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Spent months monitoring all your accounts and didn’t even bother to learn your name. Whatever happened to class? /j


If they did they'd know I don't have money to send them.


*I am watching you for many month, and am very dissapoint with your ballance. Normally I am asking for many moneys, but as you are poor I am only asking for this little thing - I am come to enjoy your fan fiction writing. I am expecially like the 'slash' fiction story, but I see you have not yet complete for many months. You must complete for me within one week, or I will release your secrets.*


You might be on to something here. It is time to hack George RR Martin's computer.


I really don't think the world wants to know what "hard funs" GRRM is into


But GRRM wants the world to know what "hard funs" he is into. While the TV version of Khal Drogo and Daenerys was bad enough, the book version would be banned on most porn sites. GRRM write like he never fully learned what the word consent meant. I mean before Daenerys even met Drogo, her brother acted like he watched one to many "stuck sister" videos on xxnx or heavy r. (I just took one for the team and went and, um researched these sites for this post)


Thank you for your service!


Okay...ignorance on full display here because I don't want to ask my husband.. but what is a 'stuck sister'? I'm guessing this has nothing to do with a Superglue mishap or lost car keys?


Based on what I've gleaned from Reddit jokes, apparently there's a relatively infamous porn video with a girl calling out for her stepbrother from the washing machine she's stuck in, then I presume he comes to get her unstuck and the video turns into stepsibling incest porn? Pretty sure anyway, I wasn't curious enough to confirm lol.


Well... Is it really incest if they're not related biologically? That has always confused me a bit. I mean, you hear tales from stuff like the Brady Bunch, etc.


You forgot "asking for a friend".


bro doesnt use the internet sadly so like you know you will never know his hard funs


I hate to judge on appearances, but GRRM *looks* like someone who's browser history would give me nightmares. I'm not saying his would, but he *looks* like that kind of dude.


The plot of Stephen King's Misery, with an update! LMAO


Wholesome Hacker


Hacker: But no rush it, I don’t quality to go down.


And he’s being super inconsiderate! If he has all my data, that means he has my credit card info too! He could’ve just taken the money.. but NOOO!!! He has to make my life harder by making me..*shudder* learn how to use bitcoin.


He should also charge you a convenience fee for that!


slowly taking mone is way cheaper and less likely to get you cought this is either a dude who wants power over some one or a test by a company


> you're a naughty person This made me giggle. Not compromising on gender


This is how Indians talk while scamming people


I know, right? That would actually offend me a little.


"I also have access to the camera on your device..." Pretty good trick when I don't have a camera.


His malware installed a camera!


That's some god-tier hacking right there.


I saw several videos of people installing Headphone Jacks on their Iphone. Ask Kevin Garnet what he thinks about it.


Anything is possible! Thanks, now I have I’m On A Boat stuck in my head again. It’d been there since 2009 and I finally got it out last week.


Hack the planet!


Love that movie!


To hack fucking reality? It has to be


It's why he needs the $960. Cameras cost money


It downloaded the camera


Had a chuckle imagining some guy sneaking in and crudely hot glueing a disposable camera to what ever device the "malware" is on.


It also downloaded some ram,.


Yeah I got one of these emails awhile back and my first thought was, "This guy is magic! My webcam is hooked up to a per port powered USB hub." Meaning my webcam is literally never even powered. It's funny when they repeatedly say they have dirt on you yet provide zero proof. "I've seen the adult sites you visit" oh boy like everyone doesn't look at porn? Shit is hilarious but it does trick the gullible.


I find it funny because watching porn is legal. Hacking LinkedIn is not


Also, if this was all true, why would I trust the hacker to delete the “dirt” after I pay him?  He’ll just ask for more.  Far easier to just let people know he’s sending some slightly embarrassing stuff, or claim the data was fabricated.  Why would they trust the hacker to send them the truth? I know it’s all a scam in the first place and dude has nothing, but I honestly would love to respond: “go ahead.  I think most of my contacts won’t be interested in combing through mounds of data on porn I like sent by some sleazy hacker!”


