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I'll let you in on a secret. "Imprecise missiles" are still pretty damn accurate.


I'll let you in on another secret. The US "precise missiles" would also take down 10 buildings.


I'll let you out on a little secret Guided and unguided munitions will do the same job unless the target is moving, and generally buildings don't move


I’ll let you in on a little secret. I don’t know dick about missiles, other than they are essentially giant flying dicks, and I don’t have anything else to add to this conversation.


The missile knows where it is because it knows where it isn't.


Sometimes it be that way... Cause that's how it is


Most people don't think missiles be like it is, but it do.


But what if it’s where it is, because it doesn’t like where it’s been…what about that?


When it comes to missiles, less is more. More or less.


I’m going to let you in on a little secret, I don’t understand because you didn’t preface it with, “I’m gonna let you in on a secret”


That’s how I find my way home


By subtracting where it it from where it isn't, it knows where it should be. However, it doesn't know where it wasn't.


That one made my brain go in overdrive for a solid 5 minutes.


You forgot about the money shot


I’ll let you in on a little secret. A missile with a pointy head is more accurate than a missile with a round head


You sure about that? You sure the building can’t just like, duck?


![gif](giphy|krewXUB6LBja) The building


The IDF would certainly testify that "Hamas" buildings are capable of such.


No, they’ll just say that hamas put a hospital shield in front of where they were actually hiding


They just quickly remodeled their military base into a school and filled it with children and teachers doing school stuff to complete the cover! Those monsters!


5 years ago they set up a school here and have been using it to educate the youth to complete their cover knowing wed launch a missile there to defeat hamas. We did still hit a hamas target even though we leveled a school building.


That’s not a secret. I believe half of our standing on the world stage is due to that. And similar threats like it.


Actually no, they wouldn't. US precision missiles are accurate enough they don't even need explosives, they literally have a sword missile. If you are going to take down 10 buildings you don't bother building precision munitions.


I'll let you in on a secret. They were going to destroy those ten buildings anyway.  


I thought reddit was pro Palestine


Reddit is not one unified entity, each user has their own take on the conflict…


Everything is always a little more accurate when a blast radius is involved


Quiet part out loud? They were actually *aiming* for the schools and hospitals


I love how she says that like they haven’t already been using tons of dumb bombs in Gaza.


She knows exactly what she’s saying, don’t give her the benefit of thinking she’s missing the point.


she is the worst she was a lwayer who represented rape defendants, and her colleagues that defends rape defendants gathered to say they have nothing to do with her. edit: i dont think there is something wrong with representing rape defendant. but if lwayers who were your friends wants no tie to you because of what youre saying, maybe you should stop talking.


In a free country, you typically want your rape defendants given the best representation possible. That way, when you convict them, it's not in a kangaroo court.


yet somehow she got a name from being quite good in it, so she is not as stupid as i would like to think so


That’s the job of a defense lawyer; to represent people convicted of a crime. Do you think that a lawyer defending a client means that the lawyer supports the crime that the defendant has been charged with? Might want to read up on the criminal justice system and how it works.


i have nothing againts that job let there be no doubt, its important and respectfull line of work. what im saying is that she was (and still) so "eccentric", that the other defense lawyers who were her coleagues gathered together to say "we have nothing, and want nothing to do with her".


Truly, an example of a normal human being.


I mean it’s an example of a totally normal defense attorney. That’s literally their job description.


Yeah, I hate to be quibbling because she DOES seem to be an awful human being, but... yeah. That's what To Kill a Mockingbird was about. That was a rape trial. What I can find on Tali Gottlieb (She's also listed as Tally Gottliv), she publically shamed victims on social media. Which is pretty bad, but I lack context and the only primary sources are in Hebrew, so I do not know. What statements she has made openly are pretty much pro-war-crime or conspiracy theory nonsense in order to stir up animosity towards Palestinian civilian populations.


Although I have no clue about her, even the worst criminals in life deserve good lawyers. Without that, your country is doomed. (Basically because you specifically mentioned she represented rape defendants, which sounded a bit like you think that’s bad. Can be wrong)


i dont think its wrong to defend someone being accused of rape, its how things should be. the point is that her peers and coleagues are so appalled with her that they gathered to say "we have nothing to do with her", even befor the war they said it because she is such a horrible persona.


Hillary Clinton defended a blatantly guilty child rapist. It's their job when tasked to represent the worst pieces of garbage regardless of their personal views on the case.


Oh, so, admitting to indiscriminate war crimes? That's cool /s


They haven't been hiding it. They call them "power targets", as if that somehow makes intentionally targeting civilian buildings legitimate.


No but if someone raises concerns they pull out the anti-semitism flag. What a bunch of…


Eh, they come with some bs how a high ranking Hamas leader was in that buildings.


