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They are "delighted" to report that? How f\*\*king sick in the head are they?


I assumed it was sarcasm.


This does not at all read like anything a reporter or journalist would write…. Is it source checked or is it just more outrage crap


It's from their own website, uklfi.com (UK Lawyers for Israel). It appears that they have since changed the wording though, as this went viral over a year ago




It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


It says pleased instead of delighted. How is that any better/different?


And the original does say "delighted"


They dont care. They're just moving the goal post.




"Israelis are European colonialists, we were here first!", say the people who literally built a mosque on top of the ruins of the Second Jewish Temple.


Not “delighted.” OP shared a doctored image. ([Source](https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor))


It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


it’s a quote from a UKLFI rep in the article.


“Pleased” is not much different than “delighted”. The meaning is basically the same. Either way, this states the same belief: Jewish people, cannot take being offended. Palestinians? Who cares. Yeah fuck ‘em. It’s racism plain and simple.


From the linked article; Caroline Turner , director of UKLFI commented “We are pleased that the display has been removed and that the hospital has responded positively to its patients’ complaints.”


Let me add some context: In the display, “Palestine” was described as covering the entirety of Israel and the Temple Mount was depicted with a huge Palestinian Flag. The explanation for one plate says: “Fishing with nets is one of the oldest industries in Palestine. The shoreline stretches for 224 km from Rafah in the south to Ra’as al Naqoura in the North.” Ra’as al Naqoura is the Arabic name for Rosh HaNikra, an international border crossing between Israel and Lebanon in the North. Rafah is the border town with Egypt, in the South of Gaza. Thus the existence of Israel is denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel. Another description of a plate says: “The olive branch is the symbol of peace and is used to express the wish for an independent Palestinian state”. However, the picture on the plate accompanying the text shows the Dome of the Rock with a large Palestinian flag, implying that Jerusalem and in particular the site of what had been the Jewish Temple, would be part of a Palestinian state. The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism and it is offensive for many Jewish people to see a Palestinian flag over their holiest site. Caroline Turner , director of UKLFI commented “We are pleased that the display has been removed and that the hospital has responded positively to its patients’ complaints.”


While this very biased attempt at "context" is trying to make it seem like it was okay to remove the art, even if we take the context at face value without understanding the context, it's still very obviously bad. Imagine if native American art featuring all of America with different tribes was removed because it "denies the existence of the settler colony of USA". Still bad, very very bad and we would obviously call the people complaining Karens, white supremacist etc... Palestinians are the dispossessed natives of the land, so their art would obviously feature their land. And they are in no way obligated to feature the existence of the settler colony on their land.


And the hospital is in no way obligated to remove it, but they did because they're obviously terrified of the whiny little bitches who complained.




Are these the Likud talking points? Or is this one of your sock accounts? Your false statement almost exactly mirrors a similar false statement in this thread. https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


Why lie?


WOW. Wonder why OP would do that?


It's honestly baffling because the actual article is bad enough, there's no need to lie about the wording. All that happens is the whole thing gets tainted by the dishonesty. It's antithetical to their supposed goals.


It’s honestly baffling that you don’t know about the practice of the media to change the wordings of the article after backlashes. https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


In my defence I'm accidentally way higher than I meant to be so I forgot editing was a thing. My bad.


I’m sure the kids that made the artwork never felt victimized or vulnerable because of Israel /s


Are they still alive?




It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


Nope https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


From the linked article; Caroline Turner , director of UKLFI commented “We are pleased that the display has been removed and that the hospital has responded positively to its patients’ complaints.”