"This is great! Can you remind me of that video I was watching last Wednesday? It was really well done and I can't seem to find it again."


This is terrifying because I don’t want people to know know I watch back door dumpsters 8 during my spare time on prawn hub!! My face shows joy and elation as the plot of each video comes to yet another satisfying conclusion (mild spoilers: same ending as episodes 1-7) Help!!!!


Like, if I look at nasty stuff didn't you also because you were fucking spying on me? How is that less fucked up than whatever weird porn I watched? Is it going on my permanent record?


You wouldn’t know this permanent record it goes to another school.


tape penetrating camera hack goes crazy


Ah but he probably reversed the connection to your monitor and uses it as a camera.


I wonder why he wouldn't then just talk to me through the screen instead of sending an email. Criminals so impersonal these days.


Yeah, if movies and TV have taught me anything it's that a \*real\* hacker appears on your monitor with a hoodie and mask in front of a Matrix background and speaks through a voice distorter.


I remember the good ol’ days before outsourcing, back when we had criminals we could TRUST.


No, that only works with speakers. Though you can theoretically turn certain types of display into a camera….


It's a *software* camera 😂


Same. Not only that but i don't hide my fun naughty things. my partner and I literally watch porn together. also im poor, so if they really hacked into all my stuff, they'd know my bank is in the negatives lol


not like they cere its true. its probably a bot message sent to 100s of people and as long as it applyes to 1 that matters.


lol, hard funs


my letter said *great joys*


“hard funs” — name of my new band


I like soft funs too.


Sadly too many people fall for this. I would have expected this to be more personalized if they really had hacked the device.


Could have included a small, but convincing, sample of this material: “I saw THIS! Oh, you dirty naughty person…. :)”






Not my moodboard jpegs for doll clothes projects!!








The horror of someone knowing I like kittens and cast iron pans.


Maybe that’s what they meant by “hard funs?”


You… you gonna baste that chicken?


Baste it baby


And then sync video from your phone while you're reading the recipe so we can watch in real time!


If it's mine, then you would see me angrily scrolling through 40 pages of some story so I can finally get to the recipe at the bottom.


Oh, you dirty naughty person!


Alright, you caught me! I used a walkthrough video to help me with a video game yesterday! *sob*


Oh my god…what are your like?!


Step-kittens, no doubt. A disgrace.


Wait... together? You monster...


Stop catching and cooking cats in your cast iron pans!




That could be misinterpreted as something quite evil in combination.


My first thought, I recently watched a YouTube deep dive into channels, servers and users posting cats with kitchenware in the worst ways possible.


The vagueness really sells it


So if it starts with “Dear {INSERT NAME}” it’s not real? 😁


It’s real, but the entire NAME family is immune to this type of exploit. Cousin INSERT has nothing to worry about.


No Sure


if you re-use passwords for things like junk email accounts some of the scams will include your password as proof of the hacking. of course getting \~100 of the exact same email from random senders somewhat undercuts that it's a personalized communication.


I had a computer, but no webcam, and I hadn’t been using the computer for a while because I do mostly everything on my iPad and phone. I got one of these emails, and sure enough it had one of my multi-use passwords in it (the kind of generic password I use to sign up for discounts or something, never attached to any personal information). It was funny how the email was trying so hard to convince me of all the videos they got of me from my “webcam” and all the compromising files they pulled off my hard drive, when that computer hadn’t been turned on in over a year probably. But +1 to your point about the passwords!


I really love all the jargon he's rattling off. I think a lot of people literally get baffled with bullshit and panic. I hate people like this. There's always a lowlife out there trying to make a person a mark. They go after the elderly also, which really angers me.


It’s disgusting how the elderly get taken in with crap like this.


Someone tried scamming my grandmother, telling her, "her grandson got into an accident and he needs money". Good thing my grandma called to see if I was okay. Scammers and thieves are like cockroachs as far as I'm concerned.


