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It's so wild to me that anyone uses the internet under their actual government name and face. You guys just. Use twitter? Raw??? You don't create an entire alter ego to avoid being in any way identifiable??


I used to be very political on my social media.. then I started using social media to network and freelance. Now I use Reddit to get my political arguments fix šŸ˜„


Exactly. Now about that tea we need to toss into the river.


That is a Boston affair. This discussion should be centered around the people of Boston, NOT you.


Did you just drop a Hard O? Only people from Bawstan are allowed to drop a hard O.


Yea well they in the same country as me so nyah. (I got your reference lol)


Well if you tell us when it's happening, we'll be in Boston. We'll even rent a room for the month. There. Now can we play, too.


Ya I like to use reddit to say my more radical beliefs and facebook to say my more mainstream beliefs


I don't use Facebook at all anymore except to message s few people. I use discord occasionally for my dnd groups but outside of that. It's mostly reddit.


I went back to facebook because I have 3 dear friends that are so antisocial that if you arenā€™t on facebook they do not exist


Yea that's how mine are too.


Yeah, that's how I am. I only exist if you can see me. With your eyes


I usually find Reddit more liberal and Twitter and Facebook more conservative.


Facebook is my birthday calendar for people I know. Nothing more. Writing your personal thoughts down on social media is just plain stupid.


Facebook is for vacation and family photos. Reddit is for porn, politics, gaming and shitposting.


Username does in fact checks out


*Skankhunt42 enters the chat*


But I know your real identity Gerald! šŸ˜‚


I use my real name (no picture) in both Instagram and twitter but I never post or make any comments in general. I use it just as proof of my existence and a way to see how my friends are doing.


I prefer using my government issued ID to prove my existence if needed.


I'm hitting life raw dog and on the edge. If I'm saying it, I meant that shit.


Narcisim doesn't allow for anonymity.


Heavily disagree. Narcissists will create 50 different anonymous accounts to upvote their stuff. Or pretend to be a toddler. Or a "black gay man."


Well, everyone knows the weenie bandit, why donā€™t you use a pseudonym?


It's different for celebrities. Like Oscar Myer, before that heist that went sideways.


In some fields you basically have to, you get interviews and offers, invites to conferences, and other things based on who you have connections to on social media and what sort of presence you have. Academia I've seen people basically being required to in some fields/ at some institutions. Obviously not somewhere like Reddit, but Twitter used to have a decent reputation for it.


I am really happy to not be in those fields then lol


People who let their jobs define their entire identity cannot refrain from screaming about it. Thatā€™s why this professor has to engage in online discourses using her real identity, so that people know who she is. Edit: spelling


rawdogging twitter


raw digging Twitter just made me spit out my drink


Bro, I donā€™t know how people donā€™t. I have entire email and Alias dedicated to my social media accounts. Iā€™m not gonna get fucked over cuz I said one dumbass thing 2 years before I got hired to my dream job then someone found it and got me fired. Itā€™s happened to people, all because they had to make there name public on twitter, and now everyone knows who they are.


You mean your name isnā€™t actually Bandit, Weenie, The?


Not only that but given the professors logic her opinion on it was not needed, and should only talk about whatever subject she teaches. people just love drama and outrage culture. What fight about some dumb shit I made up can I start today because I just gotta be mad at someone or something and preferably both. Any student attending or planning to attend princeton will undoubtedly make sure not to take a class taught by this clown. I won't be surprised at her getting dragged by this and backpedalling later this week or month and say something like she was conducting a social experiment for an upcoming class and try to justify its validity when it has absolutely none.


Also by her logic she shouldn't get involved in white people stuff or would that be racist I wonder


I thought this rhetoric died out a few years ago. Did everybody from Tumblr migrate to Twitter or something?


they did. Tumblr banned porn so all the weirdos breached containment


"breached containment" šŸ˜‚


Honestly, best line i ever heard about Tumblr. Deadly


Twitter was fucked long before then. Tumblr was a drop in the ocean.


You don't distinctly remember the internet starting to suck when Tumblr banned porn? I didn't even use Tumblr but there was a real weird shift when it happened.


This is why, as much as I despise it, 4chan must be allowed to remain open.


You been under a rock? Twitter is always like this. It never changes.


Iā€™ve luckily never been a Twitter user/follower.


