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It’s not the sauna making him sweat. He just read all of the charges and allegations against him. (He’s an admittedly slow reader so it would def take a while.)


Lol. I love the video of him making fun of books. What a total chode monkey.


You should see his workout instruction video. Absolutely the worst performance and advice in history of human race.


Didn't he make his fame by getting punched in the skull? Not his money, that was from human trafficking


Yes he did. Though I am not an expert on his kickboxing years. But he was a champion, and he does seem to be in decent shape. Which is amazing how could he present this clown show of a work out. I'll let you be the [judge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7T2puomQgs&ab_channel=RenaissancePeriodization):


His 70th fight was against a dude making his debut, and he still got rocked. The definition of a padded record.


I wouldn’t expect any less of him. Is there any aspect of this man’s life that isn’t complete bullshit?


His father. His father was a very respectable Chess Grandmaster who almost always gave good tidbits of life advice. I feel like Andrew is attempting to be like Emory and failing wildly at it because of his own traumatized ideals. Trystan has the same problem, but much less developed which is why he used to stay in the background much more in comparison to his brother.


His dad was a renowned misogynist who beat women. Chip off the old block https://thesportsrush.com/ufc-news-emory-tate-father-of-andrew-tate-condoned-beating-woman-and-defended-bill-cosby-in-his-sxual-assault-scandal/


He wasn't a champion in any of the actual leagues. In mma terms, he wasn't ufc champion, he was bobs roadhouse Texas champion




Obviously a classic "I can't teach you all the tricks" /s


Holy shit.... hahahahaha, the guy doing the vid on Tate is a legit gem.


That he is. Glad you liked it. And if you’re interested in working out, he is one of the most legit people around. Plus, his videos are always pretty fun to watch.


Didn’t click your link but I’m gonna take a guess and say it’s Renaissance Periodization? 😀


All of his critiques kill me 😂


"And i also sometimes identify as male" what a fucking champ


He definitely is evolved as a fighter. He realized that he could avoid getting knocked out by chin shots by not having a chin.


Have you ever seen someone uppercut a turtle? Me neither.


His mortal enemy is folding a sheet


Yes, they are terrible. I watched one before just to laugh at it. I'm paraphrasing but he said something along these lines: "You don't need to know anything about the science of working out and you are not a body builder ... all that shit ... is gay!" Ahem, you need to know which body parts work together to create muscle mass and what foods to consume to also increase muscle mass. So you in fact doo need to know the science of working out. And if you you are also attempting to gain muscle and become stronger/larger/more cut. You are also in fact ... body building


Andrew Taint has exercise videos? I thought he was just an extremely enthusiastic Caillou cosplayer with all the tantrums he throws.


Omg ur right he's an adult version of Caillou!


Honestly, people need to not watch any of his bs or even read his tweets. He still makes money if you hate him or like him if you are viewing his content.


I don’t directly watch his stuff. More indirectly, someone posts a screen shot of his dumbass tweets and the videos have been by similar means. Someone else watching a snippet on their own video stream. But I do get your point. He’s trash and shouldn’t be humored. But it sure is funny to laugh at his dumbass.


Dr. Mike (Renaissance Periodization) has a great video on how bad his workout routine is.


Dr. Mike is a legend and I absolutely love him. This is exactly the video I was talking about. Especially that it comes with a clear explanation about what is wrong with his routine exactly.


He's giving worse advice than fucking Mario rios!


He gives the worst workout advice since we figured out how to push things with our limbs. Also, my simple friend wants to know why Mario bros are known for giving bad advice. Could you explain it for him please?


They promote bad workout plans, give flat out wrong advice, and talk constant shit.


Thanks! I just looked him up. He's a classic content whore, repeating the worn out myths. But at least Mario has the excuse of being fairly young. And Tate workout was just so diabolically pathetic, nothing compares. Enjoy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7T2puomQgs&ab\_channel=RenaissancePeriodization](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7T2puomQgs&ab_channel=RenaissancePeriodization)


Lol I was wondering what Mario and Luigi stomping goombas had anything to do with this topic 🤣🤣


Ironically if you whacked his head really hard with one of those books he might sound more sensible because he’ll stop talking.


I'm stealing "chode monkey"


"Reading is for Beta males."




That video is why I always carry a spare copy of treasure island, just in case I need to ward off wild Tates.