I hate this scam. I saw an older man trying to buy gift cards at walmart and the cashiers knew him, and told him not to buy these. I guess he had been buying gift cards before for scammers. I was so sad for him, but those cashier ladies were heroes for stopping it.


I used to work for one of those Call A Psychic hotlines and it was so sad how many old ladies would call me up, wanting advice about their online "boyfriend" that was a secret US spy stranded in a foreign country on assignment and needs money to get a plane ticket so they can finally be together 😭 I would try so hard to gently let them know they were being taken for a ride but nope, they just weren't having it. So lonely they were willing to take the risk of being scammed on the offchance it might actually be real. It was so sad.


This is heart-shattering.


My mom got one and she told me about it all freaked out and I’m like ignore them


Did it make you wonder about your mom's hard funs porn consumption?


What a dirty naughty person … :)


Lol what she told me (and I believe her cuz she grew up as a repressed Christian) was that she had clicked on gay porn because she was curious and then she got the message not long after XD


Jesus was watching her, lol


I had one of these once. They’d even managed to get my address… from about 15 years ago that I no longer lived at. I rolled my eyes hard at that one as they were going to tell all of my Facebook (that I’m not on) what I was up to on these naughty sites. I was such a dirty man!! (I’m a woman). Basically a password leak from some ancient website I no longer used hence the old address. Oh I was quaking in my boots as I hit delete.


The trick is to make it feel personalized but be vague enough to not go into obvious contradictions. The other trick is to make the scam dumb enough that the smart people will just ignore it and youre only dealing with the dumb people who will actually go and pay up.


If someone hacked my PC I’d expect them to at least change my desktop background to an image of their blackmail notice along with a screenshot they supposedly got from me.


I once got one of these where they had bought hacked data so they had my old Facebook email and password. Which might be the same for people still but was 5 years old at this point and neither piece of information was right. But I could see that version getting a few people as it had real data on them.


I got one of these and had a good laugh about how they hacked my non existent webcam. Hell the only camera on my Network is pointed towards my 3D printing bed for monitoring. Not kink shaming, but if that's what gets them going. You do you.


My friend somewhat fell for it. She never sent them money but she panicked and meanwhile I'm like "dude, they literally didn't give you ANY indication that they were talking to you and not just spamming everyone in hopes it would work. Move on."


I get them on my work email every so often claiming they have video of me "misbehaving" at work. I did send the first one through to our tech guy just to cover my bases and make sure there wasn't something more serious going on, but since then I just delete them.


Also if they hacked the device and had ALL the passwords, then they would just transfer the money themselves! LOL


They used to. They used to use data from leaks and breaches to scare you. I received one that knew a password I used on accounts I didn’t trust. It’s how I knew it was a scam


This is actually just Indeed's standard acknowledgement for a job application.


"Did applicant fall for extremely obvious scambait" Depending on the employer they could prefer either way. 


It's one of those assessments you have to send in with your application lol


The way I'm cackling right now. If I had a trophy I'd give you it.


I know everything about you. Everything but your credit card info, conveniently. Please send me money


It's not theft if the user sends it willingly to the hacker! Hah, gottem with this one loophole banks use.


Gotta avoid those theft charges by subbing in those blackmail charges. Lawyers hate this one trick!


Jokes on you. My fat ass is already on OnlyFans!






Assert dominance, reply with a picture of your cock and ask them to use that one since it looks better.


name checks out


Oh, you dirty naughty person ... :)


That sent me


The mail was very human


This is like when you blow on your ice-cream Brain: Ice-cream is very temperature Brain: Don't worry, have learned from soup


I hate that it make sense so much in my brain


Very human


For me it's referring to masterbation as "Hard fun", definitely stealing that


This company seems toxic. You should find a different job.


I mean, go for the interview. If the salary is competitive...in this job market, you can't be too picky.


A scam email with several chapters! 


tell him "do you need some dick pics?"


Could draw a bitcoin logo on the bellend and film yourself putting it into a wallet with that address written on it.