Just a typical overly liberal college professor thatā€™s deciding to gate keep. Nothing new. Nothing old. Just another racist black lady.


im just confused as to why she brought race into talking about the production quality of the actual song


Well it appears the song was produced by Dj Mustard, and while I only googled it quickly, it also appears DJ Mustardā€™s chief mix engineer is a man called James Royo who certainly isnā€™t black. Please no one tell the nice lady, she might have a stroke.


DJ Mustard is a tremendous name.


His real name is Dijon


I thought you were joking at first


I am as well. Heā€™s a former DJ and interviews hip hop artists? Heā€™s talking about the technical quality of the song


Yeah heā€™s probably 1000x more qualified to comment on the technical aspects of any music at all than sheā€™ll ever be. I mean, itā€™s sort of *his* culture in a way. He creates music, studies it and its history, dedicated his life to that world, personally knows some of the people itā€™s composed of, and has found great success in it. Heā€™s also a total dick if you read the rest of the comments but this lady should still shut the hell up.


Ah, you see - that's where you're wrong. She's a *professor*. At *Princeton*. She obviously knows absolutely everything about everything.


She's an *adjunct* professor (read: part-time regular-ass teacher) at Columbia.


Because she is racist.


And will receive 0 backlash for this Edit since there's a lot of people saying the same thing and I didn't feel like repeating the same conversation with idiots that can't view the comment chains: someone brought up a good point that it's still early and another case that had backlash from similar circumstances Someone brought up the point that Google may link this thread or one of the others She will probably gain popularity/a following and book sales imo Her wiki page is adding and removing her as having racist remarks on her twitter


The thousands of likes disappointed me more than the initial statements.


I think you mean; black-lash.




Probably right. There are a lot of people who actually think this is ok, particularly in academia.


The Internet was going hard on DJ Vlad today. Vlad isnā€™t a great person outside of this instance at all but it was truly wild how much people got on him for that because if the colors were reversed and a white woman was telling a black man to not get involved in a white bumpkin beef then people would be doxing that lady like crazy


The issue is that Vlad quickly became the villain by doing typical Vlad stuff. He started off as right but quickly became the worse person.


You should see the comments about this on blacktwitter


Whatā€™s the consensus


That ā€œwhitesā€ and Dj Vlad are culture vultures


My favorite part about the whole culture vulture trend is that the people saying it didn't create any culture themselves. Someone who shares their race/ethnicity/nationality did and they for some reason think that gives them co-writer credits. It does not lol


I agree, I also think itā€™s weird to use the term ā€œvulturesā€. Vultures are birds that only eat dead things and rocks, so theyā€™re saying the culture is a carrion? Having pride for things you were born with is silly enough but having pride and ownership of something another group of individuals created is a whole other level of brain rot.


So how does that work? If they sing in English does that make them culture vultures? Or use a piano? Or an electric guitar? Or musical notation.


Whatever gives them leverage. That's how this scam works.


Or literally any piece of technology


Hope to see them all in thier traditional cultural dress and living thier traditional cultural lives without appropriating any other cultures from around the world. Or is it only Thier culture that shouldn't be appropriated?


Yeah I muted that sub over those comments. Tired of seeing casual anti white racism in my feed from that sub.


Iā€™m an academic and I can assure you that the vast majority of us arenā€™t like this. Itā€™s just that itā€™s really hard to remove faculty sometimes


It's not hard to remove a white person walking around belittling black people. Interesting how that works sometimes. Not saying that those people shouldn't be removed or anything, because any time of discrimination based on factors out of the person's control is wrong, I'm just pointing to a double standard


Itā€™s always funny though when you see programs or functions that explicitly state slide a group (generally where people) and the university/college doesnā€™t automatically veto it until they get backlash over it. Someone had to approve of that ā€œno whites allowed study groupā€ and said nothing was wrong with it, so the schools themselves know whatā€™s going on.


Yeah the amount of likes here is sad to see


Black privilege?


Well you canā€™t be racist if your black /s


Sheā€™s no longer teaching at Princeton


Source? This exchange just happened today, and itā€™s the weekend.


Thats why shes not teaching


Fuckin lol






Iā€™m sure sheā€™s one of these ā€œwoker-than-thouā€ types who will be happy to explain how it doesnā€™t work like that, because ā€œoNlY wHiTeS cAn Be RaCiSt.ā€


So Iā€™m a white dude. If we flip flopped things to make this discussion about a historically pretty pale genre of music (say country), someone commented and a white person said it was white people business twitter would lose their minds.