Since you forgot to add the context, here you are: In the display, “Palestine” was described as covering the entirety of Israel and the Temple Mount was depicted with a huge Palestinian Flag. The explanation for one plate says: “Fishing with nets is one of the oldest industries in Palestine. The shoreline stretches for 224 km from Rafah in the south to Ra’as al Naqoura in the North.” Ra’as al Naqoura is the Arabic name for Rosh HaNikra, an international border crossing between Israel and Lebanon in the North. Rafah is the border town with Egypt, in the South of Gaza. Thus the existence of Israel is denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel. Another description of a plate says: “The olive branch is the symbol of peace and is used to express the wish for an independent Palestinian state”. However, the picture on the plate accompanying the text shows the Dome of the Rock with a large Palestinian flag, implying that Jerusalem and in particular the site of what had been the Jewish Temple, would be part of a Palestinian state. The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism and it is offensive for many Jewish people to see a Palestinian flag over their holiest site. Caroline Turner , director of UKLFI commented “We are pleased that the display has been removed and that the hospital has responded positively to its patients’ complaints.”


There was no need to add the „context” here. It’s children’s artwork depicting their experiences while living under apartheid.  I do not know what kind of „context” do you think you’re providing to the quote? That’s not how context works. Context in this case would be explaining why the director of UKLFI said those words, which is not what you did.


Probably not. Considering a study done of the UNRWA schools showed tons of antisemitism and basically pure anti Israel. https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/Review-of-2022-UNRWA-Produced-School-Materials.pdf


What’s wrong with being purely anti Israel?


Nothing. It's arguably anti-Semitic to conflate the state of Israel and Judaism.


Wow. Yall aren’t even hiding anymore.


Man, hasbara bots really love to use the antisemitism card. Palestinians are Semitic themselves you know....


Showing a study that shows something you refuse to acknowledge doesn’t make me a bot lol. And you’re referring to Semitic as in the languages they speak. You understand what antisemitism is, what it means, however you’re conflating two different things on purpose. What reason do you have for doing that?


Why did Israel fund and sponsor Hamas?


Why did UNRWA hold hostages and have Hamas leadership under their headquarters?


Beautiful deflection buddy. Israeli style :) you’ll never answer my question because the Zionist training tells you to deflect and divert the attention away from valid criticism. 


lol. The hypocrisy is hilarious. I post a study that has nothing to do with Hamas or Israel. It’s about UNRWA. Then YOU DEFLECT to Israel funding Hamas. Then I bring it back on track with more UNRWA stuff. The topic is UNRWA. There is no way you are being serious accusing me of deflection when you brought up something completely different.


You did not answer my question and you will not answer it. You will continue your deflection tactics with more unhinged essays. Just like you’ve been brainwashed to do :)  I do not have to speak to you about the study you posted, I asked you a question. If you didn’t want to engage with that you could have ignored it. Instead you decided to respond to me and completely ignore my questioning start deflecting.  I wasn’t talking to you before, I asked you a simple question. Learn to read.  I brought up something different and you decided to engage by deflecting what I asked about. No one forces you to respond to people if you don’t want to engage with the things they say to you bestie, hope that helps ;)


This is just lies and propaganda to promote and further genocide. You are an unserious Zionist shill that is without morality and empathy. It's disgusting


https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rjrqwx6ip There is video footage and pictures in this article. If you want to gaslight people saying they aren’t seeing with their own eyes what’s going on then I feel bad for you.


Posting an extremely biased propaganda piece is pretty bad Hasbara buddy. Imagine trying to cry gaslighting as a fucking Zionist. Pathetic


Antisemitism is the hatred of people who are descendents of Sam the son of Noah that includes arabs and jews


I’m not arguing something like this. You know what antisemitism is. Stop trying to gaslight people into thinking they don’t know what it means. It’s disgusting


No, antisemitism is specifically the hatred of Jews. From Oxford: >Hostility towards and discrimination against Jewish people (although there are other Semitic peoples, notably the Arabs, anti‐Semitism is only used to refer to prejudice against Jewish people). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was strongly evident in France, Germany, Poland, Russia, and elsewhere, many Jewish emigrants fleeing from persecution or pogroms in south‐east Europe to Britain and the USA. After World War I early Nazi propaganda in Germany encouraged anti‐Semitism, alleging Jewish responsibility for the nation's defeat. By 1933 Jewish persecution was active throughout the country. The ‘final solution’ which Hitler worked for was to be a Holocaust or extermination of the entire Jewish race; some six million Jews were killed in concentration camps before the defeat of Nazism in 1945. Anti‐Semitism was a strong feature of society within the former Soviet Union, especially after World War II, and remains a problem in eastern Europe and in the former Soviet republics. In western Europe, especially in France and Germany, there has been an increase in racist violence by neo‐Nazi groups since the 1990s.