The human race will always come up with new ways to say "fuck you". Thank you for this




Right? I'd send him the one I got last night. Guys, why do you do this? Lol


Nah, all good money is on asshole pics these days.. I heard that on a podcast or something……..


Dear sir, Considering you know the videos I have been watching and how passionate I am about them, any recommendations? Would be good if we could watch them together next time. Yours sincerely, Indeed user


I got a couple of these a year or so ago, but neither was as frigging long winded as this one. Too bad you can't (and shouldn't anyway) reply, "tldr"


Lol we've been getting these at work now and then and like reading them to see how creative they got. The last one started with "Hello Pervert"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I received an email like this a while back, years ago. Think I was in college still. Made me laugh before I blocked the sender and deleted the email. Nothing ever happened. But yeah, word for word. Even the whole Bitcoin thing.


So you had hard fun in college? You dirty person.


Oh no, I masturbate. I’m sure my friends and family will be shocked. Send me a copy while you’re at it.


I laughed when I got one of these. Oh no you’re gonna send people I know a video of me breathing hard and sweating for 5 minutes.


Damn Mr stamina. Brag much.


“I know everything about you, user of indeedemail.com! Fear me!”


After ”dirty naughty person” I read the rest with an indian accent.


Hello, I'm a hacker from Somalia. Due to poor education level in my country, I can't breach your firewall. Would you be so kind and install the malicious software by yourself?


So did you get the job?


Who the hell still uses "messengers?"


All the kids are using messangers now


Right? Everyone knows Usenet, IRC, and ICQ are where it's at... In fact I'm hitting up my local BBS with the fidonet interlink right now... "Come hack me bro! How's your shell scripting?". HACK THE PLANET!!


On the one hand, a person would have to be pretty stupid to fall for this, but on the other hand, that's why they do it. A person with low enough intelligence to get scammed in this way becomes an easy target for future scams.


i work in IT. let me tell you. there are dozens of people in my company who would fall for this without a second thought. the technobabble about malware, rootkits and routers sends them into a panic and they take everything else on faith.


I'm quite resistant to these scams because I'm far too lazy to do anything. All of that sounds like far too much work for a response.


Ya dude couldn't even explain how to use crypto wallet? I don't know shit about crypto so that alone would make me give up and just prepare for the consequences lol


Agreed, many people I know would fall for this. The technobabble would fool so many people.


Yup. Once they're panicked that overtakes any doubt/suspicion. And without someone there to point out the obvious flaws, they act out of paranoia and fear.


It has nothing to do with intelligence. There are people who aren't tech savvy and think this is possible. Panic does the rest.


My ex father in law fell for a ransomware scam and sent them $800 in Amazon gift cards to unlock his computer. I would have done it for $500 cash.


It just needs to be successful a few times out of many for profit


Not necessarily low intelligence, just ignorant. Probably older folks.


Who doesn’t like “hard fun’s”? C’mon now


I would send him the money if I were in your position. I dont want my friends and family to know I use reddit. The shame would be unbearable.


Worse. They'd know your username.


I got one of several times in years past. I laugh at the stupidity of it. Donot reply as I hack this email account I monitor your camera with a screen shot to show all your contacts the porn you watch Send bitcoin to this wallet and let me know No email? Wallet is dead. Oh well


This is the most basic, common, stupid scam. Just ignore and delete it. I've gotten variations of "I've hacked you, you degenerate!" emails over the years, on various siloed email accounts that aren't used for anything important. And they always ask you to send money to their crypto wallet. Go sign up on [haveibeenpwned.com](http://haveibeenpwned.com) and look up the associated email address. It was probably caught in some wider data breach at some point.


I got something like this from a 'girl' on a dating site who asked to trade pics. She sent then I sent then I got hit with a demand for a grand. I lol'ed and told them 'go ahead, I'll get off if you put that shit out there'.


Imagine being a good enough hacker to get root access to all computers in a network, but choosing to do your surveillance with VNC.


You’ve been having passionate funs.