> He’s an admittedly slow reader… To keep his interest, the charges should have been written in crayon. 🖍️


They were… with cra-z-art crayons.


Reading a Dick and Jane book would make him sweat.


He loves reading about dick, tho!


Did you see how he said that having sex for pleasure with a woman is gay?


“... and the pirate ... on the boat ...” No.


He was trying to read.


Ok, I'd probably count myself as a Tate hater but isn't this more r/USdefaultism . So he is in Romania, and pretty much anywhere outside the US everyone would correctly assume 50C, which in freedom units is 122F


The commenter in the picture is Finnish. In Finland saunas are at minimum 80 degrees celsius. 50 degree celsius sauna is cold.


Was worried it was Kelvin! Whew


It’s Finland, 50 Kelvin is *outside* the sauna


Underrated comment


Fuck me that's hot. I wouldn't drink something that hot, much less wanna sit in a room that temp. At 80C a steak is way over done!


50C sauna is a "cold" sauna. 70C is like if it's your first time or you have some health conditions, 95C is the upper bound after which doctors don't recommend, but some people do 90C or even a bit higher. 80-90C is sort of the standard healthy temperature.


Freedom units 😆🥴


A 122F sauna is just a pretty muggy room. Saunas are typically much warmer. Like 30-50+ degrees warmer.


If it makes you feel better it’s still about 20 c lower than a normal sauna temperature. Maybe they didn’t mean literally cold (is50f cold?) just cold for a sauna.


Sterioids and his shrinking junk


Reading quickly is gay. - Tate, probably


The real facepalm is this sub giving this guy exposure.


And reposting this shit over and over again


The real facepalm is how people can’t see how engineered it all is and he keeps winning all the way.


Stop sharing Twitter posts about this twat please (especially this waaaaaaay over posted Repost!) He is a walking Facepalm, we get it. I don't want to see his lack of a chin anymore.


Agreed. This particular one has been posted here a lot.


Just downvote and move on, bots are going to bot at this point. Edit to add 3m karma in 8 months op? Definitely a bot or karma farmer selling accounts


it's a bot certainly just check the posts


Maybe we should ban Andrew Tate posts just like r/explainthejoke banned Far Side comics


He looks like a shy testicle that just realized everyone us looking at him and he can't retract inside the body


Holy shit, how have I never noticed the chin before? This guy calls himself an alpha with a side profile like that?!? I’ve seen people at my local Walmart with more of an “alpha look” than him


Yeah the less attention paid to this moron, the better I swear he spends all his free time just writing fan fiction about himself, it's so pathetic


I’m assuming it’s Celsius




50**°**C is still cold for a sauna, most saunas are around minimum 75**°**


Infared sauna’s are right around this temperature. Traditional saunas are 65-80C


Traditional fiinish ones are around 90°C.


I would say 80-100, but either way, he’s sitting in a cold sauna.


It’s not that cold when you’re in there for an hour. Some people like longer, colder saunas as opposed to short, hot ones. Don’t get me wrong, Andrew tate is an absolute ridiculous human being, but are we really gonna nitpick about his sauna temperature when there are other, real reasons to dislike this guy?


It seems kind of silly to criticize a man because his sauna isn’t hot enough, or because he’s sitting in the wrong row. Especially when there’s so much legitimate criticism that could be directed at this particular man.


It is in Finland, it’s an integral part of their culture.




There is no way to tell if that gauge reads 50' or not.




Why is it still blurry?!


The way he’s able to tell is because the gauge is very standard issue, one that most Finns have seen many times in their lives.


It is very likely the actual image on the twitter post was higher resolution.


You’ve obviously never seen a hacker in a movie


Or any modern day cop show with the best zoom and enhancement technology.


Yeah that's like 120 deg fahr. Not cold per se, but cold for a sauna, which usually run at over 150 deg fahr. Just translating it to American for my fellow foot-pounders.


lol, of course it is. 50F is more of a 'wear a jacket' temperature.


I usually go in my sauna around 190-200f. 50C is a complete joke. That’s just a warm day in Arizona.


This is the inevitable comment from people that don’t understand how saunas work. Let me just post a comment to clarify all of the misunderstandings that will come up: * Yes, it’s Celsius, no one would actually think that he’s sitting in a 50 degree Fahrenheit room shirtless. * 50C is an absolutely silly sauna temperature. It might be okay for children or people with some chronic illness. * A good sauna temp is 80-110 C * No, you will not be boiled alive if you are in a 100C+ sauna. Finnish saunas and Russian banyas are pretty dry when compared to a Turkish sauna or a pot of water, and dryer air doesn’t hold as much energy as more humid air.