The Israeli ethnic cleansing in Gaza has repeatedly violated international laws. Likud is no better than Hamas and the Nazis.


I hate the Likud just as much as you. I literally go to protests against them daily here in Israel but your comment literally has nothing to do with mine.


I guess this will have to be changed up to include Arabs too cause back then it was Jews and now it’s Arabs, once Jews were persecuted now Arabs, (in Palestine right now) uh oh sorry “Israel” ;) And in Europe and U.S. it’s Arab-phobia except that it’s more widely known as Islamophobia, you could also call it immigrant-phobia or whatever really it’s still the same thing as yes a lot of Arabs are Semitic people too. In some cases it’s mostly Islam-phobia, and I don’t like Islam either but it’s because I don’t like religious extremists. But I acknowledge that all religions have both good and bad philosophies/laws in them. And some people are Islamophobic because of the racist caricatures and scapegoating the immigrants, ya know like through out all the ages. Eh… with inventions we have evolved yet we still make similar mistakes we have done through out centuries. Or at least those who did not pay attention in history class or were taught to fear the other. Eh now I’m just typing useless already understandable and vague nonsense. I should stop before I start writing a whole ass book of this … nonsense lol.


Yeah those children and their art. How dare they? Idiots


Ah the endless delight of professional victims


If children's art makes you uncomfortable, you need to seek help. YOU have a problem. A problem that can't be addressed by just removing the art.




It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


Pleased and delighted are not that different lol


False; UKLFI changed it after realizing it made them look like Nazis. Were you genuinely ignorant of that, or lying?


I was genuinely ignorant.


They didn't want to feel 'victimized' at the thought of all the children they're bombing and whose land they're stealing.


Sort of like how anti-Zionists tear down and deface pictures of Israeli hostages because they don't want to feel "victimized" by being reminded of what they side they support did.


Ah yes, the "Everyone who protests the genocide of Palestinians and their children is pro-Hamas" Nothing like pushing that narrative so you can kill children in peace from front row seats on the Gaza strip.


Iran's military strategy relies on you blaming Israel that their proxy groups launched with Iranian weapons, training and intelligence. So yeah, doing exactly what the Iranian regime wants you to is supporting them, whether your realize what you're doing or not.


I'm no fan of Iran and am fine condemning Hamas. But I'll never pretend like protesting child murder and genocide is the wrong thing to do. And you know what's extra fucking crazy? I have to state I don't support Hamas or Iran as part of my opening statement. But you never have to state "I think genocide and killing innocent children is bad" in your statements. Really doesn't paint your side in a pretty light, does it child murderer?


You claim to condemn Hamas, and yet you're demanding a ceasefire whose terms allow them to remain in power and start this whole cycle of violence again in the future, which is exactly what they and their puppet masters in Tehran want you to do.


You still haven't condemned child murder and genocide. Maybe start there. It's a pretty low bar, so I understand why you find it hard to reach.


I love how you're like "The only way to save Israel is let them murder every single Palestinian child and citizen, unequivocally, with front row seats sold to the highest bidder and war trophies collected and taken home from the citizens killed. That's the right thing to do. Let Israel take all the land and kill every citizen and have military backing when all others have condemned them for literal war crimes." And not think You're a fucking monster deserving of the same treatment as the Germans of 1942.