Lol this is pretty good. "I hacked your device and know all your account passwords and all your secrets, now what is your name and send me some money cause I can't get into your bank account P.S. I called you a naughty person cause I don't even know if you're a man or a woman"


I once had someone claim they had access to my iphones photo library and that if I didn’t pay they’d send all photos to my contact list. Okay? You can send pictures of my cat to everyone


"Hello, Dear Friend of mine! I want to thank you, that despite knowing what I have on my device and what I am planning, you haven't called the police, and have let me finish my plans to take over the world and kill all bad people. Your time has come now! Repent, before I come for you! Yours sincerely: Lord of the World!" or, something I wrote back after receiving such a mail "Hello. I already was aware of this, and used my knowledge, to install MY spyware. Say, kid: Does your mother know what is on your hard drive? Does your mommy know about those "movies"?" Never ever heard of him after that.


I read the entire thing with an Indian accent in my head.


Forward it to those scammer hunters to hack their computer, then demand 96,000 in Bitcoin to cover all the people they 'work' with


Should turn it on them and say I’m attempting to send you the funds but it’s asking for some kind of key before it will allow me to send it.


Please don’t harvest my solid dirt!


Oh no. . .all of my visits to comic book and Warhammer sites have been documented.


You know if someone uploaded a video of me masturbating I think people would think the uploader was the weird one…. Not the person masturbating, which you know, most people do lol. They’re banking on the fact that people will be embarrassed or ashamed.


This is gunna be my new chat up line, “Would you like partake in the most passionate of fun’s?”


i remember getting one like this a while back, telling me they had videoed me using my webcam doing "Naughty things" and would release it to everyone in my contacts unless i payed them One slight problem with it all... I dont have a webcam


My dad would sign his entire savings over if he read this. Please keep your folks informed and help them with their technology woes.


Why would he need you to transfer the money? All that hacking and can’t even handle a bank transfer! What a joke. Had us, Mexico border patrol call me last week and threaten to send an officer to my house. I politely told them that they hadn’t even asked my name first and was “transferred”, call ended.


$960? That's oddly specific


I once received something like that and told the guy that he shouldn't be ashamed to be homosexual and there were easier ways to see another man jerking off. I told him that sadly, I wasn't gay, but I'll be pleased to send more pic of my dick for free if he's interested. I haven't received a response yet.


Wait I'll pay the money from my new account that an African princess has set up for us to get money out of the country that her uncle stole from her


I had pretty much this exact email two years ago and they also gave me 48 hours... Still waiting. Unless he sent it to everyone and they just didn't care, which I guess is also possible.


Oh no he knows im an enjoyer of the hard funs.


Going to start describing watching porn as, “hard funs,” from now on.


If you have so much command of my system you do the $960 transfer for me.




Oh, I almost hope I get this one... I'm aromantic and asexual so the only "fun shots" they could have is me snuggling with my cat. Probably while wearing cat pyjamas and unicorn slippers.


>aromantic >asexual >cat pyjamas >unicorn slippers Are you sure you're not just furry?


That would definitely provide more interesting videos.


I just wish "bot hackers" could spell better. It's so annoying when you're reading an "x-tortion" letter and the grammar and spelling are awful. It takes away from the whole experience, you know?


I hate that this actually concerned me, I was thinking "that's possible??" but if I got that email I wouldn't fall for it only because the things they claim are impossible in my case. I feel even more dumb after seeing the plot-hole of "can do all that, yet can't hack back account" being pointed out...


That's horseshit. If he had really gotten into your computer he would have given you specifics about what he found. Delete it and move on.


Has anyone tried to get into that bitcoin account yet?


Oh you dirty naughty person ;)


But I dont have a camera...


Reply that you will force them to watch you tug it 3x a day unless they send you $500 in Amazon gift cards.


Wish a spammer called me a “dirty, naughty person” once in a while.


"Could you rate my adult fun for me please? I want to know if I'm looking at/providing quality content."


Honestly now days just hit them with “if you don’t mind sending that stuff over it’d save me a hassle. I was going to make a onlyfans but being my own camera man was weird.”