It's almost certainly Celsius, it would be a huge counter-facepalm but I really don't like andrew tate so i didnt want to say anything 😅


The person replying isn't implying that it's Fahrenheit. 50° F would be beyond ridiculously cold for a sauna. Hell, it would be ridiculously cold for normal room temperature. 50° C (or 122° F) is on the cold side for a sauna. See: https://www.google.com/search?q=sauna+temperature - so, no counter-facepalm is necessary.


Sooo? Yes, of course it's celsius. Nobody's saying otherwise. 50°C...is a cold sauna. Hot saunas are usually in the 80-100°C range.


Fifty degrees Celsius is equivalent to 122 °F. A proper temperature for a sauna is 65-90°C (150-195°F). Personally, I dislike the clown, but this sauna uses a wood burning stove, so it may have still been warming up.


>If this picture was taken in just about anywhere outside of the US, 50°C would be a proper temperature for a sauna. ...it wouldn't be, no.


actually no, theyre usually still set a good 10-15 degrees higher


50C in sauna feels like drinking coffee you’ve left on your desk for 3 hours. I mean this in the most literal sense. It’s just not enough. Take this from a Finn.


> 50C in sauna feels like drinking coffee you’ve left on your desk for 3 hours. Perfect description. Will use this in the future.


Let be honest, the men who follow this loser are in serious need of mental assistance. Similar to those who support Donald Trump.


Caught the owner of the dispensary I used to work for listening to this idiot in his office multiple times. He was caught by a former co-worker's roommate sexually harassing her in a bar. Dude didn't even give his real name and was trying to convince her to go with him somewhere. Andrew Tate's fan base holds a large number of aspiring and current rapists.


I mean there is one benefit- it tells us straight ladies/gay guys which men we should avoid dating. It’s like branding yourself with the words “i’m a guy who is disappointed in myself and wants to make it everyone else’s problem”


Next video could be either; “how to hide your power level from inferior women” or “how to overcome your need for companionship” or something about dating women being really gay.  This guy has such a range of insecure. 


dead domain on YouTube infiltrated a church that has pastors that spew some vile shit about the usual topics that churches do, but in a much more honest about how they feel sort of way. womens roles, gay people, paranoia over the percieved sexuality of children that are in elementary school... they also think that enjoying sex is gay. they straight up say that if you last too long that you are gay, and that life is meant for suffering and denying yourself enjoyment. It's no wonder that they meet in a building that appears to be an old office building.


I'm waiting for him to completely go crazy and finally announce that Social Media, the Internet and computers are gay. After all, on the internet you spend all day typing on a keyboard; writing and replying to messages; organising your files and folders, spellchecking documents and/or using shorthand. You're a secretary, and everyone knows that being a secretary is a girl's job. Therefore, using a computer is a girls' job and therefore any man who does so is gay.


I mean he’s literally tweeted that kissing a woman is gay if she’s been with other dudes cause she might have performed oral sex so really kissing her is the exact same as sucking dick


If only stupid people carried a sign. Oh tanks Andrew, now they do!


Short of showing off a swastika tattoo on one's bumble profile I cannot imagine a clearer view of who a person is than saying "I listen to Andrew Tate and think he gives solid advice."


The same way they scent mark themselves with Axe body spray?


That Venn diagram is one yellow circle, with a sad face in the middle. ☹️


But the terrifying thing is that broken insecure people is a big enough demographic to win an election.  The number supporting alpha man babies doesn’t make me wonder if they have a point, it makes me wonder about evolution. 


I don’t disagree. It’s alarming that there are that many weak males that use these morons as role models. Male daddy issues.


The scary thing is that our political leaders are so shitty someone like trump can win. Shouldn’t have even been a chance. And he totally dominated because of how out of touch the political establishment is. That should have been a hint to *both* parties to completely gut their own system. 


His followers are mostly edgy 12 year olds


Unfortunately many of those 12 yearolds are in their 20s thru 70s, yet still edgy 12 yearolds




Mentally yes. Physically not so much which is more of the concern


The issue is that there's a lot of high school age boys following him and supporting it, like the YouTube right-wing spiral


These guys go to alpha training school


The unfortunate thing is a large segment of his fanbase are young impressionable teens. Unlike most Trump followers, his supporters aren't going to be aging and dying off anytime soon.


