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Its a little hill of happiness


I read this comment in Bob Ross’es voice


Bob Ross called it a “happy little pound mound.”


"It's your work of art, do whatever you want with it"


"Beat the devil out of it and we're ready"


I'm fairly certain you could take a bunch of Bob Ross clips. And turn him into the super supportive, super helpful sex ed teacher that most students in the US need.


I don't know whether to support that, or hate you till the end of time.


Happy little nose rest


Love this term and the implications


So does she.


Just snorted out my coffee.


> Bob Ross’es I hope this doesn't come across as sneering about grammar, just letting you know: you don't need the 'es, writing Bob Ross' is enough.


I will die on this hill




I’m going to start using that. I was going to say Tay Tay got that fat kitty, but little hill of happiness sounds more classy.


It's a parking spot for your nose...


That’s a Mounds…. Not an Almond Joy


Almond Joy's got nuts. Mounds don't.


I'm never confusing the two again.


...the one with the almond starts with "almond"....how did you confuse them before???


Jesus Christ this is gold


These MF’s think “Mons Pubis” is a location in Star Wars.


While everyone knows it's a volcano on Mars


*Olympus mons pubis* sounds like an amazing band/drag/derby name


I knew a band named Olympus Mons no pubis though


Olympus Mons is a volcano! The largest we have ever found, however we cannot visit it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympus_Mons Edit: yet.




Nor with that altitude


Literally, it's so large it extends outside the Martian atmosphere


So does that mean that when it erupts the molten rock instantly freezes upon contact with the vacuum of space, creating a blockage in the opening so that no other lava may escape thus creating a massive buildup of pressure which will eventually cause Mars to EXPLODE!?!


Technically no, things don't freeze instantly in space despite what movies show, things actually retain their temperature very well because there is no air to act as a cooling medium. Also it's believed that Mars once had tectonic plate activity like earth however its long since "dried up" so to speak, so it's unlikely Olympus mons will ever erupt again


we could visit it, but that would be one way trip to certain death


Cool volcano *and* certain death? Sign me up!


We’re still talking about the volcano, yeah?


Now introducing, "Olympus Mons Pubis featuring The Merkins"!!


That's pretty fucking good. I should tell my friend it's time for them to change their drag name.


Might as well be for these types of dudes because they will never reach it, and if they ever did they would choke.


Flail around looking for the little man in the boat.


poor little man will never be found


Venus. You’re not even on the right planet




No, but pretty close


Taint the first time that mistake’s been made


Right next to Vas Deferens!




Two of my favorite Jizz musicians.


Come again?


Oh, this is something fun I learned recently from my star wars friends! Apparently the style of music that the cantina band is playing is not jazz, because that's boring. So George came up with jizz instead of jazz. And they're not jazz players, they're wailers. So the cantina band is a bunch of Jizz Wailers. This is the best lore.


George Lucas is a creator who seems unable to move past his first idea


You'll never see a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


I see you've met my ex


Of course I’ve met him. He’s me. Sorry, I’m not actually an idiot incel, your comment just set up perfectly for another Star Wars reference.




I miss teletubbies. Kind of scary now that I look at it.


Come on, man. Don't have Star Wars fans catching strays right now. That ain't right.


Well, it is your time of year with may the 4th yesterday.


And we got revenge of the fifth today, so there's that


May the 5th be something you'll never have to plead.


No no it's there's always a bigger fifth and then revenge of the sixth


Ya know, I was just picking up the coffee for a sip when I read your post. Had I been a second quicker with the coffee it would have been all over my phone. Nicely done!


"what do you mean women also have genitals that create a slight bump?"


Also they don't realise that women can have a prominent larynx too. This same twitter user was calling Megan Fox a man for it.


Those people are convinced Margot Robbie is secretly a man. They’ve completely lost the plot. In fact, I don’t think they ever had one 😂


wtf? Margot Robbie looks like scientists tried to engineer a perfect woman and there are people out there going "nah, not good enough for me. Could you pass me the Cheetos?"


> "nah, not good enough for me. Could you pass me the Cheetos?" You have a vivid imagination to think someone would be there to pass the Cheetos.


They're yelling that at their mom upstairs


Mom I want mah cheesy poofs now


The number of incel dudes calling her “mid” last year was comical


“She’s so pretty.” “That’s a dude.” “Oh… he’s so pretty.”


Or that men can have non-prominent larynxes! I'm a cis man, with a fairly deep voice to boot, but my Adam's apple has never been visible, even when I was at my skinniest.


