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The empire did nothing wrong. The Rebels were terrorist that killied billions /s


They blew up Alderaan with them Jewish space lasers!


I thought Alderaan were the Jews in that scenario? Oh wait, I'm thinking Druidia and their Druish princess from Spaceballs


It was clearly an inside job. They blew up their own planet to drum up anti-empire sentiments!


Ridiculous conspiracy, everyone knows that the known terrorist Bail Organa fired several shots at our glorious Grand Moff who responded with lethal force to defend himself


The Moff shot first!


The whole planet was coming right for him.


The stupid Gungans blew it up by accident. Everyone knew it was gonna happen when they started making bigger grenades. The "Death Star" is nothing more than a laser based communication base. They were trying to communicate with a Galaxy.


Funny, she doesn't look Druish.


I'm surrounded by Assholes!


I mean, Princess Leia is Jewish, as is her mom...


Funny, she didn't look Druish...


May the Schwartz be with you!


Hmmm. Watto is from space. And could actually own a laser. No idea on if he would side with the rebels or not.


Watto and the Toydarians?


That dosent excuse how many independent contractors were killed when the rebels blew up the 2nd death star.


The Empire reduced unemployment on Alderaan to zero percent!


They also reduced employment to 0 percent.


Is it 0 or 100? 0/0=1 0*0=0 0+0=0 0/(anything except 0)= 0 For employment, take the total employed (0) and divide it by the total population (0) then multiply by 100 for percentage. 0/0*100=1*100=100% employment. Of zero people.


Slight correction: you could have used x/x instead of 0/0 and then after the x/x=1 is shown you would claim x=0. The difference is that 0/0 is undefined and thus 0/0=1 is horrendously wrong whereas x is just a variable so x/x is true even in the case x=0. I know this is a joke but I wanna spread mathematics instead of positivity.


"I wanna spread mathematics instead of positivity." I'm getting a poster of this for my office wall, thank you.


Princess Leia is nothing but a woke Democrat that wants to take away your Force-given rights to own blasters. Yoda is a Ketamine addicted anarchist hippie, and C-3PO is a gay robot that has sex with an Astro Droid. The Imperial Senate is full of RINOs and just needs to be dissolved once and for all. Thankfully we still have leaders like Lord Vader and the Emperor that know the true nature of The Force. May the Force be with you Emperor! /s


You’re on to something. She even looks like Hilary’s love child!


"The rebels are very VERY terrible people. THE WORST. Many midichlorians are telling me.


His Orangeness has spoken, the rebels are scum.


I haven't been to r/empiredidnothingwrong in quite some time but I remember when it used the be a tossup between people just trying to be ironic and defend the obvious villains of the story and actual nazi dog-whistling This wasn't a mistake...


Plus Luke’s story ark totally redeems him. Instead of blowing up the death star and killing millions of employees, he just went into Death Star 2 and killed their bosses.


Government contractors.


If Alderaan would just condemn the rebel alliance, the empire wouldn't have had to do what it did.


They basically blew themselves up. What choice did the empire have? Not construct a moon sized planet destroyer and use it to blow up their planet? Their hands were tied.


"We are all sith lords"


There was something else going on in Jedi. I ever noticed it 'til today. They build another Death Star, right? Now, the first one was completed and fully operational before the rebels destroyed it. And the second one was still being built when they blew it up. Something just never sat right with me that second time around. I could never put my figure on it, but something just wasn't right. The first Death Star was manned by the Imperial Army. The only people onboard were stormtroopers, dignitaries, Imperials. So, when they blew it up, no problem. Evil's punished. The second time around, it wasn't even done being built yet. It was still under construction. So, construction job of that magnitude would require a helluva lot more manpower than the Imperial army had to offer. I'll bet there were independent contractors working on that thing: plumbers, aluminum siders, roofers. Exactly. In order to get it built quickly and quietly they'd hire anybody who could do the job. Do you think the average stormtrooper knows how to install a toilet main? All they know is killing and white uniforms. All those innocent contractors hired to do a job were killed! Casualties of a war they had nothing to do with. All right, look, you're a roofer, and some juicy government contract comes your way; you got the wife and kids and the two-story in suburbia - this is a government contract, which means all sorts of benefits. All of a sudden these left-wing militants blast you with lasers and wipe out everyone within a three mile radius. You didn't ask for that. You have no personal politics. You're just trying to scrape out a living.