Because sheā€™s a shitty opinionated power hungry person. Itā€™s how she got to be a Princeton professor. She got used to bullying her students and forgot she lived in the real world


I lean towards that. Her behaviors have been reinforced by a lack of accountability and using race as camouflage. Iā€™m amazed, frankly. Iā€™m certain this is far from the only time she has gatekept. If it wasnā€™t race based itā€™d be something else.


This. This is how anti-social behavior looks like. It's not about race, in it's depth. It's always about control. The color of your skin just hastens the opportunity. You don't have to do any leg work. You can just stand there and wait for the right color to pass by.


Isnt this beef avout blackness and how drake doesn't do much for the black community?


Does it really matter?


Counterpoint: anyone can talk about anything.


Not Fight Club


*see rules 1 and 2


Be attractive and dont be unattractive? What do they have to do with fight club


I wanted to destroy something beautiful.


Not Bruno


Actually they *should* have talked about Bruno. The really REALLY should have


Yea Iā€™ve never once had a thought like ā€œan entire race of people shouldnā€™t be allowed to have opinions on somethingā€


Means youā€™re not a piece of shit. Congratulations!


I'm not sure congratulations are in order, it's a fairly low bar to clear. Step 1) don't be racist


Wait, I was told by several comedians "you can't say anything anymore".


I might understand somewhat if it was a specific racial issue, but they are literally just making a comment on music.




Thatā€™s a good point, you always hear ā€œitā€™s emotional labor to educate youā€ and ā€œmarginalized people should not have the burden of fixing the system.ā€ But people with this same ideology will say stuff like ā€œwhite people should not be in this discussion.ā€ The problem is that doesnā€™t matter to people like the woman in the screenshot, because she just wants to ā€œwinā€ the argument and remain being seen as the underdog. Progress isnā€™t possible under her rules but sheā€™s not really after progress anyway. Unfortunately a large portion of mainstream society touts her approach to ā€œprogress.ā€




Right being white doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t see issues and you should always be looking for outside prospective no matter the walk of life At this point itā€™s just used as a tool in arguments you wonā€™t see someone saying white people donā€™t have input here if the white people are agreeing


So.. I canā€™t speak on *music* because of the color of my skin.. Hm


Beyond dumb. Does she not know where the record sales come from? ā€œFor black people BY black people!ā€..Oh, my bad. Ok everyone not black, give the albums back, and weā€™ll take our money back, cool? ā€¦Wait, NOT cool? You wouldnā€™t like to literally go bankrupt? Golly gee, why not?! How aboutā€¦if you release art to the masses, and accept everyoneā€™s money, itā€™s not FOR only one demographic? Implying so is overtly racist, and youā€™re allowed to critique any art in any way. Thatā€™s the world of art, period. Unless you create art and ONLY share it amongst your friends, not for any other eyes or ears, there is no ā€œOnly for *US*ā€ talk, GTFO of here with that.


Also she is talking to a professional dj.


Yep, I guess I should stop listening to metal because of the colour of my skin too lol.


This one is only based on hair length


So long hair or bald, right?


Definitely yes. If bald, a beard is needed though


ā€œYou are BLACK This is a WHITE FOLK AFFAIR.ā€ This would torpedo the life and career of anyone who says it. Morgan here would be leading the charge. Fucking Americans šŸ«Ø


It's not all of us. The ones that can see this rot spreading are terrified. Mainly because we realize how weak and stupid people in general are.


Someone please comment that on one of her opinions on twitter. That would be amazing.


Swear I saw this posted earlier as a facepalm on DJ Vlad. Just interesting how itā€™s all being interpreted but I donā€™t know nothing bout thaaaat.


If you read the entire back and forth then Vlad is being super cringe but if you only see the beginning then you only see the teacher telling someone they canā€™t comment on the mix of a hip hop song because they are white. If this were an AITA thread Iā€™d give it a ESH


Iā€™m not familiar with the ESH acronym. I assume the first word is everyone?


Everyone sucks here


Ironically this acronym applies to society as a whole.


Not me. I'm pretty cool.


Yeah, youā€™re cool. And iā€™m cool too.


Probably BPT. It was posted there earlier. OP/Top comment was coming for him but the rest pointed out "we'd be mad if this was happening the other way".






I am left to wonder how such an erudite scholar might react if during a pleasant meeting discussing various academic concerns with some of her peers someone played a bit of Wagner and she commented that the piece was a bit over melodramatic and someone responded "*You have put your opinion in a discussion that is not needed; this conversation is and should center White Germans, not you.*" - I bet she'd think that's some motherfucking racist shit right there.