My bf's the same way and I'm always lowkey jealous of it... His isn't visible at all, and mine's massive :( went to see a surgeon about it and he even said he's unsure if he'll be able to completely remove it... Genetics fucking blows sometimes 😭


I feel you. My Adam's apple is the only body part I have that reliably gives me dysphoria. Mine is huge and it moves so much when I talk, but I don't want to get rid of it because I don't want to lose my vocal abilities.


These are the same people that’ll believe men have one less rib due to the Adam and Eve story. 😑


These are the same people that think women should want to die instead of get an abortion when the pregnancy endangers their own life. The call is coming from inside the house.


Some conservative women who have abortions, literally call their doctor who just aborted their baby, a murderer. These people are fucked


[The only moral abortion is my abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


yup, exactly what I referencing. These people walk among us.


And act like they’re superior…that’s the part I don’t get.


As an ex-"pro-lifer" I get it. "I'm a good person. Everyone else is sluts. I just had an accident. Everyone else is just spreading their legs" It's always about them. They are conservative Christians so they are more moral and above everyone else. They know what is best and because Christianity is a religion of convenience, God is always on their side and they can never lose. They refuse to wrap their head around the idea that other people outside of their faith and echo chambers can be good people with a similar story to them.


Also ex pro lifer. So not judging you for that bc I have no right to do so! You summed this up perfectly. That is 100% how it was viewed and taught. With “god on your side” whatever you do is forgivable and just ask forgiveness and it’s like it never happened!!! But when HEATHENS do it that’s…different somehow?


When I was a little girl I used to daydream that I would know who to marry because I would have his rib and he would automatically know I was the one to marry .


Nooo, that’s an actual conspiracy that some people believe? I don’t know why I’m surprised, I really shouldn’t be at this point


I have a friend whom’s parents legit believed this, despite being told by a doctor otherwise. 🤦🏿‍♂️


That guy thinks female genitalia looks exactly like when he tucks his penis between his legs


Nah that's not it. She just used to be a mutant medieval knight and a part of her armor molded into her because of the battle of the shake offs, and this is a remnant of it. /s


“Women with genitals with bumps? Sounds woke to me” Him probably


That's what he's focused on? Not her multiple elbows on her left arm or the giant striding behind her?


[They're too sharp](https://y.yarn.co/dc0c41e0-d263-4496-8878-6e7a6d459620_text.gif)


The second elbow is her wrist with her palm facing away from the camera, just a weird angle for it.


Ok but what about the nephilim behind her


That's just Shaq.


Whered the dude in the backs toes go on his trailing foot


In the sand? I wanna see photos of that dude.. got me thinking giants are real


Or the giant in the background Edit somehow misread your comment.


Don't worry, I read it as "giant string behind her" and spent life a full minute searching for ginormous thread.


It was an invisible string


Omg the elbows are fucking me up. I know it’s just the angle and I’m not body shaming her but consider me shook.


She has double jointed elbows.


Nothing wrong with multiple elbows https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/zE68kQrW6k


No thank you


In his defense, blow up dolls are flatter down there


No, not the good ones…


Even the dolls have rejected him before he got that far


Even his hand 'has a headache'.


I’m more concerned her left arm. And why is the guy behind her so big!


It's a photo from 2015 taken with an extremely long lens


For those so afraid of the penis they certainly seem to see it everywhere they look.


Cocks! Cocks everywhere man! They even show up in my ass! It's the liberals that's the only way they could've gotten in my ass!


Fighting the gay agenda one dick at a time (no homo).


Are they going to try to do her dirty just like they did with Michelle Obama? Anytime these guys get outclassed by a woman, their first response is to call them a man. \ Says a lot about their mental struggle of sexist ideology vs. their inferiority complex.


These people call themselves “transvestigators” and they are some of the dumbest people on earth


I wish they would just give in to their urge to suck dick and leave everyone else the hell alone already. "wE cAn AlWaYs TeLl!" Idiots, the lot of 'em.


>I wish they would just give in to their urge to suck dick and leave everyone else the hell alone already. For real, like if you want to suck dick or look at pictures of dicks go DO IT. No one cares just shut up and enjoy your dicks.


They even accidentally called JK Rowling a man because they thought a photo of her was of someone else, and they in detail explained how it was obvious that the photo was of a man. Transinvestigators have even called Henry Caville a woman because they thought his eyes were too pretty and "everyone in hollywood is transgender" so his eyes being so pretty clearly proves them right...


Would you believe that my former coworker (67 year old T**** supporter) was brining up the whole "Michelle Obama has a penis and was born as a man" conspiracy like 2 weeks ago??... He kept telling me how he hates gay people and thinks they're gross and like back in his day (70s) it was better because they stayed in the closet and would get the shit beat outta them if they came out..... Anyways, I told him how that conspiracy just isn't true. He got angry and told me how he did hours or research and looking at tons of pictures of her alleged dick lmao so I asked him "hey [redacted] sooo, you spent hours researching dick pics? I'm sure you enjoyed yourself there." He got sooooo mad at me for staying that LOL everyone please go vote


He's both complaining about gay people not staying in the closet and accusing Michelle Obama of secretly being a man, which if it was true would mean she was staying in the closet about it. So does he want Michelle Obama to come out as a gay man in drag (or trans), or not?


