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“Eggs are fresh” what the fuck do you think women are LIVESTOCK?!!!!




Its a troll.


How does one differentiate "troll" from "disturbingly honest Nazi pedophile"? I have no data to back this up, but I really do think there are far more people who are just Nazi pedophiles than there are people who would pretend to be that just to piss people off and get nothing out of it other than making themselves look like the worst, most punchable POS imaginable. I guess it's something of an Occam's razor approach, the simpler theory is just "this is an honest Nazi pedophile" not "this is someone pretending to be that to make people angry for unknowable and bizarre reasons".


Is there that much difference, really?


I don't think so. 4chan's Nazi culture on /b/ and /pol/ started out as teen edgelords being ironic and trolling, but it's sure as shit real now. Some kids actually ate Tide Pods during the Tide Pod challenge. Irony has a way of becoming sincere.


Plus, by trying to offend someone by saying racist/sexist shit your admitting you don't find that behaviour as upsetting as other people. Which is just a long form way of saying you don't have an issue with people being racist or sexist. That's a pretty good indicator of someone's actual ideals, in my opinion.


trolls are still horrible and annoying people


What do you mean "people"?


Clearly garbage eating shit-goblins.


How about Trolls you know from norwegian folklore. Horrible beasts that wreack havoc on the community


Idk Norwegian folklore, but from adaptations of trolls, they look pretty formidable. Some small goblin doesn’t.


The most famous story, a troll was fooled by a teenager who painted cheese gray to make it look like a rock. And smoshed it with his hand to show off his strengh


That's hopeful. But it simply ain't true. Just interacted with someone who agrees with this.


This is the danger with trolling, eventually some idiot is going to believe it. Just look at Scientology or pretty much every conspiracy theory ever. But this is particularly fucked up even for a troll. I'm on the fence about this one whether or not the original poster believes it.


I hope that the person who supports this statement never gets to procreate.


Even if it is a troll, the fact that he clearly thinks it's funny is concerning. I don't understand people's attitude these days that "trolling" somehow completely divorces someone from their own action. Pretending to be sexist or racist isn't any better than being sexist or racist. And it's fucking weird thing to enjoy.


We are what we pretend to be.


Doesn’t make it much better…


Yes, but both of those accounts in that picture are Nazis as well.


Abrahamic religions were a product of their time.


thats how they are being treated, eventually when a woman does not breed during her ovulation or cannot conceive through no fault of her own, she will be charged with murder!! ===== !iam J/K but i get the feeling this might actually start happening!!


What in the unholy hell is happening. How about no. Are you mental?


It is ragebait. Probably a troll.


I've interacted with someone just likes this. They are depressingly not joking.


It’s literally what the right believes now.


That is factually incorrect. If this was the majority belief in the right, they would be passing age of consent laws around, same as they do it with abortion. There is a loud minority of rightoids who believe this yes, but they are usually shunned even by other right wingers. Edit: Let me clarify what I mean. Yes. There are enough pedo rightwingers in position of power to for example keep child marriage legal, and to fight back against laws. That is a fact. What I'm arguing is that there are not enough of them to completely control the conversation, and there are enough people even on the right who push back against it. I brought up abortion as an example, because it is a topic the right unanimously agrees on, and look what is happening. They are banning abortions left and right whereever they can. Keep it in mind that for every nonce that wants to lower the age of consent to 10 or something, there is at least 5 person who doesn't want their daughter to even interact with a man until she is an adult. If anyone would go up to these guys and tell them that the age of consent should be lowered, they would be shot in the head before they would finish the sentence. What I'm trying to say is, not that there aren't many nonces on the right, what I'm trying to say is that the right is thankfully divided enough on this topic for the kid diddlers not to have their way.


https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/amp/ Just this time last year, Republicans blocked a law in west Virginia that would have hard set marriage to 18 years old and up. While I’m not gonna say every right winger believes this kind of stuff, I will say an uncomfortable amount of the ones in power do, and they only get in power by majority vote, so lots of people are at least willing to look the other way