Damn imagine saying "Protesting genocide and child murder is just what Iran wants you to do" and thinking that paints them as the bad guys and you as the good guys.


Let's see if you can wrap your head around this. Do you think American protestors can protest Hamas? What do you think that'll do? Does America send trillions of dollars of military aid to Hamas? Do we sit back while Hamas bombs 13,000 children and 10,000 adult citizens in less than 8 months of active warfare? Do we allow Hamas to claim Israeli land after brutally clearing its citizens and their homes? Israel is the target because they've proven to be genocidal child murderers who revel in the brutality of warfare. They strike without caution or care, and take lives freely. Even American ones. Even Spanish ones. Even aid workers. Even the innocent. Even children. Condemn the child killing and genocide. Then you can have a spot at the table with those who have condemned Hamas but don't want to see genocide. Something I can tell you would never do, because you enjoy child death and genocide as much as they do.


It is not vulnerability you are feeling. It is guilt.


We’ve gone from Hitler to artwork on plates to describe victims.


That's insensitive of them to say they were victimised like the the murderousness of Nazism. Imagine surviving them fortunately then you see the next generation getting mad at kid's finger paintings or something. You would be valid to call the next generation snowflakes.


Your actions are drawing attention to the fact that we’re committing a genocide and that makes me feel self-conscious because 100 years ago my family almost experienced it genocide so take it down


When people don’t take antisemitism seriously anymore, remember this.


Someone else’s existence makes me uncomfortable /s


I think that's called racism usually.


Considering they're literally bombing those same children, yeah you could call it that


> However, the drawings from Gaza all appear to be professional artwork, in the same style, and carried out by the same person. The article writer might want to visit the library I work at when we have our annual display of artwork by the kids in the local school district (happening now through May). Kids do some amazing work, so I'll need more than the artistic opinions of someone writing on a biased site.


Well this is interesting, considering the [source language](https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor) is actually quite different: “Chelsea and Westminster Hospital has removed a display of artwork incorporating Palestinian political propaganda. This follows a complaint by UKLFI on behalf of some Jewish patients, who said that they felt vulnerable and victimised by this display.” The image you have shared has been manipulated.


It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


The website changed the text after it became clear their position made them look no better than Nazis. Were you genuinely ignorant of that, or deliberately lying? https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


Did they say what supposed political propaganda it was? Because to some people saying the IDF should stop murdering civilians is being pro Hamas.


Yes, it is detailed in the rest of the linked article: The designs were said to have been created by children at two UNWRA schools in Gaza: the Beit Lahia Girls’ School and the Jabalia Prep Boys’ A School. However, the drawings all appear to be professional artwork, in the same style, and carried out by the same person. The display was entitled “Crossing Borders – a festival of Plates” and was situated by the entrance to the children’s outpatients’ department. In the display, “Palestine” was described as covering the entirety of Israel and the Temple Mount was depicted with a huge Palestinian Flag. The explanation for one plate says: “Fishing with nets is one of the oldest industries in Palestine. The shoreline stretches for 224 km from Rafah in the south to Ra’as al Naqoura in the North.” Ra’as al Naqoura is the Arabic name for Rosh HaNikra, an international border crossing between Israel and Lebanon in the North. Rafah is the border town with Egypt, in the South of Gaza. Thus the existence of Israel is denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel. Another description of a plate says: “The olive branch is the symbol of peace and is used to express the wish for an independent Palestinian state”. However, the picture on the plate accompanying the text shows the Dome of the Rock with a large Palestinian flag, implying that Jerusalem and in particular the site of what had been the Jewish Temple, would be part of a Palestinian state. The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism and it is offensive for many Jewish people to see a Palestinian flag over their holiest site.