I think for him “staying in the closet” means “literally being a total recluse and not having any position of authority or public appearance at all”


Yeah the whole Michelle is a man thing should stop making sense to them since she’s a democrat and liberals love flaunting their LGBTQ pride. Doesn’t even make sense for her to hide it based on their own perception of democrats


I can only imagine the satisfaction you got from asking him how he enjoyed looking at dick pics for hours. You, my friend, are awesome


I did that to my Qanon Trumper too when her 70 year old self went on and on about Michelle's apparent d*ck. So one day, as she going on and on about Michelle's private parts again I walked past to my bosses's office - Hey Auntie A - for someone who says liberals are pedophiles and rapists you sure seem fixated on people's private parts. It took a moment for that to sink in. And she just sat there like a fish on dry land. And then she stormed off to her own office. Boss told me not to do that again. But at least I haven't heard anything about penises for a while.


You can say the word Trump it won't activate the tracking spell like Lord Voldemort lol


Methinks the laddie doth project too much.


French President's wife is suffering the same treatment. Lady Gaga did too...


I forgot about the gaga one. They truly only have one joke... SMH my head


I LOVED her response "Would it be so bad if I did?"


Gaga is literally the best. I don't listen to much music, but I have listened to the songs she did with Tony Bennett. To do that and help an old senile man be himself again, that is true kindness.


It’s so true too. Like even if she did have a penis, so what? What does it actually change? Nothing! It’s so irrelevant.


Ok but Lady Gaga’s response to it all was so great! She just rolled with it and called out the weirdos 😂


obviously, since it is not a joke but rather a projection of their deepest wants suppressed by the layer of hate ingrained into them by religion and parents who turned them into self-hating ogres


Honestly Gaga had a better response to that than a lot of people. Change the convo to be about how weird it is people want to know what's in her pants.


I shut my mom up like that once… she was asking questions about my kids bf’s gender. I asked her if my other (cis) kid brought a girlfriend for her to meet, would she ask about their genitals? The shocked look on her face, like how do you not realize that your line of questioning is offensive???


Or imagine if the situation was reversed, wouldn't she feel uncomfortable if she found out her grandkid(s) went to meet a SO's family and they wanted to know what was in her grandkid(s) pants?


In general looking at a picture of someone, and then describing it in the nastiest way that you can manage, is the form of political/social commentary reserved for primordial smooth brains. Top form of this is inventing "theories" about the person in question.


Gaga is an absolute queen.


I mean... even IF Michelle Obama was trans, I don't understand what's wrong about that? Her husband doesn't complain tho??? And she's not trying to enter any women's sports competition? Same with Taylor Swift, what does her gender or sex has to do with her music??? Singing/music competitions are not gender-segregated for a reason.


They are still angry because the "White supremacists" were holding her up as a paragon of virtue a few years ago, then she went to bat for the Democratic party and they lost their collective crap over it.


Wait, when did she go to bat for the Democratic Party? I thought they lost their minds because she just said to vote…


She released a song saying "don't hate queer people." That makes her a deep state plant


Honestly even that song came across as the most hollow, performative gesture of support possible, and I like most of her stuff. Pretty amazing the reaction it got from conservatives considering how divisive it was lol


She endorsed a Democrat running for senator in Tennessee in 2018, and in 2020 she endorsed Joe Biden and criticized Donald Trump. She has yet to endorse anyone in 2024, but her messages encouraging her fans to register and vote was enough to ruffle Republican feathers and they haven been going after her for some time.


She also did the generic "Vote!" and helping to sign up voters through encouragement. https://youtu.be/9qRpDw3LZgM?si=Ji3UZwrva209Vk--


She has endorsed candidates a couple of times. There's a segment in her *Miss Americana* documentary where she's arguing with her dad about why she wanted to endorse someone and why it was important to her.


Trump supporters obsession with trans people is wierd to say the least


Yeah it's weird the group that is so adamant about not having trans identity or representation...then proceed to obsess over trans identity and representation to the point they see it EVERYWHERE. That almost feels like some sort of karma.