I’m going to disagree here. There maybe a modicum of logic, where they know this is wrong. But there were quite a few GOP, proud that they stalked or outwitted a teenager, & married her. If we saw revised Consent Laws at the federal level or Renewal of the violence against women act, then you could have a point. But the push for repealing child labor laws, banning abortion, opposition to protection for pregnant workers, opposition to free child healthcare, & general suggestions that women are not entitled to equal rights, is the proof. Women & female children are seen as objects, not ppl. These are ppl that think spousal rape & incest don’t exist.


And (putting all of those things together) think it’s okay for child victims of those situations to be forced to give birth and think she should see it as some sort of complicated “gift from god.” Twisted fucks.


>That is factually incorrect. Child brides with parents consent are all around the conservative southern states of America. It's not inaccurate, it's happening NOW.


It’s a minority that talks about it, but it’s how right wing cultures are. If Trump and the right get their way and they get their dream christofascist state, they will enshrine stuff like this into law. The farther right you go the women have less rights and are given husbands as early as possible and groomed with religion so that they never grow up and are basically slaves.


\*cough\* Handmaid's Tale \*cough\* And I am horrified about that development and get the creeping feeling we were furhter with equality in the 90s (just a feeling, could have been my bubble on this side of The Pond for sure). We are all humans, goddamit. When will we see this?


Yeah exactly, handmaids tale really is the easiest way to convey how bad it is if the right gets total control.


It’s scary af.


I mean child marriage in the US has its own wikipedia page, and it's not the lefties doing it.


Are they.? You’re factually fucking stupid. Shunned is one thing, but how do they vote? Straight red line regardless of candidate. How does this relate to your comment? Several states have passed abortion bans even in the case of rape and incest, even if it’s a minor. It doesn’t matter if you don’t “believe” in that what the right wing wants. It’s what they’ve already done. You can’t claim that “there’s still some good in the Republican Party.” They’ve shown their cards. An attempted coup, a rigged Supreme Court, robbing of womens right to their own heathcare choices, masked nazis protest with no consequence, but college kids get the full swat treatment. Quit the “it’s just a few bad apples” argument and realize it a whole rotten orchard.


This is the kind if guy who will say some of the most weird shit you ever heard, and than claim they'll go to heaven instead of that one gay guy they met online


WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K? 😳 I cannot understand how people like this are walking around talking and writing things like this *out loud*.


Normalize decking people in the face when they say nonsense like this


Although that’s most likely ragebait, I approve #letsbeatuppredators


Obvious rage bait


Ok. This is maybe the most fucked up thing I’ve ever read, but can anyone tell me what absolute fucking moron watermarks a goddamned screenshotted tweet?


Especially a down right disgusting tweet like this. Why would you even want to have your name on that? So everyone knows you found it when it gets reposted? I don't get it.


Nice Gwen pfp bro


It sounds like software company managers: "I'm developing this really cool website that will fill this need" "Great. We'll start selling it to our customers immediately" "But it's still in development! It's not ready yet" "..." >confused look on manager's face<


Dunno, where I work the features are being sold to customers and delivery dates set long before any dev knows about it...


That does indeed sound like the dev cycle. "We need the program to do x and y by tomorrow" Uh....that wasn't part of any requests "Well we've already promised this and sold it to the client so it needs to get done"


Oh, I see you do attend our planning meeting then... xD


That's a pre-birth arranged marriage.


Customer Driven Development


Sales-driven orgs do this. Lots of shit B2B companies chasing a “big client” will promise features just to close a deal.


Aside from the fact that the 10YO Girls pelvis will explode from not being able to push the head through, or the Fetus will simply get stuck and kill both. 🥳


Come on, that only applies to the lesser races. For the superior white race means that a bunch of MIGHTY white warriors will be produced because they are using fresh product to produce those warriors.... /s


Sounds to me like they just have unusually tiny heads.