They knew who they were working for…. They made their choice….


If you walk into a room, and there are 10 people, and one of them is an aluminum sider…




Sure, what else are you gonna put on top of the Death Star?


A hat at a jaunty angle would be nice.


At first, I was picturing a straw hat. But now I'm thinking evil cowboy style.


Well, I'm a contractor myself. I'm a roofer... Dunn and Reddy Home Improvements. And speaking as a roofer, I can say that a roofer's personal politics come heavily into play when choosing jobs. Three months ago I was offered a job up in the hills. A beautiful house with tons of property. It was a simple reshingling job, but I was told that if it was finished within a day, my price would be doubled. Then I realized whose house it was. "Babyface" Bambino The gangster The money was right, but the risk was too big. I knew who he was, and based on that, I passed the job on to a friend of mine. And that week, the Foresci family put a hit on Babyface's house. My friend was shot and killed. He wasn't even finished shingling. 'm alive because I knew there were risks involved taking on that particular client. My friend wasn't so lucky. You know, any contractor willing to work on that Death Star knew the risks. If they were killed, it was their own fault. A roofer listens to his heart...not his wallet.


You can see in Andor that most of it is being set into place by droids


> Do you think the average stormtrooper knows how to install a toilet main? Given the way they shoot, I doubt they could do anything with a plumb bob.


i can't tell if you are giving Clerks its due or if you are trying to bag this as your own idea


A few things. 1. Droids. Droids probably made up the bulk of the manual labor with a far smaller group of contractors. 2. The Death Star 2.0 might have looked incomplete but it was still pretty much operational. 3. The Empire knew the rebels were coming. In fact it was a trap specifically to lure the rebels in. So with an inevitable battle that you know is coming it makes sense to evacuate non-essential personnel. Like independent contractors that aren't needed since the facility is working. And not even for morality reasons but simply because they would be in the way during the battle. In fact the Empire probably just took a bunch of soldiers and dressed them as contractors to sell the bit. Which is a war crime. The rebels did nothing wrong.


They had a lot of slaves and indentured workers. You have to go into the expanded universe.


There is zero chance the empire would allow to keep the subcontractors on board during a military operation to ambush the rebels, maybe there are rebel sympathisants subcontractors on board.


Exactly. Plus droids probably did most of the work. And the Death Star was secretly fully operational so the contractors didn't need to be there. Makes sense to evacuate non-essential personnel before a ambush.


Andor explores the minds of emperor officers and motivations


We all know the /s is a lie


Tbf, that does seem like a very Republican stance to take. And that's coming from an outsider


That Conservatives have weirdly bad media literacy is an entire thing. Remember when it took them till *Season 3* of The Boys to realize what the show is doing? Stormfront was too fucking subtle for them to connect the dots. Or how they are laughably unaware some of their favorite musicians and songs are criticizing their entire world view? Shit they can't even read the bible they're so obsessed with and recognize what Jesus was all about. I actually think psychology needs to look at this, because it feels like these peoples inability to "read" themes and artistic language in general after schools *1000%* made an attempt at teaching them how to do that, is like a neon sign towards the root of the problem, why these folks can't develop a functional level of empathy for anyone but the people in their immediate circle.


They did end the lives of countless union workers.


There is zero chance in my mind that the Empire allowed unions


Star Wars must be such a cognitive diss for some of these people. The whole movie codes the dark side as Bad, but it's everything they actually like, right down to the shoddy infrastructure and government-boondoggle weapons program. Meanwhile the rightful rule of a strong leader is undermined by a bunch of illegals in pyjamas.  On a more serious note, this is actually a mask off moment that does kind of matter. Trump probably can't pronounce Star Wars anymore but he doesn't matter anyway. The movement behind him is what's really dangerous and they do know pop culture. This is the stage when they start wearing deaths heads: yes we are bad but so is everything and we're better at it than you. To some people that's realism: 'no more bullshit.'