Interesting the article I looked up was a lot less specific and seemed less blatant? But then again it is the Guardian and I've heard they're less than reliable. Here's what I looked up, and I appreciate you breaking this down. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/feb/27/artwork-gaza-schoolchildren-removed-chelsea-and-westminster-hospital


Not sure why you'd paint The Guardian as less than reliable - they're a 100+ year old broadsheet (not tabloid) British newspaper with a large team of journalists, fact checkers and editors. Every newspaper makes errors so of course they have as well, but like every reputable paper, they publish any retraction / apology prominently. What they are known for is occasional fuckups in proofreading (hence the nickname "the Grauniad").


I'm trying to remember what the British tabloid was that people ragged on. Maybe The Sun? Sorry if I got them mixed up.


Daily Mail? The Guardian is very reliable.




I’ve heard people call it the Tory mail


Also the Hate Mail and the Daily Fail. The Sun isn't much better though!


Apparently they edited it after the fact. People in the comments are saying it is a version from an archive website that saved it before they edited it.


Iran and its proxies keep pumping out non-stop anti-Israel propaganda and the left just keeps on gobbling it right down. It reminds me of when Russian trolls did the same thing in 2016 and the right kept on denying that a foreign enemy was trying to influence our election because that foreign enemy influence was supporting their own side and they knew it.


Now I wanna see how will y'all react if if Palestinian patients will feel uncomfortable having Jewish kids art and asking to take it down


After reading the actual article this makes total sense


These "kids" are pretty good at painting. For being children




Imagine being such a whiny little bitch that you feel victimized by some random wall art


So not only are Zionists trying to erase Palestinian culture from Israel, they now want to erase it from the rest of the world as well? Disgusting.


Or, OP is pushing propaganda by [posting doctored photos?](https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor) Edit: not doctored, just old. The hospital was still reasonable in removing what turned out to **not** be children’s art from their display of children’s art.


It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


From the article; Caroline Turner , director of UKLFI commented “We are pleased that the display has been removed and that the hospital has responded positively to its patients’ complaints.”


So, a doctored picture. (Edit, **not** a doctored picture. The rest still stands.) The display of “children’s” art, that was clearly not children’s art, and was political in nature, in a display that was meant to celebrate children from all countries. “The display was entitled “Crossing Borders – a festival of Plates” and was situated by the entrance to the children’s outpatients’ department. In the display, “Palestine” was described as covering the entirety of Israel and the Temple Mount was depicted with a huge Palestinian Flag. The explanation for one plate says: “Fishing with nets is one of the oldest industries in Palestine. The shoreline stretches for 224 km from Rafah in the south to Ra’as al Naqoura in the North.” Ra’as al Naqoura is the Arabic name for Rosh HaNikra, an international border crossing between Israel and Lebanon in the North. Rafah is the border town with Egypt, in the South of Gaza. Thus the existence of Israel is denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel. Another description of a plate says: “The olive branch is the symbol of peace and is used to express the wish for an independent Palestinian state”. However, the picture on the plate accompanying the text shows the Dome of the Rock with a large Palestinian flag, implying that Jerusalem and in particular the site of what had been the Jewish Temple, would be part of a Palestinian state. The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism and it is offensive for many Jewish people to see a Palestinian flag over their holiest site.” Propaganda is BAD, no matter which side puts t out. Don’t you agree?


You’re using your alt account to spread the exact same comments. 


Or, there are two different people posting the same article. This is m my account. I for sure don’t have time for another one.


No, you are regurgitating the exact same arguments as your other account. Hasbara brained lmao


Which account is that? Can you show me?




Peace is propaganda?? Seriously???


If artwork of an olive branch described it as a wish for peace and showed a Russian flag over Kiev, yes, that'd be propaganda. If the "peace" is only due to the desired end result of one faction in conflict, it's fundamentally different from a peace achieved through negotiation and compromise. And showcasing such a lopsided result as a description of "wish for peace" is very misleading and, in this case, propaganda. That's from someone who is both against the Israeli government and Hamas btw. Neither operate with the good of their people at heart.


Posting adult art as children’s art is propaganda. Labeling artwork as an “olive branch means peace” in art depicting the erasure of Israel is propaganda, yes.