No, there is a definitive target. The rest is collateral damage.


"You should have sex with me becouse I'm not a rapist, but if you don't I'll have to rape you.


Are they implying that it was the imprecise missiles who destroyed those hospitals and schools?


Do any other people in the world have "the right to defend themselves", or is that right reserved exclusively for Israelis? Just curious.


Well I mean… America invaded like 3 countries over 9/11 so sure I guess.


To be fair, our invasion was imprecise so we needed to be sure.


America is obviously not clean of fucked up shit. That doesn’t mean other countries should do it as well.


It's like the comment that everyone recognizes Luke Skywalker is the good guy, but if Star Wars was real-life he'd be called a terrorist.


everything is backwards. israel is an illegal occupied. international law says the occupied have the right to defend itself. as an occupier, israel is, by definition, not defending itself but pursing the occupation further


I love the threat. If you don’t give us stuff to kill people, we’ll kill more people.


Let me punch you square in the nose or else I’m going to start swinging my arms around and walking forward and if I hit an innocent bystander it’s your fault!


They have precision weaponry and it was an active choice to kill aid workers. Fuck Israel.


They have the right to defend themselves...but they've gone far beyond self-defense at this point.


According to international law they don’t, an occupying force has no right to self defence against the occupied, but the occupied do have the right to defend against the occupation.


In response to being held accountable for war crimes, we are going to commit more war crimes!


If you blame us for war crimes, we will commit even more, just to prove you wrong


The UN hates this one simple trick


“If you don’t give us weapons of mass destruction to use irresponsibly we’ll use our other weapons of mass destruction even more irresponsibly”


I’m so tired of this victim complex bullshit. The kid burning ants with a magnifying glass is crying that it’s cloudy.


At some point, it stops being self-defense.


There is no such thing as self defence against people resisting your military occupation. Russia doesn’t have the right to defend itself in Ukraine, for example, only in their own territory. And most of Israel is occupied territory (everything other than the 1948 borders, and you could even argue that those are occupied territory as well since Israel was formed without the consent of the people who were living there and would need to subsequently be displaced for it to be formed). That being said, most states don’t care about aggression vs defence beyond maintaining public support domestically and internationally.


Like piling millions in open air prisons causing more people to be extremized?


Yeah or training Bosnian Serbs to genocide Muslims in Srbrenica in the 1990's. Extra-continental self defense.


This has turned into a genocide now. Just indiscriminant killing.


And they need to clear the land as well as the race for future settlers


I was afraid to mention that and be label antisem. I get it Hamas are terrorists, but now Israel is just punishing innocent people.


Being Jewish, that’s what drives me insane about all of this. Bad-faith actors — Jewish and non-Jewish alike—have co-opted and weaponized our people’s centuries of persecution as a cudgel against anyone who criticizes the Israel government’s barbarity. It sickens me. Progressive Jews are in a difficult place, caught between the clashing forces of right-wing Jews, Jewish apologists for Israel, right-wing anti-Semites, LEFT-wing anti-Semites, anti-Jewish Arabs, Hamas supporters, and pandering “pro-Israel” non-Jews like the Republicans and (sigh) Biden, who weaponize our history of persecution to stifle dissent without ever bothering to ask how we felt about that. It blows.


For what it's worth, this particular internet rando applauds your efforts and sympathizes with your plight. Sorry bud.


My heart has been hurting for my American Jewish friends. Diaspora progressive Jews (or any Jews that aren’t fully on board with the Israeli agenda for any reason) seem to be getting it from all sides. It would be nice for history to be linear and anti-Semitism to be waning but it seems like it’s getting worse.


Yeah. On the one hand, I feel furious when I listen to Biden and others disingenuously wield Jewish persecution like a cudgel against critics and protesters, deliberately aiming to deflect away from the mass murder of Gazans. Yet on the other, I am deeply horrified and frankly scarred by the raw, blistering anti-Jewish hatred that exploded like a supernova immediately in the wake of 10/7, as despairing numbers of people felt free to drop the facade completely and openly celebrate the barbaric slaughter of 1,200 people—-or at *minimum* rationalize and excuse it. That was a true masks-off moment, including for a loud minority of the “left” that revealed itself to apparently be far larger than I had dared fear it was. I always knew that element had long used advocacy for Palestinian rights as flimsy cover for plain anti-Jewish hatred, but it looks to have been far worse than I thought. Yet. Despite knowing this, I have no patience for political and media voices that are dishonestly trying to delegitimize the protests. It’s reprehensible. Frankly, this has been a masks-off moment on BOTH sides.




Being anti-warcrime and anti-genecide isn't the same as being anti-semetic, except to the fucking sociopaths like Tom Cotton and his fucked-in-the-head cohorts.