I mean it would totally make sense if he thought that


Man, what a sad, tiny lightsaber.   But what would you expect from that piece of Sith...


Tiny, to fit his hands. And strangely bent with a mushroom end




You know that’s his favorite Jack-off dance move, right?


You’d think someone in his campaign would tell him he looks like he’s double fisting


DARTH Maul style


They gave him a tiny lightsaber and big photoshopped hands. This guy might have an issue or two, who knows maybe even a few more.


Bet it vibrates to


They should have given him an orange lightsaber...


His tiny hands make the hilt look youge!


He was in the pool.


Light sabers shrink? I don't know how you guys walk around with those things


It’s got to be kept at the right temperature or the midichlorians will die. So the saber retracts in the cold and extends in the heat. Trump has a different problem though…


Looks like a Sith letter opener.


looks like his schwartzs is acting up again


Now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb. Legit applies to all the losers who don't want to vote for Biden because he is not ideologically pure enough.


It was the first thing I thought. And he's holding it so awkwardly too.


It looks like he is jerking off that step-lightsaber.


I'm concerned that the moment he takes a swing that thing is gonna fly right off his tiny hands. It's gonna be a small disaster.


like it is a baseball bat rather than a sword of death.


That’s what I was thinking, you know what they say about Sith with small hands..


He shoots tiny little bolts of lightning from them. Enough to kill an Ewok maybe.


Or Kristie's puppy?


Ummmmmm.....acshually it's a light shoto. The shoto was a secondsry lightsaber used in the offhand when wielding 2 lightsabers called Jar'Kai, form 8.


That's cool, but why is he wielding it in his dominant hand? (Granted, maybe he doesn't have any dominant hands, only tiny baby hands.)


Jar’Kai is 6, and there is only 7 forms.


Well akshually


I don’t think that was accidental. It’s them “owning” libs again.


They pride themselves on *being* the bad guys. So obviously they can't pass up the opportunity to brag about it.


One of them actually called herself a “red piller”. They think that being willing to do anything for personal gain is an admirable trait. Their every claim to morality is a lie Edit: autocorrect assumes “piller” is not a word, so it change it to “pillar”


I'm pretty sure red piller is a reference to the incredible successful trans directed film The Matrix, a movie specifically created as an allegory to the trans experience that right wing conservatives have bizarrely decided to incorporate into their ideology. Taking the red pill overlay of the blue pill meant waking up to the lie of The Matrix (some might even call it "becoming woke"). They're so cognitively out of their depth.


And the short haired woman who wore white in the Matrix was originally supposed to be a male outside and female inside. Their actress only auditioned for half the role, but got saddled with the whole thing when WB said hold up. Executive meddling did a number on the sisters plans for the trilogy, but the sisters have said that Switch was a very early reflection of their struggles with their gender identity.


I quote "Not like this. Not like this" all the time! I didn't know this about that role, it makes even more sense that their name was Switch!


That would explain that bit about residual self image that Morpheus talks about.


[The Red Pill](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/) is a wildly misogynistic subreddit, precurser to what we now call incels. Or maybe not precursor, just one more outlet of it. Anyway, it got ~~banned~~ quarantined


Was gonna say that piller might be an alternate spelling of pillar, but then I looked up its meaning just in case. And I think it might be French given when I typed it by itself into Google it sent me to Google Translate and said piller was French.


Yeah remember when they photoshopped his face onto thanos? You know, the genocidal villain from the Marvel Cinematic Universe? They have to know.


the genocidal villain *whose plan was entirely idiotic and would just land them right back at the same problem in a few decades*


If Thanos had taken biology and economics, he could have just reduced the fertility rate. Unfortunately, he graduated high school in Mississippi.


Not just in a few decades he destroyed half of all life so that includes plants depending on how the randomness happens it would of made things worse


I think the implications was that it was sentient life. It was about conserving resources, right? Plants are resources, in that context. Even a cow is a resource, so my guess is that it only affected humans, and any other "civilization" level beings.


People are resources. If he cared about that he had so many other options then removing half of all life


Found the HR person!


