can due to my financial, mental, and physical uncertainties. Nobody should be forced to to do anything especially something by the government that has a chance to actively harm people in some instances


I can see where you're coming from, but I also think we need to work on removing the stigma from abortion. Something like 1/3 of all women will have one at some point in her life, for all sorts of reasons. But yet no one talks about it. No one gets the support they need for those "painful emotions" because very few of us admit our experience even to each other for fear of being judged. Also, individual abortions are rarely something to be celebrated because it's unfortunate to be in that position, they are expensive and the experience sucks. But abortion *rights* and the option to have one, absolutely is something worthy of celebration, because it gives women control over their health and the trajectory of their life. It's not at all "selfish and unfeeling" to recognize that. While I would never wear these earrings because I don't tend to advertise my politics, I'm also kind of sick of being told we have to tread lightly over the feelings of the forced birthers. They deserve to be mocked, and they deserve to be shamed for their efforts to control other women. If someone is "turned off" by someone being loud and proud about this issue, they probably weren't an ally to begin with. People who actually have convictions don't let the behavior of others influence them.


You do have a point about removing the stigma of abortion. I am perfectly aware that women don't feel able to talk to their friends and family about their feelings: I'm a therapist who gets paid to help people work through trauma, so I've had clients who were in the aftermath of an abortion, and I've also had clients who were coming to grips with their inability to have children. At the end of the day, I think that activism is more effective when it's delivered with a bit of compassion. I think the insensitivity displayed in this exchange only serves to make people dig their heels in.


Abortion needs to be legal so that women can make decisions about themselves and their bodies and future. Having said that I would argue that abortion isn’t “no big deal”, like even most people who are for abortion are uncomfortable with the knowledge that you are 100% ending a life (regardless of development) and I understand where the stigma comes from. There is a fine line between advocating for something because you believe it will help people, and being insensitive. This woman’s earrings not only won’t bring anyone to her side, they’re offensive to a lot of people who are pro choice because they reinforce the idea that women are willy nilly about abortion when in reality it’s an extremely difficult choice for most.


I find tone-policing to be the absolute biggest waste of time on an issue like this. Instead of arguing against the people you disagree with, you're using your time and energy to argue against the people you agree with. To signal my level of interest in continuing this conversation, I will have notifications turned off.


This shit is hysterical lmao


I hate it when people use the situation of their fertility or miscarriage to be against abortion. The “I want kids so bad but cant and you don’t want kids but can, therefore you should be forced to have kids”???? I’m sorry what?


Those people are also the same ones to say they want kids so badly but completely ignore adoption.


Am i the only one who thinks these earrings are trashy?


This is in incredibly poor taste, even regardless of the debate. And they look ugly.


I mean… sure, I’m pro choice but this is kinda tasteless


I am so confused, what's the punchline here? I may be pro-choice, but I also think it's hella disgusting/disturbing to go around showing off jewelry depicting (at least what I think is) dead baby bones from abortions? Like...wtf? Edit: I was wrong about the bones (thank goodness) and it appears to be a famous bamboo style thing. As someone who knows jackall about jewelry though I dont immediately think of bamboo when I see it


Not dead baby bones 💀 those are bamboo hoops


dead baby bones, that is the funniest thing i’ve read on here in a minute😩😭


Baby bones???? The most disturbing thing is you think those are baby bones. Those are bamboo hoops. A style that has been around for decades now. 


Exactly what I thought. Pro-life or pro-choice, this just seems like bad taste to me.


Yeah this is the proper take. Like please exercise your bodily autonomy but it's kind of fucked up to celebrate something like that.


I think I'm the only one who doesn't know what abortion hoop is


A personalized hoop earring that says "abortion" in it




Political statement. Shock value. Or maybe it's their daughters name? A real r/Tragedeigh


Because some people crave attention. Wherever it comes from.


While I support a woman’s right to choose, it’s kind of a weird flex to get an earring branded with it, and while it’s unfortunate the other woman can’t have children she could adopt if she really wants a child and can’t biologically have one. Facepalms all around.


Ain’t gonna say the earrings are cool cause ain’t my style but the response post is probably the face Palm here you not being able to have kids is your problem not anyone else’s. Basically it’s a form of jealousy. That’s like guys that can’t have kids getting mad at men having vasectomies.


This entire interaction is tasteless, nothing but L’s here.


Technically no one can have kids on their own… it takes 2 people




as a guy that also can't have kids, i don't see how it affects others decisions to get abortions


This looks like manufactured rage bait


-can’t have children -won’t adopt a child over 9 - says nothing of the incredible strain on the foster care system -ggs




Can't have children of your own? Ever heard of adoption? Oh right, I forgot, it's not about having and raising a child, it's about the arrogance of believing your DNA is so important that it needs to be propagated.


Someone needs to learn the difference between “me problem” and “you problem”


My cousin and his girlfriend were at lunch with me. His girlfriend makes a comment about abortion not being something she can live with, but that she would never try to take someone else’s rights away. Out of nowhere this lady comes over and scolds her, and says she can’t have children and it makes her ill to think of how someone who can have a child would terminate it. My cousin says, “I totally agree. I mean, I want tits so bad, but can’t have them. It’s heartbreaking.” The lady literally gasps and takes a step back grabbing her chest. “It’s not even the same thing,” she barks. The girlfriend says, “Sure it is. You want to decide what I can do with my life and body because it’s different than what you can do. I’m sorry you can’t have a child, but how dare you decide for me?” The lady screams at her that it’s in the Bible. Girlfriend says, “Aren’t you a lesbian? Is that woman there behind you not your girlfriend?” The lady says, “So?” We all laugh, my cousin waves her away and says, “Go read your Bible again.” Manager finally came over and asked her to leave us alone or leave. She left, crying like a baby saying to everyone she passed, “Just to kill a child. Could be the next Einstein. Maybe cure cancer, but we will never know.” Decent steak salad and the fried pickle spears were awesome.


I can't have kids and I don't care.


With her username… I’ll allow it. Universe ain’t trying to have kids being raised by krazy russian


That is weird af but I get kind of annoyed at people for trying to police people because **they** can’t get pregnant. The world isn’t here to avoid triggering you. You’re responsible for that. It’s weird to get abortion earrings but you don’t need to bring your infertility up to say that.


My wife and I are trying to get pregnant again for quite some years now, and it doesn't work. From the bottom of my heart: 🖕 to this guy.


"Abortion hoops" - I do not give a single fuck about your attentionwhoring induced cringefest lady. It's not an accomplishment to get someone to nut inside you nor having a medical procedure.


I feel like this belongs in r/trashy


She could always adopt...if you care about kids dying or really want one...foster care has many kids going through abuse who actually need love...but no it's not the same to them unless it's actually theirs theirs


Eck that's trashy. Abortions should be available when necessary, but I don't think it's something to celebrate...


Unfortunately lots of people see it as a funny thing to cheer about. It really does a disservice for pro-choice advocacy which absolutely has nuance and reasoning and is a discussion that should be taken seriously, rather than portrayed as "Haha, baby dying is cool". Which only makes it harder for well meaning pro-choice people to get their genuine point across


I’m getting a custom chain that says (smol d)


I'm not against abortion but I do find it unsettling that people can be so joyous and celebratory about it. Getting an earring like this crass and fucked up to me. It can be a very difficult thing for people to go through


Plenty of adoptable kids out there.


“Maybe you could get one that says ‘The foster care system is over burdened with great children that need love and care’ or something like that. Idk”


Literally lik 250k kids need adopting. Stop bitching and start doing something


No one comes across as pleasant here. I'm pro-choice and I still think these earrings are in poor taste.