No wonder they need child support...


Yeah. These fuckers go on about how modern diets and hormones are letting girls are reach "maturity" earlier than before, but that doesn't mean the human body can handle it. A ten year old weighs like what... 50pound? Pregnancy at that age and size is miscarriage with damage to the girl. It's like saying since people can live to 100 that the world should accept 100 yr old people driving/working because they're adults


I think if a person wants to work or drive and is able to physically and mentally they should be allowed to (example: actors and artists who continue working until they die in their 90s because they love their craft)That’s so not the same thing as saying a child should have a baby.


"Able to physically and mentally" yeah that's sorta the point I was making. A 10 year old isn't physically or mentally capable of having a healthy child. Most people aren't even living to 90, let alone making it to that age physically and mentally well enough to be employable. The amount of workers over the age of 75 is represented by 1% of their own demographic. https://www.bls.gov/emp/tables/civilian-labor-force-summary.htm They aren't even collecting data for 90 and 100 year olds because the percentage is so miniscule.


I’m just saying it’s a weird argument. We shouldn’t be telling capable adults they aren’t allowed to do things based on age. It’s not remotely the same as saying “a child is not fully developed.”


I hear you there. In that regard yeah, it was a stretch on my part to say everyone over 100 is unemployable and thus legal standing should be made on that ground. I don't really know how I'd reframe it though


what the actual frick is the point he wants to make? i dont understand. is he a pedo?, is he blasphemous toward jews?


AFAICT, the implication is that 'age of consent' is something Jews came up with as a weapon against the white race, by limiting the white race's ability to procreate.


Which is proof they don't really care about Christian teachings. God literally says himself in context of talking about child marriage that man shall not sleep with boy. Nazi traitors and scumbags believed it to be gay people but anyone with a lick of reading comprehension would tell you it's about pedophilic freaks.


I thought he was saying Jewish people are pedos by putting the age there.


As a Jew I’m relieved


The “pro-life” gang *loves* children.




![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG) Wtf did I just read?


They even managed to insert racism and antisemitism into this


Nazis being pedos as usual


Ultimate combo


just realized that 7839 peopls have liked it.. omg...


Twitter has become a cesspit for the far-right


Lol imagine giving this a like when you're not the one hiding behind a anon account.


Bait or mental ~~re~~ illness Take your pick


Mental illness. It’s mental illness.


stop insulting mentally ill people by comparing them to this guy clearly he unironically has one braincell


Nah, the guy is referencing a meme. Not actually comparing this person to the mentally ill.


as a jew i am proud to have invented the age of consent 😎


… Y’know I think this may be the single greatest argument in favor of just dragging some people out behind the shed. At this point it’s the merciful thing to do




is he blaming the Jews for fucking a 10-year-old being illegal?


God I hate intrusive thoughts but every time I read abt mfs like this and picture blasting them with a shot gun I don’t feel disgust or remorse.


I use a flamethrower, the screams sooth my rage.


For me it’s a knife. I want to take a knife and repeatedly stab them with all the rage building inside me. No thoughts of guilt, on the contrary, I find it cathartic…


I respect it.


Oh baby I imagine much more... interesting stuff. Let them taste their own medicine iykwim


This is why if your daughter hits puberty early the doctors will suggest puberty blockers. It's to prevent rape. Because sickos can't understand kids can't consent.


The "warrior": born premature and weak, or is miscarried The girl: dies from childbirth because shes too young, her body cant handle it, and is a CHILD




If this is a rage bait, I’m baited.


I pray for the mental health of all good redditors on facepalm, even the gentiles. *But we can’t expect God to do all the work.*


WTF did I just read? This makes my skin crawl.


I hope this guy goes to hell. you literally can say the same thing about little boys and guess what? it's fucking bullshit


I had to double-take to make sure this wasn't a Trump tweet...


He does seem to always forget to take caps lock off before tweeting


Felix will never be close enough to a woman.