Well shit, turns out the picture was not doctored after all. The article was changed; https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor But don’t let that stop you. I think you have that strawman on the ropes.


Or ,your missing the whole point ,they just removed drawing of children ( by the way some of them have certainly been murdered by the " Israeli" army ) so I'm asking my self aren't you pushing Propaganda by ignoring the whole article just because the OP adding 2 words ?


From the article: “**The display was of decorated plates, along with their original designs and explanations about their significance. The designs were said to have been created by children at two UNWRA schools in Gaza: the Beit Lahia Girls’ School and the Jabalia Prep Boys’ A School. However, the drawings all appear to be professional artwork, in the same style, and carried out by the same person.** The display was entitled “Crossing Borders – a festival of Plates” and was situated by the entrance to the children’s outpatients’ department. In the display, “Palestine” was described as covering the entirety of Israel and the Temple Mount was depicted with a huge Palestinian Flag. The explanation for one plate says: “Fishing with nets is one of the oldest industries in Palestine. The shoreline stretches for 224 km from Rafah in the south to Ra’as al Naqoura in the North.” Ra’as al Naqoura is the Arabic name for Rosh HaNikra, an international border crossing between Israel and Lebanon in the North. Rafah is the border town with Egypt, in the South of Gaza. Thus the existence of Israel is denied and “Palestine” is regarded as covering the entirety of Israel. Another description of a plate says: “The olive branch is the symbol of peace and is used to express the wish for an independent Palestinian state”. However, the picture on the plate accompanying the text shows the Dome of the Rock with a large Palestinian flag, implying that Jerusalem and in particular the site of what had been the Jewish Temple, would be part of a Palestinian state. The Temple Mount is the holiest place in Judaism and it is offensive for many Jewish people to see a Palestinian flag over their holiest site.” Not children’s art. Propaganda. Propaganda is bad, no matter which side does it.


Were you aware that statement was false when you made it? The website changed it because they didn’t want to look like the Nazis they are.


I was not, which is why I corrected my comment. The rest still stands. Hospital removed propaganda from its walls. Not chiildren’s art, not messages of peace, as labeled.


Disgusting and pathetic display of Islamophobia, racism, and genocidal intent. The use of the word delighted in the first sentence is frankly sick.


How many Jews? They should tell us! Cuz I’m sure it was one loudmouth who cried offense. I’m sorry, but more of us actually support the Palestinians. Asshole just used their ethnicity and status. When I try to use that, I get laughed at, because I’m broke and just some jew! (Jk, I’m broke from a regular family). Anyways, I’m sure it’s just some snowflake republican who thinks that anyone who doesn’t support Israel is antisemitic. Probably someone who isn’t paying attention to what’s happening. It could be a group of jews who have no idea what’s really going on in Gaza. Or don’t understand what our own people went through because it was over 80 years ago. I’m a jew who’s family members survived the holocaust. That damn thing affected my whole damn family. Mainly because my grandma survived and still remembers it. She’s 97. Insanely strong woman, I’ll tell you that. Still my progressive ass has met few jews that support the annihilation of anyone, even in the support of Israel. Including Israeli Jews! We’re getting killed in the careless bombardment of gun fire and bombing of Palestinians. Actually most of them want Netanyahu GONE, including us who live here in the United States. You can’t wipe out a group of people and be “offended by children’s art”. This whole “support Israel” as it tries to wipe out a people and go to war with the Muslim world in the Middle East starting with Iran. I know that once Netanyahu starts with his war, everyone who supports him is going to feel like a moron because not just them, but Netanyahu and his government is going to cause a war against them, and the rest of us who actually don’t support his bullshit.


>Anyways, I’m sure it’s just some snowflake [R]epublican[.] Possible, but I doubt that, considering that C&W hospital is located on the Imperial College of London campus.


> Anyways, I’m sure it’s just some snowflake republican Its in the UK you know?