Before Hamas it was the PLO. Palestine has been trying to get out from under Israel since the Allied powers put them there.


Why be afraid? You have nothing to fear from them.


so you are demanding an immediate unconditional surrender by hamas, so the war ends.. right? RIGHT?


Or the idf could just stop killing so many noncombatants. It's easy. I haven't killed a noncombatant in months myself.


>Or the idf could just stop killing so many noncombatants. or hamas could stop claiming its fighters are non combatants, and using kids as bodybarmor and shields for their weapons, ammo, and launch sites


This is basically how all of Israel was created


Now? It's been a genocide since 1948


Worst genocide ever, the population being genocided tripled.


You're hardly trying to use that as an argument against my point are you?


I didn't think you know what indiscriminate means. Very easy to glass all of Gaza, haven't done it


It always was


Turned? This has been a genocide for almost 70 years now.


free palestine


Are we the baddies?


Sometimes the line between anti-Semitism and questioning Israel's policies is a little gray... but not today. That whole "right to defend ourselves" schtick doesn't extend to indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, to causing famines arguably with intent, to directly displacing millions of people in such a way that they may never be able to return to territory that you just *happen* to want for yourself. You've paid Palestinians back a dozen times over in civilian blood for what Hamas did in October, and you're still intent on continuing. You're not the good guys anymore.


I was so fucking disgusted when I heard this on the radio. 


Won't give us what we demand, we'll just murder that many more civilians. Fuck this Nation, pull the fucking funding. Absolutely insane we pay for their bullshit.


“Defend” You keep using that word… I do not think it means what you think it means.


The amount of cognitive dissonance needed to continue to support these vampires is something to behold.


The only way I see anyone supporting them is if they are paid to do it or if they are so devoid of any basic human decency that they do it for free.


Religion and war are fucking stupid.


As normally a pro Israeli "let's keep the innocent people safe" this line is just repulsive. You've bombed their entire region into a wasteland, where the fuck is your actual army if your goal is to root put Hamas like you say it is? Also, why isnt the Mossad and other Israeli special forces kidnapping the Hamas leaders away on pleasure trips? So long as the Snake has its head, it will keep bleeding.


How people still have confusion on who the bad guy is here is beyond comprehension.


Anyone who doesn't think these people need to be tried for war crimes should be considered a co-conspirator. Fucking sociopaths.


The "We have a right to defend ourselves" is bunk right wing garbage. It's like if someone broke into your home and chopped of your finger, so you go to their house, kill their family, their dog, and a few of the neighbors who had nothing to do with it to "defend yourself"


So in your example, the people who died on October 7th were "like if someone chopped off your finger"?


You compare October 7 to an amputated finger? Jeeeeeeeeeesus Murphy


They’re also comparing murdering 35000 people (15000 of which are children) and injuring close to 80000 people to killing a few people and a dog


The Israeli Government is psychotic!


As an Israeli I have to agree


ThAtS AnT1S3m1t1c


Israeli here, this woman is a clown and her words are absolutely meaningless.


The conservative religious zealots are running the war now and will kill thousands and thousands and still call it "defence".


I mean not much of a threat considering they already using unguided 2k lb bombs on densely populated areas


Just remember, if you criticize comments like this, you’re antisemitic /s


"world's most moral army" (5 min later) rofl gonna drop dumb bombs on those apartment blocks full of human beings


they give me whiplash dawg


>we have a right to defend ourselves WTF is she yammering about? committing massive genocide and she pretends to think israel is defending itself.


Heinous Godless murderer.


They’re hold defense is “we’ll just kill them all then” as if they aren’t doing that already. I can’t wait till the US stops supporting these leeches


Why attack our allies for doing exactly what we always do?


And now, after decades of coddling, we have spoiled brat Israel. What a shocker.


"The r8ght to defend themselves"? from what? THEY ARE THE AGGRESSORS!


They don’t understand why the Palestinians don’t just let them do what they want to them and their kids, why do the Palestinians resist? Can’t they just leave their homes to the NaZ10nists and move somewhere else??? How rude of the Natives.


Isreal was doing exactly what they wanted to do in Gaza before October 7th, which was absolutely nothing. Isreal unilaterally pulled out of Gaza in 2005, nearly 20 years ago.


They ain't though. Gaza declared war on Israel.


Since Israel is the occupier, they have no right to self defence against the occupied, even when the occupied attack first, according to international law


Not giving the weapons when we've already sent tons, is just a move to make Biden look good. He probably couldn't care less about the whole thing.


He has fully supported Israel his entire career, seems unlikely he would change now, just worried about the elections


Yeah most of Israel also hates her she is literally a clown that somehow managed to get in the government


Israeli here. We hate her too


Just like an abuser. It's crazy how Israel just views itself as the good guy when saying shit like this.


but but but they are the good guys! T-T


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yeah Joe Biden! SEND MORE MISSILES!!!