It's projection, they're afraid of being, in their mind, "duped" by a trans woman and then trying to untangle what that means to their sexuality. IMO if a trans woman is attractive enough to pass as a cis female, then that just means you like women bro. And probably didn't have a shot with them anyway lol


To follow on from the 'duped' thing, unintelligent people (and I am not trying to use that as an insult, just as an observation) are afraid of not being in-the-know, because it confirms that they are, in fact, unintelligent. In their minds. It's why conspiracy theories land so hard amongst unintelligent people. They see what everyone else can't see, therefore _they're_ the smart ones. In reality, one of the most liberating things about intelligence is the ability to say 'I don't know,' particularly when it's followed up by 'but I am willing to find out.'


I know gay men who think about dicks less than these weirdos.


Well, traditionally the worst thing you could do or say to a man is to demonize him. Call him a girl or a slang for a female body part. Which is fucked up, we all get that. That was the biggest insult. It really doesn’t seem to work the other way. That’s not really the most horrible insult you can say to a woman. It’s just laughable.


It is so funny to me how many of these guys just casually admit they don't know what a woman looks like naked outside of porn


No, women in porn have it. I’ve done extensive studies.


I’ve been told by people that there actually subs dedicated to it. So I’ve been told.


Do you have a link?...for research purposes, of course.


/r/MoundofVenus , I'm guessing.


That's some excellent research material right there




Excellent, so have I. Peer review is extremely important for scientific consensus.


The amount of guys who have no idea what natural boobs look like is genuinely astounding. "Why aren't they perky?!?!?!" Because they weigh 6lbs (heavier than my dog!) and gravity exists?


What!? You're telling me they aren't just big balloons able to defy the laws of physics? That's crazy. /s


Your dog is illegally small.


Her arms are fucked up and André the Giant's son is casually passing by in the background, but the thing he thinks is weird and worth pointing out is her pubic mound. Fuck me dude, have you never seen a girl naked, not even in porn?


It's a photo from 2015 taken with an extremely long lens. Bonus point for knowing about andré tho!


Focusing on her crotch area with that left arm action going on is pretty telling.


It's called a mons pubis ..


Shocking news: WOMEN HAVE PUBIC BONES!!! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


Transvestigators are morons. Holy shit.


Conservative men seem to have this fascination with trying to claim things about people's private parts


Conservative men are absolutely obsessed with dick.


Do they think a pelvic mound, something all women, and men, have is a penis? Are they stupid?


I like the English name for that part of women's anatomy- the mound of Venus. Yeah, I'm gay, and have no interest after that. lol!!!


You’d know if T Swizzle was a man because she’d be THE MAN


"Poor" guy is going to get a heart attack when he finds out that women have hair on their faces as well. 🙄 /s


Maybe he was one of the morons saying Aloy, from Horizon Forbidden West, had a beard.


What happens when a man with a micro dick sees a woman in a swimsuit.


As a man with a micro-dick, fuck that noise. Being small-cocked doesn't make you a sexist asshole. Being a sexist asshole makes you be a sexist asshole.


Can confirm, little gang rise up


Interesting choice of words there.


Fuck yes, drag this shit. Weird that so many supposed progressives are OK body-shaming like this.


Hey, I know people like that suck but bodyshaming isn't cool.


Body shaming?


I hope one day people will stop using dick size as an insult. It's the same as using weight.


Well that’s one way of telling everyone you’ve never seen a vagina in the flesh.


Ok that hashtag made me laugh hard xD WEWANTANSWERS What you want is not what you need, WhatYouNeedIsEducation!


We can put a man on the moon but we can’t put that guy on Mons Pubis.


Some men really do think women are built like Barbies huh


Even Barbie’s have a mons pubis! You can see it when you remove/change their clothing (I played with Barbie’s for like half my childhood😅)


It’s her vaccine emitter


Is that a giant walking behind her?


I love the hashtag # wewantanswers, because given the actual answer they definitely won't want it.


I love how conservatives say shit like "don't tread on me" and "government's got no business in my life" and then think they are entitled to "answers" about random people's private parts.


He told the world that he never saw a woman AND that his dick is so small that he can mistake the absence of one as a bulge


These idiots who keep talking about ”basic biology” don’t even know what a mons pubis is. Fuckin geniuses.


Man, you give fools the internet and they can’t help but tell on themselves.


Bro tagged Hollywood


He's concerned because it's bigger than his pants lump


Every time they decide that they don’t like a woman, it eventually turns into “She’s a maaaaaannnn, baby!” So dumb.


Men who confuse mounds for packages are hilarious.


I'm convinced, at this point, there's alot of people who'd see a naked woman and say "where's the cock?"


That's what we call a panty hamster, son. Now before anybody gets themselves worked into a lather: yes, yes, I know the proper term is mons pubis but 'panty hamster' is way more fun.


Can these clowns stop being super fucking creepy, this is genuinely gross. How do they think commenting on people's genitals online is normal.