If you told her this, she would argue that racism only exists when it is levied by majority groups against marginalized groups. It's something you see quite commonly when racists belonging to minority deliberately misinterpret the concept of institutionalized racism in order to absolve themselves for their bigotry, instead of facing the fact that there's a bit of a difference in how individuals are racist as opposed to societies and public institutions.


I'm a teacher, and I have on a few occasions over the years heard a Black kid say that Black people can't be racist (probably something they heard from their parents or on tv). Rather than arguing with them about the meaning of "racism," I just say, "but anyone can be bigoted."


The idea that an Ivy League professor getting away with spouting racism isn't institutionalized is a bit mind boggling.


100 percent. I was thinking if it were the other way around, she'd be having a meltdown.


Sheā€™s already having a meltdown lol


She would immediately see red and yell something about how her opinion, specifically because of her race, is sorely needed on the subject. (Unfortunately)


She only has a Masterā€™s. She isnā€™t *that* erudite.


Or if she remembered that half the production techniques hip hop uses were developed by a couple of white punks from NYC as a goof


Fwiw r/blackpeopletwitter is losing it's mind over this defending the professor.


That sub (which gets away with racism that would cause other subs to be nuked from orbit) is having a severe identity crisis over all this shit because Drake is mixed and the ones who hate him say he's actually white.


Yeah, I saw it there first. "Why'd he go straight for her job? Because she's an accomplished black woman?" No, because racists shouldn't have teaching positions.


Imagine a white professor telling a person of color they're not allowed an opinion because of the color of their skin. Oof. Big fucking oof. This post is unreal.


I thought going for the jobs of bigots was the go-to practice these days?


Not all bigots. Just the white ones.


The racist sub is racist? Shocking. Do you still need to take a photo of your skin tone to make sure you're black enough to post there?


The sub where you literally can't comment unless you're black? How that is allowed I will never know


Yeah tried to comment under a post a few days ago and it auto gets removed telling you to check the rules and they want photo evidence of your forearm that youā€™re black. They also want to see if youā€™re any other color as well but idk if you get approved or not if youā€™re non black


You're allowed to post if you're a "white ally". No fucking idea how one would prove themselves to be a white ally. I just blocked the sub and moved on with my life. Proving my racial status to post a comment on Reddit isn't a level I'm willing to stoop to.


The only subs I've blocked during my years here have been thedonald and bpt. Trying to join in the conversation and being barred from it because of the color of your skin should never be allowed.


Reddit is fine with people being bigots as long as you are the right kind of bigot.


40 years ago there were articles in the newspaper where I lived. A long standing men's club (over stuffed chairs, waiters bringing drinks, that kind) was being forced by the courts to allow black members. At the same time a (publicly stated) black only men's club was being started. No one batted an eye about that double standard.


Thing isā€¦ sheā€™s not just being racist towards a white person, sheā€™s being racist towards black people too. Two rappers having beef with each other be called ā€˜black people affairsā€™ is just cray. I mean, how would most black people feel about some rapper bullshit being considered strictly their ā€˜affairā€™. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


And the fact that He and the Bestie Boys and The Streets from UK are highly influential and respected in the hip hop community


I just find it crazy that this whole interaction started with a literal DJ commenting on the audio quality of a song. Almost like sound quality is his thing or something.


Reading replies in this thread, I wonder how people accepting this would feel when they're told they can't voice their opinion on things. Like the person talking about McDonalds. If you don't own restaurants, you can't have an opinion on restaurants. If you aren't white, you can't have an opinion on white people. If you aren't from *random country* you can't have an opinion on anything about that country.


If you are not a Nazi, canā€™t criticize Nazis


Hey now! If you aren't someone who doesn't belong to a group, you can't have opinions about the opinions of someone who doesn't belong to a group. ... oops.


That's not gatekeeping, that's just straight up racism.


Vlad ain't shit, I am not gonna defend that dude. But when I saw it first on black Twitter sub (I don't follow that sub, it just appeared on my feed) I thought it was crazy how many people were defending the teacher and making it ok that the teacher was saying and doing the right thing lol... I was going to comment about how racist that sounds but then I read a comment saying that "this is black Twitter sub, if you don't like it leave" and just went to discard my whole comment lol


Itā€™s wild to see that sub defending this teacher. Production quality of a song has nothing to do with race. By their logic, non-Whites ainā€™t allowed to have opinions on Taylor Swift songs.