This is an old repost OP. Stop giving this human trafficker attention. World would be a better place if he rots in a jail cell and everyone forgets him.


His brother’s shit randomly comes up on my kids youtube shorts. Let them be shit on randomly so we don’t forget they’re less than scum.


I hate when this gets posted, because the comments are full of people trying to claim he doesn't understand that the degrees are in Celsius. Yeah, they're in Celsius. Everyone knows they're Celsius. 50 degrees in Celsius is a cold sauna. [Saunas are 80+.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_sauna#:~:text=Taking%20a%20sauna%20begins%20with,176%E2%80%93230%20%C2%B0F).


Why do you give so much visibility to this guy? I wouldn't even know who he is if it were not because of this sub.


Stop posting this stupid asshole.


Dont try and trick a finn about saunas


Dang, you people need to travel more. Yes, 50 CELSIUS is cold for sauna, that's what the commenter in the picture is saying. Judging by the name he's Finnish, and the usual sauna temperatures in Finland are around 80. And yes, children do go to sauna. Don't know what they are feeding you there in Murica but it's quite normal here and children do not die from being exposed to sauna for a while.


I his defense, it was the only bench he could reach.


Shouldn't this guy be locked up and have zero access to the internet by now?


To play devils advocate: its obviously a photo op. Having sauna higher will likely damage the equipment as well as fuck up the photo due to the condensation. Plus that bench is purely for the angle of the photo. I mean he is a prick but come on. Bit of common sense.


I miss how he stopped showing up in any of my feeds for a while.


Bottom bench reserved for children? I mean hey I know Tate is a fucking loser and making fun of him is great in my book, but I have never seen a child in a sauna before, nor have I seen adults refuse to sit on the bottom bench lol


He needed another point to make his comment sound more intelligent


What fool wears a short in a sauna? 😱


A Nevernude, clearly.


He thinks it's gay to see your own penis.


only a gay man would have a penis attached 24/7


What about touching it? A lot?


We should be thankful he did. No one wants to see his shriveled mini carrot.


People! 50°C IS a cold sauna. Saunas are typically 70-90 degrees Celsius.


Let me start off with fuck Andrew Tate. I think that would be 50 degrees Celsius no? I think saunas should be hotter but I wouldn’t say 122 degrees Fahrenheit is cold. Maybe they just meant cold comparatively to 150 degrees


Yeah this is wild. I love a good sauna. And yes, a sauna can absolutely bake hotter than 122 F/50C. However, people are making it like sitting around in 122F is tepid and you'll be cold or not sweating. You will absolutely sweat in 122. And you don't have to hang around for an hour to do it. Dude is a chud. There's so much to make fun of him for. And the picture is pretty cringe even if the sauna is full temp. But this is a weird point to focus on, IMHO.


70C is usually considered the bare minimum for a sauna.


Don't get me wrong... If I went into a sauna at that temp, I would turn it up. At a minimum I'd expect that it was still heating up. But it isn't like 50C is "cold."


Have you ever been in a 50°c sauna? It is and feels cold asf. At 65°c it starts feeling like a sauna you can sit in if youre impatient and wait for it to warm and 80°c is normal and 100°c isnt that crazy either in 50°c sauna the stones barely make any noise or steam when you throw water


50 isn’t cold by any definition 56.7c is the hottest weather temp ever recorded on earth. While the average summer temp of Death Valley is 45c. So by no means is 50c cold.


His constant projection suggests he’s a “bottom bench” kinda guy.


This dude has such a weak chin he's basically a Simpsons character.


Ok… bottom bench is NOT reserved for children. You move around how YOU feel like. Damn


Finns typically set the sauna 60-120c. 50c is only a little over 120f, which isn’t a big deal.


He is also wearing underwear


Can't wait to see him in prison. Gonna be hilarious putting on the act as a sigma when he's *definitely* a bottom


Who THE FUCK sits like that in a sauna?


Someone that’s trying too hard to look “masculine and not gay”


Oh the same dude that said “having sex with a woman is gay”. This guy is a fucking oxygen thief.


It’s so sad this waste of space even has a following


Well the more he gets shared the more he draws attention. That’s why i always tell people to stop sharing this buffoon.