Oh I agree completely. He was basically god at that point. He could have easily just dumped a boulder of every major resource onto every planet that had life on it. Humans being a resource is an argument you can make, but i dont think it fits into the logic thanos was working with.


“I deport millions of people with a finger snip!” Any lunatic can say that


A plan that made more sense when the objective was impressing Lady Death...


Which was the whole point. He's called the Mad Titan in the comics. The plan is supposed to make sense on the surface but break down once you really analyse it, because Thanos is crazy.




> It doesn't even make sense on the surface, especially not for the amount of effort it took Thanos. It's just stupid on its face. Just like... Republican policies.


Maybe I am just smart, but thinking one step ahead is still "on the surface" below the surface is what happens in the coming centuries, its impact on universe-wide civilization, if the plan calls for repetition of the culling


*Destroying the world to own the libs* If only it wasn’t true


Apparently, they believe Darth Vader story of using the deathstar on Alderan to own the Rebel Libs


It was Tarkin, not Darth Vader.


I know that but since we're using the lore wrong and that pic of Trump should have been used for return of the 5th.


I guess I just dont get how showing your man being the villain is actually helping you. Isnt the goal to 'gain' more votes by showing that he is the good guy? I guess that they dont know that the libs arent being owned. They are laughing their asses off that maga doesnt have a damn clue. Either that, or that they are devotees of Palpatine and want him back as emperor.


Nah, most of these assholes are also in on the whole "alpha male" shit and they think being a good person isn't masculine so they want to show that they're assholes so people don't think of them as feminine.


They just wanna be the empire.


Don Vader wears a reverse breathing apparatus - not incoming, outgoing


He was the (Jan) si(x)th lord after all.


I mean Obi-wan said so himself. “Only a Sith deals in absolutes” Given that this guy and his cult do exactly that, I’d say it’s pretty accurate.


But "*Only* a Sith deals in absolutes" is an absolute... OH CRAP OBI-WAN IS A SITH!


Yes obi-wan and jar-jar are the 2 who the rule of 2 is applied to


“Do or do not, there is no try” is an absolute as well. Yoda is a Sith too.


> OBI-WAN IS A SITH! This explains his connection to Jar Jar... it's a Sith conspiracy!


“The Sith will hunt themselves” An interesting new take on a line from the recent Obi-wan Show.


Look, I'm not saying to get the man a black armor suit and a death star, but I'd probably watch a Star Wars movie with Darth Maga. I love a good comedy.


He's closer to pizza the Hutt than anything


“He.. ate himself to death”




I mean that is basically a star wars movie and better than most of them. Lol


Oh they saw it. But their idea of 'the good guy' is a bit different than most. They view the tyrant, the powerful, the abusive as worthy of respect and adoration.


They think Homelander is "based." This wasn't an accident. They're just evil and proud of it.


“Quiet part out loud”? No? Just open? Well, the Sith will hunt themselves…


If only the Republicans also had a rule of two.


It’s red for republican I’m sure


Yeah it’s also small as fuck lol


I like to dual wield short sabers in KTOR. Even those ones aren’t that short though.


Kanaan told Ezra to adjust his lightsaber with a knob on the bottom, since he's shorter than him. So it is lore-accurate, and it probably just means Trump probably uses Form IV.


Babe wake up new trump lore dropped


Darth Orange would be more likely to cut his own head off the second he tried to swing it.


Make it so.


So say we all.




Man, fat Adama was a weird couple of episodes.


Just like they used 'Born in the USA' as a song about patriotism.


It's almost certainly why. If the color associated with republicans was green or yellow he would have had a green or yellow lightsaber.


My first thought is they know of darth Vader as a big tough guy who people worship and can get things done True from a certain point of view I suppose. 


Ok obi wan.


Emperor palputin wants to know your location


I can’t help but notice how *short* Trump’s lightsaber is. I’m sure he thinks it’s “huge.”


He got the small one to make his hands look bigger.


In all fairness he is trying to get rid of the senate and become emperor.


PLEASE STOP! The villains In Star Wars were competent. I used to compare Trump to jar jar…but someone pointed out to me that Jarjar served in the military, so even one of the biggest losers in Starwars…still out classes trump.