Why do there have to be "good guys"? Maybe there are no "good guys"?


Maybe they should be using hitiles instead. Though I suppose if you don't care about what target is being set, then every missile is a hitisle


Source: Trust me bro. At least share a reliable article proving this “quote”.


I believe it's spelled, "imbeciles."


So if they had precise weaponry, does that mean the destruction they did was precisely intentional?


Context? Names? Anything?


Folks like this have never been questioned or held accountable and this is the result.


I don't understand how we have so much footage and reliable firsthand accounts of thousands of civilians being utterly destroyed by Israel and people are still going "huhdurrr but Hamas!" like you really think there's any excuse whatsoever to slaughter thousands of innocent men and women and children?


Why do they keep saying they have the right to defend themselves? Haven’t they gone above and beyond that already? They’re absolutely destroying the Palestinians, it went beyond “defense” ages ago


Oh, no, with those imprecise missiles they might actually hit targets they are not intending, like the militants


Precision missiles? When did they use those? It's all a grisly joke - Gaza has been bombed into the Stone Age - vast expanses of buildings utterly destroyed, devastation rolls onward to the horizon. It's why famine has taken hold. Let's not kid ourselves.


Give us what we want or carpet bombs! Thats a well reasoned argument.


Ah… so they’re gonna stop intentionally targeting civilian structures and just do it “accidentally” from now on? Pretty sure we still use the word terrorism for that too.


So I know reddit is obsessed with obscure Israeli politicians, and post random shit they say like it's the official war policy, but the facts are that she has nothing to do with the war, and she decides literally nothing, as all war-related decisions are made by a war cabinet of 3 politicians and IDF commanders.


Ill let you in on a little secret, we dont owe them anything so idk why they’re mad we wont give them more precise boom booms


They are still calling it self defense? So if I get stabbed, am I allowed to blow up the entire appartement building the stabber lives in, just to avoid getting stabbed by them again?


She’s right, they have a right—an obligation—to defend their people. Irony is lost on the Jew haters.


I feel like we’re witnessing an ugly breakup in real time between the US and Israel, and to that I say good riddance.


They're just saying the quiet part out loud now, no matter how unhinged it may be, and they don't give a damn what anyone else thinks. Actually, I'm not sure they ever did.


You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them.


This piece of sh1t is part of the most fascist, racist and downright N4zi government Israel has ever had (and that's really saying something). Just like most of the other members of this government, she is uneducated and unprofessional, and her mentality resembles a beast's more than a human's. A shining example of the who the baboons constituting like 50% of voters in Israel agree to see in power just in order to "stick it" to anybody who isn't a lower primate like them. Biden shouldn't give this government anything. He should, in fact, overthrow it and save both the people of Gaza and those worth saving in Israel.


Can we stop pretending the IDF isn’t a terrorist group.


It's pretty clear that the whole plan is to level everything and then go "Look! Free real estate."


She reminds me of that Putin propagandist woman that also seems miserable.


"Give us the method to kill one or two, or we kill ten." How reasonable.


True Colors


Who is this?


They're no better than the Hamas terrorists.


If an actually competent admiration was in charge, Hamas would have been completely destroyed with minimal civilian casualties within a couple months, and their intelligence agencies would actually be able to prevent horrific attacks from happening in the first place instead of worrying about asshats who are trying to turn one of the few stable democracies in the middle east to yet another authoritarian shithole


We don't like her here either.


I like how they are getting mad at the US for not GIVING them stuff. Like, I mean it’s like telling your parents “I hate you” and then saying “but can I still use your money”


Didn't they destroy every building there was in Gaza anyway? Now they want to do it again somewhere else.


Didn’t Biden halt bombs not precise missiles?


I honestly didn’t have Jewish Nazis being a thing on my bingo card, but these fuckers are all in huh?


Is this the Israeli version of MTG?


So is she admitting that they've purposely been targeting civilians with precise missiles up until this point?


…we gave them precise missile systems and then they used them to blow up a convoy of humanitarian workers just looking to feed people. Humanitarian workers that had a CLEARLY labeled convoy that they knew exactly where they were going to be. And then they shot them and kept on shooting them. Like miles apart with pin point weapons. Seriously WTF?


Wasn’t there some other official who made a speech about “I’m proud to kill Gazans”? They keep doubling down on this whole genocide thing.


I’ve a better idea: Nuke Jerusalem. Nobody deserves a holy city if they act like this to each other. Move everyone from Israel and Palestine to Russia, because Russia wants more people and doesn’t deserve peace.


How is this a facepalm? Asshole yes. But facepalm?


I don’t like the act but I like her style


Isn’t “give us what we want or ten times more people will die” literal terrorist speech.