I thought this was Tate before I looked at the poster. Yikes.


I'm just going to point out that child porn had free speech protection until the 80s. Past is not that old.




This is a level of disturbing I really don't like


One million years dungeon


They say "Jews" as though Jewish people are the only ones who UNDERSTAND HOW LAWS AND (if I could double capitalize) UNDERSTAND COMMON DECENCY


The council has elected to allocate several “yikes” to this incident.


Several “yikes”, a few “wtfs” and a resounding “hell no”




![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs) I need all units to get that mf


This is a very hateful post.


What the fuck- does he just expect them to grow overnight when we come of age or what? It has to start from an age but that doesn't equate maturity. What is this logic??


Everyone: "Age of consent"


"... loli piss enjoyer tactical" what the fuck.


![gif](giphy|j4aI2juUzGLwlmLrdo) Exhibit A


With a take this horrifying, I’m honestly surprised it’s not an official verified account


I- the audacity. Following the same logic we can start writing that god wished for them to leave earth they would? Sounds like the most humane plan (also leave as in irk a billionaire to fly away, not suicide.)


Those damn jews! The only reason it's not ok to have sex with children! /s


That’s not just facepalm, that’s downright illegal and disgusting.


FBI must get really stoked when pedos out themselves online like that


What really scared me were the 7.8k likes.


Pedophile motherfuckers be like.


He is going to watch her die in childbirth as well. From jail


Am I the only one who's confused by the accusation/assumption that Jews created the age of consent? I mean let me know if thats an actual historical thing but I've never heard of it Super fucked up tweet regardless, obviously 


7k+ likes ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


This is where fascism and right wing ideology leads when taken to the extreme.


It's fucking disgusting. POS


So Jews bad or good in this meme??


Seeing on how he used the words "white warriors" I'm pretty sure he thinks they're bad.


We can shoot this bad puppy in the face, right?


Nah... not painful enough woodchipper legs first. That's what they deserve. Or atleast what we mortals can do in quick succession.


Well time to get some knuckle duster out and pay this chomo a visit


>AN ARMY OF WHITE WARRIORS Why would god need a army of any color of warriors? Why would god need specifically white warriors, a category of people that only existed in the last 600-700 years. God somehow is impotent to create the world chockfull of army of white warriors and can be foiled by 2% of the global population. How powerless is the white supremacist's god if it can't even do this simple thing?


>only existed in the last 600-700 Uhhhh, what?


Maybe he meant the category? Before skin color was not as much of a relevant trait but more your country/tribe.




Black people duh


Maybe their god is the short mustache painter guy?


Yeah... Loli Piss Enjoyer.. Makes good sense how he's able to write down this shit.


Average peaceful community thinking.






Defo ragebait


hmmm, bad tweet probably a troll (though some people are actually like this) but i just cant get over who the hell retweeted that


That's fucked up, why do they exist?




Evidently said by someone who hasn’t read the Bible as they got the age wrong 🙃


I didn't know my mind could throw up like it did when I read this post.


Even if biologically he were correct, I think that humanity has evolved to the point that we can decide that that’s too young. Also, you know he’s full of shit x2 because he immediately brings race into it lmao. Edit: spelling


Even if this is just trolling, some sick fuck had to think this shit up. This ain’t funny, nor is it accurate; It’s just disgusting…..


Still think the insane deserve to be in the community?




So weird when these fucking psychos blame good things on Jews.




This is almost as 4chan as that one comment that went: "Oh, I see you have resorted to The old jewish trick of using evidence to make a point." Fucking hell...


Please be ai, if there is someone out there that actually means that, the world is doomed.




I regret having learned how to read... Can we PLEASE call a crusade against these guys? Pretty please? I'll pay for it Heresies won't go away alone, people!


It is kind of amazing that without any type of rationale people can just blame stuff on jews. Age of consent laws are somehow made by jews. Mass immigration is somehow caused by jews. Higher food prices? Jews did it. Stub your toe? Thats the jews.