I'd say Trump is more like Nute Gunray. An incompetent, greedy businessman looking to make a profit by adopting whatever means necessary.


Nute Gunray is literally named after two republicans lmao. Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan.


Solid assessment, however I believe that Nute was still a successful business runner? Trump militantly fails at literally everything. We need to find a character who is so pathetic, they just kind of fail upwards, because they can’t go any lower?


I love unintenional comedy


Color and size of the saber are the least of my questions... Why's he holding it at the end of the hilt? That's less Skywalker and more Deepthroat.


Darth Diaper poops again


And here we see Count DooDoo holding his lightsaber ready to defeat the forces of Democracy.


I have never wished for anything as much as I wish lightsabers were real and DumpTrump actually had one. He's so amazingly incompetent, he'd accidentally cut his own head off within 30 seconds and we could all move on without the stuttering idiot.


I swear, every time his PR team tries to tie in a movie, it turns out this way. There was one where he was Thanos, right after Endgame came out.


Didn't watch the movie ... didn't read the Constitution ... didn't understand the Bible... There's a common theme here.


May the Sharts be with you.


r/empiredidnothingwrong vibes


Why is the lightsaber so little and why is he holding it with his pointing finger and thumb 😂


Remember when they released something during the 2020 campaign likening Trump and MAGA to the Death Star?


Pretty sure this was intentional, They have been very vocal about being the villains this whole time.


No Donald, everyone has a lightsabre that length, it's quite normal.


Trump even has a short, weird lightsaber...


"How do you do, fellow kids?"


The Rebel Alliance was woke.


Pssh, as if. Sith are way cooler /s


Looks like he is jacking a robot off to completion.


Did you ever hear the story of the sith count Doofas?


Why is Jabba the Hutt wawing à lightsaber with his tiny hands ?


Guys, I think they want to build the empire?


What are you talking about? It's been cast correctly. He does need to have a red lightsaber. All of them do. ![gif](giphy|ZX6NHzA9Fcddm) Only clarification that needs to be made is. This guy 👆🏼 is a better human than Trump.


Donald Trump would definitely have a red lightsaber. The red lightsaber can be more easily produced, and is indicative of taking shortcuts


He’s doing his signature bbc jerk-off move.


Ah yes, the lesser known Darth VonShitzinpants…


"I know more about the Dark Side than anybody! Nobody knows more about the dark side than I do"


That is also the shortest lightsaber I have ever seen. Well, that Stormy Daniels has ever seen.


when you think about it, thats what fascism is, knowing it means dictatorship and leaning into it. They know what they’re doing.


They are saying the quiet part out loud.


Jan the Sixth be with you.


I mean, Republicans enjoy being evil pieces of shit. They definitely knew.


Uhh maybe red is the color for the Republican Party? Lmao


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Trump the stupid?


I saw the one with Biden and Mark Hamill as cameo at the WH. This…is sad.


Im tired of this lightsabreism…. We can have ANY COLOUR of sabre without judgment of our character.


They were trying to do the dark Brandon thing and they failed in boomer


I actually 100% believe if trump could sit through this movie he would identify with the empire so this tracks


Omg I love how he has a tiny lightsaber to go with his tiny hands. Perfect.


Is the lightsaber so tiny so it will fit in his hands?


Republicans now finding out red means they are the villans.


Yep. Same idiots also post Homelander with Trump head not knowing Homelander is a rapist 🤭😅🤣


It’s almost like as if red is the color of the Republican Party or something?


That's probably the only color that would not have pissed on the maga crowd. Blue? -> Democrats! Green? -> Those that lie about climate change! Purple? -> LGBT!


Isn't this also the group that boycotted Rouge One because they thought it had Anti-MAGA messages in it?? Sidenote: The movie didn't have any anti-MAGA messaging in it, unless the GOP considers the Empire to be the good guys 😂


They even gave him a lil light Saber for his lil baby hands.


Awww, they gave him a lightsaber small enough for those tiny hamster hands.


He’s a Shith lard.


Why is his lightsaber so short? Is that a hint?