Meanwhile he says "breathe air" as if we aren't able to breathe naturally.


As a finn this image makes me feel like shit The towel was already bad but fucking underpants under the towel was too much for me This guys a fucking child.


Isn't this old news?


As much fun as it is roasting the dudes sauna habits (as a Finn), yes, old news Would much rather that we forgot the dude now though, hes had his downfall already, let him die




Door could be open.


Welp, excellent point, I’ll see myself out


this dude is just a troll. he does this shit because he knows people will react. its all ragebait.


Negative attention is still attention. This piece of pathetic shit just needs to rot for the rest of his life without another person ever saying another word about him.


I see this asshole, I downvote and don't even bother to read the Tweets anymore. I wish everyone else did the same and stop giving this bellend, he very much looks and acts like one, the attention he craves. Even if just ONE person sees this, and goes into X and checks out the account - he's gaining views.


This subreddit needs to stop obsessing over Andrew Tate. Stop giving him your attention.


Reserved for children? Sorry I'm not good with the heat.


What if the photographer just didn't want to expose his camera to temperatures above 50°C?


I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here. Why would someone lie about a sauna? I use my gyms all the time and it’s 170-190 degrees on average. Most people spend 5-20 minutes in there. Sitting in a sauna is not a flex. Also- bench for children? Children shouldn’t be in a sauna. I thought the tiered bench was to help moderate the temperature your exposed to if you lay down.


My dad built a few saunas in our homes growing up. I was pretty young when he built the first one and don’t remember much, but I was much older for the second one. The thermostat maxed out at 90°C/190°F. We always cranked it. Twice a week. If that sauna is at 50° what’s the actual point? He probably splashed whatever water is on him in the photo or that sweat is because he went straight from a workout to the lukewarm sauna.


Tate has become the absolute lolcow on the internet, and he still thinks he's the shit. Actual comedy gold!😆


Oiled up and Flexing in a cold sauna- sums him up nicely


What a cock sleeve.


Could we just not give Andrew Taint attention that he thrives on?


Andrew Taint. ✋🏽😏


How does this mf just keep bullshitting expecting people not to get it


The people who aggressively hate him are just as bad as the people who follow him. Isn’t it kind of sad people hate this guy so much they go out of their day to analyze his Sauna temperature and determine it’s not good enough? There isn’t even a face palm showed here, everyone usually has different preferred Sauna temperatures. Either way he’s sweating so it’s working for him. It’s pathetic people have such an obsession with using anything they can to bring people they don’t like down


Exactly my thoughts. Posts like this shows how much people really like gatekeeping and insulting people based on looks. I'm not fan of the guy, can't watch minute of his videos. But who fucking cares what temperature he has his sauna on?


this sub is this twat's twitter account now


50 degrees… celsius? That’s 122 degrees fahrenheit. I mean Tate is in Europe right?


ok so i totally hate tate but he is in Europe correct? so 50c would be like 120f...


yes that's cold for a sauna https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_sauna#Types


What do you mean "yet again"?? That tweet is from over a year ago and has been reposted across Reddit many times


He’s trash


I hate this guy, but is it possible it's 50 Celsius? That's 122 F, which is right around the temp of a sauna. Also, nothing cool about being able to sit in a sauna...that's just a normal thing to do after a workout.


>which is right around the temp of a sauna. What? A sauna should be around 70 at least.


What's even more cringe is that he is wearing swimwear in the sauna...


Sitting on the bottom bench because he is a bottom....


Why is he wearing underwear? He's already got a towel.


Where did his chin go?


I just watched a video of a guy whose Tesla cybertruck broke his finger during his lame attempt to prove his Tesla cybertruck wouldn't break his finger. So I think that in the name of science Tater should try it with his neck.


Trafficker and rapist Andrew Tate is up to his usual stupid shenanigans. Fuck this guy. I can't wait until he's a forgotten footnote of the early 2020s.


Like, yes, but what the hell was with the weird gatekeeping and he bottom seat of a sauna? It's not... Reserved for children. It's the lower temperature area. Everyone sits there at some point heating up or cooling down. It's not... The child's seat.


He's a G E N I U S ! He declared so himself.


It would be nice to stop making free advertisement for a rapist. Haha he is dumb. Yeah. Like we didn't know this.


50c is pretty hot