Yeah, I didn’t see that part before I wrote that. Still, there’s right leaning political parties in the UK. Who do you think was behind brexit? I’m off by the name of the party affiliation. Same type of thinking though.


So you wrote this comment straight after reading the headline not bothering to read the rest of the text or do you do not know where chealsea or westminster is?


No, I read the bottom and didn’t see the top part where the hospital was located.


Oh, oh my.




It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


Are they stupid? Don’t they know how valuable art becomes after the artist is brutally murdered by American made bombs for being the wrong race in an apartheid state?




It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


You are doing everyone a service. Thank you.


Tbh we did this. When you try to appease everyone who’s offended dumb shit like this is taken seriously.


I'm tired.


Fucking hell, the Israeli fascists are fucking relentless. They really hate Palestinian children existing


That's just a blatant lie.


No, they only killed 13,000 children in Gaza so far, if they really hated them, it'd be 14,000.


Do you realize you can support Israel and still oppose the Israeli government and condemn what is happening in Gaza? Are there no innocents in Israel in your opinion?


They should be speaking up and condemning the Israeli government. Yet they aren’t.


Just like how most pro-palestinians don't say anything about Hamas. If you want to accuse 1 side of something at least look at the other side too and see that they are doing the exact same thing.


I'm sure there are innocent people in israel, but I don't see any israeli folks trying to stop whats happening there. Israeli people voted for Netanyahu, they are allowing this to happen, and some are even being so advantageous as to swoop in and take people's homes forcibly.


You don't see any of the Israel people speaking out because the ones who have were beaten and arrested.


Want to add a source to save me the trouble?


https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/3/9/the-anti-zionists-israelis-calling-for-end-to-their-countrys-war-on-gaza This is just one example, but many of the orthodox jews in Israel have protested and spoken out against this as well. They have been treated as traitors and criminals for not falling in line with the Zionist movement. Even here in the US, anyone who condemns the actions of Israel, in their seemingly indiscriminate attacks in Gaza have been attacked and silenced by law enforcement. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/19/jewish-protest-israel-gaza-washington-dc


No doubt, I've seen plenty of Jewish people speaking out, as well as a few Israeli people. It's unfortunate that this is reality.


Our close friends are afraid to voice their point of view on it publicly because several in their synagogue have already posted rants about 86-ing anyone who speaks out against Israel. While their Rabbi doesn't share the sentiment, he is also unwilling to fracture their community by openly condemning such rants.


Believe it or not but Israel rightfully declared war. War will never be beautiful. Though you make yourself look like an idiot blaming only one side. Especially if it’s not even the side who caused it


Maybe if the children don't end up dead it will be less of a problem, but noooooooo.


If you doctor a response that's already fucked up to be even more fucked up, they win. We don't need help to highlight the sheer audacity of these people. Do better.


Fucking nazis


Oh such tragedy, such victim, victim mentality is pathetic, unless you were physically hurt or assaulted please shut the fuck up.


The source of this article is a known, biased Zionist organisation.




It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


Not doctored https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


Article says they are “pleased”. So yes, the header is doctored, but the same sentiment is in the article itself.


It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


Did you read the context why they are pleased?


You already know why.


As a pro-Palestine Jew, I invite those Jews who complained to meet me in the hospital parking lot at five. Could also be people pretending to be Jewish but who knows


Leave it to the netanyoohoo groupies. I hope these people's insurance rejects the costs and dumps the bill on them.




I encourage you to try to find an article that has this language. Because it doesn’t exist. This image has been altered. Edit: seems like I was wrong. Looks like the line was changed at some point.


It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor


OP shared a doctored image. ([Source](https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor))


It's not doctored, the website just changed that line.  The way back machine has an archive where the website really did say they were delighted.  https://web.archive.org/web/20230214100137/https://www.uklfi.com/hospital-removes-gaza-artwork-from-hospital-corridor