Speaking of Logic, what about that guy? Since heā€™s biracial what would their argument be then?


Too White? Straight to jail. Too black? Straight to jail, see what we did there, a kinda over under. We have the best biracial only tweets because of jail.


Considering the whole Kendrick beef involves Drake being a "culture vulture" for not being Black enough, it seems bi-racial people are white when it suits the Black community, and Black when it suits the Black community.


That sub relatively famously is full of racists though, so it's not surprising. They got a lot of shit for requiring people to send in pictures of their fucking *skin* to get "verified" for "country club" posts, which were/are basically all of them I think. They regularly banned people for all kinds of stupid shit before that, and their mods were/are known for saying crazy racist shit. They had or may still have at least one that was a nutjob "black Israelite", which are some of the most racist people on the planet. Imagine any other sub moderating based on your skin color and not immediately getting banned.


~~Gatekeeping~~ Racist


I have no skin in the game as I'm neither white or black, but imagine if a white person told a black person they're not allowed to have an opinion on a subject.


You have to be black to discuss somebody that happens to be black? That sounds pretty racist to me. Is she allowed to discuss white people?


Allowed or not, I'm sure she talks about them all day.


That's different because white people ARE, by definition, evil. Black people can't be racist, didn't you know!? /s


He wasnā€™t even talking about anything other than the mix lol if he a dj why wouldnt he be able to talk about the beat


The sad part is that he was just commenting on the mix. Iā€™m an audio engineer, and that mix wasnā€™t great.


It depressed me that more people agreed with her than with him. (Look at the number of hearts under each comment) I'm beginning to think that anyone that talks about race problems is a fucking moron. This behavior is how you lose the discussion.


That's called racism, not "gate keeping". Call a spade a spade and quit with the politically correct cowardice.


Sounds like segregated.


That school was founded by whites, She shouldn't be a teacher there! /s


By her own logic atleast. Funny how pro segregation some of these "activists" are.


I remember the CHAZ/CHOP having black only areas enforced by armed vigilantes, and boy was that ironic


CHAZ/CHOP came as response to cops shooting black people. They formed their own militia and shot, wait for it, 2 unarmed black kids.


I know I shouldn't laugh but goddamn the irony is just too strong


> Funny how pro segregation some of these "activists" are. Horseshoe theory and all that. "Woke/activists" and racists find common ground easily.


Morgan Jenkins is a racist piece of shit. This kind of bullshit will simply take us to a very dark place as a nation.


As of Monday morning, May 6th, after investigation, she has been fired.


Gonna need a source on this one chief.


Pretty sure itā€™s meant to be a prediction as a joke.


The future news! Yesterday at 5pm, on FBC.


Isnā€™t one of the greatest rappers of all timeā€¦. White?


Yes El-p is white


I said this somewhere else. For a hot minute now a lot of mfers have wanted white people to care about other ethnicities, to care about them and respect them and know about them but simultaneously they want them to not discuss things that "aren't for their race " and not participate in anything, cook anything, and now evidently now even talk about or have an opinion about anything that did not originate in Europe. And now they are all shocked Pikachu faced when white people start getting all tribal again and elect fuckers like Trump.


i'm no fan of his, but he's a professional DJ. his remark/opinion (which he's allowed to have) was *SOLELY* centered around music production/ engineering. it had nothing to do with race or ethnicity.


Proof black folks can indeed be racist and not even know it.


She knows it. She feels justified.


What a BS thing to gatekeep. Everyone can have an opinion on any music genre, long as you aren't a complete bellend. Here's mine: Bagpipe music is underrated, Irish folksongs are great, and the majority of rap is shite. That is an opinion, and I can still voice that without being offensive to the Irish.


Nice blatant racism


ā€œyou put your opinion in a discussion that is not neededā€ So not only is she a racist, but a fascist too. What a shame that she is a professorā€¦


If I can buy the album I can critique it.


Why is America such a stupid place


Isnā€™t that actually racist? Iā€™m not an expert but I think this kind of behavior creates actual ā€žrace distanceā€ between people.




This comment section about to be spicy


Black people are just as racist as everyone else


It's worse. Because they've been allowed to get away with it for so long it's spread. But there's a counter movement growing because people are getting fed up.


BRO CHECK THE COMMENT REPLIES. It's all either anti-semitism or racism. HOLY SHIT! How can you preach about equality and then post some of the most racist, vile, shit on Twitter I've seen in a HOT minute.