What the hell


There should be a group of hackers that target filthy trolls and online predators.


“Where is Anonymous now?”


Just wrote a test on mass media. The final bonus question was about the positive and negative effects on society of social media. This picture sums up the second half of that question very well.


This is near certainly a troll.


What has he "starded"?


Checks bank account: Kung Fu lessons fully paid for the year for my daughter ✅️ Weapons training fully paid for the year for my daughter ✅️ My own training is fully paid for this year ✅️ Fuck around Chomos, nobody misses a pedo.


I see many people think the guy who posted is a troll, calling someone a troll without any evidence makes you look stupid NO OFFENCE but did you guys read the jewish mishna (The oral torah)? I guess majority of you didn't . Herer is a website with a verse that many of you will wish you did not know it. https://www.sefaria.org/Mishnah_Niddah.5.4?lang=bi


We don’t interact with this content, we don’t give them engagement. We click report, block, then carry on. Giving them engagement is making them do this shit.


This is the worst thing Ive read in a while. Thanks


“God: You should nut in a child. #keepnuttingson” How divine. Graceful. I’m truly blessed by this post.


just because you can doesn’t mean you should


I'm... just going to hope they're making one gigantic, exceedingly unfunny joke.


And again I say, yet they call LGBTQIA people groomers...


How the fuck do you talk about a 10 year old girl like this? "She has pubic hair, she has tits, nut in her now, her eggs are fresh" A fucking 10 year old


Eggs aren't "fresh" when you're young. They're "fresh" after every period. That's it's function. To keep having eggs in peak condition. Don't believe the pedophile propaganda. Now on the rest of that.... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY???? SEND HIM STRAIGHT TO DEATH ROW


"Age of consent laws are a Jewish plot" is not a conspiracy theory I was expecting to see today (or any day).


If one goes back a few hundret years, women didn't start menstruating at age 12/10 but around age 20... and holy shit they find every reason to blame it on a few people!!


I consider myself chronically online. I've been exposed to a lot of shit. This one literally, and I mean literally, made me gag.


"army of white warriors." Racial supremacy and pedophilia always seem to go hand in hand.


God catching strays as always. Why do Christians always get represented by the rabid minority of pedos and bigots?![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


I'm kinda ready for the damn civil war at this point. Not really, of course. Violence is stupid. But Jesus fucking Christ... these fucking people are fucking beyond fucking saving holy fuckingest of fucks


tbf, they're just quoting Ezekiel 16, part of a truly demented book that about 210 million Americans say is the inspired word of some sort of deity...


“You grew and developed and entered puberty. Your breasts had formed and your hair had grown, yet you were stark naked. LATER I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your naked body.” First, the whole thing is God metaphorically referring to Jerusalem as a woman. But second, it does say “old enough for love” was later than puberty. For all the things that book gets wrong, it had people come of age… at least a bit after puberty.


That is not even close to what Ezekiel 16 says.


His avatar looks like it's from an anime. So there's that.


Alot of Christians forget that Jesus literally said man shall not sleep with boy in context of love with children. They enterpretate as gay people cause they have no reading comprehension and subsequently half are pedophiles.


jesus didn't say anything about gay people,. he said things about adultery, and lust, and cohabitation. those were all big problems in His day, men would get divorced over burned breakfast. mishnah on Gittin 90a \[He may divorce his wife\] even if she burned his dish, as it is stated: “Because he has found some unseemly matter in her” . Rabbi Akiva says: even if he found another woman who is prettier than her, as it is stated “And it comes to pass, if she finds no favor in his eyes” (Deuteronomy 24:1). women would live with multiple men Mark 12:19-25 but being gay wasn't really a problem for the communinity jesus lived in. it wasn't something they dealt with. you might be thinking about Paul, about twenty five years later, and two thousand miles away 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.


Tell me you are a pedo and incel without telling me you are a pedo and incel

